THE SCR ANTON TMHUXE-W EDNESDA V MORNING. MARCH 'JS. 1894. VI!l(n(S!:!Ui!ill!IIISllllit!l!3!l!CEIlllU Pipe I Ya.ves NOTABLE CHURCH 11 I They Will llteid (lie IjOBllJ Couftivnco In This lily. F3ttinS 1 1 PROGRAMME OF THE EXERCISES s THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. nilllMuUllilClillllilllltlltllhll'litllli DO Vol' WAN 1' A W NECK BAND OU your old shlrl Wrt .1.) ir. Lackawanna THE Laundry .rC8 Fenn Avs. A 0. WARsHN. Contt'rencu Will Uegin on Tuesday, April 10, and Continue Until April 10 Veterans' Association Will Hold n Meeting on the Evening ot Anil 10 Arrangement! Hjve Boen Msds tor Entertaining Visitors. The arrangements for the foiir-twiri anunel Wvomtng oonference of the Metluu'.i.-.: Ki.iscni.iiil olinreli tn the I' m I'nrk onuroo nave eboni been ootn )!:.' l rbe firal eeeslou will oonrene wedneeiejr morningi April U. On t tin ventug of the preoedluii Tuteley tin ministers, who are veterans of the elvll war, win hoi. l u eenp fir at iw ii. m , nt wnioh Rev, 0 L, Severeon win preeld Rev A .1 Palmer, D D . paator o( t. Panraohuroh. New Y.rk, will deliver Inn 'amuse address, ''Coin Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE ! 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS MBARS i U 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers. V'indov Shades. Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS p u ' Z. 7 W y 3 m I r-. g CITY NOTES. A social is to be siva at Kegel's danci.. acsdeny tela aveaiag. a Barrings license ere greeted yes'.e. iliy to jutm Busesrd and Ada Sraett, of lfooeie. H. A. RTanfelrl Will erects Sue d .veiling SOSSaoa Mndlsua avenue daring ILk com stirs tnr. The eale end supper under lha snap ies if the Women's Ootid uf St Luke's cburcb has teen postponed. Mmber -.iciai of ti, Yoaa Mn s In stitute will bo held at tui ruoi on Leeks wanna avease tonight 'inn afternoon and evening will be the last opportunities fr seeing "L'niier tne Oaaligbt" t Wonderland. Deputy Sheriff OrlaW nld yesterday sold tli personal eff:ts ol fr Jones, uf Peckvill. They bTOOgbt MS. 80, Klectric Workmen's BBioa, No. El, will bold it-, flrs; annual and electrical dis play at InrntT bell Friday night A fju.,rum of I be BOBHSOa COODCl did not materialize last SVenloc and an adjourn ment was taxen until Thursday night John Har: of Vi.;-ar if. 11, was irionsly hnrt tn tb Von BtafCh slope mine yester day. Dr ii B, Merphy found hlBtevSer iDZ from fpinal lajBff The sal and supper intended to ti held &n Thursday of this e hv th Women a gnttd of st. LnkVachareh has been pool o .oed. No data for then bu ret bun decided on. The fur.oral of J .hn B, WinV.n, who wa killed by the Dlawari nnd HodeoB BBglBe satardsy eventnir, w.U take jilnce from bu home in Dickson I'ny today. Interment in I)unmore cemetery. Plans have been prer;ird for the erec tion of a three-story bncic bBlldlag in the rear of tbe Df (Jate property on WakIi ington avnue It im to serve as an ex tension of tbe sir ICtWe faetag on Spruce street. Tbe grocery store of Thorna-i B. Orlfltha, of Jermyi., was dosed by the ihertfl ' terday on jodgfaantl attMBBtlBg tolMXe held by iorge B, Jernvn and Hachet ChlStM Mr. (irifflthi' efTectt w.d be sold uext Tuesday. Attorney It. W. Molbollaid has clinnged hisquartefi from BpfBoeetreot to the Barf building on Wellington n venue, where Attorney ft II. Mou-ie alio now bus rooms. AttrAiiey CoVhtllOl Cotnegyi will, on April t, occupy rooms in tbe BepflMiMB build ing. Mnnus Mcl'ndden, John Coyte, Jofafl t'onnell, Hchae HeLeafl and Edward htanton, of the Went Sldn, will leave In a week for OklOBOtno territory. A recep tion will be tendered to tfietn by their ti lends lit liostou Store hall, Saturday bight. C. B. Jefferson, Kluw 4. conipauy will furnish the IBCQffeful Comedy, "Tbe Prodigal Father," at the Frothingliam Theater on Friduy and SMurdny avaBlBgl and Saturday DttlBM, The Mil of Itatl WlU" Opto at tbe box Office in the Arcade this luoruing at U o'clock, i'rlcm will hi II, T5, DO and SSoeate, The social of the "liood PrOgreiL" given by the crew, class HI of the Providence M. E. Sunday school, at the Aluthodist BpU opal church, on North Mam avenue, last evening, was au eujoyublo ovent. The ihlp'a oftlcera were: ('sprain, .Mis Amy tCalley; first mate, Ijeorgo Perlitoni itew ardees, Mrs. w. c. UcOonnellj ebeplaln, Kev. M. U. Fuller. An tuturustiiig pro gramme win carried out. The Ladies' Aid society of the lireen Kldge baptist church gave a sacred con cert in the OBOroh last evening. The fol lowing ni tUts participated in the pro gramme: Soprano, MIn I.ucy Yanuan, Curbo while; tenor, W. D, livaus, Carbon dale: Violinist, Profeusor '1'iiecdore Ben berger, late of Qermaoy pianist, Henry P. Noli, of Nyark, N'. v.; Oeclllan qner tette. soprano, Mrs. Frank Urundage; cou tralto. Miss Mnggle Jones; tenor, Uavld Stephens; baritone, J. T. Watklua; accom panist: Mrs. D. B. Thomas. onfereooe will be nutertaioed ai follow BiebopJohn F. Bum, D. D., to been Urtauied at C i. Simpson's, Nt Olive rtrtet; Kev, i O I'e. ii, U l, Dorretpond lag sverotary alieslouary society, llev 1 :.:!ii VY, Pock', IMM Chestnut it root; Kov, u Beebrord, l' D., preeidoot u ii i VVosloyan BBtveraity, Kim I'nrk par oaago; W, a Speucor, l. D., cor rot pond rsooretarj Board of Cburuh oxtentlon. Elm Pirk pareoaeeoi Kev l". it. Payne, t P, corresponding secretary t'ductt llooal society, 'm Park oarconage; Rev, a J Palmer, l I)., of New York, Elm Park parsonage) Bee. 1 T, Raymond, D. l , prosideot Woeloyan nutvereity, Mid dlotovru t'onn , I F. Mefiugel', U03 OUve etreet; Bov. Qeorm it. Crooks, i. L , profoMor Drew Tbeologicid lerainar.v, Elm Park parsoBBgo: Professor W. F. Wmcbistrr. profoseor Weeleyea univer sity, ailddlotOWB, COBB., Elm PavL nt on ago; Rev, Bewyor, l. D., editor North' em Cbrlstiau Advocata, Blra Parkpar lOBage; ttev J M Buckley, L. I. rdltoi 1 hrUtiau Advocate, Elai Park pareonage; J F Price, U, O. Nan Vorii. tt F Uo)ii- wids', i ". Quiucy avenue eROOKAllUS UUtRCUBA Thecouiplfte prograoime frou the erening of Cueslav, April 10, until the following MouJay uooa bus bu ar ranged as follow; Tuesday, April '.0. -7 90 p. in . Wvoming Coni rece Veteran association, Rev, O. i. Beverson, prvsiaingt add railed by the Kev A. J Palmer, IV U , pasdr of St. Paul'.. Methodist Episcopal church. New York; subject, "Company D, tne Uie uo- luores VYodBttday, April 11. 9.00 a. m , Devo t ..aai services; 10.00 a. m., Organisation if coafersnce and bneiaese eeeatoa; M0 p. m . St.i:i.tical sesiiou; S.UJ p. iu , Ml lionary jertnou, Kev. Atuasa F. I'aallee; Bp m. Temperance aauiversary, Bev, F. Ball, uresiJiu'. addreoa Bv J E. P Leo, D i. pastor st Jme' Motuodtst Kt'iso ipal chnrcb, New York. Thnraday, April lft sa m., devotional serv.oe vim., b'.:v:'.aM Wsiou: -30 p. :ri historical anatverssry, Ror.ManleyB Bard, L1 !' presiding; Bev Qeorge K. :-;:' D., and otnera; 7.3d p. m,, anol rersary of rea -ket Aid Soetety, Bv. Y. C, Smitb, preskllog; Uovsrnor p.. E. Pattl cted deliver tbeaddroji . : lay, April IS. 8 a. in., Peatacoatal rv . tn iei-.-ure. room lad by Bev, Mau- UT S. Hard. D. D. : 9 a. dl. busiue-ii : l. . m . ausivorsary of tbo Womeu's Hume Missionary socioty, Mr. W. II. Tearce. prettdiag; address, Mr; Mary f At! lit TV '' Morn-town. -New Jerrey; ? 4k) p. ui., m Unit U LI ' nnif warj nt uie cburco Extension socisiT. r.-v. .ivnn oraoenaw, presiding; addressee, Kev. Stanley & Hard. Itsv. W A Bpancsr, U. U. ratnraty, April 14 - isi a, m . couecri fion tervico, bcttire room, Kev. J. W. VVabb, D D., leader; ftoo a. m., businoaa e-s m .',o p. m , anui .eriary of tbe W ii. an Foreign Missionary society. Mrs. M. .- Hard presiding; address, r. L D, (jiborr,, Brooklyn, N. Y'.; 7.30 p. m., anni versary of the Educational and rreedman'i Ail societlea, 1. I.. Sprague, D. D. ho 1 the Kev. J W. Nicholson, presiding, addresses, th'eRav, Charles Payne, D. D, and tbo Bev. J. il Bartssll, L. u TUB gtnipAY sIRVIOia today, April II 8 a. m , CoafereBce .ovefsast, Bee, M l Pnllsr,;leader; in a in. ser-i. . and ordtusti!i ..f de.v:on. Bis bop ) .n F. Hurst 'J p. m... ordlnatlod of iders aad memorial itrviGe; i 30 p. m , Epworth .-ag ie anniversary, Rev, J, o v rodrnff i resi ling, addresses, Profeaaor : V,'. F. Winchester, weslayan nnivenlty, I Middletowo, Coan. ; BIsHri Mnrst and tbe ' Kev. J. 'i. Pet!, U V., New York ; ..Op. : . UlsSlonsry anniversary, Ittsbop ii.irst, presiding; addrtls, Edv. J. U Peck, I. U. , New iork. Monday, April 168 a. m., DevotloBal 'Js. in., blslii'-ss session. Ave. WHO WILL BNTkRTAIH HniBtM A list lias len prepared hv Hv W. II. I'earc, D. 1).. of th Elm Park ehQfeb, Ihowlng wh'ire will b enter tained i ) ot the visiting cisrgy. It has been printed in pitup'ilst form for toaeenience, -- di:d at police station. Richard vsns RulTir'd from Dsllrlum Tremeai Richard Kvnna, of Wet Market street, who was arretted at an etrlv hour Mo , day morning while wander ing a boat clad only in a thirl and drawers, was found ded In his cell shortly after H o'clock yesterday morn lor. Doting his inenrcsration Evans was treated for alcoholism He was suffer ing with delirium tremens when ar rested Coroner Kelley waa notlflid" of the dtetll en I selected a jury consisting of 15. V. Eqaier, Ir S, (; Floberg, Henry Heei nuns, Radplph Boeofll, 'I B. ThOtnpeon and innrlns E iJnilels, '1 hey returned n verdict that Ivans died from un attack of delirium tre mens, oaQted by the excessive ue of alenholio llqoora, The body is In charge of I ' nderlaltor It tub, little is known of the decsns'nl bryond the fact 'that he wotked for -Mm Regan lt f ill at Provl leuue and for the past few nioiitin has linen engnged in that locality aa tvamiler and carpenter. - ELECTION OF VESTRY OF ST. IUIU'j I atone) Blaee &imd b g, m Bat's 8uc lessor. Tim annual eleetiOB of the vestry of SI Lnke't church was held Monday morning, at wiuoh Batnnel lliun was electod to (ill the VaouoV caused by tin. death of E S. Moffat. Dr. II H, ThrOpp, (ieorge I, Diet roii, J. 11. Bliaell, A. I). Holland, F. P. Prloe, VV, T. Smith, John Jernyn, John T. Everhart and Everett V.'airtu were elected vestrymen. i 0 Antaeussr Jiuech Beer. Louis Lr.binan's, M Spruce jU THE PRODIGAL FATHER. It Will E at the 1'rothluKham Friday nml Bstutday Tli'. Donedy, " Tin' Prodigal Pathf-," wbicQ comes to the new Frothing i in theater nn Friday and Situr. lay even ing! null Batnrday afternoon, l a merry comedy with rattling gool and orltp dlnlogttt dlal'igue that Inistles With humor an I lilUationi us offer Veaceill as OOUld be wished for by lov ers of laUgbtervprOVOklOg plays, audi us "The Prodigal E ither" is. C. H Jvfferton, Klaw and Erlanger, the managere, bring here on. of the most powerful oompantet in Amerloe t it the tame us was seen in "The Prodigal Father" during its spleuitil vugHltementt in E and New York, at Which oitlet Hie theaters were liter ally packed nightly by outhuiiustic audiences. - SENT HIS CHILDREN TO BEG. Conduct ot John Kelly, of Hemlock Street, Receives a Merilod Ro buko Daughter Arrostod. Muggle Kelly, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Kelly, of 1)20 Hemlock street. South Side, was ui rested on Wyoming avenne yesterday for ug glng T'ue child Is 8 years of age, Ii llOt Bt large at meet children ureal li sue is a preooolont child, whose ap poaranco betokeus povrrty and her cleverly told tale is calculated to loosen the tlgliett purse strings Mayor Oonnell directed that she be taken to St Joseph's Foundling Homt until this evening at 5 o'clock, when she will be given a hearing. The rather of the girl was at tbeV'itv hall last night looking lor her, and wheu told that the wee In the cute ol the ugeut ot the Associated Charities insisted on going before tho board Which was then in session. Hew. nt, but afterward regretted It, Kelly record Is well known to the board. 11' applied for relief mid whea . ffered work refuted to accept it, teli Mrs. W. it Duggan at the tame lime that ho would tend Ins children out to leg if hv wanted to mid lie would like to see anyone Interfere With Ills right to do so He sent his boy and girl out fetter day, but the boy gave up the task some time before the girl wa arrstod, Wiieii he appeared before the board last night Kelly denied having eut his CUild out to beg. It was shown that he Wat telling an uutruth and Colonel Ripple, becoming Indignant, delivered a lecture to him tuoh us he was famous for when holding Mayor's court, Kelly was larruped iu au untntrclfol manner an l told mat if he psreitted iu tending l it children out to beg he would be taken care of. When he recovered bit powers of tpeoch be loudly demanded his child, and wiiru he was denied hita left the room threatening to have ibeeutira tmrd arrested and vltlt all manner of dire vengeance upon its members. KRS. RICc WOULD HAVE HER SAY. As Soon As Her Husband Is Released From Jail She Succeeds in Gelling Arrested. Justin D Kice, tho cowboy ev.ingsl lit, wae relented from the county jiii yesterday op bail, pending s hesriug on un nppsal in his case Hi 18-year Old Wife sucoeelel iu kiopmg Dp the ioteres'. Unit hat attache 1 to lltll uniiiue couple linee they came to this city by having herjelf arretted last night About , Li Mrs. Kice Stationed her I self in front of the Scrauton Ssvings 'M'.r. i Wyoming avenue, and with n mall tcstamsni clasp id in hr tbapely hand and nothing in tin shape of an outer wrap but a small capi to pro tect her form from tho biting wind i, legan to preech A crowd iioickly gathered un I iiiil:er Msrtiu (hirrell, u:ie of the oldest and molt conserv.tive in the service, ws also attracted to the spot. He tol I Mr. Rico that she Wonld have to desist, and on her re fusal told her to accompany him. He walked with her as far at Spruce street, telling her he did With to arrest, her and if slio would proceed home she was at liberty to do h i. B ie did not prom-is-f but, nevertheless. Mr. Qnrroll, do- teiiiiined to give her another clianc At onus rntumin;' to her Improvised pulpit she reaumsd her exhortation an 1 i he officer placed her under arrest and took her to the oltT hall. Tbtre she bad a long talk with Chief ,ni;. vi and on her promise to return koine Wat allowed to ib pirt. Yesterday morning Attorney D I' iteploglo brount the of h-r Iiih- band to th attention 'if tho court ami an appeal was allowed from tin sum mary c invietlon of Mavor Conuell for tne violation of city laws by Mr. Hire rbe latter wa directed to furnish 800 bail to appear in court at 10 o'clock Monday morning, when the appeal Will be beard. I.utn in the afternoon E l Cnpwoll, of the West Side, iimlilld ns Mr. Itlce's boudiman and Warden Inuius releuiel the evangelist from jail. in nftiiEiT nni on nunnr LUUKI mm UR&H 'E That Is Vbat tbe Grand Jury Slid la Us Re port lo Court. ROOF IN DANCER OF PALLING Ai i lerica 10 in: At i n I l. NOTI nN. BVKRV noii:ii i t tVl IU ALASKA, THE I Mi iai S1ATKS AMI Mi.MI'll fit H NUMBKIlfOM THK COUM' IKK. TKN CENTS AM) UMi tol'l ON FOB am NUMbKB THE FROIHINGHAM'S SECOND NIC HI. iiik Andlenoi " s i nmith Kuii in A Poor R-la'loe. The second IboBtrtoel tiight. nf the Krothing lam theater wlt iessed the presentation o( ''A Pom ltlation" by Sol Smith Rnssell and company, While in plot the plsy ia iinchauged from Its original rendition two teuoni ago, some of Hie details have been BCCSpl sbly nltered, Mr, Itussell, of course, was Hie feature of tho play mi l won repented applause. At ti.e end of tbe second net Mr Itussell was e ills I before the curtain and made a abort but pleaalug speech, during Which lie brought laughter from the tndlOOOt by his witty BOB) parlson of legitimate comedy and Im probable melo drama There were but few vacant seat iu ilm house Some Inconvenience was eiilferrd from the insnlllclent heat, but the SOdltnOS felt disposed to )bear with tho msDSgSgtSBt in their almost super human tffOltS to present performances on the dates a'lvertised Cnd'T the circumstances, they did not expect all tho new theater appurtenances to be p-rfict at tho start. - . BIJOU THEATER REOPENED. Eavt Lynn Ie Stiffed ai.d Prove u Clord Attraelleei Tne Bljon theater inui a very toeoesi ful opening yesterday "Eist I.ynn was presented both afternoon and even ing iu n manner that greatly delighted the spectator. Miss Flora Stauiford is Lidy Isabel an I Madam Vine, ncted her purl admirably an I w m t hu lit a I of all who iv tho piny. if the balance of the rust It can bo said that they interpreted tbe various characters with skill With so excel lent ustsi t It would seem thai Mana ger buyer will make the Hijou n popu Inr place of aiuusemeut. It Is Recommended Thai the County Coriimis'.iotiers Take S I to Put llio UullJifig in a Sale Condition. Li-.t oi tbo True and Ignored Bin Handed in by Foreman McCaffrey "I bo Jury Discharged. The grand jury presented Itl final re. port yesterday afternoon to Judge Ki- wards and was ills' barged When the trim and Ignored bill.1 were bunded In by Foremen P J. MeCallrey limy weio accompanied by the following repot t The Kiainl hiry luoiiirlug lor the einiuty of Lackawanna et sotslons, A. I). IS'.iS, respectfully submit . the following report Thai it has disposed of all indlotmeute submitted, and has reported thereon to the court. Il hns eiuiuilied tbe count V Jail nod foiiu I the Mm in glHld Order and properly oondneted by Bberltf Paheynnd bi awlstABt, ami aiao tliat the prisoners iuoerctrated tberalu are properly olothed, fed and well Cared f"i 10 every reaped it linn oxamiatd seretnlly tie. upper story ami rent of the court honse,aud nude that tbe roof and upper portions of the wall are uot ouly In veiybmi order nad very much obi of repair, but slsodangoi us That the roof Is liable ui uuy time to fall nod the uppi 1' p irtloU of the Wall to collapse the jurors . a tiottlv itcommtud ti.ut ts parte may b Immediately amployed bv the county oommttslonert to make uareful n irolnatlou thereof; and that prompt and adequate tneaui bt adopted to remedy the UlDli -lilt v unit put I lie bunding in gOOH Ol iter and lepau autl in aaafe condition, They also hud that toe water closet in the batomout of the court bOUSt are ot in terior .inlity, ami not In g i sanitary condition, and tbey raCUIUUIOttd tnut proper measures tie immediately taken i" repair the same, Judge 1 wards, after reading tbo report, suid that he eontidered tt.o nt iiumtudallou wise, proper and timely, and would at once le er them to tho county commissioners The true and Ignored lull presented were tllE TBUk btl.LS Unlawfully refilling regletoreJ bottles Aleek tt auto, defendant! L. Moise i Hon, UroS. DaVld Tlniloy, delenJuul, A. M. Moras, proa. David Tinsley, defendant; P. F. Leonard, pros, DaVld TlN-.uey, de fondant; H P. Brink, pros George Pro Icopovitcb, defeudant; P P. Lieonard, prm tieorge prokopovueh, defendant) P. P. Leonard, pros. Uoorge Prokupovitcb, d fendant; P P. lieonard, pro. William Mittmoie, defsndant; L, Morse Si Sjii, pros Haley stone, defendant; A. W. Hcbroeder, pros. Assault and battery Patrick Phillips, defendant; Michael smith, pros Thomas O'Donnell; defeudaut; O. -; Lots, pros. Arthur (trifllths, defendant; Wuss-i iias,.-i-go, pros. Ezidor Petrack, defendant; Anna Paskno, pro. Bimon Dorfman, de fendant; Bimoo Iliuerfelt, tuos. Titus D Bvaua defendant: Ueork"j Van Bchooten, pro Thomas Maloney, defendant; Sam uel New mail, pros Aggravated assault and batter" :i drew Panlin.nllas Andrew Itauliu, delend unt.Krsnk Huston, pros Matthew Tomalv vlts, defendant; Mary Krovell, prox. K ivell t.'orpaghe, Adam Pecko, Alexander iromage. Prank Patniuis, defendents; Andrew Smith, pros. Felonious wounding Cdward Uourke, defeudaut; Peter Kelly, pros Burglary Jams Waltn, Michael Melon, defendants; Benjamin Levy, pro" Open lewdness -Charlotte Cains, do fondant, Peter Andrews, pro. Comm m icold Bsrths k ss, defendant, peter Andrews, pros. Unlawful sale of milk -Edward S. Slov ene, defeudant, ll.cbard Thomas, pros. Felonious attempt Wolf Borner, do f end in r, John Johler, proi. y Gsorge Miller, defendent, D. p. ltorhe. pros. John Harrington, do fendant. ThottUt Harnactou, prm John Mlaskofshi, defendant, Michael Shetolock, pros. Frank Campbell, defendant, V. T. Simpson, pros. ..label, .us misc hief batch I laalletul. Fred Uallend, defendent; Marv Itrolg, pros, .h.nn Uiloro, Bridget U More, lie ftndan:-, Anule .ici ieligaii. pro. .MolUe llrowii, defeudant. Sirah Melinite, prox. t: iibezlem-nr Thomas DllbOW, ue- feudatit; John J. Sheu, pros. seduction -C omenta Montana, defend ant; Madal 'iia l.luineio, prox. Uefinuiling boaidiug hmiso Keeper rhomas Barrett, defendant; M. F. Padden, pros. v imam ttowe. usienuaot; t. iwara Me. led v, pi mj BILLS THAT WIR1 lOMOREDi rhe blltt that Were ignored by the jury were : assnuit and battery. Paulo Torchlo, ngl Surlans, defendants, Peter Bcalkl, pros Mime 1 1 llriep, (leleiiiiatit, Sarah lllii", irux. i'atrnoi U alalia, defe-iil ant, Michael KtOgn, pros. William Bar rett, detetntant. .Mary I. arret i, prox Anthoiiv i.ostolio, defotidaat. Daulel Malc r, pros John l.o.e, defendant, John Fee, pi..a .1 S. Miller, defendant. Mar- t smyrdou, pi.iT Patrick llrliiugb ileb ndant, riioiuas Mmrav, r,, pros Joseph, Ida ami Peter Yokes, defendants, twiiiaru naieoeeai, pros .auuiouy i imi- nery, detendaut, .lolin Morn, pi. s itaf alia Salvi y, delendiiut, dosepB It sl, pro' Domlnlck Hott, defendant. Felix I lot t, prou Mlcbaal Plannsry, iietendsnt, llrlilgot l lantierv, pros. Miles J. Varlev, defendant, 1 J Burke, pros, tseorga Smith, defendant, Mamie Hmltb, tov Anthuiv, defoiidaut, Alex. MaiMeunki, pm. Qeorgs Bnslnloe, de foBdsnt, Hampk llusinioa, pros. The prose cutlou In all of i h eases pay eosls Cotlimoli scold - Mlt.nv I' lousoll, de fendant. Mary B, BrOBSOS, pioseiutrlx, to pay cost, Adnllerv F.lith Alary 'arpenter, de tendSBtl Fred t aipeiiter, prosecutor, to pay costs. Carrying Concealed WeSpOOl Tony Llleras, UefendSBtt Andrew Asleuuua, prooecntor, to pay costs. Mallei. en miechief -Titss D Evans, de feodauti Mrs. OeorgeVao Boot ter, prose ciltrlx, county to pay cost DaVld H"g ic n. defendsut: William Marsh, prosecu tor, to pay costs Thomas Qerrlty, de fsndsnt Catherine Qerrlty, prosecutor, to pay costs Aggravated assault and bnltety Lltera, defendant; Andrew Aleantia, proeecotor, to pay ots. Deduction Chsrlss xost, defeodeati Maty John , ptinecutrlx to pay costs. I'tterlllg cnutltcl felt, money .Mu hilel Leonard, defeaduti Arnold Oolemyer, pros. Bttorllon WllllSOl MorrlM, defendant, Philip PllllnOttt, pros Fiaudently secreting go.als It K. Low il, Hsory Joseph, defendants; II. I,, lltiei, pros. pointing Brtarmt Joseph Balvsy, de fendant) Joseph Rossi, pros, Unlawfully refilling registered bottlsi Miciniei Beerlsh, dsiendant; p. i Leon ani, pros , two esses John King, defend ant, I' F. I nurd, Jnuies Moid, defendant, A ,M KOTSe, pros. James Moid, Oeftndantl P, V Leonard, pros , county to pay costs. Lan eny Jieeph Taplosky, defendant . JohQ Terniaslsky, pros ( hallos Katkof- eki, nefendenti Qeorge Blsbsrdeon, pros Mm I in PotnrSki, defendant, Fundi By. gitle, Jiros. Michael Vohovitch, defendant, Max Kohlar, pros. James Malloy, defeud aut; Thotniis Hun tugton, pros. Anthouy Robinson, defendant) Thomas Harrington, pros, i Isorgs OgtBSi k, Marttm Davaeas key, defendants; p. (.'. Walsh, pros. Mar tha Needle, dOIOOdaBt) MlOSSal Judge, pros, b'cgiiiaks LipteuHki, defendant; Qeorgs Merges, pros John Colhssky, de- ftndsnt; Inn RomiOS. pros. Charles Bear, defendsntl Maty Tlcis prox. Law rence l.iuglilln, defendant: M. Miran, pros, l'oter rfemity, defendant; Morrhi Weiss, pros. fJbsrltS Wllhelnv defendant: Edward isclsco,pros. Michel Mahoihc, d--reUCtaUtj Michael Smith, pros Patrick iuiun, defendant: Qaorne H, Hamilton, pros. Joshua Jlillor, defendant; W. T. Blmnson, pros. Edward Mulballou, de fondaut; William Farrell, pros. Steve Car ok, delendant! Frank Sangarhs.pros, Bmbesslement Mlcneel Wusvavlcs, da- fehdanl; Alex Sier -dr.aa. pros. Ptlonions weundlng Uherlss Zink, de fendant: j. (i. Corey, pros. Manslaughter- Lavern Stanton, defend ant; James McBhaue, pro. Larceny by bailee .j hu Brown, de fendant; Thomas F Brown, pros. John Marray, dsfeadant : c R. Mcssrlsn, pros. BoOolph BwartS, defeudant Mary K it i -keuski, pros, CHURCH CONCRbCKIION MItTS. Delegate', Vsntiyrnen an t Otli ir OlUtet 1') Stttd Monday Bbfht Monday evening ihn annual meeting of the congregation dl the Grace u.i- formed church was held in the church building, 011 Wyoming avenue. Colonel K II Hippie, H Storrs and Ibarlat F lles were elected dele- gatea an i Y. W. Latbrnpe, John Lack and W. T, Hackett ultei nales to the general council ul Chicago Ural Wednesday in June. W. i . Lsthrop. William McCulloeli, 8, (1, Smith, A. P Tulhill mid W. II Storrs Were chosen d-ilemilvs and W T Hackett, T. F. Lyddon, David Hill, Colonel B H Rip pie sud John Perks slternstss to the Synodic il t ouncil tit Newark October l W. w. Lsthrop ws elected minis ter's Warden and S. Q, Smith account lug warden For psrlsh council Will iam MoCulloCh and l(. II Freur were chosen. The present veetiyuisti were re elected. A limit Interesting and Instructive report of tbe pastor. Hv. (jeoige L, Alrloh, was mole, t gave e most en coureging report of the work of the church siuce lis became pastor. EX-JUSTICE HAND'S BIRTHDAY. til Flftv-nlnth Anniversary Celebrated by K ii.! and Friend tn commemoration of bis fifty-ninth birthday, eX-Jsstloc Alfred Hind was tndred an informal par.y at his ri donce Monday evening by bis family and a f'-w friends. The affsir was of a ssmi-inrprls na ture, its Judge Hand was not uotifiaJ of the event until all the prepsrations hud been completed. Those proieut were all Scrauton p;o- pie. with wuom tho distinguished Jar- ist bas been associated socially and iu business bine no first came to this it v. The invited guest were: Mr. iind Mrs William Co.inell, Mr. and Mr P. N. Wlllerd, Mr. end Mrs. W. W Bsranlou, Mrs Tbootss Dickson, Mr. tnd Mrs W. F Smith. Mr and Mrs C. H. Wells, Mr. und Mrs. James P. Diebion, Col, and Mrs U. M. Holes, Judge and Mrs. R, W. Arobbsld, Mr, and Mis Henry Hsliu, Jr., and ex Ju Iga II. M. Beeley. An OtDirtut.lty for the U uitmdoyi d You ai. out ot employment. Invent your time cu a busiaejs, steuo gtapbic oi academic education. It menus succee te you in the future. Ir you cannot psy us this year mue II next ur You helped us iu your prcspeiity we shall help you now. Wood's college ot business end ihort buud. ee Hindu Boxaa Exclusively Beet made. Play i ny ie-lred number of tunes QaUttchi S Bott., mauifacturere, 1090 Chestnut street, Pbiladslpbla, Won dtrful orrbetrial organs, - , . : tu, rprclalty i)ll UOSlC OOXSS CSrSfBlly re paired and improved with new lanes. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ava. are now very completf? and exhibiting a ex- cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS $5.50 a Handsome BlueCbev lot a? Storm Serge, in Blue and CT ".i Black, at M..)U 818.50 DON'T BELIEVE IN RED TAPE. Colonel E. H. Hippie Declares That When PioijIc Ate Starving its Use Should Lie Uiitou- tenanted. "1 have no patience with red tape when people are starring," said Colooel E II Ripple with vigor ut las', even ing's meeting of the Hoard ot Associ ated Cbsrltiss, The rep irt of Mrs W. H. Duggan, the agent of the associa tion, was under discussion and it showed that two womsu on the West Side in very destitute circumstances had suffered while wsltine for Poor Director Williams to act. Upon hear ing that the colonel sai l to Mrs. Dug gan "There is some money left in the treasury of this 'association and while it lasts see that these people do not starve " Mr. Moore reported that fourteen men h id been given work at Coonoll pirk since last in-eiing and fifteen on streets. It was decided to appropriate (300 more for the payment of men In destitute circumstance who are will ing to work, There are forty upplica tionS on file from men who want to go to work. The inon employed will be giveu work at innell park. W. F. Smith suggested that the Lackawanna Iron una steel ccmpsay i)- asked to contribute to tbe sssocta- tion's fund. Mr Moore approved of the ides, lie eud that nittiv of those ! now in destitute circumstances were former employees of the company, sotas nf whom oame here expectine steady work from the company When ths mills shut dov.-u they were thrown out .r employment nnd are now unable to leave the city. Mrs. Duggin's report showed tint she had investigited thirty four cases, twenty-six of which she found worthy and seven unworthy. Mr. James Watkint, of tbe West Side, who makes a practice of begging was declared to be nn impostor. The members of the board expressed tbeir sincere sympathy over the s mic tion sustained by their colleague, Dr. B. 11. Tbroop in tbe death of bis ouly sou IAST OF THE ASSEMBLIES. AUe'd-d by R-presentativ Youtiff-r Social Element and Well Known QaSStS. Tile Inst of the successful series of assemblies, which bavo proved so on -j ivable, was held last night at the Scranto:! Bicycle club's house by the representative element of the city's so cial ciicle The patronesses who received the meats were Mrs. llenrv Belin, jr. Mrs C H Wells anl Mrs. A N, Decker. The guests fro::i out of town were Miss Stiinton mid Miss Katharine Stanton, Hooesdal . Miss Wilier, Rochester; Mi Persons, Chicago, Miss E1 ns DickersOP, Brooklyn, Miss Knox, New Y'ork . Mr Cheney, New Haven. Mr. Angel, Rochester; John Young, Wtlllatnsport; George t'lark. Chicago. Dr. tisorgo Wenlz, Drilton Among the Horanton people were Idtss Belin, MiSI Arohbnld, Miss Augusta Arobbsld, Mis Pranoee Hunt, Mts Wells. Miss Siissu Jermyn, Mrs V. B Jermyn, Mrs Dr. Var, Mrs H. W Kingsbury, I! Cnase, 12 meet Ryle. J, W. Decker, A E Hunt, jr., A U Hunt, Jam's Blair, jr.. J Arobbsld, jr , Paul Belin, C H Wells, jr , and H 1 Merrill Dancing wis enjoyed until nesrly midnight, wheu s oollatlon wat served by Huntington. ThS music was fur nished by Batter, WtstR, Matcblsss, SHa makes plaboh Se piauo in let w St.-lie 4 slay, and Otbei window ol yoming aveoue. Imported French Silk Cspes ut Fine Cloth Cspss at Lldiea' Jackets the lates: ri "A stylss anl in all colors,at r t..)v Millinery Department Wo show ths latest DRSlONBiof HUMMED HATS end BONNETS, and alto a Urye vsriefy of Liuies' aul Children's UNTBIMMED HATS and a large assortment of FLOWERS. Children's Caps We show the lsrgsst nit'jrttasnt of SlLKSand LAWN CAPS and HAH at very lo.' j rice i aililliJKIillltlDlllltllintPinUllllttlU "- Procrastination. . . CONWAY HOUSE THIEF OF time: I DAY BY DAY It bteals tbe profits of who waits to ttdvrtls r e uisl until to Henry Battia & Co. 2 Ki . t-r a tomon a al - advti BABOAIK8 '.oilsy aLd I BARGAINS TODAY I In AGATE WABE, s BLUE WARE, TJ.V WARE and WOODES S WARE. as ai S Ti i -' ii pUii svl-1 tivLt wis'.: ul:.. lo 5 morrow, but ttcar) your LrgMjn to g I L"' 126 PENN AVE. "itlllDlllilMHiHIIiiililil.ititittiiiiM ri est Itt rEXJI ATCXCI I On the American Plan. 1 J I t teet t'.C bt't I ;'.:lJ-mJ bOtki NOW o:E TO "HE PVBUC. Btaud l) Ktesra. ElectriS Belli Bath l u iii o i. eaeb flcor. Luge w:i- Llsbtod at. i Afj kooiu,. Essarytkiai CamptaSe A IX TUL Modern IMTROVEXBSrrg, c'fLrc us secsn- !io-.: Sool san.:-. I Z Dr. Hilled Son Albany DENTISTS Set teeth. HAS; l-st set, IS: for sold raps ar.d teeth witbout f. later railed wn ani brldee work, call for prices aLd ret.ret hSSS TON ALijlA. lor extracf.u tentl Wtttwal lu. N o ether, No gas. OVEB FIltST XATIOWAt BANK. OSLAND'S J. CONWAY. Prop. Huntington's H0M BAKERY. We have a larg8 assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES 0. Benil your corwta to be ie boned ot iiov rstetls put in. t- do it neatly and at a moderate cost. 123 Wyoming Ave. Leave your order a: 2:7 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant oren until mid night. Eureka Laundry Co, Ccr. Linden St. end Adais Ava CoVM lOVSt Ss .AKk All VitiJi t lie? best. ol Lsnndr; wore gtaractseJ Wmi Ths Reereti Lssdi for Uurrossr lin.s 1 new k"' THIS IS OUR LAST WEEK ON SPRUCE STREET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. '! Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00 Jtchidlng (be j-alnl.'ss extracting it teste by no entirely now uivr less. GENTLEMEN, I EE OCR I INT Of $3.00 Batter 1 SHOES S. C. Snyder, n.D.S. 130 WVOMINU AVli bin Most $4.00 Shots You Buv MADE LIKfc HAND-SEWED, 1 0 Seams or Tacks to Hut Your Feet. All Stylo. and Wldtht in t'oniirost or Ltoe. The Best Shoe on Earth for (he Money T: y a Pait an.l fOU iU WMV 11 I tlnr. DAWICTUD'CQnOSHOE 0: II A1U01I.U OijJU.UI BANISTER'S. every box I Cor. Uctwmoi ar.d Wamlnj Kwm St II ASTON TA Our 3j 30 Shoes are os good au .nnybociy's $3 oo Shoca. BROWN'S BEE HiVE Special offerings in Ladies' Wrappers and Tea Gowns. Spring Millinery Men's Spring Styles in Hals. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen System Goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA A VENUS.
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