The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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mxg GlrU' Faiulonj imitate XUom i r
Adult Caahmera Huoli Warn by Soma
Girls-Short Froeki for Tiuy Culldran.
Little Qlrtg' Biding Uabtt
The woolen frooln fur girls' wssr this
Spring imitate those to be worn by their
mother both in fabric and in style.
Large girls of 18 or thereabout have
church and street dn net of fancy chine
figured wools, of glace diagonal wools of
two colors shot together, of rlue miv
tines of lUk and WOOl OI else of very
flecply puckered orvpout. These ate
mads with round waists or with circular
basque iittii.'hoil. differing only from
these of their mammas iu being hooked
np the back. Their skirts areshaped to
the hips b gores, and many will wear
double skirts.
Smaller girls of S to 19 years wear
orepon, challii or cashmere frouke, with
full straight skirt simply hemmed fall
ing half way to the shoe top. unless tho
mother prefers the shorter French skin,
just covering the knee, until the girl is
10 old. A full bolted waist, crossed
With four or five insertions or only thr e
rows outliufug u yoke, is l'.ked for high
Decked dresses that hook lit the back.
For school dresses and country wear
in the summer these girls will have serv
iceable dark navy blue dresses of flannel,
sacking or serge, made with a full waist
platted to a high round yoke and ra'.ht r
wide belt. Many rows of white wool
opinion, says a writer in Iho BRUM,
"jumping" exercises ought to ho in
formed Brat on black keys and iu octaves.
Playing IMles with both hands two or
three octaves apart is also very useful in
order to become familiar with the rela
tive distances on the keyboard,
'Hie authority quoted says every pupil
knows or ought to know the different jhj
sitions of the hand used in playing -tho
I low (on the white keys), the high (on
black), and the two oblique (the thumb
' covering a black, the fifth a white key,
and vice versa). When you have to
Changs these positions, it is useful be
cause easier to that do gradually, This is
done by sliding the BngSM toward the
keys that have to be struck.
Furthermore, in all places where olio
I hand has to jump, while the other ilnoa
not, take advantage of the first leisure
! instant to jump long before oii hava to
strike, and that as quick as lightning, to
I place your hand over the right key ready
to strike; then, and not before, the ota
I er hand that has only to "walk" moves
toits proper place. Or, in other words,
I the Jumping hand should always move
1 first A proper use of the pedal often
I allows the hand to jump in good tune
i where the value of the USt UOtSSSems
to forbid the removal of the hand.
Our next item is an easy way lolstru
the notes or to learn note reading. Take
the treble pail of some piece and write it
dew n in the bass clef or the reverse. Ik -
ginners ought to be taught both clefs at Nartiu tturkr,
Jl'llll I .1,111 ,
Mionaal ban,
I'm i irk 1 anv,
FOB YE BENDING itABOH 81, 131)1.
mi; p, a. PHI LSI tf, OobUBOTOK. D8
To umt duplicate fee rar isxi $a.wi 7.i
By ru-iii p.o,! ireunrer M7tt IB
By .'. i r ami ii t fin
BySjwroMt. roiumlMlon mi 77
By esonaratli n IT7 41
By mated lamli rataranii to oMnmli
Hi,n,'i i M af 7k
B) uaiantad i.uj relsratd i ."in-
Biweasri u si
t ml 71
To Uii In treatttr) treat el ii '.ui i $ U" m'
To ami reo bruin oolwolor ITstSi
To ant, ir rrotn ... n.. . i . for
To iviu tui bore balldlng id w
by boudi Hot IN lotT, radeanted., S SOU SB
By oouni ii i. p. uo
Byordtr radaantM B,MSN
liy tate ti . ,t iii U
Ht ruinwiaa on a .' per teat, M
By . law u hud AW
'l bottuu il IU. ol. road work
MlobaeJ Murray,
Owan Klil .'ii, " . . .
Ant snttavi , " . .
tut I'. Iphm,
CbarbM Khifford, " ..
the same tune, Starting
and counting up t.
trOU the ceutt r
the fifth hue of
treble, then starting again from the cm
tt r c ami going down to the first line of
bass. Learn to write notes first by
thirds pities or spaces). Reoits the mu
sical alphabet in this order c, e, g, b, d,
f, a, c. and back, Then come the leger
Uuee abova fifth lines Uitrsble- vu.a,
0 and e; then those below iirsl iinss in
bass- vu, e. c. a; then tho spuces b, d,
f aud d, b, g.
An early teaching and writing in the
l Iuiiiimh I'not .
luui) Simon,
Edwrd Nltllvr,
t on K tt lit liuiir,
l nko Flj mi,
j jiu bi ak,
J union I m l.r.
Mklt ii I mum n 1 1,
John a Duusnor,
i m ii Barpbsniwr,
Ji ha Murray,
Mlk tuwiikl,
Hem y Myuis.
a J lllutr,
Edward Nutty,
ii nry 'it
time positions of the seven fundamental Otto,
triads ceg, dfa, egb, fac, gbd, see aud Kttiea Burkji
bd:- u also of great help.
bin k
braid ar? parallel around the yoke, belt,
hi$h collar and on the close lower part
of s'.etvi t:;a: droop in apofl from aria
ho'.e to elbow. The full, straight s!:-:-:
has a deep hem. with rows of braid above
it. Sailor blouse suits f the cool look
ing blue flancel and th ra:h?r warm
red w;.l also be worn.
There Is to bs a re:ur:i to cashmere
frock for very s:::a". ::i ligut cvl.-r
and ta 'lark shades. For baby girls of i
to i years tiies are mad-? of pink or baby
blue cashmere, all in one piece, gathered
very fuli arousd the high neck and on
the shoulder: then shaped across in y . its
fashion by fonr iual shirred tucks
drawn tightly half way down the urn;
the spaces between tucks overlaid
w.:h baby ribbon of black velvet. A
ruche ar-ucd the aeck is of the cash
mere in drawn tuck, and the atse fin
ish a at the wrist of bishop sleeves. Flt
6irls ircra I to 6 years are other cashmere
frocks, a little short gathered anhrt
rordeii instead of belted, a finely tuck-.!
yoke trimmed with deep epaulets em
br'jiiiersd in tine dots and scalloped
edges. Tin cashmere is WTcught with
brown, r.ile green with white and red
cr navy blue with whit.
F r toes tiny girls many mother use
washable dresses altogether, making
tam of French Btriiwrrk. whit swiss
maslin, with put dots of color, dainty
curded ar. i z-pi.r .atr.s '.
very small pattern. The gingham dr
es for nursery and wear are in
itripea or check ct blue or piuk with
white. They are made with a full skirt,
with five inch hem, gathered and corded
to a waist that is gathered the other side
of the cord, but plain at the top and
trimmed with double epaulet ruffles,
one much deeper than tho other and each
bordered with insertion. These epau
lets fall in full ruffles over wide sleeves
gathered to a wnstnand. The long em
pire 3irts ire happily g ,tng ..: of fa-.v
ion. as children were apt to "Walk np
their front breadths" when going up
stairs, and tumbl;ng hurt themselves.
Rather stiffly itaiuhtd pttticoatl are
w in Kfckisan,
tvti t tltcknia i,
.M il J cUi i molt.
I l'rtt I itau.
Paii i.'.. iludsa,
' Pattl k looua,
1 Patrh k Paddou,
Prank llur,-.
t. ii Kinoy, Jr.,
kicb. Nation,
Mlcb McHala,
Kdwd McDenneU,
j P McOtyan,
Jti-i. McAnnrew,
1 J Rinney, sr.,
1 lu;l Switt.
1 butuas iuii!iy,
Jubn Q lb or, jr..
Martin IVftrey,
MIcLarl Brtnnan.
strii II Uur. itt. ir.,
Wii ii tsorritty,
.!n". M.ilia h.
I'uu lek . sliaily
A Si-, lal lloom I or s, lllg.
The wise housewife is she who would
rather dispense with a reception room
and have a sewing room than vice versa.
The sewing rooiu does not need to be
large. It must uot contain carpets or up
hoetered furniture. The floor should be
stained and varnished, so that the dally
brushing up may u easily accomplished.
There should be hooks on the wall, from
which the plecebagt nhould hang. Sev
tral shelves are necesttfy, where boxes
containing buttons, trimmings, findings,
patterns and the like should be kept. A
lapboard. an armless rocking chair, a
dress form and a big closet for nnfinished
W rk are other necessaries. Tho ma
chine siiou'.d be placed in a strong lkgbt,
aud tuere snou.a oe a long mirror in 1 ji u Muu.ev
which the hang" of a skirt mav bo -,,:it
viewed with ease. jn,.. t" r -i .
, ; Mteb. swift,
A Variety In Uread.. j Wl .
A variety in the simple wheaten loaf I Edd7ro,
of bolted flour is raisin bread. This is 1 nth. ny u tz
simple a wheat loaf to which a cup of I Thcafpaddan,
stoned rai-'ins aro added, when it is P Bare,
molded up and put in tho pan to rise the ' ;;, Man:!r'
last time. It is nice hot for supper, 'iuinas k. Muulov. r.. mm s wurk
Swedish bread is mads by rolling out ! ?',';4!lr;, SSi,?01
UgatOffM Uough to iabuut tue thick- d Blftka cvnuo'i work
ftessof half an inch, rubbing it well with : ilS,
softened cutwer. sprinkling it with sugar, j u. j. w tt. secy., go nun. work
gnting nutmeg over the whole and add- rv "lary-'
" . . , , , ,, , , P.J. M .rke. Biirif.-H ,
ing about a cupful of well cleaned cur- Hark Price, ttaai w. rk
rants to a large loaf. Roll up the sheet ' j l'T' u"u' ' ''
dough after sprinkling these ingredients I jmOoUniVn!!;!!.'.'!'.!!!!!"!!!i!!i.'."
ores It. Let it ri;o for half an hour in a i Olliullan
II V... 1 1,.1. .... I JOUM a d lek
wen uauci-m pan, . . . ... a luue sou-
ened butter on the outside of the loaf.
Bake it in a quick oven for about half an
VI J. McHaki .
loon UcUalt, poUcedaty
Jeriimli UuhlKir. police duty.
jime Lruoro. p iiici i ui y.
hotff. serve it hot for tea. It is hardly j iti.-baj-l i ...tuu, policaduty
nscsisary to draw attention to the ex
cellent appl'! knehen of the Germans,
which is really a kind of rake, or the de
lightful hot apple bread of Baltimore,
which is made with a layer of apple
auco between layers of dough,
1Mb M.ilr In t'a.Iilon.
Black moire promises to be in high fa
vor this spring and comes in many new
and rich design, A black moire skirt
made perfectly plain is one of the most
useful things imaginable, nnd an old
jacket with sleev..-s and bretelleo? moire
antique may oo made to look very smart JaniM I iy.. ery narrow white guipure or
bhvfk jet Of a combination of tho two
are :, trimmings jusl now iu tho height
of fashion.
A i nlqna Sofa atblon.
A cushion like one illustrated in The
Modern Priscills, and dscidsdly oriental
in effect, may be mads of soma bits of
g brown furniture pluih pieced
With ecru satin heavy Turkish satin
both being rat into triangles. In the
I J Mtwootnb. uolieeduty
Patriok nrt. poile duty..
rbonaa r Mnnley, pol.coduty
stew Batrttt, Jr., puilo duty
i'.icliaid KMiy. pollcadttty
W jlllain Doaghar, polieo duty
Ml hael Ijuiiii. prp, ballot
l' A. I'hiib.n. prep, in hot
i W. V WelU, prep l-ailutK
I i i-. F. Wall, dabTetinii tin lot
i'. J. Barrett, prep mid del. ballots
H. (.'. Liiidermun, audit. ir bulnen ut
ran ..n
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H. C. Liadarmas, andlttng eceonnt.
v in Iiie, int. ..n ton. la.
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fcilJl.MI ilAlili I 'd: I.IIILi; OflK..
worn under little girls' short Fftttoh
fris ks to give them the d' -ured expan
SlOB, The foregoing practical informa
tion is fr'.m Harper s MIST,
A fashion writer in a foreign exchange
glees an illustrated description of a
echool frOCk and Spring ' out that will
oommsad thsmseWsi to many nwthers.
The frock h;nK loosely from ii yoke,
tucked and ti-atluT Stitched in silk, and
outltn'-d Wi'ii two gathered p'lftitiga.and
adorned OTSt the shoulders with fr;i!"l
spanlsts. also feather stitched in silk,
and this you may get midmost anycolor.
The capital coat is made of a brown hop
Back, with n collar- and u very well cut
collar it istrimmed with three rows of
brown satin ribbon, eUVctively grossed
lit the corners.
A common ssnss riding habit for lit-
Us girls 11 mads With a Norfolk jacket
ami can bo produced in mi lion, wrgu
and cheviot. It is admirably cut and
combines lufety with SgOod BppMfimW,
n, . . ... 11 ,...1 ... .. ..1.11.1
UUf JotKoy cap is wen hiiii-u iu a ciiiiu.
t:-.. in. Suih-.-hmIiiI l',-rf.inn,iri.
t. is uiuuKiiii Low Rome tool at tnu
..l.A...t .,..,1.11 ...I u ll.n v..utjinliva
v. , null.- in i u. lie ill iiiiil ..nil iu
i i ,i A.l
limp instances wiiiioui looanlg, aim.
another thing, successful Jumping US
jielids mi the steady position of the hand.
It is the arm that dues the "jumping,''
nut tho hand. Tho angle between tho
hand and the urtn must nut be changed
during the operation. A slightly out
ward position is of advantage. Iu my
AN OfliK.Vf.W, . I ItJtOX,
original model over this were Sppliqusd
stars of dull blue silk, and nil the wains
were COUChed with JaptUSSSgold throtd,
Tho r.uihion whs edged with a mills of
the oi l blue silk, the bsil part of an old
dress flounce.
Ctteeee mmtM,
When you an- making your pastry,
take the bits that may bo left and roll as
thin as writing paper ; iprsad with grated
cheese, fold and roil again, Rspsstt this
three tiittOH; then rut in trips im wide
nun ai long us your linger. UrttSB with
beaten egg imd baks in a quick oven.
Watch carefully, as they bum quickly
and require to hi. only delicately brown.
In tli" dim and dJatafit lutur-.
Win, iu lectin ebb and tide,
liny no ahivJ.iw of nirtli'a ilnrliiiesa
Mark iu precMee by thy kido
liny boow ties, once tadly brokea,
I. Ink liy link Iri nu.1,
Tin Hi chalfl liy l..vj i'...iin..iitud
lii.i'ls tii i iir.-annl uilh tlin Ktst.
Key tiiy cblldrarj learn to bleei thee
May thsy isard thee sttb u iuv
Tiiui in.' angeti pure ond i.'.iy
Only know und fiei above.
i - down Bate'! ebmiKiiiff rlref,
Alay iu baaki u i dower Uaed,
CSouokteMkieeand birds and .ji
Aud ciiitiit rwsshltit lalsrttrtoed.
May Lky b.irl. In' doubly frnifbtad
Willi u wealth ut joy and love;
All thou lor Mi nulling wiili then,
.-.d thy pelt bo hyui uu ubvvg.
40 uu
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f. f, rnelaan
.Jkiiin Af. hat.. n. sm vaying jb.
Inn a 1 1 It.. iirko tr'ja'UHT l.ii'lii'Ma at
i oi an ton 12 go
lypnant Qnanttei printlas U se
SS ranton Tribune. " aiun
Scram on Trntb " rn a'j
Pi opal broa, lumiier ii, w
ii .
f J II IWyIh. WPpliM
Ai.;tibi.i Water iMatpaay. auppiia
. i, beP,
1 homas Mol 1 ,
liy Krvi.a.
t. J Hflolte, I
Aim. J. 'JpmtiMal
II. M Hannah, pruftattenal aereicee
r. II li.,i.s
I.'. I . , dllLilit ;
t If) Iirinolt
i l ai hi M. Don. II "
I hiilii ll.ihla. " "
ill baek, " "
a ii Danauifi 1 .
Wiiuid WuriMii k'niii p .iof. ki-i
A. V. II. i ).ik. Haan
Mrs. I.ifidu, rent i
A av l. li. i. mil .lj mid i i It u i ant
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Patflrk Mottonali u.uii.. i m
M Not ton, anppUM I u
JaUM a II White. -I vlca 4 OJ
II ,1 liMHiiiiian, mli vie 1:1 IU
ni ' ',wiiy. danaaee ... ttOi
jno J. hm y. incrlR i it
p, y. Hunley, judge ofaleei ten i uu
.1 j K'H rotf. makini dnpik late 16 Ou
M.ii Vat.r U0l CO I.IMIS
Total amt. of orilara ri'd.-i in. .1. fS. siv iu
pondd InSebtednaM f i wi oi
Inttraat ..iioinatndluv boadi to Aunl
I no i u
'iiilH.a duiKoidnrs . 4.7 Ii
I i pnid l.llln of hull Vu.or Idgllt com
I any Mil 'il
Total ft,400 SS
Anlonnl due to m ir.-aurr '.M Ou
Antettttiaui rroii rTinnnloilotier ee per
int repot t WSJ
Anenntretai Ibycolieatof ltd oi
An.' .nut dii4 from x COlleulOf J J
Itarratt 47 82
Vninatioti ol borough property i
furnltsre hSnp m
UsMllilee in eaeiee of reonsi eeo s.iw tt
t,sus t
Llabllltlei in oxi'ons of roeottreso - lit,)- t.i
I. ilia for work doiei In vnr i.ndliig
llarofa ii. isoa not retorbed to Air n win. ii iniikinii laat report and Ip
ploved l.y I ..mi. II of letM and lnV4
citolndi'd abovi'i vuu tifi
Wu, tha undiTrlv ail Audit.. i of Ari iilmld
Boroneh, praanut tin- aboia'ai.'in..iit ua trim
nd cetrect to beet of out kunwii.dgi and bv
r F O'BuRO, SAttdliort,
i hum. r w I,I,H, )
Everv Woma.
Somoiinus neetle a reli
able monthly regiil-m ,
IN pmoipt, aufo und reitalfl in romlt. Tho gn i
'.'iir. renl'ai norer ilianppolnt. Bpntanyirii..
'"i- PeOlhttdkSni'lVi lund O.
Bold by JOHN II. PBBLPS Pharmaoli',
cornnr V fOBlBI avenue and bnruce atrast
boiuutuu, iJa.
QX retiring from its great educational enterprise. THE TRIBUNE bows its con
ratulations to its readers for the broad intelligence shown by their hearty co
operation in this gigantic intellectual crusade. We extend our thanks to the thous
ands of friends and readers who, by their prompt and concerted action, have made
this splendid success possible.
We have sustained the enormous expense and performed the vast labor neces
sary in order to bring within reach what we consider to be the best Reference Li
brary in print, and the universal praise and congratulations which have poured in
upon us, from rich and poor alike, more than repays our everv effort.
Judging by the crowds that are thronging in The Tribune Encyclopedia De
partment, all day and until late in the night, it is evident the people realize that a
great opportunity is fast slipping away, and in a few short hours will be forever gone.
Saturday tine Last Day
In order to accommodate every friend possible we will keep the Encyclopedia
Rooms open up to the last minute. At the hour of midnight Saturday the offer
closes. No more orden will k accepted after 12 o'clock Saturday night,
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Omr Final Proposition
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uimiiiiiiiiuijiuiHMiiiHieaiHHtioBiaigiiiiiiiiiikiiiiHiaiBiiiiiiiiuiBaaiMiiiu , iiiiiifiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiHii4iiiiiiHBiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiitiieiiiHiMiBBBiiiaiifiiiB
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