The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 27, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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MORNING. MARCn 27. 189.
1 1 r-
Punch Cigars
G.. B. 8c Co ,
tmprint ml on Erh Cigar.
Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Martin Mnlouey, of i'h'huleliihia, is at
tbt Wyoming.
D. u. Koeing, of Haileton, was in Bonn
ton yesterday.
V. H, Syken, of Allontowu, was iu the
city yceterdajr.
Miss R L. Wood, of Hailetoa, visited
friends bore yesterday.
H. H. Knton, ot Wilkes-Burro, Vlls a
fc-eruntou visitor yesterday.
John L JUthins, of Msuoney City, was
yesterday a Scrautou visitor.
Miss Carroll and Miss Milau, of Oly
phant, are at the Westminster.
W. M. Lathrop, of Carbondale, was en
gaged oa business bero yesterday.
George S. rfouts, of Wilkes-Rarro, was
engaged 011 business here yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. 13. Stevens, of South
Canaan, were in Serantou yesterday.
Judge John A. 8ittser. of Wyoming
county, presided ot Court HO. o yesterday.
JHmes P. Keilly, Miss Minnie Reilly and
Mi-s Elma Spencer, of Pleasant Mount,
were la the city yesterday.
George Schaeffer, HaaletO&i Albert Kill',
Wi:ke-Barre. and W. W. Wood, Houes
dale, are at ttio Westuiinstor.
J. X. Russell. Allontowu; li. C Hill,
Lcck Haven, and (leorgs W. Hess, Phila
delphia, are at th Valley House.
Charles L K. Koseubsrg, representing
the International Navigation company, of
Now York and Philadeluhia, is m the
Adjutant Miller, accompanied bv Ber
ge.i:i: Major i ukling, conducted a' school
for Bon-commissioned officers at Company
0 quarters, Montrctf, las: uight.
At the Wyoming are Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
CopelanJ, Harnsburg; E. ii. Rowe, bing
batuton; Dr. K. s. Keeler, Philadelphia;
t.'ampDell Hay ward, Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lewis, of Alleotown,
who have been visiting Mr. aud Mrs. J. M.
Harris, of North Hyde Park avenue, for
the past few duys, returned home on Muu
day morning
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Thompoou, parents
r.t .Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair McKelway, and
Mrs. J. W. McDonald, of New York, at
tended the funeral of the late Dr. Lioorge
S. Throou yesterday.
John Taylor is actiug a3 stenographer in
court room No. 3,
Robert Peck registered with Trothom
t.iry Pryor yesterday as a law student in
the olUce of Attorney S. B. Prico.
In the estate of Phebe Ann S'.mrell, F.
B. Miller, the executor, was d rected to
Hie his accjunt Within thirty days.
A hearing ln the Injunction case of
Henry S. Prank against the City of Scran
ton was continued yesterday by ti
The term of P. .i. Murphy, of Dunmore.
as a member of the Scrauton Po ir board
laving expired. Judge Archbald yesterday
re-appointed him.
The South Lincoln Coal company, of
Which C. P. LuvUs-m is president, asked
the court yonrerday, through Attorney
James W. Oakford, to dissolve it.
On petition of James McDale.u role was
yesterday granted to show cati why M.
J. Keap should not sell the real estate of
Andrew Duack, deceased, whcsj executor
he is.
Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk
of the Courts Thomas yesterday to Oeorgo
Burdick and Nellie Scutt; of Scott, and
James M. Melvin. r.f Lackawanna, and
Margaret Crane, of Minooka.
The attachment against Alderman C.
M. DeLong for contempt of court was yos.
terday made absolute The ald-rinau re
fused to obev the Injunction of the cuurt
to give security to his bondsman.
The survey of the boundary lino be
tween Susquehanna and Lackawanna
counties was yesterday confirmed condi
tionally by the court, excaptioni to bo
filed within fifteen days. The report of
the survey was til-d April 15, I89S,
Jacob lioerko was yesterday appointed
eunrdinn or John, Michael, Jo-eph and
Mary Parcell. minor chilclivn at J ,uu Par
cell, late of Prieoburg. Christian Camin
was appointed guardia i f,f I rod-nek iiuy,
minor child of Charlotte il y, leceasd.
The will of William William,late of this
city, was admitted to probate yesterday,
mid letters testamentary granted to Klcti
Rrd A. Williams. In the estate of James
Stone, late of this citv, letters of admin
istration wore granted to Charles Stono.
Patrick LoftO! through his attorneys.
Ward and Horn yesterday brought an ac
tion to recover ?r,000 damages nuainst the
Scranton Traction company or the desth
of his 4 year-old son WHO was killed by an
electric car on CapOOM avenue on March
John F.d wards, son of .Tnrlao If. M, Ed
wards, has bfou appointed a d puty by
Prothonotarv Pryor. It, was found necee
snry by Mr. Pryor to increase his working
force on account of the increase of busi
ness due to the addition to tbe common
pleas term which began yesterday.
Judge .Schuyler, of BMtoO, who II pre
siding in tho main court room this wook,
is an old, experienced jurist. He hns been
on the bench since 1W2, and has acted as
president judge of Northampton county
slnco 1885, when he had bis memorable
contest with Judge It.M.ior to decide the
point as to which should be president
judge. Judge Schuyler is now serving his
second term.
The bond of James J. Liwler, tax collec
tor of Wlnton borough, in the sum of $l.r,-'
000 was approved by the court yesterday.
The sureties nre Michael Gallagher, Thorn,
as Heddington aud William Lawler. The
bond of David c. Phillips, tax collector of
Ltlnkely borough, in the sum of $20 000, was
also approved. The sureties are William
Mason, John Lloyd, William E. Lloyd, M.
D., and J. A. Lilltbridge.
Tin: Commercial Alliance Life Insur
ance company of New York, cash capital,, full paid, desires a local represen
tative for Serantou nnd vicinity. To tho
right party, furnishing undoubted refer
enres us to integrity mid ability, n perma
nent position nnd biitisfactory remunera
tion will bo given. Address
Lkon Dudsov, J ii., Mannger.
742 Drcxcl Building. Philadelphia.
New Bicycle.
A new bicycle worth 176 will bo told for
'The machine is guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine may be seeu at thu
Tribune ollico.
Mimic Boxss Exclusively.
Best made. Plav anv desired nu mbor of
tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orrbeetrial organs, only fit and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
To whom it may concorn: Removal of
Od boot's carriage works to 810,881,898.
3'J5 North Seventh street, opposite Central
Railroad of New Jersey depot.
Happening! or n Day Tail Will Interest Hyde
Park Reidiri.
8umner Avenue Presbyterian Cluircli
Successfully Presents a Varied and
Interesting; Lntertainnient Annual
Ball of tha Twiliplit Social Club Was
an Elaborate Affair -Thomas Beach
Injured- Shorter Paragraphs.
(The West Hid office of the SoaAltTOM
Tkibuxk Is located at 1 South Main ave
nue, where eabsoriptioa. advertisements
and coininuuicatiotis will receive prom;J
The auditorium of the Sumner Ave
nue Preabyterlan church was comfort
abljF filled l ist evening at tile dune ti
tertainnient given by the cluircli. Bez
aleul Dsvies. a capable musician and
tho leader of their Qelebrated cantatas.
preeided. The following programme
was acceptably rendered i W. K. Puil
llpa'inetriuuetital selection; Miss Kmily
Vvaltert.rtoitation; John Pbilllpe,aolo;
Miss Mattie Hughes, recitation, "Tbe
Elf Child;" "Kan Lilies," chorus of
fourteen young ladies; Miss Jennie
Jsnes. recitation; Mrs. John V, James
and Walter Daries, piano dnet; Min
Jcssio Hughes and Miss Alice Wil
liams, recitations; Harry Hawley, solo;
Mrs. Henry Brans, recitation. "A Hus
band's Vow;" .Miss Cora Phillips, solo;
Mis Louise Jenkius anil Miss Ueriha
Powell, recitations: V. and K. Phil
lips, instrumental duet.
An Elaborate Affcir.
The annual ball of the Twilight So
cial club was held latt evening in
Mears tin'. I. The auditorium and stage
were tastefully decorated nnd pre
sented a pleasing appearance. At
promptly ! o'clock Hie grand march
was begun, led by Michael and Katie
Cnlkina, Soon after the merry dancers
wer gliding to the tiunic of Miss Nel
lie Outran at the piano. The promp
ter was Frank UcDonougn.
Painfully Hurt
Thomas Beach, painter nnd decora
tor, who owns a store on Wnsnbiirn
street, received a painful injury on his
he id yesterday morning by beiug
knocked to the sidewalk by hit hors-v.-bilo
standing iu frout of his store.
As the driver was in the act of throw
ing n blanket over the animal, it be
came frigbtene 1 at some object and
shied, striking Mr. Beach witn groat
force, lie was removed to his home on
North Garfield avenue and medical aid
A Farewell P.oceptlon.
The homo of the Misses Wiona and
I la Hinkei, of Avenue A, was beanti
fully decorated last evening, the occa
sion being a farewell party given in
their honor, Tho spacious "rooms were
tastefully decorated with choice flow
ers The evening was devoted to dan
cing, playing games, music and sing
ing until long past midnight. An ex
cellent supper was served to the guests.
J)hn Bird Buried.
The funeral of John Bird took plaos
jvsterday morning nt 8,80 o'clo-k from
the family residence, on Lafayette
street, nnd was uttende l by a iarge
number of friends. Tho remains were
conveyed to St. Patrick's church, where
a solemn high tasss of rtquietn was
celebrated by Rev. Father McN'illy.
Interment whs made a: Hyde Park
Catholic cemetery.
Shortsr Psrafrraphs.
Anthracite lodge, Guar
dians, has paid thirty of its members
'iit per cent of their claim on the or
der. Tin outlook at present seems
good for the balance in the near future
Tha funral of the infant child of Mr
and Mrs. E 1 Carey, ot Bwetlsnd street,
wiil occur this afternoon at 3 o'clock
from tha family residence. Interment
will Da made at the Hyde Park Catho
lic cemetery.
Cards are out announcing tht nnr
riage of Q -orge Meder, of Sixtu street,
to Miss Kate Worth, of forth Main
avenue, to occur in April.
The funeral of tbe -1-year-old child of
Mr. and Mrs, John Albton. ot North
Lincoln avenue, who died at their
home on .Sun lay evening, will fait"
placs tomorrow nf'.Tn i n at 2 80
o'clock, luttrmoiit will b- made a:
the Washburn street cemetxry.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dnitrlck, of
Eighth street returned yestyr lay morn
nig from a visit with friends at Car-
The numerous friends of Rev. T. C.
Edwards, D. D Kingston, will be
sorry to hear of the death of his sec
ond son, Cromwell, a bright boy of II
years. He died -Monday morning and
Will be buried Bt Foriy Fort cemetery
Wednesday afternoon.
a .
Prank Campbell was unable to explain
why he atole some faucets and other ar
ticles from Vest ft Doyle. He was com
mitted to Jail,
Wallace Dickson, n farmer from Mast
Lemon, Baeqnehanna county, who baa bo
fore llgured in Scrauton police courts, was
Dned (B for being intoxicated aud wander
ing about the streets.
Alexander Bobmldf, aged IV years, a
Pole, fought with a fellow -boarder on
Charles Street nnd during the fracas use!
a big knife. Nobody was seriously Injured,
but officer Thomas arrested Schmulf and
Alderman f uller Dned him fr.
Itotmrt Aitken, who says his homo is at,
Oarbondale, and Rlonard Murphy, of
Bcranton, were committed to jail in de
fault, of bail, They had occupied beds, un
invited, at Mrs. Carey's, Lackawanna ave
nue, boarding house at ft time when a
small Mini of money was missing.
A fig Attrac'.lou Coming.
Per th i Trucks.
1 have the honor to announce the first
appearance in Scrauton of Daniel Kroh
ntan'a famous Lyceum Comedy company.
The players Comprising this Rupert) or
ganization nre all nrtHH who have reached
the round of the ladder whore only genius
is allowed to stand, They are to present
their greatest success. Hardoii's Ameri
cans Abroad. " Thii play held the stageof
the Mew xork Lyceum theater the entire
last year, proving the grandest triumph
In comedy the stage has known for years.
We have arranged to stage tho piny with
the ontire original magnificent hcenery,
furniture uud appointments direct jfrotn
tho flew York Lyceum theater.
M. H. 13i uufNDtii.
Bi Apartmsnt Home Will Not Bi Built.
Qaorge Sanderson yesterday contra
dicted ton Tumi i: reporter the story
published to the effeot that the Baodersao
heirs would erect a wen-story upsrtmeut
bon.-e at the northwest corner of Adams
avonne and Mulberry htreet. -The state
ment," said Mr. Sanderson, "is like the
Tales of Arabian Nights, in that there is
no truth in it. No plans for a structure
have been made; neither could the project
bo even considered at this time, as the
other heirs are thousands of miles awny."
Anheusnr Busch Beor.
Louis Ixhnian's, 826 Sprues
I illll ItllN sVlkliV Hhi j
lU.m 1 iiJilO L'tiUailJ
Cases That Ravt Ecm Conilnikd
Future Term.
il a
Judge Archbald PieVides In tiio Main
Room, Jiulo Schuyler, of Enston,
in No. 2 and Jodge Siltscr, ol Tunk
hannock. In No. 3 Disposition
That Was Made In Cases Yesterday.
The Cases That Were Tried.
Tho three weeks 'term of cival court
began yesterday morning aud during
the day a number of cases wer dis
posed of. Judge Archbald Is presiding
this week iu the main court room and
alter tha motions had been disposed of
the list of cases was taken up for con
sideration. No. 1 was tho ejectment suit of
Joseph Fellows and Cornelius Smith
against F. K. L minis and John II. Fel
lows. It had to be continued on ac
count of the illness of F. E, Loomis,
on of the defendants. Other cases
Continued were- Thomas llroinage and
others against Nor. ih I Ter,jsotmsnl ;
John Eiaunagban against William Fal
len and Sybil d.ino Smith, trespass; C.
L Rice against Fidelity and Casual! ty
company of New York; F. Q Iluriihaiu
against O. L. Johnson uud C. Winters,
Tbe trespass suit of John Lie against
Joseph Lee aud T K Lithropj was
referred to arbitrators by agreement
and the cases of John Furow against
Fred S. Warron and Lsvi Lads against
.Michael Coggius, wages claims, worn
reported settled uud the court ordered
that they be struck off the list. Bv
agreement ot parties a verdict for the
plaintiff for tho goods in quest iou was
taken In tbe interpleader case of J S.
H. Clark & L'o. against 0, II Brook
and Oe rge b. Horn, trustee. The
plaintiff not appearing a non-suit was
taken in the suit for wages of C. U.
Stark against J. 13 M isters.
Cases 8, 4 undo ou the list named
Fainter F J. Johnson lis defendant.
The suits were brought by Calvin A.
Brown, Richard s. Welsh aud John '.
Hughes to recover wages they say is
due them by Mr, Johnson, The latter
did not put iu an appearance and Mr
Brown obtained a verdict against him
for $41.03; Mr. Welsh for $13 1)7, and
Mr. Hughes for $144 03. Thess wore
the amounts plaintiffs claimed.
Judge Bcnuyler.of Eiston, arrived in
the city at noon mid iu the afternoon
went on tbe bench iu court room No
The case of Miss B. O'Mallov
Hgainst Frank Carpenter was the lirst
put on trial before him. It was tried
at the last term of court and resulted
in s disagreement of the jury. Mis3
O'MuIley claims $1 per day for services
for forty-nine d iys ss nurse for the de
fendant's wife. Mr. Carpenter says
the Agreement was 1 pr week and
that he paid h-r on that basis. The
plaintiff contends tbat-the agreement
was for $1 a day nnd russ to recover the
(21 she alleges is due her. Attorney
James Mabon r,-pres-nted tho plaintiff
and Attorney Harry Bu tier, of Oarbon
dale, the defendant. The jury retire 1
at 1 IS to make up its verdict. A jury
was than sworn In the c ise of Richard
Ross against Frank M, Cobb, a claim
for waofls which will be tried today,
Before Judge Sittser. of Tunkban
nock, wiio is presiding iu No 3, the
case of Michael Fitzpatrick against El
wsrl Walters was oalled for trial. Mr.
Fltcpatrick claims -'iy 77 for wages
that he says is due him Mr. Fitzpat
rick did some work at Mr. Walters'
house at Dan more for Contrsctor J. A.
Wiugett, but while the work was in
progress the contractor became insolv
ent and Mr. Filspatriok says he refuse I
to do any more work. Mr. Walters
then agreed to assume the ptyment of
tiie wages of the workmen, Mr. Fits
pitrick says, aud he resumed work.
Mr. WalUrs however, did not pay and
the suit whs brought.
Ia his defense Mr Walters denied
ever having agreed to pay Mr. Wi:i
gett's worktn-u and claims he paid
that gentleni in in full. A verdict was
returned by the jury for $88.78 in fa
vor of Mr Fitzpatrick, the amount of
iiis claim with interest.
Alter that o ise hud baen given to the
j ity.u cas Mr. Fitzpatrick has against
Contractor Frank M yer was taken up
Attorney A.' A C!ias appeared for
Mr. Filspatriok in both cases and At
torney D P. Repl glo for Mr. Walters
and Mr. Mover. Mr. Fitzpatrick
claims that tlo-re i $30 due Lim as
wages by Mr. Moyer, The cue will go
to the jury this morning
Coroner Killy Invtir,tsii 1 h Uath
of R ,'oert Ca-ophtll at La kawsnna.
Coroner Kelly went to Lackawanna
yesterday morning and empanelled a
jury to take evidence iu tlio case of
Robert Campbell, mention of whose
suicide appeared in yesterday morn
ing's TniBVXB. The jurors were lUvi 1
Martin, James Donning, Dnnoin Mc
Murtie, John F Farady, John 8, Wil
lis and P. B Timlin, Alter viewing
the body and hearing the eviilence t
iury rendered a Verdict to tho effect
that Campbell's death was the result
of an intentional act on his own pu t.
'I he dead man was !'!! years of age
and unmarried. So far as known there
was no p irtioalnr reason why he should
nave thus early tire 1 of rzlstenOC, Th
fatal net was performs l early bund ay
in li ning, tbe snicld" placing the muz
zle of n shotgun uud U his chin and
discharging tho contents into his heaiL
Tue report of thu gun was heard by
young Campbell's father, who went
Into the room and found bis son lying
Fcrnnton'a Business Interests,
Til Tbibomi will soen pubUsti a care
fully compiled and olassuted list of the
leading Wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and proft s-in.ial interests of Scruntou
litnl vicinity. The edition will bo bound
Iu book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business blocks, si roots, etc., together
With portraits of lending oltir.rfns. No
similar wort; bus ever given an eons! rep
resentation of Scrantous many Indus
tries. It will beau invaluable exposition
of our business resources, Sent to
persons OtttSidS the fit y, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers nnd bo an nneipinlbd
advertisement of tho city. The circu
lation Is (oi a plan thai cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well ns th" diy
atiarge. Representatives of Tan Thiiuk
will call upon TIIOHB WllliaE N AMK.S
are DSSIRSb Iu this edition aud explain
its nature more fully.
Those dssirlttg Views Of tholr residences
in tnU edition will plcaso 1 avo notice at
tho office.
IUmoval of F. Bt Avlaworth.
F. M. Aylswnrth will remove to '.;:! Wy oming
avenue, next to Kconomy Kurnitiire
company's store, iluriug tho first week iu
Martin's Is thu place to get your Im
ported Habblts.
ilUItj (if dtiuh
Happenings of a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribune Readers.
Says the Story That Ho Advised
Disken to Sue Greenwood Coal
Company Is False -The Concei t
Tonight nt Cedar Avenue Church.
Miss Thomas Was Not Injured.
Shorter Paragraphs.
The suit for $'10, 001 damagos brought
against the Ureeuwood Goal coiupuuy
by Andrew Disken, of Minooka, for
the death of his 18-yesr-old sou, who
was killed last month by falling be
tween breaker cogs in thu breaker op
erated by the above uumed company,
liaa beon the instigation of bringing
Colonel i. II. Ripple's hoi into the
case. Mrs. Disken, the wife of the
plaintiff, has OBnsed it to be circulated
that Colonel Itipplo iutcrestud himself
in the suit.
In an interview with Colonel Ripple
a TRIBONB reporter Was told that the
woman came to him for tho purpose of
getting some money to retain Cornelius
Smith as her husband's attorney. The
money was not advanced. Colonel
Ripple kvinpathized with Mrs. Disken
in her affliction, but iu no was way he
Instrumental in abetting the suit. He
was not then, nor is he yet, conversunt
with the fucte in tho ense, uud there
fore could not oiler advice as to any
proceedings in law that was then in
tended or has since been carried out.
Our Folks' Conoert.
The our folks' uoneert at tbe Cedar
Avenue Methodist BpllOOpal church
this evening will present an unusually
good programme, Tho elder members
of the congregation sud eome of the
little tots will be the exclusive enter
taiuers. Tho proceeds will be applied
to the pastor's salary. The leader of
the exercises will bo John Tucker, who
is so well known iu musical circles ns
to need no farther praise. The con
cert will be presided over by Mr.
Tucker. A unique feature will bo the
costumes worn by tbe different partici
pants. They will be of veiy ancient
pattern and style. One costume which
will bo worn is orer a Otntury old.
Ml9s Thomas Not Injured.
Miss Hannah Mary Thomas, of West
i'ittston, daughter of W. (i. Thomas,
formerly superintendent of the Green
wood Coal company, was reportd to
be badly injured by getting struck on
the face from a piece of wool that
came thronu tho window of the car in
which she was traveling. Miss Thomas
was on her way to No. 4 school, in
Ureeuwood, wnere she teaches, and
was only slightly scratched instead ol
the extggerated reports that were cur
rent about tbe trivial mishap.
fhott-ir Paragraphs.
William Craig, of the North P.rinch
Rolling mill at Danville, ia visiting
Henry Pratt, of Pittston avenue.
The marriage of W. J. Boms and
Miss Margaret Whelan, of Genet
street, will be solemnized Bt St. John's
church Wednesday afternoon, April
11. Mr. Bums is a barber, of Pittston
avenue, and Miss Whelan is one of
the prettiest and most amiable young
ladies of the South Side.
James Melvin and Margaret Crane
will be married this morning at 10
o'clock in St. Joseph's church,
Minooka, instead of tomorrow morn
ing as was previously announced in
these columns.
Tonight Sd Smith RuiBSlI will malts
his Bcond appearance at the Frothing
ham in "A Poor Relation " Theater
goers of tUis citv will remmbsr tiie
plendid manner in whloh Mr RumoII
delineated the character, tae
meek Inventor.ln this city a rw weeks
ago and will be pleased to have anotiiy."
opportunity of beholding him in it.
"Americans Abroad" ,w:l! Invfl its
first presentation in this city Tbursd iy
night, when Daniel Frohuun'sLyosum
company will pro Ino it at th A 1 1 -emy
in the sam. manner ln which it
was given in New York Th- com
pany has never been seen to better n I
vantage tlun in this clever comedy.
The Boston Post says of "Tho Crusl
of BocWty," which will be seen for the
second time this season at the Acad mv
Friday nighi : "It is of rare occurrence
that it is on's pleasure to witness hi
thorough a theatrical sermon as this
play teach". "It is the Unwritten eo
oial law that a g io I ma i should m trry
none but a good woman,' is it motto,
and from too rise of the curta il to
the last act is this demonstrated, in a
bright, witty yet positive way. O, ihe
company, no words of praise oanb
Hid that were n i, merited, as it was
well balance!, obmpr hensively cist,
and jueiti v-ly superior iu its entirety "
Friday and Saturday evenings and
Saturday afternoon "The Prodigal
Father," a delightful comedy, will be
given at the Froihlngham The c m
pany that will produoiit will bo a good
This evening the Bijou theater, on
Lackawanna avenue, will reopen under
the management o( Mr. Hover, nnd two
performances will be given d illy Miss
Flora Stamford will open tonight, a''
"isti by n competent company, in
''Bast Lynne,"and Friday and Satur
day she will be seen in 'Mist Lynn.'
Bttoira sells pmlir mil One carpets.
bed suns, silverware, crockery, etc., 618
Mulberry stieet, Tuesday, 1 p. m.
Parlleston ft Woeri's nnd Ballantlne's
Ales ars the best. K. J. Vt albu, ugeuu, US
Lfci-kswaiiuH avjuue.
H ATI til
EPV mtrmm m m i mi M
r,f Trl
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Fr in a F-w f ths Id d ids Wh i Praise
ii" Brl nnlca
The copy of the reprint of the ninth and
last edition of the F.ncyclojiedia Britannica
offered by The I'BIBOMB at the price and
easy term- ot payment should lind a place
in every home.
In no way can that amount of money be
expended so judiciously on books.
The "American A Iditlons" and latest
maps with its good paper and binding
renders it preferable to tho ejipoiisivo $125
edition. v. E. AlXBB,
Physician and Surgeon.
Willnn the past two years, or during
the month of June, 1898, I purchased the
Scribnor edition of the Encyclopedia Hrit
annica at 15.00 per volume, bound in cloth,
f 11I5.U0 lor thu set.
W. A. Paine, M. D.
Tliu Britannica is unquestionably tl.o
leader aiuoug Encyclopedias, The sub
jects are fully nnd authoritatively treated,
'ihe edition offered byTsn Tbibumb ex
cels In being supplemented to date, and
tbe flexible binding renders it, 1 should
think, vury serviceable. The price and
plan of paying makes its introduction into
most homes possible. The school boy uud
gill should be ou the alert to possess it.
D. A. Stunk,
Principal School 88.
Referring to the Encyclopedia britan
nica offered by Thi Tbibunb. I consider it
an excellent work. 1 have tbe Edinburgh
edition, which cot me SB per volume, Th.s
reprint at 11,98 per volume is unothur iu
stttuco of American Ingennitv,
Tim Bcrlbner edition of the Encyclopedia
Britannica has been in my library some
years. I have found it accurate uud re
liable and fully illustrated.
The edition offered by Tim TBIBVKB Is
not abridged; but, In matter of faot, the
same work on good paper and substan
tially bound, besides having the additions
and revisions, American articles and maps
up to date. The additions are in the back
ot each volume and give the latest data on
statistics, together with history, scienco
and biography of living men, thus render
ing the work more desirable aud practical
as a book of reference tbau tho original.
That this work can be sold for $1.98 per
volume seems almost incredible, as i paid
Io per volume, or $1'J3 for mine, bouud in
cloth. U. 0, Hl.'OHES,
Pastor Jackson Street Uuptist Church.
Only four days remain. Call or mail
your first payment to The Tribune F.
B. Department, 487 Spruso street,
Wanttd Youn? Han and Womtn Out
of Employment.
Wo have hnd u good year. To meet the
demands of the school extra teachers wore
employed they are with ui now. Over
500 young men and women are out of em
ployment iu Scrauton. Tuis spring aud
summer We propose to take these young
people in our school on easy terms.
The demand for people is not great in
any line, but count up the people who do
clerical work iu all the offices, store-,
banks and manufactories, and see what au
urray of bouk-k. .-per, stenographers and
clerks are employed. These persons uru
the business men of tomorrow.
Hundreds of your friends have been nt
the college and hundreds havo racceedel.
The faithlul ones win; the iuattentive fall.
Take these next few months and learn
book-keei Ing or stenography) bru-h up In
grammar, spelling, arithmetic: keep your
eye ou penmanship, get a good knowledge
of notes, dra':s, checks; know something
of commercial law, aud wind up with the
business practice.
Ton have the time come in and see us.
HAND. P. E, Wood, Proprietor.
Baby Carraiges
Mlartixi & Delany
Clothiers and Custom Tailors.
INVITE your attention to our new
new spring stock, which is complete,
and beg to add a word with reference to the
advantages offered by us.
The particular care exercised in the se
lection and manufacture of all garments, the
perfection of pattern and novelty of design,
all guarantee the best value at
No Higher Prices
than are frequently asked for goods of infe
rior workmanship.
A careful inspection will convince you of
their value.
Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
Wedding Presents
Choice Selection.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
Atr ai rr -.-ui ths Mn.t Popatir ui Prtftmd by
W.irr.-oms: OppoStttColumbUl Monument.
205 Wcshlnyton Av. Scranton.Pa.
To tlm dolUtl whnn thny Will hriiiR you surh
Talus In rttttrn ts Is offtrsd yoa iiora who
ovur himnl of hu1i ii ohsttOSI
A $150 Bicycle for $75
Ws nro offorliiK our HOYS' AND OIRI.S'
WHKKL8H Tn tow prioss. Wo do not o
BT tho MtUefUS list.
Florey & Holt
Jackets a:
Forthe Spring and ,.f m
t r i r a a . ffii.'
bummer ot y4,
Stock Large ami Attractive, 'kfflfii
Prices tbe Lowt on Heeord. fl
8c Co. Milker;" an 1 Forriors,
508 Spruce St. Cojrt House Squarj
t " ' tH
I I In ,
" ' ' . (y$i.
m y 7t'ru") -1
Special for This Com
ing Week.
Liilics' Kid Ilutlon, pointed au.l
Philadelphia tos, pritfrit lentlier
tips; npeciul pric, 5s 63! worth, 3 SO.
Ladies' Dongola KW Button, hand
ISWd, spociiil prico, $3; worth 4 oO.
Minxes' Ki l BnttOD, plain tre?,
spr log heel, speci-nl pric. $1,505
wortb $800
Boys' School S ioes. DonjioU top.
siz-'s 'i to 5, miecisl price, $t. 50;
worth f'J 00
Men's Calf Patent Leather h'.c,
pointed toes, special price, S3. 00;
worth $4 00
Ken's Calf Blncher, band sewel
welt, Piocadilly lait, special pric.
Ja. 89; worth $3 50
Little Boya' siiooi, button and
lace, spriiiK heel, tnnde "just like
pspa'a, aiiea 5 to 10J, special pric.
$1 50; worth $1 00
Youths' Calf, hutton and lnce,
prillir heels, ( i ii;dvnr Wi-lts iz
11 lo 81, ipaolal price, $2; worth, 50
J AST YEAR he had saved $300.
He bought a house worth 1850
paid $300 down, gave a mort
gage for $1,550. Today ho esti
mates as follows:
Rent kb Ted $240 0J
interest on mortgage, ...$iw on
Taxes stiil repstrs 'X 50 119 30
Nst saving on ivnt.
Snrcni on salary....
130 OJ
To apply on mortage. 60
RXFLKCTION "In FOI K ycurs thst
li.niv 111 I,,, (, ,.,. iroin debt and 1 thnll
have it liomr of my own."
GREEN BIOOE in the psrndlM for
homo., rimi & Bans liavo raeently tin.
iiini n beatttlfol Tills, which thay offor,
on k paymsnta Ht
rn t their ofliee, between iVaahtngton
hiwi Adams on Olive street,
The GENUINE New Haven
SWANK'S m m "Mathushek" Pianos
The Great Marvel of Dental Science
New York Wateronns Xo, 80
Fifth Avenue.
t. V , II I v l t'JlV l Wij
S ile dealers in this section.
A recent discovery ami the sole
property of
Henwood & Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
9 1 Scientific Eye Testing Free
After having eleven teeth extracted at
no alttlnt; liy the , , mi. - matliod. I ro
nounco It rntlrcly ulUlnrtory In every
imrtlculur. d. SI.AMOM
By Dr. Shimberg,
The flporlnllst on tho F.yo. llendiiclies and
Nerroiwno-w rellovel. Latest and Improved
Htylo ot Kyo Ulaiaia and Hiio. tnclca at tbo
Lowest Prioea Uout Artlllclal Eysi hunrtud
for Sj.
106 SPRUCE ST., op. Poat Office