THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. 1IAT?CTT 27, 1894. !IHSQatillil!SligillEIIII!liUnEllilliiiE!i!U I Pipe i I Valves I I 9 1 Fittings 1 THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINF.HY CO. f. IMiilllllllii!BI!lilltllIllitkSIII(lllllSlK Do you wan i' a ncw NECK BAND on your old shirt. We do if. Lackawanna DEDICATED TO ii M MET C 1 Concluded from Pnge I. THE Laundry 5C8 Ponn Avu. A. B. WARM AN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS MEARS ? HAGEN 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wail Papers. Window Shades, Draperies, Alattins, Rugs, eta WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '27 Wyoming Ave. CITY XOTES. Three new esses of measles and one of diphtheria were reported at the board of health office yesterday. The Adonis Dancing class ave an en joyable social at Excelsior hall on Wyo ming avenue last night. There was a large attendance. This morning at '.) o'clock the sale nf eats for the great sh'iw, ''Americans Abroad." will open at the Academy of ilusie box office. The children of the members of the Ex celsior Social clnb will enjoy an entertain ment and social at the rooms on Wyoming avenue thiseventng. The fourth annual bail of the Hons of Lackawanna was given last uight at Italia ball. About forty couples attended. Re freshments were served. The sale of seats for the "Crust of Soci ety," which made such a big hit hereu abort time ago, will open at the Academy of Masic tomorrow m rning at B o'clock. The choir lod by D. 0. Richard, that won the 1900 prize at WillceH-liarre on M. Patrick's Day, will assemble this evening at 7.80 at the Washburn Street Presby terian church. bo not forget that tonight is social night at the Young Women's Christian Associa tion, The young women will sur"ly have a good time for the motto and games will be entertaining. The Elm Park choir will not meet for reheur-al until Salur lay evening, nl wbi b time it is desired that every men ber be pr.sent. On Sunday evening thu .Easter music will he repeated. The Providence Women's Christian Tem perance union will hold evangelical ser vices at. its rooms on West Market street, on the fourth Tuesday of eHch month, be ginning this afternoon at 8.80 o'clock, with Jlrs. IS. I). Fuller tin superintendent. The Sheridan Monument association will meet tomorrow night in the office of Attorney J. c. Vaughn Tim final ar rangements for the demonstration In the armory will bo completed. All the speaker invited have signified their willingness to respond. "T NEW WONDERLAND. Under ths Oasllirht Successfully Pro -ductd List Evmlnif The reproduction of ''Under the Oat. liKhi" last evening at Wonderland was a success. Several clutnaes in the cast. Were noticeable, Mr. Carroll as "liyko" giving a totally different, although 11 psifeotly legitimate and too iptejblo In terpretation of the character. Misses Fuller, Kemp, V.'illett mid Ooutoit were ut their best, While Mrs Ghiawold ns the ling "Judas. '' achieved the same success ns before. Mr. Homer ns Snorkey, tlio one urined veteran, end Mr, SUvensas Ray 'i'ralford acquitted themselves ndniir My. Scarcely too great praise can be given the sceinn effects by Harry Thome. The dock ami railroad hcttnes were excellent mi olicitud Immense ftp- i Imi,-. The play rtm to, and includ ing Wednesday evening. .... . . Wlnton Will Havj Lta-fct Judge Archhald, in a lengthy ojvuioii hSDlled duwu yesterday, discharged the preliminary injunction obtained by nti y.ensof Wintou borough restraining the town council from awarding a contract to the Crescent Electric company for lightiia the streets of the borough. Thirty arc lights will now be erected as called for by the contract. The price for each light is f76 per year. - Hastenpftrr Imported Rabbits. The above loonier on short notice ut run Martuti, Psnn are . FTOOira sella at, auction the contents of a 14-room house next Tuesday at 1 p. in., CIV Mulberry mre... have been selected. It is only just to ay this much, frankly and ntireeerr euly, in behalf of Proprietor Frothing -baui, Leon 11. Lemper! & Sun, of Rochester, the arohlteote an l design ers, and their nauterottl skillod and earnest assistants. RVH&V SB vr A QOOD (HH, The auditorium itself is entirely novel in its srraugauiont The private boxes of tho Frothinghain, luatuad of being itnffy bnnohei of overwrought doc ration are really part of t!i main auditorium, just separated BtitUo lantly to give occupants a sense of privacy Without sacrificing either their view of the stage or that of the main aud ience, in passing it should be said that this theatre u one of the really few hoUtei in America which, so fur as could be learned bv careful personal tact prosecuted In every uoo'c, crook and comer, has lit.irally u 111 ilweirable seats. Therj ie not a spot iii main Hoar, boxes. Unje.s or either bal cony which fails to command a direct and comprehensive viw of the stag ! and of .nl the actors upon the shue In the arrangement of the logei, over the boxes and in froat of the balooules, lowered s as not to Interfere with spectators sitting on the main rows, tins new theater bes another point of originality that last evening attracted mnob favorable comment Ail these logeu are supplied wiiii handsome parlor chain and en circled by nickeled railings, tiie lust rum shiue of which, mingling with the yellow,salmon mi l old gold buss of the ceilings and the inbdoed purple of tiie draperies gave an agreeable variety and sparkle to the general scone. tho fronts of the boxes, logss, orchestra circle, balcony and gallery, It should be Mid, are richly upholstered in plneb, ir.d surmounted by railings of nickel. All rows on tho tnsin floor, an 1 in the first balcony the first two rows are equipped with magulBceutly uphol stered chairs, while the remain let of the first balcony seats are comfortable folding opera cbairt,wltboat the uphol stering, In tne upper gallery, the benches nrs so arrange! M to prevent one tier of occupants from interfering in any manner with either theoomf rt or the view of oueupunU of any other tier. BOXES, LCiiliS ANI HA1L1N03. I The private boxes and upper logos are beautifully draped in terra colt i Velvet, richly trimmed with heavy iringe. cor Is nnd tassels. A feature of : much beauty u the wide and spacious orchestra pit, which is cut off by a partitiou surmounted by a nickeled railing. The entire auditorium is eov-r-rsd with stereo relief, not an inch of plaster b-tug nsed for the walls ur ceil- -iiigs. In tho matter of colors, as tins nl revlybeen remarKsd, too much cannot be s.'J. The hues employed are cream, buff, srflmon. copper and gold, artistic ally emphasized ut various p lints with gold and copper bronzes. Especially notable ars the graceful and pleasiug furv8 of the gallery railings, the superior arc'.iways of the main ceiling, the delicately twined draperies and the beautv of the grand proscenium arch, with the rich decorations, ornuuiintii- ( tions, columns, brackets and the other innchmsnts or tne uooriin design, giving to the characters upon the Stags tho benefit of a letting that suggests nandoLeiy framed p rtraitn in some, mellowly .'"ghted famous gallery. vui:cAivrioNs aOAMST riBK The seating oapacitv of the Froth -ingham is abonit 1,600, but when crowded the thiter will easily hold 2,000 p?rions. Exits are plentiful and conviently loostea. Besides the large unmbc-r of exits on the area le si le, there Will be several hrosd stiirwavs and first fl or exit to i'enn avenue, The house, when crowled.can 19 emp tied in about two minutes. Th sys tem of lighting will employ both gas and electricity. Electricity has the preference, hot gas will be employed in case of emergency, All the modern appliances for both gas and eleotrlcltv have beon introduce! and everything has been done to mako the house as fir proof as possible. An asbestos curtaiii covers tne entire proscenium Opening and extends into the lire wall at both .-ides One feature of the fir--proof cartain, found" only in theaters designed by the archit'Cs of this theater, is that tho curtain dos not rt upon the stage, when down, but passes through the stgn into the brick will, u i lr neatb, thereby making It impossible for the lire to piss through into tin auditorium, should a firs oc:ur npon the stage; and also protecting the stags In the event of a Dl iz in the orches tra pit or elsewhere. STA'IK AM) DBKS9IKO KOOJU The stage is large enough to arc 'in modate any traveling organisation in the country. It! width it 01 Net, depth M feat, an I height to girl:: i fjiJ feet. A luM set of drops an I br I - will be introduced. Magnificent scenic settings are in readiness, and yet otht-rs will be provide!. The dressing rooms are a pirlicularly liappv feature of the new Frothingliam, and upon them a great deal of care I18M been lavished They number Seventeen, Hre large and conveniently located and could, in emergency, accommodate 100 people. All the rooms will be supplied with speaking tubes and eleotrid bells oom mnnlcsting with the prompter 'J ha architects of lh Frothingliam tmiks n specialty of thettrlcsl work 'J h" entire building, With alliisboiti tlful dsOOratlOIIS, was nlftnned an I de signed by them, under Mr. Frothlng bam'J contract, and th tinting, color ing and painting was do mo under their personal supervision. The gas and electric fixtures were especially de signed for this house liven the stereo relief work was patterned after moulds suggested by ttieui, and Is of tho ssiue general character us that in tho new theaters at Ithaca, Sahenectudy mid eisewiiere. Al th- rear of tho auditorium, on tli" first Hour, is located a stairway, leading lo the basement whete u largo nnd beautifully furnished room will be equipped us u gentlemen's smoking room. Nunr this will bo toilet rooms, lavatories and the like. The architects oi the honso ro Leon H. Lomptrt A Son, of Rochester, N. Y. ; the superin tendent of the stereo-relief work is I'. i. Averill, of New York; Mitchell, Vance eo Oo,, of Now York, provided ti e fixtures ; Andrews, DemsrSSl k Co., of New, Vol 'It, the opera cliairs; Fettero iV' Sou, of Philadelphia, supirvised the Ai i lerica leilEAVTirUL ric 1 1 Kim. i. ki:v NOTBI) PLAUK l N ALASKA, Tin: UNITED S'lATliS AMI MfcXICO. Ml H NVMIIKUfl on I in: ors 'li:lt. TBM cms ami OKB OVBO I ou AMI NVHUKU, scenic work, and James M. Braiill, of Rochester, who has made many cordial irieuds here, superintended tne con struction Work in behalf of the ar chitects The bouse is a msgnilloent tribute to the energy of Arthur Frothingbam, l he total cost being about $100 000. The sis of the building is 60x110 over all, tlio theater proper being 07x110 GLIMPSE OF rtlE J UDIENC:. A Few of tin Prominent Sorantoalans wim Wore Present It is not often tint such a representa tive gathering of Scrantonlau is seen anywhere as was gathered in the Frotbinghani last night Among some uf the prominent persous note I in the audience were: Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Rallstead, -Mr. and Mis li II. Piatt, Senator md Mrs. M. K. McDouatd, Revenue Oolleotor and Mrs. (rant Herring, uf Bloomiburgi Or. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Fuhey, Ur, and Mrs. John XI. Ketntuerer, .Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Pratt, Mr. ami Mis. Edward A. Niven, Wilkos liane; Mr. and .Mrs. John E. ltarrett. Mr. mid Mrs. Wal ler Dickson, Mr. an.! Mrs, R, T, lilack, Mr. and .Mrs. Ueorgo M. Rallstead. Mr. and Mrs. Sal. Uoldamith, .Mr. and Mis. J. II. Anderson, Mr and Mrs. Q. F, Averill, Mr. an I Mrs. Ueorge Waddell, Wilkes-Barrei Mr. uud Mrs. Qeorge Backus, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Covue, Miss Rorteuse Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eroth Ingham, Mr. ami Mrs. W. W. Young, Mr. a id Mrs 1'. B, Pag -. Mr and Mrs. li. M. O'Brleu, Dr. Murrav, Bsrn Couuell, Dr. .1. F. Sultry, J. !' MoOawleV, J. Frank s.igel. B. li. Magargee, w. F, Byrne, Carbon, tale; William Ratnlllon, L'arbondale; Cramer Von Btorch, John I'. Albro, John K Farr, J. I). Williams, II E. Cowlea, Qeorge 'I'llleu, New York- Fred c. Hand, John T. Iticbards, Jamie Bartley, Ur. I'.jsen Qreen, Qeorge Monies, Mark Edgar, Attorney It. .1. -Murray, Attorney A. A. Vesburg, M, T. Ilowloy, William Loomls, AN ATTRflC I IWt PKOGRAM M t. House O ikli to tin r formar.c j Con structtd 011 Mntrop. lttn Lints. The programme of.the theater distrih uted last night is a handsomely printed little book of sixteen pages with an at tractive cover. It is of convenient siz and arranged afti r the form of the programmes of the best metropolitan theaters. The book annnuueed that the ex cutlve staff of the Frothingliam is made up as follows: Owner Arthur Frnthitigham Manager John II. Black Wood Trea nrer David E. Boone Assistant Treasurer Charles Price Advertising Ageut.. .Charles E. Hamilton Musical Director Robert J. Bauer .-.age Manager Hubert Minnla Properties a Uuiry Electrician Waiter Clearwater tins Man Charles Slants All the ladies who attended last night's performance received unndsoms souvenirs. PRETTIEST IN THE COUNTRY. That Is hat On Enthusiast Said About the FrutMucham. There was but one 1 xpression from those who crowde I the lobbies be tween the acts. All agreed that the home far surpassed anything they ha I expected to see, The decorations, draperies, designs of the auditorium and tin neatly fur nished SCOUStic properties of the thea ter were commented ou uud praised 011 every hand. "Scranton has o:io of the prettiest theaters in the country, if not the pret tiegt," said one enthusiast, mid the s in timent found general approval from all who heard it. JAFIS GALLAGHER'S AWFUL FALL. Dropped a Distr.nce of 250 Feet into a Shaft and Lives to Tell His Experience. James Gallagher, whose house is on McDooougn avenue, Providenoe, vej teid iy fell down the shaft of the Ln get's Crck mine, a distance of 2jU feet, and Itrauge to say, still lives. He was employed at the mine and just before the socidont, ascended the shaft to the surface. While the car riage wis at tne bottom of the shaft l.e iu some tiiiai countable manner took the headlong plunge below, although the safety OSgO Was in its usual place at the to;), and how he could have got by it remains a mrslery to all. The most remarkable faet connected with tho acoident, however, Is thai in stead of Icing crushed into an iinrec ogniz ible m iss, s one would suppose would have ben the case, not a single bone In tho man's bo ly ws broken, al though he was seriously bruised, sus taining a sev-re ecali Wound from c iniug in oontact Willi the si le of the shaft, together with othar injuries, However, it is tho opinion of the at tending physiolan, Dr. Sullivan, that Mr. Gallagher will In time recover from the effects of his miraculous fall PROVIDENCE AMATEURS. Successful En ertaluinnn. Pressntud to an Ovp fl wing H un. St. Mary's Hall was crowded to over flowing lust evening at the best am 1 trur performance of the season in Providence, The ''Confidential Clerk" made a decide I hit with the audience, us was evidenced In' the applause that greeted the appearance of the different obaraotere. Tho following characters were well presented and elicited frequent and meritorious applause: ,1. F Bal try, as Mr. Morgan; (i J. Wetbers,as Mr. Max well; Frank Montgomery, An cent Abroad; J K Moran, Mike Mc Ginn; A. V. Gallagher and T. J. Kvanp, Ght'm'meii of Color; Burk, the detective. Miss Miry Grady, ns Mrs. Morgan; Miss Mary Gillespie, us Klua Morgan; MIsh Mary Malion, as B-tSsie; Miss Mary May Misses Kstle Siltry and Gertie Mo BsohOO preside I ut tbe piano. Dancing was enjoyed after tho performance un til a lute hour. -- MI3S f.RCH BALO ( N ERTAINS. risannt Danclnir Tarty Qiven t Her Horn" on JilTirson Avinui. The Lenten Cooking dub, whom members are Miss Jessie Itlair, Hill Alice B.'lln, Miss LOU Well', Miss Frances Hunt nnd Miss K i.ibolh Archbald, gave a dancing locial last night to about lifty of their friends at the residence of James Archbald, I'M Jefferson avenue, The sffair was Informal and an upprnpriste finis to the penitential IsttWO season. Befresh ineiits were served Tlio uillsio was furnished by Better. Mr Dickson Ent riataed Choir. 'i he new choir of the First Presbyterian church was tendered a delightful recep tion at the boms of a. v. Dickson, on Qulncy avenue, last evening. Over lifty members of the choir irerc present, anil all spout 11 most pleasant evening. Tne line' was spent In aniiiiaied'couvei'satiiin , and Heveru! pleasing musical selrcti.ins were rendered, liefreshmetits, consisting of cake, ice cream, etc., were served, and the party broke up iibutit midnight, all hav ing spent u very pleasant evening. - - .- MoBMPl'l new Turkish hath. Every thing new. OOU Upruce street, oppuslte Court House. BELLEVU !S WITH IIS siipiiiut! Cour. D.cides Tliat tba nODtlttlOB Procetdings Were LtlL THE OTHER LACKAWANHA CASES Decisions ot the Lover Court Af firmed in Every C?sc from This County in Which tlio Supreme Court Handed Down an Opinion Yesterday Something About tho Casos Passed Upon. Hellevu 1 heights will become a por tiou of Scranton. The tnatt-r was de cided liually by an opinion I: 111 led down by the supreme court yesterday affirming the decision of our court de daring that the annex itlntl proceed lugs before the city OOU'it'il were legil, The Nnnexstiou prooeedings were be gun some time ago when a petition signed by three fourths of the oitts-ns of the BelleVtte lieightH pnrtlon of Lackawanna township was present! I to city councils, asking that the lurri lory described In the petition be an nexed to the city. A remonstrance signed br certain taxable resldeuls of Bsllevus Heights wan also filed with oounolls, In an swer to the petitions councils pasSS I an ordinance making the territory luqU-H tiou a part oi the city f tteranton, wberenpou an app-sl was taken to tiie court ot quirt r leilioilS with th re sult that uie proceedings tor aunexi tion were duly approved. Counsel lor the ried the esse up to toe supreme court, alleging specific errors and Illegalities of city councils and attacking the con stitutionality of tho act of Pb'J. under winch the annex ition prooeedings wen held. Attorneys I II Burns and ME MoDoDSld represented the olij totors to annexation and Citv Solicitor Torr-y and Major Everett Warren Uu peti tioners Tiie suprsms cjurt yesterJty coa Brmed the judgment of tbe lower court, and liiero L therefore, nothing 10 prevent the consummation of the annexation sobeme wbloh Inorsaeesthe population and territory of W;;rantoa. PLUMMBB OASB SFFIBUgO Another Important case in which the decision of the lower co irt was al firmed was that of Emma A Plummer against tho Hillside Cal and Iron oompsny and the Lto'tuwanna Coal company, limited The plaintiff claimed title to Blx-sevenths of tbe osl under lying a certain large tract of laud ly ing in Blakely township and known as tiie Dolph lot Tiie defendants also olaimid the right to mine tiie coil 1111 lor contract made with previous own ers of toe land, an I their c intention was sustained by the lower court, Judgi Gnnster delivering the opinion, from which an appeal wis taksn, The decision establishes the cliliu of the defendants in the c iso. The decision of the supreme court yesterday firmly establishes the bor ough of Tliro ip, as it affirms th deoll Ion of the lower courts to the eff -ct tuat all of tbo Incorporation prooeediogi were legal and proper. tnthecaseof the city of Scranton against Sylvester Hush tlio decision of the lower court was sustained. Ii th-ca-es of V. G, Stocswell agsimt W. 0. Webster, and A. J. G. Hodenpyl and A. B, Williams, assignees of I) 'gin lard and Reynolds, ugiinst Btmuel llines and others, th decisions of tne lower court were alio affirmed, to th-Stockwt-ll caso tli decili iti hure was given by Judge Smith, OTHER CASES AFFIRMED, lo the equity suit of the borough of Dickson City against the Enterprise Powder company, the decision of Judge Quniter, dissolving the injunction, was affirmed, Two cases in wbicb ex-Julge Smith rendered decisions, were also sfflrmed, Tbey ere Joseph Cbilton and M iry Cbilton against the city of Car bondale and Isaac li Felts against the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western Rsllrond c impanr. Ex-Jn Ige S--eley's position in the case "f Frederick I. Brown against Dr. A. 11 Burr was nfllrmed. R0SE-L0EB0W.TZ FAHU3E. Losbcwllz !-'nid to Ur the tefaulter and Ro.e His V c 1 in The blinds on tli windows of the bulking house of Kjs- cc Co , the ds fanltlng Hungarian mousy transfer and ticket agnt. were still close 1 yes terday. A IrIDUNB r-porter visited Reioliert's jewelry store and learned enough from Mr Rslohert, in whose store Hose A; Co. conducted their busi ness, 10 ntiuouooe that mitters are fully us bad us repirtsd in yesterday's Tribune Mr. Helcliert, wlio leemi to know a good deal of the inside history of the defunct linn, lays all the blame of the fiasco on L lebawitz. Boms time ago the f,.ilure of a New Vork blinking house effected Hose & Co. A', that :-ui. Charles !. - ndVO anted tbe suspension of busiuesi aui argued that an assignment ihoitld be made for the benefit Of their creditors LoebOWllS proposed that they OOnttnUH business us tisuil end uudesvor to raise mousv with which to tide them ovr their linancl il distress. He con sented to leave the city and seek em ployment m lirooklvn, and nil the money he could save would In sent on to Hoie fur the 1130 of the Hi 111. This was done and the business begs 1 to prosper once more. About six weeks ago LoihowltlCami on from Brooklyn, and under the pre tense of examining the SCO units he took all the money In sight Mr. Reloherl estimates that Loebowlts appropriated over $3,000, He msds good bll escspe mid Ills whereabouts are nnktlOWn, Under these olrouinstanoos Rose had nothing Irftlodo hut gOSWBV to avoid the liordes of victimizod H ins and Poles I In good suthorltf it is learned that Loehowltl is abro id und that K ue will OUUSS his arrest if possible, e - A BIG ENDEAVOR (VINT. Fethsr Clark, or BoetOS, Will Visit Tlitsto 1 on April 10. Scranton Christian Endeavoreri will be Interested in the annouiiceinent thai comes from our neighboring town of PlttstOn to the elfect that Itiv. Franc's E. Clark, l. I) , of Boston, founder and international president of tills gro it Voting psopU's socirtc. will par a visit to that place o 1 Moii lay evenl ig April 1(1 It win be reminbtrsd by all rh i know anything about Christian Bu deavor work that lately Itev, Caik uud his good wife made a trip 111011:1 1 tho worl i, visiting nearly every oonn try on the globe and HtoUSeil tie greatest enthudts'm smmt Cnl ii n Eudeavorers, Tho notes an i plutnres which wen taken durlni that w mder fill trip hsv been Worked up by Dr. Clerk into A most interesting lecture, which ho lias been giving ever sino with the srsalest snro-ss, Tills lect ure, eutilled "A Trip Around the World," he will give iii Plttston on the late above menttoued, and the E i lav irersof that iown purpose m ki ig it the -vent of the year in their Work, A nail with n seating capacity of I, 800 been engaged, and arrange menti tire now being made by which visitors from all of th, neighboring places. Including Scranton, otn beae commodated, This city isexaecled to lend a big delegation, Reserved sent tlcketli nt th-low pricn of I)") cents, will be placed on "ale hers in a few dare, and the railroad arrangements will shortly be announced, - -- MEETING OF SELECT COUNCIL. Oaly a Small Amount of Buiinass Truas- aoted at h 1 teuton. An ndj mrned meeting of selectconn nll was beld last evening, at which but little business was transacted After several petitions for exon -ration from dog tax hail been allowed, the follOW- iug ordinances passed third and i. i rending Providing for the constrnotion of lat eral sewers on li c!lw street, A'h street and Spellmau park , si propi ialiug funds for tbe payment ol oily expenses dur ing the year; lltablishing police in the city, ami providing for the government of I he same. Un motion of Mr. Rwhs council went into committee of, the whole und ilightly aiutnded the ordinance for bidding the erection within the city limiis of sharp p anted picket fences. After the com in ii ten aro.o His ordin ance was referred for printing Mr. Lauer Introduced a resolution instructing the city engineer to pre pare plans for improving the intersec tion at Ninth ami Robimon streets, fun resolntion was adopted und c un cil then ndj mrned to meet again u a: TnursJuy night. -st- - DR. GEORGE S. THROW BURIED. Too Fu11ur.1l Occurred Yesterday Afternoon and Was Lr.rgely At tended by Friends. The funeral of Dr. Qeorge 8. Tbroop, iield yesterday afternoon from his late home on Jefferson avenue, was largely attended, his many friendi turniug out in numbers to pny 1 last tribute of re speot to the departed, Tne re mains were view-d at the residence from noon until 'J o'clock, many wiio bad known the dead m in Intimately during his life, parsing slowly by the casket that contained theb idv nn l tak ing a 1 1st farewell I00K at the face tbey should lu v-r behold Hgilin. A large number of beautiful 11 mil tributes surrounded tiie casket, the list including a broken column lrom tbe Lodge of u ks; at h indiome piece from tho Laskawauua Medical society; a fireman's trumpet from th'j Hoik und Lsdd.-r company; u broken column from Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meloney, Philadelphia; cilia lilies, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Couuell; roses. Mrs. II. C Doud; tosles of jus tice surmounted by a dove, Charles and August Robins m; pillow, from l he deceased's little sou JJ-iinie; scroll, L'our de Lion commaudery; piiiow, Peter Williamson lodge, Free and Ac oepted Masons; American beauty roses, Scranton Rowing association ; auciur, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Scranton; palms and roses, Mr. and Mrs. F H. NVtiite; Itock of Ages, Thorn is Moore, John Hollidiy and E C, Lvnde; ros.-i, U M. S trauton ; cross, Tbeo. G. Walter ; roses, William S. Bjyd, jr ; cross and anchor of lilies eud roses, Mr. mi l Mrs. Kih eit Reeves; scroll, llr. mil Mrs Cirl V. McKtoney; basketof rojes, Mr. nnd Mrs W. 11. Battiu; box of ross. Mrs. VV. F, Hsllstead; rois, Mr. a a I Mrs A. C Rensbaw, and baskets of il iwers irom the servants ompbyol by ins ds oeoseJ doctor and his fatuer, I).-. D. il. Tbroop, RiV, Rogers Israel was in charge of tbe services and otf ired a prayer for the family, at the close of which the remains were oonVi yed to Sr. Lu'to's church, whore the impressive E iiico pal funeral service was read by the rec tor. The funeral was attended by tile till nun of theoity, membors of Peter Williamson lodge No. 813, Free and Accepted Order of Masons, and the members of Bcranton lodge No. 138, I Bmevolent Protective Ordr of, ail in uiiiiotui. A vast concourse ol citls ins bad alio assembled and tilled every available n;ueo of tlio audl ti num. At tho cli ss of the services at the church the funeral eortegs moved to Forest Hill cetn-tery, Thi last lites of the Episcopal burial.sirvioe were pr foim d at tbe grave by K -v. Mr. Israel end then the impressive ceremoniei of the Masonic older were c inducted under the auspices of Peter William -sou lodge, Hiti-r which the remains were laid lo rest. I he pall bearers wer i Mnj r F.verett Warren, Frank II. Jermyu, Robrri Beeves, Jossub J. Jermyu, Frederick Council, R M Sirsnto i, C, W. Siu deisou and Walter M Dickson. . The Kversti Liads. Wait torUueruiey Bros.' new goods. SritoMi pells carpets and furniture Tues day nt. 1 p. m. 5lV Mulberry street. No other medicine has pquilled Hond's Banaparilla In the relic u gives in severe cases ui dyspepsia, sick headaches, etc THIS 13 OUR LAST WEEK ON SPRUCE 3TRWET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W, BERRY Jeweler. NO FIRE-PHOOF CONSTRUCTION Wa, th. ct A , b.t- a' Mt-tn - I cau' l I5uai d. Members Ev .us, Watrous and Lsng s: ff were the tbe only abeentees from last night's meeting of the school board, when was considered thu question of Bra-proofing the new high school build ing at a cosr. ol 80 nor cent, addition il to the original estimate of $150,000 Though carried at tbe last meeting of the board, its opposen moved an I won a reconsideration of the subjtor, and on (inn! vote decided not to construct the building lire proof by a vote of 111 toll The ifBrmatlve side of the question was urged by members Wormier end Note, While the negative was led by members Jennings and Mitchell. Al most the entire ssssiou was devoted to debating the question. Tiie motion finally put by Mr Mitsbell und seconded by Mr Jennings to construct tbe high sen i) d hull ling as originally planned and without the lire proof accessories r-sulted as follows: Ayes Mitchell, ii. O'Malley, Careen Mut.ou, Uevaney, Welsh, Cunr'ad, Jacobs, Barber, Jennings, Williams, Hcbielter and Coar. Noyi Von sti.reh, Wormser, O'Bovle, Nuts and W. O'Malley. An Oppoitufdty for tho Uoemploy, a Sou are out of employment. Invest your time cn n business, steno graphic or academic -duc itlon. It meani snooess to you in the future. If you cannot pay Ua this year inuke i next year. You helped Ul in your prosperity we bull help you now. Wood's college of business and short hand. Imp uted Rabbits at Fred .Vurtin's. sJ. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. VV arc l,uw exn'':)'ting a very complete and ex cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsome lilueCbev- C" ' l lot at S'orm Sorgo, in Bine and fi7 - A Black, at $ ,,)U Imported French Silk Oi i' C A -posiit $lo. al) Fine Cloth Capes at Ladies' Jacketi.the latest i - A fetyle.s mid In all $T.t)U Millinery Department' Wo show the LATEST UESlUNSlot TRIMMED HATS and IiOXNKTS. and also a lsrge variety of Lidies'and '.'hildreu's 17NTRIMMBO HATS and a large assortment of FLOWERS. Children's Cans WKIII.i1. M.tTl'III.V'UU Sill. i... .,,.1 . L... makes nlanos. s-e, .,,'. t' ,i. ...... I We show the largest assortment of 3telle St Heeley, i.ii Wyoming avenue. SILKSand LAWN CAPS and HATS '""""' -.i. al yfry ,jW pj.CeJi ucifiiiiiiEijiiiiiceiiiHiiKetitiiiiifititiMj: j Procrastination... CONWAY HOUSE Id STILL, THH THIEF OF .TIME DAY BY DAY It .t. tin- prolite of tie man SS wh . waits to advertlei until to- JS . 5 morrow. ii Henry Battia & Co. S Never wsit till iniiiutrm !, J3 S! ttovortise BARGAINS todsy and 2 9 every day. I BARGAINS TODAY S K I" AGATE WARE. i BLUE WARE, TIN- E WARE and WOODEN- 5 WARE. SJH US tsj U 2 Tryonr plan nnd don't wait nntil to 5 morrow, bat secure your Urgatai to 3 I y 126 PENN AVE. SMI IX) !2illfejIiS(2l!(iiiHgas!lliUI!!! 138 and 131 PBXN AVL.MK On the American Pian. Bcranton'i newest and b..-st qu!p;icd hotel. NOW OPEN 10 IHU PUBLIC Heated hy Steam. Rleetrle Bells, Hath Tubs oo eaeli it, or. Large, Weil Llghted ut, i Alrj Uooms. i verythlus Complete, ALL Till; MODERN ISIPKOTEMENTt, OBceoa secjnd flrir. Guod sample nnm uttacbeo lunfington's K0M3 BAKERY. Dr. Hill Son R J- CONWAY, Prop. Albany DENTISTS Pel troth. best -et. fs; for roM rnps atid teeth wlttaont plates, railed crown hih) ondae work, ,-a.i for prion ami references rONALOIA. tor ettractlng teetli w.thju: pain. No ether Noga OVER 1I11ST NATIONAL BANK OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Bend your corsets i be m--boned or new Bteels put Iu, We 1d it neatly and at a moderate cost. 128 Wyoming Ave. esnraanEfflEE We have a Iarga assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICECREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. linden St. and Adams Ave, COURT HOVSS yl Aitu. All kinils ot Ltnndrjr vrork gnaraiitesJ the best GENTLEMEN, l EE i UR t INK P $3.09 SHOES Bolter Than Most $4.00 Sines You Bu MADE MKL HAND-SEWED. Fo Seams or Tacks to Hurt Your Feet All Styleiand Width In Oongreiaor I. nee. Tiie Best Shoe on Earth for the Money 1 rv I I'm" und VDii ui.t v !1 Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 trolndlni he ralntesi rsiraettnj (I teeth by an iniliviy unv i,j Ijsia S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. SHOE on every box BANISTER'S, Co- SLntonS11 mm' Our Ji 50 Shoes a:e asi gooi as anybody's $3 00 Shoes. BROWN'S BEE HIVE Special offerings in Ladies' Wrappers and Tea Gowns. Sprizis Millinery Men's Spring Styles in Hats. Agency for Dr. Jac.or's Woolen System Goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. i A