1 SCHANTOH; TRIBUNE MONDAY MOItMJSG. aIAKCII L(J. 1S94. UEHtiilll!i9I!!iltlll SUHKnilimSllls. alUPf.PT.- 3 llCW Day Vai Obi rvjd by tbs D'ftNBl Chorcta of the City. ttmss i m ii 1 1 1 l gunnn I VII OUI I L I AND MACHINERY CO. I ?iiiiim!iimiiit9iiiii)iiiMMiiaHii DO Vol AN i ANBt W NECK BAND on your el l shirt Wo do it, Lackawanna l ME Laundry JC8 Ponn Ah. A 6. WAKMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 1 20 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS I N SWIVEL SILKS Cheiiov Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS IMS l IE (lb H 4 15 Lacka. Averiua. Carpets,, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '2.7 Wyom Ing A v 3. CITY NO ItS. to-J A bail w.ll b gi7n as Music Hall fiiij-" 37 the Sons of Lacrawanm. Dr. niton h.is removed hi rtf.cn an 4 riilnc (nai MS Atlanta av:iiie to iJl Wyom.a? avtoa. Tha sale of seats far Dsniel Frohmai's 3?at company,; vAmeraan Abroad " iil open at the Acaiiem.7 of Itasic ta9SOCT W mornin,; a: '. a. m. The eranl ;ar7 mail athr return 10 court Saturday, and not htviajf complst! us iahor. n SMtiened taw wlr i7 or der of Judi Edward. Acerrlatr on.ri b Contractor John Fiizpatriclc of N'ortii Par waa '.nir' br T(inioo '.Vyomins ave.ia dwird f IrrtoM and wr-c ; ! il.ua Tii'.io Lvv.a has enjae'l taa i' M C A. Hall Im th vn;nic of April Tvbea with ".h" aasiatani-eof her cum, sh will givaan evsninsf f Aesthetics. Thore wer 701 prsor.s ia iftendarK a', the Monday school of tha Penn Avenun fiaptist church InaW, and eisf'it nv members wr received into the crnrob by Baptism. A mt:nsc of th joint eurlitir.g commi" tn of both brancnes of connril will be halrt PrOdaaedav r,1ght to settla np f.h r.nsi'iesa of tbe fla;al yr. it will bo ths laat ti'f m rwgaoizktion. The Ijlielliea tran.saet,s. by the Soranto Clearing association during Ihe pt weic iM: Monday. 111:5, 2f;.-C Tno-tdar. 1115, 171.71: VVcdomday, 1 13,1. I!.'": Thnr'il, laftMV; Sutarday. IlKO.lfV! !il ; total, MM l :.'. Ttoeoeety ntsditsl eoototy wiii hold a meeting in the ooroner'. office nt tne 0081 bonne this f (MTSOOM Mt 9 reiodl sharp to a:tnd MM fnnrnlof Ir.:or(f H TtirOOp. I. M. J, VViiliama praaidnt of tha aodety kaMMMtM Km iniwtini'. far Sn. M of th Trnrtion company Viroltti a j ,nrnal whilo on tho Jermyn nwi'c'.i n-ar Plloafcurj ynalarday after noon, rtdajlnz f raffle for v,m little time. A pair nt wn-ls for the oar had to bs sent from Ibis city before it e.oid l brought In. The fnneral of 1t. (ieore H. ThrOOp will lie held at St. LnkVa r.hiirr-b on ti on day afternoon, Merrli Mj at : ;'l olocj Vheri the service at the church liaye Ix en ronclnded the body will bMOOmBdilod to tho char of the Masonic fratMTolty, ondcr wt.oae nuHLlcet tho IstMnnont will tele- place. Frank CninpDill was vestrdav trvlni to a;ll a sledifo DMBUMf marked "t. K." and faucet Officer Mills thouirhr. C'aiiipbeH'H possessions hnspicious, Inaa much as a aatlrfactory UplaoMtlon could not im made, nnd locked b'.rn np. The police think tho articles belong to Bomo contractor or plomtxr. An amateur minstrel performance will be given In Mnslc Hall abont the middle of April by a number of well known voudk men of this city. AOXrOf tbOM who will tnke part in it am IMwurd Coleiaao, Nel,on Fects, Lonls Jones, Jnmcs K. Davitt, ('. iJerny, U. BdWMrit. L Prim ond II. uOBA The procoedt will be devoted to chanty. llnmey Smith mill Joseph Toroliska were released (rum the comity jail late Hiit'jrday nlht on ball in tho sum of tdiX) each, iirnlabeil 1V Martin Wovshnar. Tbey wen? committed from Old I'orjjo March lOon m assiuilt and battery char(c. Thomas O'Uounoll. who was committed to jnil last Friday fornswilt up in 0. rt. Liilz, lias been roleased under $.lfHJ b ul.fui m -he I by John Campbell, for appearance at court. Hainpfffr Imported Rabbits. The above to order on abort notice nt FriKD Martin's, Penn nvo. i-TRONO 6ella at auction tho contents of a H-room bonne next Tuesday at 1 p. tn., 611) Mulberry street. McUridk's now Turktah batb. Kvery tbinB new. 5U0 Sprue street, ujipoaite Court House. Varloui Choln G.w. Tiur 1'i'st Et forls at Ihe Services in Commemo ration ot lha RMturroclion of Ihn Savior ot Mankind M.my Abla 8ap mont Praaehal by Olargyman on Ihe Lesson ot the lay. Tli Baatar aarrlcaa halt in th Baanton ohnrob vattarday in eon uiiiuoratlon of the Raanrraatton of tha S.ivtor of tnunkmd wore, Ml rule, lurg ly atten.le.l. Many of tba dtfloai Tr, resplendent with baMQttfal Moral decorations, and the observance ot tti day wai thoroughly In kmpttit; with th joyooa eharaotvr of tli event calabratad, At the Pnn AvemiJ Itajdist ehure'i th Hrrlo was ninl atiraotlva A abate of thirty voleaa, Im l by Jo:m T. V ttkioa, itudartd tha inniloal alo tions in almost tanlllau ityla at the tnornlng ami avanlnn inUnit Tn pattor, Rbt liVamn vl Partrldtfa, praaobad analoQaut Kuster laruion In th m ruins' from th let, "Aud as w have born th itntijs of the earthly, w ahull also baar th intau of the heaveuly." the theme balUV. " I'll Raturraotloa of th Daad." In th itfMruoon th Banday aebool hii p nroprlat laraloaa, A baanilfvl noaloal proaratntn wa carried out at th Bin rafkaborob ,: ;dr th ittraoHoo ' ProtaaKW 0, i rothrro In th nornlagtb pator, Uv v H l-aroe. pitaokad an aarn at diaooorai upon the ttwtno. "Tha Elnpty Tomb," tt wu liitanad to bv laiir indtanoa, wiio aaaniad lo b in beartftlt sympathy with evry word nitarad by lha aptaktt, The time of tba awning Hrviaa was pttnolpally tsketi up with ipaelaJ Baatar nnaio, Roaaatn a Sabat Maier beiurf skilfully reudered nndai the laadarablput I'ro faaaar Prothtroa, Tha Urge ditioe w.is crowded at loth services The Easter prcg-.utuiue a: th Bin Park Sunday school was tilled with anaatully good nnnbara, Mrs. Ada ruks i.wa with p!eaiii eitect. Tha Dickaon Qnitar, Ban jo and Mandolin clabplayad In anannar tbatelicud !h winu-st conrMndatlon, Little Miss Brando r-ctted "tiretolien'' in a pUtutivj an 1 u!ctivo icauuer. k,Fatbar of Mtrctu" was tb t.tl of a o' i by y. Phoaba Muith, of Provi de:ice. ae sanp with tioil affaet. The mtatioaary ooUaotloa utumu'ei toov.-r XiW CBOISI FINE PSKFOitMaNCS. 1' ftts c::oir of ta Firs: Fresby- tu eanrcb did tplandldly yattrday. It was tie first aspaaraiut of tbo chorus iwi i:s organiittloa two inoa'.ns a;o. an 1 thr hid bea coa s: !rble discussion amon taoe inter eatad a to th music tnat would bo lreJ. T's verdict h i ban ;ivon, and It is tQat the work could not be battar. Th choir annbar l ovar fifty v.-ic, and mad a fia appaaraooa o:i the new choir gallery that was erected fcr tbm daring th past wak. Fcom tb Brat antm ia tna moraine to ths clcsiair hoars last areaing no; the liijthtaat error was mde. and they n tg M If tsey bad baea organized for yj ira Tbaebnrth w mt h-indsoculy Sacotatad tritb Eistr lilies and a prj fnai a of iljwsrs. Tba progranna, as printed in Sitardty's Tkibl'se. was carried out to tb l-tter. Th last n thm, "s;cz LTato tba Lor!," was the clinax of th fin projramia. anadia piay id '.a ability of the choir. I was ,i .v; :i cantata in ttair, am to ntt farant ebangaa in tba harmony an 1 in tr.e g-!uril eflscti wr niveii in a rsar.nr that show 1 MtSt 7ry careful traininif on the pirt of toe oondno :or. T iii.e Morgin. To soprtno solo in tbis selection was rendered very Tall oy Mrs L-wij, and tn bass solo by Fred Csrr, n yoopg man not yet 80 years old, I nt the pns.vsior of a re rairleably fin aoiea Om of th avet -at parts io tba r.to-'.u wis sing by lad M voices, coin rx ' I of M."'. llerksl nd aflat Graot lt,se, first soprano; Mis Varna MitobaN and Mm H. Led snan, aaeond sopcanoa. and Mini Msy Kinaabwy and Anni Rose, altos hev Lr. UeLaod daltrarad a forcible sermon on th resurrection, and Ki'e reaaon for the chanitin,' of the day of worship from the last to the first of the w?elr. tba evidencs of the resnrrection, and drw Iron It many lesson Th aamon was full of thought and wis dom At the aranlog servic tha choir again oe.izhted all listeners. RD PBIiBYIKltlAN CHbRf.ll. Tha aarTioai at th Bioond Praaby lariaa dlBfa wrs particularly Iwauti fnl and inspiring Doltl norning and erening. The following xallent choir of voicas wss heart to advaulag: H rprmo- Mr II T. J.iyne, Mr. F. 1). P.rewsiar, Mrs K M. Hirattou, Mis Jessie .' in-.", Mlse Husle Itlnrlr. Alio Miss Annotte K-ynolds, Miss A L rird Tenors 'I nomas Uynori. Oeorije DaWltt, ll.iss'.j Hector Jsfri's, It hert H V ,rls Qs) ,(iie : .yes presided at th organ, Tne pastor, K'v. f.'uarles B, Robin son, 1 0, in th evening uuv the cloainf laotBMof the srls on "The Orest Woraaa of th Old 1 st iinan t " Th IhtHM was "King LttnDfl'l Mother," tho treatment, of which proved to h highly Intartatlog, At Trinity Lnthnran th serrioss wre of spfOlaJ inteiost A carafully prepare I proiramme of noila was carried ont In the inorniru, the fol lowing pwrsoii tnklngpsrl: Boprana Mini F Oaragan, Mis a H'e leTg, Miss A Winlersteiii, Mias M. Mori(anu, Miss jfaiBla tHflaaia, Mias ,ennle. BcMandurf, Altim Mis Ahble Orff, Misi !',arali lie k- tadorf, Tenors Frank Mrnlur, Mr. Miller, New ton i'roft. Hiss F,d L Unas Henry Hhnlrt, Thomas Price, E. It. I'rothut .o, org tnlat afid director. 'I lie veiiiiiK service wiih under the StUpioat of the Baaday KbOOl, assisted by it I irge chorus of well known vo coiiata, nccoiiipnnlvd by Lawreuu' or obeitra, At Urso Itefonmd chnrcli there was rriornlfut prayer and coiniuunloii Mtl0 80 subject, "Th Living One." In the evening the thme of im inter StitiK sermon by tha pistor was "The i'ower of His KfiHurroulinn." Th musical progranna was un aseallanl one nnd wuu carriad out in a very pleaning luaiiner. Tba services at Ht. Luke' church were beautiful and iin; v Latg nsHernhlsees irara th" ml. Tli almr- America 1(1 III Al riUJL fit It HI. n, KVEItV NOTED PLAdM IN ALASKA, Till': UglTBtl HTATi'.si ami UKXICO. i ivk m Min us on THK m IN IKK. TKM CBNTf ami UMI COl l'ON I Oil ANY NCMttSft ing was of a hiuh character and th obarrwsttion ot the day on which Cbrttl arose from the dead was most iuipi'JS- siraly obaarvad in t his ohnroh, Bsrylce waa held tn tlr VVashbnrn street Pruabytarlan ahnrob, W -st s d , ai 10,80 a tu, and? 80 p m The unsi asl progranna w is , very irmd oft and the rendition of the various selec tion! wa izoailaut, Tua paator'i di oouraei irara appropriate to ihj oooa ion. Th prognnna of Krvios ut th Plynonth Uougreuatlonni ohnrob! West Blda, hud I .e n enrsftilly piepumd mid was tkllf ally otrriad ont In tbM a veil ing the Ollolr ' io; three unlhems, "Christ our Psasovar,'1 "tiroat is the Lord," mid "l'nils Ye tli Kather. " Boloi were randered by Miss Lily Jo seph and John L, vViiiUnM kv i J 'lies pre, lolled mi impressive aeriuuii at ih uvuiiing sei vice. The eel vices at the PrOVldaOOM Melh odlet Bpltoopal ohnroh ware in ohuri; ut i im Buaday aohool, Ttwra was a missionary itrrloi at to :iu a m and an Battat aarviae at 7 80 p m. Tha pi ,i mi in tor the day wa an uxtrtmu iy liitvivating on A number of persons wr bnptir.ad at th North Main AvaoU baptist ohuroh in th norning The pro yralnua of service for the day was In vary raapaol appropriate to the joyous occasion. IIOL.1 R01AR cm io II D in inniloal progranna was ear ned out at iioiy Rotary ohuroh, Provl ilenoe, Beater norning Rev, father D'Dounall anng the higbuaeaat 1030 U v l''albt Me.Manus waa deaoon said RV, Fathai O'Toola subdoaooii and preuober of tt: day, the Sunday school held service at ti p'olock in tne oVmiiIiii; at the First Wvish t 'oogragational ohnrobi on South Mum avenue, when an elaborate musical progranna w rmWrrd There ware a uuiubvr of aoloi and the I ooaaion proved a hsppy one. Her. I 'avid Jonea prtaidad, Bsatar was beautlfolly obaarrad at tha Hanptou Btraat Sltho41at Bolt copal cnurob, Us v. A Coopar pas tor. Speola! Katr nornlog prayrr mealing was hel I at 7 o'clock, and at 10 a in. tha paator praaoaad to n larga ooogregation. At 7 p. m there was a pecial service coimietlng of short ad draatae, readings, recitations and song The VariOUl classes at the Sun lay school also reported their missionary contributions for the year, Tiid tuuiic bv the choir was nailer th charge of Rev, 11. Q lliniuaii at th regular soi vlOM hours Profeanof T. J. Davie with the choir ot s!xten voices, aud Miss Kuth J.tek sou at the orgu, fnrniahad the music at the Providence Preabytarian church was of n high ordor and greatly up predated by the lar'0 OOUgrMgations, Pastor Collini preaohad in Ihe First Baptist ohnroh at 10.80a, n, and 7.80 p. m. His theme at both services was "The Rsaurrectloo." Tli ohnrob waa beantifnllf decorated, a:id the music rendered by th choir provud to be of an excellent clisncter. rba .'.i litorinu of St. Patrick's, on :u West Si lu, wa decanted wuh Bboioa tl Mivrs an I presented a Hue ap pearanoa. At the 10.30 naia nnutr- tette consisting of Mi.-s Sullivan, Miss Carroll, Edward Walsh an I J, Cxi U'lliy, rondsrsd "Aspargas," aud Miss Ward, a talented young ltdv, gAV a violin solo. Tho church choir, under tb leadership of Profaator Haydn Evans, rottdarad anthems from Schu bjrf, Qonood, ifreason nnd (tuilmnr. and the .service througuoat was inter esting nnd impressive. , OIHER WEST SII)2 CHURCHES. At th Tabernacle Congregational and th Jsokaon street Baptist church Eiatr exsreises were held UUi churches Wir prettily daooratad and large coiigregati'i is we,- present at ail tu servi-.'. A 0 o'clock service rai condocted in the moroing at St. David' Episcopil o in roii an 1 a child ren's ftauval was btld in the evening Easter was also well obaerved iimoug .ha Welsli churches of the West Sid. Al th Welsi CalViolitla .Methodist th putor, Rv. Ilnih Davioa, prachad and a Hum progrsmm of BiaUr nnaio wus rendered It v W. s Jonas ofB oiatad in tba Flrel W--lh Hiptistaml Hv David Joaes iat the rirst Walsh 1 ongregation il church. Tne aull tori On of the Sumner aveuu Pr-tsby-tarlan church wa ntatly decorated and a large number of p in m altndsd both services and listen I to i nit discourses preacbed by Uv H Q Jones. At th Oreen Ridge Presbyterian church Kev. H P. Stahl preach I moi u Ing and avaaing. Thaanrjaetnl the la t t r meeting was "fh Signiticanci of the Ueenrreotion, " Tim dlaoowwa war of a highly intr'in nature and created a dep unprossi in upon tba aodlenoj Appropriate aaffioej were conducted at th Orn Itidgn Haptlst churoii, i'srk Place Methodist Bpfaoopal.Qfaen It. lg Cbrlatiaa chapel, flalvary Hi 'crm"d, ZiOO Krnglical churcne iiud tho (Jniircb of Coils', Hclinli.it. NEGOTIATING FOR A PURCHASE. gorantOO Tractlun Coinvany Hay Obtain Ihe I'm b indal Hoai. 'teneral Manager Archer and Hupar- lotandant Q ornlay, of the Boranton Trnctlon company, were In Carbondale Batnrday for the purpoeoof nagotiat ing the purchase of the ( 'arbomlnle Traction company' lines. N con clusion was reached, hut. data concern ing the business dona liy the arbnn del company sine the op tiling of Its road was obtained for presentation al a meeting of ihe stock holder of the HofantOU TrtOtinn company to be held lii i'lillailelphla ellhvr today or tomor row. Negotiations for tha piirelinai of the (Jarboiidain Hue have been in prioress fur dome tint nnd, It Is thought, will result satisfactorily. Al any rate the matter will bo carefully considered at. tho Philadelphia ncetlng. and should tba pfoieot n t with th approval of the stockholders. It I altogether prob anda that the deal will las spesdily i onsnnnatadi It is and that the (larlmnil tl 0 on puny will i .'in begin operatl nia on nn gtontion of their line, but this will, of couro,di pend upon whether or not the nmd la Hold. In MM of its purchase by thn Boranton TraOtlcn company, there will be no delay in the work of build ing the piece of road from I'eckville to Aichbald, the MMtfOOtlOQ of which will provide a through line from Hrrati t on to tbt Pioneer City, Thut the ,,-i will be made annus to bn the general opinion, although this cannot be de termined for a certainty until utter the meeting of the Hlnckiioldert In Phila delphia. It Is not known exactly when the Scratiton company will begin work upon the nrop.iaed extension of Its lines InthiH city, lint It ih understood Hint there will be little, or no delay after tho weather I. -mi thoroughly sot tied. pBTC tl Wii.i.iamhon l.i.iK.i F. and A. M. Wilt meet at MaeontO ball Monday, March 'M, nt 1,80 p. tn. sharp, M attend the nneral of brother Qaorga b Throop Mnmbere of sisier lo Igei are c irtllally in vited to attend, T. V. Pk.nman, W. It The 1 ... Leadi. Wult for Gueruscy bros.' new goods. HOUSE IS NOW READY Froib igun's Itwattr Has Beta Cumpleitd inScitedul Tim. IT WILL BE mm TOHiGHT An Army of Men anil Women Labored Faithfully to Havo the Building in lloadinuss for Mr. Russell's Pro duction nt April Woathar ronlghl ThMtargoari Havo a Surprlta In Stoic tor 1 hem A S ite Uuildiii. All yestsrday the fight ngalnst time was kept up at th ProtbiogbaU th" tin. and when the woikmsn stopped at midnight the building wn pi m i icnll . eoiupltd and ready fur the opi ning toulgnt, TboM who will get thalr first glimpse of the Interna- I. ml, Mil have r. plMSSaUl urprise and reVaUtiOU In store for tlieiii. No description can do justice 01 convey an nm unite I lea of the beauty of the Moot lab daaigfl und the dsllcscy and hiiriii niv of the decora) lug. It must be seen tO have tho laaii , with which ttie architect's Ideas iuv,. been carrlod out fully appreciated Not a few us laid hh Siturd.iy MX preaaad the ballet ihatii would be Im possible to have the house ready hi' tonight, but now all thee double buv i beeu wpt away. The home is now actually mud V. Work wa rushed all day yesti i ley . Ono force of men was pulling th sent together, another placing than In position ; deeoratora laiuued on i tin wail, scene nakera were getting Hie stage paraphernalia ia shape; decora ion were draping thn boxes; and many women were aelivelv engaged ici mi lling nnd cleaning Hours aud lOWlog and lining carpets. The ProtblllgbaU was no iluce for a drone yeslerduy. BUIUMNO I'KKl'KI'll.Y s ine. In regard to the safety of tho build ing. Ih following from Ballding In spector John Nelson will be of latere!) lo tho public: have visited the Frothlnghani theater nliuost daily since Hi oonttructi n Was b gun In ny official capacity as building In spector ot Ihe city S. ran to i. 1 have fonnd the building to be one ot the strong" istaud best coustracted ediOcea in this city. The colli in n tliat rapport the bal cony ami gallery ere capable ol withstand Ing a strain of ten li.ms (be possible ca pacity that tbey win be called upon to bar. The required factor of safety for col umn is six, aud tho factor of tho Froth Ingham is tan, BjUetliiug about the beauty aud couipleleneis of tlie new theater lias been voiced nhrond, and at to-night's performance will bo a uuciorr of shin ing lights of tho theatrical world from Now York und other cities It will be a most .important event in lb the itrical history of Scruton, The piecs in which S ii Smith ItiH el will make his bow in the new hotta to-oight is his fatnui "April Weather," lor whic'i a few Heals yet rMiiiiu unsold. To-morrow night he Will appear in "A Poor Relation." Bauer's orchestra, led by Mr. Uau er, wiii turoiah the noiic. DKYISQ TliU HOCSli Tiie large fnrnaoM were kept fireil yesterday aud last night, und the Diul'iing will b tnoroiighly dry, warm and comfortable to-night " o -FINE MILLintKV OlSPLeY. BsauMfal New Deslans at &Iiss Fulls i'.-, .r,14 f p-uc j 3lret The Esster opening which ocenrred at Miss Fuller'. 514 Bprnosstraot last week, attracted much atiention on ac count o'. its rare bsaoty mi l nag nifieanco, Among the articles ex bibitatl was tne Pr ineoa Nicotine bat, an artistic proluctiou of th nilllnery art, the trimming of which are lace, jets, and feathered A little French DOnnat trimmed with lace, violets an I roses was also grsatly nlmirad by th ladies. These, however, are but two of a larg number of specimen! of headgeur that need but to be seen to b'admirad Mis Fuller's trimming iDptrtmeut is in charu of an (Xpert designer and ladies who visit her s.'o.-a will have no trmi tilt lu securing just what they want, no matter bow elaborate the work rrriiiril uuiy be, - - WILl ASK AN APPEAL Juitln We", Oowb v Evtna'Hit, Ihlnks lie Is IV roiiKfally Imp: lsened Justin Kice, the cowboy evangelist, who waa fined flT) by Mayor Connell for preaching on the street aud violat ing the law, but oho to undergo twenty days' imprlsoiiin-uit in the county jtil, will today wait nil apissl from lb county court through bis at torney, D. II Replovlo, In case Mr Rice l admitted to ball th case will probably bn considered by the grind jury now In session Mrs. Kice, with her baby, visitsd her husband with Attorney !! ; i- ;U at lb jail yeslor lay afternoon. When they were In oouferenc for nearly two hours. TRACK WAIKINO R'SUITS FATALLY. feha Hintnn ef Dleksoa ' ity llraoi by D, & ii Ratine The south bound Dalawara anl Rod son psasengnr train aliuct ami killed John Miuton, of Dickson City, near Marvin abaft at J 10 o'clock Satur lny evening. Tho nnlorliiuatn man waa walking along th aide of the track al Ihe tints of tl'.n accident nnd wiis alruek on tiie bend by tha lam chest of thn engln and hurled niliatauce of a veral feet The train was immediately brought in a standstill and ib nan picked up and conveyed to tile V ne Street It- THEY WERE NOT IN IT NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTE We moan our competi tors, whnn comparisons waro made by our many customers and friends. Tho verdict wi'i ai wo pre dicted. No such Hats and Bonnet3 wore over shown hero before. Display all week. Com.9. Haslacher's Millinery, 324 Lacka. Avenue. ova in: VBOHT.) tion. Ho was theu takeu to the Lacka wanna hospital und examiued by the physicians, who found that his skull had 1 1 rii fractured an 1 his arm broken. In a el:, it tin the p'ltieut rclaps-"' 11 o 11 icon cioisn s not at 1i.I5 ' luck he Ii I Mill 10 M a ( , 1 n er be tr e s era snpeise l to eoi ilia way liom froui Dickaon where no hid beau worn ing. lie was 1111 nam irrie 1 man, 83 years ot ags nnd retided with bis father at the Rlchnoad farm Tin ranaioi were talren away from the hospital al 10 c 'clock yesterday forenoon, Ii If not proli ible that an it qdett will be held. STATU! Ul M AH I V MED PHESIOENT i ununtait to Para h OrtAn Poat by Hui ant hi Ctttntae, An intaraotiog event ocourred ut the 110ms of Bsra 0. Oriffl 1 Post No 188, 1 A It, Httorday waning it was tin- presentation to tbe Post by patriotic Uillisnt of a bnndsons statin, of the martyred president, Abraham Lincoln A large amlluiici tilled the rooms 011 tbe OOMSlon. The iiuVclllug end pre "illation was pi rl in nind by Judge K. W. Archiiaid, who ileltvared an appro pi lam spasob thai auoondsd with p ttri tin Woida The speech of SCO'ptanCS WSJ ma le by Colonel t, L" fillolioook, wbos re marks 011 bahalfof tbe post wera most graoafnli Itav 11 Btaol and Rev. M. D. Fuller also spoke briefly, Tba status is ot bronsi an l stands throe teet in height Ii is a faithful portrayal of th martyred preaident and will be treasured with care by lh organisation to wliton It now baiougs MENINGITIS AT PROVIDENCE. That Dreadful Discas'i Has Ay,ain Broken Out .and a Number ol Persons, Are AHIicted. I Meningitis is becoming vary prv ninnt In Providence, Bans tins ago ll was thought that the disease had died out, but that idea la now dis pelled One physician alone has lis typical caai-s of the nourgo under traatnsnt, some ot which are of the moat tlaugarou nature, and will prob ably prove fatal. 'I ho illseas first mad its nppiarsnco at the High Vol ks fh January and car Had off two member of the Ketlrick family, mother und son, in forty-eight hours Sine i than upwsrls of sixty cases have occurred in Various psrts of the .North End. One doctor alone trsate i lorty ciis.H, live of which died. Th mortality has not been excessively high considering the number of peopl who have beau attacked A fill named McSbsyue, who was buried Thursday, lasted only four days after being at tacked. Th attending physician pronounced it a tvpicsl cas of too disease. Dr. Lsckey, Sullivan, Murphy, Donne and O'Brien have betin in consultation and all are unanimous as to the nature of tb disease. Tne lis -use is considered by medical authorities to b highly infectious, but noncontagious The mortality in p ist epidemics of the fcoury ranged from 80 to 75 per cen. Most of those who snccumbe 1 to its fearful ravages lasted only a short lime, Some of them got pains in the knees, some in the arm-, uud others agouizlng headaches It is so hard to divoroi contagion irnm infection that it would be wisdom on the part of the Dt tending: physicians to recomm n i private Minerals and w.tkes an I p-r -lect isolation. Simple or tubercular meningitis is often nst with in medi cal practice, but cas-s ot cerebri spinal uenlugitls are fortuuataly rare. FoctJ & 'Ii sr. The business of this company waa es tablished 111 ibiVi at &18 Lackawanna ave nue nnd has bee a carried on at this loca tion cou'inunusly. Bealdes th- wholesale businesi which extends throughout a large territory, tha company do a general hard ware, steam, hot water and fiirnac.-heat -I iic, tinning and piumbin baainaas, The waieliouse i f t ie company la located 00 HaVMBth etreei on line of the Delaware, tackawanoa n 1 Western railroad. Tne officers are, V B Poots president; P, W. bliear, vice prealdenti V, A. Avery, aec retary, audi A. Waters, treasurer. See advertisement on p ice 4 An i'ii . -1 1 1 : 1 1 1 y fr the Uaemployid Von are out of employment Invest your tun cn basinsas, sten graphic or academic cilucstion. Itnieana SUODMSM to von in the future If you cannot pay us this jear make i; next year. Yon helped us 111 your ircaieti(, we shall help yoO now. Wood's college of bullosa and sliort hnnd. Attiktion Sir Knights; The members of iiiM'ar lie Loon unmmaodary No. 17 Kulgl.la Templars Will assemble at the Asvlum Masonic ball Unuday, March ML at 1 o'clock sharp to attend tha funeral of Bir Qeorge B. Tbroop. Full Templar uni form. By order of Attest v. l Cokkkix, Ernlni til Uonmander, BPa Aim L Bi 1 i. Recorder, To whom It may concern I! nneval of Qdhcol's narrlaga worki to 8IW, 881, 833. ags North Beventh street, opposite . . : : Railroad ot Reel Jersey depot. . No oilier medicine has equalled Rod's garaapnrilla In the rebel II gives in severe cases ni ilvspt psm, ick hesiisCh, etc " THI3 IS OUR LAST WEEK ON BPRUCE STREET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. SARDOU'S AMERICANS ABR0A9. Will B divan Ita First Prsasntalion Here Thursday l.vinnff. Daniel Prnhman's Lyo nn O m 'v "nip v w rtiiv v i 'i n ir !i. I ii me -i II I , I MllS . I r I I Ural time II e Vu' I I i B rl U'-Cml- e iy, "Amertoan Abroad." Th pla in aaid to bo especially adapt! to this excellent company, mid proved one of the tnoat pronounce 1 ? in . ,, tha KeW V"! 'r r.vei-um haa ever kuoiv.i 'J ho fug igenout here i limited to one night All the original kueuviy and accesaorlea will be seen htr Tn fol lowing Is the c oil lilbnrt Raymond, an American Artist, J 11. (iilinour Itirhard rinrbanks, a lltch Amtnlean, J. U. Pott Itamlulpho, ii Frenchman of llsure, Frederic ,'oiigar Cantmlr Lajoliy, a Boclal Parasite, UWen Fawctl Lord Baltonstall, no English Tourist, John Flbllay Hardin, a DeOoratiVS Artls'. Yaughun 'llaser Marcal Ueorge Holme Plorenos Wmiiuop, an amtrlvan (Hrl, Maul llurrl.ou Jessie Palrbanks, iter Coaslb, Umi truds Hi vi i s Baronetads Beaomont,a aVwiety Broker, Helen Kiuoaird Mum. I 'out curie, a Sin dug 'Jeaehnr, Jane Lothian lima Olivares, from Bio Jaoeiro, Msiy Bitot I'l'e Angela Daugbtersof (JoaAbvll Ida..., i lime iivaies Barbara If lllar Braoku sells carpets and turmtaro Taas day al 1 p in. Ol'J htulbON y allot. - imported Rabbits M Fred Muit'.ti s. J. BOLZ 138 Wyorn 1 - i, YY'5- ar'- n ' 'iMu l i f a very comp.ott; and ex cellent ccjll. ction of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsome LilueCuav- r-r "ii lotal 0.).J'J Btorn .Sorge, iu blna anl C " ( BlMk, at ,., O I .)'.' Import! French Klllr Oil' "II Capes at 10..Mj Fine '.'loth Opjs at Ladlae Jackets, the lat mi C-i ' f StylM SBd In all colors.at ijTtsJU Millinery Department We show to LATEST DBSIQNB of TK1MMLD HAT'S and BONNETS, and ulso a lerge variety of Lillet anl Children's I'.ViitJM MED BATS and a large aMOrtmant of FLOWERS. Children's Caps VYesbowth Urgtst aaeortneut of Wuun, Matt lUMa, Baaw and other ........ ioi..i: n .,ai,-i i.j niuiivi, 'Ji .... w,. , , ... Bull 4 Beelay, iai Wyoming avenne, ' hU'Kh LA A N CAPS tad HATS a: very lov MMI!l)ll9lllllll!lllitllHIIIII91l!illlltm; "' ! 1 Procrastination . . . CONWAY HOUSE I THIEIF I OF TIMB E DAY BY DAY it etn.li the profit of tie nan z who wait to advertiss 5 g morrow. s Henry Battin & Co. S S " 'er bnt S j advertise BAROAIHg today s-: g every day- 1 BARGAINS TODAY ;- In AGATE WAKE, - BLUE WABE, TIN r r WARE aud WOODEN' s WARE. S jj 2 morrow, but ttourt your bataUiM u jj CU 126 PENN AVE. raiiimiiiiiutisiiSRHiiittiUeiiimict 1 ISS and IM XMSS 1TESCE On the Amer.can Plan. b TUL'.vL b Ltvrt.. S' . Lf'. t-".' li.e.e. V'W OILS IO THi M'BUC. Heated t Steal SB Elaettlt lie. Ba-.k IlOs uii s-aih fit'Oi. VTeil LlchTed an. i alee KOOVSS, BveryttslMf Cuoijiiett Ml THE MOOBBX I.Mr O V LMtS 1 1. 03c.-e oa seeoad no ? Oooi saap. Tvoa attacliec . Dr. Hill & Son p- J- CONWAY, Prop Albany DENTISTS Huntington's E0ME BAKERY. ft teeth. .VV1: Iwt set t for colli caps stid teeth selthnnt t lates called erosrn and rnoge wort, can lot prires asa re:erbSK TON AT. Gl A tot (ttractm. Best Sets of Teeth, 3 G0 ,1 1 ...inn.- ti... jinuncas extracting it Math by mi tnilreiy 1 ,-.v 1. e Cui-a. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 1U3 WVUMINU AVI. l'Sia. Noetlier. KO(a oveu El Kst KATIOXAl BAXtt OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Sunt your corsets to bo re boned or now Bteell pot in. We do it neatly auJ at a tnodentte cost. 123 Wyoming Ave. teen vrttiwai ye have a larea auort rr.ent o: PLAID AUD FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM aaj WATER 1CE Leave your crier at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 4 13 LACKA, AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. QK"" Eureka Laundry Co. r StUclattOPflfzZti. All kinda of Lanndry work gnartnttal th lirtl. GENTLEMEN, I EE U'Hl LNE r $3.00 shoes Better Than Most $i00 Shoe; You Bu MADE L IKK HANO-StWEO, 1 0 Sens or lacks lo Hurl Your Net All Btylossnd Wlllthl In lontrest or l.ao. The Bcsi Shoe oa Earth for Ihe Money Try a Pall niiil you Mill wo.tr aOOtttl RANIQTCD'C nil SHOE on unr.iui uiv ounj.vo every box I BANISTER'S, 8 UcMaJio ;e Our ti o ShoRo are a good a anybidy'e ?3 oo Shjee. BROWN'SBEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Hoys' Sweaters, white or pray. On Monday, 49c. Men's New Spring Neckwear, light and dark colors; worth 35c. Monday, 21c. Special Bargains in Moire Ribbons, black and colors, on Monday. Special Bargains in Flowers on Monday. Men's Linen Collars. .;-py moo linen. On Monday, 4 for 25 cents. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 2'Zl LACKAWANNA AVBNOB, SCKANTO.Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers