THE SCI? ANTON TItlJJUNE Til L' KS f) AY MORNING. MARCH 21). 18U4. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rCBI.IgDED HA1I.V AND IEKLV IN BCRA ton. Pa., uy The 'J iuuunb Fublisiiino COilTANV. NEW Your Orriot: TR1BUBB BTJILDIKO, Thank 8. Quay. Manaqkr. Entered at the lyitojtce at SmMtOM. Second-Clan X'ail THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BGBANTON, MABCH '.t', ISM. Wily Mu. imuanmian yet arincsi raoh a disposition to tiir t-.t sliv of the Pt-mocrstlo stuto ehairtnaoihip that we bveiti to tear ho orjeets to turtlur frosts. And lie certainly bus experi enced bis share. Tho Elks' New Home. Ho secret fraternity today poaaeaiei pramler prindplM or comes nearer to the observance of these, principle in tvrnlsy life than the BenOVoUat BOOj Protective larder of Klks Outsule the church it would be dlAoalt to Bad place where the Bodnrlng elements of a progressive civilization, thoa cardinal virtues which draw and hold mankind together and lift society Op to a more liberal culture, are hi clearer and steadier a?tdBOe than within the por tals of a representative lodge ot Elka. Truly democratic, truly fraternal, the order ia mora than thiat for it embo dies iu its ritual a-il iu its pledge of loyalty the very essence of charity. I'istice, fidelity and truth. Were iu fidelity suddenly to ovsrtbrjw all the ology, there would jet rstuiin tocivi'.i. Balioo, in the principles which all Elks subscribe to, raUgion'i truest jf.'rm and spirit. !ach being the nnsniui 0l hlief of all who hv been tvored With an iu light into Elidom. it agrees with rKgsou that the progress of a local lodge ii of more thvi secret import ance. Withiu the next few days Scnntou Eiks will remove iuto a D'rm.iueu: social and busiuejs home which, iu all it uiuipmeute, ap purtenances auJ ligniSoaoce, ie fondly baUBYtd to be literally without a superior Coming io such rloio suc ces:ou after Ce erecuou of a peerles city hall, the occupation of a cnjcidcent fJenl buildiuj and the dedication cf a superb new theater, this removal is of ureat architectural consequence, exhibiting anew the ptjagtaai wnicli growing scrantoa is miking. But a&.jv and beyond all msreiy outward and superrlciil ihow, the event is las'ingiy momentous in iti iafiacntia upon th- pleasures, the duuee and the lives of the Io 1's ealar'ini; cieratsrskip . and by direct radiation npon the pleasure, the opportunities and the development o'. our common cry. scrantoaLilgeof Elka, No 123, num hers to-day more than 3j0 members. Tfci membership, it :aiy be said with on: exaggeration. U the very cream of profeesioual. industrial and commer cial Scranton. I", inclu les judges and physicians and merchants and attor-c-ys who are in tue very forefront of their rsspective vocations I: instructors anl railway men and Ecbanics and tradesmen wno are anon the toiidest in our citizcship. It draw from every rank, class and calling trustworthy rsprraaatatativea, nnd blends them all together in true jqaility. Men without knowlelge. cnarac'.er or principle are not admitted. But when worth can h; established that is all that la aakad. While there is no encouragement to vice, no preu icm en lic-nse act no Ux.tyof control, the discipline of the lodge does r, it bother iiaelf abont a memher'a race or politic or creed It accepts him a a man nad o4 a brother, and as a brother it will cheer bin in enicass. helter cira in aivrsitr, rej'.cs with him Then he i well and minuter when he is sick la not growth upon tuch a batis de serving of gTateful chronicle? TBI 0M1BSIO2I from our national con stitution of a direct by name to the God whom Christians worship wa not accidental, nor is it strange Mt the house committee on judiciary, thottld by an almost, unanlmont rote, decline at this Ute day to reopen the qneetion. While the overwhelming majority of American are deists, nnd believe in the exlateaci of on hnprerne being, all wise, all power ful and everlasting, tbr or those who deny thU faith anl vfco even push their doubt to the point of organiz;d resistance. A com plete divorcem;nt ofchnrh from state and an imoartisl applioatlou of liberty of contcience reqnlrea that no creed be either recogniztd or offended in onr federal charter. To discriminate against atheists and agnostic i no part of the misuon of a free govern ment, any more than it is to dis criminate against Cathollei, or Protectants, or Jews, or Gentilee. Pop Gun Tactics. Sensationalism it one form of journal istic evil that has pretty generally fallen Into dispute among intelligent readers. But there i a kindred offence that is ret too prevalent. It consists of publishing broadcast articles in which the facts themielvea may be accurate enough, but which are of such a uaturu as to give thy emu tl distant reader false impressions. It is a faot, for in stance, that a certain looal attorney re cntly brought harmful insinuations to bear upou the deputy prothouotary. It is also a fact thut the latter official promptly entered a ditclaimer. And it is a further fact that the president jndge of tbia county, knowing the cir cumstances and the two men, promptly rebuked tbe attorney, threw his charges out of court nnd thereby vindicated the attorney's victim But it was not a fact, although tptoial dispatches In certain metropoli tan journal might lead distant readers to infer, that thete insinuations bad any particular lignificance. Un dents of Lackawanna oouuty, knowing the predileotion which the attorney iu point evinces for aneartbing mythical mare's neBts, would understand just how to interpret this incident and how to give it the requisite discount. Tbe people of Philadelphia and New York, however, as well us those through' ont tbe state, lack this inside inform i- tion, and are rendered liable by such partial presentations of the case, to jump hastily to a conclusion which does Mr. Khsiou, individually, and through him, the reputation of the en tire couuty and community, a gross injustice While it is possible that tbe Intelli gence and morality of our local courts have not iu all instances exhausted the possibilities of Improvement and ra form, they are the ouly courts that wo have, and we should bo foolish to de fame them undeservedly. One erratic or ill-dlgBStad accusation calculated to bring them iuto contempt don much more to perpatuito existing faults than it does to hasten tho collection of real wile. If there le any substantial proof of irregularity or dereliction iu the processes of these ooart, it should be used with an honest view to promote thecoiumou welfare, rather thuu to create merely a transient sensation, In spin prrjudlaa or bafog a shaky esse It is undoubtedly the general btltoj that Judge Arohbald dealt leuieutly with the author of this latest episode when he simply refined to take olllcial oognitanaa of it. . TUB WlUiits Bauuk Newe-l'ealor tliluks those nine opinlous of the su preme court last Monday sustaining earlier findings iu this oouuty indicate that Lackawanna's judges "know the law." Tins compliment is as true as it is graceful Daly considering Lcka wanna's youth and madesty. It may reasonably bo doubted if any other county iu the commonwealth has auy aider or fairer judges. But we shall uever be quit suro of the supreme court's work we can see on the bench some one who know the tech nicalities of mining litigation. There are occasions nowadays when a rsver sal by the supreme court does not carry with it a reversal of coutideuce that our owu j adgss at i right. The Light Problem. Tha need of detailed information a to tho cost of a city electrical plaut now-that the Question his been raised in S.Tautou. is well illustrated in the diaorananov between the estimate of the electrical committee of Philadel piia's couueils and that of Cbief Walker, of the electrical bureau, of thesaine city. Mr. Walker cilculated that it wonld oost to establish an si- peri men tal -UO-ligbt plant in Phila delphia $100,510 The joint commit:, which has just concluded an investi gation of tun interesting rabjtol has reported that such a plant could not uu.ler ordinary circumstances be built for less thin $331,783. Proceeding upon this as a basis tue jjint committee has decided adversely upon the propo sition to establish a munieisal plant, alleging that under municipal Control each light would cost -43 16 cent per night, whereas under tue existing contract with the Bruh eompauy this cost is otly 33 cents. It will stride most obrrers tha', this discrepancy of $131,933 between estimate Is too large lo be honest. Either the inquiry u;nn waish Mr Walker fonniel his caloulatton has been hurried an 1 Inadequate, or els this must be taksn as true concerning the joins committee's investigation. Wbic :ever suppoution bi correct, it is evideu: that if Scranton intend to go into the electrical ;:!-. in competition with privat enterprise, there is need of much further and more careful Itndy of the question than hss yet been aeoorded to it. It should ob viouily b an important publio benefit that woul i ioduca this municipality to arrogate to itielf iu any unusual man ner the functions of private business; ati i such benefit, if it b oiscerned at nil. must rait nojn subitanti tl ground. We cmnot all r 1 to 1st it ran upou nny haphazird foundation of guess work like that exhibited in this Phi la delphU contention. While Tils Triune has no desire to prejudice this ditOOMion, it is simply fair to the Scranton Light, Ileat and P wer company to say that it offsr U r: iedlv better t-r.ns than anovar In tha . , -ww to mm i pkiladelpbia joint oounollmanlo oom- mitten's figuring. bare that commit tee declines to pay $931,788 for a JO Hgbt plant, our people would, for about the same sum, get an $80 light plant, In good working condition, equipped with tho bst micbinery, having over 100 miles of wire already strung, successfully lighting iV) city lamps and supplying In the neighbor hood of Bio commercial patrons. And ea would have to pay only .7j.0O(l down, leaving the remaining $800,000 of indebtedness to rati. If desired, for forty years Tbe system employed is th Brush, generally conceded to lie the best, arid the quality of the engines, dynamos, machinery, etc , is rpr ssnted by the company officials to be very desirable. Yet, ss we have said, all this may not hsve any relevancy. If the city could do better by building an entirely new plant, it should not permit Mr. Scranton' offer to stand lu Its way, providsd It really proposes to go into business for itself. Hhoul 1 It sdd the funstion of business manager to its other t nnetlons? Hhonld It compete, or try to compete with Individual enter prise? I Joes It anywhere appear that it wonld gain enough in dollar and cents to justify this fur-reaohlng ex pertinent? Theto ere the question now before the people anil uuw is thn time for the diccnsslon to wax warm Computing every phase of this loss, in cluding tho reduced wages to triiiumeu and the decreased opport unities of profitable operation, Mr. Ashley esti mates that it is equivalent to a yearly loss of $300,000,000: or nearly one-half the ordinary expense of the govern ment. Mr. Ashley continues: I'lie time Is not far distant whon people will gaa with astonishment si tha de slructive work of ii iMioi'.ar full iov. It will DORIS When people iinle:alaud lliat tbe intureels ( trade niul industry are so lately ideutitlnd with nulioad iin'smss and prosperity that DO material injury can tie inllieteil iinon the one without corre spondingly affecting the Other. The whole silver product of this country la uuuually about 50,000,000. What oonperleon would a total l.-M of this product buar to the enormous vacuum iu railway enterprise) How much bas the voluino of trade shrunk from the silver and I unit agitation com blued, as compared with the extinction of railway coiiHtnieliou and reduction lu rail way uidusine Unfortunately it in not upon tiade aud tudumriul luteiesta ulono that these losses fall. The same cau-.a which stop ooustruotloii and compel economies in the operation or lailwuye. oeveiopeg la a lar'o reduction in profita, have made several Inionds upon the incotni of mil lions of people who have luvested their savliig iu railway eeoarltlee, aud upou eaob one of those sufferers an impression agniiinl railway securities has beau mad wlucu will require years Ot proqierlty to efface, tlae tbla areat lose of income ha t no effect upou public OOuBdcncef lu IMUil more than fi. i.'io.ooin'uii of railway bonds BndetOOk went into the hands ot reoolv era mainly in cousequeueti of the meaner profit of the previous years, ugaiust which ttie companies bad vululy struggled. Is there nothing taught by this lesson? There are various ways of explaiulug this decline, Part of it is due, lunvlta My, to the gradual o.'cupatioiipby truuk line systems of all territory coiumer cially siwceptible of profitable occu paucy. Some of it has been dm to hostile state legislation, superluduoed by the nare&SCtlre eagerness of agra rian revolutlonltta to hit tv statut at those who own railway, securities sole ly for gambling purposes, regardless of those who owu them by virtue of hon est inteutiouj aud cquslly regardless ot the hundreds of thousands of families that gain livelihoods by them. Wo dare say that the interstate commerce law bus operated, in various directions, to cripple railway enterprise and repress railway development. All these things, of COUrte, are wrong; but the railway manager themselves are not wholly innocent. (heater honesty, fidelity and pru lenoe on their part, aud less desire to startle the public by means of theatrical coup, Napoleonic maneuver aud speculative tableaux would have made possible a much better showing. . FoKGKIiT'L. THAT every law restrict iug immigration has been Itepnbiican lu origin, the Wiliiamsport Sun says "the laborer may hope that under a Democratic administration the landing of pauper labor on our shores may be, stopped." There is nothing to prevent the laborer from hoping: that, but there is uotbiug iu the Democratic record to indicate that his hope will be realizsd. Wl DO not see how congress can evade its pluin duty with referecc to the Carnegie armor plate scaud'il. There is a coon in that iteel pile aud it needs to be captured Nnd lube-led. Tun kelinvushment of the fight against oleo in this state is a new triumph for modern science. The anti fats have lost. Ii QKXtBAX would go, Urover should sign at once. And be should sign, whether Grestmn goes or stays. soy hsppior up again. but less bored, it ho shinned Oot Ihe BelatlTSI Confused. UarritkWw Putrtoti The tVn.wriiN TklBUNI pays eomo very high coupllmenti to Peter ev. RWideaar'a partner In electric rallroada, but con founds Mr Uideaer's partner with Btepben ii. Blkina The gentleman TBI TsUBUXa s:u:i out IO prais is really Wli liain l.. Blkina Bark fault Jast ' Valuable CoUmel aaM Itoiiil. Coining the seigniorage is the putting ofaoertalu aroonni of silver dollara m olroulattou, the redemption of winch is not provided for by any security. Brteohe bark pants would uuswer jast us well for a money medium, nud would be just us valuable. GOLDSMITH'S 6 B AZAAR n Ooofesdon, BtlUmitn Utrald, ban. Protection always unconstitutional! except when u affects come big luterest iu u Democrathi state. '1 RJIU ami TkUl Is the verdict of people who inke Hood's Hu: apui Ilia. Thu good Sect of each medicine are soon felt In uervu streng ih restored, appetite crested and health given. Roon'a I'lti.e do not weaken, hot aid digestion uud tone the stomach. Try bum, ANOTHER NEW LINE OF NECKWEAR Some . . Exclusive Patterns AT CONRAD'S 305 Lacka. Avenue This week many will look and later on you will buy Carpets, Curtains and Shades Alter yuu have moved or done your spring housecleaning. Therefore, we ask yuu not to lose sight of the fact that ours is the largest stock in this city, and as we buy and sell for cash you can save dollars by supplying your wants right here. When Carpets, Curtains and Shades are sold at dry goods profits you know what that means. We have Rag Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Ingrain Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Moquette Carpe ts, Axminster Carpets and Wilton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs of every description and size, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Velour Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Upholstering and Drapery Materials of all kinds. Designs and estimates furnished for all kinds of Interior Decoration by the most skillful artists. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY JENKINS & MORRIS, formorly with 0 Leah Jones, display h lnrt,'e and wel!-jelectd stuck of Fajhiouable Spring Styloa in Millinery. Especial attention given to Artistic Trimming. 406 SPRUCE STREETl ITBXT I'll DIME n.NK N. A. HULBERT'3 With the Now Valves Out of Sight A T THE Pie Counter. No Flitaior.NT has ever hen success ful and, what Is more, no president Ban lie successful in OarrjrlQff water 011 both shoulders. Mr. Cleveland must either coulrunt thu Inflationist! with a reso lutu veto or el.e give himself over en tirely to tho free silver theft. Railroad Shrinkage. The president of tba Wnbnsh rail way system, Mr. O. D. Ashley, hss compiled certuin statistics with refor inoe to the recent snriiil:ae of railw iy property that are momentous In their Kiguiflcatice, In 1887, 11,877 now miles of railway were constructed. In 181)11 tlm number of new miles was below 2.000 and the decline has been a itrsd -mil one. From 1887 to 18811. inclusive, 88,870 nsw miles were laid, 1111 av.-i.if. of 8,172 miles per year. From 181)9 to 1898, inclusive, notwithstanding uiurked advances In other luduitrlal directions, tho Dew miles nrm itud 17,420, an average of only 4,357 miles; or a yearly nvoriiRe decline of 8.81.1 miles. Counting this annual Ion for four years, Mr. Ashley contends that It is univalent to tbe withdrawal of $-107,800,000 of money from circulation. Ye winds of March aro wafttd tliruUtfh Ye trees devoid of sap; Ye curly buds have witherod, too, because of ye cold snap. Elected Why do you see's an nppoiut inent!1 Yuu took no part iu tho cam paign. Applicant- That's just the reason. If I had taken a hand your gi.osu would have been cooked. 4 "V hat becamo of Jones'- " "iJied of dyepepsla. You see his wife joluitd uno of tbi amateur cooking clut-s nud Jones only lasted six mouths from tl.o first It9ih." see Stern Employer Silo hwo, JrOOOg mun, this makes ttir tim yuu bare hexn late t tho ofQce thli week. 1 d?muud an ex planatloo lilime Clark V.'ull, 1 hullovu lu the themy that tho utToe ,..!! sex the man 1 inher ihitn the man should seek the office. PMU adrlfihia Hecurd see Ststesmau No, I BMIBOl fetB In fsvoi I f suy msMsure that would benefit tho bus pital. Cltlseo Why? Statesman It' 1 a coipjratiou; and 1 ui ria corp-iratlous. e e e .' talste -- When I wn h child my numn nada mo terribly afraid of tha dark, and I've novo' ipilte K'lttH'i over It. I Mr 1 Knox I noodiir why yen waited for teVllght to go home -iier'j I hi eaflr. e a a I'oor James! His bnuht career wss blssted in the prime of life. Why I Is be dead - Alasl worss. Fie bas located at Wilkes- Bam, e Tbe "Hlar of KentUok" probably was unmitd becniisH of his disposition toxin till luU. Chicago llriialrh. e e Bon PaaiiKo Tbodobw! I'roBperlty giuierally must, bo pursued, but It is never necessary tochnso adversity. The piillticiau who waits for lbs office to wwk him In this au will accumulate moss on his chin. TttB world wss uuiiIh for all, but many of us linvebeeu too slow in fencing up our allotiueut. Now brooms IWBCp clnun, but It Is the fslihful. stubby handle that Baa deal tell ing blows to a dusty cur pet. What if the MTTBBt i;irls aud cooks. Who prepsru tootlisoimi dinners for Sunday eating, should J dn lu thn niovutuuut, fur uioro thorough observanco of the Sabhiith; Tho Individual who brings inmcthlug to the odltorlal nine tu in "just to help fill up, ' unconsciously pays the most delicate left handed compliment to tho brains of the stuff that can be I magi Bad. 1 Flaying Hhani r .Yew Yotk Sun. la moments of deep meditation, tlu thought may sometlmus flit, like algarstte smoke, throug.'i the marble cloisters of I ho lion. Josiub V ""' " brsin, that it wus hardly worth bhlnniiig dowu one's family tree lor the eako of mingllnn lu tho affairs ol tlim ungrutefnl world, it, may bo that the Hon. .1 . in . (julncy would bj ive will uut ( )ur new Hicycles are now to be seen at our 51 j Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING. CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of EASTER NOVELTIE In Gold and Silver. EasterltEgg Spoon." Prayer Book Markers, Easter Book Marl Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easter Gifts. ercereau & Connei! 307 l.At K.VWANN I VV..L. Unve' and MllOin Rfra Girls' Wheels. We are mak w.t uiu.u, ; extremL.iv low r XOMOta AVK, BCBAMTOk Second-hand prices Wheels. 8TK1NWAY A SfV 1)1.1 K Kit HltO I HKKS KKANICH A HA 1 U S i I 1.1 . & HAUKIt an II Ul 1 , D.WLLAMS&BRO HOUSEHOLD HA Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. rowape. 7 PIANOS f" In." tuck uf f. 1 .;: ORGANS 314 Lacka. Avo. atUBlOAIi : : u n vmiisi; Ml h,l- . KTU. Klli DUPONT'S ltl.ASTiMi AM) SFOKTIKQ POWDER Mnuiat tiirt'l at 1h WapwallomMi Mills, Lu ivrut eottntf Fk.. Nnd hi Wll fnitjftiij, trUufirtv HENRY BELIN, Jr. (ivncral Agent for tha Wjuuilug llUtrlot, 1 1 8 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa. l.ii.l Nntlimnl llmili Itnllding. siirsiir" THC4 FORI), Pitta) in. ra JdHN II HMD II A HON ; l'lyniMulh Pa. I W Mi i.I.ihan. Wllkfs-fiarre, Pa A 1 ; . 1 1 1 . for ttm 1 1. 1 j .p. 1 1 1 1 1 I'ltmnlfMl OaB itwiv liiah Eatilostvaa FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. Menus and Dinner Cards. Reynolds Bros. Stationers rnd Erj,r ver.i BIT LACKAWANNA AVK N.R We nro ofleriug a now edition of the iuk of Common Prayer, well bound in cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. NORWAY IKON BLACK I) l.V MOM) sll.VKU 1 1'KA SPECIAL SANDEBSON'S ENGLISH JKts80l'8 ENOLISR CAS I' 8TKKL HOItSK MIOI.s TOR CALK TIKE MACHINERY SI'IUNU tOVT STKEL AM Il. BstLLOWS BOKSE N 1LS WILEY A RVUELL AN I) WELLS BROS CLUING MACBINER1 W AGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS Hi its SPOKES SUMS STEEL SKI ins It H SPIKES SCREW Bittenbender & Co. , Scranton, Wuelsaals aud mail dalr ui WacoanMlnn' and Blaokamithi fcTJPPLIKS THE DICKSON MANUFACTU RING CO. CRATU ANL) W!LKSS BARM. PA. KAKUrAOVORBM Ol Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. QenBral Offioa, BCRAKTON, PA GUERNSEY BROS. Will remove about April 1st to 12 Wyoming Ave ntic (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a lull Hue of UIIIIilillllilllillllMII!llllitSIIIIII3l3 I DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE s TIIVSE? I At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH I WE HAVE IT. EDWIN G. LLOYD 4011 Lack. Ave. STOWEI nilllMllll43llllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIHIR DKIICIO'J'S, MIZ,D BTJCJAIl OTJUEX) HAMS. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF ABSOLUTELY rXTnB LARD. LARD BRANDED. BH TRADE HUPl'LIKD BY THE THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA CrtD TUD irWTrU CDACliM ri in nr. ,r, 11 r, 1 iihoiii Alt kltuls Frasb fish reef lvad Uaiif Panrjr Nmoksil Halibut Roaalass CoB. Varinonth Bloatsra ( Hit MaBkstal. Raolwvfavi Chssapaaka Rajr. Maurlra Klvsr Cava ami inn.-1- ( nil i 1 1 1 1 lam , sin imp .. loallnps, &-r. W. H. PIERCE, PENS AVE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers