THE SCRANTON TBltoUNJS FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 'iO, 1894. yiillBilllilllllllllllllllllllllllHIIlllIlli: Pipe Valves Fittin: I CLEARING UP OF FILES Routine Busimss Transacted at Select and Common Couucil Meetings. I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY s AND MACHINERY CO. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiitR Lace Curtains Tho mostdellcate fatnic prop erly oleaned st THE LACKAWANNA LAUNDRY 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue VIADUCT ORDINANCE IS RUSHED Passed on Thin) Reading In Hio Com mon and on First and Second in Wis Select Resolutions Passed by the Select Measures That Were Acted Upon by the Common Council at Its Busincss-Liko Session. BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. Beleet and common connolli held me nt i ns lust svenini: to Bnilt) up tl t im;hi on tbe tile preparatory lo di olntion of th bodtti on Monday morn Tiie ordinance Introduced in thj common council by T. Kllswortli Duviws prorlding for a viaduct over thu Delaware, Lackawanna and Wast ern railroad on Lackawanna av.muj pataed on tuird reaJinj; in tbu couitnun conooil U was at ouce snt or to th slct ii u. I niveu to , ootniaittee wliloh r. ported favorably on it forthwith, tt afterward! pawed 0:1 two readlngi and Will pan finally when tlio aelitot COOU' eii meeteat u o'clock moaday inorntuit. Tbe roiolutiom adopt 1 i were a toi lows R, 11. Williams--Bxonaratins th penalty added to ttt taxes of K U Williams, trustee, for lot 49, block 23, ui thi' Fourteen th ward. li 1'. IVllow -Oliani;iut; tti nam ol Lii 'rue strtut to Fellows street and calling Fellows, street Luzerne street. Colonel Sauderson lViinittinjf Uutli and Ueneline to connect premlsei with Jefferson avenue lewer An ordlnanoe providing for the li- cenaiog of transient rslrt'il iurcliauts In tbe city of Soranton passed on two readings, Tho eoit of such lloense Is $300 per month, On third reading au ordlnanoe passe i prohibiting th erection of iharp pointed picket fences in the city. COMMON COUNCIL, Last night'i section of oommo n conn Cil wus marked by a sprigntly set on the part of Mr. battle, who moved that they co into the eighth order of business, it bc'inK his intention to call up for third uuJ dual readiug the or dinance providing for the erection of a viaduct over the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad tracts at West Lackawanna avenue. The motion prevailed, but be f re Mr Dsvlrs coolu call up bis measures, Mr. Kittle hud the ordiunuce supple mental to the one providing for the erection of au easterly span to the Lackawanna bridii before the leaiela tors. Everybody luuirhed and then the nrdinanee passed third reading, as did Mr. Davits' a few minut- later. The ordinances providing for the erection of Kates on Iwth sides of the Erie and Wyoming Ysilev railroad at the point wherecronsed by the mou.itain road, and th o:ie prohibiting the erec tion of shiip pointed picket fences were alao paed on third reading, Qalte an amount of concurrent bnsi ness was rushed through the mill, and then the sewers and drains committee reported favorable an ordinance pro vi!i:i for the construction of sewers on Roche sourt, Aih street and Sp-U-man court. Tae measure psd first an 1 second reading, when COOUOll ad- Mourned to meet at 'J o'clouk Monday "lorning tor purpose 01 rt-organztwou. CAN'T LOCATE MURDERER. HI Countrymeu are I) -in.- A 1 Pi wr to Ehitld H m County Deteotive Bbea was in the vicinity of Taylor yesterday trying t locate tbe vthvrtta bouts of John Mui dock, who murdered on of bin coun trymen wllh n ragor a IVw weeks mo ll is u Slav and all that his country -men can accomplish to prevent bin b iiia brought to j oat lee ia being done. As h result the taak of tho county de tective In looatlng him is not au euay one. miff' '-'' CITY NOTES. Tje Electric Workmen's union. No. 51, will hold their first aunual ball and elec tno display in Tamer hall this evening. Oovernor Psttison yesterday signed the pardon of Wallace Sr.ow, who was con victed ia Scranton about two years ago of burglary. At B o'clock tnis morning the sale of seats will open at the Academy of Mu'ic for that standard snow, Denniau Thompson's "Old Homestead.'' Next Saturday .t'nperint'ndent Taylor will hold an examination in Liberty bai:. on Washington avennr, for tLe benefl: of teachers who may wish to have their pro fessional certificates reniwed This morning at 7 o'clock checks will l,e given nut for "The Old Homestead ' at the box office of tbe Academy of Music. Tho diagram ran be seen at 'j o'clock. The attraction at the Frothlngbsm this evening will to "The I'rodigal Futluir," one of the greatest succinates evur man aged by (.'. B. Jeff'-rson, Klaw & Erlanger Thers will be a matinee performance of ' The Prodigal Fsther" tomorrow sfter- noon. John R. Kelly, who threatened to "smoke out" Mrs. W. B. Duggan, ugnt of the Associated charities, rrorn her hcim, be cause she was connected with the placing of his child in the Home of the Friendless, was yesterday committed to jsil for thirty days in default of :i00 ball to keep the peace. In yesterday's issue of Tup; TJUBCXI was an unintentional error to the effect that the Bonta Hate Ulase company was organ ized so recently as Tuesday night. Tn i directorate was elected last September, and .Mr. lionta is authority for ihe state ment that, this body does not control tho majority of the stock. In the list of speskers who are to nd dress th F'nil Sheridan monuineut mui IBM ting to be held in the armory on the evening of April S, published In Tiik Tribijsi yesterday morning appeared tn name of Hon. .lohu H. Follows, which should haTb read Hon. John H. Farr in steud, as it is the latter gentleman and not the ex mayor, who is down on the speech making programme. Pocono tribe, No. 230, Improved Order of Ked JIrn, last evenlog elected lh fol lowing (.fllcers: Prophet, Clmrles 8. Lew in sachem, H. J. Furrington; senior sachem. J. W. Kambeck; junior sachem, W. 8. Bartlett; keeper of records, W. L. Ciraea; chief of wampum, C. W. Scott; Keeper of wampum, J. W. Warner: trus tee, eighteen moons, J. H. Flack; trustee, iiz moons, Eelimau; representative to grand lodge, J. H. Flack; custodiuu, F. E. Emerson. NICHOW HAO NO CHOICE IN MATTER He Varrifd 3Hss Epraug Bscaus He Found It Necoasarv So To Dx Teetiuiony in the divorce proceedings of William R. Nichols agaiustElTu W. Nichols was taken by Stenographer Willis Coston before Judge Edwards yesterday afternoon. Unfaithfulnest H tbe ground Upon which the divorce is asked, and at a previous meeting some dsniagintr testimony against Mrs. Nichols was r.ffered. Mr Nichols was tbe only witnesi nx aminsd yesterday. He said that in .lanuiry, 1888, bo was iuarrid by Al derman Andrewa to Miss EfSiSprsguo. After their marriage they returned to their respective homes and never lived together He refusal to acknowledge her as bis wife, he said, because she frequented homes or ill fame. "How did you comedo marry her," asked Judge E 1 wards 'Well, I had no ctmice but to do si," ineekdv replied Mr. Nichols '"Were yon under arrest," aiks.l tne judge. "1 was,1' answered the libellant with rising color and the matter was pressed 110 further. Mr. Nichols said that his wifs now resides at Nicholson. " CRIME OF GEORGE DAVIES. Anheuser ilusch User. Louis Lohrnai.'s, KA Sprue ot. M New Vuudarland. One of the very greatest tests of tho great versatility of Wonderland's stuck company was made last night, when "Michael BtrogoB" was essayed, and rlglt royally did the magnificent company acquit itself. In scenic effects, dramatic interest, comedy, pathos and general ex cellence, wo pronounce this Wonderland a greatest Hiiccrss. Ous Homer, the drain. 1- tizer of the play, did groat work in th title role also as the English correspond ent; while Misses Fuller, Kemp, (.'ondnlt. nnd Willett were a their best. All did well, and there was Tint tho eliirhlest siur- tLe strongest dramas on tho UDgllSO sriOOKCU oy tho dellguteu auatsnce. arry Thome's scenic work was ti the (lrl, II u II I 1 1 H.'ll V. ..II , r , l 1 . I. I -1,1111 I II 11 Every member of Division No. 7. Ancient Order Hibernians, Board of Erin, is or dered to assemble at their new hall, r.'l Lackawanna avenue, at 730 n. in., Sun day, April 1st, to go to Holy Communion In a body. He Is Charged with Having Assaulted Miss Maggf UuMon. fleorge iJaviai, of North Hrotolsv avenue, a married man and the father of two children, was arrssted by Con stable Uiiscoil Wednesday ovening on a snrinus charge. Miss Haggle Mnneon, daughter of Mrs. Mnneon, of North Main avenue, ohergei him with teaaultlng her. Miss MnnSOC is ein;iloyd as a servaut at the home of Simon Thomas, on North Main avenue, who is u brother of Mrs . J) vies. 0 1 Wednesday evening Uri. Oavips was visiting nt the home of her brother nnd. being in need of some ol the chil dren's wearing Hppirsl, sunt the girl on the errand to hr hom, w!ira Miss Mnneon alleges l)vis assaulted her. Shu acquainted her family with th occurrence nnd a warrant was Issued for Da vies' arrest Alderman Andrews gave Itavies a bearing, after which be committed him to the county jsil. - (MONO THE POLITICIANS. '. 3, Burko will ussuine the duties of his position aa general gsuner of this internal revenue district on April I, If his commission urrlves beforu that, time from the Ireio-ury department. For son.e duvs he has beuli traveling about the bugs district that will be under his control, getting niipiainted with the duties that will devolve upon him and tl.e people he will meet in a business wny. Re ii ac companied on his trips by Henry Somers, the present gsuger. The bond of John W. Ilousar, treasurer of Taylor borough, was tiled with 1'ro thimotary Prynr yesterday. It is in the sum of IQ,60(and has P C. Connolly ami Jutiica Dutler us securities. T. J. Mntthow.', of Spring Brook, whose numi) will be p ' 1 to the next ltpiih- llcan county convention as a Candidate for jury comtnutlonej, was in the city Wed nesday mill circulated aniuug his numer ous frienda A call will soon be Issued for Ihe Demo cratic county committee to meet to elect a mumber of the state Committee, It is probahle that the meeting will occur be fore the end of next week. McBridb'b new Turkish bath. Every thing new. 500 Spruce street, opposite Court House Mrs II II Pratt and daughter, Miss Fannie Pratt, i;ave a B OCloalC yes terday, at which they wre assisted in receiving by Mr. Robert 1111 and Mr. Or Tpdegraff of Rlmlra Mrs Pratt's friend who assisted in nler taiulng wro Mrs.Jobn Phelps. Mrs 1 lr - uce l; Ware, .Mrs L. C, tluei'iisvy, Mrs, L II. Uirdeall, Mrs L A. Watres and Mrs. Louii stelle. Th young ladlss who served Were Miss Kingsuiiry, Miss Joues, Miss Rlitn Norton, Miss Fordbatu and Miss Phelps The OUt-of-tOWn guejts wen Miss Dlckarion, of Brooklyn; Miss Smith, of WHkes-Barre; Miss Mc Mabon, of Bradford; Miss Jam, of Kansas City; Miss Austin, of Avon dale, mid Mtss Hall, of Waverly. Among tbe Scranton ladies were Mrs. V. 11. Kiugeburr, Mi's Council, Mrs. W. L. Connell, Mrs. II C, Sanderion, Ira. Luther Keller, .Mrs. Charles E Robinson, Miss Vail, Mrs James Mer rill. Mrs William 11. Perkins, Mrs. 1. F. McQargel, Mrs. Arthur Frothing ham. Miss Heleu Sanderson, Miss Jamr. Mrs. B. L Rlobnrds, Mrs. Frederick Connell, Mrs John S Cox, Miss HltohoOCb, Mrs. F, E. Wood, Mis Peuuypacker, Mrs. l' S. Pauli, Mrs. Cnarles R. Connell, Mrs. C. II. Welles, Mrs. W. F. Mattes, Mite Mat tee, Miss Swan, Miss Cornelia Mattes, Mrs. Martiu it. Kays. Mrs. W. P. Con nell, Mrs Henrv Vanbergen, Miss Flora Matthews, Mrs J. R FordhniQ, Mrs. Ambrose Spencer, Mrs. Riohar I StlH wall, Mrs. Calvin Seybolt, Mrs. E L. Duck, Mrs. J. P, Evsrhari, Mrs. J. H. Eessell. Mrs. J. C. llighriter. Mrs. J. A. Linen, Mrs. Cyril! D. Jones. Miss Ida Snyder, Mrs. S. II. Price, Miss Alberta Strnbel, Miss Nellie Cook, Mis Vail, Mrs. Arthur Christy. -Miss Kate Sherwood, Miss Pierce, MiSI Wintoo, Mrs. R. A Siiuires. Mrs A. B. Will iams, Mrs. Arthur Hitolicock, Mrs. W. H. Pierce, Mrs. T. H. Welle, Mrs Charles MoMullOD, Mrs. J. L Stelle, Mrs. C. P Matthews, Mrs. John Howl, Mrs J. W. Coolidge, Mrs. T. H. Hull. Mrs. F. li. Wolff, Mrs. C. ft Powell. Mrs. J. P. Hosle, Mrs. F. II. Jeriuyn, Mrs. C. L. Fry. Tbe last of a successful series of the Voting Peoples' assemblies was given at Siegel's lsstniht. The music was furuisiied by Bauer. Among the danc ers were Miss Cor Hetsel, Mrs. S. U. Wright, Misses Wright, Mis Nellie Divis, Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Tewksburv, Miss Mattisou, Miss Weicbel, Miss Effle Thompson, Miss May Li France, Misi Earn?, Miss Lily Storm, Miss Dslln Davis, Miss Josie Richard, Mr. and Mrs. 11 II. Stons, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lowry, Miss Van Storcli, Misses Tropp, Miss Sliopland, Miss Conolly, Miss Tenner, Miss Jessie Williams, Miss O'MalUy. E. P. Boll, J. 1 Elowers. P. O'Malley, W. T. Boyle, E K. Robbins, Joseph Soin?r vilie, Cnarles Moore, E. C Bradv, John Taylor, D V. Bunuister, J. A. ("ostello, W W. Boylor, Alexander Bender, William Wbb, Ralph Haupt, John Paddock, William Weichel, Elmer Crane, H B AuilrWM, H. C. Haak, Augustus Waters, LsniS Jacobs, Joan Tonklng. s Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Robinson gave an iifteriioou party yesterday for their Children Lulu, Anna, Alma nnd Karl, and Ousaie Speisi nt thalr rssldenc, 1501 North Washington avenue. Mies Anna L'hly, of New York, Mr. Robin sou's nelue, and Miss AdaMillsr assist, ed in entertalng the little ones, who are all pupil of the Misses (Jerecku's select school. They were Mariau Sand erson. Mollis Stahl, Marguerite Koh ler, Ruth Hand, Leila Ross Estelle Tbropp, Bella Kinburg, Florence Fin burg, 1 Charlotte and Madeline Schros der. May Tale, Helen Park, Klith Witlicnl", Ouorgia Cure, Lilis, (JUr and Margart WoodrntT, (Jsno Hury, Isabel." Ralantlne, Mrrtie and Lula Harvey. Margaret Smith, Htlen Mr fsild, Holen Cbambsrlaln, Euoioe La tbrop nod Lssa Speiss. a e e Postmaster and Mrs. Vandling gave a christening party at their home, North Main uvwnue, last ev-iiing In honor of lb naming of their M-montbs-old baby, Msrjorle, Among those prssent wsie Mr. and Mrs D. B Atherton, Mr. an I Mrs. C. H. Von Btoroh, Mr and Mrs. Sidney Hen wood, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Schotten, Mr. and Mrs. ('. J. Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. W. E Anderson and Mist Jetlie Pennypacker. a e e The Si innton Bicycle club gave au assembly last night at their building on Washington avenue. The evening's enjoyment was but a repetition of the successful ami enjoyable aeries which has been h.ld during the pull winter season Miss Tracey, of ChlcsgO; Miss Srott, of Blngbsmton; Miss Bttesbsch mid Miss SIioj maker, of Wilkes-iiurre, were among the guests. James Blair gave a 7 o'clock dlnnsr Inst evening at his resldtnce, Washing ton nveuiiu and Mulberry street, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. James MoLeod, The guests wero Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs Ctiarles H, Welle', Mrs. A. M. Dicker, Mr. and Mrs. Hainuton Bobseffer, ilnts Veil, Miss Piatt, Miss Mattes mil Mr. Mattes. AMI J. Anderson's residence, hlio .lelfsrson avenun, last evening, was givsn a card party by Miss Anderson for her friend, Miss Knox, of Nw York. Among those present v.'re Miss Archbatd, Mlis Louiss Welles, Miss Frances Hunt, Miss Wilder, InnieB W. Oskford, Mr. Whitmore, Alfred Hunt, Fred Piatt und Mr. Ryle. see Mrs H. C Sanderson gave u dnncing party last evening nt 405 Clay avenue to Miss Sanderson's VaBsar friend', Miss Vnesie Jumps, of Kansas City, ami Miss Mabel McMahon, of Bradford. Miss James nnd Mits MoMahoti are visiiing Miss Sandersou during the Vas sar Eustrr vucaliju, FUNERAL II II PIONEER Simon Ward Laid at Rest in Forest Hill Ceiuetiry. SERVICES AT THE RESIDENCE They Wore Conducted by Rev. Dr. McLeod and Rev. Dr. Logan Mr. Ward Was a Charter Member of the First Presbyterian Church Was tbe Oldest Odd Fellow In Pennsyt- 'I he funeral of Simou Ward was held from his late resideucu in Grecu Ridge yesterday afternoou. It was largely attended, especially by the idder res ident of th nltf. Th services warn conducted by Rev. Dr. McLeotnnd ReV, Dr. Logan, both of whom delivered addresses. Dr. Logan's vulouy was largely reminiscent, ns the speaker was able to recall instlV inter esting ii.oideuts connected with tl.e long life of tho deceased, having been for years bis pastor. At th close f the services the body w born to Forest Hill where Inter ment was made. The pail hearers wsre member of Ltukewaiiua L dge, No. 801, Independent Order of Odd Follows, who had charge of the f nueral. NINIiTY POUR ViCAItS OV AIM Simon Waul was horn J in. G, MOO, and had therefor-, passed his Ulth birlhilsy. He CIIU to Scranton fiom Slrondaburg in 1889, and for many years acted us superintendent of I arm lands for th Lackawnuns Iron and Coal company. When he became ton , old to work, the corporation gener ously pensioned him for life, und also idloreil him to retain possession of the house, nt Green Ridge in which he lived, the company having rut' used to pi cs the property on tbe m irkit WO tie Mr War t needed a hoiu . Mr. Ward wss the only surviving charter member of tti First Presby terian ohnrcb, having been connected with it lor forty-six years The last charter member, exceptiug Mr, Ward, was W. W. Mauuusi who died u few months ago, OLDEST lit 'i'llli BTXTU. Mr. Ward was uiso a cuarter mem ber of Laokawnnua lodge, No 01, Ll dependent Order of Old Fellovs, to which srgauiz ttlon ho belonged for forty years. He was SUUP0S sd to have been one of the oldest O Id Fellow in the state. He a!s, b-ioug-jj to Scran ton encampment N'a. 510. Daring his lit Mr. Ward wi a stanuuu Wiiig and afterward a R-jn'o-lican, The following incident will show tbe limitless with which he ud hered to his political convictions: Soiui niter he cams to Scranton on cured the presidential campaign of itio and on thdsy ol theeleCtion be walked ail tbe way to Stroudaburg to cast ins ballot for William Henry Harrison woo became president of th'j United States. Having c,tt his vot hi journ eyed back to Scranton on foot, bavin g walked 180 miles that he might vx:r cise bis right of franchise. A VERY PLEASIMG COMEDY. Americans Abruad a Produced by th? E.. 1.1:1 Company a Succesr Danil Froluu 111s Lyceum Comedy company gave a very finished produc tion of Sardou's comedy, "Americans Abroad," ut the Academy of Music last night to a la:r sized Lut Uglily pleased andlenoe, The story of the piece has tn do with the adventures of a certain Miss Flor ence Wlnthrop, a wealthy Atns-ricnn heiress who is living in Paris with her uncle, Richard Fairbanks, nud his daughter Jessie. Mis Winthrop's wealth draws a number of persistent suitors in the snaps of Parisian psre siteswhosre abutted by Biro;isi de Beaumont To escape their attentions she pro tends to have lost her fortune and re solutely begins to earn bvr living by painting. Her suitors disappear but ner apparent p iverty attracts to her (iilbert Raymond au American artist who love her f r herself aud is ignor ant of her wealth. Baroness de Beau mont attempts to sepirste them and after a strong sneus in which Miss Wln throp, deceiyed by the wtly Baroness' intrigue, chargus the devoted artist with uiorcenary motive. He indignantly denies the cbnrgu and as indignantly leaves her, refusing his forgiveness after she bus discov ered that he is lunooint Thoy bscoine reconciled, however, by a clever ruse, nnd when th certain is rung down Miss Winthrop is iu the arms of Mr. Raymond and presnmably intensely happy. Miss Mand Harrison's interpretation of the character of Miss Winthrop was excellent, and J. H. Gilinour as the artist lover proved himself a most capable actor. That finished actor, J, B, Polk, assume I the character of Richard Fairbanks, and among others who contributed to the enjoymant of the evvulng entertainment were Own Faucutt, 1 1 surge Alison and Miss Gert rude Rivers. " FAIRV DRAMA AT OUNMORE. It Will B Troduoed Toalfht for Btnrti Cf Poor. For th pnst fw weeks th young Indies of Dunmore have been rehears ing a fairy drama entitled "Enchanted Sleep," and tonight it will be produced by them at dd Follow hsll for the benefit of the pour. The ptroeia pretty ami deals with fairies and bob-goblins, the whole intsi spsrsed with bright, catchy music The youug ladias have rehearsed thor oughly, and thos attending will bu treated to a plsasaut svonlug's enter tainment, A sweet young princess falls into the liower of a bad fairy who gives hern sleeping potion from the effects of which sh due not reoover for u u tury, at th expiration of which time a handsome ptiuco awakens hvr with a kiss. As in all fairy tales the good fairies triumph nt last, and tli prince and prlnoell marry au 1 are happy ever af ter. The cast of characters i as fol lows: King.. Martha Matthews Queen Lydla Farrar Princess Marguerite Mabel Chi 1st Prince inarming Maine I'eekeus Nntinette (maid) Blanche Blocs .'(H-edwei! Valel Millie BrilllSOII Kalry Knvy Mntnu Oliver Fairies, Ellth Weri, Anna Oliver, Jeuulo Oliver, Lizzie Wert. Ladle-, Com tiers, Fairies. Aorompsniits, Minnie Dexter, plana, Mr. Oream, violin America 10 UKAlTin L PIOTOMt, EVERY NOTED PLACE IN A l.AKK A, TBE UNITED STATE! ami MEXICO, riVE MUM DEBS on tiik coin TEB, TBE CENTS ANU ONE COl PON FOB ANY MVMHIR AMUSEMENT NOTES. 1 his evening "The Crust of Society" will be sewn at tn Acadmy of Music fur th hern 1 time this season. Th e .'lies are timed at the nresant, an placed in L 'tidon. Tbe woman in th rase gels the 1"V. of a British srmi captain, who do a nut k 1 w how shady ier life has bet'M) and she endeavors t keep him ignorant of it. His mo Ultimate friend has been one of h r many companions, a id be undertakes toKuve the captain from marriage with her, nt tlw sunn tin that he is rescu ing and wooing a pure girl in t li - same circle. When she is li.isllv bsffl d In her game of matrimonial I unco und finds that sue cunnot loist herself on an honorable man as a pure worn in, he coolly light a cigarette, lolls in her chair, win It's th smoke, an 1 orders her inald lo puck tor I' iris IBB PttOOIOAt, PATBtt. Jefferson, Klaw and Eslanger's com pany will li seen ut the Frothlngham Friday and Saturday evenings and Sat urday afternoon In 'The Prodigal Father." The company Is exactly th same us produced that delightful com edy iu New York and Boston during llm recent successful runs of tho piece in those cities, Tho piece is most amusing and contains many bright, amnalng liues, The matin prices for Saturday will he 75, fin and 38 cents THE d u HOMESTEAD If you want to enj y a beany Ian jh, have tho heart A'.iiiiirs played upon, and se,. one of tin, simplest, prettiest ats;ce pictures of New E igland life Hint has ever been drawn, go to t!i cailemy nf Music Monday night nnd sit through "The (lid Homestead " Voii will not rp,:et it KIOHT OM L3 COMINU. Lobby Manchester's ".N'lght Owls" COinpaoy Is bille t to nppeur at the Academy of Mmlu Tuesday and Wed nesday night, it is defcribrd by the press i,f the citls whrre it has a prared as the best variety an t burlsiuue company now Pel ore th public. . - tlKS r 1 m. 1 '.;rHCEK3. Hsitiiag Bxsltsd Ruler R.ostves uTcktn and Exobaiees Ciurtsslas. Scranton lodge. Benevolent ami Pattlolio Order of Elks, No. 128, last uiffbt elected the following ofBcrs: F. J. FilSlimmont, exalted ruler, P. F. Qnntter, suemcd leading kutgbt ; F. W. Martin, esteemed loyal knight; W. J Weichel, esteemed lecturing knight. W. L. Pryor, secretary , C. J. Weichel, treasurer; Conrad Scbroedsr, trustee for live years; Augustus Robinson, trustee for four years; El ward Boyle, triistso for thre years. C. M. Truman, tne retiring exalted ruler, waa presented by the lo I ge with a handsome vest badge as a token ol apprecta'i in for his meritorious ssrvics iu tho ( thee. The presentation was made by Mr. riizsiuiino'i, who ac companied the net by an appropriate Speech Mr. Trumin replied in kind, thanking the m-mbers and officers for their conjunctive work and expressing Ins belief that bis successor won d most acceptably serve iu his stead. SAILED UNO - H FALSE COLORS. Arretted feriGlvlng a Ball In thNm of a Cathcl c Foclety. Michael Mayo, Klsrna, James Kss lmar,JobnAndreykon s, Mike Foils and MikeJSeui.n were Wednesday evening given a hearing bsfore A'dermsn Da Lacey, charg'! with a peculiar off tnse, A short time ago they had a ball at Rndeviok's hall, 41'J Wyoming avenne, under the name of Slavonic Roman Catliolic church of tlie Holy Trinity, an nrganlsttion with which they had uo connection. On Monday George Fetrosk, preii deut of the society whosd name had been used without licnse, swore ont warrants charging th defendants with making false preteus to defrsui the society uud th public and their arrest followed. They were committed to jail in defanlt of bail an 1 yesterday their friends were seeking to have thm released on writs of habeas corpus, DUD FROM EFFECTS OF FALL. ' 11. Gallagher Breathed HI Last Yesterdav Morulog. Jhuhs Gallagher, th man who fell '.'50 feet down the Leggett's Creek shaft, died at 8 o'clock yesterday morn ing. He had been dsliriotis since his farful fall, ami never regaiued perfect cousciousness. It is mysterious how h-s could have got through the safely cig at the top. it being in its proper place. The only feasible theory is that he triad to reach the carnage, as it was descsn ling, an I r.ot being in time vaulted over the gate uud on to th roof of the carriage, missing his footstep h fell aud wss hurled against the bumpers In the shaft all th way to the Diamond vein, when he tumtl'dctf the carriage to the landing. Men have been known to descend th shaft by jumping on the roof of the can isge. although it is in direct viola tion of the mine law. It Is also not unusual to see men jump 011 the car riage after it starts lo descend Coroner Klley ompanneled a jurv which wul meet l '.' 30 today in the office of Mine Inspector RjJertck, nt Providence, to hear testimony iu the case. Tha Evtiett Leads. Wait forQaernSey Bros.' new goods. THIS IS OUR LAST WEEK ON SPRUCE STREET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. Best Sets of Teeth,$Si00 Including tbe painless extracting 1 1 teeth by au muieiy new piv less. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. lac WYOMINU AVE. JcNNINGS CASE GIVEN TO JURY. ft Bad Nut Agred Up to 10 O'Clcck Lust Niche. The closing testimony In the case of lohn O Jennings against th Lehigh Valley Kallroad company was beard vesterdav attsrnoon before Judg 81 tt er and then the addresses to the jurv vre made. Major Everett Warren poke for the c tnpany and Attorney oruehus Smi:h for tbe plaintiff. Judge Sittser closed his cnarg i 4. 1ft and the jury retim I. It had not agreed np to IU o'clock last night. Before Judge Arcbbald the Dunn Campbell case enntiuued on trial all day, und before Judge Schuyler the "iitir day was consumed in hearing testimony in the Onffln-Mully eject tnrnt case. A Jury was selected to try the case of S i. Mott, assignee, against Charles P. J ad win before court anjourned ys terday afternoon. An Opportunity for th Uamploy,d You are out of employment. Invest your time on a business, steno graphic or academic education. It means success to you in the future. If rou rauuut pay us this year make It Hi nt year. You helped us In your prosperity we shall help you now. Wood' college of btttlncsi and short hand. m Musk- Ucxsi EaclulvIy liest made, Plsv nnv desired number of tunes QantSCbl A Sons., manufacturers loao Chestnut street, Philadelphia. W.,u dtrful orrheatrlal organs, only ii and tiu. Bpeclaltyt Jid music boies carefully r paired and Improved with usw luues. . , Auc.iou Sa:e, 61S rt'shhlugtoii avenue, 1 p. m. Suturdsy, March a., ot Due urpU, ooJ suits, parlor buiie, uiuiug suns, bric-a-btae, tc. A. E. I ', Austioueer. M J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avs. "YyE are now exhibiting a very complete and ex cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsome BlueChov- C' " ii lot at JjpD.DU Storm Serge, iu Rlue and O" ' A Black, at 0(..')U Imported French Silk Cil' "A Lspea at ll).,)U Fine Cloth Csptl at. .... S2.85 Ladies' Jacksts.the latest O "A stylB and In all 04,.)U IteiSKSillllliillllliiUitllllllillllllltlB) tt. W cl. Ahit. Millinery Department We show the LATEST DB8IGNSlol j I RIMMED HATS and BONNETS, and also a large variety of Ladies' and CDlldrena I NTBIMMED HATS aud a large assortment of FLOWERS. Children's Caps Wo show the largest assortmsnt of PILKS and LAWN CAPS and HATS at very low j rice. Runnln I PLUMBING I CONWAY HOUSE I TIN SHOPS I s s i i u The Low Price S System Prevail- r S - Illcr in Qur S fa 5 STORE H S TKY I'S AND NOTE PlilCF.S. 1 HENRY BATTIN & CO., Ml " 126 PENN AVE. lillllftllle Illlllllllliiiiiiii S uW 8'l ' ""' ' 't t'ssh isaper I n than any liunso iu Scruutuu. r? niiiiiifiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiHiigl i toLt 5J - J-fc.-HSWSc Ml aud 134 HXN AVENCE 5 On the American Plan. Bcraotou's nwst and best equipped botL 5 NOW OPEN -;o THL PUBLIC S Hinted b5 .ie,,i,i. Klectrle BelU Hath lulu uu tmeh Hour. Large Weil l ighted and Airy Hooms, EeerytblDg Complet. ALL THi: HODEBS IMPKOVEMENrS, Office on second flo-11 Bood eample room attsihej Dr. Hill & Son Albany j Dentists Set teeth. J5.W: lKt sot. It: for 0M rar and teeth without plate, mils'! crown and rindre work, call ter price and refere c -TUNALUI.V. lur rltnwting tretlj without lalu. Nuctber. No gas. OVER UltST KATlONAt HANK. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Seud your corsets to he re boned or new steels put iu. We tin it neatly and at a moderate t ost. 128 Wyoming Ave. P. J. CONWAY, Prop. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a larq-e assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICE? Leave vour order a: 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA, AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. 1 Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Linden St. end Adams Ave. com Botrai svicxna All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed ths best. GENTLEMEN, MCK OUB UXI OF $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKt HAND-SEWED. I'o Seams or Tacks to Hurt Your Feet. All Stylet and WtdtlH in G0UMM or l.ace The Best Shoe od Earth for the Money Try a Plr hi, i you will wir iiu otb i RfiNIQTPP'QnnSHOE on uniuuiim uuju.uu every box I BANISTER'S, Lackawf.iAye" Our $3 so Shoe ire a good as anybddy's $3 00 Shoes. BROWN'S BEE HIVE Special offerings in Ladies' Wrappers and Tea Crowns. Spring Millinery Men's Spring Styles in Hats. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen System Goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.