The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G , B. & Co.,
fmprinin'l nn EpcI) Cigar.
Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
COURT Hoist. tUUAttba
laTO 640 ?..
Happening or a Day Tint Will Interest Hyde I Ground for Plant to t'liiplay f ive Hundred
Park RoadJ.'i. Men lias Been Purchased.
H K. BNWH, of Sunbmy. was iu Scran
tou yesterday.
u. l. Prnden, o( Ithaca, was yesterday a
fcs'railtoll Vl-ltcr.
J. N. Thomas, of I'ittston, was a Scran
ton visitor yesterday.
Mr. :i tut Mrs D. I ' Powell are Visiting
frtemls at Wilkos- Utimv
Mrs N. II. Brooks is visiting friend
anil relatives m Bioghamton.
Mr. ami Mrs. A. EL Root, of Washington,
D. (.'., wen in tins city yesterday.
H. M. IVsteu, ot Wilkes-Barre. was en
gaged bare yesterday oo blllinm
Mr. a ml Mrs Bernard Weil, of WilkOO
Barre, spent yesterday in tins city.
Miss Anna Schoouutatsr, of Eltntiurst,
called on Bcranton tr ends yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Hooper and daughter
Minnie and son Frank, are at the St.
Char tot,
Mrs. I, B. Barnes Mrs. Ptad t Stevens
and Mrs. Lillian Weed viited friends at
Moscow yesterday.
general Man agar Artlierwent to Phila
delphia yesterday, where he witnessed a
public trial of street cut fenders,
Ralph Williams, of Matthew Kros-.'dnii
store, attended the K ilscopal church so
cial a: Jenuyu ou Tuesday evauiii.
Miss Josephine Seisin, a stttdeut at
Smith's college is spending a two weeks'
vacation, with her parents ou QolttCJ
B. S. Holies, advance ajeut for the
"Night Owls" is m the city. His com
pany it booked to appear at tin Academy
next week.
Mrs. J. W. Peck, of Olive street, enter
taitird a largo number of h-r Monde with
a t-a iu bof beautifully fara shed home
Tuesday il tens OOQ.
W. Fu'dtr.of Kansas City; W. S. Doekott,
of Washington, D. C. and A. u. Surher
laud. of the Pau'.ice Hull Opera company,
are at the Wyoming
Henry Ba;tin, who was thrown from
hi carriage and lerioosly injured some
Weeks ago, waa aboat the city yesterday
for the hrs: time tiace "he a:cideat.
Frederick S. Bittenbender, Nentiooko;
Mr and Mrs. J, L. Bnddman, New fork;
E. S. Hooeentck, Sheaau ioau. and H. P.
Cooper n ! r L Lewis, PotteviUe, are at
the Westminster.
atlas Vaesie -lames, of Kansas City, and
Miss Mabel McMains, of Bradford, Pa,,
s'udeuts of Vassar coll ego, are tbe ?ujts
of Misa Helen E. Sandersou, daughter of
Drnggtsl aadroo.
At the Valley House ir- reentered A.
J. Drak- and son, 01 Scanhope: :.. A. Pat
tersoi, of CarboQdale. M. R. Kimoall. of
Wiikes-Barre: A. W. Pirce. of Dm vide:
E. S. Dariingtoa, or Wet Chever. John
B. Jennings, of li-b ipany: W. H. H. j
Uor. of Athens, Sir and Mrs. W. J. K'ti-
neoy. ot ainijuaaiEou, ana t. nawiey. jr.,
of Wuliamsport.
r'ftw SIor Testlra inla.a G.7n to tbe
Er.ov-lpodia Sri tannics.
Progress ;a book-making for the multi
tude is getting to be almost as w ,rt Urfal
as the improvements in transportation.
We r.ld fellows hart to go through the
hnmiiation of borrowing and plodding
through hundreds of volumes to gather
tbe know. edge which a few hours, exami
nation of The Turnout's edition of toe
Encyclopedia Bntanni-.-a, wr.h its snppla
ments up to dare, will give to any person
of industry. Then it !s so cheap and con
venient. It is like the o cent fare that
electricity baa written for the people, with
transfers to just tbe place you want to go.
Men and women who rea l and desire tnat
their chu ren should, ought to be nappy
to find this electric highway to solid
learning running by their doors. Ves, yon
can hav tins gr.-at linrary now for about
one-third the price of the original edition,
bos idea ihe lUppienieutal matter add-d to
It. Certainlv the good time is already here.
The highway to kn .Wi-dge, formerly open
to those with coach and ! mr, is now cill
log to root pa--enK-rs who may desire an
ou'ing. The SCKANTOlr TRIBCkX rings its
bell, ' nly ten cents a day, ' with trans
fen to any country, nock or corner yon
may f.inry You can takfc your family
along, to. Evry thinking man must wish
success to every man who tries to intro
duce such a highway to knowledge. I
certainly do. S. C. LcOAJt,
Former i'aator of First Presbyterian
The Ttnvm't edition of the Encyclo
pepia Bntannlca. upon examination,
proves to tie more useful than tba original.
The anpnl' mental .art, containining the
most recent Investigations in science, bio
graphies of living men, the latest explora
tions in Africa, etc., 1 in my judgnvnt,
a most valuable addition. II.WI ptf vol
ume, co'ifaroa to IB.OD, is certainly a
moderate os.
I commsnd the work to all who are in
search of tt.e most modern and recent dis
coveries. Ghtoaoa Kovkm,
TcacbW at Sohool No. l.
Although 1 have the latest edition of
Chambers' Encyclopedia in my library,
whn I daatra to thoroughly look up a
sohjsct i rsfar to the Britaa&lcai i con
sider it by tarsiip-nor to any othor work
of the kind in exhaustive treatment of
subjects. I find the reprint which Tim
Tkihi'SK is felling contains supplemental
matter up to date.
C. K Pakkk, M. I).
Within the past two yenrs, or dnririg the
month of dune, IV.'i, I purclia-ed the
Scribner edition f the Encyclopedia
Uruniitnrn.iit .i nil per voiunie, hound hi
cloth, 112". Tor tbe set
W. A. PAUtsj, M. U.
lh-' offer is withdrawn Saturday, March
81, ut S o'clock midnight.
Wantad Youna Man and Woman Out
of Emplovmnnt.
We have had a good year. To meet the
demands ot the pciiool extra teachers were
employed. -they nre with us How. Over
COO young u.jn and women nre out of em
ployment in BOTantOO. This spring and
summer we propoaa to tnk tbasa young
people in our school on nasy terms.
The demand for people is not great in
any line, but count up the people who do
clerical work in all tbo ollices, stores,
banks ami manufactories, and see what an
array of book-keepers, stenographers and
clerks are employed. These persons are
the business men of tomorrow,
Hundreds of your friends have been at
t the college and hundreds have lUCOtadod.
The faithful oacs win; tbe inattentive fail.
Take these next few months and learn
ook-koeping or stenography; brush up in
imiinr, spelling, arithmetic: ke p your
I on penmanship, get, a good knowledge
"notes, drafis, checks; know something
! commercial law, and wiud up with the
business practice.
IOU have the time come in and see us.
Wood's Collbok ok Business and Shout
hand. F. E. Wood, Proprietor.
Call and get prices in sterling silver
siuce the reduction in prico of silver. W.
J. Weichel, Arcade Jeweler.
Slie Was Ono ot lha Pionocrs ol the
Ciiy Dime Entertainment and
Social at Jackson Street Baptist
Church Masquerade Social ot Sir
Knights ot Pleasure Other Items
ot Much Interest.
The Wast Sida oBOS or th SfflUffTgeT
TRIBOlia It looatsd at IU South Main ava-
nue, where snbtariptlout, adrertlttintati
am! contraualoatlons will resalra praotpl
attention. J
Mrs Colin Dnrkln, one of the oldest
pioneer of the city, ilied at her home
00 JacksoD street yesterday afternoon
afttr a long illness. Some tune ao
Mrs. Dorkin contracted a oold hut no
serious r-'suit was expected until a few
days ago, when (he malady assumed a
reriont form. Death resulted at :s 80
Mrs Dnrkln whs horu in connty
Mayo, Ir land, snf was about 08
years of ege Bhe settled in Borantoti
with her bUSOand 1" years ago, and
can well be called one of the ohleat
pioneers of the valley. She was a
woman of firm Christian prlnoiplos
and a dev mt member of St. Patrick's
church She is survived by four 0 'il
dren, namely: ,iamss Dnrkln, Mrs.
Anthony Kennedy, of Plttston; Sister
Basil, of Williainsport, Cmivent i'f the
mmaeulate Heartland Miti B c. lur
kiu, rt teaO irr of No. lt school. Tht
tnneral wtll occur Batarday morning
it y o'clock a solemn high mass of
requiem will be selebrated In St. Pat
lick's ohnroh, luteruient in tht Luu
more cemetery.
An Entertainment Given.
A lare number attended the dim
entertainment and social laat evening
in the Jackson Street Baptist church
Utv. D. C Hughes, D. D,. presided.
Daring the evening many excellent
features wore presented. A reoitatiOO
wae given by Miss Mattit Thomas, aud
Mitt Cell Lewis reti lered iv solo. A
recitation was also given by Carrie
Anthony, A voetlsolo wis rendered
by Olive Price, and a flute solo by
Professor Junes Prother.v. A diss of
sixteen young girls gave a very excel
lent fancy drill under the able
ie im tip of Miss Sirab A. Jones Tuey
wre Cs ii Lewis, Grertrnde J. Lloyd,
Sadie Thomas, Norma Meredith, Mary
L Davies, Martna Kiebotls, Bertha
WiJdeek. Lizzis Morgau, K lith
B"ddoe, Anr.i V illiams. Cora Pes,
Mr::1 u:ias. Alice Div;es, Nettie
Lewis and Saran Harry Di7is. Miss
Cirrie Bnll was the aecompanlest for
the drill After the entrtai :aeut had
been concluded supper was served.
A Masquerade Beelal
Oae of tbt most enjoyable social
evsuts that was ever held on this side
was the masii'dera It party givtu by
the Sir Kuglit of Pleasure club iu
Mear's hail last evening. As early as
8 o'clock the guests began to arrive at
tired in novel costumes, some of whicn
were admirable for their original de
sigus. Tue hall was neatly decorate!,
toe stage being festooned and draped
from tne ceilings and walls. At
promptly 9 o'clock the graul inarcli
vat begun and was participited in by
et nt sixty couples Miss Nellie Cur
rao furnished mnsic for the evening's
Cantata Tomorrow Eveiing.
The Bond ay school of the (iarfield
Avenue. mission tvitl reniern cantata,
entitled "A Royal Victor," tomorrow
evening in tneir hall. Taose who will
participate are . Miss L zzie Hughes,
Norma Nichoils, Maggie Jenkins, Eini ly
Price. Jennie Beddot, Mrs. William
R, Williams, and T.ii. Beddoe.Tiiomss
'r Williams, William K-se, William
C Jon-s. T. d Thomas, David Jen
kins, William Hopkins, Alfred Lewia.
The affair is in chargeof Thomas Wat
kins with Miaa Lizzie Thomas as ac
companist. Personal and 0'hrwlse,
Right Reverend N i. Riilison, D.D.,
Bitbop of ( .atral Pennsylvania, will
bold a confirmation service at li o'clock
on Minduy nc.vt, in St. David's Episco
pal cnurch
Miss .'.'ora Besnt, Of West I'ittston,
has ralnmed home after visiting
friends mi this sida.
The funeral of the t year old child
of Mr. and Mrs. John Aston, of North
Lincoln avenue, was held yesttr lay
services were conducted bv Rev John
T Morns, pastor of the liellevne Welsh
Calfinlatlo Methodist chnrch, at the
home. Interment was made in the
Washburn Street eemtery
A child of John J. Tnomaa, of B18
North Main avenut, died yesterday,
The funeral will occur tomorrow after
Mri Frank Harrison, of New York
City, is tht guest of her mother Mrs.
J. M. Williams, of North Main nvtniie.
The Christiui Endeavor society of
the Plymouth Congregational fihurci'i
held a' Hard Tvma" antertaiumerit and
eoclal last evening for the niwinhers
and friends. No admission ft was
charged, but, a lOOlMOtion was taken
in the chnrch An enjoyable time was
had. Solos and duets, vocal and in
strumental, were rsndfred.
Tht Bcranton Stone company has
broken ground for tbt new branch of
the railroad company on th" West
mountain. The branch will extend to
Welstr'a quarry.
- .
Hlx IVIan Arreatsd for Aaaaultlna Frank
E-bsiiah Frldav N.irht
John I. nken, Joseph Aszuskl, Mloh-
ael 8nouoo,Jnllai Will, Frank Rlsmii
and Frank KoWilkl were Inst evening
l.rongiit befot Alderman De,ncy on a
Charge of assault and battery preferred
by Frank F.rbangh
U appears that laat Tuesday night
sll of the partial mentioned wore to
gether OH Lloyd street indulging their
nppetites for liquid refreshments. Er
bangh, the prns.'cntor, inoonmbtd
somewhat to the ioflntact of the ardent .
He was ordered to leave, but refused
to do so, whereat, the others threw him
out of the house, at tht same t. me heat
ing him in a brutal and savago man
ner, aa his hrniscl and battered appear
ance when he came before the alder
man (urniHhod abundant, prod. Er
baugh swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of his assailants and placed it in
the hands of Constable Patrick Roche
who secured the men while they were
attending a dance on Lloyd street last
Monday night.
The defendants were hold for cotirt
nnd gave bail for their appearance at
the next tern.
1 1 1 i i
New Bicyoie.
A new bicycle worth $iV will be sold for
The machine Is guaranteed and is n
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the
Tribnue ofllce.
Capitalization Said to Approach I wo
Million Dollars In Stock Hold
Mostly by Scranton People Board
ot Directors has Been Elected Pro
cess Protected by Numerous
Patents Machinery tnroute.
Another evidence of Scranton tutor
prise and progressiveness is shown iu
the formatlou of the Bonta Plats Glass
company, which was organized Toss
day nig' t at the office of lr David B
Hand, 800 Ptnn avenue, and tht fol
lowing hoard of directors elected: Dr.
David H. Hand, president I William
MeClave, vice president; Henry
Howell, secretary, Conrad Schroeder,
treasurer: Clarence D, Bimpsonand Dr
Shakespeare and J. W Bonta of PhlU'
A title has been ICOUrsd from Col
OUel II M Botes to fourteen acres of
land at Moosio, and ground for the
bnildingl will he broken today or to
morrow Five cars are now loaded at
Wllmingtou, Dd., with the rolling
machinery and applianesa included in
Mr. Route's patent Th"v will be for
warded here immediately Negotia
tions with tbe Hi rim itn.ig oompany
are dow pending for the construction
of one or more large new buildings.
J. W. Bonta, patentee of the pro
cesa Which bears lus name, was seen
bv a TRIBUNE reporter yesterday and is
authority lor the following informs
tiOUi The capitalization of the stock
ompany represent! nearly 18,000,000
In blocks of 130,000, based ou shares
valued at 100 par, which a year ago
I Id for less than $'.'5 There
are about 193 stockholders,
mostly of Soanton, among whom
the following hold a large num
ber of shares W. W Baylor, J W
Baylor, Mrs Ueorge u. Winaus, Mrs,
Hanson Carpenter, Leo Soblmpff, 0
Lorens, It 0. Vaubargen, 0. H Van
horn, Dr J. P. Porteus, Taylor; Oaslna
0 Btackhonse, Iral Blttanbender,
Frank Fuhr, Victor Kooh. ez-SbsriS
Charles Robinson, Price A Roe.Qeorge
DeWitt, Frank Phillips, John Benore,
M. 11 Dale, CD Wegman, William
R. MeClave. Ueorge L. Yost, J .mes
Young and J W. Browning.
According to Mr. Bonta, Mr. Howell
tirs became Interested in the matter
while on a friendly visit to th fortu-r.
lie was allowed to invest 11,000 in the
patent. Mr. Bonta cam 1 1 Scranton
over n year ago and with Mr. Howell
aired the venture and commenced sell
ing stock. Since then almost the en
tire interest has l e-n sold 1 1 Scranton
people; tht board of directors, how
ever, who were sleeted Tuesday night,
control the casj nty of stock.
While Mr. Bonta process can be ap
plied to tht manufacture of both plats
and embossed glass, for the present
only tht 1 ittar will he manufactured
it is used for decorating walls, panel
work, wainscutings, ceilings, etc.
The plant, when moving to its f nil
capacity, will give employment to from
300 to 500 men, nearly all of whom will
be engaged from Scranton and viciuity:
not more than six skilled mn will be
engaged, as mechanical work, almost
exclusively, is involved in the manu
facture. The rolling process is pro
tected by method, construction and
mechanical patents; an aricle patent is
also held ( n the product, which is now
in msniif icture. These, Mr. Bonta
claims, cover the company with u line
of patents which is not equalled by any
corporation in the Jolted States,
Paraona Who Think Arlzma Suffsrr la
R-la'd 'o Them Call on Mayor.
Tbe receipt of a letter in this city
from Dr. R. W. Cibbs, physician at
the connty hospital in Phnix. A. T ,
stating that a nun nstivd Patrick
Roche, who said that his loi iuer home
was in Scranton, was lying at the in
stitution dying of consumption, has
created considerable interest.
Yesterday a gentleman named Roche
called at the mayor's oSoS to make in
quirles concerning the poor Arizona
nnfortunate. He stated that a brothsr
of his went west some sixteen years
ago and bad not been heard of since,
and he feared the dying stranger might
he him. Tbe gentleman was given in
structions how to carry on an investi
gallon that would enable him to deter
mine whether or not the man is his
Mrs Ann Roeoh, a widow residing
at HI I Kwetland street, also called ai
the mayor's office for information, ane
thinking that perh ips tiie man was her
son who left home soin . three years
ago, and has not been heard of since.
In response to h.-r wishes a message
wns sent to Dr GMbM at PheaiXVllle,
who telegraphed back a description of
the tick m ill, giving Lis ag- as about
B7, height l feet, W"ight lxo pounds,
gray brown eyes and overlapping eye
brows. Mrs. Itoaoh failed to Identify
him lis her sou from this deeorlptloU,
the age being too great, by ten years
still there remained an uncertainty.
and for the purpose of making sure,
the mayor instructed that a letter be
sent to Or. GHbbt asking for further
particulars concerning the stranger.
The letttr wiih forwarded yesterday.
Arn.ild 7. i Hob's Fo..t Amputated at
Lnckswanna Hospital.
Arnold Zurfloh. of (ill Adams ave
nue, foreman of the pattern shop at tlm
Dickson works, was run over by an en
gine ou the tracks below the works
yeHttrday afternoon.
His right leg above tl ankle was
crushed beyond all Imps of saving it
and was amputated below the kne at
the Lackawanna hospital. Mr. 'or -
Hub's ejiidition is not alarming.
flcrentnri's ihtalnasa ftttCfOQtSi
Tun Thihcnk will soon publidi a care
fully rompil.'d and olSStlned list uf He.
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Bcranton
and vicinity. The edition will Ih hound
iu book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure viewa of our public build
ings, business bleaks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an liquid rep
resentation of BcrentOU'l many Indus
tries. Invaluable exposition
of our business resources. .Suit to
persona outside the city, copies of
this handsome Work will attract
now comers and bo tin unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is ou a plan that caiiie '. fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
atiarge. Representatives ol TbiTwsuri
will call upon Tiiosic WBOBI RAMI
are ukrihkii in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in tnis edition will please I. avu uotice nt
the office.
Happenings of a Da Tliat Will luturust
Many Tribuuu Rudders.
The Premises and effects of John
Mathlas Destroyed by Fire Births
day Parly Two Oouncilmon of
Avoirdupois Practico on tho Wheel
Personal and Shorter Paragraphs
That Will Interest South Side
A lire broke out In the residence of
John Mathlas at the corner of llamm
o out and Locust street yesterday afiei
ii. on sl 13 BO A few minutes after the
alarm was sounded tin. Neptune ar
nved. followed soon i.y the Century
and William Connolls. Two streams
were turned on th burning building,
hut the home was ruined before tho
Hamea were extinguished. None of tht
lurnitnre, except a few kitchen uten
sils, was saved, and no insurance was
carried on either the furniture or the
bouse. The origin of I he tiro is attrii.
tiled to a defec tive Hue.
BotprltC Partv On Mai. e (street
The young frlende of Daniel Kelly,
jr., assembled at the reeidenoa of his
parents ou Maple street i n .In night
and tendered a surprise to him iu honor
of bis hirt Inlay anniversary. A moat
pleasant evening waa Spent Those
present wore: Miutea Mamie Koloy,
Mamie Murray. Jennie Convey, Katie
MoLean, Annie Foley, Maria liattlt,
Katie Battle, Kate Healon, Katie Orr,
Nellie Judge, Maggie Mullaiiuy, KHu
Mnrpby, Victoria Downer, Lucy Sulli
van and Mrs, John Rooneyj ESdward
Foley, Edward Murphy, Martin Luny,
William Troy, Patrick Judge, Patrick
Millie, rbomas Murray, Arthur Carey,
John Koouev and Daniel Sullivan
MiaS Lnoy Sullivan and Miss May Mur
ray presi led at the piano and furnished
splendid music.
Learning to K d u Bkyole.
Common Councilman llickty, of the
BleVCUth ward, and Battle, of tbe
Twentieth, furnished amusemtnt to a
crowd of spectators ou i'ittston avenue
yesterday iu their frantic endeavors to
maintain their equilibrium ou a tan
dem bicycle. .Som time ago Conrad
Pell, tho wagon maker, offered to con
struct a bicycle tor the heavy weight
OOUUCllmen With which they COUld to
gether ride to council meeting; but he
provided that they BtSt demonstrate to
him their ability to operate the wheel.
As a part of tin contract he agreed to
rent a bicycle for theui to practice on,
and stipulated that the place on which
tbey would train should be soino busy
thoroughfare built up on both sides
with either business houses or resi
William Stern, of Cedar avenue, re
turn ol yesterday from a business trip
to New York.
William Palmer, of South Washing
ton avenue, will leave at noon for
Birmingham, Ala., to make his future
John Charles Miller, of Cedar live
tine, is recuperating greatly and has al
most recovered perfect health.
Andrew J. Whit, of Prospect ave
nue, who waa recently indisposed, is
nble to go to work again,
Shorter Paragraphs.
The case of Myiel J Varley is to he
reopened and presented before the next
grand jury. Prosecutor Burke was
not aware that the- case would be called
as soon as it was; besides he was not
notified by the alderman that it had
been sent to court.
A meeting of tbe excursion commit
tee of the Bcranton Athletic cltib will
be held at the rooms tomorrow night
at 7 30. A lull attendance of the com
mittee is desired, as important business
will be deliberated Upon,
Two young children of Contractor
Thomas H. Spruks, of Prospect avenue,
are seriously ill of bronchitis
The funeral of the u-vear old
daughter of John Smith, ot Prospect
avenue, will be held this afternoon at
: o'clock interment iu Hyde Park
0 'tlieterv.
William H Walter, tbe instructor of
of the "Welc one Dancing clues," is
having t he Oerinania h ill nicely decor
ated and is sparing no expenses in pre
paring for the grind social to ho held
Monday evening, April '.''id. A tirst
class orchestra will furnish the music
Patriotic Orators to Kpk in TUhnlf of
lbs Oherldan Monument Prcjeut
'I'll directors of the Phil Sheridan
Monumental association met last even
ing and made preliminary arrange
incuts for holding a great mass meet
ing iu the armory on Thursday even
Ing, April 5 'l'hw meeting will he of
aipatriotic nature and it is intended to
stir up enthusiasm ou behalf of the
project to erect on the public Muarn a
suitable monument of one ol the great
eat generals. whose bravery ou tn flsl I
of battle lent lustre to the achieve
merits ol the Union soldiery
Tim speakers selected fortho occasion
re Colonel Bars H Ripple, Rev. N. F.
Stahi. Itev. P J, MoMaUUB, Hon T V
Powderiv. ii J Fltgstmmone and Hon.
John II Fellows I II" inent fact that
such eloquent speakers as are included
III this list are to address the meeting,
ought of itself be lufflolcut to crowd
the nrmory and give thn monument
scheme a big boom. The Lawrence
baud will furnish music
At tins meeting a ways and means
committee to consist of twentyflve tir
sons will be appointed and other luitl-
ary work begun. It begias to look
now aa though tho proposed monument
was iu sight.
"Americans Abroad" will be tho at
raction at the . Academy of Music to
night. The play and company are
strongly endorsed by tho munagement
of tht house, and the press, wherever
AinericauH Abroad ha been pro
iluctd, has accorded it great praise.
Daniel Froh man's Lyceum company
will produce it hurt.
TBI OROBT Of socihty.
The Philadelphia News says of "The
Crust of Society," which will be seen
at the Academy of Mo tomorrow
night "The theatrical offering at the
Chestnut Street opera houae laat night
waa the society drama, 'The Crust of
Society," which is exemplified in a
forceful dramatic wav, th unwritten
ret universally nocepted social doc
trine that 'a good man should marry
none but a good woman.' 'l'ut Inter,
proration was a brilliant one.
"Miss Ziffle Tilbury appearedai Mrs.
Lint lake. (, 'Impel, and added fresh laur
els by her clever aiding, while Llita
Proctor litis aa .Mrs. Kruestiuo Echo
iily enhanced br reputation aa an
actress of the higher school. Her in
terpretation was lull of interest, mid
realistic, While her acting loll nothing
to be desired."
Dcnman Thompson's fsmous play,
"The i iid Homestead," returns to the
Aoademy ot Music Monday nignt
"The Old Homestead'1 teaches a grand
moral lesson, introduces ns to tbe not
leal end minpleal of characters, carries
us away sroui city life and incidental
cares and worries, and sends us to our
homes with better thoughts of the
stage in particular, and mankind in
general The piece is handsomely
in iinied and tho members of tile In
terpreting company are fully capaui
of tailing cam oi Hit parts inlrin-ted to
Ilia Signal ira Attached lo Approprla
Uon and I'ollc Ordinances.
After careful consideration Mtyor
Connell has signed tbt ordinanoe ap
propriating money to defray tut city
expeiiSMS lor the fiscal year of 1894
Tho new police regulation OrdioaUOe
has also receive 1 Ins signature, and is
now the law by wlni- i tht fore will
hereafter be regulated aud governed
Removal of F. M Aylnworth.
F. M. Aylswortb will remove to 818 Wy
oming avenue, next to Economy Furniture
company s store, during tho llrst week in
. -
Bnadlnaton WoerB'S and Ballantine'e
Ale are tho best. B. J. v alhu, agent, at
Lackav.-aiiua avtuna.
Baby Carraiges
Dorfllnger c lehrated out glass
Wclehtl'S Arcade jSWClry store.
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Ari at I'l.'-S'til I tie M...1 Popular au.l I'r. l.-rr.-.t It
ls-ailins Arttstl
W.irnrenms : OppotlltColUmbUI Monument,
200 Washington A v. Scrnnton.Pa.
Martin 6c Delany
Clothiers and Custom Tailors.
JJ E INVITE your attention to our new
new spring stock, which is complete,
and beg to add a word with reference to the
advantages offered by us.
Ine particular care exercised in the sc
lection and manufacture ol all garments, the1
perfection oi pattern and novelty of design,
all guarantee the best value at
No Higher
than are frequently asked for goods of infe
rior workmanship.
A careful inspection will convince you of
their value.
Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
8c Co.
Cloak Makers and Furriers.
Wedding Presents
Choic? Selection.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
Three of Our
Good Things
AT $5.00
'I I... X ..... 1' 1: .1. T . 1. A TV -11 I
auv .c r.uj;ii!-ii .iiick.'I. r (111 BM
Sleeve. Lnrire Raverea Knll l-'.m.L- t"W
p.. , . .. ,.
-New Length.
AT $7.50
Tan, Navy, Segar Brown, Mixed
Brown and Grey. A very stvlish
Jacket, Fit ami shape perfect.
AT $10.00
We will give yon n choice of four
styles of Jackets, Clay, Twill or
Covet doth. For dress or street
wear there are none better.
i Cloak Makers and Fnrrier9l
Court House Square.
hi ) yen bunt, fltu, rtil ;i wheel, or
intptnl t" Do you went tine Pocket
Gtttlory, a, or any of tho nnner
nils articles sportsmen and eportinij
men use' If so, on ami nftor APRIL
Will he prepared to furnish some at
reasonable prloes at his store,
435 Spruce Street
Retnntnbcr, avcrythint new, stork
jnsi bouitht . no oii sun k to dtspoee or.
Call iin.l examine and von will save
time .ml money
DON'T ll mm o
To the dollars when they will brihf yen enrb
value n return SS It Offered veil hero. Who
ever beard of snch a chance?
K $150 Bicycle for $'5
Wa arc offering onr itus' ami QlaLS'
WHB1LS at Very low prtoeic Wedc not k
by tin. cetalognc list.
Florey & Holt
Special for This Com
ing Week.
Ladies' Kid Hnttoti. pointed and
Philadelphia toes, patent leather
tips; special pries, $J Op; worth, 3.30.
Ladies' Dongola Rid Bnt ton, hand
sewed, special prtoc, $y, worth f t SOL
Mieees' Kid Button, plain toes,
sprint; heel, special price, $1.50;
worth t'-'1
llovs' School shoes, Don cole top,
sizes 0 to .".. special price. Si. so;
worth 19.00
Men'-. 'sif Patent Leather Lice,
pointed toes, ipeeial prioe, 83-00;
worth t.00
Men's Calf Blocker, hand sewed
welt. Piccadilly last, special price,
$ j. 80; worth 8 'l1
Little Hoys' Shops, button and
lace, apruiK heel, mtdt "jutl like
papa's, sites S to lOJ, special price.
1.50; worth $1,90
Youths' Calf, button and lace,
spring heels, Qoodyear welts sizes
11 toll, special price, Jj; worth, 9.B0
I AST YEAR he had saved 9900,
It 11., 1 Ui .. 1.. ....... . tttioia
111- wiugui uvuav vwuiti cvrv
paia touu down, gave a mofv
gage iM- jl,."."u. Today ho esti
mates as follows.-
Kent saved I;.1 oi
Interest OO mortaav f.H Oo
Ifcxeeand ripura -XX i ie W
Net StVlni en rent $131 W
Saved on salarv iSO tU
T. apply on nMrtcate.
$:-o so
Mil I K 1 ION -In I Ol K i.'.r. that
house will bt frtt (Vein .let. I anU I atial
leave a hont ef sai .no."
OlttCEN ttiiM.K i Hit paradise IM
heme, t Inn It Sons hare ra i-enll tine
Ished :i btaaUSnl ttlla ht. i. tbt offer,
en aas) payBstals, at eia.'.o.
Call hi il.. mi nfflca, bttwtta Mashinttot
tad Adams en Ollvettrtet
The GKN1 INK Haven
schae'S mm. "Mathusbek" Pianos
The (lira! Marvel ol Denial Science
A receut discovery and Ike sole
properly of
Hcnvood k Wcirdoll,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After having tlevta teeth extracted nt
ore ilttlng by the palaleac mat hod, 1 pre
aonaee 11 eattrely atMAtetovv in every
liarlieulur. J . u. SBAMOMI
New oik Warerooms No. so
Fifth Avenue.
E, C, RICK KR & CO..
Bolt dealers Iu ihis section
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
TIip Specialist on tlio Eye. II. . and
Nervousness Latest unit Improved
Htylo of Byt QlatatS mill taelea at tilt
bowetl Prices Best Artltloial RytS Inaartwl
for to.
ifi SPRUCE ST., op. P&tt Office.