I THK 6CHANT0N TRDhj.NK-WKDSKSDAY MORNING. MARCH 28, 189 f. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, Gone ra I Manager. f l BUSBM I1AILY AND WSKKLY IN BCRAB VOK, l'A.. UV TUI 'ilUUUNkl l'LULISIIINQ Coattvuiv. Nm VOIR OltlOK TKIBUW1 IIlii.dino, FBAHB S. CJkat. M.inaceiu iMmd at ths J WuH.n ut SkS-OafSM, Ai, lkCed-CTal lloil ilattrr. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. ECRANTON, MARCH 88, I8M. SCttAKTOil Ni'T only hail the lost OOUrt house, the bsst pOStoffiOB, lift municipal building, tbs best jail, the best DtWSptptr, the bt't OBUTCB and the Wit co !c in l'snnsvlvaui:!, bin she now has tho bi'st theater tad pro pOUl lOOQ to have the best hotel. Now is the time to immigrate. - The Nv'w Theater. The sentiment so Rracsfollj express eu in Sol Smith RaiMll'l IBMOb t Monday eVSniag'l tUipiolOtUdtdlMtlOD of the new FrOthlBgBam the.it r coin cides with t!t.it of tlij r.t imtj.-rity of BerantoaUnSi to this baa od rest less ae wlien men not InfcOQBWtly go start mud In the chsse for wealth or bapkrapt their physios reeoure while I ,;r.iias ' the i u-e that kills." that is certainly no iu'.i rvu- t. boutnlt; which offers some plMMnt hours of lelf-forgettalneea and enai! the bat worker with brain or tannd to ttttk iu wholesome entertainment th weariBg irsiu of business routine that the ..: occasionally exhibits vicious s u. ;. :o::;s i1os net cbecure tkt iCt thai iu the aggregate its teui;u-y s whoieteae, sdaoatiVB and eir.ioh.iaif. T:.. stsudar.ls of the drama are OOB euutlv becoming higber. Tae lutellec. taal and srtiatic demands of Americas ai:4i-U.-e are OOBttMtly iur?'.ag. Tie ehi : :a: ::-!-iit,M to these d. iut:;!s uojt ttr:'or be a improvtag . '.::. " j 11 that kmproeemeol taaxes Itaelt manifeatthe whole tenor ot Ihs atrical ihowi nnmistahabls !as of bettsrmeat It staa with toaob. of reii Inspire lies that Mr K iss?!! contrasts I the standards of a quarter of a century ago, s:; tiJ iootlly la WeSBlBgtOB . .. . that had to be "serepl out ' for rias".'j reospti W, wi;u the stani trdsof today, is typified ia th pU ttal kerne c: art and entertainment ::l.s'::a Arthur fc'r. -.hi-jgaam ha endowed m. this ratio ot swift a! . is pe mealed a'.; other f -fair botitlsoaly fair to tb propria lot .t tb r.-T taeater to ssv that it bad 0 it, architectarallj a: Ussi, be conee naatfeet in ;:ic:ia taaatr.ct.i oat:; Mr Frotbioghana'a ma;:c eraai : i..-i ::. . f:ru a a J save inl cc'.jr ta exquieite play hoae wbleh :-ei:s hi nitae That a city of 109000 13 habttanta eo;:-.s ta the naail ai e atas COKI iri-".-? w.:'a thota of aay ether etty of ccrreepotding lisa :a the Uoitei states should be rs:r ::! .:. iti :tr'a;aa:ea'.3 to oae theater of tae aira iiaeaejee c'.oj.s wu la Itaalf aa anomaiy that CO old not lost No matter u-.w i.ly tba c. i :.l y o tse cs been aaaaaged, and logwdlaoi of tha .aaia: m.;.;.tt;.as t.it c. arouad It, the mare m:meatam cf Scnarcas :rr?sia:ibie projfre was hand MM diy to matartaaza in a r.w and a better taseter :t u:t had Mtarialtaad -.a otcer bwtaaai direc booa in tae keen eoas petition by which al .a -r :?rfa ;i s istaised. Itihou d, then, be a Batter of con fer.::, attea that tae paw thaater has caaae, in the carfectioa of Uaaty. el- (tar.ee. e-iaeenience aal arr;i-;ajat that iraeteriSM the rrothinzaam. When, in parsn-vna of the natnra! law of kuita's r:7i!ry. t'a profit Aead trny ihall b tnr.tforml Into a oor-1 letpeodiag Tiaioa of arc.iiteetnral mtr. a. Bcrahtaaiaoa will be 1 HfSally jrr.ron in thir praise, aal will tccord to the two rir! hoT tba '1 Kr::..:r.ttag patronage whteh ach shall tu't t LTorUl that time cine it room, luat no Uiuh in throwing oft th biirdtn ahd in reaplring elaanar air. It is natural, nodoabt.tlut tho polit ical banobman of Colonel Hreckinridge, who view iu hij downfall the BOllapM of their own Indiridnal fortunaa, should labor earuvttly to holster him up. We have rend carefully represutativ Kaotooky howepaptr comments In tlm pretnitea and it is our belif that the proposed ' ovation" to the defendant in this trial, upon his return bom, will, if it materializes at all. be merely the lelflah worU of political parasites, who find no carcass too vilo for their pesti lential cultivation Apart from this class of itentuekian, happily few iu number, and with the exception, also, of noiiie Ufedoog friends who csnnot abruptly relinqnUh 11 coutidenca oven when it is misplaced, the great ma Jorlty of respectable oltiisni through" OUlBreoklnridge'l state ,m uualterubly opposed to dtceptlon, hypocrisy, sys tOBtatlO lying and the puerile I'. Ionic Whine, and they have no ovation to giVC to the man who unites all these OrlmM In OUO vast and artistic mass of personal rottenness i 1 1 Burnt Bgtxgvvii Xextv . AraOPOaOT the tri-lateral legilla tive tiht In the Piral district John J. Morris f.tvors Tun Taint ni: with an interesting communication iu which th merits of CtadidateD 1'. Thomss are eloquently" eel forth. While this journal esteem Mr Thomas highly nd recogntte his long lerrloa to the party, it does uot feel that it OUghl to tike upon itself any of the functions of the ii'.ttrict's nominating convention Whoever shall be the fair choice ot the majority In that convention, whether Mr. rhomaa, Mr Chlleaple or Mr. Farr, he will receive Tui Triduxi's undi- Vided support i but until then we pie ter to view the Dght from a distance. BasCKUHUtHlt must toot uissh aritoeraoy, Kdoug to tb 1 he Light Problem, la view of the fact that V. U IJock well, treasurer and manager of the Middietowu Doeheu Traotion company la the pioneer of public electric light lug .a t'u: city, ssver.il councilman and citi4as have suggested that an ispreaaion from him relative to the propoaed patcbaee by the city of an electrical plant would h.v value In response to request for u txpert opl ion Mr Rockwell favors Tut: TlUbl Nt with the following It weald ii-ti lo me that if the city propoea to seriously consider the purchase of a municipal lighting plant .; would be sdvisabU for council! to appoint a committee to investigate the ralue f the plant which nas recently en 1 ::red to t is city and also asjer taia f.r what the pUr.t coull be duplicated, while not wishing to say anything recat ry to Isnr. iti i.sv.rth.eiess well known ..: . itaprov 1 appirttue mny b trcbaaed at the pretest tim, for test the management of which the Mau villes havo steadily opposed umiecet ry Sunday traffic Uut there havo been times when, bsd Mr. llallstead weakened, thli entire commnnlty would doubtless have witnessed the complete disappearance of Sunday a a ttttt day for trainman; and instead of the OOmperattve iiulst tint now pre vail on our railway lines, there would have bseii a cessslo.s roar of traffic and uu incessant wearing nt of human energy in a largely neodltM and use less CXOetl of commercialism. Ths fact that he did not weaken, but that Rgaiott strong prcisuro he interposed the heroic obatinaoy ot a pertoBtilty that has becom proverbial for Its grit i one which has commuted, us we now know, a distinguished moral re source and a conspicuous sanitary sal eg uard l or it Is useless to overlook the fad that much Sunday, traffic is wholly au pet tluoue Ths running of passenger trains in limited namber has, Indeed, bcootua as much a nsoesstt; under prss Ml eoclsl conditions ns has the running of strtct cars in large cltlrs To lay down au invariable law of complete and utter abstention from all labor 011 the Christian Sabbath would be to go fsrther lu ths direction of sxcesslvs austerity than most modern prrsuu would approve, and farther, even, than Christ went during Ml sojourn upon earth 1' udr our later conditions, the running of csrtaiti freight train, too, it a necessity, w hich could lottosly bt done away with without a ralaptt into su obsolete civilit ition Vet It does seem (tosslhle frOW a OOUttnOU sens Itandpolnt to draw the line closer than it is drawn on uiost railways lu this country, to he, in fact, tempi rate in our morality and uot intemperate to ward oithtr out extrsiu or tiie other And progress in this nun direction de serves grateful popular rec IgOltiOU. tb in half tiie .-Las.1 1 st tae ttuie tu:s , ,nt wo bout, tn fa.:: I won Id ..a u better 000 tract SO KAliLl , do the men who mak tho newspapers ot this city purpo.vlv obtrndt their nam's 111 print that We feel it will b permitted us to make an exception iu the case of Mr. JtlUtl O'Connor, who will this morning lend to St. Ptter'l cathedral altsr, iu wedlock one of Bcraoton'i fairest daughters . Tun TBIBUitI desires to take advantage ol this btppy occasion to pay a well -de served tribute to the uniform courtesy, fidelity and manliness with which Mi Ol'ouuor has performed the difficult duties of journalism, covering all those rears In winch Bcranton has been n growing au.l famous city. As city editor of ths Truth, both lately and la the days when the Truth was h?w ing tiie pathway to it present txalttd ; position, Mr. O'Connor was brought I much Into contact with all classes and conditions of men; and while always retaining their confi Itnot and always faithful to the interests of his employ - ti e itrereil e nevertheless m'g!e3ted no chance to i)eiri.o:a wortuy unaersaaiogs ann encourago struggling enterprisi. If good work, modestly and carefully done, be any claim to popularity, Mr. O'Connor Will thi-i morning receive many cordial coagratnlalion. The 8reklnrMgt Beandal't Moral. .Wie YuiK 9WU Never before have the peril, attgulth nnd corrnntion of such neretrlciOns conditions been brongbt oui so forcibly as in tbe story IbUfl far t old on ihu Stand in this case, H hat been without an alluring feature to ilistraot attention from Its blackness end Its bidaoutneas, It deaoribea experiences Which tr.no first to liwt wen- WltUQIlt any rtiuiaallc tmue to hid-i thoir real d 'prav- itv It tells of 1 elation in which there was no bapninesi to provoke in any inlnd a desire forsooh forbidden ataoclationt It constitutes only awainin agalnstan taring into a path winch must Inevitably UaVa au ending uu palufnl anil OOHgra. uful. This nan ami 1 his womtn kept up the out Ward form of tfftOtiOU when net mil I y tho reeling between them wuh runu hatred Tbay were criminal together, each din trustful ot the other, ami sack distraught by tbe vilo bondage of license, deceit aad psrfld) into which thoy had fullen. Hare It' a. I t i Keiiuu. nil Vilu Mluttrd Pntlsnt plodding, ptisUtantiy prose onted, produsti permauent prosperity, 7mi sahmin symptoms of dyspepsia, such an d Is ties tftsr eating, bsirtonm and occasional bendacbes, h , uii not lie uegletted, Take Hood Mnrtaparllla if you with to bo cured, Noon's hi i cure nil her die, billona lies", Jaumllce, luiilgnstloii, nt, U held ache, GOLDSMITH'S AZAAR ,ra. n par- than to utallJ a plant captblt of light ing tie streets tetter than at present, covering the saiae territory, for 100. " ,r.:s than the nresiut plant is j tfiered to the ct'y for. . 1 tignre. In fnot, covers the com j msrciai lighting now running from .:s Blir.t, which, of conrs. the city -c ill l b- ;ermit:eJ to oprate. i Dedactiag the caiaraercial deptrtment, it. ;i I sin correctly informed, in the negfiborhood of 100 lights for ths stre-i only A plsnt of this sizs could I be built for $190,000 lent than for what i tbe present plant it offered. In other words, a 400 light plant can be bniit . iv, wiili t"e latest improved ma chinery, covering the present territory lighted, f it tbrtt $100,000 " :.a-ia C. ia .'.iit'.ja len, of select ! eouttdl, inform Tui Tsui e that he at n as yet forr.i l any opinion in regard to W, W, Scran ton's offer. lis thinks that "th matt-.- iboulJ Ds :-.tei in th meaner capitalists , nasally trext offered invtttmtnta A I committee of the cooneilt, together with nn expert electrician tad book -;.." s .', j! 1 a ippo.nted to thorough r irivtiiita the i, lint ant its rav. weald be taTidlooaand naeblvalrie not I iWj tfl, rHolt lhonM M ,,,,, to reader to Mr Frotbingbsm and bis assi: .:.: the cordial ooogratalation which wrm-bstrte-1 -frranton 1 vr rviy .0 act'.ri to iur.t and to rnlr j:Ue. whrer sSasif ested ; anl to feel in the ma't'rr tr.at honorable fcrtd. which a municipality may feel, that Mcsiti citiseat eoaetastly ttriviag to s-xptnd iu renown and perfect its mv ifo.d d7jr.-ag"s HAOTUUia AJTXAM to have it; Heat ings has it and it will soon be so or dred bafort the city govvrnmtnt and t-ie pnbiic." Ths ideas of Slect Conncllmsn '"orgi Sooderton on he lobjest coin cide sabstaatially with thois of Cap tail May, Ha tainks tha tndencls in all maoielpatitles i toward doing thsir own lighting, on account both of cOBVOSteaet and chtaousaj. He has no loowledgoof th cost of roanlng Mr, Beranton'i plant or othr ntlnotlae'aon' eevaiag it. It wonid est th city, n benndtYtteod It. about 1)00,000 190, ii') cash and 4:) U'l'l of bonds to hi a Ki'HEaoctPATXSTS have already been I tamed, Ihscity of rbiladelpbla is takes r at for toe underground trolley now rionly oousidsring th subjsot, system of opertttsg street Bin, The I and the nfUmete of cost for that large .Metropod tsn Tr 1' ' Ion r-',:;.;,i:,y r,t ,'.w lity is sbriit V','W, OoO It will thus bs York ls offering almost fabnloSS pr.is teen th-it the priOS the city WOBld havo for designs that will do away with th ovri.nd troll"-t.'de end vir. Homo of ths line day American gCBini will s umbU npoa the proper solution and there will bo a revolution In transit circl Nobody bolleved that tho lirt typesetting rnachlri'i mant wnnt It did. lint today th handicraft of thn old tims oompoaitoT liglviog way, u '.ver th'j country, to ths steady and obedient click, click of the mechanical type eom poser. - BxPgaUKRCI am fitness should have prefmeore In tho sslectios of municipal offices. Unfitness should have no show at all. - A Uer.d Sensation, interest in the PolUtd -llreckiurl Ig cast) subsided Immedintoly after the annouucemetit of the (Ufeudant's linn of defense. It Is no novelty to hnv a woman' character blsckened in court. Tba plaintiff in this action was not, however, on trial. Her own testimony constituted as comprehensive a confes sion of guilt ns the public hal any roa son to wish for. When lSrerdtinridgn's lawyers ssld that the venerable nnd aristocratic congressman, the eloquent nnd chivalrous Kentuuklan, who had for decades posed before his constitu ents us a model of manly propriety nnd lofty virtue, would hide his hoary head iu the folds of the plaintiff's petticoat nnd enter tbe baby plea, that single as sertion settled his fate, and a public whose lunga had too loug been polluted with the stilling atmosphere of crime, hypocrisy, cowardic 1 and vile passion that permeates Judge Bradley's court lo piy Mr BorantOO is iorrp .11 lingly high. PaTIOVAOI fOOLTIOSI wll divided heal tastlonal torts . . .. W:: aORBg With the I'hlladelphln I'rsts that the raising of the f'auiuron Ittae In state ssbatorlal districts nd BOf e , Involve danger to It publican I BO OCSS If a candldnta b for Cameron, h iboold say so, and itaod the contsquincse, if bs he op noted to ' 1 in 1 . on principle, now I the time to say that If the ltpublli:an parly Is IQOh a delicate organtin that it csnnot endurn the draught of u lit tie ilain talking, It had bsttSf uot have any candidates, senatorial or other wise. Anh HWH "ays nothing. 1 w ' . -Sunday Kail TrtfflOi Thn mutual ilecision recently entered into by the Reading and Lthigh Valley railronds, nnd partially nscntml to by tho Jtrtey Ctntral comptny, to restrict a much as posslblo the running of Sua day trains is a substantial moral vie tory for that sturdy Sorantoni.-tn. dsn mi tfansger w. K Hallateed, ol ths DtlaWBre, liickawanua and Western railroad. Thut hi laflrXlbU opposition to the conversion of Sunday Into a bitty traffic day has been the primary reason for this new BOVt of rival uompanies is a probability that is nearly a certainly. To bo tare, certain otbor railroads have long observed Suudny us a rest day foreuginos, cara and ortWS, COB spic.ious among these has bum tbe Oelawsr and Hudson company, in Thk I VCt is chronicled by a west-iru electrical journal that the city of Mo line, ill, has recently abandoned its experimental ownership of a gas and electric light plant Th reason itiven for this course is that the lights wert costing tho city mure pir voir under municipal ownership than they ha I er st or would coat nndff privats i-in-trad We mention this incident for what it is worth All Scrantonlani are agreed that if any experiment of a llmilsf nature is to be triol here, it should be undertaken only tfter ths ftill-st Investigation, The present pur pose of The Triui nk is to give as wide publicity as it can lo any information calculated to aid lu the formation of a wise conclusion by councils and tic public - IitroiatATIOM HAS be -ii lodg'd with tho aggressive editor of the Wilkes itsrre Times that lirother Harrity is trying to formulate a LaSlfUt OO-operative Democratic ciiipie, a kind of patronage trust, ho to spjak. Tue da tails of the scheme Indicate that both Hmes and ths Isnihans arn to bo tornad nndtr, together with the seaich sinf,iiitT lyndioate. Dsmocrats of tin ki I gloVS type an to be loitalled in lUthority and political anarchy ls ex parted to follow rapidly. All this is InteS toting, bat It strike uithat an arcby Is pretty aearlytht Drra-Mratlc condition already As fur I.azerne's bscomliiir Republican In the future It seems to hire reach I that point, anl It Is doubtful If It will aver regret it. Tin: who iioetn'l want to be bored or OOfrOptsd hud better sleer oltar of Aoivricsu legltlatlve ISSSSt biles Hasnii 1 if vi H a political Misuse that is Indicated Invar iabiy by Inorsatsd it public in majorities. Ah Mam JOMM would kicked cur soon vlps ruiirk, th Rnnrlav stallread Tr.llli a ' nfSwa ' sift Everybody wnoinis thopplBS todort coiil.ea tho (eiinlav rinsing and dots hi. I urchaHliiK tiie day hnfora or loaves It fin IBs day after An abnlltlOC of Sumlsy freight would followed by thetamt i suit. Bhlnpert ami enatlgneta weuld n me in bet tho tntervtntloQ of SgBdayaud govern tbsmttlVM aorordlBglyi Prtlghi liaiiii ro human Thet need a day or rest as wall as averv oiiiM tirmi mortal They don't winl Ihls OQ WsdOttdBy, TbBreday or Friday, hat oa thsdsy wbts all other USB ar ceasing from work. Nw Natloii.l Hymn. jty eoBBtry, 'ti ot thee, Iweet land of lib rty, Or then I ling, I. slid where th" whceln are lied, Land where luduetriM died, r to ths Bos'ith tide Tool! in; id wing ' My 11 nt 1 vo tonntry, thee, Land to which panper Hue, 'I bay BBBM I love. 1 lova 1 h y tlevslsBd frills, Thy in. trsds taritr bill. TbyOretbamt, Orlspttnd Mill), Mora fruiii thoV l."t it, ti I" swell the Inee.e, Democrats, to tour knees, And (Well Ihe Mmg. Lot those who hronxht this Tu'.e Tneir mtdlcin take straight, And three years I ni. i wait To right the wrong. Mar father, U. over C, Mogul of misery, To that WB 'lug ltcar With us if you 1 au, Mat if nut, like a Man, Say that you do not care a Fur say 1 blag Puwhutt i'atlty Oftoatr, ANOTHER NEW line: of NECKWEAR Some . . Elxclusivts Patterns WAD'S 305 Laoka. Avenue. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY lENKINSd MORRIS, for mrly with Leah Jones, display n larce ami well-oelected stock of Fashionable Spring Styles in Millinery. Especial attoutioa given to Artistic Trimming CARPET DEPARTMENT This week many will look and later on you will buy Carpets, Curtains and Shades Alter you have moved or done your spring housecleaning. Therefore, we ask you not to lose sight of the fact that ours is the largest stock in this city, and as we buy and sell lor cash you can save dollars by supplying your wants right here. When Carpets, Curtains and Shades are sold at dry goods profits you know what that means. We have Rag Carpets, Hemp Carpets, Ingrain Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Moquette Carpets, Axminster Carpets and Wilton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs of every description and size, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Velour Curtains.Chenille Curtains, Upholstering and Drapery Materials ot all kinds Designs and estimates furnished for all kinds ol Interior Decoration by the most skillful artists. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. ITictors With the New Valves Out of Sight hir new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. EASIER unuriTircl nUYCMIEd In Gold and Silver. 406 SPRUCE S To DIME BANI TREETi VICTORS. SPALDING, CREDENDA, Easter"Egg Spoon." Prayer Book Mark- l ers Easier Book Mar'..-. Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable lor Easter Gilts. SVIsrcereau 4 Ccnneil N. A. HULEERT'S (jKNDRONS. m: mckawassa vi : ' . City Music Store, BBSiSt HOUSEHOLD - WXOillXtt AYr, boramtm Si 1 1 1 V XV V SMM DECKER HKoi-HKtta aim U HAM. II & !!.( It CTUuaa Hit; 1.1. Hi i. 1 1 i PIANOS 4 t tore tKk of ft rut clue ORGANS Ml sm Al. MEHCHANUItttt kltsio, ETa, LIU DUPONT'S minimi, DLABT1M0 AM BPOBTINO POWDER MnnufBi tin t il nt Ihi WftpWfiltOMn Mill, Lu Mfftll riMinly 1'it. hihI nt Wll- HENRY BELIN, Jr. 0nra1 Aiini tot lbs Wyoailai putriet, mB Wyoming Ave . Scrantun ihini Kstloual iiunk Balldla aOB&CttS Ulii roHU. i ''-i t'a .li.HN tl MM1TII ,V WN. I'l) ini.ulh Pa. E V Ml XlOA . Wllks rirr.v Pa a ... i .. in, tin, HepattBe UBsoiloai Can t uu v s tiisii i . iileelvw ARDWARE J.D.WILLUMS&BRO ii ui Timothy. Clover and Lawn See:s, 314 Lacka. Ave. Foote 6l Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. FINE Engraving iron and STEEL we DDIIMCi Invitations AXNOl M l MI N IS RECEPTION M 181 1 1M. CARDS, MONOGRAMS, CRESTS), Ml M B mi DINNER CARDS Reynolds Bros. Slnlioners end Engr. vcr v. BIT I.AIU AW ANNA AV1C N.B. i nra oflfw lug n new edition of Ihe ii"'i of Common I'uuiT, v'ii bound hi oloth, Two Copies for 25c. SihrIo Copies, 13c. N'ORW W IRON Hi k n i 1MOND BIliVKR l XTRA l l CI l. SANDERSON'S KNOLtSH JEISOPV ENGLISH i sr n i t. HORSE SHOES TOR CALK niiK MACHINERY BPKING SOKt STEEI 11 s It. LLOW8 HORSE NAILS Y Vtl.iN HI 1.1 ) AXLES SPIHNGI HI lis SPOKE RIMS STKKL SKEINS B R sriKi;s J nPSSELL AND WELLS BROS SCREW ill riNti M i HINER1 Bittenbender &0o.,Scranton, WholBSSja anJ rvtail liealfrs' i:i Waj;o:i:ukri an.l lv.u-... lUPPLISS, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO tCRAKTOM AKD WIUCCB-IARRC, PV. MANUVACTORtRS Ol Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, H0IS1INGANU PUMPING MACHINtRY. QsBsral Offica SCRANTON, P.v GUERNSEY BROS. IIIHkKlliitiKMIIIIMDIIHIIIIHHIIHIU a I svS ! DO YOU REQUIRE sea w1 Will remove about April 1st to 2 2 Wyoming Ave-II ACCURATE nue (V. M C A. Building), with a full line of Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will jg j fa. C- .. il piiv to wail u)r i iiem. TIME? I WE iia i: IT, 188 Lack. Aw. tllliHIItliniHIHIKHHIIIIIISIIHIKIfS ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STO WEARS' DSXtXOXQUS, M1XD mrtTOrJkJKt OXJXMJSH ABSOLUTlil.V 1'CTH.m HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. IBTOaSiSPPLIIBDTHE STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All klail I ii-li I l'i ii'o lx.l ilaily i aiu-y Bntoketl HallBaSi lltir-.ulw. I'url. Vaeaauutli i'1, -t nit Maeki tel noehawavi Chesapeaks n... nVCTUDC Hanrloa Hleet Coe V I u 1 Ti ft J llllIK I .11 I ..it Shell laws, Shrimp SL'Ml1i,p, A'c W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers