iHE SCR ANTON TI? El? UN E YlTTrR S D AT MORNING. MARCTT 20. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS The scimnton Timnrafa Pittston de partment is iu charge of .1. M. Kahy, to whom mows itema and complaints may be referred. DIED FROM MORPHINE Th. Coroner' Jury So Dcid In th Cast of Frank McDonndl. The inquisition governing tliees. of Frank McDountdl, who died one week ago today at the Monroe Gold euro, took place in the Eagle hotel parlor Testrilay afternoon. Deputy OotODW John K. Perkins was present nnd con ducted the inquest. Dr. De Von, who was called to attend the dead nun, was worn and testified to having round lIoDonnotl rafforing with nervous prostration and alcoholism Hit con dition showed unmuUkabU llgOl of collapse. He administered the Qeees ary remedies prescribed in inch cases, iu ths hop of reviving lit iu. but to no avail. When Hsked by CoronU lr km in W indirect maimer if McDon nell had, in his judgment) received tho proper medical treatment, ho answered ha ha.i not Or. E. K. Trozall, who tuvd the antopay, was sw.ru and said the ex amination of tne heart, liver and kidueys OUud them iu a healthy oondl lion, Tba Indications ehowed plainly that the dead nan died from an ovet doaa of morphine When aski.t what amount of the 3mg would produce destu to a inbjeet unaooustomed to us use he said one grain, !r Roan, the pnyeiolan employed at the institute, was next sworn When asked whether he was qualified prac ticiug phyaioian or not he answered by pro IttCing a certificate .r.iutd by a oollege ia Vermont, He further stated that for ths want of funds he was M able to hsve his uame reistrred at W:.kes-Brre, as the law require, iu relating what happened the day McDonnell died he told how the dead man cam to the institute early iu the dav and applied for tre.it Mat lis was ajc;-tet aud about 3 o'clock he administered oae-foartu of a gram of morphine but it appear jd uot to produce the desired results. After listening to some additional evidence I': ; :rv weu: :u:.- secre: see ton. Tu.v rendered verdict to the effect that Fraas McDonnell died from an over dose of morphine at the Monro tioM Cure institute. e PITTSTON CONOENSiT.ONS Th Niw. tf Twj Cttlea Told ia Brief Paragraph Miae Ann L.ir. of : i VTeat Side, i visiting he: sister. Mr. T. Watims, in Bcrentoo. Frank Coward, of Binghamton. ia visiting lis pnranta on the West ?ile Charles itevsis has gone to Perth Amboy, N J., where be will reeid permanently. Mrs J. N Terw.lhger is visiting fnsnd in Qibson. Miss Fred Harris, of scrtntoo, is v::::s$ friend here. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore strong, of Boaqnahnnna avenue, are a: Atlantic City. Mrs. E M Mulligan and daughter. E.eaaor, of Wi;ts-EU:re. were gu:s cf ner father, M. W. Morris, of Will iam s'irt, yesterday John Ke'. has broken ground for to erct a doable frame dwelling on his lot cn Broad street. Mrs. Dr. Eutthins is visiting friend in Brooklyn. Mr. Myer S:.er has returned from a visit with aer pare-ta ia New York dt W. L. McD;asU left yeeterdav for New fork, Trinity guild will meet this after noon at the aome of Mrs. H. B Stark, of Montgomery and Spring streets, V7eat Side. PLIIMPANDTHIN PEOPLE Iris not what its prosnetor say, bn. wnat Hood's Sarsapanl.a dos, that tells the story of it merit. Hood'. Saraapur nia curve. e TAVLOR TOPICS REHE1RSE0. Brief Sew fetttaaja from the N.w B'-.rongh Corrwipondent .Sb-:ai ' A .Sb-iao Trih'itv. Taylor, Pa., March 28, Henry Lntnoldt is homi frim Chicago where he is attenling college J B WinsloT was in Great Bend for a few days ton ,; Annie Ci. of Kingatos, has re turned horn") after a few days visit with Liliie J met Tr.e publisher of the 1 aylor Herald have dissolve I pirtaership, Mr. Owen retiring Mr Moran will continue the boat nan This afternoon a young man, Christy iJoyle, of ftodham, was instantly killed in the Sibley mine by firing a Knot. He was a rnemW of S:. Josth' society, I. C B. L' , No. KM, who will meet Ihnriday night to arrange for at tending the funeral. The Taylor correspondent of the Ftv pnbiican ys today in his column tnat the borough question is not yet decid ed. We had onr Information from re liable partie, and we can further say nod repeat Taylor is a borough. W first announced the new post mater ;ind w r first in the flld with the news. The Republican it away off, a nsaal, in laying w ari no borough, Head and nbscribe for The TaiSUKS only 45 cnts par month. " e MOOSIC MUSINGS. All th Nsw of heeu'lfil Town Grer.fully P.p-,r'1 fitrrtal tit M Srrrtnton Tritium. HOOma Pa., March H -Tfta Loyal T"inpernce Legion met Tneeday nven iug in the basement of the 1'reabyte rian chureh on Main street. The elec tion of officer took place. Thoee elected to 111. office were a follows Preeident, Miss Bessie Hinds; vice presiilonta, Peter Weir and Miss Mattie Hinds; secretary, Sam iio.nn, trea nrer, Hunry Kirk; organist, Miss Blanche Tregallii; librarian, Mil Mamie Hind The legion meets every Tnes'lay evening at 7 .31 in the Chris tian Endeavor room in the Presbyte rian church on Main street. Every body is cordially invited to come. Mrs. E. S. Torr.of Avoca, ban opened a milinery store In the place occupied by Miss Kate E. Qilliok, next to the poakofflce. Robert Alexander and family, of South Main street, moved Thursday to Bennton. Mrs. John Mott and Hons, Lonard and Fred, and-MIss Gertie Hamlin, of Penn itvenu, aro visiting at the home of Mr. Mott's Darents at Lako Ariel. e m Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms ar cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are dobilitatod and run down, or if you need a tonio to regain flesh and lost nppetlte, strength and vigor, tak P. P. P., uud you will strong and hualtby, For shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Rftot and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all Iruggisl. Do You Know What It is That Makes the Difference ? CAREFULLY DESCRIBED. No Matter to Which Class You May Belong You Need to Know What Follows. What makes some people plump nnd fleshy and others thin and bony? I the hnman ho ly run and ahaped in an invisible mould'.' And what strung elTecis thla difference produces Beauty alwar demands curves -it uover al lows angle. A woumu may be thin and graceful but not thin and beauti ful. With men the qrJoattOQ of II -ah, artistically (peaking, is of less import slice; yt't it msv bo of great ccnaa nuance In other respects. Too much fat is a burden too little is also a iorl Dot disadvantage, How can wo strike the golden mean if, indeed, we can strike it at all. With the Turks fat is the standard of beauty, and with all nation a reasonable amount of it is the measure of health in animals and in men. (tut the tendency svems to be tbe wrong way just now. There is a vsst DOntber Of gaunt, pale, thin, peo ple . people msuifestly miller the pro per sue and weight. Many of tin 111 are actually emaciate I yet not mark edly suite ring from rOOOgniiabl di leaaa Moot of them oat heartily ome of them voraciously. Still thev remain thin lometime repulsively so. Commonly they are also very tOUOhy and sensitiv. Thev have nor vei; they are full of nerves. They catch OOld very easily, they are upset by tntl s. they lck force aud courage While not necessarily ill at any par ticular time they are the ready victim of disease, and fall in multitu les be fore any epidemic, They provide 000' inmptioo with most of its subjects. Now, if t tie y eat why don't ttiey grow deehy : Why do thev continue pale, thin aud feeble: Itecauss they do not digest aud assimilate their food In deed their meal more oftsu work narm thau good. The torpid aud dis ordered stomach cannot do the work Imposed on it. The oontenM ferment aud putrefy au 1 scatter DOeiOOOU acid all through the body, eettiug up gout, rheumatism, broncQtti. eetisumption and profound nervous maladies Tue system grows feverish. Often there is Bauea and vomiting, a sour fluid rises iato the throat . tasre is distress aftr rating, deaduess au 1 distention, of the adomen, giddiness, bad breath, hot rlnsnes followed by creeping chlils.yel iow eyes and skin . laugcnir and wean -nesa uot relieved by ret . aching of the bask and limb great hunger alternat ing with a loatmug of food; anxiety aa 1 mental depression; shortness of breath. and variable uervous atfectioas. Nature needs hslp. So much is plain But how can we help her We must do her work for her for a time, W mast supply the body with some per fect food which will not require any digestive labor on the pirc of the sumach. Csn we do that : Until recently this auxdiary was sought among oi.s and other fatty pro ducts, especially cod liver oil. But these things failed for the reason that they are mcipable of forming and solid tissUA, The false li 'sh they pro duce m-hs away m'Te quickly than It comes. It give no strength no warmth. Millioa of thin, pale, anaemic, eon- amptive persons remember the de lusiv hopes of recovery they were led to isdulge by tbe advertisement of these fat-anl-oil compounds or emul sion, and bow their air castles f ade 1 into gray disappointments. No, tne fats and oils won't do. Ex-p-nence proves thit. Tae only reli able remdy is not a drug bat a food, prepared from certain fruit rich in starch. ani pre-iigested to a to require for the present no digestive action, a food capable of being once absorbed into the body without put'ing a (train on the enfeebled digeotive organs. Tni( is wonderfnllv done by the niw prparation called Paskols, which is made on the correct scientific theory. Wben eater-for it i a food, not a drng) It immediatelv bome a flesh-building, llfe-ziving element in the blood An Increase of vitality, vigor and w-ight i felt at once, and the syuiD oms of tne previous depressed, devita ,.7." state pass away Y-t Paakola, while a trne foo l. need to be nsd for- a short time only. It givs nature power to put herelf to rigbtl and then it work is done. The point is that it toon enabl the stomach to digest any foo I, even strong meat Then the patient may follow bis appetite and consult hi palate alone. L'ndr the nourishing power of pat kola th hectic flush soon leaves th eonsomptive' chk, th skin assume th bn of health, the night sweats BeSM, the cough die away, and th emaciation i lost under a coating of solid, warm and normal flesh. i'hysioun already rep ,rt brilliant remit produced by Paakola in the :li geotive torpor ohsracteristts of all fflj rile diseases, odsmptoy It In t? p .,; of stimulants the old treatment. The patient stomach at once absorhs Pal kola, which kp up hi strtngtb un til the disease Is vanquished, it us fulness in this direction is In- ,-. I esti mate. Of lute years pal, thin psople, of both sxs, have come to an incroa ing majority. Voting person grow tall and (Under, without breadth, or (tamina.and perish as fas', n th grow The tatistic( of the throat and lung llOipitall tell the story of their fete They aro born with brains and nerve, but without the most important r rarigomeut of ll a competent diges live system. The doctor keep tbnm going an atlmalant for a while and than they din. It is all uch s th ti.nt Paakola i destined to save. They don't ned modicines, nor travel, nor change of scene They need food and the power to diges', and appropriate it to the body's constant need. That powr I'ii "kola give. Why should multitude of men and women either din young or be invalids all their daynV Once the reason wan there was no means to prevent. Now there i. And this new and rational rond to health will raward all who let foot upon it. A pnmphlet giving full particulars rsspeotlngPaskola will be nnt on spoil, cation to the Pre Digested Food Co. MO Reade St. N. Y. City. Wlii'n Daliy was Rlclc, we caro hT f'astorta. When sh'i wus a Child, nlie cried fur Custorla, When she bernnm Mls, she cluug t., I'usUirla, Vt buu slit- bud Children, she gave Iht-iu Custoila, CULLED AT CARBON DALE. Th Flonr City Slarht a Thev Appar to Our Correspondent. fjiriiti to thr .Scriiefen Tribunt. Cariionualk, Pa.. March Ths alnrm of fire was sounded this after noon about I o'clock caused by a alight blaze iu the house of H li. Whitney , on Darte avenue. Mr. Howell, of Ssranton Photo Sup ply company was among the visitors in this city today. Oeorge Bankins, of Middletuwu, was in this place thi morning, This evening a very Interesting en tertainment was held in the lootUM room of the Mel list ohuich under the ausploes ol the Ladies' Aid society. Among thus who participated in the programme wore Qeorgo L, Dart, of KingStOU, who rendered the loading of "Tbe Chariot Etsee" from "Ben Bur," unit Miss Charlotte Armstrong, ' o( Pittston, an aOOOmplishsd violinist A large party assembled in Keystone hall this evening, the OOOSSion being the Obarlty ball for th benefit ol Car bciidalo hospital MlUlG WSH furnished iv Hssslsrs full oreksstra of sixteen pieces "hll evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Barry L, Morgan, of drove street, occurred the marriage ol their ion, John, to Mic Llssls Roberts, Ths ceremony took place at 8 80 o'clock snd wa performed ty tii ltv. a Jones, pattor of CoiiKregatioiuil church, and was witnessed by only the inline diate friend of the contracting par ties. Charles Buddy.a trainman employed on Oondnotor Luke o irman's train on the Ontario aud Western railroad, und a resident of BslmODt street, this Oity, had ins left hand crushed yesterday while making a coupling at I ilvphaut William MoMyne, d IN Dnndaff street, who retired in apimrent sound health last evening at IU n'clock, was found deid in bed by hie sou John at 8 80 o'clock this morning, Deoeased was nearly till voais of age, and was a native of Scotland. The surviving members of the fauiilv are Mrs. Aug ust F ley. John 11 . Adam and James Mc.Myue and Miss Annie McMvue. Funeral will be held at the residence Friday afternoon at 9 JO o'clock. In terment will be mad in Maplewood cemetery. The Assembly Social club lmvo is sued cards of invitation for a social to be held on Friday evening of this week. - NICHOLSON HUC-GETS. Bright News N.itne tr 'in the Former Caramel Makink- DlstrlOt. Si-ecm to th Scroaioa l'ntun. KlCHOLSOM, 1'., March 28, -Mr. Mc Cinney spent Fister with nis family at Brooklyn. An Bpworth League social whs held at the residence of E. V Johnson, on Wednesday evening, tfaaroh 88 Ueorge Harding left for Washiugtou, D, C. . Tuesday morning last. Miss Bessie Wheeler is visiting her parents in town. I. T. Whitbeck is moving in Dr. H. X Klley's house, on Pino street. fA jolly time washad at the Jolly Four social, held at the Opera house, Monday night last. NOW OR NEVER. The Unparalleled Propoeitlon Rapidly Diawica to a Close -Only Three Days More. The announcement from day to day that The 'I riuu.m-j's Encyclopedia offer is rapidly drawing to a doc is bring ing cores of pjopl to the office daily Bat four days more remain in which to secure the work. We desire to keep this notice conspicuously before ths pnblic. that no one of our readers may overlook it, for the present proposition at so low a price and upon terms so easy is final, and when these four days have expirnl not another, order can be tilled. For the benefit of professional and clsrieal men and all those closely confined to bnsiness during tne iiay we will keep the office opn even ing during them last four days. By mailing the first payment, 4 60, your order will reciivo the same at tention as if you called in person . As has been observed -such nn op portunity to own a liora-y has never been your au 1 donbtless 0SVSI will again. Four dollars and fifty ents down and 9 per month thereafter are the terms. Address The Tribune E. B Department, 187 Sprace street, - -- . Nw York Hin'i Safely R p ibUean. A correspondent of thn New York Sun, Writing otnn political prognostication from Albany, ssys that on the basis of tin, late town and municipal i.ction the Republican will carry the November election by a majority of 100,090, - - -- Not a Soed Sewer. A." Vnrk World (. tn It wonld he fortunate for the country if th" In I tod Stares nwnnte could bn relieved of certain material ; hot it. Isootagood policy to use the supremo COWl btnob. for drainage P0f P0SSS, s Trying to Find ih- Unkn-wn Uinntllv, Ihintktiiu ftan'trint I fir. in It is said that there sr sugar senators andnilver Henkforj in.l ,h .........r. and thSTS ' Wall slro-t and rainbow snators. What iia became of the n fashioned I i.oiio. i ni -Loet: The Oriulnnl f.ly.lil Man. it caaacfo '..,. Tim administration is only one year old; but thn individual who uid to hont of fighting ' with Wl iltna al n.i, ..... I..1U droppM completely out of sight. - tot saraohs, lootbaobe, sore throat. (wOnid iipck, and the restilteof Coldssnd Inttainmslloii, use lir. TIiomihs' Klnelrln Oil the great pain destroyer. i in TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORG) AMI BSD ihw CAPIIAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. iAMtT.1. BlNEBJPresldeBi W.W WATHON, Vice PrwidSBli A II WILLIAM.-). Osshisr, Mm i lone RAMiiBt, Hints, Iiiviau A. Finch. .IiiuKIMI .1 .l.iiuva C'uah, P, MAi-riir.ws. .IAMKS M LvrilllAIIT, I'lKIIc K II. FINI.aV, M M 1,1 Ml I i 1 1 JpUM T. rOHTSa W. W. WATHON. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invite tho patronage uf huHlnoM men snd Hruie gvm-rully. SURDAMS Auction! Auction! AT 'Bargain Stores 133 Penn Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 yY CHAN( E to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. Sio-ii Wed Flaga DRY ITCHINC SCALES THAT CRACKED AND POPPED OPEN. LoroUIT, Htkiiiii n Co., N. Y., April 11, IW. Fosraii, lltunnm ft Co,, Buffalo, N Y. (it.s i i kmi-.n Win ii almiit tun or twelve years oiil I ajas troubled with cracks across tbe palm of m led hand, snd uon tin y uealed tin- trouble broke out on my bead, end every winter it would come out us a son of letter awl make icsJei all ovi r my bead, 1 bare not beta free from It a sLivlo rinler since, but it wnn worse lu--t winter ufter I iikil the grippe, lor then li same out In ipots all orc-r my body, 1 bad doctor eiamlLa me, unl told me Unit thru- whs in, , ore for me I ,. wam i fTone. Hi ali-s would form over tint or.-s and then dry out until they would orack and nop open, showing a waters matter, My hkiu was all like u dry wrapper, ft fell as though it bed dried" on me. The scales were so bad that they would collect in the bed and bare to be shaken out, It was about this time Unit commenced using n B. b. 1 was so bad that I wus ashamed to tak: my bat otr before u m Ighbor, I bad um:l Ave bottles of another medicine without noticing any effect) but when I commenced to take B B B. (be sores csme out thicker limn before, and they burned liku llr; Ibey wen: lniincns hlo!-h-s of lire that would burnso could not sleep, The wuy tin-y burned and Itched an not be mid, and I hopo no ono else may ever know from exporience, The only reliel I could get was from Washing tin: norci. with some B. B. B. . I stuck to tbe medicine and was on tbe fourth bottle before I could see' that 1 wan miliy better, although i knew that it was better to get such rottenness out of my blood than to have it itay there, I did say once that wished I had never QOmmeiiird taking 0. B. B.. hut my wife (ucounued me, nnd today 1 thank bet for the advice, for 1 am In good health now, and 1 don't believe 1 ever would have been with my blood in mku u eoudition us it was. ,m.. iiy scalp now la clean ami clear of ul! wales and tetter, and on my IkxIt there nrn only small spots to show where the sores were, and these spots ure free from stales. 1 do not doubt bul that the cure will be perfect, I mn now on the sixth lmttln hnd will take mote until every spot is pone I tirtiily believe that Bunlock BlooJ Bittirt will CUTS tbe worst disorders of the blood for such cvriuiuly was. mine. Sifoed, .US MANHOOD RESTORED! 'NERVE8EED8. This wouDerliil rem nuts' in mrw all guar- (tao, Kich Wenk Memory, a ri of Hmln rower. Hni iaci.t. Wnkvluitn'-t. LO0lJUnbOOd,NVatly Kiutlilunw. N.erTitfia,lMni:i.iiricl ljt i-f power 0( I'.ii-ratlveurf RMitnf t'ttlif r mi auod it OTtrvItttton youthful errors. cm eilvc uio of thacct. uuluiti or itlruulanu. whicbl'ul to Irflrailty, Cod iBnmptlOn or tnMDltr Cmi to rrried In vct po i..-t, Ul pr bnx. 6 for , by liiiill prt'tmbi With n fift ortlor wo give n w rtttwM guuriintif to eure a ..... .1 th. HAn..v i 'I re-ii lei r f run MiA t,w all rlriidOlaf a A an f nr 1 1 mas EFORANDAFTLRUSIMG noothei A I irw NKRVC BBEBCO., Masonic fou.pio. Cuicaoo. ill. Pur Sale Ln 8oranton Fa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drqgffiit, cr WashingtoL RESTORED MANHOOD OR. MOTT'S I l.Ul.l"! PILLS The i-rent ri rredr for nervnn prn.trstlfiii iiml :!nerTonriiM-airs uf tilt' L-.-IMTUIIV,. i.rtiniiR ,it ,.Ih.r .M ai-h n. i.rv.ui. l-r. ..tm 1 1. n l-nll. ni Inn or L4.lt MiinlnnMl. Imttfitt.ftfv Nloht: v Vn.la.l.ina V..,.t hfnl cVtv.-. Syj Mi-ntol Wimi.itreael me.. TVI'M-cc. or (ipirnn .whirl) leert toC.m' SW eumpuon arid lnasmtr. With every aaurdtrwefiiroa wniirnsuap. BRKORB AUD AVTilK UtUSO. sntej Uicur o' tile roonei Si t ,,, hi m perb i.SMfj .. Uil.MO'lT'Nl'lls:aiK'Al.lW..C,cvi-laud,UbJa. loranla iy:. M. II - It 1. 1 -. Draggist, 1S1 Heaa Aim.ii.. Et Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Wsniifsrturers of Dm (VlebrstpJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 1()0,(XX) Bbl, Por Annum. B RICK Enjnrn r tmi Mi-mis. r Mr DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. iioi.i ( w, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in tin' market Brandt ClafPioducICo, OFFICE Blnghamton, X V FACTOR'S Brandt, r. p Hnur Ynu rti-n rrt t aclt I mm l .M Mnhn HEDCHE"KS IMIAI KM will nirr , A nitmli'rftil Imon i, niif1rtrn nmClde Wr Tlin.nl, I nflHi'ii ii, HriittchlMf, rlH H VHI Jlforil li, if rfJIrf. An pflirlimt I " " ' 1 I I ' I. 'I I 11 to i' on Ihal h - , , , ., , . I I I an .,. B a .... .. -. . . ... . mw m rw miuirni lire. . 'i 'Miiaintfin'r iiimiu't m"hii.. i l'rl, Mru. I rfftl frr-n inin tmi. IffllMtin nil. R0MU. n.lumni,K,ifr,nwlUfm,lli,.,lI I i nilnil TV SI . TJT BI MENTHOL V n,u wwty for In pOflkwt. rou'lf 1 ronllMNflifl I'm Ithoiim.i.iil : I ah ,i. . IP........ Utti .ys -iin, in ii ,tii "" II, ,M1a. ( ma M n..rf ni nun "l im, in soii'ri, is mi mm. i tun nnwrin pTrorrlleMs Price "i.. . t M D A I U rid-ii ii ntiiitiv unLin la..i t.y I .r. r,,. Fur nnh bf MfttthtWI Mi thtwi BrowsjMoriwti Broi ind nnn:ii niiok CO., loo'p, nptfi.9i.oo.nno. BBiT 01.50 1HOB IN Til: WOULD. "I dollar tttnit In d rfoZflf iWIWd?" ThIiLaMllva'tolltl Pmnoli Dongoli km itut ion Hoot iirihch ii frM nnywnori In Ui I Hon ItOillH 0f( 'noli. Mi'iw'y OfWf or 1'itnlAl tfoti for $I.M. I i ' rvnry wny thi DOOtl I In nil i. t.nl itotM fur t " Wo IMAfl thin boot oiirnelvon, tlictcfoni wh (utir iiufrf UM iU. tyle imt vmr. M tf liny oho In i. nntlnttoil ti win Kiiiini tiio inmii') ur Mind lOOihtl ptlr. kpol I i or n n Hciinr, lllhi e, i, k, .t KB. nUcn 1 to I nnd liulf Strut your Ut; trill It unit. luitrnt.'tl DHaV lotfUH FREE FEDERAL ST., IIIIS I ON MASS. Special frmn to l4aUr$, mil - 11 'VaVaVafl ''V'mp 143 Dexter Shoe Co., Refining Co. llaBulaetarers ib4 fleslere In Illuiuiuatin and Lubricating OILS LllUeed Oil, Nnptlms nnd (i,i linos of nil (irinin Utle Orease, Pinion (irrnso imJ Colliorv t'oin pound ul . lurtfo lino ol 1'ar miliiio Vn. Candles. We nlo handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only family sttfoty hnrnlng oil In the market WILLIAM MASON, Mnnsger. Wyoiuhi Ave. OflW- I'osl Kvi hsiiK. Work ul 1'lnu llrooit WEAK-MAN :URE YOURSELF IN FIFTEEN OAY3. i etll .end i'rkk to any man tin. ri'xi'i'lthm ol ii new um I !- 1 reined j to enlarae small. ik orians, snd sure our. tor nil aeaauesi in M.iinir or old ii. I'uros eases i i. liinli.i.t.i. KmUalmis nnil VnrlriM-ilr In isdayej illsesee never retame. Co i respond 'lien private. All letter sent In pleln seulnl invelopo, AddreM, T. '. BARfBV, Leek Bux .km , Nrvt i ul, i, Maiiliall, Mich. ANNUAL CLEARIN SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thoutnda Bemnanto of Dry Gooda, Cloaks and Fur tapes during Hte at less than cost of malt-rial. Every inch of counter room covered with tbe greatest bargains ever BhOWQ. Lsili.' Felt IfiitH, this isnson's styles. ... fl fi1(.h SSWinter w"ut' :::::::::::::::: o: H08UEBT, UNDBEWBAR AND NOTION'S AT QUARTER OF VALUE COMB, IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 4 a ,' ft mm Jk'-W.eutvH .r: The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oot 81- Fh first official annoncoement of Worlds Fair di- ploiuus ou Hour ban made A Dedal ha l v.ard3 by ths W orld's Fair judges to the flour inatiU fattured by the Washbnrn, Crosby (Jo, in the jreat WashbOTB Flour Mills, Mihtjeapoli. The cou.iaittee rep'.rta the flour strong and pur, sud entitles it to rani as first-olii.s patent flour tut Ikinily and lasers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL D lltil.hv li AOKKTS SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL I be above .r.ndu of flour can be had at any of the following inercba:.u, vrho will sccept Thi TaiBONl fljck cofFo.N o!- 20 oa each one haadrei pcaads of flour or jO on each barrel of flour. fcrnrjtcr.-F. r Pr-, WwLirjKtoa .T'-lu'- OoMMe't Briml iJniiuj.iri F P Price. Cto',.j JSeJU Eracd IiuuDiijre-F D Maeley .uritive fcris.; Hyde Park -Cantor, & Dart, Waebbnr:. St. (lold Mcdt! Brmid: J sej.h A Mcar M.:. avenue, superlative Brand, (iri-en Ridge- A Uspencer.lifild Modal Bra:.i T. T.McBale. Sup-r;t.ve PruTid-nce Fei.rjer & ObappelLX' Ma n avt- nne. Kupi-rlative hrandx' J (Jiliepi. W Market ttreet. Gold M Jii Braod CUyuhaot-Jamei .Tc.rdan. Bepsrlativ BraLi Pei avlDe-Shaffer a K-is-r SuperUtiv- JermvB C, U wiaters-aOo bupera.ative Arcbbald Jones, d tnpsm is Go . 0 .Id Med.) Carbondale B. S Clrt Gold Medal Brand. Honoedal-I N. Foeter & Co (JoiJ liii Minooka M H. I.nrelle. Taylor Judge ft Co., 0old Medal: Athertoa 4 Co., -TJerlativ. Liurjea-Lawrence Store Co.. Goid Medal Xooic John MefV.Ld.t - : M-ua. nttei M T O'Borle. O-.i: Me4i Clark e Gru-t-Fraci- ft Purker ?uperlat:ve. Clark ,-un,mit-F M Yoau. G'.kJ Meaa. D):on- E nan ft Gv'.d Meia. Brand. NuhjloL-J E Har:n;. Waverly-M Bins ft Sol Gold Medal Fa-.t Tyv!lle-( hRrle. G.vdner. Gold MedaL Hnpt otto-n-y M I-.siSSoi. odd Meda'. Tobynanna-T t-yhatina ft Det,?h LuTnher Co Uoid Meial Brand Gi.n',dboro-S A. Adam. Goii MJa Bran da M..,v -l,a,cv A Clerr.t.r Mifci Lake Ari.1-Jame- A Brtree Gold Medal F r,at- -J Morgan ft Co. Gold Meda! LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FQ3 PLASTERING. SEWER FIPES, FLUE LiNINGS LIE, CEMENT. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. MQQSIC PQWOE floods 1 end 2 Conimo-w-allti Bli'fc BCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at th. MOOSIC nnd kl'sh DALE WOBK& Lsfflln A Rand Powder Oo ' ORANGE GUN POWDER Ele. trio Uatterie, l'ue 'or elploJ1 uiK biastn. Hafet Kkwaad RepanMCbenioal Co.'s Hish Expiosivon Seeds and Fertilizers Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. TH B Thatcher IS THE BEST. (Jet prices nnd o (he lurtinco nnd be con vinced. A full lino of HEAT 1' lis, Atipello nnd Oalize Door Runjjes. CONIiAN'S HARDWARE 1MXT8TON, I' V. Spring Ginghams. We h.c pfaced on sale our line of Ginghams for the coining spring and summer. Finer Goods More Tasteful Colorings and Lower IVk-cs than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Hctol WnYerlv Karepean Mae rirnt-oi r-r ttiiM. Depot for I'crgner M Fngel' YannhAMitet liwr R,E Cot 15th and Filfcert Sts , Pkilldk . MOSI lrsirW. tor r'l,lintii of N U. PSBa lylvaula All MBVenleBee (OS traroler t,. ml from Broad Strwi latloo and the Twrlflli iul Market Street etoaion. U Iralile for r HerantonUn anJ iv -lr In the Ai tliraolte I.e.- -.1 T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. AIT. PLEASANT AT nETAlU t low, price. Urdt.ra U'ft t my offtcn, NO. I IK, WYOMISO AVF.NCE, Roar room. Hret floor. Thir I National BaiS or -i'ii 1 by mall or toloplioneto the mla. wilt receive prompt Attention. Hpecicl ountraota ..111 b mado for the eale and delivery of Buckwheat OoaL WM. T. SMITH.
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