THE SCU ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH L't, 1894. UllfIllllHllllllilll!!lilllilll!ll!llIHIIi: iFipe 1 I Valves I BIG BILLS FDS WATER Results of Lltlgitlbn Bslwiat Gu and Water ami Iron au-J Steel I'umpink's. Fittings 'THE MS 0f T)E "sum s THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, s rtiiiiiiiciiiaiaai(iiitei9ii9niiii(iiiii Lace Curtains Tht uuit delicate fabric prop trlj cleaned at THE LACKAWANNA LAUNDRY 308 Fenn Ave A B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE .20 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HMDS t HUB 415 Lack. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. "2.7 Wyoming Ava CITY ROTES.'.e Hal', of Wererir, settled bl duplicate for toe year 1'j: with tat coun ty comtni.-'Sioners yeterdiv. A OolaleruM cccupant of the la,sony in trie Bij iu theater lanl ntzbt persmed in annoviag the PaOpll and was ejected oy the ofE.ier. "Michael BtrogOOT' will be presented at New Wonderland thter every afteraon tad OTonhsg dortag the rent of the wee. It ia a strong pUy. Clerk Item issued the fo.lowtn mar riage Uceneta yesterday: f'atr;ck Honan and Mary Rjcan. of liiaooke; -James '.lift and May Dooltttl, of Carboodale. Tnefrree itethw! . .-:. . l,a?eerii;et every even. eg true ..- in li-iers' hail, at Mala aven M and Lafayette street. Went IkM Meetiag cimmacces at 7.3). All welcome. The prmriptij of th preparatory teboolt of the ciry held a meatinz ia tue office of City Superintendent Phillip yesterday afierno.,,, lodlacSM matter njf.a. to their wr,rir. Tne sale of ets for Scrantoa favor ites, Mia ZeSe lilbury ar,d Arthur Lewie, in the odty drama "The rut of Mo Wty," will upe'j at the Academy of Music box office this mornicif a: B o clock. The diagram for Hatnr lay 4 mat nee of "The Proligal Katner' '. the i'rothinif bam, will open at the bo '.ffica ;n tbe Arcade this morninif ttto'oloei Print t'.r matinee will be IS, Ui and -a csnU. Theodore . Wolf waa arum.; the v try men r tlClttfl at the parian ...-.. Hn. Luke's cbnrch Monday evening. Hi r,aiu'j waa unwittingly omitted frim the liat pobliahed lu yesterday 1 Kim.vt. The Junior Lpwortb League will enter tain its frienda thla OTOOtOg witli recita . ..s iuging and tableaux A Hue pro .rnme ha been prepared and Will plfaji a... Ire crearn cake will he nerved af ter the entertainment. ( oiiiity treasurer Powell yaatnrday re ceived fiG.SOO from tbo lliinor MoeoiOl he Usoed. The total amount received to date 11 PtatM ahout one-third of the total ai.jouat. riatordav la the laat day for tak ing ont llcennea for old hounes and Mon day for new bouse. A 1.01m t, ontitled "Scene and B rtlDdi of :be Hanny boatb," will be rien by members of the Howaril Place Afrlcau Motbodatt Koicopal church thU evening a". Yoong Men' Chrletiau Aaaoclalion ball. An admisaion of M and R rents will charged for-vthe boneiit of the church. The members ocml of the Vounu Mens lntitata Inat night prov d a delightful nf fair. It wa held at tho rooms of the In Htltute on Lackawanna avemi", uud was atteuded by about forty couples. Music for duuclug wo furnliihed by Mil Kutu irallry, and at tnhlulght lunch was served. The members of the Y. V. 0, A. gymna sium clauses iuvitu thoir lady friends to be present at the clai recital to bu given ut the gymnaaeum. 905 WMbiOgton avenue, Friday afternoon, March ill), beginning promptly at 4 o'clock. All the claex will participate in the exercise. Noadmli mon charged.. Next Tueaday evening. April I, n attre jpticau lecture will bo delivered ut the Young Women a Christian association rooms by Rev. Mr. Hkellinger. TiioauD- lrt ,.t I ....II t.n til rfvi.. Tl .h a 1 . ui I' niiii: nil, uu A 1 ' iuiuuhu u 'Joal Mlue." The viewa will be uulu,ue iuu luiertming, uiaoug lueni viuna matin 'ecenlly or the GayTord mine will be v Anheuaer Busca Bear. J.0U1 i.oliinun , Silt huruce ok To Whom It Mar Concern. tlamnvnl lif ( ll llirinl'd narrlana wnrlra tn J1W. 321, 13, M North Severn!) lreet, op polite Centrol Hallroad of New Jersey lepot. " McBride's new Turkish bath. Every !bing new. DUO Bprueo street, opposite fc'ourt House. Lock.iw.tnna Iron ami Steel Company Feared that the Cas ami Water Company Woulil Shut the Water OH From lt 1'ljnt and Obtained an In junction Kestraining Ihetn From So Doing. Trouble with regard to water rent has broken out bat waao. tua Scrantoa lii RUtl Water company, of Wbtob W W Boranton lapraildaut,and IbaLavka wanna Iron Staal company whaaapra iltltnt ItWallaTSorauton.brotbtr of the praaidant of tha aratarootnpany, whiob elaiiBi t'.'S.OTj from the Laokawanna lion tin. I Coal company and (h Iron and Sttel company for unpaid water rent. In tlia aarlj pwl of lsS there arose adlipntaof a aiuilar munro Iwtw-eu tbo tins and Water company and the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, which rasulttd in tua water company limiting off th water from th iron cntupauy'i plant Litigation followed winch waa eYentually ooiuprituilaad. Soma lima ago the (its and Wutitr couipauy praaantad a hill lothe Laoka wanna iron uud t'oal cotnpiuy (or 5.073 as water rent from March 1, IM 10 Jan. 1 1801. A bill was ut the Mime lima presented to t ho Laoka ...Hint Iron and Steel OOUpaoy for tei rent from the t'tu: tt nasmued control of the works oj Jan I. lS'Jl, to April 1 IS'JI amounting to $'.1,1100. The bills were tot honora I and some nine liter Henry Wetitum. chief ougi ueer in l aapcrlntandant of tn works of the Lackawanna lrou and Steel company, met w w. Scran ton, pre i ilent of the Beranton On ud Water company, on tbe etreet Mr. Scranton aaid "What about tU water bills, Mr. Wehrntu 1 ' "1 don t know any tbing about them," was tae reply. would sHt r on- watir "I wish you would tell y.ur peopl--thy should pay their bills.'' then laU Mr. Seautitou. "1 am tire I of this bu lineaa I don't want to make any ti rent!", but you tell Ctrl, (meaning Mr. UcKiunty, the general manager,) that he sboold oot b inrprieed toeee thu water cut i t? at any tim.'' The tbore statement is talsen from Mr Wehruui's a(Q I kvir, tiled yssterday with the injauctiou papers. i-a this flateui'Ut wis reported to Mr. McKtnney, it was determined to ijet n it janction to restrain tiie Gjs iu 1 Water company (rou shuttiug oil the water, The application for ati ln jn action was made yesterday to Judge E'wards by Attorney Jnaoph O'Brien, .vlio is associated with Attorney M E 0 ms'ead. of Harrisbari;, ,s attorney tor the Ltcka wanna Iron and Steel tompany, the coinplaioaut in tha case. Toe bill of cc mpiaint sets I'ortn that o An.', ii. It.4. the Scrantoa is a:id Water couipiny entered into an asree meat in writing wit-U the Lickwacna Iron und Coil company to furnish the altera suffieien: anpply of water for tha works of all character on the aast si !e of the Lackawanna. By the term '. Ml ii.reenin: tae Lackawanna Iron ai d Coal company w is to pay th Gis ,nd water .ompiny fj)800 p-sr mouth. A t'tSPlTE AKOSE This contract remained in forci un til the latter part of 1880 or beginning ol 1981, when a dispute arose between the parties as to tha oroper construc tion of tbe contract or the amount to r.e paid by the Ltckawann.i Iron an I Coal company to the Scranton Ciis and .V'ater coin Dan y for witer. Bv reason ' tbe dispute the .Scranion Gas and W itr company entirely cnt off tin snpp'y of water and alio brought suit against the Ltckawanna Iron and Coal company in theconrtof common pleas. Toe latter company retaliated by filing a bill in iqnity against the Scranton Gas and Water company. For the pnip)se of compromising and ending too litigation an t prevent ing a recurrence in future, there was entered into between the said parties u supplemental ar-emsnt in writing, dated Fen 10, 1881, by the terms of which the Lackawanna iron aud Coal company screed to pay tha Srranton and Water compiny $10,000 per annum, payablo in monthly install ruents on or before tha hfteentu day of -ach month for the preceding month Toe water thus furnished was to be need for thewaneration of gtetn,for fire hydrants and hydraulics, and for store and dwellings, and for other purposes I ne iron and coal compiny wn to ob tain its siifiply from tbe Roaring brook an 1 Lackawanna river Tbe original contract was to remtin in full fores except as modified by tbe tup plement and tha gas and water com paiiy relirj'aiehsl all claim to ln rreeacd rompenaation prior to Jan. 1. I88S, und agreed to dlMOOttaM Its ami the iron and coal rompsny, the Utter compiny alio withdrtwing it ac'ttou ugainst the ga and water ooui pany. PAOV1DKO l-' It 'IIIK 1 tftl hi. In thesupplemental agreement It waj set forth that "in esse any dlipute should nriae betweon the parties us to the construction or performance of thl agreement, the ssld water com t,ay shall not turn off or atop furnish Ing the water, nor shall the aaid iron company stop any of its stimulated monthly payments, but narh party hall abide the decision of the courts thereon, " About .Inn. 1, ', tl, Lncknwunna iron and Bteal company succeeded th Iron and Coal company lu the opera tion of the company's large manufan Inting I I ml, an I with the permission of tha fi ts nnd Water company the Contract with the Iron and Coal com -phny was assigned to the Iron and Steel company. Thereafter bills wet presented monthly for wat--r and pal 1 On Msrch 0, 1804. the Wound Water company prtsented to the Iron nnd Coal company a bill claiming th fur ther mitri of .'.'),07.r) on account of water fumllhed from Marah 1, 1 MM , to Jau. 1, 1800, und nUn 011 the same datn pre sented to Luckuwnnna Iron nnd Steel company an additional bill for $11,000 lnr water furnished hetwnen Jau 1, 181)1, nnd April, IH'.M All -,t tho water for which these hills hare been preHeuted, it is oontended, is covered by the monthly payments made to the company iu compliance with the ngreemutit. The water corn puny claims that theto bills are for water furnished which Is not provided for in the agreement between the pur ties. Tho complainant tinys it has about 4,000 men ut work who will be thrown out of employment by the abutting off of the water supply, and that it will he prevented from complet ing contracts involving not less than $'200,000. HIX1KF IB ASKED FOIt. The Lackawanna Iron aud Steel com pany therefore askedltbat au injunction be granted retraining and prohibiting the Boranton Gaa aud Water company from cutting off or in any way de priving the cjuipluiuaut 01' its simply of water; that the defendant be OOttV polled to perform us part of the agiv.' UMUt Judge K wards direolel that a pr -1 1 miliary Injunction he isu 1 au 1 made ii ratoruabl April 12 0 1. m. 1'ba paper Were serTed on V'. W, Boranton by Bberiff Fihey. a prominent nfflulal of th Boranton Qal and Water c oupauy wa teen I iat night by a TltlDUNI rportr with re tard to tho dispute, lie declnred that there had been no threat to shutolf the water The Water company presented its bills und has awaited the action of th Iron and Coal and iron and Steel companies with regard to them. CANNOT REPAIR COURT HOUSE. To Complete the lusk Will Cost from $30,000 to $60,000, nnd tho Funds Aro Lacking. The report of the grand jury con damning the court house roof a unsafe uud recommending thut prompt and adequate meant be employed to "put th ouildlug iu good order and repair and late condition" has encited much lutereit concerning the detect of tine maguittcent atiuoture. When th mem bera ol the grand jury examined the roof they were i sully alarm d at it condition Thev found that thu Iron sheeting, with which the Iron trues work la covered, hae rotted away and that thoro is nothing 10 which the slates can be fattened, rendering it necessary to supplant the sheeting with n (ileos of wood Whenever 11 slate has to be nailed dow n One of in iron girder iiied in toe npper purt of the tmildiug wus found broken from the strain to which it had bean tubjected, crucks in tho upper walla were vltlble an J th gu eral appearance mob that the jnrori 110 doubt fell tho alarm they rxpraatod in tbelr return. That tho building sadly needs repair is certain, but it Is not probable that anything can be done this year. In tin interview with the couuty cotutnitllonert yesterday afternoon a TaiBl'MI reporter was told that the con niton of the county finances ia such as to almost forbid the very thought ot tho iusdd repairs, the cost of which would be from $80,000 to ia0,000. It will be remembered that it decision of the supreme oonrt compete tbeoommit lionert to this year pxy uver to Lu lerne county $10,000 In addition to this the new fee bill greatly increases the cost of commonwe tltn cases, ami merely will largely add to th demaud upon tiie funds of the county for the ptymeut of expenses that canuot be avoided. In view of tbes facts, there for, the commissioners slate that they cannot lea tae w iy clear to make tbe repairs dem ind-J. It is the intbntlon of the commission ers to thoroughly repair tue building when the job is undertaken. The up per walls will be ulreiiglheutd and ex tended two feet higher, me latter im provement being necessary to permit the 1 1 1 1 1 d up and use for offices of the rooms iu (ho upper story. A new roof will be adds I und inch other changet made as ure needed to put the court house iu sate and suitalilo cou lition. All this will involve a large expendi ture, ant the com:nisioner topj that the repairs can be deferred other year, when provisions are to be made for tho task in band. However, suonld tbe condition ot the building render immediate attention necessary, tuey will move in the mater and see th at everything it made at safe us DOM sibl?. ELKS WILL CELEBRATE iW CITY COUNCILMEN Club Building ou Funk ;n Avenue to be Opeucd in Approprleta Hanucr. PUBLIC CAN INSP2CT THE MM Tho Opening Excrcisos Vill Bo Held on April 10 and II On tho Evening of April 10 a Promenado Reception Will Be Tendered to Ladies - On the Following Evening Will bo tho Formal Opening. Tlisy Will B ( m of tii Peoi ) ME 0FF2C iS io BS ELHCI60L Select nnd Common Council Will Select Chairmen and a City Clerk it to bo Elected Common Council Will Also Elect a Clerk -Those Who Havo Been Named for the Positions to Bo Filled. WcODED AT ST. PiTER'3 CATHEDRAL. Jamoi O'Connor aod Mt MtnnU Mellon United in Marriage. Jamei O'Connor, city editor of the Boranton Truth, and M 1 tliuuie Mel lon, daughter of Mr. au I Mis FJ l ward Mellon, ot Franklin avenus. were mar ried yrltertiay morning iu St l'etpr's cathedral. The bridal party entered the church at 10:80 o'clock and pro Oaadad up th main aisle while the wedding march w a bsing olaysd. The bride's maid was Miss M imie Schroeder ind the ttroom was attended hv Jaiu-s F. McC'troiey The ushers were Eageno Kibr. Jam-s J. Cmuiuingi, Parclval J. Morris and John U. Jordan The bride looked queenly fair, clad in a beautiful dress of eminence broad cloth with velvetings Her hat Was of ecrn point lace with velvet trimmings unit roses. In her hand she carried a boiiuet of lilies of the valley. Tbe bri le's maid also presented 11 charming appearace Her uress waa of green and rose broadcloth au I her hat of greuu and roje straw. Ittd rotes were lu her band. The marriage ceremony, wbi jb wis wtln'Med by a largo in-semblage of the friends of the bri 1 nnd groom, was performed as the couple ituud in front of tbe altar railing. The oHiciating clergyman wat Hev. J. J. Ii. Feeley, of Williumaport, a cotitin of th groom. At tbe clot of the Oiremony the bridal party was driven to tha bom of the bride's patent, whore a recepliou was I eld aud an elogant wedding breakfast lerfed, at the clue of which Ittv. J. J. I. leeley made a brief address In .vhicb he heartily congratulated the newly mui i ind counl on their nniou, nud hearty 1 1 id spaed iu l brough life together, photographed and ut Mil i 'onnor look a l)lawar. Lick awanneft Western train for Washing ton. I) i their return they Will go to bOUtlkeepiug ou Franklin avenu Mr O'Coonor, who ha long traen eonuectod with thu Truth. I known ai one of tint mott skilled and faithful WOrktn In the field of local j nirnHllsm. while the bride Is u young ludy possessed of rare trnili of intelligence and char mill, which ruiider her conspicuous anion,: her aiinciatet. - s IN COMMOM PLEAS COURT. Uow the Ulffarsnt C!e on Trial Tro Brsrrl Yeutaiday. i'he rase of Jennings ngalntt the Lehigh alley Company continued on trial before Judgn Slttsor all of yetter day. It will go to tho jury today At 11 o'clock veateiday afternoon Judge Archbuld gave binding inttruc tions to the jury to Hull for tho plain till in the Interpleader oasaof Frederick Imrr against D, II. Heplogle, reserving n qnaitlOO of law which will ha argued later before the court in the case of ltiohurd Hots agiiuit John Cobb n verdict was relumed for thu defendant When court adjourned yesterday aftwruoou the ejectment tnit of Sarah Uiffin and other against Ambrose Mully and others was on trial before Judge Schuyler. The case wis tried a few mouths ago, but a new trial was secured. A jury wit tworn Infore Judge Archbald lu tbe cute of Thomas J Dunn against William Campbell, ud miuistrator of the estute of Mary A. Campbell, decensed. It will be tried to day Scriuton Lodce, No. Lenevolaiit uud 1'roteotlv Ordvrof Like, will open llielr uw buildlug. 188 and 187 Frank Mil avenu-, Tuesday aud We due lav. April 10 aud II Th edifice nud ils furnishings and decorations are cer tainly tha haudsoiuest of any of a lik.1 character in the Immediate vicinity of BorantOO, and probably Htirpasti In tbe ame reaped any aliuilar lodge lu tho country. Th occasion of th cere monies pertaining to tbeoptnlng means two gala days tor Like und their K ui els. Ou th evening of Tuesday, April 10. u prolUeuude ivceptiou will be leu derad to ladies at the DM building be tween thu boms of II and 10 UO o'clo k. tlauar's full oicbeatra has been en gaged for th notation, which, with a lavish and llmitltiii It iral display, will make the evening ouu long t be r" iiieluberud by thoie who are fortunate enough to participate in its ipUndori A lUpptr will be served during ihn evening. TUC roKMAt. OPCNIXO, On WvdiieHilay, Airil 11, will b wit I the real, tormul opening, uud the programme us arranged by the re caption committee leaves nothing lack lug to make tha fattlvitlM and ditplay au appropriate ausplo of thu Bike' future life under their new roof tree Tha gentlemen compoliug tbil com mittee are Tnomat Borrowmau, B F lioyle, Thom is Moore, Btoator M. K McUotiald nnd Baffltt) Bamter. itelween 10 o'clock in the morning and 1! 80 o'clock iu the afternoon, Ihe public generally is invited to a recep tion ut und examination of ti n new quartan, At i o'clock the Boranton Kiki, tho Grand Lodge offleeri and all viaitiug brother i ka will convene at the old club rooms, 118 Wyoming ave nue, from which I hey will march to tbe new building, acuotttpeniad by the music of Bauer's full baud. When the new bnildtng i reached, dedicutory services of au impressive nature will be held. Commencing at S o'clock in the evening a tociul sesssiou, conliued ex clusively to members of the order, will ooc nr. Tnere are still other details contem plated which will be announced later. UEALTIFL'L ISTIftlOB D1C0BATIOSI Too much oannot bu said in praise of th beauty of the interior decorations uud arrangemanti of :h new building. The tecoud 11 or will bo dvoted to the every day use of membert The ceil ings, like the lodge room above, ure piiielled nnd decorated with stere;-re-lisf tastelully colore!. Au electric slgnsl frem the itreit door will admit members. A boy will be constantly on duty at tho head of tbe stairs iu v . i car nf tirn nimiiii izad cloak room. until on- . . . ... . .v. ii - liouv l u ii-noiii.; iiijui iiu- ished in quartered oak, with tinted terec-rlief walls The parlor, also at tha front, is lighted by throe la rue windows, which extend neirly from ceiling to lhor. i lie celling is oval panelled and tinted: tho center panel contains a hand-painted symbol of springtime. A billiard and dining room, toilet room aud dumb-waiter service aro loceted oti the second 11 or. The culmination of the urchiteeiural and decorative art, however, it rep resented on the thirl and upper Ibor, where are litUattd th lodg room und two banquet apartment. The lodge room, located fit the front occopiet 4'ixOO feet floor tpice, it 20 feet from floor to ceiling end contains a balcony extending across the next and. An old-mis wainscoting extends about s ven foot aud is surmounted by buff-COlortd wallt to a stereo-fnz. Numerous panels adorn the ceiling iu which light eludes of oile, Salmon, white, terra-cotta a id bntT colorings ure happily blended. OTHER FEATURES OF tOILDMO. Throughout the building sre dlttrib utej the latest ventilating uppli saves The cooking for members, banquets and tocial n Hairs will b done on tbe lower II or, which will be occupied by I'. Zeiglar as a oaf and ics i ii r ii ii t Two bowling alleys aud a shooliug gallery will be conducted in the base ment. in the occasion of the opeuitig it 1 expected that tome of the limit proml nent F.lkt iu the country will btgusits of tbe looal lodgt. - SOL SMITH RUSStlL'S OPINION. What th W.H Kauwn Actor Sy of th Frotbingiiaio Theater. Sol Smith Hussfll. who indicated the Frotliiugham Theater was well pleated with Scranton's new house of amiianmnut that just before going ou the stage Tuvrday ovenitir he baiulel tianager ltlavkwooJ the following let ter My Hear Sir: It Uff urda inn pleasure to say that I find the Fmlhlngliaiu complete in eveiy respect for tbe bringing out of plays of every kind Its equipment is per feel. In Hue of tight and nealing It could scarcely be Improved and f ir the pneenta Mon ot qnieti domctio oonady, we imve not found a theater anywhere more cejy, blight and eomforteole. IteepHOtfully, Sol SMITU Kt'saiL .-hi; u their journey The groUp Was 19 01 Mr and Select and . iiiiiuou council will re prgaoigl n-1 1 Monday morning at 10 o'clock and iliu offleeri for th Veer 1884 Md 1889 will be chosen. From pieaeut indications Mr. Chittenden will sucueed himself us chairman of select council, while P. f. Neali will succeed Captain James Moir us chuir man of th lowr branch. Both men will lure opposition. At first It seemed as If A T. Couusll would contest Mr. Chittandun'a title, but at thla writing it looks as if 'upturn Kellow'a inline would bu presented hh the leadei of tha opposition Mr Ohlt- teudeu l taking mailer very calmly. At the caucus that nominated him tight K-uublioius war present and Iwoolliors signified their willingness lo acknowledge iim as the oeueui nomi nee In addilioii leveral Ui-mvcratic number have etated that between him ami another Republican h would o- ih-lr inat choice au I it seems very prooable that next Monday's vote will he u repetition of a yeur ago. In the common council 1'. J. NeulL ha a majority ot U a far at hi parly li concerned, nut the question i will the vote ahow this majoriti 1 It took line ballots to decide ut tbe caucus, and the final vole win 7 lo 5 in Mr. Nlis' favor, one of Mr. Grier's men changing uu that ballot, 't here it u possibility of the perpetuation of the ill, iu which event the Kipublican nominee m iy bo successful. L E. Kohuthau Is mentioned as Mr. Manila' rival. matters to bi consipkrep Iuimvdlatsly after the selection of e chairman by common conuell, a clerk of that body will be oboien. Mr Mahou, the preaent compatent aud capable iIH ilal, is his parly'i nominee, having been chosen by a similar vote to that of Mr. Neulil. The councils will alto meet iu joint session to elect a city clerk, and so far no one has appeared who wants the po sition, so Weil ind creditably filled by Martin T. I, .veil Mr. Lavelle bal been iu tua office so long that he it con tidered a permanent fixture, and in uominattug nim four years ago Mayor Conuell, woo wat than in common council, termed him a walking ency clopedia of municipal law. Effirt have been made at varicut lime to raise Mr. Lavelle't taltry, bat be would never sanction tucu a move ment. Mayor Connell'i annual message to council will alto be read Monday morn ing. What toe ttnor of the massage will be no one can determine, but tout it will be to tbe best interests of all classes of oittltUI is proven by the mayor's previous record. If the ideas he will tufgeit Monday will bi as pro ductivd ot good at those of one year ago, the mayor will bare cause for s.-lt gratulutlou. TO ELECT A CITY ESDINEER. A weak from Monday ntgbt a city engineer will be elected for a term of Hire years, Joseph P. Pnillipi it a candidate to succeed himself. Hs ii : : I by his old chief F. Biewitt, md the chances seem to be all la favor of Mr, Phillins, who has labored ittiduouglv and given eminent titi- f notion. Th mtn who iter) out of council are O. p. Miller. W. H, McDonald. F. D Bevan, Patrick Goldau. G. J. Dunigg, Victor Koc i, George F'erber, Fred swattz. J. W. Browning. Jamei H Kelly and H M. Williams Tne new men are Wale Finn, M. V Morn, Simon Tbomss, M. E. Clark, John Regan, Fred Dnrr, F. S. God frey, Cuurle Wagner, E F. Weniel, C. H Schadt, M. J, Hams, T F. Noon. - Cf.VE tXCEHENT SATISF.CTION. American b.oed Pie Lorgo Audi dsd at Rtdtna The following telegram was received last nlgbt by Manager M 11 Burgun tier, of the Academy of Music Rjudiko, l'a.. Uaroh B8, Daniel FrobmaU laige aud excellent OOUpaay, with superb stage details, gave ei.elleut production of "Atuencan Abroad" to large, fashionable aod highly delighted audience. Jon . D. MtsntER ' -Nrw Brldr a- Connellton The county Commiltionari vester.lay ax anuiied the Hbutineiits tot the new tiridge Hi ' uutielllon. It will tx an Iron struc ture with a 106-foot span The Iron for the bridge iaUOWOn the ground. It will be elected alouce by the ilreton Brioge company of Oretoo, N v. a--- Weichfi, the Arcidt Jeweler, i leiiiig cut glass and ailver ware ten per cam lew ihan regiiiat price lor this mouth . a-ba Th Kvreti i i Wait for Ouemaey Broa.' new g.n.ds. COMEOV AT THE FROTHINGHAM. Tbi Prodigal Father f jr Two Night and a Saturday Mattue T' m rrv com v. Tu Pro Ural n i lattghini luci . i "i Pro llg i .. t" .-. nt f au li uce in r iar n in i'r Dull li i id, th- daahl g s rio-c m il whole stive in a prpetua. flutier oi jolnty. Kins Kickapoo aatpnta m am! tenilt everybody into icreama of lauh ler with hi Oanabaltatle tendencies The prices for tbe Sturdy matinee will be 7? and 50 nantl for the orches tra and SO und 80 for th balony. An Opportuul'.y fg tue U aeUUleysd Vou are out of euioioynieiit. I ii Veal your tune cu a o.slueas, steno graphic oi acudeui.c educitlou It mean success to you lu tbe future. If yuu cannot pay 01 this yc-ur make ll next year. You helped a in your prosperity we shall help yuu uow. Wc,.,o collegu of buiucas aud hurt hand. M a- Mail., liozaa Kac iUl vly lieet nisde. Play any datired number ot tune i:,utschl & Sons., riauufaoturers, l(N0 Cbeetant atraet, Pblladetpbla. Wou oerful orrhetirial organs, ouiyi'iud lid, Bpecialtyi Old inufie boxae rarefallf re paired aud iu,;.roveJ Willi new iulo. - Auction H:, S18 Washington aventte, i p. m. Batarday, March ill, of hue earpeti, bed auite, parlor Ulla, diuiog suite, bile u-biac. etc. A. FJ t, Anstiuneer. Da C. C LavUXaVOO, dentist, Ou and VI liter company building, Wyoming ave Dtte. Latest improvement.-. Light jtars in rrnion J. BOLZ 138 WyoraitiT Av3 VV b .ire n w exliib tin 5 a very coiiip,-tc! and t:.x- d 1 nt coh ctlon of Ladies FINESUITS A Handsome Blue Chev iot at $5.50 Storm Serge, iuBiuuau l d7 tn Black, at ... $I.JU Imported French Bilk Oh' " 1 1 Capet nt $10 .)U Fine C'ioth ClpH at Ladiet1 Jack:. th lateat C'i "A ttvdes and lu all oolort.ttt .JT..V Millinery Department W show the LATESI DESIGNStot TBIMMBO HATS and BONNETS, and also a la.-ye variety of Lidieh un 1 I Children'! CNTRIMUED HATS and a lare utsortmen: of FLOWERS. Children's Caps WeibOWlbe largest attortmsnt of i FILES and LAWN CAPS and HATS ' at very low t rice'. ullitSllllltltttligi'llllllilllHKHIIIKir; 1 Procrastination ... 1 CONWAY HOUSE 13 OTI LI. THE THIEF i OF TIME DAY EY DAY - .'. ttaail U.e piotlt of t'eiii-. S "Z wbowaitlto Uvr'.ij until to- g morro sr. Henry Battin & Co. S Never irsit till i S S : Ivertiie BAB IIN8 1 ... da) s BARGAINS TODAY In AGATE WARK S V1.'K IIV s '- WARE and WOODEN' S WARE, S s Try onr plan and don't waif B norrow, bat Hears :.rt.:.t to- 126 PENN AVE. IIIIillllllillllllliHHIIIIIIItUl5 r p 1 1 I j e-ri H -iaW3sisnMwa r -isi--i.l23 - - oi Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS t et teeth. IS.S0: b(t set. $S; for rnid cp rid teeth withnut plate called cr.-n nd bridge work, call for prioa and re!erene TONALOIA. tor extracting letti w.thou: paia. No ether. No gas. ll-t anU iat tXXS AVSCE I On the American Plan. Bcranton't neweit n! best eQUlppsd hot.. NOW OPES 10 THE PVBL1C. HtHod by ateam. El act tie Br:.. Bu-.b lulu ii ea.-li flier. Large Weil Llihtid anf Airj- xtoossa lit. thin CoSBf)lta. ALL THE MODES IXPllOVEXEX! 8, C'Sicfc ca secjtii S'j i G.-d sLip.e roots attached. P. T. CONWAY, Prop. THC ANN i X - O TERRITORY. Ceo t Akd to Attach I to AdJ doing Ward of th City. Mayor Conuell yestarday pstitiotisd the court to talie action with reu'sr I to attaching th recently annexed portion of I, ink wanna township to the ad Joining wards of the oily. The petition waa accompanied by n map oi i-.. annexed district showing that It comprises 188 acre and abuts the Sixth anil Fifteenth wards uf this city. The matter will be heard In court on Aptil Uat U o'clock. F.verv member of DivUlon No. 7, Ancient Order lllburulatie, Hoard ot Krlu, I or dered to assemble at their new hull, -i . 1 l.ackiiwnuuu avenue, at ;1U a. m., Sun day, April 1st, to go to Holy Communion n a body. America OVER FIKST ATl(NtL HANK. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Soiiil your COTMta to bo re boned or new steels put iu. We do it neatly aud at a moderate cost 128 Wyoming Ave. Huntington E0MS BAKERY. W have a merit o; iar2 assor PLUS AND FANCY CASES, ICE CREAM an3 WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE or 413 LACKA, AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant niht. oren until mid- 88l Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. linden St. end Adams Avj. Co cat Rovu swi aat All kinds of Laundry work fuarit-.'.esJ the liest. 10 Ill M 1 II I 1 PICTt'llKD. F.VKItV KOTBO PLACE IN ALASKA, fill I'MTKU STATEa AM) M. XICO K1VK NVMUKIISON THK t'OUN TEK. TKN (IMS mi ONE coi'pox run any m muek THIS IS OUR LAST WEEK ON SPRUCE STREET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. Best Seta of Teeth, $S.oo Including lbs pilules rxtracttn ef teeth by uu entirely new pro teas, S. C. Snyder, D.o.s. 1110 WYOMING AVE. GENTLEMEN, FEE CUR UXF OF $3.00 shoes Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKt HAND-SEWED. ! o Seams or Tarts (o Hart Your Feci. All Htylot n:u ViJt!n In t'otiicio or lao. The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money Try a Pair M4 you Will WU BO . tli. t . BANISTER'Slu.OO,,:;: BANISTER'S, t SAI'S'S Our 2 50 Shoes Ore as good ae anybady'a S3 00 Shses. km, BROWN'S BEE HIVE Special offerings in Ladies' Wrappers and Tea Crowns. Spring Millixiery Men's Spring Styles in Hats. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen System Goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers