The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 28, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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will not in' permitted id set ap as .1 defense t"
tu reoovory of the amount ot tlio license
welch he is requested to par when sait aliaH
he brought, that hall not ii distal' in ivn lniu
dtaa,etu Thelaw further ptovldea t tint it
Until In-tin- datyoftii'' futility troasniw t.f
tuo for tlio rorovi-ry of nil ijcoBSSS dale IS to hint by tin BtorQSatUO appraiser f
Jiot psnl ju ur liofuie tin; tlrst iluy t ,lnlv. in
oHfii ami eyi ry vein', within ttn day utter
duto, andean! treasurer shall do! bedisoharged
lrom uny suob Uoanaa unless be bring uit to
VOOOVOT tile uuuio on or bof . . (hat Xtto.
TAKt notice:.
aii who are concerned In tbls, that unttp
bajjU will lo in. la at tht Arbitration room.
Court hi-uso in tin" itvo; ft-: u.t m. on Tliurs
day. April 2ft Wi oetweiu the bourofla.
in and i p. m., for city and ynicb
time and place any person ttbote nuinsd, do
fined and clawed as aforesaid, or their mruis
u: attorneys, uie appear and appeal irow
their said aatossnienta. 01 bave errors, If any,
correctedi U they tbink proper.
V p. OILOAM-ON, Appraiser.
The BORAMTOM Thibuss's PittStOfl de
partment is in char;.; of J. M. Kshy, to
whom uews item MM complain is may bo
referred. 1
Fractious Foreign.- Bst One of Their
Countrymen I ito a Jj'.ly.
SturnerTillf. I Mated 00 the west side
of the river, w.n the scone of a uiurdei
ous conflict between a number of for-t-igners
Monday nftertioon. The ii'it
was the result of feud existing bo
twt-eu two of the party.
About 3 o'clock in the afternoon
frieuds of each iut on th roadway
near the old pistol f iciory The meet
int; was the titul for hostilities to bv
giu aud ia a few minutes the grouul
was covered with b'.ood. Several wo
men whose husbands were engaged In
the fracas. sectUjt their mD getting
used up, went to their resell'. ot
tlio uiutizjus carried with her an iix.
und arriving at the spot dealt her hus
band's ass lilant a b'.o w oa the head that
knocked biui sensMrss.
There is uo teliing wlifre the tubt
would end h id ujt thj crew of a pus
lag freight train stopped sad bet ott
the belligerents. The wounded mm
was picked op au i curried to his bo ir 1
iug house in the Tlclutty where it
'iscovered b:s skull was Dully frac
ture!. Exeter bOTODgb officer! ettu? to to vn
Inst eventoi; lo consult wiin Attorney
W. 1. Hihi's ns to what coarse to pnr
su?. The wjuuue I man was Very low
laat nigbt and Utile bops of his rccov
ery i enteriai'ied. (Ti lo tbepresaut
his assailau's Lave BOtbMD arrested,
TO 0 OR NOT TO 31 ?
Is the Qisetlon Being Agitated in This
Piac at th Prssenti
Tlie ronejpnndent of th Band ay
Wiikes-Barre Leader atrikea the nail
qaarely on tr.e had when no says.
'The question whether there is to bo
a new t'lttston or whether we are to
follow the oi l lints seems to btVi the
tijor just at the present moment, and
when you come to think of it, the
wonder is that there shou! 1 hav-.-not
b"n a new PittttOO long
ajjo We are pleased howevrr to note
that cur esteemed contemporaries, the
Boranton Truth and the Vilkesarre
Record, bare tak;n up the inbject, but
at the present moment are more beat
upon showing up taa weakness of each
nlher than in btlping along poor
Pitteton, The troth " tlie matter bad
letter be told riht ;. . t'jan later on,
uni the truth is that both of th-'ic
j mrnall are apeakinir for their respeci
lv cities and the trade interests in
volved rather than for the benefits of
the town Itgtlf, an lals, that tbejenter
prise of Pittston has been sapped by
what .oet ShakesDeare was pleased to
all "pale Irresolution." wii'.l her jis
ter towns were reaching out for every
advantage within si.'ht. Pittston,
therefore, is likely to fall between the
two stools or cities, an l never be able
to realizj how far aha hai fallen until
the shook of contact With the basis of
things human is hit hard. To ilis
gnise or misrepresent this fact would
e'.mply put off tue evil day of reckon
ing that every community, larife or
small, must some liuis have With it
Th Dowulog Cae
Louis L Downing, who was com
mitted to j iil Monday, will he liberated
today on hail Ho would 'mvg been
yesterday but for the inability of his
counsel, VV 8, liibbe. tolin l any of l!;e
judges or court officers, tney bsiog onl
nf town Attorney Hibbn, in convtr
Mtion with Tut: litiii- correspond
vnt. speuL'ing of the cis, said.
"It is nothing bat a cise of
blackmail pure and simple, an l when
tba time comes my ciieut will show
l.eyond any doubt that the accusation
made by the plaintiff u false in every
particular." Mr. Hibtn produced a
letter, which had been dropped bv Mr.
Ilowriins accuser, that was unfit for
. , 4 .
Interes'ing News Mots Told in hrt
Ti e InqniaUlon governing the case of
Frank M:lJonn)l will take place this
afternoon ajld inter-ating develop
BIMtg, it ia said, will bo made publia.
It is alleged that n 'itbstanding the
report that tqe dc ao.l commenced
treatmenf, nvidnnci will be presented
to upset nny such staiftiuent Whether
this will prove to be tue cuae or not re
mains to be seen.
An nnlicer.sed saloon on North Main
street, conducted by n Polander, was
the tctine of n free-for all fight n fow
liouj after midnight yesterday
Kgives, revolver.", clubs, stones, elc ,
played a prominent trt and the int.e
lior of the drinking iipartmeiit ha I the
iippearance of having gone through n
siego When the smoke of the battle
Lad cleared nway tba proprietor was
found stabbed in several plsots, ns was
also several of the participants. No
arrests have been made up to the pres
ent UoroiiK'h Trenurjr Lingan on Snl
urdny received from the county tri'wi
urer the license money, over 15,000,
and was kl pt busy yesterday paying
out money to jiarties holding borough
orders. No orders were issued by the
borough since Dae, until the new
council met a few weeks ago, and the
tiilla then approved were not paid until
yesterday, us ex- Borough Treamirer
Bonier has been prevented from ef
fecting a settlement und inroing over
the books uud bulmico on hand lo Mr.
Langan, on account of the failure of
tho committee of council appointed for
the purpose, to meet and recommend
to conucil what action ahull betaken
on the orders drawn on the treasurer
that bave boon disallowed by the SUdU
"Tho Prodigal Father," one of the
beet comedies of the day will be pro
disced at Music ilall this evening, Tba
allow is a goo I uuo mid should ba well
On account of a very important np
poiutmont, the bishop will not visit bt
James' Episcopal church on Wednes
day, April 4, but will he pr-'8'.iit Tues
day, April 8 Service at f.80 !. III.
At the pa i isli meeting ol St Junes'
chnrob uonday sveuing the following
were electeil Veataym oi for t!i" nsu
ing year Henry Csmpbdl, W. J
lv, Lofius Cattpbtll, John Arow,
William F. Bioklirt, VV. S Bhalton,
Archie a Buchanan, Jamti UcEana,
jr.. Arthur Holding
The rUngl Daughters' isja held at
Llwallyn's Sail yesterday evening was
largely attended. Much interest cen
tered in the novelty of the affair and a
good sr. in was realised The Bait will
bo continued; this availing. The pro
esads o to the boaptial,
John Nation, au employe of the Twin
shaft, was painfully t urned vestvrdav
morning While nt work by a premature
explosion of gas
Tomorrow evening the Woslyeati and
.Mandolin club will give a delightful
eiiti rtaiumant in tho Sunday school
room of the First Praabytartan obureh.
Miss Morris, of William street, gave
I pink luncheon of twelve covers yes
terday afternoon in honor of Miss
Roblulon, of lliughsmton, who is u
guest of Mrs. J N. Anderson, of the
West Bide,
C O. King and faintly, of the West
Side, lire sick with the measles. S5!
Mr. and Mrs Theodora Strong lett
yesterday for Atlaniio Oity,
Kugiuevr B I ward Miller, of the
JnUOtion, has suffered a rslapso aud is
very ill.
Marriage licenses granted yesterday;
P. F. O'Boyla, of f?orahton, and Mary
A N'orion, of PittttOO! John Anderson
aud Edith Johns, both of Avoca.
A benefit ball for Mrs Thomas
Rowan was held in Armory Ilall las',
evening and was largely patronised,
At the annual meeting of Trinity
parish, held Monday evening, tue fol
lowing vestrymen were elected for the
eUSUlUg year: John Howell, A li
Mason, B. tl Itercnr, A K Howe, J.
W. W'h-elr. 0. H. Phillips. Ales.
Sloan. U. K. Trumbower, and 0 0
Tue St. Aloysini Uii-istrels have un
der const leration au ffef to give a pr
formanee in Carbondale, under the
SOipioes of the A. O H U. of E., of
that plac
The court has appointed Lewis lior
don and L U Damon, of Went Pitts
ton, pojr directors of West PlttSlOU
borongb, to riiil i' vacancies created
by the deaths oi G. Hillers aud J L
Cart wright
Actlvltlei of XwiOtyfjur Uours Ite-J-c'cl
in Crl y Stvlt.
s-rcial lo t'ie aVraansa Trtiu i:
PecKVILLB, Ph., March 'JT The
many mm is of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
berry tendered them a surprise party
at their home, on Msiu street, lust
Monday evening, previous In their
moving to Bcrunton. Kv F P Drty,
in ceh.ilf of tbeir young friends, pre
seuted Mr. aud Mr.'. Berry with n
beautiful silver water pitcaer, showing
t'ue nigh esteem they were held in dur
Ing the twenty-nine years t'aey have
iv.'d here. Singing and other umue
menta wrs Indulged in during the
evening. Kefreshiuenis were served
ao I all enjoyed a good time. The fol
lowing persons wen present: Mr. and
Mrs. li. A. Msgargsl, Mr. an I Mra
J, D. Peek, Mr. and Mrs. B, V
Sq ::s, Mr. and Mrs. C Htrtinaii, Dr
and Mr'. J S liraves. of Jermyo. Mr.
and Mr-. S. F White. Mr. anl Mrs
Willi im Page, Dr. and Mrs. J. B
Slckler, Mr. und Mrs. t'. I gar U.irber.
Mr. and Jlrs. A. Fraizi-i, Mr. and Mrs
M. Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. P. Snedi
eor, Dr. and .Mrs. J. D. Qrover, Mr.
.nd Mrs J. li B-ll,Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Wiiiiam-'. Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Peck. Mr. and Mrs. John English, Mr
and Mrs. J. W. Beck, Mr. and Mrs
Jdbu Tutbill, H-.v F. P. Hot-. Mr. and
Mrs. W. C, Warner. Mrs. Han John
son, Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Sieuns. .Mr
and Mrs William ' Iberia, Mr. and Mrs
John Snooks, Mrs. Adam Sampson, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs. E .Mrs. Jennie
Freer, .Mrs. William Kesteli, Mrs. ii
P. Ttnklepsngb, Mrs. Charles Vender
fort, Mrs L'. V". Mack. Heorge W.
'inomas, K. ' Liutern, MastSI Joseph
P'S", Misses Mary Graves, I It and
i -.ra Simpson, Nora Pickering nnd
M:s I. no Hollopvter, of Sbicksbinnsy
Mrs. George Cool leavjs tomorrow
morning to apini a few days with her
mother at Carbondale,
Mrs. W. V (irover, who has been
Visiting for few days with Dr. and
Mrs. J. B Grover, returned to her
i.otne at Lnssrns yesterday,
(,' S. Dond has begun two cellars for
dwelling houses on the PlUtQintr es
tale on RidgS street.
John Warren has his house nt Bell
place nearly completed.
Harper lodge, Independent order of
Did Fellows, is planning to build a
large barn on the hack of its lot for
..very, which Will be OCOUpled
by l ). P. Itesse-rure
The hoard of health organized for
bminees Monday oveniug at the coun
cil room.
The Ur paralleled Proposition Raiitl7
Drawing to a Close- Ojly Four Day
Tiie announcement from day to day
that Thi 'I iiiiiL.sK'a Bncyoiopedia offer
is rapidly drawing to a close is bring
ing scores nfpviple to the office daily
Hut four days more remain in which lo
secure the work. Ws dsslre to keep
this notice consplonoosly before the
public, tuat no one of our readers nriy
overlook it, for the present proposition
nt so low a price nod upon termi so
easy is Anal, nnd wlmn these four d i)'S
have aspired not another order can be
lilted. For the benefit of professional
anl denial insu and ail thosn
'.lowly confined to business during
day we will keep tho offldSOpM even
IntfS during tiles i last four days.
By mailing the first payment, il.10,
y iiir or ler will receive the name ut
isntion as If you called in person.
As has been observed Ittob nn op
portunity to own a library lias nev.'r
been yours and dottbtlsSI DeVSr will
Ponr 'lollars and fifty cnta down
anl 3 i sr month thereafter are the
tnn. Address The Tribune E. U
Dspsrlintnt, 1117 Spruce street.
RttKUMATlSH racks the systom like a
thumbscrew. It retreats before the power
of Hood's SarsapaHlla, which purities the
- -
A Yar for Drmpra'lo War Mraiures.
( 'io-iiianll 7iiai . o'.'.lr.
it looks as though tiin Pennsylvania
Democrats will have to msorl to a draft to
get men to run on the i tato ticket at the
next election.
I'iii'. earache, toothache, sore throat,
swelled neck, and the icMUtxof colds und
Inflammation, use Dr, Thomas' Electric
Oil the great pain destroyer,
When was i.t.'l:, wo i;ave her Ca-itorla
When SOS wis a Child, sho crle.1 for t'astorla,
Vi'litii she bsiTSmS Miss, si:-) clung I" I SastottSi
Wlutu bite ha J ChlUrvu, she gave tlicui t t.t-.ilm
On i h e Rscoitl if tlis licveiniiuts of
Wayne CI a nr.
rpeffpl to i.'i Si MSiea IVteaae,
BONKSOALH, Ph., M ro 80. J, Kirk
Rose, Mrs, L. 0. K w and Mice Levins
Itose are in New V uk.
IV A. MoFall, of Port Jervis, was in
town today.
The seventh annuul masquerade of
the llonesdale Miiennerchor was held
at their rooms last evening and proved
au enjoyable nllair. adding another
event lo lo tho social success of the
The fol lowing were eiooted vestry
menotCtrace church yeeterdav after
noon tor the ensuing year : II.', Bus
sell, It W. Ham. Homur Oreo lie, Jo
seph N, Welch. E 0 Hamlin, liilbert
White, Charles Peterson, David Men
tier, W. M. Gardner und W. F. Sny
dsm, The pstitlon tn court of D. C Ot-
borne that a rule be granted on A. F.
Votght rsqnlriug him to furuiuh Qame
of p ii tles who voted illegally at last
election, is refusett and the rule ills
charged. The hearing uud Hie lime
for tiling uu answer to he oentinued
Friday, March :).). 10 a.m.
The Amity Social club held an en
joy able social last oveuiug. Htfresb-
nienla were served,
The fair of the (Luiiiin Lutheran
church nt the oity hall wai favorably
oueueii tins evening.
Western Democrats Vit Kn.l
Oil's i'oars-, Psia,
Tbe senate of the United Btates Is sup
posed to bi under Democratic control, mid
will ba held responsible by the Democratic
party, und, indeed, by the whole couutry,
lor lite uitmuout and cowardly manner lu
which It IMS violated the pledget of the
platform aud placed the party in an atti
tudt1 of miserable self itultlDcatlon, Cer
tainly it is ii oneer Mud or Uiniiojracy, il
lustrated by the mangled and emseonfatoJ
lanif bid as it emerges from the senate,
which carries the Dem icratiu parly
straight into th- protectionist camp.
'7 - Dr. l i i.v's llva-.tiit i'. l
JrTWV lsU are known. Ibej
J..k XWjrtt- fur uiara .aV,.--ni'., In
arousiiui tba liver tn
action than tba old-fash
nnd cathartic ullls. eaiu-
liifl or oilier l.isiiM rat inna
und aro tnirclv vemtabla nnH
wfoctly wUmieSB in any con-
aniuii oi me syswiu, io care
nnuhnsd -.iri.- n-.i- Utont
fbey cure biliousn-s-s, sick beadscbe, cos
ttvnutes. sour stomach, nindy bekhings,
heart-burn,'1 pain und distress after eating,
and kindred derangements of tLj liver,
stomach uud bowels,
Ifonfpsiairti, OranM '.., A'. T.
Da. PfBBcai A-iir Sir I suffered untold
misery with bleeding pil.s. 1 could si t no
relief niubt or day, until I commenced ohiui;
your "Pleasant relicts," and now t..i two
years or more, I huw not been troubled with
tho piles; M my bowels get In a constipated
condition, I taken dose of Hr. Pierce's Pleat
ant Pellets, aud the trouble is all uisuvlk-d
by in-vt .lay.
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat,
Inflammation, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, Asthma,
Difficult Breathing,
Rheumatism, Neuralgla.Sciatloa, Lu-r-
bsgO, Swelling oi the Joints. Pains
in Bsck, (.'heat or Limb.
it was hs urst unit Is tin. only gin remedy
that Instantly tous the most . rii' tuting
pains, shays lagammations si. it
('iiro't--ti..ti . i.,.-- . : ., 1
bowels or atber glands or organs
si imaub.
111 lfti.lUV St tfltl I 1..T. tld, ...... - IkaMMuJ
our Rradj Keller Imi-more than twenty live
yesis with much istitf action- have used it
for I I Orlppe, 1'ne imoiiia Peerisy and all
Sorts of aches ami paint atnl hive loan I ii tin
lading i.-iY-ry tiim.-. KetpectfnUv,
i Cn sr.i u .-it. Mlddletowa, Conn.
January is, ism
This Is to certify that in February, I80U, 1
bad sSVSrealluck of "La Ji in.i... mi.l oiir-nl
myself in twenty-foe- houi i ny the use of
Kadway's Ready Relist ami li dway't I'd s
I bail anotbi r altark ol tliu uimu dreadful
disease in Mai-rh, IS01 am. Usei tbeostns rem
edr, with the same resull I do not know
Keda iv a. too iiartius abo mauufaotuFe
Ibeao medicines, an 1 1 have always pat tery
ititi'i f.utli in ' Alumna. Certificates," but If
Ibeae i lines will only lndme some suffer las
cue t . me the above rs nedy I wul left amply
n.'tiaid lor wrltinv wh o I have,
RespeelfaUyi K. I Hi OWN,
J w. BBKWJCK, AsbuQrn,Pik To.. Mo.
"One bottle of Ready Rebel an.l ono bos of
Railway's Pills . urti'l live In my fsrallv of tils'
terrible complaint. "La Urlppe,' or ittrluony.i
RADWAf'8 pii.i.h. is tbeqniekestasd most
effectiial cure for
Price, Uo. perbtttlu. Sold by Uruggists
n pii i
B Bitot thus YatV
Pi liih' V':isT:t.ii l-'. Itilhl lain) Valimili
I'fi ft t IlK"ti"ii, cfiilt ut orptloll HIjJ
btflttofu rtgnUntyi iw lot mm of Ml if
Otdtrtof tin MoiiihoIi, Mvr. H'WeUlfJ.
ii r in, lltmlih i ffcrvotll Dl4VH0M( LtiNi of
Apt (it-, llf-H'hif 1t, i lnntlNsstlOKj on
1 1 VI ), I tf 1 1 k it If 1 1 . PlIlfUMMVM l-'i'vrr,
It flniiintiilliiii nf tn IIOWVl! I 1 1 te mill
till lU't Hilt.' 'Ill I'll t4 Of I 111' gtftlsll tin PI II
I'mltrl DlMfi(0n uillbf NfMlOIMpllilttll
by tult luu IChiIu hi's I 1 1 1 a II y Rttfjolni
siik lleakaehe, I'onl Btoiuaehi Rllleas
Nest "HI avoltlinl, anil th looil tbitt
Htn i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 . it4 iifiiiiisiiiiis; properties
for I lie Kiiiiurl ol I In, natural astu of I lie
Iffrvibserve I he follosrlag ymp'nins fol
lowimr from dtsenso o the olei'stlvo oritans
Constipation. Inward PUsa falneas of thi
alooo In Hi" head, lo ltllty of the 'ium ich iih u
Sea. hoartburn, dNaust of rood, fulness or
Weigbl IB thestoinach. sojr eruutatlolis, tluk
Ine or tliitisi iua of the lin'tfi i ihoiins or snf
loentinit nutiMillom ubuii lit u lyuia poitorn.
dimnessof vision, dots or wens before the
sikIii, fever sad dull pain in the byadtdefl.t
wney of perspiration, mlownefsol Isssklo
and eyes, pain in IbetlMi Qbest, limbs, and
sudden Hushes of heat, baroini In the Beshi
a lew doses ol RADWA1 n PILM will frss
the system flt the aboveaamefl ditord rs.
i iifi sir, n Bps ko: i bv Prasslsti
X'-nd to DR RADWAY A ( a, Wo, R War
Ml St., Now York, for Uook of Advice.
For Delicacy,
Kor purity, and for tn r rovimonl of IhSCOSB"
pieiion, aethug equals Peeaosii'i sbwdeti
und vbtor salt U
rtatursu.Vst ajossls,
i.lloll ,-n o- . u.
slropliy, te., u;,iy cared bi inoapii. tha i-t
UladOO StSMser. Willi HllMKHiirabtlueii. SyU by
lU'UULWa UllOS.OraKSU.i, t.i.iutuu. i'u
IBM "TrfLJ enniM
If bo, your Blood must bo impure. Cluanse the
Blood and System with
BmmM Byog Bitters
Brrvouc, Hlkh., April li, 1889,
ME38U9. FoaTEit Mii.nunx & Co.
Dear Sin - 1 write that you may know iho good I have received from the
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, 1 em now on the ninth bottle of vour wonderful
lllltets, and must ronl't sh i haTe recelveii irutn)t cure.uf u lonj? slaiidln ; discubc
HOUOKUliA. 1 ha:' uted dollar after dollars' wurth of medidBMSnd received
no relief, hut UlC third bottle o! B. B, ii. 1 found ureal rest, 1 have aluo used
three boltleu Of BORDOO PlIXS ; they ure tho m:A Uedlolne 1 ever took. 1
oanuot praise them too highly. I do own my whole liie to tbem and can recom
mend them Id every livlnrr sou that Is afflicted Willi thul dreadful dJssSMi SCROF
ULA.. I was afflicted with lamps its liLre as au cirg In my right tide und hit; e
liinips On my throat , uud my limbs were oovertd with n burning und Itching rath,
which very greatly annoyed ma when near tba warm move. I hud spent great deal
of iiiuuey trying io get relief, and consulted the beat medical treatment lu the
Siate, but all In vain, they did ma uu jjood whatever, and 1 had about given up
when I thought 1 would uy your medicines, and, thank God, they htvo cured me.
1 uu a wull Nvomtui lo-day. Vour eve true friend ;unl well wisher,
liervllli-, bl. Clair Co., Michigan.
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores 2
z ftlarveisus Cure
tnnru v aH Pfiu'i." Rrmr
l iiiuixli nuii) i vim. nuvi -t mm t Mty
and potassium Catarrh. Malaria
MMWMSSjej MWMBMgaajssj ass niaasassatar mi ""B'
and Kidney Troubles
At. c-nlltf ly 1 4-itiovt-o by P.l'.P.
ijAsb, J'iu..- Root sed Potis
biiim, iiiu artaisi biuoj purllsr - mw
AasanmiH, O. . July '.::,'. - -1 . m& Lti'fXA:. bu..t. . h.miiji.ub, m
1 1 dxab Sirs ii..' itcle ot -mV
i' .'- at Hot Surluits .'.,k .auJ jSSr
Itbss Uuiio mo ncre sood taan li.rou
luuiithi't -tsiuiniiLHi tin- Hut Springs.
hchd thrnti Outtle-s r. Q. D.
I:, l ' ' j'uuis,
j.V.s. Hi hrwtok.
Alicril'.uu, lu.ii Couuty, 0.
upt. J. u. Jeluaaiswa
71) all if'tyn II my rsacsrni I here
.y u niiy to tlio wonderftj ppopertise
id I". H. 1'. lor erptloaj tiieakln. I
suflvreil for savefal ) iNirs wltn tu ui
t-lKlttly mil tllssreuutlu oruy tton uo
toy fuco. 1 tried STerr ktiowii li me
sly t.iit lu vain. until p. v. y. m used,
auil am now eutlreiy tur-jil.
(luneabrj J. D. JOHNSTON.
- -. ...i., us.
Sr iiij! ooPoison
and Scrofula
I. K I, ijurinua tius t-iou I, batlds ap
ttin WBuk uud dfjlulititteil, . .
btlrrllglh tu Ufsllisftuil KttrVdb, l.slk
diic.iisui.ativiii; tlio MtUat bevlth and
UpplttttU wLuru iiicit iiutits, K'otny
k'tlini uud UdUadt) Utu preailijd.
fcr prltuury,tf joU'Jary uu-l tertiary
FHiltlll, lurbl.jud ioibi.iijlDK- morcu
rial notion, malar la, dvapt'ij-hi, and
In nil lilui'd ii(iJ nkiit dlntitrti, hku
bioiohcti, pimj'ii'4. oU enronto QiOfft
ti-itwf, acul'i hoiul, bollst, t7suUU.
euiouid UU i. ay, without ftJAf of
oootridlcttoD.tbat P. P. p, Uimdij t
bluod nunliurlu tho worl'l.aud nnkua
iiokIUv , v ' auJ .. i j. iii,".! v .
lit all i.uscj.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Kerriiiauts of Dry Goods. Cloak? and Fur C;tpc3 during
sale at less than co:;t of material.
Every Inch of counter room covered with the greatest harins evei
LadUs' Felt Hats, thij season's styles 0j eica
Coys' Winter Waists 100 eao'i.
Jf 300. each.
c,0ki ... $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
uW 1
Ladles wht'Hu syBUMii! uro uuhomtd
an.l whoss blood ll In au itjiU'jrt opodt
i ' i . duo to, i . . ' h . i .t i it let),
urojieuutittriy bouMtdd by toe WOA
dtrful fiiilu uLiI blooi cleuntnts: nri
urtlfuf P. P. p. - Prickly teh, Poto
Kuot Llid P.ta4e!iUUJ.
br-iUN.-ni LU, Mo. , Aiitf. 1 Itb, ih-ja.
1 can upLMik iu tho btK' t tern a of"
your meaicine from my own ht.rMual
Kii.Hvledrir. I was ttftuutt;.! wnU huart
itisca c, oluari-y iud rhcui'iatir-m (or
3 . years, WM tftttod by tpa VorjDtis
uhyttolADJ nnd - r uutidruild ot doh
uri. triad -'t?ry knoV.'D renitdy with-
'i. ri. .l.j ! . I huvo i.uly taUi-u
ono uotMe uf your P. P. P., j.ud ran
t.'herfully hhj li tM-i dotio iT-nii-ro
iiood ttian uiythiun i baTaavartalcas,
I nt ruLoojiucud your r.ujdioino to all
ttulleror ot the ;. tlist-ctus.
t-i ! jjjHid, Qraaa Ooaotj . Mu.
ht ia Cancer Cured.
TtiHwtony ft m the M$yot i 8$t(nTu
rJKiet'i '1't.x., JuriUiiry 14, 1093s
MetHht. lAW wan BRoa. , hitvuiiuali,
Oa. : Utnthmtnl bava tricJ your p.
p. p. for a dlaaaaa f the ukiu. uuiiy
kiHiwu at aLia cant er.t thirty raaril
ftuudiiit:, uLd touuj Krcat r'ullef: It
i .r.r,. f ..-1 i uliU ramoTaa all If
rlUtloii from ';.! Hct A t!ie dmi-ano
nnd n.'1 uoy anrL-fidlnti ttio
aoraa. t have tufc.'U Uvwvr alx bottle
nnd f i-il ponlldent tiifi! RttOtlial COOtta
iil atfC6aoUTs It has a!o redcted
Uic fmiu lridlfr.'StU'D aud alouiacb
toubU. Yur.- tru!v,
Mtoiae? ut La.v.
m tii mi niott, ma m
Llpptnnti .,iuvuunab,Cn
- tr-
rrasiA x 7. Tntum. Xoi. i, iia
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct. 31,-Fhe first official
ancoDDcement of World's Fair dl
lotnus on flour bas beea made. A
medal has been owardel by the
World's Fair juduei to the flour manu
factured ty the WHshbura, Crosby Co,
in tbe sreat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
lie flour itiorig und pure, sod entitles
it to rau' rs first-class patent flour for
lsiLiiy uud bakers' use '
The brHiids of fiour ran be had at anv of the fo'iiowioe merchants,
who will ixcept The TaiBClCl IXOC8 cono.N of 8S on one hundred pouadi
of fiour cr 00 on each barrel of flour.
EcrsntoB-F, p. rr;. Wsshtastoa avenai
Uuld Mila !u.. i. i
Dnnmors F. P Hnci. OolJ MJsi Brund
Uunmore-I1 ) Mauley Snperislive llrsu 1
Byde Park Carson A Duv:s, waskbara St.
Gold Metis) brund: J tt,.;,h A Vt-ars, Mitin
uveuirn. Supsrlstivt Brand.
Orteii K.due-A L.SpeLittir.iiolJ litdsi Brsnd.
J. t. McUsle, Baperjative
froviieuct Kennur CbappeilX Ms::, uve
nue. Superlative tiranil;C. & Oill.pij, W.
.'.; (io'.-J lieatl Brund
OlyiiUai.t-Jumes Jordan. BspsrUtive Bra&l
Peckvil e--li.,!t-r & K-ls-r Saperlatlv.
Jennyn-O, U Wi-it-rs A Cu hupt-tsiatiTe
Arcnosld Jones, S npsae Oe .Gold afsdal
Cari'ndale-B. 8 Olurk, Guld Meda! Brand
Bonesdale-1 S, Foster Co Go; J Mcis
Binooks M B. I.itjIIs.
3 L wxsj'AL
I '''.''.'IMV) if j
Tuylr-Juuge U Co , Goid lledall AtLertxa
i i; Co , teuperlstivi
i uryok-Liirjrjr :-toro Co Gold MsduL
I MoosioJohii MeCrinale, GclaMfdu!
r-utstot. M V.- o'Boyle, Gold MeisI
Onrk's Greei.-f rsct ts f'srkor. Suptiiutn.
Clsrk- ?un.u 't-F M. Younit, Oolu iledsi
Ds'uoL-S B Fma ii Sou. QS.d MfJa Braaa.
i,uoion-j t Hsrdiax
Wttv.rly-M v . - i- Son, Go' lledai.
ractoryvQle Charles Gardner. Gold Medal
Hoplioitoai- V. X i':v.zi & Si.u, Gc.d Msda-.
roayhsBBS -Tebyhanna 4 Leaig-n Lumosr
Co Go,d Medal :-(.:
Gou' A. Adsais Gald Mela'. Uruu d.
Moecuv. -Giti''-' & Clemt-ritk, Gold Meat.
Lukti Ariel- Jaa; A Bortree, Gold Meda..
Forest City-J L. Moreen & Co.. Gold Medal
.lA;''vp,;'ik,,J::.:f5f. V'!:l.,' ?r" .?e'dai.WRir?2s
I Iii7l,,.i.,rt?T..,.. J. """'j,iMm! ri,wr la eithn .in.
ss.r z '. r.1 ': ."'To'"-1-.-1 1
nsl MLcicisL ok; TdsfsCididsii; -r. -
ForsaiA by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Ave. aud Enrnoa 81
Fcraiit.iu, Pa, r '
lltlu MS Ai..i lsia
lime, cm
'sb. JsrtM.
sSR. kV4sMRbJL.sss.
"tl'JMtANU AH tR USI.NO - thi
For Salo in Boranton, Pa., by H. C
HIMl llll LUO btrct t-i.
I, tnil.rlal ron.r,, ymef.
esses. such as Weak Men i7. Lossol Umin I'owrr. Hs tdaebe, Wukeiuineis.
.?t Msiiliowl .i;Uti h..iisluus. Ki'rv.juuesj.a!li)rinnnuinl lossol potter
In (j is ivratlvstirifd 11s of tii iht t net canted iy'ii yntit It iStl errors,
exccsnst- u.-io ft' tobacco, otilum oi atlmulituts, -tim-n J.?sJ i li,:tiinitt-. can.
iiinipil. iiorlnnonliy. (. ..n l.e carrleJIii vest t.n-Hul. Sf-l psrbol.Bfbl OS,
n 'in - 1 ! . ;: 1 1, ri.- . . .i. i n ..t , .. ,. , , , , , . i ., .... ,., , ., ...
nr l ht' otonev. i n.-ulr free, Sold tit all ilriif situ. Ask for It. taso
sunt j; si::iiiu,, .in, CI
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works,
Portland. Pa.
SANDERSON. Dpuffffiii
IK iiiplt, CUUAOO. ILL
cor TTusLingtOD
treat ma sitaiv r rstv a n n sassv . ,
1 ur
-inn p-uyonro-r.uro cno
i-utiauto i-omillo flL,U
over offero.l to Ladles,
especially recoinniend.
" . -. . . . 1 . . ..
Ar,k for I)S. IkOTV'd vanuvsnvi r. n,l 1.1,. ..
Prjsimd for oiroular. Price i.ui pi r hoi, boxes for So.ou!
la iiyt'. If, HARB18, l)rin,-tti.t, i n l,eiin Avenue.
JsV""- I ; . . .
'' f J r) . I r. , I
: yv,f - w-
,?.',, (fU'"'' ' 11 ! . tin-
DhUlill Alloc CO., In I'apital, Kl.DPO.onO.
iii:rti esi.r.,) stuty. in tin woki i
".I itotlttr ttt'fd 1st! fifeAir rarrteti.'
Tblsl.mlles'fjolltl Frsmeh li'iuaoiitKliI Bui
ton ll.Mit dellvert-d ii.'e unyntit-ro In tin- U A.. Ol
--rrva isioeliaofOiise.BensvOraer.
win ' I'uslul Nets lor SIJO.
Iff K01ISIS every nsy the boot
retull stuns i.u
rmiliii tills hoot
laeiefeie we ouir
V.O. C 'O J.l .- , J. "-I-1 " t'fr,
1SB v-1 v. '.II n-fiinil tlni in .:,t
i-t T M.llil Slinlh.-rpolr. tH-l:i
' JJJS V ' " 01 I ..11 ...
ortrik N ui.hi.j r i. i.: i i.
tt'-v. hi fc ' .1,... 1 ,.. ; 1 1... it
' i i.i
PV -. '...1.1
Dexter Shoe CC.K
in Ails
At ii
men 1
tneerted In THE TRIBUNE at the
ttanufaeiarsr nn.i Dsnlen i
tail ft 91 iil
iswcstmUILo m,
llso Sbaftlng and Journal Grtlii
OmCIl-m Wett L.ekawantia Avs
VoKstS ileriJlao Stror.
t Wl.ttiu Rams
I edy, n -Ifr K:.irMiTT larke-l b VK ut s.1
Ii 1 1 . , Wl. tKfc, iWiisttaU'l true I
Hf fro si MMllM.rtd.mi n Mil Wi nn HdlRWlM I
anrt Mrfi.iitr,. i,,, Mnblr Pnmtrtly i'i
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Lafflm & Rand Powder Co s ' Finer Goods, More Tasteful
ORANGE GUN POWDER Colorings and Lower Prices
Electric Batteries, Fosei for explel- than ever before, are what
nig blasts, r-arett Kuse ami
Rr r6uoaChemicalCi..' High Explosives recommend them to Our
Rooms 1 mil 2 Cociiroiwaltl) Bid i
Kadeattbi MOOSIO nJ iiL'ta-
UAI.L WoKlvs.
Seeds and
rertilizers "tt8Ton, pa.
Bend or bring two of thM oonpous, differently uumbsrod,
Willi Ten Cent8,an gel one of the series of sixteen muniflMDl
photographs. Fire numliers nov ready.
rpi. ; tnA.AM : l t. t ; 1 t r -, ..
Aiua wuupun, wibU lwu UKo it, DUD 0: UUIOrent
dates, and with Ton Cents in cash, will sccuro any
one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Hotel Waverlv
KlrSeeaa Plan F:rf..cliuii liar attiobtk
besot lor lltrKuer st Lugcl's Tatintlivuavr
li h 15th tnrj Filbert Sts Ptllllii
lioat dssSrabls fnr rcililrnts of Mi. riin;
irh atils .Ml ctM'.rrulsiices tor travt-lers
lo ami troin Frosil Sir.-. - slstl..n aoJ tlie
Vvtrlltlt an, I Market Mirei-t station Ue-
irabls for vi-.n.k- Serantouluus suJ njj
tie In Ifea AntlirsdW Helou.
IS THE BTST. Get prleps ami
sre tho fnriuce and be con
vinced. A full line of 11 LAT
HIS, ApBtile sud (jauzs Door
IVsl of tlm rs'st otiallty for flomestlc ase,aa4
of slUlzott, .1 -i v.-i - I iu aur part of IDs city
at lowest nrlctt.
Uriltiii lf: at mv ofun.
-NO. lis, WVOMINn AVr'l?K,
Ilritr rooOJL first Hoar. Tlilr I National llaafev
or poat 0) mall or talf p'.ioaa to tint mine, .-ill
iscelvn prompt uttsution.'ial et.nti ni'tit will be muJo for tlio sal
sbjoT SeliYsri of : ..ti....- umu.