The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The Scranton Thiiii'nk's Pitttton d
partiuent in in charo of J. M. Faliy, to
whom now items uuJ complniut tuny bo
Fluwer, Churoh Musio nod SpUndld
Sing-lntr ths Oidr of th Day.
Yestrrdny beinj: Ei.stvr, ati tuentud
choir ami bfimtiful church deflora
tions wore noticeable Nature Ht the
evrl ehoroh Mrrlcat In tin plaoa
yestenlay. Potted plantl and sweet
perfumed roses adorned tlie pill pita nnJ
added much to tbo attractivtm of
the soon. Sptolal musio which has
been under rehearsal for th past six
wevks was rendered. Tho rvio In
St John' liomati Catkolio Ohnroh were
: a beautiful a they were ImpNMtVtk
Bipaeially so wai this ea at tho late
ni'KS Mouiif nor Touer. of U me,
Italy, wae the celebrant. Ur. Fat bar
Fiuutn delivered a beautiful and iu
itrnotira sermon
Ho took for bit text ropa Murk iri,
1 7 'At that tune Mary Magdalen
and Maty the mother of Jainaa ami
Balome, bonght sweet iploao, that
coming; they might anoint Jesn. And
verv early in tbo morning;, the Brat day
of the week, they cam to tho p'il
i lire, tho un being; now risen, and
they said one to another who shall
roll u back the stoue from the door of
th Mpulohrat And looking, thev iaw
the touo rolled back, for it was verv
threat, aud entonutf into the Mpulobtt
they aw a jroong itti'ii ou tlie
riht 9ide, clothed with a white robe,
aud they were astonished . who
aaith to them Bs not affrighted,
you ierk Jeautof Yiisreth, who was
crucified ; He is risen. He i not here,
behold the place where they laid Him
but go, tell Hi duciples. and r'eter,
that H tcooth baton von into Galilee,
there you shall ee Him, a He told
you The speaker iu th course of his
r.-maris went ou to tat how God was
ridiculed aud mocked by His persecut
or. How He wae Ignominiooaly pnt
death, yet withal how He conquered
them by arising from Ht touao and
ascendiu.i iuto beaveu ou the festival
day kuowu a Easter The tiugiui; of
th choir ws very goo I, an 1 thowed
careful traiutuj. Haydn's Maes in C
being tang. The usual Ewnr offering
was alo taken up' and geuerously cou
trtbuted to.
The following pDgramm was reu
dered at th following cuurches
a r t$ and 10:80 a. a
Morning Prayer.
Processional Hvmn IVi, "Jesus Christ is
Kiseu To-day."
Eastern Aotnems "Chnst ur Pas
sover'' F. (.'. Oamer
Ol rtaPatn F. C. i.'ramsr
Te Deam Bernard Farebrothei
Jubilate The Rev. R. X. Parks
H:iy Comannion.
Intr'oit Hymn 118, "At the Lamb's Hiih
Feast We Sing'' Sir Q. J. Elvev
Kyne Elenou A. C. Cooper
UlonaTihl A C. Cooper
sermon Hymn, 131, "The Strife i
O'er" Palestrina
Ascr.ptiou --tanza 3, Hyma 11& "Holy
Father, Holv Son" C. R. Roper
Offertory "They Have Taien Away My
Lord"' J. Stainer
Preaentatioa ounia L Hymn 9M, "We
'iive Thee But Thine Own'" . . R. Harrison
fewrsom '.'orda and sanctus. . . A C. Cooper
Communion Hymn, Mi, "O Saving
Victim J. Cglow
Gloria m Excel! A. C. Cooper
unc Dimittta Chant
Recessional Hymn 114. "Christ theL.rd
is Risen Again. " Uertnan Carol
at 7 :10 v m
Evening Prayer.
Processional Hymn Us, "At the Lamb's
High Feast We hmg1'. . .Sir J. O Elvey
Gloria Petri From Baanett s Canute
Canute E. Bunntt
fnedic Amma W. H. Whittingbao
Hymn Before Sermon, 113, "Christ Is Ris
en! Christ Is Risen"' Sir A. S. Sullivan
Ascnptiun Stanza 3, Hymn lid. "Holy
Father. Holy Son" C. F. Roper
Hymn After Sermon. U7, "He Is Risen,
He Is Risen" German
Offertory "They Have Taken Away My
Lord" i. stainer
Prweatation Stann L Hymn MB, "We
Give Thee but Thine Own '..K. Harrison
hiesional" Hymn 111, "Christ the L,rd
Is Risen Today ' E. F. Biabault
Choir -Masters A. P. Barnaart. R. Car
ter, L. B. Davies, F. J. Dohrer, S. D.
Griffiths, Y. 0. Kyte, 8 MoFarlaim, W,
R. Steia and E, h, Tr.xell; Mr. M. E.
Farrer; Misses E. H. Lewis, S. A. Ma
son, C K. Moyer, it. Wheeler and E.
MaoNutt; and Messrs. W. H. Holvev E
H. Hughes, J W. Wheeler, A K tl'.we,
F. Snyder aad W. 9. Trim. Organist,
Lauren P. Wolfe. Choirmaster, kev
E. H. Eckel.
Serviee wr held in th morning
at 6 30 and 10 30 and in the n.-.. . ; at
7.30. Th surplice choir sang the fol
lowing East-r innsic, accompanied Ly
Prof. Acaerman's orohst.ra of eiBt
Music, ' Heavanly Rt" Orchestra
Processional Hymn, Ko. ti.
Proper Paim, 2, 7, 111.
Te Deum A rtookin
Jubilate A. Aid rich
Hymn No, 112.
Kyne Dr. Hfixhslil
Blotto Tlbi
Hymn No. II"..
'lam HeThat Liveth' Caleb Simper
Banctus Taylor
Communion Hymn, No A.V
Gloria in Excelsis ld Chant
Recessional Hymn, No. 121.
Selection Orchestra
Joseph Hsrron Alia Cary of Plymouth,
In th Toll.
Despatches of yesterday narrato th
capture of Joteph Htfroa, alias
Thomas Carry an nil-round crook at
El mina, N, Y. ffarron in company
with four other parsons ha bnen com
inittinn man v burglaries in thn north
ern part of York state for the past
year. The police finally capturtd
llerran and Joe Havoock and accused
them of crimes. Realizing the pollc
knaw everything they mad a clan
breast of verytliing.
To Chief Littl he said that he ii an
old hand in th business. He says he
was born at Plymouth and had two
half-brothrs. William Jackion and
Charles Chamberlain, th first of whom
died two or thre years ago. At the tig
Hge of 18 Herron came to Chemnng
county and mad his home with Thomas
bimcoe, who lived about fifteen miles
from her in the town of
Chemung. Hre Herron worked for
his board and clothes and attended
school, which was th first oppor
tunity be had ever bad of obtaining
any educational advantages. He stayed
here two years and then went to
' Painted Post, where lie worked on the
Erie tr--k Subsequently b worked
for about a year in Slievley 's tannery,
one year for Joseph Allen In the town
of Veteran, and also worked for R. H.
Walker on the Lak street sewer.
While in Allen's employ be stole a
horse from Emmet Brink, for which
John Hogan arrsted him at his home
n Plymouth. Under the name of Jo
teph Thomas he was arrested Dec. 17,
lt!81, and on Jan. U, 168'.', he was seu-
' My very
Rises at it."
Aft 4, Mo in- 8,
If Shakespeare bad baen thinking of
Cod Livr Oil when lie wrote this he
could hardly hnv oxpressed himlf
bettor. Th popular opinion of this
imuionting remedy is contained in tho
: : it ioo given abOTO.
It Is true that attempts have bsou
made to disguise cod liver oil in the
form of greasy eniulalou - iranerally
mora Munition than ood liver oil tut
the same ickning tast and repulsive
odor i thsrs and the stomach robot
against it.
A celebrated physician r'i;ntlv laid:
' Cod liver ml taken in any form i lik
jut ao much soap put into th
itotnaob.'1 Not a very hoslthv remedy 1
And yot until r0ntlj cod liver oil
was the only t : oi that docters could
pi . son be for sick, debillatud and run
down folks.
Tlie recent discovery aud IntrOlttO
tion of tho great pro digested fool. I' n
kola. has dont away with all this. Not
mau Of Woman need now fear sicken
ing dose or dyspepsia or disordered
stomach caused by nauseating liih oil
I'atkola has done away with all this
Not only this hut it a Ids tone to the
Itomtoh uo matter what its condition
mav be and enables it to digest other
too I
That i what Palkolt i. That is
why it has received 00h glowing testi
moot ils from physicians for what it
bal done for people In lUppWlng nutri
tion, healthy dtgMttop and relieving
debility and waeliu; dses It i a
Bath torator, a titsUO builder and a
A pamphUt gtriag lull particulars
rsaptotl AgPaskola will bo sent ou appll
cation to th Pr Digested Food Co ,
.to tUsde St. N Y. City.
tenced to two aud a half years iu Au -
Cnief Little was therill' at the tin,
but Curry has aged considerably since
that lime, wears glasses now and has
almost entirely changed iu personal
tuateup. Herrou, aliss Thomaa, alia
Carry, further admit that in oom
puny with one Hiram Waters, he broke
iutj a drug (tore at Plymouth, kept by
man named Maee. and stole about
400 from him, for which Waters got
two or three yetrs in Ctierry Hill paui-
teutiary Herron says that hs himself
wa not oonrletad o( tnts off .use, bnt
the police doubt tins X l bail ties as
been fixed for Haycock aud Currv,
Judge iavlor bein out of the city.
Th Fifth District Democrat1!; Cjmmitt
Elect D;at.
Th Fifth L-"gislative District Dmo
cratie cotuuutte held a meeting in
this place Saturday. Tho meeting wa
held for the p irpoe of electing dele
gate to the scat coaveutioa and to
trans ict tnch important busiues a
led attention
Caairmau E J. Burke called the
meeting to order at VJ 30 o'clock in
Henry lirattan hall, corner of Main
and Broad streets. The following mem
bers wre present E J. Burke, T. M
Conniff, Plains, ecrtary , T. F.
Owens, Hairhstown J, H Mullen,
James Gibbons, John Connell, John P.
Kearny aud El ward Birrett, of Pitts
ton; John F. McL .aghlin and Junes
Gilnooley, of Avoca; Thomis Mitchell,
Jaimi O'Boyle, PitUton townliip; An
thony Madden, M. J. Tigbe, Jenkins
township; T F. y ngley, Miners' Mills
The election of delegates resulted in
the following persons beng chosen
T F. LJiigl-y, of Miners Mills; El.
Barrett, of P. ttston , John MeLjugh
lio, of Avoca
Th chairman w instructed to ap
point a committee of &7e to nana ) th
urn au l place of holding the next lit
triot nominating convention T ie fol
lowing were named J. H. Mullin,
John McLoughlin, A B Brown, E. J.
Burke, J P. Koarney,
Rolntions indorsing th work of
Representative John T. Fianu-ry in
last legislature were noanminsly
ih) mteting thsn adjourned Co miet
at the call of the chair.
- ii
For earache, toothache, sore throat,
swnlied neck, and the reeu.taof colds and
intlammation, use Lr. Thomas' Electric
Oil -the great paiu destroyer.
Town BappnlDV 't Sabbath BrltBv
A digranful fight occurred between
two liellignrent fellow named Kearney
aad Corcoran at an early hour yster
day morning In the alley at th rear of
th First National bank Xothwtth
tending repeated call for polio as
sistance, . there was not on to be
foanil paid or otherwise.
Nos, P,, 14. Birnnm and Central col
lieries of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany will resume work today, end all
others will be idle until fnrthcr nolle.
Tiier will be a church and business
meating of th Pint Baptist Oborch
this ovenlng. Asnnal election of offl
cers for th nsuir,g year. All mam
bers are reinested to be prut
Th diagram for the Wleyau Oleo
club concert to be given in the Presby
terian church on Thursday evsning.
will b opn 1 At Rnggles iV Man
ning's book itoro totnorrow at 9 a m,
Checks will be given to applicants if
there is a large attendance.
"Tne Prodigal Father " will he th
attraction at Musio hall Wednesday
evening. It is a treat outside the or
dinary and should Ren by veryou
who likes bright comedy.
It i interesting to note that ex Bat
fOM Sedbot during one year term of
office turned into the borough treasury
over j.loO Burgtss Maloney for a eiin
ilar length of time Inrucil in a littl
nvr in fns and finns. It is thr
for but pertinent, in view of this fact,
to remark since tne fees refrrd to
aria from cases tried, licenses, per
mils, ale. principally from cases tried
there Is a porotptlbli improvement
in the deportment of ithe fraotlnu and
intoxicated element of th borough and
for a paid polio force there is no neces
sity. Th Kagle Hose company fair which
was reopenad Friday evening oloiud
Saturday night.
'in of the pleasant after I '. istnr
events will b the eoslal of the Ivy
Leaf Social club to be at the Valley
House, Upper Plttston this evening,
Company H Ninth R.giment N. (i.
P. will bold their animal blister bal i
this evening.
The weather of yesterday was not
what is generally expotd t Eaiter
time. The day was cold, rainy, with a
alight sprinkling, and wss very dlsa
graeabl. As a result there was a no
table absence of Bister attlr whloh is
generally looked for. And th ladies
why, they were simply dlsgusUd be
cause they conld not parade their new
bonnets and hut.
J. Gllmartln, salesman at M. W.
O'Boyle "a store, on South Main street,
on Saturday received a telegram an
nouncing the death of his mother, at
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Mis Marie McAudrewa. of
Browutowu, and P, A Moran, of Par
entis. The ceremony will take plaoe nt
St. John's church Wednesday, April 4,
at -1 u. in.
Jacob W. Evaua, of Plymouth, who
was formerly n reeidant of this place
and for twelve year a member of our
school board, wa in town Saturday
evening. Mr. Evans expects to tak
up hi residence iu Pilteton again in
the near future.
Btlef Not from the EnUrurUlng
Southaru Bob irb.
Sftt-ull to tfiv .Vr.m'oa 7Vhua.
MlNOOKA, Pa, Maroh J5 Misses
Annie mid May (lenity, or Pittatou,
are visiting at the iiomo of Miss Mag
gi UoCroa 00 Main street.
Mrs. V J. Johnson o( SornDtOO, aang
an offtratory at st. Joseph's Ohnron
Some of the leading monibers of No
184, Connell Oonuoll, will visit Old
Forge on next Sunday afternoon rur
tl purpose of establishing a ihhv
brunch of the VoUOg Mn'g lostltuta
in that locality. I'oey will tM o
comp inud by s uite able sp liters who
will explain the prlnoipal objects mi l
tienetits that in iv be derived from that
A Nov One on William
A'cic l irA ODmiafrenl A&v$rHur
We are ready now to forgive Hill Nye al
most anything since we havn learned that
he is a nepuoiv ot Mrs. Lease,
When tlaliy was sick we gave ln-r Cmtort.
wiu-n the as u Chlkt, she cried for Castoria,
vvtu n stu- became Miss, she utuug tu CsstorU-
heu she huU I ibiktraa, so gav tten i 'uuim-ia,
B. B. B.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Is a purly vegatabl compound, possnssitig'
perfect reguUting powers over all the or
t;ans of the svatem, and cootrol'ing their
secretion. It also puiitlee the blood that
All blood humor aud diseases, from a com
mon pimple to the worst sen fnlon sore,
aud this cuinbineu with its unrivalled re
gnlstiug, cleansitig aud purifying intlu-'
euceou the secretions of the liver, kldueys
bowels aud s!uu, render it unequalled as a
cure tor all diseases of tho
What is
CuHtoria Ih Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infant!)
iintl Children. It coutuiuH neither opium, Morphine nor
iln r Narcotic xuliHtance. It ht a harmleHS Hubntltuto
lor PoregOliOi liropa, Soothing Hyrnps, and Cautor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its giittrantsiO 1m thirty j ears' use by
Millions of Mothers. Cantor iiwlestrojs Wornu and allayM
feverishncss. Castoria prevents voiuitliit; Hour Curd,
cures Dl&rrhooa and Wind Colic. Custoria relieves
teethiut; troubles, cured eoiiHlipation aud ilatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels giving healthy aud natural sleep. Can
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"I'atitt trlii U U tXOtlltnt niftllolne for chll
-!i n M iir . hftTt MpMtfldly i"M ii" "l ltd
ijoud ulTeot u(mii their t lnldtvii '
bit O. 0. t'mioou,
leUWt.ll, MuhH,
: i iHtliti luihl Knody fur childrt-u of
wblob I u j ii ni-timiiiifi, 1 bope Uw dojf Is nut
fur dlttWat v ban tnol bora wUloQntvltlof tbo ruui
lolorttt Of t hildrtMi, and U00 OMtOtaA lu
.-.ii of IbOTiwriOttlOUftofc iiuhtruiiiuwliii'liuru
destroy lug thrir luvi'd oucs, by furcluupiuiu,
iiiorphiiu-, Htiuthiiirf syrup and uther hurtful
agt-nts down tht-ir (hrtmtd, therchy niiu,;
Uioui tu preinaturu graven "
Uk. J h'. KlNCHKLOC,
Ouuwtt), Ark.
"castoria Esse aU adaptadtoi bOdroa thai
1 esposUlBaKl it ua superior Uiuny Bfsasj ipuou
luiumu to uio."
II. A. Aul'Iur, M D.,
Ill So. Oxford Hi , llrooklyu, N. Y
' Our physli-iiuis in the i-hildreu's depart
Djsnt biivu i-. n highly of thuii txporl
sooa in Uwlr onisuiu praotiot with .'utoriu
uiel iUthoui;h ws uuly hae uuionf oui
intilioal supplies wiiut is known as n-uluf
linslucts, yot WO uru freo to eoufess that ttis
uirrils of Castoria ha wou na tu look wnl
1. 1 vol 1SJII It "
UsiTtu liosenal. Disi-uhust,
HmUjU, Mas
Allen C. Bum, fVet.,
The Centaor Company, T7 Murruy Straet, New York City.
Skin S Makes
From on to two bottls will cure boll,
pimples, blotches, nettlo rssh.'-c uf, tetter,
and all the simple forms of akin disease.
From two to four bottles will cur salt
rheum or eczema, shuitjiBd, erysipelas, ul
cers, abersfs, running sores aid all sliin
ruptiou. It is uoliceable that sufferer I
from skin
Sr rVtarvelous Cures
E: in Blood Poison
z Rheumatism
Diseases and Scrofula
Are uearly always aggraratod by intoier-
.tchiaif. but this quickly subsides on tke Z
removal of the discaso by B. 11. B. Pas.
injtoa to gravor yet prevalent diseases,
us.u u diuiuiuu swellings, numors nuu , a
Scrofula E
W have undoubted proof that from three ' "
to nix bottles used internally and by out-
ward application (diluted if the skin is a""
broken to the slfects-il narts. will ,-ffeet a '
curd. The grest mission of B. B. B is to gj
regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and m
hlood, to correct aridity and wrong action Z
of the stomach, aud to open the sluic J
wys of thesystem to Icarry off all clogged i '
and impure secretions, allowing nature 4
thus to aid recovery and remove without I gj
Bad Blood
P. P. P. puritloa the Mood, boildanp
thu vault and tlublUtutetl, Klvea
atraDfftfa to wiakttitd ni-rvna, espola
dtrsiaua.t;lriiiir thu iatt!nt health and
baiyiutv". whurc Hicknautt, Kluumr
fyellnK1 and laHSltudo ftmt prevailed.
Fi,r urlmar, unit tArtlurv
flyphins. furnluod pulaootuK. mercu
rial pulth'ii, innlarl t, dyspepiln, aud
In all blood and akin ::.,.- like
blotchoii, pltnplea, old chronic ulcera,
tetter, scald hoad, bulla, eryilpelaa.
erzt'ma we may hhv, without fear of
Contradiction. tnut P. P. P. In the beat
blood parlller in thu world, and makea
pultlve, Hpeedy and permaneDt curea
id an cases.
Ladles whusn ... fi . are pilsoned
and whose bluodla in an Impure oundl
tlon, due to menntrual Irregularities,
are iieoullarly benefited by the won
derrul f milf iiml Tticn.l cleauHHipr pr p
ertlesof P. P. P, Prickly Ash. Pokt
Huut and 1'utasAium.
Liver complaint, biliouaneRH, 6fmoit
aicn heanJacht. drupy, rheurnatiaiD, ud
tvery Hpecica of dlnrmw ariiag from did
t rderfd liver lldoeyo, Blomch, bovvelo
lU bloou. We icuaraoteo every bottle of
B b. B. Should hot person be dliietift
tltd Atwr tioiusf the fir it bottle, we will re
fond the money on application personally
or by let tor. V will a I ho be glad to atod
totlrnontoU and information proving the
ffecuof Ii H. the above named di
lOOlM, OB application to
rOSTEft, MlLBURH & :u. buffalo.N. Y.
8i'RI!f)FlILU, Mo. , Aug. 14th. 1- .
I oao speak In the hlgheat terma uf
your medicine from my own personal
inowioaffo i wwaooovoa mun neart
dUease, pleurisy aud rheuuiatltm fur
35 y r . wan treuted by the very belt
physicians ana spent hundreds of dol
lars, tried every known remi'dy ulth
uut finding relief. Ihaiie only tukua
une btittle of your P. P. P., and cao
cheerfully say It has done me more
food than anything I have ever taken,
can recommend your medicine to all
BUtterer or the above dlsea'ioa.
Sprlngtlald, Ore n County, Ho.
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria
and Kidney Troubles
Am entirely renioed by P.P. P. Ww
Prickly Ash. Puke Root and Potaa- ""2
lum, the grcuteai Liuud LurlQur ud -k9
urth. kW
ABERDKVtN, 0.. July 21, 16 U.
M H9as. I.ifvn an Baoa. , Savannah, gasia
Ga. : Dear bias 1 buuKht a bottle uf 4W
your P. P. P. at Hot Bprlnas.Ark. .and -09
it has done me more ffuod than three
muntba' treaiment at the Hut SpriUK.
Hend three botth C, o I). -M&
Roapectfully yurs,
Aberdeen, Uruwn County, O k9
lapt. J. I Johualon.
To all whom t TT.y conctmi I here
by testify to tht uuuderful propertlea -aSP)
of P. P. P. for eruptions of the akin. I pM
anltered for aeveral eara with an un
sightly and dlsaKreeablc eruption un '- eo9
my face. 1 tried every known rcme
dy hut In vain, until P. P. P. waa ued, kw
and am nuw entirely cured.
(filgned by) J. U. JOHNSTON.
Savannah. Ga. kW
ttkln Cancer Curvd.
Ttttmony;rvm thu Mayi r of St tjuin, Tex.
SEgriM.Tsz., January 141698
MLtisus. Li ppm an Baus.. Savannah, kw
Ga. : Oentitmen-1 have trle-d your P. asSB
P. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually
known as akin cancer, of thirty veers' --tn9
standing, and found great relief; It
purtflea the blood and removes all lr- "-"iw
rltailuu from the seat of the dlnease . -sP
and prevents auy sori'adlnir of the am
ores, I have taken live or six bottles "nw
and feel confident that another course iaasBa
will effect a uure. It has also relieved
me from Indigestion and stomach ,mkmw
troubles. Yours truly,
CAPT. W. M. RC9T. g
Attoruej at Law. W
m on Blood Diseases Mailed Free. ss
Uppman'. Ulurh.aasunnah, na
Masafairtarer smi D -si'.n i
Burnfnx All ft,; I
" W PJlsilat
Also Shafting and Journal Greasa.
OFFICII 731 W...I UekaWaBM Ars
vvukks Maridiaa Slratt
fViSlf the tiost. ntmllty fur .lomstln uio.nri'l
it ,11 ilMllvnrml In nrif imrt of tlin sltf
st lowest, iirtn. lurt st rnv "fTlrA.
no. iih, IFYOMtNa AVi'vnr.
Rsr first fliir. Tlilr I Nstlrmsl llsnk,
or sent bj mull Of t'.lphuu tu tli mine, will
rfrrivm prompt attention
1 i u flontrnuts w ill tm mnr)n for the ..In
no ii.nn or v or Bon whilst Ohm
Hiulnir siruroit tho HIIOKINll FORflF. of
y ii 1 1. in in or ft S in for u paj osaoeal Imal
Hess Mtaiul, I 'Ii .ill Conduct Kiirntiflr .nil
I'ntiioioirii'.i Miioo iik for tbs Prevfitlon, Ho
br and Oni (R i mIi.Hi.i hnpoiii
no-Hi i in tho inovoini'iits of llors.-s Inrliloiitsl
or tin. to linimi foi l shot Iiik I .hall glviiton
work my iiirsoiinl uttontl n .ml Kusr.ntno B0
"jtr. BDargt. saeep for inweVeBMBt Lata
ni'.s, iitr. , will I Bto.l iiftoniootis. A f
OUnlS nnil profonHloiiiil hdvlco kIvimi uvory
Mondsy from i to . K M.
I 6dV, uvi1r MiarntT, b '.iki fXitt . l 1
I naftiV" proh and 10U ptff fvmk ,11'iHrntert I jMBJ I
land MtrmTyaul, Our MSUtlo RmdV wfll I
ptlUwlT MM. ooi RajmiT m , MA, Hil
THU ." , . Otl re.J. intr-
nlrrsl lu uirs ail 1 b ri t,n. i(la.
eaM. such as Weak Monmry, jMn ,.f Hraln Power, llcailacse. WakefulneM.
l.cwi Manhood, Nightly Bovlssluns, Nervousns'is.alldralnsaiid less of powal
Intit ipratlveOrttans of either sox caused ht orrexertltn youth fil errors.
ix' mve u o of inhacoo. opium or Mtniulants. which lead to ItitlriiiltT . Cn
sumption or Insanity, ran ln carried In vest pocket. H per hoi, A f. i
kJ" J I" '!"" i 1 1 s "W.. ...... U ii ii s . v sill v
.....".....I ,. v I Ih. ol.. ...... y ,1.1 I,. I 1.1. A .1 , . . , . .
EF0f AND Af Tt.R USlNfi.uo othei Addrei skit vi" Si :f.i '., Masonlo Vraipi, CIIOAOO ILL
ForSalo in Scrantou, Pu .by H. C. SANDERSON, Druvciet, cr tVhingtoD
Hiid Stinioti strtwite.
v mirfuir m
Tho only sefe, sure and
Tollable Fomalo TILI.
ever ofTorod. to Ladles,
epecially reoonimond.
nd to marrimi 1... t.. .,
fAAfk for DR. MOTT'S PFIKITTEOT AL FILLS and take no othnr
Mfff-D.HJ -i 1 ... .... .1 K S
UR. IdOTTH CHEMICAL C3Ck. - fJevcluud. im,i
rHal bjrO, N. iiakkis. iin,.;ui.i iti trim Avaau.
Ill 'It All'l Alls'! LriMllI.
Kn nn ti
inf7.1f,'ri. "J1 h"rt V"' "lln "" amd with WKtTTFV
I I OO I in, N,. , .... I t fllluiial . . ....
,..r ,.,.-..,, id fiini..-i,
liiTulunlsr? KmlillOBSflon.iijri.iiii.. It iil.., l.-d. .u.-h , ,n.. .a, i
onnsumptlna ol m...-ii,. tl iKipi boi .s m.ll, bnirs foi r with tvsri s
Wl! 5attHjawaii (f 01 hi Lftiudtb. moo.-, ,1J,...
I . 1. M KM i IN k. OU - Cl.v.Uiol, i -1
For 1 by JOHN H. CHELPS, Pharmacist, oor. Wyoming Ave. and BnrnctBl
niton, r.
Upholstery Department!
William : Sisseoberger
Ojiposite liuptisi Ohnroh,
Perm Avenue,
Is replete with fine and
medium Parlor Suits, Fancy
Rockers, Couches and
Lounges for the Holiday
Trade. Prices to Suit all.
Also Bed Room Sets, Din
ing Room and Kitchen Fur
niture. Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces Re-upholstered
in a Substantial manner.
Will be as good as new
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Golorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during
sale at less than cost of material.
Every iueli of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladles' Felt Hats, this season's stylus 0o. each.
Itoya Winter WaUts ,0o ,Mb.
HH 30c. moo.
C,0ttks $1.30 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
iwnriA. 1. JTrisna, Av. Uii.
The Flour
"CB1CAOO, Oct 81. Eh first official
aDuoanceutDt u! World Fair di
ploma ou flour has baeu mad A
medal ha been avrrd4 by tag
World' Fair judi:e to the tiour BUBO
factuted by tb Wasbboru, Crosby '.'o,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minttapolis Tbs couissittee rtporta
th Hour strong and pur?, and tutiliea
u to rank at nrst-claa natont flour for
(amil) aud baker ua."
The above brand of flour can be had at any of the following msrohanu,
who will accept The TsUBUXI flour OOUPoa of M on each on hundred pounds
of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour.
Tailor Judfre ii Co . trld i!Ck. AlLerwa
& Co.. fruprlative.
Durye-Luwrice Store Co Gold Utik.
atoom. JuhL Mt Crndit. OUd Md
Pltuton - al W 0 Boyle. Gold 314.
Clark' Oreet-f raoe & Prkfcr.
'."lark I ulI.l. - F 5 Touur, Gold Madai
Dalton-S E nut 4 Son. Gold Mia. Brii.
NlcbJbob-J E BardiBf.
wvtrly-Jil a BIIm 601, God Medal
Fa:t-jryvill-abarla Oardoer. Go d Medal
Hopbottom- X M Fill A son, 8ld Jieda' vl.aun Lart
1.0 Goid Medal Braaa
ti..u,dtoro- g A Adam Gold He 1 bran d.
Moa?.w ikisv 4 Clementa, Gold Md'.
Lak An.;-Juma A Bortrw. Goid Madai
ForeitCity -J L Jtoigat 4 Co., Gold kraal
Scrnton-F. P. Prio. WttshlLifton aveuu; I
Ooid Mods Brand
iiunuioru-F H Price. Gold Me4al Brand
DoniDOta F b Manley Superlative Brn L
Hyde Park-Croti ft l)aru. Washburn SU
Ould Medal Brand; eb A ' .... x .
avenue. Superlative Brand
Greon Ridge-A L.Speiieer.GolJ Medal Brand,
J. T.McHale, Superlative
Piuvidenee Feuner ft Chappell X Main ave
nue, Superlative hraud;C. J G.llspie, W
Market street Go'.d Medsl Brand
Olyphant-Jaine Jordan. Superlatlsv Brand
Peckvill--jh8er ft K-l.-r Superiatir
Jennyn C. U Winter ft Co Superalative
Arcbbald Jones. S.mpson ft Co O .Id Mud
Carl.ondale-R S Clark. Gold Medal Brand.
HoneJale-I N. Foster ft Co GoU Meda
Mlnooka-.M H. I.avelle.
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works,
Portland. Pa
City Musio Store,
wire cu r
Willi, Jt UAl Kll
Best in the market
Brandt Clay ProductCo
OFFICE Bingham toa N V
PACTOR Brandt Pa,
). s ltr,T st.vk of first elss
Ml'Sir.AI, MFKl tiANDISti
at l Mi . KTO. 111.
Mauufai'lnred at tho ViHvalliUhn Mills, l.u
teriie . ounty l'a.. n,l at Wil
miniiton, IVlewarn
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
llitrd National ltank Uullilin-.
THOS FOHU. PitlHt.'ii. P
JOHN B SMITH A SON; Plymouth. Ta.
K W MULtlQAN, Wllk.. llaiT. Fa
Agmit fur th, Kvpnuuo Chemical Com
1 nuy High Exploaivisi
un ADS
Inserted in THE TKIliUNK at the
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.
Hotel Waverly
tarOMaa Plan I ; .:.. tVsr atteti4.
lrpot for IU rguor A biigol TtunhaeuMr
N. L Col IStli end Filkrt Ms, Ptiiladi
SI. st drslrabl (or raaldvut of N 1. Pswn
lyWahl All coLvaslMiciw Id trarrUr
to nt from Brod r)(rst station ud th
IVvKth su.l Mark,t tttnwt Utku L
slrablo tor vtaltlng Sarantonlau aad (o
Ih lu tlii' Anthracite Kagtou
IS THE BEST. Get prices and
tee th furnace and be cn
vlneed. A full lin of II EAT
ERS, Appallo and Oatue Door