The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Tub Scranton Tribune's Pittston tie
piirtraent is in charge of J, M. Faby, to
whom news iteins aud complaiuts may be
referred. J
A Split in th Water Street Baptist
Church Over the Pastor.
There is any amount of trouble ej
iatiuif. at the present time among the
attendants of the, Water street Llaptist
church Canaan by h division oTer the
advisability of ratalning the present
pastor, Be v. K. II Stewart.
Mr. Stawart came here from York
tute. Ho wag engaged and Installed
as pastor for one year and his term ex
pirw next month. During the pust
year, like nunv ministers, he found it
an impossibility to please everybody
nud as a result some of the ivngr.)ga
t'on are exceedingly unxious that he
should raaign,
The trouble was brought to a focus
at the annual business meeting of the
congregation held one evening during
the present week, when by a vote of
thirty-six to twenty-nine it was de
cided to ask for Mr. Stewart's resigna
tion. Previous to the vote being taken
Mr. Steward informed the members
that according to Baptiat iwagti and
the law of the state he was entitled to
three months' notica, and that regard
lees of what action might be taken he
would take no notice of it The hour
being late when the vote was Uketi the
members adjourned without takiug
auy further action.
There are ui.iuy who feel Mr. Stew
art is beiug unfairly dealt with, as the
number of persous present did uot con
stitute a majority of the members.
Tiiey feel that had there beea a major
ity of the cougregatiou present, thost
iu favor of retainiug Mr Stewart
would have been in the majority in
stead of iu the minority.
Will Perform Sotsinu K its in the Trinity
Church This Evsuiug
Bishop Kniison will preach and nd -tniuister
the apostolic rite of confirma
tion in Trinity church this evening
By aetion of the jeueral eenventionof
lsy2. to be ratified aud completed next
year, the title of "Assistant Bishop" is
chauged to that of "L'oudjutor, "so that
Bishop Kulisoa is now stvlsd"The Bis
hop Coadjutor of Central Pennsylvania
The choir will be greatly strength
ened by a full attendance and some ex
cellent tinging ii looke 1 for
Death's Harvest.
The many friends of Mr aud Mrs.
John Sullivan of Market street will be
pained to learn of the death of their
invalid son John, aged 10 years aud 3
months. Wednesday afternoon, The
funeral will occur this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Interment will be made in
the Market street cemetary.
The funeral of the late Mrs E: iz i -beth
Kelley. mother of Rv. Mrs. D
W. Thomas occurred at 7 o'clock yes
terday morning. Tne service were con -dncted
by Rev. D. M. George, and the
remains were taken to St. Clair.Sohuy 1
kill county, for interment. The pall
bearers were John Thornpion. Divid
Jenkins, J. W. Evans, Mr, Watkins,
David Owens and Stephen Williams,
Wedding- Bells.
P F. U'Boyle, of Scranton, and Miss
Mary Norton, of this place, were mar
ried at St. John's churen Wednesday
afternoon. Rev Father Finneu per
formed the ceremony. Tbty will make
their home in Scranton.
Thomas N'oon and Miss B. Manley
were married at 5 o clock Wednesday
afternoon at St. John's church. Rev.
Father Finnen tied the knot
A Mina Victim.
Alexander Hgg, of Sabaitopil, em
ployed aa a driver in No. 5 shaft of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, while at
tending to his duties yesterday morn
ing was caught between a trip of cart
and badly fqneezed. He was removed
to the hospital for treatment.
An Interesting- Budatut of Minor News
Nous of Both Boroughs.
The Stove works will be idle today.
The Black Diamond Honk and Lad
der company held a meeting last eve
ning. Town conncil will met Monday eve
nlng. when another interesting session
may be looked for.
The condition ot the alleys, streets
and back yards of the town are in a
deplorable condition, and should be at
tended to.
Bad sidewalks are a noticeable feat
ure on our principle thoroughfares.
They shonld be repaired without de
lay The Suburban Street Railway com
pany haye hid tracks to a p unt within
a few hundred feet of the Waddell nni
sance on William street. It behooves
the council to hnrryupand remove
the building at one.
The Lehigh Valley coal mines in the
vicinity of Duryea work-.-d a little over
nine days this month.
Postmaster J. H. Mnllin will assnm
the duties of his official position to
morrow. It is said mat his brother
Michael Mnllin will be his deputy.
The csndidates for representative on
the Democratic ticket in this district
are becoming more nnmerous as the
time advances. Up to the present time
the following have announced them
selves: Patsy Joyce, W. II. Etutledge,
James Delaney, Michael Maiigan,
William Kelly and Hon J. F. Flan
nery, the present encumbent. Next I
A fair aized andienci witnessed "A
Prodical Father" at Music hall Wed
nesday evening. The company was a
strong one in every detail. Aside from
consiileralile "cutting," due in all
probal ility to the small attendance, the
show was all that could be desired
The dialogue was rich and wholesome,
while the acting of each character was
About 1 o'clock yestenlsy morning a
large frame double dwelling house at
the head of the sanal, owned by Mrs
Walsh, who also occupied one part of
it, was burned to the ground. There
was no insurance on the building. The
jccupants had a narrow escape from
being burned to death, they being com
pelled to leave the burning building in
their uight clothes.
A large and appreciative sudienco
greeted the Wesleyan Glee and Mando
lin club at the Presbyterian ehurch
last evening. The play ing was simply
For earache, toothache, sore throat,
swelled neck, and the results of colds and
inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil the great pain destroyer.
Malaria is one of the most iDBid tons of
In ait h destroyers. Hood's Sarsaparlla
counteracts its deadly poison aud builds
up the system.
Brief News Paragraphs of Interest to
All Headers.
Sveciat to the ScraatOK iWiiuus.
JBRMYN, Pa., Marsh 89. Q.L, Avery
is uioviug into his new hotel.
The supper held in Carey's hall Wed
nesday evening for the benefit of the
leinperauce baud, was well attended.
The following were elected ofllcors
of Kushbrook lodge, S50, Independent
Order Odd Fellows last eveulng:
Frank Steele, noble grand; Chat, L
Bell, vice grand; Jas. H Nicholson,
secretary; Win. Tcmnu, assistant sec
retary; Andrew Carter, trustee.
flHoth the Republican and Democrat 'c
clubs will hold meetings Monday nip tit.
The party holding ticket No 1,028,
which won th priZ) given by the
Catholic .Mutual Benefit association,
will please call and get the money.
The bids for tne new school building
were opened Wednesday night, but on
account of some of the rrquirements
not being compliel with the contract
was uot awarded.
II. P. Woodward, of Orsen Ridge,
anil Mrs. William Beck, of Archbald,
were .lerinvn visitors yesterday.
By a vote of the members of the
First Baptist church Wednesday even
iug it was decided to extend a call to
the K"v. Mr. Banford to become their
Joseph Sobey has the foundation hid
foradwelling home on Third street.
- n
Iu Interesting- Butch of New i Notee
from an EnWrpiUInu '. . wo.
Cberfal fo dm Ssranfoa TVibuat,
OLYPItAMT, Pa., March 89. Anthony
Reap, oue of the oldest residents ot
Olyphaut. died at his home on Ferris
street yeaterday of old age, Deceased
was about 75 years of age and is sur
vived by two daughters aud a sou. In
terment will be made in St. Patrick's
cemetery tomorrow afteruoon at -.30
Miss Jennie Ferguson, of Lake street,
spent today at Archbald
The pupils of the St. Patrick's Paro
chial academy held their second recital
at the Academy hall this afternoon
and was a success iu every particular.
Among those who took part were
Annie Loftus, Jennie Gillespie, Mary
t ''Boyle, May Ferguson, Mary Flynu,
Mary Duffy, Nellie Gallagher, Katie
Dounellv Nettie Mc Djnnell, Orace
Lyucb, Lily Taylor, Mry Moouey, Liz
zie Parrr, Agnes Ford. Ella Cawley.
J'linie Voyle. K itie McHale, L.irritta
O'Hara, Sadie Rogan, Louise Stone,
Edith Colemau, Lizzie M'Ointy, Nellie
Farrel and Master Alfred Williams aud
cames Sweeney.
Dr L. Kelley returned home today
from aa extended visit to the southern
Ths Unparalleled Proposition Rapidly
Drawing- to a Close Only Two Days
The anoonncement from day to day
that The: TRIBUNC'i Encyclopedia offer
is repul ly drawiug to a close is bring
ing scores of people to the office daily.
But two days more remain in which to
secure the work. We desire to keep
this notice conspicuously before the
public, that oo oue of our readers may
overlook it, for the present proposition
at so low a price aud upou tonus so
easy is final, and when these four days
have expired not another ordr can be
tilled. For the benefit of professional
onl cleric il men and all those
closely confined to basiuess during the
day we will keep the office opju even
ings during thesj last four days.
By mailing the first payment, $-1 50,
yonr order will receive the same at
tension as if vou called in person.
As has been observed such an op
portunity to own a library hat never
been yours and doubtless never will
Four dollars and fifty ents down
an I S per month thereafter are the
terms. Address Tne Tribune E. B.
Department, 437 Spruce street.
ONLY twj OAVi.
A Few Mors Testimonials 0.v;n to the
Encyclopedia Brltannica.
Progress id book-making for the multi
tude u getting to be almost as wonderful
as the improvements iu traup irtation.
We old fellows bad to go through the
humilation of borrowing and plodding
through hundreds of volumes to gather
tbe knowledge which a few hours, exami
nation of TBI TROCHE'! edition of the
Encyclopedia Uritaunico, with its supple
ments up to dale, will give to any person
of industry. Then it Is so cheap and con
venient. It is liKn th i 3 cent fare that
electricity has written for the people, with
trmifrs to just the place you want to go.
Men and women wh'i read and desire that
their chil iren should, ought to be happy
to find this electric highway to solid
learning running by their doors. Yes, you
ran have this great library now for about
' ne third the price of the original edition,
besides the supplemental matter added to
it. I Vrtiunly the goud time is already hero.
The highway to knowledge, formerly open
to those with coach and four, is now call
ing to foot passengers who may desire an
outing. The Scranton Tribcni rings its
bell, ''Only t-n cents a day, " with trans
fers to any country, nook or corner yon
mny fanry. Vou can take your family
along, too. Every thinking man must wish
incoaSS to every man who tries to intro
duce such a highway to knowledge. I
certainly do. K. (J. LiOOAR,
Former Pahtor of First Presbyterian
TnK TsUBCai'a edition of the Encyclo
pepia Uritanuica. upon examination,
provrs to be more useful than the original
riio supplemental part, containiuiug the
most recent investigations in science, bio
graphies of living men, the latest explora
tions in Afrii a, etc., Is, in my judgment,
a mcst valuable addition. Il.lix per vol
ume, compared to f.l.OO, is certainly a
moderate cost.
I commend the work to all who are in
search of the most modem and recent dis
coveries. Qcoaoa Howkix,
Teacher at School No. l.
Although 1 have tho latest edition of
Chambers' Encyclopedia in my library.
When 1 desire to thoroughly look up a
subject I refer to the Brltannica. i con
sider it by fnr superior to nny other work
of the kind iu exhaustive treatment of
subjects. I find the reprint which The
TmIORI is selling com hi in supplemental
matter up to date.
C. K. Pakkk, M. D.
Within the past two years, or during the
month of June, I8ltt, I purchased tho
Scribner edition of the Encyclopedia
ilrilimnlca at H 00 per volume, bound In
cloth, M. for tbu set.
W. A Paine, M. D.
Tho offer Is withdrawn Saturday, March
III, at Vi o'clock midnight.
When tliiliy was sick, wn gavr h'T rastorla.
When sin- was u Child, she CTisd for ( 'astorla.
When nho bes-amx Miss, sho vIuiik to ( 'astorla,
When uliu had L'hlldruu, she guve Ihtui CuslorU,
All "Situation
Wanted" ads.
inserted free.
Ghost Dam-lug Is St-daJi-nt-s Itself In
dunpniisou with IU
"Benjamin Brink, Moqui, Am.," was
written on the register at t he Palmer House
by a robust looking man of 00, somewhat
sUiop sliouldorwl.
"From wlnu 1 have heard of the 'ghost
dance,'" said Mr. Brink, "lciiiiuotscewhy
it should stir up such a row. The 'snake
danos,' l believo, is ten tims more excit
ing, and the '.nni, Navajo and lioqui In
llians on the reservation near my home
work themselves into a perfoot trenay dur
ing ita progress, but never think of inolc-st-Ing
the iiui-.
"It is irt of their religion, though, and
If any attempt were made to stop it I be
lieve there would be bloodshed. Tlx- dance
takes place mice in two years. I'reparu
lions wen made several weeks la-fore it
came off, and 1 was us anxious to la a
spectator aa they wen- a stranger or
wilder oeremony 1 never saw. 1 hope 1
shall never see il airaiu. The dunce took
place just before sundown, and I got up on
a high ledge when! 1 could get u good view.
The space allowed for lln- dancers mu not
large, and was inclosed. FifUTii line look
ing Indians began to walk i at her slowly at
Drat around a huge stone In'theosntorof
the inoloaure. They win- almost naked,
anil every pan of their bodies, even to tin-ir
feet, was smeared with a red and green
paint. ICach man had a (ox's scalp dang
ling from his waist, aud in each hand car
ried a rattle made ot B gourd. Moots of
deer were tied around their ankles and
Wrists, and at each step and movement of
the arm noise enough was made to wake
the dead.
"The snakes to be used iu the dance had
been caught several days before Iho fete,
and Just before the danoe hod la-en placed
in a cluster ol trees beneath Sphere I Stood.
After the men had yelled till they were
hoarse, and had made themselves tired
with stamasng on the ground, fifty more
painted redskins came rushing down a lull,
tiled iuto tho Inoloaure, and theu began
such a tumult aa 1 never want to hear
ugaiu. At a given signal the sixty-live now
thoroughly frantic men made a rush lor
the grove Where the snakes were hidden
Each man came rushing back with a wrig
gling aud siuinuiiii; suake, its neck In.--tween
his teeth so it could not bite him, re
entered the rill, and began a slow walk
around the center stone. The reptiles
hlsssd and daahed then- tails and bodies
around the necks of the apparently mad
red men. Several of them were bitten by
thesnakea, which were the moat venomous
In the country, it is a wouder all of the
performers wen- not bitten. Two of them
died a day or two after thodanco, the herbs
applied uot beiug sufficient to draw out the
"Alter the ceremony each man snatched
his snake from his mouth, ran down iuto
the valley below, aud there the reptiles
were set free. The IndianTweiv thorough
ly exhausted after their violent exercise,
:tnd could scarcely crawl back up the bill.
From what 1 could learn sirsjh ceremonies
as the 'snake dance' have been held for
ceutu lies. " L'h icago T rib-U ue.
A Well Lighted Boom.
What a cheerful Influence there is in a
well lighted roour It seems to give a dif
ferent expression to each article of furni
ture, as it does to the countenance, bring
ing out the soft tints of the pictures and
draperies, making eyes sparkle and rosy
cheeks glow in Its mellow rays, and reflect
ing brightness over all. On the other baud,
what B depressing effect there is in a room
dimly lightedl An Btmoepbore of looui
pervades everything. No one seems in
clined to talk or work and every one is lit
erally cast in the shade, when often it may
be remedied by a little more attention trom
the housekeeper. If kerosene Is used, it
may become muddy, and the basin of the
lamp requires emptying occasionally, or
the chimneys nei Washing, and Wioka to
be trimmed or the burners cleaned,
If the gas la poor and dickers, it is far
belter to use lamps for sewing or readiuu',
aa nothing can be more injurious to the
eyes than attempting any Work by a poor
light. Whether it is a matter of economy
or indifference is immaterial, but lucre are
many rooms, where the family assembles
in the eveniug. where the light is so dim
and suggestive of u sick room that it is a
positive relief when B visit is over: and one
can but wonder why people are so consti
tuted that they cannot appreciate the ad
vantage of a clear und shining light, which
renders many a plain home attractive, and
often brightens a gloomy hour in life. -Alice
D. Abeil in Good Housekeeping.
Clreat Opportunities for Spinsters.
"There is a great chance for old maids in
the Argentine Republic," remarked Henri
Bosquet, of Buenos Ayrvs. "There are
about sixteen men to one woman there,
and the unmarried males are more than
anxious to secure wives. This is especially
true of my city. When a 'new woman,' as
We call the welcome arrival, comes to tow n
about fifty man make a wild effort to m
core her, It is quite an interesting con
test, and the one who captures the prize is
looked upon M something of a hero.
The local papers write columns about It.
and about everybody iu the city turns out
to the wedding. It doesn't matter much
about tin? woman's age or looks; she is re
ceived with open arms and married off in a
jilTy to some real nico man. The woman
will have about llfty good looking suitors
to pick from, an she need not ho anxious
about not finding the kind of a man she
wants. The love making doesn't last lonir,
however. Three days Is the usual limit."
- Chicago Tribune.
Shaknpmire and Baelllls,
"Would that they were bacillis to strike
then dead!" I wonder if that was what
Shakespeare wrote, lie was so far seeing.
and knew everything, and tlKinnKli7,ivletli
an proof readers, of course, were not all
they ought to have been. Vou see, "basil
lake" wen- fables' creatures, Shakespeare,
of eourse, knew that, and how could a
basiliak that did not exist strike anybody
dead? But haoillts ah! Divine William,
you anticipated a good deal of human nat
lilt) Iu these cnliiiht'MlisI times, and why
not Professor Koch's dhicoveryf- Boston
The KlnE'H Oat.
Thcro nre circumstances that make It
Stem likely that the cat in England is a
foreign imKHtntion The king's cat was
called "the keeper of the royal granary,"
Tie- old Welsh laws provided u curious
penalty to bo paid by the one who should
kill this eat. of the king The offender was
to pay as much corn as would cover the
cat's body when held up by the tail. This
goes to show t hut cats were rare and hail
u market value. Exchange,
Lines of Itenuty.
Sister What! Vou engaged to that ugly
Miss Uuldpurse She hj all angles.
Ill-other 1 fell in love with her baud
writing. It Ls full of lines of beauty.
"Her handwriting?"
"Yes. I aaw it on a check. " Qoodliawa,
Look up, dear heart, look heavens aril. Heel
Tho ICaster sun has risen for tint!
Look up, dear heart, "unto the hills,"
Whoso thorny steeps hlsKlory nil-!
Aloiur his path across the tiilo, .
Sen how life's earns and clouds divide
And Mi r! The doubling' spirit's iiig-bt
Is banished now In that blest lie Iu I
Tho smllinir earth puts by her Kray
And blooms in Kreen for Kaster day.
Tho flowers, so timid all of late.
Take heart of itracc and dare Uielr fate!
The rivers sparkle to the sun;
The sty bcains down n henlsoni
There Is a chime In all the air
As of Joy bells that echo therol
Persuasive Arguments of a I'ollcraan.
"Come, you can't sit here," said tho
policeman, thrusting his club into the
man's ribs and twisting it around some
what after the fashion of t gimlet that tbu
tired wayfarer might reelise what a be 'i-
ful Implement of torture u polkomau s
club was. "Come, get out, I say. No loaf
ing around here."
"1 ain'r loafln'," was the answer, "I'm
just restiu'."
"You can't nwt around here."
"Not if 1 don't make any trouble"
MNo, you can't stay, Come, move on. I
tan't stand hero ull night."
"Not if I throw away this cigar that 1
found ou ( lie ground here."
"No, you got to get."
"1 ain't matdn1 any trouble."
"Can't help it"
"Say, Mr. Policeman, I'm tired."
"You make me tired."
"I ain't got no place to go."
"If yuii don't hurry up I'll Und some
place for you to go pretty quick."
"Look me upf"
"Yes, and mighty quick."
"Well, I guess I'd belter be a movln'
then. 1 don't want to be locked up."
"Get a move on you," said the police
man, giving tint other a puuch iu Ihe rube
for about the tenth I into.
"All right," said the man, limping oft.
"Say," he said, turning, "1 guess I'll
move to Russia. You fellows knock 'em
ull out over there."
"What's that .'" said the policeman, ad
vancing threateningly,
"I s.iid it must bo pivtty cold in Kussia
these nights."
"Better uot give me any of your talk,"
euid the defender Of Ihu law, and tin- other
thought that discretion was the better part
ot valor. -New York Tribune.
Effect il old Age .hi the Brain.
Old age tells upon the brain. It no loUgei
fills lln skull, and the vacant spaces an
tilled with water. Its substance Ifecomiv
more compact and tounh; in some rare
oases it condenses Into a leatherlike sub
stance, and the man is reduced to a conill
tiou of idiocy. But in all oases mentality
Is lessened. .Men like Gladstone aeem to
be exceptions, but such sh he are born for
a hundred years. Their old uge comes
later. Youth's Companion,
lluw tlx- Ituff Mint Started.
Monarohs have the same maladies as
common people. Queen Anno, wife of
James 1, had a wen on her neck. Red llau
nel wasn't guoil enough lor her, so she in
vented a collar to conceal the disagreeable
lump. Thus the ruff was started ou its
glad career. The history of the ralf alone
from this point would till a volume. Cloak
and Suit Revlow.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopsn Mills, Lu
erne county Pa and at Wil
mington, I'lhiware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
u8 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa.
Third National Hank building-.
Tims FOItD. Plttst in, Ta.
JOHN K BMITH a SONs Plymouth. Pa.
B. w. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre, Pa,
Ajreiit for the Hi-pauno Cueruical Com-
!.. II .!; I.' . -.
Hotsl Waverly
Earopean 1'lan Fir-t clns Par stt ir.hwl
l ii pot for Bergoer A Engvi's Tannhsrassr
N. i Cor, 15th and Filbert .to, Phllada.
Mcst desirable for residents of N E. Penn"
Eyhsiiia. All eonveuionoss lor travelers
te ami from Broad Htreet stati'-n and tho
Twelfth anil Market Btrest station. Do
tlrahle for visiting Sorantonlaus and pei
Mo hi the Anthracite ties-Ion.
E. Robinson's Sons'
Manufacturers of tbe Celebrated
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum,
Atlantic Refining Co.
Maiiiifuetururs mid Dealers in
Illuminating and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Naptlms ami (laso
lines of nil (.'rades. Axo Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Coin
pound ; also, a i..r.- liuu uf l'ar
rulliue Wux Candles.
We nleo liimdle the Famous CR0WM
ACME OIL, tho only family aaftity
burning oil in the market.
oniee: Cost Exchange, Wyoming Ava.
' orks ut 1'uiu i'
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement oftherom
plezloo, nothing equals Pdssoni's Fowder
(Valof tho tient qunllty for domsstie nse.and
of all SUMS, ih-livured m uny part of tne city
st lowest pries.
Orderi left at my olHo.
Rear room, flmt floor. Thir 1 National Bant,
or sent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will
receive prompt attention.
Kpecial OOntractS v 111 b mado for the ;.
auu delivery of Buckwheat CoaL
and vipor qnicltly
tfwphy. ttc, huivly curt-it b im-'i'h tht n .t
Hindoo RiMii.d). With rUifo arunramer (o fort. Suld hy
m:Tnn BnE co., in v. capital,
DE8T Sl.r.f) HUOR IN THE VMt! n
HA dollar fdfttd is a dotUtf MffU
This I.uiJIpn' Sol l1 Kn-nrli Donaola Kid It. it
ton pool liclivcrcd frci Rnvwhtr thr I s . ,
raoclpl f t'jitih, Mun.-y Oral I
or Fvatal Note for fl.v.
Kauali ovary wy tho booN
old in nil ratal! ntrc f i
$j.,ri0. maka ih. bo-t
oanaivaai tfaorefora o guar
antte the ", rtult and iffn
ttitl II nny in not nattniK
Will ri'illTKl till' 111 In
or rnd another pair Opet.
ltc ir . ninmon J-i-iii
width C, I, K. & VA
lttVizc. SendvouriiM.
"iFCeisX ire i, :l tit
His'-' I i . x X
Why It A . f
;A- fata
Special ttrmi t ikaur:
Vv A
Bufuiu suil An. i Using
' W i.,tlfl' Wl kr.KO ., unln m v. . L I..J ntnirr.',-
A HAS l l.K In I urn Nn .), p, hi j, I,, nf Su tiiil I'oWtr In vllhrl Ml
liKullinliri Rmliiloaiirriiakiiri.iiiir If naal,'i-lv4. mrk lrubl. luij l'
cuii.umvllon or I11W II7, ll.illi ptr ln In miil.i. In.,. fot i. Will, .-,
1'bAL MKMl INK OU i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 '
For sain by JOHN II. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. youiiug Ave. aud SpruceSt
Brian ton, Pa.
I I. I I. r OjI ii..,,i, utr
uSmS 1 1. aura all ..ii.., .Hi-
sis. mieh ai Weak M.-m-iv. l.nnaot Urn in Poitor, lluailuilii-. Waknfuliionll.
I.sui Mnaliuoil. Mulitlr Fiiilsskins, NprviiiiKneiifl.nllilrnluHnnillossof powsr
InUsilsratlreOrssnsOiSltbSf m camm! i y otereiortlun, youth rulrrrort.
SXOSSSlTS in1" el tobaacu. opium or stltnulnTita. wliicli lend to Intlnutt) . Rn-
Miiiplliin or MlftnnltT- t an Imu'hi rli'il 1 11 vn.l en. k 1 SI per I101. O fiirSS
l.v inn 1 1 pinpal'l. Tlth R aa enlnr wnslv- 11 written sua rant rr to SSI.
sCFORC AND AFTLR USIKG n-M-m,.. Addrsss sfat ii hckiicu., s. teupio, cuicaoo. fix,
For Salo In Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDF.KSON, Drticist, cor Wnshington
nni Boruofl bti-ant.
Tho only ante, auro and
reliublo Fomale PILL
ever offorod to Ladies,
tmpeuiKiiy rocominoud
ed to mnrriod JLudles.
A ..1. 1 Tin WAflilPia mimmaw a ww was 1 ... .
UjUBA in 1 wa. uiu a. a. t raiaflaaWiail 7 lidl'B Him OtaO QO Otllfer
s' (W Send for circular. lark ai.00 pt?r box U boxes for 15, OU,
Ul. MO IT'N CHEMICAL C't.. - Cleveland. Ol,i.
Fur Hale bt M. UAUK1S, UrutfKist, 1S7 I'suii Avenue.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Remnante of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Cap durins
sale at less than cost of material.
Every iueb of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles fjj eicli
Boys' W inter Waists Qo. e.iolu
J?.0 30c. e,.oh.
Lloak8 $1.50 ench.
Great Clearing Sale.
3 L Vi-iv rsw
WJMm ' J)
V ':- -w
m -"Fir, fmnrvlH
The Flour
"CR1CAOO, Oct. 81. Fhs first olllcisi
sunoniicfctnont of World's Fair di
plomas on Hour has Wti made. A
intdal lius been awards'! by tbs
World's Fair judges to the flour maiia
factured ly the Waahbnro, Crosby Co,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis, Tbe committee reports
tbe flour htrong and pure, slid entitles
it to rsnt as first-class patent flour for
latuily aud bakers' use."
1 be above brand of flour can bo had at any of the following merchants,
who will nccept Thk Tribune fluir OOtTOS of on each one hundred poands
ot flour or jU on each barrel ot flour.
Feraaton F. P. Prlos, WusLinstoa svouu-i
Hold Hedal Brand.
Donnore P.P. Priea Ghold Medal Bran-i
Uonmore P. D Jlauley. Supeiiatiro liran !.
Hyde Par k Carson A Da via Wasbbura St.
Gold Medal Brand: J septa a. Meais Ma n
areane, Suiieriutiv Brand.
Oresa BldgeA L.Sp.-rieor.tii.l J Medal Brand.
J.T. McHsle, Bnperlatlve
rrovldsnce-Penner & ChappelLN' Main are
nns, Soperlatlve HraadiC. J Oille-ui-, v
Market htreot, Uo'.J M-dil Braud
Olyphaut James Jordan. Superlative Brani
lVrkvil'e hattrr Jt K Is-r SuperUtlrj.
Jernrn C. u. Winters Si Co auperalal re
Areabald Jones. S mpson ii Co . ild Medal
Carboadale & S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand.
Hone-nlal.'-I tf, Poster .1c Co Goll M-Ji
Minooka-M a. Lsvelle.
Taylor Judee & Co, Gold Medal; Atbsrtofl
& Co., Superlstive.
Duryea- Lawrence Store Co . Hold Medsl.
Moo-ir-.ti.bti MeCrlndle, Sold Modal.
Pittston M W O'Bovle, Gold Medal.
Clark's Oreen Frace A Pi rker. sup-rlstivs,
Clark - summit-F M. Touna, Gold Medal.
Dalton-S E. Finn Son. Gold Meda. Braui.
Mt-hulson-J IS. Harding.
Waverly-M Bliss A Son. Gold Medal.
Faetiryville --Charles Gardner. Of,;d Medal.
Hoplioitom- N. M, Finn So;,, Gold Mtdal.
Tobyh,mna-T ibrhanna JE Lriiiti Lumber
Co Sold Medal Brand
ud-b.r--S A. Adams. Gel 1 M-H'. Hran d.
M - w G.-nge tlemects Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel- James A Bortree, Gold Medal.
Forest City .1 L. Morgan tv. Gold Medal
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works,
Portland. Pa.
Rooms 1 and ? Commonwealth Bid's
JTfc A Pi F$ u'e have Placed on sale
.T W u c, n
Made at the MOOSIO and RUSH
Lsftlin & Han 1 l'owil,r di '
our line of Ginghams for the
coining spring and summer.
Liner Goods. More Tasteful
ORANGE GUN POWDER Colorings and Lower Prices
Elictrlc Batteries, Fuses for exploi- than ever before, are what
iu H blasts Safety Puse ami
Rcpai.noChcniicai Co. 's High Explosives wil1 recommend them to our
Seeds and
Largo Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
IS THE Bf ST. Oet prices nml
ire the f urn nee and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Uauze Door
Best in the market.
Brandt Clay Product Co.
OFFICE: Binghamton. N.Y.
FACTORY: Brandt, Pa.