THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNTNG. MARCH 28. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT nirl Vrtn Uua nml thou tako it fill 1UU JDiGl wk tuck to the tore Buy Something SS yZ M . tell yon, "V e can't Found You mrr uiiCK, "lit W II ICl yon have om tliiuir elttl Aiul lmve you been lotlie'.e.l wutit to take instead, and eventually ct lomtthiDg yon rould just us we I liavo done with out? 1C o, you'll spprwlatt OUT of" ftt to Didn't Want Return Money m . i . a. car to know u, tor Any Fur- IM IIIHl lilCl tliat you want your money back is uf ficientfor u. We Dp)Vpj lnc,l. want jronr tutor llvivo uujui S&S must isfactory from t'e satutieil n Any Cause. Samples and Prices ! Will Be Cheerfully Given. The More You Compare The More Money You Will Save The More Business We Will Do Highest of all in Leavening Powef. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. DqWJ Baking ixsmm Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS OF f TOWNS Her XT a few of this w?k iuiT'e Price Best Indigo Blue Prints 4 l-2fi Fast Color Outing Flannels 8c Johnson's Fine Seersuckers fOc 46-in. All Wool Blue Serge 50c 211x45 Linen Damask Towels 25c Lace Insertion newandstylish,5c Ail Wool Shawls FEZala 98c vCrean. V.hite anl Pia's only) Gorman's Grand Depot ' . s I CHIRPINGS. Frcifoojor Th:ma' P'loil Gi a Very Er j tyabla lUcital. Special to the Scranton ZWettlM, CaBBOSOAXI, Pa.. March 'i'.- Pro faor A P. Thomas' recital, wQich wa KtTu in the Presbyterian chapel tbia eeenioic. waa the chief ociety event of the evenin. A pleasing programme waa rendered by me pupils in aacQ a manner a to rttWct much credit upon their teacher. y. - Mae Haliock returned home from Scranton this raoruinsr. after en joying a brief eisit witn friendi. Fred Emerick, of Scranton, made a bueine trip to thin city today. Will Allan, of Hyde Park, was a vis itor in this city today, called by tt-.e ilinestof bis father, Junes Allan, of Copeland ayinne. Mia Cora Avery, of Waahington ttreet, waa a Scranton vioitor today. Special aervieas were held in Endeav or cDapei tnia evening. The meeting wis condnated by L. R. Vernon, of Criicago. Tomorrow ( Wednesday i evening well occur the much talkal of charity ball for the benefit of tha Carbondale' hos pital. It will be held in Kaystone baii. CattTtT)Georgt J Benton will anpply refreshments during the evening. Intaligence has ben received by friends in this eity announcing the death of Mrs. William C. Smith, wife of a former pastor of Mm Berean Baptist church in tbia city Her death ocaurre 1 in Los Angles, Cal, Dceasd is sur vived by her husband and fonr chil dren, H. F. Q Smith, of L' Aojralee, Cal. ; Miss Carrie Smith, of N'ew York city;C. B. Smith, of Wiikes-Barre.and Mrs. A. J Kehbein, of Honesdale. Peter Herman, a carriage painter of Scranton, haa purchased and will con tinue the business of the lata Charles dolHi, Mrs. (ieorpe Chapman and son, 'my, are visiting tha former's tno'her, Mr. Vincent, In Hornsville, N. Y. Aoolv, carriage manufacturer, I . Si Carroll treer,, Buffalo, X. Y., utatn: I waa troubled with names of the Htoin ach, sick headache and (funeral debility. Burdock's Blood Hittern cured me. ii OURYEA'S ACrivtTr. D.Ibert Knapp Olbro Fill Hev.n tnth MttMay Annlv.riiary. Special I" the Srranffn Trihune. DOKYIU, Pa., March M, The seven teenth birthday anniversary of llilbert Knapp was celebrated at his home on Monday evening. Those present wore The Misses Anna Brown, Mutulo Hinds, Nettie Brown, Oiive Pearl. 0, V widen burg. Margaret Biwis. Blttb Smith, Jennie Alexander. Mattie Hinds, of Mooaic, Amos Wilson, George Baiter, Arcmbald Stanton, Ellll Main warini, Arthnr Wilson, of Duryaa; Charles Warner, John Young, of Moonic. Tha )! departed at lnt hour, wishing Mr. Kua)p many happy birthdays. Daniel Thomas, of Somurset county, is visiting with friends in the vicinity. There will be an entertainment held in the Brick church Wednesday even ing for the benelit of the uiinister. Electric Bitters. Thisromody is becoming so woll known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have ued Electric Bitters sine the same fong of pralie. - A purer medicino does uot exist nnd it is guars n teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will romove Pimples, Boils, Salt Hhoum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as woll as cure nil Malarial fevers.- For cure of Headache, '.'ontispation nnd Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or mouey refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1 per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug stora. Out of town correspondents of Tni rii DMSihoaldatgn their names In full lo aaotl news tetter, not for publication uuittfuarJ deoeDtion l ARCHBAID N(WS NOTES. Loaves from a KeinirtHi' Tad it-fpro-duoxd for Gmisral Ra ttuif. Special n tit SbeowfON rViouaa. ARCHBALO Pa., March 80.- ConitaV ble Mica i l Loftoi, of the Tuird war I. has resignod his otitis nnd William P mgbar has baan wppoinltd to inooaad him MitiM Suah tlarlry and Bridget Brown, of Biogbamton, spent L.wttr at their former homes here. Bavaral out f town orators ditsnitad the qoNtton, "What Is tlu Cause That So ninny Men Are of Work;'' at a saloon on Smith Main street Sivuiav af ternoon The speakers W(N of the pro aon DO id socialistic school. Ttiey did not mcoted In makiug converts to the ir radical belief. Charlaa Miller, of North Maiu streot, ipeut Sunday in Soranton. It lias been rumored for some tint that Mark Cawley, proprietor of ttio Uiverside hotel, would lake chsrg of the Movies hotel on April 1 Tins is now dsulfd and it is stated that John A Moylta, of Winton, will assume eharga, Mr. Muliiollaud, the present proprietor, will go to Jermyn. Mr. Movies will bo assisted iu tha manage meut of the hotel by his nephew, Mr John J. Gilgallou, of Soraaton. Missos Allie ud Agues Byrni", of Washington, N J . are visiting Mrs. M. A. Foote . of Main street. The council u having a hard time trying to organize a board of health rhe third attempt w is mide at a spsi lal meeting las; evening, wneu William F. Breuuan was appointed for one, Tliadd-us Borke for two year. Diniel P. O'Ronrkfl for three years and John J. Hull bin for fonr years. At this meeting also Auditor H. C Lindermtu preMnted the au litors' report for the year ending March 3, ISO 4. It wai orJered printed in the SCEUNTO!) 1'riu CSt, and will appear on Wednesday. A riot ot small prop rtions ocenrre 1 on the Hi Ige on Moo Jay among aomi of the foreigners residing there. The : ur "s was obliged to en J three spec lal policed n out t the assistance of ibe constable to arrest a fisry Huu who was recklessly neiag a revolver. One of the specials. Thorn ts Dabigg, ha 1 uis ringer bitten by a mau wuom lie utempted to arrest. The Father Math-w society conln;t ed an excellent entercainmsn; at thsir hall on Monday evening The pr.i gramme was very interesting and the varioue numbers were interpreted in a satisfactory m toner. The same night the East Side band con lucted an en joyaale and successful ball. At 5 o'clock Sunday morning Michael Manady. one of the ol lest residents of tilts borough, passed away after a brief illness. Mr. Mahady came here when quite a young man, and was well known and universally esteemed. Tue sorrow that his death occasion is in tensihVd by the fact fiat his wife is very ill iu Lackawanna hospital and was not able to be at his bedside who i he died Mr Uabady was tliafatli-r of William and Patrick Mahady an 1 Mrs. William Brennan, Jr , all living here. His funeral took plaee (hit morning. A requiem masa was sung in St. Tnomss' cuuroh and interment was made in tne Catholic cemerery The funeral of the late Mrs. Ellen Gilrnartin, wnodie l luddanly last Fri day evening, took place yestrlay morning. At i) o'olook th remains wsre borne to St. Thomas' churco where a high mass of r rqnientn was sang vTne celebrant Rev. Dr. Lucas, paid fitting tribute to tne character of the deceased lady. He spoke of li-r devotion to her religion and her family, ami of the uni form charity ant gentUneei that marked hor long and virtuous life The r-muns were interred in tha Catholic cemetery. The pall bearrs wt .fuos Corcoran. Thorn is Finuerty, Thomas fiaugh in, Patrick DnlTy, Michael Nealon and Tnomaa Philtnn. There were in my from o it of town at the funeral. - DAY'S DOINGS AT D ALTON. The New Wrought Iron fltnire Company Op.ns I:,. .... Cp.-a'ions t.tufii to th seraafon TVieeae Dai.t'iN, Pa, March 27 -Our town is enlivened by the arrival of T, A. Braabtaf with twelve nan and te, no representing tha Wrought Iron Itange company of St. LuOII. They have e. tahlish'd bladqntfMM here nnd will IbOTOngbly canvas tli territory ad jacent to us, S"lling their wares. They expect to remain here for at least fi v months Mrs W. A. Dean and son. Maurice, are visiting friends in New York. Miss Helen Blown, of Newhsld, N Y , hi in this place. ( org" VV. iienle is in town today. E B, Von Storch is going to erect a fine dwelling here this spring. Con tractor Thomas Is now engaged on the cellar. Howard Ball, the Mffiaf for Tllic TbIBOME it just recovering from an attack of the measles His plsoe has la-en ably tilled by Master Hobble Sims. ' H E Phillips has been putting In more shelving and adding to his stock of gfOOeriel in order to meet the wants of his numerous friends 4 In Holland, Mich,, ('. J. Doesbnry puh lilbaj the News, and in its OvlDUM Htrongly recommends Dr. Thoinas' Eleo trie Oil for roughs, colds, sore throat, ca tarrh and asthma STRICKtN BY PARALY3IS. Judge Strong Taken III While Rsturn inir Home from Churob. fpecai to the Scronton Trthunt. HORtlDALt, March 27. Judge Strbng, father of Mrs. E O. Hamlin, austsined a severe stroke of paralysis vstorday afternoon. Although near ing the fonr score year mark, Mr. Strong has been blessed with remark ablo vitality, and active in many pur suits. On E ister Sunday, the superin tendent of Grace Snuday school re ported that Mr. Strong bad been an nctiv.i in. tuber of the BptlCOpal church for eeveuty years, and during the past rear had (not miaiad a single Nation of the Sunday lOhool where he taught. Oil M n, lav b acted as teller at the lection of the vestry of Qraae obnroba lie waa returning homo fm there at 5.80, when iu tha poitt-ffi'Jfl he was saitad with a Ollili and was curried into an Adjoining store Aphytieisn being inntmonad it was found the whole left aide was paralyzed canard by a rupture of a blood Veattl near the bise of the brim Today there are chances that Judge Strong may bo out again, although be suffers IDUOD, " tORtST CITY AND VICINITY. Paragraphi of Nw. Traetv Oomplled for Hurried Reading Siwioi lo the ssranfoa IWbaae POHIST CtTY, Pa., March V, A City correspondent in the ton Truth recently sent a letter to that journal which oontaina many misstate ments. In the first plaOO, lie states that W. J. Mux. y cin nl among Ins politioal friends a petition setting forth that an Illegal count was made in tho First war l for the ofll -a of coun cilman. Mr Maxey never tried to se cure one signer to the petition In lines lion. Next it is said that ''Tbomal Brown, sr , and L-w Wo lemati have both dropped out of the fight for the nomination of ropr s.'iitative at the coming couuty convention " Mr. Wedetnan uevr annonnoed bltnteif ns i candidate. Mr Brown was and etill is a candidate, and his chances for the nomination are second to no other candidate in Susquehanna oonnty. Again, tins Truth correspond cut tries to belittle the ootnnwndable efforts of Burgess Benjamin Many In ittemptiuis to enforce the borough or dinance, and MOtuei him of not men tioning the bad condition of the side walks when he speaks about the filthy habit "f spitting tobacco juice on the sidewalks, n Mr. Maxey's first pro olamatiou he was treating simply of dilorderly action, filthy habits, etc., and not of borough improvements Liter the burgess called the attention of conncil to sidewalks and other need 1 improvements iu a very beroin ing and forcible manner. The Truth correspondent evidently was anxious to tiu 1 fault and was not particularly Ol ireful to follow the truth in his fault finding He should endeavor in his next heavy mental effort to furnish a few facts instead of dealing entirely in sin ill spirited fiction. T. J. Mo l'ighe, formerly of Carbon dale, and well known iu this place, was in town to lay intro lucing n choice line of cigars for a Uoadlila, K. Y., cigar company Harry Yewens, snrrever for the Hill side Coal and Iron eompiny, of Scran ton, was in town today. Mr. Henry Box spent yesterday with Carbondale friend James White, jr., a ion of Mine Foreman White, was severely bitten by a dog belonging to Mrs. McDermott yesterday. Qneataattbe Forest House today, S. N Callenler. J E. Cailender, of Scranton, and W. A Smith, of Bing h a in ton, N. Y Erie Operator .lame Cunningham is on the sick list today, JERMYN JOTTINGS Notes of Oeneral I .t.rset Comeming Inhabitant of a Huatiintr Town. JgRMYN, Pa., March i'.- Evan Da vies is visiting fiienda in Wilk-s Barre. The third degree team of the inde pendent )rder of till Fellows will go to Arob bald ttatnrday night to coufer the d-gres. Harry Bovart and Robert and Frank Blakeslee returned to their school du ties at Wyoming s.-minury y titer day, Tho funeral of Mollit f'ory took pi ice yesterday interment in Tompklnt villo. C D Winter tranactod business in Scranton yrster lay. The nocial at the residence of Joseph Tennis lsst evening, in aid of the Bt Jamn thnrob, was a great success A larg- n nin tier attended and helped thn cause financially. Hufreshinents were served by the young ladies ot the church. 1 - MOOSIC Ml-OIUNY. Evente of a Day Ohronltled In Nnwsy Little Parairraphs. ftveefaJ lo is Be ma few fwtaat, MOOSIC, Pa, March il Thomas Me J nal I, of Stark's patch, au old resi Oentof this tOWO, putted away Monday morning of pneumonia Dtotaaed wag 70 years of age and had liveil in this vicinity for thirty y.-ars. Tne funeral will take place Wodneaday morning at I) o'clock from Ins resilience in Stark's pateh. an I a high mass of requiem will be Celebrated Hist Mary's church at lb o'clock In Avoca Interment will be in idt In the Market street uemetery in Pittston. Archie Young will conduct a Bible reading in thn liasemem ,.f the I'r shy tor i mi church T hursiay evmiug. Sun ject, 'Holy Spirit. " Alexander ftloKtOlit was In Scranton on businea yesterday Hev. Mr. Jones, Of Providence, and Hev, Mr. QtOtge, of PittatoD, will hold service at the home of Daniel Price, of Brook street, Thursday evening Only a Step from Weak Limns () Con sumption, from Depleted Blood to An;i;mi;i, from Dis ea ted Blood to ScroiiilajfrorD Loss of Flesh to tllneiSi Scott's Emulsion tho Cream of Cod-liver Oil, provonls this step from being taken and restore! Health. Physicians, tho world over, en dorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! iviwo .i tj Scott a Bewae, n. t. an Drufgist. Preaching in Welsh will be given iu the evening Miss Frances El well, of Scranton, spsnt Tuesday with a eister, Mrs. W. H. Manners, of Main street. Master Samuel Altemus, of Minooka avenue, met with an accident Monday by hating his loot badly hurt by jump in g on the cars. Cottage prayer matting will be hold , Friday evening at the home of David Wildriolt, of Walnut street, at 7.U0 o'clock. - n i PRICtbURG AND DICKSON. IliiMiaiilnua ot Two Lively Horouifh Kpiducsd In Bravlttei. ttyctfll to laeaaeaaloa JVItaaa PltlCKBOKO, Pa , M irch U7. -I.mkie tribe, No. 107, mprovtd Ordtr of Bad Men, ntltHidnJ ih iuueral of Archie Corcoran, the young nun who was killed al the Bin., Hi, Ige colliery. 1 i tarmant took place at the Forest Home oenietary, Taylor, on Monday. Dj ceased was a highly rtaptoted mem ber of this In he and was in goo 1 elan 1 in-' in the time of Ins dc ah. John M. D.ivia and Csradoc Hsese, of Provldvnoe, were visitor ill town yes terday. Batter was celebrated In a very quiet inaaiier in town Impressive services Were held in the chiirchee. The Diokton poatofflaa has hail a renovating. T'hu boxes newly numbered and painted, which reflsote oredit on the pottmaater Thomas Drier, and his able assistant. The fa cilities for handling mail matter in Dickton are better than ever. Rev. Father Longhrtn, of Minooka, was a visitor in town on Tuttday, Will McLaughlin, for many years a reeident bntinee man of this place, moved to Carbondale yeaterday, where ho will conduct bUtiuetl ill the Arling ton hotel, Tbeohoir of the Primitive Methodist church is composed of well trained voices and rendered some beautiful musical selections on Bitter morn. Willie Fan-..II lias bought a very de sirable lot on Lard island. P, J. MoGtovern, of Scranton. was a visitor here yeaterday, Miram lli-gius aud James Snyder have been awarded the contract for building a fence nround Diokton tlits. Sim Pritchard, of Dickson, made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. Any news item intended lor this de partment may be handed to the can lei boy or left at the office of 'Squire Logan on Main atreet. WILLIAM KILLnSARTIN DEAD. Prominent Cltfzu ol Taylor Expiree Suddenly Alter Short Illnoei. Special to ttir Scran'ton JWten. Taylor, Pa, March 27. William Killmartin died at the home of hi mother, on Oak street, Taylor, yester day morning. He was sick but a week and his death was entirely unexpected. He was '.'') years old and a brother of Patrick Killmartin. of K-triek A Kill martin, of this city. The funeral will take place tomor row morning. M is will be celebrated ut St. Joseph's cburcb, Miuooka, at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Joseph's cemetery. Taylor Cornet band, of whion tho deceased was a member, Will head the tuneral procession. Cured of Catarrh Feels Like A New Woman Since Taking Hood's Indigestion and Sick Headaches Also Relieved. "C. I II. .oil St Co . Lowell, .Muss.: " I have hern taking Hood' Bartapai ilia sine last December for Indigettlon, catarrh and tick head he, aiul it has made me leel like a new woman, wuru i eomme .1 tnkiniMt i iii.i nut nave any appetite and for n ;m I hail to he er- caiefnl about in) tlitt. Now I can eat any kind ol iiinii without nnydlatreu afterward. I had a severe CAM pf Catarrh, and this with mv Indiges tion brought on frequent attack ol sfek head Bene. Tliey bothered me very much. Bui ilnea taking several bottle of Hood' aaruparilla All Is ChaiiKed. It has cured me ot catarrh ami hi) other troubles, I hope evei) one similaily at- Dieted will try Uood't BaraeparUla and be Hood'ssiCures eouvlnced ol its merit " Misk Rlla Johx e... uu Btreet, Phlladetpbla, Penn. Hood'n Pills ii"' hand made, and nlct IB proportion and Blipearance. iV. a Inn. WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and 1 )rawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Corinell Washington Ave. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS !! To know that a tingle applica tion of the Cuticura Remedies will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring, itching, hurninand scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment'.-delay is to fail in your duly. Cures made in childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. Bold throughout tho world, PoTTM DnttoxRD Cum, i ' suir prepri. tort, Botoa -" ail AlHiutUieUloo l,HklD,esialpiidHktr,''mlkidfrw, e facial lllmlhe,fallui bail tndunpl Lull) rub prvnled bj (,'uiUuia s.mj.. -, It tired, aehlngi nervous moth. X"d7jMan knew the comfort, ttrengtb, and L ufiP vitalltj in Cutleura fiaier, the I would never be without them, in ever) wa tUu pureat, twettett a.a tint ot plaster. Dr. E. Grewer Hie Philadelphia rp;cialist, And Lis auoclalu-1 lUttof Bnallah and r,er man hh) Kia:n,.are now tierujaiieutly located Temple Court Building It 1 RPRUCR ST. SCRANTON Where the, may ho roii-ulted DAILY AND Bl NDAY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot tho Fnlversitv trraiuylvaaia, formerlr d.-montrtor of pajwolosr and raraerv at the Wedicochir oriclciij C.illrne, of PbUadelphU He Is tlao an himiirary n emhor of the MeUico ( hirur rical Asso.intl.m. end w ihysici.m snd Mrnon-in chief of the mrt m.ted Am-riean h i Uerman hospitals, comes hlirhly Indorsed NW Y k professor of Philadelphia and Bla many year et hosnital .xperienae en blcs this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly oiagnoee and treat ail def.rnrt and diseases with the mint flattering success, and hi hih etnndina in the stat. will not ll w him 'o secept any incurable case I o- i m Iiimiii KKsTOHl l ) I lhM- Ol YOUNG Ml N II UKtl It you have otta given up .,y your i hvsl clan rnll upon the doctor i,nd 1 examined He cur. ihe worst caxwof Nervous Debility. rnfuln. Uld Korea i atairh. Piles. Female Weakness. Affection of thn Ear. Eyo, Nose And Throat, Asthma Dewiness, Tumor. i'u ceis and Crti t.lrs of every description Cm nltailon in English and Herman Free, which hall Isi con adored aacred ami strictly couil denttal i IHae Honrs: 0 A. M. to U P. SI. Dally, tun. la,, O lo Ii . in. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb '.'a . ihi4. called for by Ihe Comptroller i.l the nnenoy, III Mil lit I g, I nns 1,916,340 00 Overdraft! 947.3? United State lion. is no. no., on Oilier It. .mis 518.K7S.TA llniiLlnt: House , SH, 074.4(1 rrciiiiiims on I'. S liotid.... 04:17.". Due ir. mi t . s i reaeurer . ... 7,600.00 line from Hanks 106,416.73 Cash 140,640.04 1,101,500,60 1 IAniLITIEt Capital asoo ooo no turolns am ooo no Dmllvlded fronts 86160.06 Clrenlat ion 000,00 Dividend t i.pai.i 334 so Depodt . 1,664,660.84 Due lo tlanlis m 666 86 ae,tot,88o 1.0 u 11 1 1 m iinm 1 1 . rresldent tif o 11 CATLIN, Vice-President wit u t 11 rt 1 t. 1 nehler nun CTOR8 ltlliuut Connell, Qeerge n. Catlla, AHip.I llnn.l. .lame Arenbald, Henri llclln, Jr., Willi,,,, T. IbiIUl l.uther Heller. bank nffbr to depneltort every fai llltj warranted by their balauoee, bait nrss nn.t retpnnRlhlllty. Speelal attention given to bnelnettae eevnta Intoreal paid on time depoelta HOW TO MAKE MONEY ; Theroaro hnndreda of young men nml young women in thn country who lave spleudid ability, hut they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand. Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young peoplo. If yoa me tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLIBH CO U USB, Bl sii ss COURSE. " IMIK F. E. WOOD, Froprietor. KERR U SIEBECKER CARPETS UPHOLSTERY VELVETS, with borders, 90 cts. Ingrains1 All wool, Bj 1 tra Super, yard Wide, usually 75e. and 80c, 0UB PKIC'E, 65 cts, v e still have a lew patterns left ol the 40c. Tapestn Brussels. Chenille Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra heavy and extra wide, $5. Furniture Coverings Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks Wool Tapestry. I TABLE COVERS Satinette Fringed, lj4 yda square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50c. each; usual price, 65c. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. HuH U Co. 205 AliD 207 1101 AYE. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING, HavliiL- .e.'iirnil tlio SlIUF.INll KOHlll". of Willi, in Hliiine Son for n 'ei iniilient DUI nee atand, l nail conduot thientlBo tad rataolorioal Shoeing forth Preveatloo, He bet aud cute of Latnene aad other uuihmIi uieniH in tin. movement, of Rpreet incidental or due to Imperfeet ehoelng I ihall (tveth work my ier.otiRl uttonti. n nml iruarantee to extra oharfeteicepl for miMov. lie ni- Lam oeee, etc., w in he treated etternoone. a free elinif mill iirofeHsioiinl mlvl.-e lven rverv atonot) Iron i to r m. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S, "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. I IIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllilMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiliiir.' MARCH 28, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three beautiful plotures, "Telephone Girl," "De livering Christmas Presents'' ami "Maidens Swinging." Bend bj iiuiil or lui'sscni'i' or bring coupotm like t his of three differ- cut dales, with 10 tints, Stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. If I " h t) AV 7? vJf 4 At, E rTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiuuic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers