The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Beecham's pills are fot
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
hver, dizziness, sick head
ache., bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free ; pills - 25c. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,;,65 Canal St., New York.
Did You Ever &
Buy Something S3 rm
, tell yon, "We can I
You Fouud ion fit r
buck, but We II let
Didn't Want :hz
Imre you tvfti bothered what to Uk
Instead, and treataally it
yon could jail us we. I have Joue with -out?
If to, yon'll appreciate our of
fer to
Return Money
toow'Io! for Apv Pur-
a. TSat fact . ,
V ilo not tVWtl
tbat von want vour flt.KP lll.ll
nooay back lainf- vulua imu
SS'fntS Proves Unsat-S-S
mi-si- isfactory from
bo eetitfled . n
Any lause,
Samples and Prices!
Will Be Cheerfully Given,
The More Yon Compare
The More Money You Will Save
The More Business We Will Do
E ir a fw of thii W9k
Sdzpla Price :
Best Iadigo Bine Prints 4 14
Fast Color Outing Flannels 8c
Johnson's Fine Seersuckers 10c
Good Quality CM Nainsooks 6c
4Mb. All Wool Bine Serge 50c
2x45 Linen Damask Towels 25c
Lace Insertion newandstylish.oc
All Wool Shawls FE;tr 2 98c
Cram, White ani Piait only
Gorman's Grand Depot
I'a Yean? Jftt't Infitatt Sd: Ptr
tonl Prtnpht.
SlAr.inl to the f 'crfinton Trtrin.
MiyooKv, Pi, Mnroa 28 Tri so
cial at tha Y',nojf Men inntitnta ro'r.-.i
Utt vnins (iro7d to bi plaaaaat
affair. Daooing ani jim-' ir- in
fln!('l in unrl TiUnhmmU wori
sr7i M nstt ty Profmtor AIaho
rollowfu wr nmonfc tht jjnt: M
J. En, M. h Cniiek. .1 J Ooyn J.
J. (ValUa. Cliarlai w. Gsllatbar, D, J.
Q-iir,n. M. B McDooonzh. r. U Laffy,
J. J. MeAndrew, T J. J.ff-rs. T. F.
Conntll, M. P. MeCraa. J Walsh,
Jmit Powall, W. X Kivlin J H.
O Mtlity Dan BbOS, .'. F, CaBtJ, J J
h,jc. P H. Carty. T J. Corn, I. ,f
Wallac- P. F. Cawlay. H J, Caaey.
John iJiakln, P. F O'flara. P.
Nail, J. MtCrt, J. J. Hnlivtn,
P. F. Oisick, Mr M. .) Kaftan, Mi mm
!i Nallen, Maria N'ailon. Mary
Fitrhanry, Annia Fitzinry, Bill
Ryan, Mary Ityan, Mary Mack, JtOol
Lonhnay Nellie LoUfbOty. Rutin
Connall, Kate O'Bolltraa, Cilia Lag
gan, Maria Laffey, Polly Kenoo. Matr
git Cotter. Minnie Joyce, Kate Joyce,
Mary Coyne, Kate Fel'V, lir.'ijfnt
Prown, Mary Jifferf, Kate JtffeM,
ha'lie Carey, Annie Mulderif, Jane
Mnl'lerifr, Caanie Sliea. Maf(f;le Mc
(.'rea, Annie Cawley, Annia fitrlty,
Mary Carroll.
Sarah, the bright and intnreatint;
(lautfhUr of M igiatrate ill ira, i aeri -onily
William 'Clioinai and daughter Li
aif, of Hyde Park, were calling on
Greenwood friend- ynaterday.
- I.
Crltlclalnir a Youn Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"WliKt'a Hiatr naked Charley.
Oeorije Her face la always covored with
pnrple aod rad blotchee.
Charley Ob, that'a eaally enoiifth dia
Doaed of. Uad to be the am Wn my
aelf, but I caught on to th trouble Mt
day, and got rid of it In no time.
(Jeiirge What waa Itf
Charley Simply blood ernpllona. Took
a abort course of P. P. P. I tll you, It's
jhe bofs blood corrector. The guvernor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
hear blm holliT clear across the country
erery time he moved. He tried It, ami
yon know what an athletic old vent he is
now. If somebody would givo Miss Daisy
a pointer, ibe would thank thorn after
wards. All the drug stores sell It.
The Chicago Judicial Fare.
Unnton Journal.
After months of delay by the authoritie,
to the disgust of the citizens, and in spito
of tho the man's own declaration, Premier
gust is to be again examined for sanity,
Why not examine the court!1
Aimi.K Lai.loz, carriage manufacturer,
119 Carroll street, Buffalo, N. Y., states:
I was troubled with nausea of the stom
ach, sick headache and gonoral debility.
Burdock's Blood Bitters cured me.
router town oorriviiinitnnts or Tub Triv
DMBshouldftfn tbabraanei In nil to aaok
sawalattar, nol tor pablloatlofl uut to guard
anuiusi deoentlon.l
Contants of a Hepottr' Part Itr firortucad
for Q maral Raadlnv,
Pprctal to As (jttfonlON 'Vifturts.
ARCBBAIiD, Pfl , March 88. Tha new
board of health will niakw an elT.irt to
organize itt ! o'clock on Friday even
ing Tlio members will ussHinliK' in the
council room. It is honed that the
organization will bo etl'eoted at this
BtaaMllg Rttd that the board will I'"
suabltd to begin its work without
fuvther trouble
Tba auditors report for the year and
ins', with the dissolution of the last
oounoll,appaan on anotbai page of this
issue. Tbe auditors hav made a ootu
plete and exhaustive statctnent if the
Boanolal condition of tba borongb and
It is well worth reading
Uiobaal Bwlft, of Hill street, is tp;ilte
i"V lr Logan, the well known
Preebytarlan divine of Bcranton, will
i com'.u.'t services lirn utxt undav.
Could has not rigidly observed the
I penitential season judging by tba num
i ber o. marri taae that are to take plaoe
Is'iorllr On Wednesday of next week
I rhotnai McOontKll and Miss Mary
O'Hara, loth of South llala street.
will be m irrisd. I'here are others on
t the list, but BO formal announcements
i ooiic-'ruing them have yet lieen made
Two of the Hnngnrlani who were
eonaernad In the not it tba Rtdga on
1 Sunday wore irreated tnis morning bv
! Constable lirimes and were committed
to the borough bastile lUirgess Burke
listened to their tale of woe last
, evening and decided to commit tlieiu
to jail It was stated at tho hearing
tuai the defendants were members of a
i partv of six that asemlteJ a woman
: who ws pro tooting bar child which
: wm being bsjatsu by a drunken Hun
l'b bnaband of th woman saw the
crowd maltreating bis wife and tired
I several shots into the air with the in -
, ttntion of frightening them. At the
! aonolttfion of tue hearing before the
turves someone swore out a warrant
for the arrest of the man who did the
i ibootlog. an i he was brought before
' Squire Mutiley A: this writing the
taring had not beeu finished.
Miss Aunie l'toe. of Scrantou, who
. bas teen visiting Miss v. Callo
way, has rtarnd home.
atiH Annia Dond.of Peckville, called
5H friends here yesterday.
Mr. r. F. O'Hara wae in Scraaton
Piragrap'u Cocceralng-a HuttlinsTowa
Arranrsd for Hurried Reairs.
Spernai to :Ar Vraaon Tribune.
JtRMYX, Pa. Marcu 2i Tnirtv rivt
'. irs wata realized at the social Tnes
iay evsnin? in aid of the St Jain's'
01 'irch
Will Coleman, of Stranton; Mre.
L'xi Borcsr. of Oraeu Ridge; and
Rev Stephen Jay. of Snqu jhanaa,
: wre J'rmyn callers yejterlay.
M;si Kiie Bloomer, of Scranton, Is
visiting at the home of ber parents,
Mr and Mrs Patrick bloomer
Ticket 19M !rew the )S0 prize at tbe
Catbolia Mataal Bnrfit association
entertainment Tneeday evening. The
owner has not yet presented it.
The al of the stock in the furnish
ing store of Th -mas E (rriffichi will
take place Toes lay. Anril 3.
Rnshbrook lodge, 850, independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will attend ser
vicee in a body on April 29.
Brrt Werner, of .-crnton. and Mrs
Klwin Bor.fiel I ara toe gneeta of Mr
n I Mrs. Samnel Warner
C, L Bell and Q. L Avery trans
actel bnsineaj in Sc. anton yeat-irday.
Tbe fair of the St. Aloysias society,
which btgioi April It), ia being ar
ranged for by competent committees.
A t-' i gold pi--ee will be drawn for on
?d last evening of the fair.
Tbe private school conducted by
Mrs. Samuel Warner will open April I
Tha Litbaran fhirih Fair Personal
ar,d O'.har Paragraphs.
gsjtcael fe (Ae ftrewifea Tv-iAupia.
SORBtDALI, Pa , March i-i While
driving a trotting horse owned bv
'jorge Finan tod iy, Ihomas Robert
as was thrown ont of the open bnggy
t Traceyv.lle and had His leg broktfl
Mra Henry 'ramba hae rOfBrBOd
nome af'er an Ottandad visit with her
daughter, Mra Herzog, in Nw York.
The fair of tba Lutheran cburcb now
being held in tho city hall, opend v-ry
anepicionsly las', evening. Snch n
frowd ponrd into the hall that Inring
tba entertainment ther was scarcely
standing room. Hon. John Kubash
leiivard the opafllng addrsa nntl was
followed by a dnt by .I'es Louis"
Haft and Ladle Ray bfeojodfletby
florin and Dan Be; violin solo by Miss
N'-ttie Campbell, vocal solos by MIhss
Ritter, Tlllow and Maggie Klerbardt
tnd hvltrom total duet, hy Dorln mid
D"nke. R-freshinenta served Oti
the firat floor 'I ne purpose of thn fur
la to raise funds for th erection of n
new an i handaouie chnrctr ei!iflc T lr.
worthy otjaot ahonld be loyally sup
ported by v ry oitlttfl of Bontadatt.
gUetrll Bitters.
This remedy ll btOOffllBB M well known
and so popular as to Mad no aneClal in"ri
tiOB. All who have 'iso I BltofrlO Hitters
ring tbaaanta ioag of praiet. a purer
mtulclot dott Bottiltt Mnd 1 1. is goaraB
teed to do all that la elalrntd. Electric
Hittera will euro all diseases of the l.lver
and Kidimya, will remove Pimples, liolls,
Halt hliniirn ami. other afftOtiOBI nsiiaiid hy
ImaUre Mood. Will drive 5lnlarla from
the system and preyent, lis well ni cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache,
Conttapatlon and Indigestion try Electric
Hitters 'Entile satisfaction guaranteed,
or money refunded. PrlOt H pit, and ll
per bottle at Matlhewa llros., I'riig storj.
Nuggata ofNtWi (lathered In thefluti'ir
ban Hlahw.iya and Byways.
Itttcial to the Scranton Irtbun.
PUOBBURO, Pa., March 2H. I, ankle
tribe, No. I'l7, Improved Order of Red
Men, elected tha following ofllcart at
their Inst cooncil meotlng: Prophet,
Robert Want; lackem. KM ward (ireat
rig; tenlnr etgamore, Samuel Baker;
junior eagamore.fisorge Snyder; kteper
of wampum, John T. Palmer; nialatant
chief of rtOordll John Snyder. The
tribe ie in a flourishing condition and
a brother ia always welcome at their
Clothes line and chicken thieves are
plying their nefarioua busineee In this
The Yonng Men's society of St. Paul's
Oeiman Evangelical cbnrch are bnsy
mukiug preparation to hold a ribbon
Rooial In Smith' ball on April 17. A
supper wil 1 follow.
The gueet at the Central today are
J. P. Riohnrds, of Plymouth, and
Thomas Rogers, of Taylor
A number of our play-going citizns
attended the opening of the Frothing
A largo force of carpenters are em
ployed at Henry Whitall's property on
Main street 11 will build a new ad
dition to it for hotel purposes.
Green houses are springing up lika
mushrooms on Dicktou Hits.
' ' y
Personal and Oilier Intnrstlnr Para
graph) OarafUllr Ooadanaeds
Svmat to thf Sn'iinton YYibuat!
PlOKVILLB, Pa,, March 88 Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Funiion left yosteidty to
rial) with friends at Ptttiton,
Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr mid
Mra J. 1). White, is luffOrlug from
catarrh of the itomtoh,
A F. Klrstr, W. J. Bonner and F.
I,. Taylor attended tha ItatOnlO b'dgw
at llrem Ridge last Monday evening.
Mrs A. A. BwlngVa and daiignter,
Eilmer.rtturned ytittrday alter baring
spent a few days with frltudl at lling
hl Hilton
Mrs II BayrOI is visiting with rela
lives in Vilke-H-irr.
Mr. and Mrs lvi Btaga, Mr. and
Mrs S. 11 Stage, mid T. V. Spingon
bnrg, sient Sunday at Cannon Oornara,
i. title Howard Djty is raoorarlug
from mi attack of mumps
The cold wave OAUtfd the school In
tba l ust ward to tuipend on Monday
and Tuttday mornings. Attention
should ba given to the turnaoa in this
buildings aa tha tohool has frequently
been frOBtn out during this reuuikably
warm winter.
street Commltilontr iturtiett is
working with oommeodablt antrgy to
Improve the condition of our streets.
William Page has treated his dwell
Ins to a naw coat of paint.
at, 8, Bbaffer hat rem ivad to Wiikoi
ltarre, Wbtre ba will engage in mercan
tile ptrtuite
Albert Chapman ll mukiug good
progress on the road toward recovery,
though from tba nature of tba case it
will be some time before he will bo
fully restored.
Married - At the Ptokvllle Metho
dist Episcopal parsonage, March 80,
1884, bf the Rev. F. P. Doty, Mr
Ucorge Bnrdiet and Miss Nellie Scutt,
both of Boott, Pa
Items of Interest Concerning the Inst!
tutton and Studenta.
fattoAjM to the gtraafoa t 1
Factory v ills, l', Haroh 88 Only
one more weea before spring recess be
gins Final examinations will begin next
Wednesday afternoon and contiuus
until 4 IS p m Friday.
e mies C Qrlffifl, of Scranton, visited
hit uephew, F. B. Nichols, on Friday
, Mrs. Truman, of Da Rnyter, N. Y.,
is a ROeat at Professor E E, VVhitford'e
Among tbe number of graduates of
Keystone Academy whose smiling
faces wt have besn pleased to greet
iarina the past few days are tue fol
1 iwitaj: Professor Arthur Qardntr,
class of 'sy, from Paddle institute. N.
J.; Bromley Smith, of 'IHr; Fred
Delitlt Finn, of '93; ami Miss Nellie
Taylor, of D3. from Buokutll Cu
ivrrsity. F. M Carpenter whoh.i.- been for a
year engnged in bnsiuess at Willim
antic, Conn., was a welcome guest
among manv of hie old school com
panions on Tuesday.
Athletics are again becoming popular
and base ba 1 and tennis n, the leid.
Although the ball team has not been
orgamz-d at yet, we hare some good
material and hope that the Academy
will be anle t win the laurels with as
much credit at baso ball again this year
a did tbe baae and foot ball teams of
last sentou.
The Phi Mu tosiety will drill its
members particularly in parliamentary
regulations next Friday evening.
Every member it r quired to familiar
ize himself with souvj standard
Is Holland. Mich.. C. J. Docsburv rjub-
lishes the N'euM nnd in Its enlliiritis
strongly recommends Ur. Thomas' lilec
trie Oil for cougns, colds, sore throat, ca
tarrh and asthma.
An Intersstinir I tidijet of Current News
Notes Entertamlntly Prepsred.
&Timril to thf Scranton TnAune.
EUlHCRar, Pa . March 21 MtAtlei
are about ended in our village.
B. Bnokinham, who hna been con
Boad to liis home with ear trouble, is
again able to be about.
Mrs. Clarence Sievons has rttnrned
from Pniladolphia much improved in
Jav Knickerbocker, jr., lias tho foun
dation of his new horn a ready for build
ing. winch ho will CommtOOt at once
Rev K. McLean, pallor "f the Pre
byterian church, will OCCUpJ the ele
gant riw parsonage in a few daya
D L BietfCker baa his new home
ne.irly rady for occntiancy,
W. J. Snyder returned to East
Htrondebnrg Normal after spending
B uter at hit bfitnt here,
Uolonal Bohoonmakar haa a lirge
cooaignriiant. of l.rii-n and ahrulia for
theaprlng iilantiug on his plot
Arthur Vntiger ie preparing the
fonndatlon for his now home, which he
ex pi cts to occupy by June I
i I'i Onff ml Mm have put. up a
inlttantlBl bridge for their use over
lh Roaring Brook
Tnlllt Morgan will nrganlgl his i'Ihss
of jiivenilea here on Friday afternoon
of this week.
Qtorgt Dttrlob is miking arrange
men's to go into tho fan y fowl buii
in ss largely.
t X N I ll
a . 1 1 iii b
llll those i iii ' .
the Mieds of riiMiase,
that nro trying dny
and night to get a
fool hold in your ; -i
in v on oan't do
unlani your liver
active, That la
you have to de
iicnil OpOO , to keen
4sa. ., iiii in out, hi your
. Ttr I'l'llS
I ' n Tha rare lst, misi
jplni for the liver and Hie blood, ih Ur.
Pliree's Uoldeii lledloal Ihsiovery Take
that when ymi'ni gelling thin, when you
have pimples or eruptions, when you've, no
apMit.lt4i anil ftsd "run down" (them, run
warning signals) and you'll wive yourself
from serious Illness.
fftWlMIn, .one OOt, Oreo.
Woiu.iih DllPMIART Minn si, AfttlCtS
TIon QilltUmtn My wife, of urhnni I wrote
you. is another womaa us rar as her heuiih is
concerned ; since laklnir your "(lolilcn Mi , In si
pleoovery and "Ptllete,'' she eajs she lisdt
tetter than the haa lor years. Hhe has gullied
twenty-live pounds In three mouths.
I I'ori'isni-nUrsurftl I
i .n to m 'Ism br I
M.lulc Ren-1
lOdy, (in 'r intrsnlr, bsckml li, ,i,Hi , , si I
I r"s(livs ,nHH sun l(K)-kit I h. ill ntistel Irani I
llsfn,mi,s.,rlsniircl,friiy mall llt Hurlnn I
Imd Mnnlo Rtmedy win I
(Mlliesly mirs. reus inarm Co., rsion, ill
Britht News Partgrtpht Compiled by an
Entertalnint Writer.
s'j'enaf to the Scranton Trihun.
OLTPUAMT, Pb., Match 88, Frank
Lynch, who bat been spending his
Kaster vacation with hla parents on
Delaware street, returned today to re
sume bis studies at Vale college.
Miss Maria Jones, of Lackawanna
street, is sales lady at Leah Jones' mil
linery store at Scranton.
P, F Callahan, of Scranton, was in
town yesterday.
Qronnd was broken today for tho
erection of a story building on the
Evans' property on uaokawannaBtreet.
The building will he occupied by the
post office when Mulshed.
Rev. 1'. F. Murphy was it caller in
lloueadalti the tore nirlof tho week.
Tbe infant ami of Frank Wallace, of
Willow atrt, died today after a brlel
illness of oronp Interment will be
made tomorrow In Bt Patrick's ceme
tery. A M Atherton is iptndtug the week
in Washington, DC
Quite B number from here witnessed
the presentation of "A Poor Relation"
at the Frothingbaiii theater litat oven
Morris MoakovltB, "r Wilkes-llarre.
mills a bUtUieet tup to t 'An today.
T he HUksly Dancing class will hold
a social tomorrow evening in Keystone
Moscow in rents.
A wide Awake Writer Oontrlbutee
Nolan for Harried Read ire,
Special fa tat Ssmafoa rvidtaa
UOBOOW, March The young
folks of kluaoow gave i ii Misss For i
qnita a anrprlaa on Saturday night All
Voted a good time.
II. L.ClotneuU is spending his Kaalir
vacation with his parents
M .1 Martin, of Counell University,
is spemling his BaBter vacation at t). C.
Alanaon Depew bed a call from a
number of his friendi on Friday night,
it being hit birthday.
J. H. Wilcox has bought the livery
business of his brother. S W. vYilOOl
Measles are quite ba 1 at thiH writing
as nearly every loholur in the primary
depiirtiuent of the tchool is home
with them.
Mrs. E Simpson bus returned home
from a visit with friendi In Philadel
phia, Baltimore and Washington, D.
The many friends of Mrs. M. Beemer
met at her pleasant home this evaning
to bid ber good-byt, us sho leayca for
ber obi home at Maple Lake tomorrow.
Fred Capwell moves to his farm at
Maple Lake today.
Chest Pains
Short breath, palpita
tion, weak, and sute
lluii'.',s, pleuriiv, loughs,
colds, asthma and bron
chitis relieved in Ose
MiNiti: by the Citi-
CUR ANTt-pATN PL-iTER, the hrst and
only instantaneous pain killing plaster.
Tor weak, painlul kidneys, back ache,
uterine pains and weakness, it is simply
Wonderlul. It vitattut the nervous forces,
and hence cures ncrvout pains and mia
culaf weak neat when all others tail.
Price tt; roc $i oo, At all druggtttl or by
Dlili PoTTSh Ukco AMO Culm. Coay., Huston.
ccJllOWK t'
Man of
t?- il X I
llll tiHkAT
RES I LTt In Hit DATfL - wt.
Nervuiit Iieaset, Kail Inor .Mtniury
I'.ll "tl-. S, pi.-w 'I' -- Nllflltll V llll a
Hi ti, '('., OBQitMl iy put ' e'l ' " 1 :f ' nndfite
to ihrtinkpn oraftnv.ud qafoUy tint ittrtly rt'iori
liiiat Miiiihooil in nl n (' iiitf Lit-v ( .tnlrtl In ie1
pw h 'i Pi 91.M it i ich ' fix rot ii.M) ith i
n nl ti n irMUr-Hiite'c it PMPCJ r nimu y r- im.l. .1 DctlM
let ntiT anpHDCipHKl aiUMlfl M)lj you any md Of
Imitation IntUt -n Utittng iMlAIMi nonnothpr It
h- ha l not Rot it. wt wilt lend it by inail upon rorelpf
of pre PampniBlIn mm Im enrtlopf frti. aVdarMi
Orient ill Mi dli nl i u , I'n BbV . I blrBi;, III., or cur ncrBta.
BOLD iv Mtttbewi Bi n Wholesala and Rctnil
DthmUii, SCRANTON, PA., tnd othtl Lead
ilia! bruftitists.
Complexion Pressrved
V' m a Freeklet, Pimplea,
Uver Molet. tnn '-ls
Susburn and Tan, and n
ntnrcs the s.ln tn itinilel-
nal fr x. irs1uciiiff a,
clnsr and huillhy com-(
eleil.ili. PilM'l lor to all f.lee
mparatloTii and perfectly btrmlcs At all
urUfglttt, or mailed torMcHi Bend lor Circular
VIOI A ftKIM SOAP i .mi.ism- , .
rllln l-'ettilns Mltl nl""Stl fr, tig CMI.S. i,i vlthnnt ,
,l,f,l tiir il- nrrvrf. AleAi'ie-lT jii" si,l drllnslely niMI-rai-t
at inufu, Priee 21 Cents.
O. C RITTMEH A, CO., Tc t.too, O.
For sale liy Mallhews Bros , Morgan llros. and
Moigini ,V Co.
We have the hand
somest line l Parlor
and I )rawinri Room
ever shown in this
State and we would
like you lo see it.
Hill &
Washington Ave.
.ft, T JW'
i Mr. . Sterling mtsel
WlBtentown, Pa,
Nerves and Blood
Strengthened and Purified
by Hood's Sarsaparilla
Scrofula Humor and DitttroSO In
thfi Stomach Curod.
The following tettlmoulal ooineifrornMr, D.
Hterllng Mltiel ol Whiterttown, Pa,,whocen
duett a prjntlni "in. ' ami collucllng agenoy ami
is the youngett jiutlae ol tbe petoe In thu state
'('. I. HoudftCo., Lowe)), Matt
"Ilood'i Barianarllui h a wonderful health
restinei, le t ve streiii'.llii-iier and lilond jiiii l ll,-r
For thu last four ur live years I have been
troubled with humoi end aerofiita In tbe blood,
breaking out nil over m laidy, which cauteil
Itulilnii and kupt me fruni rett at niuht, 1 was
tlllO, at tin same Qnw, Lrouhlod Willi a
Sour Stomach,
which was anything but pleasant. I could nut
even lake u IWalloH ol 'A lter hut what I ml
ferod frmn rilttreet and uldlty, i did not enjoy
a good nieal until aitei 1 coninieiioed to use
lltiml's rial Ilia. I COUW sec the (fninl ill
feeti alter the inst lew dutet, i continued lo
use the medicine until now I have taken five
bottles and foel entire!) cured " II. Htkhmno
MrraBL, Justice ol Peace, Wluterttown, Fa.
Hood's Pills n'd easily, yet promptly and
tOclentlylon tin- Uver and bowole. uv.
Ladles Who Valuo
Areflnedeuniplexlon must use PotJOnFl Pow
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
Dr. E). Grewer
The Philadelphia Fpeclallst,
And In. Mtptlattd 111111 o! English ani tier
man royst clans. ara Lw ptrmaaeatti located
Temple Court Building
ft 1 t BPtlUCR ST.
Whur they may i, contnlted DAILY AND
hi Nil AY,
The fleeter Is 11 graduate ot the Pnlrersity
61 i'i nnsylvaaia, formerly demonstrator ot
lliysudoiiv and surgery at Hie Jlisiiee rhlr
tiraical Collego, of Pbiladeli Ida He Is also
an honorary n emher of ths Medico Chirnr
slral AnsiH'iatlnn, iind was phyidoiaa and
lurtreon in chief of tho meat noted American
M I Oemaa boapltala comes hlchly Indorse 1
by tbe leadline I'rotessors of I'hiladeliihla auJ
New ork.
His many years of hosniUl rirperlenoa on
tides thlt eminent physieiao nnd surgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all def, Trait 1
and diseasos with the most ttattering success
and his huh itandlin; in the stats will net
all w htm to accept any incurable case
I IM MANHOOD 111 - I in. 1 l
Ifyotirnive Data civeti tip ay your pbysi
flsn call upon the doctor and ts tzjuniatd.
He cures the w orst casevof Kervnus Debility.
Krrofiil.T, Old Fores i atarrh. Piles. Kemala
Weakness. Affection! of the Ear. Eve, Noes
and Throat. Af-tluna. Ileafnesa. Tumon. ran
ters and Crlpidivs of evnry description. Con
tnltailon in Bntllsh and German Free, which
hsll lie COneidered sacred tad strictly contl
1 nice Honrs: OA.M. lo 9 H. M. Dally,
taniliiv, ll is.tii. iii - p ni.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
l element Feb '.'a. 1H(I. ratleil for b
ill- Goailvfurolltr ni ha Cm rem-,
IIK80I K l
I onus B1.?1ft.34n OO
OvtlsaltflS i I 7 :l 7
I nlleil Mules llomts MO.OIMMM)
Olhtt Dondl 6I3.S7B. 7A
llniikliiu House B8,074 SO
Pfftntlunii mil', t iitittts.... B4S.7B
Hue fitim r. a Treaanrer .... 7.000.00
lUir Irolll r ,nl. 70H.41I1 711
ilsli 1411 Ml It. .VI
s IOI S80.00
mm oiio an
. .'in oho iiii
nil 1 so mi
1,004 000 "'
llll .1110 .Ml
a- aoB,ooaoo
There are hundreds of yonng men ami young women In thii
country who have Bplendid ability, but they have never beeu
wakened up.
Wood's College of Bosioess and Shorthand
Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon
me tired of Inactivity and want to do Bomething tangible,
come to i he College,
COMMON DM.l.lsn couitg-a
BUHINBSa ootrnuB,
sin IBTHAN ii on us,; p g mQJ) j,-
90 cts.
All wool, V.x OUB HBICB,
Chenille Curtains, $3.25.
(An unusual bargain,)
Extra heavy and extra
wide, $5.
rornitore Ci
tra rjuper.yard
wide, iiMially
7."ie. anil 80e,
65 cts.
W e still have a few
patterns left of the
40c. Tapestry
Imported Tapestry, Satin
Derby, Satin Damasks,
Wool Tapestry.
Satinette Fringed, 1 1 yds.
square, $1.25.
Holland Shades, fringed,
Hartshorn Rollers, 50c.
each; usual price. 65c
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
The most complete
in the market,
Hull Co.
205 AM) 20? 1Y6I K IVE.
1 1 11111 11 11 s
Kni i'Im
I'ttiltTlilril I rofltH
Dlvldamli npniil
It pntilU
Im let Butt III
WILLIAM 4 ONNI I 1, rrraiih nt
UKO 11 (A II IN. )rr I i.a I. lrnt
ITILL1AM 11 l l i K. i MhUff
Ml 1(1 ( TORfl
uhmm.i 1 otiaalt, Otanrm 11. Catllit,
a in t il HanH, alaaiai ArcnbalOi mv
llcllii, Jr., U Mil on T smut,. 1 ntbar
TliU liiiuli nflVm n ilrpoBllma rrr
fn-1 1 1 1 nraffaitiadbi lliali aalanaaaj iat-
IHem H, I I t'Npniieilhl lit t, .
Hpttetal alivntloa alvaa an bvalnaai -aonati
lalaraal paid on Una daiiaalla
rtavln a rod lb BHOK1K0 PORQBof
Wiiii in Hiuino A B 'ii fot n pattnatianl butl
lit'.-! rI.iimI, I Kllllll ri'llllllOt S tl'llllfl. iHd
1 Mtliotmtii'iii aboaiui Tor tin Prevail Mott 1
litif RDiiCntaot I ninrinHM tnd otbaf Itupaal
1110,'iiH iii tin novaroanta of Hpraai incldantal
Or Him to InparflMi abovlng I iuu itvatu
work iit v paraotial attantl n and ith nit no
oklra uDargaaxoapt for lutiio?at&aiit i ana
IH'M, tti'., Will Ittf t U'Mlt 1 nflilllliH'IIM , ffM
utnla Ami promdosuy adTlca ivan avaay
Monday fron i . r m.
MARCH 29, 1891
font choice of three beautiful
picture!, "Telephone Girl," "De
livering ChriBtmaa iresonts"
nnd "Maidens Swinging," Bend
by mail or messenger br bring
coupons like this of three differ
ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps
or ooin, tn
Cur. l'cuii Ave. nnd Spruco St.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been."
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.