THE FC7 ANTON TRUiUNE M. )N D AY MORNING. MARC H 2. 1891. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. EI. WOOD, General Manager. POBLKBtn PAIIY Ami (KU.1 iv BcaAa ton. Pa., i:v TlIK TaiBVSa poauaniira Company. Nrw Fork Oman Tarawa Boiuii!ta PSAKK S. Uit.iv, M.ix.icrn. totttnd al the Rm ",v .if Swval ". llt AM0MCIam Jflafl Mattrr. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. HCKANTnN. MAKCI No I'HiTit'WM equal i:i lualixnanoy t lint rf tlu ui.'iu vi:oi: one lus ilis- ohnfgtd for dans, AN IIJOL SHATTERED. The leading nrticla in tim April Fo Ittn OOntUtt of it critical Inquiry into th actual rttnlti of Mr, Claveland'i avcond tirm. Written profeaaedly b "An bdepandaut," by n dim who, on jraar ago, irai prolate In bit laudation of th praaant xontlTe m th r:iust Buurain Amarioan polltloi tinoo Lin coln, ami who ami uow confoaiat that th-ro "had ut'Vtr bean ; praaideat ilnca Waahlnitton who wnl mt. oftts wila 10 clear apnrnow .i purpose that ! hatt fitaiaiM formalatad for thapiople nor to fret t'r ".u personal, partisan or national obligation" thoss pur pose, of count, beinji Iho deatrootion of protection andtho eaforoentent of clrll tartlet and Bsoal rafortn tiio r. view u) keyed throughout to itouof reicrer, eadnesa and disappointment tru'y lamentable and pathetic It notes aro not mo fall, roan I oolti of pi lite; but rubor tj urn ill 1 euro mstid of pain, grief and woei and it is wi:h the htfaviiwa that oomes fr 'ta heAria; ;i dir.. and not 111 ao ;acy thsU kntplrtt the listeaer to a paean, taut we arise from the pern i'. "Oarjaagwampcrltio U not ret pre piwJ to cist au idol overboard en t'.reiv. He still pretendi to beliere, for liecency's s'Alje, la esonte for the post blind worship, that "Air. Cleveland Is reiuark.Ablv strong as tholealerofa gnat ;rtr ia tbe i':, isltion " L'ut ht ' not corres;oiJi'!,'''." ttroag as the fsecatire of a viororton party. Iu one r le lie h i:erou-. la th Jtir eoamon " An idol ebmmonplac1 Ferh, then, the MoT! Bu", of coarse, the itfonccUiin CAnno! b affected in a breath. We are aare I with a brave effort to kep up th old faith which his ia it much of the suggestion of pathot, ihi'. the I lot "deals master fully with men In largo masses," that ;! " proTjd himself a v.t.v groat leader in lanra straggle for tasnuaajr;" that n- I "Ilk Jeffersoa in his clear diseerament of principles and in his knowledge just when to pr.x! i.m tiiea with Q;ireme tffaei;" that, tosama?, he "ij the only m.n now ia our public life wh- has a chap'er iu oar political hietory that man of the r.ei, generatioa will recall,'' ueania thereby, of coarse, the chapter of an unsuccessful aas . ... upon th econoaic policy wbteh for tturty yean had g'nn m a eir:r of national prosperity u.nprecelented in the history of avtliz td ui iskin I, But asamst t'eee credit entries tho finaily-awikened ludependent rkapsMistis now coustr.iined to nko a series of debit cou.-.:r en:ris that lav-, ii thni aometbiag of the somber expression of tfsgsdy; something of the lifting sense of lUappoiistmeat ch.i crin and loss Which oouies to all men upon the dstructioi of an Ulasiott, a;.on the disruption of an Ideal Thus, we are told that Mr. Cleveland "deals in if ictually with iadividoals;" he "his a stranje way of pick.n n.- men quia o icillr,'' as witness ra, H,k Bmithaod Otaey; he '"inckA iuiAin.i tin," he "is a piollin mn" who "cmnot see ilraro itic fff :ct," cinnot "play the same of statecraft when t.ia iime comes for hira to anvs men on the board,' "eanaot mesnr the effect of Individnalities on public opinion." He is a "4rndge" in sniAil natters; a man of almost stolid den'ity,'' .liroiil of personal magnetism an 1 jririn ifiy, nn'ltr i rr "at ion, to p.t'ii.ince, invec tive and dispiir. Iu t.ri-f, from h? in flncred ofBcs one aa;o wita the iarg'st, most sigolflaaot and rast wotte l-rf nl popular endorsem -nl evr ;ivin to a oolltinal organitatlM, Of a politi cal candidate in tints of pesce, the lioroocratio party an I its Democratic pfeejdeflt hays in only a little rn-.r-i twelve months reached a cond I tion wherein, as our Independent friend mournfully bnt necesi irily confH"ses, 'if a national election wr to tm hnl l tcraorrow no shrswl observer doobt that the l)ernocrats would bo def-tf'I In every Xorthern state end p-rhips in raor than one sonthera state ' ' . (irover fJleveland was riiiht Wbca he rcntly toirl afritn'l that In ought not to have become prsilent a SCCOnd taw, - Mr q.i. . f.i.ANo in bis dalliancs with the, Ulan I bill, is gl7in us another illustration of his famous "our tg " Amoro thx many bandsomi E ister offefiaglOf journalism DOthlOS iu its class has bMfl better than the tasty , . 1 nUtnbfr istned this week by the Olyphnnt. Record. This excellent jonrnal is always nat, bright and In-t-resting, bu'. in honor of V. i.ster welt it fairly surpassed itself. LoYAITY To tin; on of n grnt l"nd-ir tlof'S not nt'Ccssarily ui'-an his perpetu ation in oflho. POLITICAL CARPET KNIGHTS. Tin is trnly a world of ebangs; and not the least notable of iiost- Jjii ten innovation Is one proposed by n municipal reformer from Boston, Ed' win Ij. Mend, who desires to introduce into the Augean stable of Amcriren municipal civics tho dlf Sftitlg I'Xpiri. merit of reform parlor nociils. Mr. Mead would have tho ladles and Kontlemen who btdieve In a higher political mission in our city govern ments than that exemplified in (lottiam by the honorable Hich.irl Croker, in Brooklyn by the honorablo William McLsngblin, in Bttffalo by tho lioiiDr nble Billy Sheehan or la Dnnmore by tho honorable members of tho Patrick ldenry club meek together at stated inUrvals in it social relation, liston to rhetorical exrcisos by cultured lecturers, essayists and professors, mniatalu for tho moment a critical at- titule toward the Yankee franchise sud then go home. Tho proposition had the honor to be formulated In tho sains city that wit nessed the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and it, in Its way, is doubtless n new declaration, toned down or up to suit the prevailing f.isV loa If wo comprehend tho spirit In which tins lat. r enterprise is launched, it follower will bs ex pected to wear creases in their tronser and link buttons In their ouffi, and no doubt n ;ri; of violet or would be acceptable, if n: unalterably requisite Iu attahaoompwv oven the tirst franter of tii republic might Qn I themselves ill at ease, fearing ju-u how to adjust their monocle or bow to matoh their tlea and gloves, Dut civ Ills it Ion, w. dre sty, exact thess minor ooDossslous, and even thenegll sent revolutionary fathers would now adays have tomakatheui if thay de sired to be entirely iu the swim. At the tunw time. It noedl to he said that pwlor tourn ys In tongue com bat oonld have their neee, ifthy should prove sufficiently attractive to keep buy iu the harmless Inuooenoa of oon Versatlonal babble those picturesque oarpet knlgnts of American polities who blockade the pithway lo mnnlo' Ipal reform, and who, by tbelrlnef Bcienoy, lack of nerve au1 tepl I ooa oeptiona of real conditions, make pos sible that general disgust In whloh mnniclpal bosslsm lias its Inspiration aud its itreOgth, they will have per formed a uotable task, and one much moretffeotlve than would he their combined energies lit any militant plan of campaign, - - Tiii Nrw Yohk bankers almost ton man, say that Mr Cleveland'e secretary of the treasury misrepresented to them, Aud Xtr. Carlisle' weak denial amonuts lo v Bfeel to a p ufiial confession. A w iitrt'lt in t!.e I'orum declares that "ths l nrden of Tammany is almost as great a burden on the national Demo cratic party us slavery wai a genera ion i.,.'." In the sauio number of the same magaaiue there Is au article de scriptive of Temmany methods which ko's far to justify this assertion, pro vtded auyoue were to have the ho:J to JiMputo ir. ) . It is simply stiling a fact to say that the Easter bonnet yesterday held its hea l Cih. THE LIGH T PROBLEM. When asked for an exprrsuon. iu Tks Tribcne as to the desirability of sn acceptance by the city of W. W. Scrantoa's proposition to sell tho Scrauton Light, Ueat and Power com pany's electric piaut Captain V. A. 3d y, ; resident of tiie Scranton Board or Trade, replied: "Scranton ehoald own an electric light plant, When we paid 00 per lig it per year the cities nam-', ownit t.iM.r Ugh their official, agures: 1 nicsttfl : Topeka, ICai Bay City, Mleh... I Little B ck, Ark, I Hannibal, Mo ! Li'wi.tun. Me Msdisoa, lad 1 Vr.-rar.M. Jilch.. Pair. ivillc 0.... Aurora, III Boston, I'a Pari, 11! Decatur, III Buntington, Ind. Ctrand f.e ign pi tnts, gave the lollowing Per light .er vr, $ li., 00 : oo CO (K) 47 00 raw 4! no 48 00 31 01 35 10 M 00 100 00 3T. 00 00 00 4S 04 02 Of) Martinsville, lad 40 00 ' I think tho plant offered can be lnplicated for a good deil less than the price named by Mr. Scranton. Tr.;-, however, could he determinfil. without question, before the negotia tions were closed " LORD RosEBBRI will grow in strength with ths coming yars. He will add to bis reontation and to his popularity, He is that most enviable of men, a i.road, tactfal and brainy democratic :iristocrf, having migUitism, prestige and capability. Snch mn make their t.'i.ark' - II PJtETTltB Kseter issne thnn ys terday' forty-,pags Philadelphia Times hsa v-r b-)n issne I in anv country, e.-e hv not seen it or heard of it. The i Illuminate l cover was a literal dream of lovslinees, while the gnral assort ment of news, poetry, miscellany and r.usin"ss ahaonnoera 'nts constituted a rveUiio.i in newspaper entvrjiriin T'.e Times, in entering its; twentieth year of p.-osrrons "xistsnes ua J-r one management says if there em Improvements In Hio oolloc- ti in end elacidalfon of th news met of nil topics of human Interest, in telegraphy, in typography, in peiT inakm..', in prlmlnK, In the artsol lllostration, Hint, win make n better paper ttoi rear than Us;, it. means to have thetn. Ar.d it means to bo xtill. as itiim always striven to he, truthful and jirt, Independent, honest and brave, smik ing HteadlH'tlr lh bt inle'csfs of nil the l".iln and the honor and SdVeDCSinCDt of this great city. f.'pon SUch n platform any j.iiiriial ought to win. Pidladelpliia and tho state at larg'i are to be ooogrstnlated upon th Doeeessiofl of so goo i j mi mil so justly fouaded and ooudncled. Till: CAUBIof hou'et government in our cities and in our natlou is iosjepara bly identified, at this time, with tim triumph of Republican principles and the driving ofatbng led Dsmocraoyla llu well-deserved DOlltloal doom. SENATOR CAMERON. It is by no BSaOl certain that Sena tor Cameron will beaoandldite for rn election. In any oile r thaO onrowPi his conrs with refersnos to free coinsgi', not to speak of oomerOos other ecceo trie! tiss, would beaocepted by the great. msSS of RepUbllcsns agslOst whose manifest wish it was do elded upon and pTklstel in, an indie it- ing his decision lo retire at the aid ol his present term, if not, In lea), to r.' -Hign before that expiration. Ia Pena Nylvanin, ho may haVS meant It iu this euuso or he m y no;. Bit It will pro bably urn'. ii it to the earns thing in either oiee Tub TitiiiUNE has not d-eimd it nec essary to join Iu tho general olsmor against Mr. (Jameron merely bocausn ho has been a snecessful politician, mid ono who, in politics, uss the weapons thnt politics at present make necessary. It has not cared to be ono of the largo number of somewhat thonghtlese journals that jump on this m in for the principal ruusou that he is a son of his father mid the political legatee of Simon Citncrou's magnificent abllity as a political organizer and executive factor. But Tin: Titmuss Is free to confess that Mr. Cameron's preosednre with refereno to silver coinage has shown a disregard for his constituents that cannot bo passed over, and it, therefore views as wholly proper, under the eironmstances, tho raising nt this time, in iwouty live senatorial districts, of the Cam von issue, in vittw of the fact that earn of tlieee Senatorial candidates will, If elected, have voto for the United States senator who shall succeed Mr. Cameron, Since the day When Mr. Cameron, with au lion hand, last beat down the opposition to his re election, a obange has come over the epirit f Pennsyl vauia Republicanism This fnot might ae well be admitted first as last It im a fact whloh future events will abun dantly demonstrate, that tho ureal in iss of Repnblioan votvre, since ths Dsla mater disaster, have deuldsd to bs oou suited in tho ssleolion of candidates. Perfectly obedient to wiss and proper leadership, magnlflosntly patient under oocssjounl abuse of th power confided by necessary party organisation to the bauds ot tho party leaders, unil loyal to a degree that his rarely bsenanfptsstd In any statu or In any country, they do nut propose to permit tins obedience to degenerate Into sycophant do-iiuy or servility They Intend lo be consulted, not insulted. Therefore, it is right and pr.p It that the people Should say Whether Ot 11" they want Cameron for yet another term. A negative answer would Id his COO to get lip a tree. -- Shall this city of Scranton go Into competition with private business In tervStS ill the manufacture of Its mu nicipal SUpplll si This question having been rais.d. Tin: TlUUI HI will gladly print short and n linted ptrsoual oplu Ions, A MONG Our Wheel iiK'ii Thnt this will bo the banner cycling year iu th city of Scranton Is evi denced by the 1 irge a il is th it the deal ers are slready miking The season i early yet. but a larg number of sec -Ond baud wheels have been r'.old urn! new mounts nix olinu rapidly. Some ire taking possession of their wheel at .'U-v and others have placed Of lers with tii" agnts of their favonio machine to be doliv ire l at a later dat . Everyone, young and old, seem to accept the uni versal fact that the air tired Steed has 0 one to stay, aud they aro no longer looked npOO as a vehicle of pleasure alone but iu business life they are a tnally becoming a necessity, Among the working class of people they nrs very popular, as it extendi the laboring man's opportunity to rout comfortable dwellings on the outskirts at a moder- tereutaal the bicycle gives him a sife and rapid mods of transit between his suburban cottage and the work shop. It is also a noticeable and a com mend tola fCt that among-the authra cito region ri ler.i the extremely cheap machine doe not hold a favorable place, Too desire seems to bs for a standard mount, no matter whether it les-cond handed or not, and the ox pense creating rickety monstrosities that are noticeable in other towns are i rarity in .Scranton. e a' a The cycling fraternity is all agog over the enrrent rumor that the Zimmerman contemplates eQterinu tho professional ranks in France. Tnote who claim to know, bo'.wver, say there i noanthentioity In the rnmorso far bnt that if the inducements offered nrelarge enough tho amateur class will loose the king of cyclers. see Tho latest use to whloh a pneumatic has been pu: la a means for smuggling. Tho custom house officials, a short time ago, confiscate 1 an Ba riisbm in's wheel whose tir was inflited with high grad" fine-Ottt tobacco instead of air. There waa about 10 piunle of it. Toe solidity of the tire was what x- xclte I official suspicion Cycling, see One of the speediest ridrs in this s-ction is (lenrgt (l ir !nr, an employe of the Farmers' Bsiry company, on Homes atrent. Last season witnessed .Mr Gardner's track Initiation, but bis work was of such goo 1 and promising .unlity that It was commented upon by u. o cycling journals. Mr Gardner is a benedict, bnt spends n few hours each day at bis I ivorite sport His many friends are dsRirottS of string him race this season again, as Ins knowinlge of competition Required iu last year's cir cuit meet will enable him to compete to better advantage with crack riders, see A road rocs on Dscoration Day would be hailed with SnthUSltSm by the IOC il riders, among whisi r inks can Id f'.uud s una fast pith followers Tne d.niira would undoubtedly fnrulsh gratis a large number of prig -s if sum i oneof the clubs would take the Inltla live. Decoration Bay is universally reoognlaed as the opsulng dsy of the season for cycledom, mi l n road race from hero to a on i of the Otttlvlng dis Iriotaand return wool I Introdnoe tho eaeonin an ntisuslastlc manner and create a goodnalurod feeling of com petition between Hie rldotS of the vnri "US C.lllbe see A morn abUS'd, rldlcule.1 rrealure than the "rOsd seoichir" rniinot t found II is gnyed bv i is brothel wheelmen, oal led a monkey on a stick by Ids paternal frl-nd I, j lere I at by tlio smell boy nnd forsaken by ins heal i(irl Bbd all i. . . i . be will persist in llOmplng over Ids msohlne n hS drives It along the highway al tin' speed of an ordinary pssjenger irilu The writer on.) walking along Washington avenue Mm other day when In the dtstano i be 1 spied on of the SOoe)lcd "scorcher " lie wss Coming down the aVeUU i lit il leirilic gait, every energy bent in his efforts to raoh 'i 80 pao . In Ills Sloontng position lie win mi ungnioly looking Object but he lettBed to drive Iim machine with great case ami do inn I among the vehloles with an ability showed that he was com piete m iter of his sieed. Wondering why he aesume I such mi ugly position while riding as lie came Hour, I took tho Iib rtyof hailing him to In quire his reasoi a for so doing. In no ewer to mv q I'TV lie lalllt ''Well, inoit people claim we do It. lo np lbs ruing man aud excite attention, As a oonstqnencs we are nonterclfully ridiculed, lint there are reasons ior all things and of course one for lb! Now 1 Ilka to rid fast, Just ns fnnl iih 1 can go ami oonsi qn-titly 1 assume the position that will give in the most power. When riding very fast or climbing ltep hills, the nrm anil hatidio bars plav no unimportant pirt iu the propul.ioa or the wheel. If you were going 'o null very strong on something, you would nndonbtedly brace yonrsslf with your feet. So on the bicycle you hov with feat and must have u brace for the arms. Therefore it stand to reason thai if you can bond slightly an 1 grap this ionics you cm get more power than by having it up before yon, I'lacu ii Weigh toil a level Willi a man's cheat and he lifts it with great trxer lion because Im cannot nloup over It. PlttOO tho sumo w. Ight at Lis feel nod he will stoop over mi. I rates it with ease. This Is why ws stoop and with stnd ths rldloule of our friends, N "A veiy strung argument," I ro marked, "bnt doesa't ii Injure tho lllllL'V" "M , sir," ha answered, "not at all, proi Id Ing yon stoop correctly, A large number of riders double up th" back th rebv Crowding the lungs with a small SpSCS and injuring I linn, but just watch my position s I stnrl nwny" aud the sprang into Iho sad lie, threw hi ohest well out and bent bis holy nt tiio hips with not the slightest sum blsncss of n hump iii hin well formed shoulder and awe) he sped down the 11 Vttll Ue happy ill Iho knowledge thai although Im did not present a hau l some appearand! ho cool i leave bin more imdato brother ui tiio rear, s e. s The) Scranton Hlcyoling club will hold 1 1 n anuiul Memorial liay run from Port JervU to Mtlfurd ovr the fainons river road. Thirty riders have already mile Known their luteiltion to aosompauy and tim u umber will prob ably reach littv, which will make a good showing tor a club run. Tliu road from Pun Jstvks to Mllford Is noted for it easy riding mi l smoothnsei ami is a joy to all lovers of 'cycling. This ssasuu witneases a decided reaction in bicycle OOtbueiaSm HI tills Olnb and al ready th boys are nuking preparations for the season, Kigbl now mounie were delivered to members last week and Una DUUlber Will lid incioasvd a the good riding advances. s Iii. lers who have ventured mitei 1 1 of Ibe olty report tho roads In fair condi tion, very SlllOOtb, hard and free from tlusl They speak especially of ihe boulevard mid thn road to (.' irbondale bl Barnard inmle a nine minute mn from Hrovldnucs to Olypliant tbla week, which speaks wall for the condi tion of the roads. see due of th novelties that tho mana gtrsof i he bicycling meet on July l are trying to have is a club race Thla will, if decided npon, include all ot the clubs up and down the valley, each olnb entering u team of three men that will race for points, ths team securing the largest number or points to hi awarded the rac". This should bo done, if pis Bible, because it will create a rivalry tint will bs beneficial to the near-by clubs. ess Among tho most needful and neat suudrlss fou nl on the market and which will bo hailed by touring wheel men witn delight is a new travelling bug manufactured bv the Oormolly V Jtffrey company. It is fitted between the diamond portion of the frame and is large enough to carry clothing sufll ctsnt for an entire change. It la made of ins-iet leather nil I present i a hand some appearance, and do--. not inter fere with the free action of the rider. Every Word Brunch' I lto Tlav. (oAtteonfrtii j Ti:nts. There are 290,000 Words in tho Kugli-h language, aud inot of the n were uned last Sunday by the woman who discovered, af ter contingent of church, that her now nut was adorned with a tai on which was arritten: Reduced tot3.75." PRavxjtTioa is better than cure, and you may prevent that tired feeling by taking 0000? BsJMpnrilla, Which Will keep your blood pore and free from acid tiut and germs of discusu. GOLDSMITH'S 8 BAZAAR CRANO EASIER DISPLA Y Of everything new and novel in the fashionable world. T realize more lully what this announcement means we direct at tention to our window exhibits, as to some of the representa tive attractions outlined below. Silk Department We are now exhibiting a choice collection of Taffeta Glace Uroche and Taffeta Imprimrj, Printed Habituae and Kai Kai Silks; also, new designs in Black Moire Antitjue and Moire Mirroir. On Special Counter DRESS GOODS BLACK GOODS Several thousand yards si-inch Double Printed Chinese Silks, beautiful colorinjs, at 25c. 1,500 yards Patcrsouia Printed Pongees at 49c. 3,000 yards of 24-inch Best Japanese Habituae Washable Silks, in all of the new lloral effects, at 63c. "ur stock of Novelty Dress Goods is now complete and represents the latest products of hrench, German and American looms, yards of 3o-inch Wool Mixed Suitings.spring weight, worth 45c. per yard; our special price, 25c. 1,500 yards of Changeable Shaperd Creuons, worth 75c. per yard; our special price, 49c. 1, 200 yards All-wool 54-inch Oxford Checks and Scotch Mixed Suitings, worth 85c. per yard; special price, 50c. Such a display of all the new weaves has never been dis played before, and black is all the rae. Little Fixings in the way of Laces, Handkerchiefs, Bowi, Gloves, for Eas ter, for men, women and children, abound with us in great plenty and at the low est prices ever known before. TZictors With tho New Valves Out of Sight. Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. EASTER NOVELTIES In Gold and Silver. Easter "Egg Spoon." Prayer Book Mark ers, Easter Book Marks. Hand-painted Easter Eggs, Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easter Gifts. VICTORS, SPALDING, 1 cuEDENDA. SVIercereau & Conne!! GENDRONS, 307 LAI RAW A X V AV Hood'h Pilm gripe, but act 0III1 lently, m:. ilo not pur(,'i-, iiu Ot prompllr, easily an . ANOTHER NEW LINE OF And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second hand Wheels. J nw amu Ron lUnriLunmuui umui 314 Lacka. Ave. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE. Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. REEIWEU Foote & Shear Co, 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. Some . . Exclusive Patterns AT CONRAD'S 305 Lacka. Avcnuo. JENKINS & MORRIS EASTER MILLINERY OPENING u iiit, OCCUR 1 unkniiay.m m n 11 11 w 1 1 in tha artotval ibowlog cf I'asii mn KBUK Mil. i.i N Hi laoa la llih ally Hiyi.'s Ihttl rod oaaaoliaa alMWliara 406 SPRUCE STREET KKXT i' 1 1 Ml. Hank EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS Th szqnldta paMleatloaa of Prang v c.vnud Dntton A l'. Naa I .!' ui Bplanopal n nnali unil rmjf' Hii. k.. Ositbolk Prayar Books, Oa ford unil Usirstu isii.i. An Extraordinary Announcement or ratrrtstl t RPIRCbPALtANM and tstta krs, H's olhrsseii salllnn nl I lie hook 01 COMMON I'HAYKB, wall bonaa! in loth, Two Copies for 25c. 8inp;lo Copies, 13c. ii ni ft li tan "In i" r no liiw, wn mi uh Itlg OHf 81tRtnmMV Ihn ' nolH i tho im 1 1 1 it 4a of 1,500 rpll BtX eoplttl only i III 1m NnLI loatll ImlU I1I1111I 111 f 11 in llt Reynolds Bros. ! Inlloneis r.nd EwjrAVtTA 1)17 I.Al U W ANN A AVB NORWAY IRON bl w k diamond U, Kit I XTRA SPECIAL HANDBRSONfl BNGI isit .il.SS.ll 1 l,l,ISH 1 si HTRBL HORSE SHOES TOE CA1 K I HO : M ICHIKERY SPRING SOFT STEEL IN'VILS IU I.I OH s HORSE v ULS w aan rbbls AXLES SPRINGS HI NS SrOKBS HI MS sTl.l l. SKEINS R R SPIKES WILEY A HI SSBLL AM) WELLS HIMs si HEtt CI WING M i HINf Rl Bittenbender&CoJcranton, Wholaaaki anil ratal) daalara' In Wajroaiaakara' and Bteokamilha' EUPPLUta THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COt tCRAKTOM AND WlLKaaVBARRS, PA. HAMUf actckkks M Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HUIS1IN0 AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offloa, BCRAKTON, V lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllll 1 mmmm 1 ' x x, ig DO YOU REQUIRE Will ri'iiK tvi'.-i limit Atiril r In ?223l VVvnmifKr Ax's IS ACCURATE miu (Y. M. C A. Building), with a full line of JPiarioss and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait ior them TIME? I S WE H.W E IT. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH Was ftw W -KM. - V 1 J 1 EICLICIOUS, MILD OCJXTLinU ABSOLUTELY rXTXHD HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. im ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON. PA SHE TRADE SUPPLIED f BY Tliil s s niiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiHiuiisiii: UnUJIU fl II AVH !.':! Lack. LUHU1 U. LLU1U Ave. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kind Froth nth raaalvtil dallyi I amy Mnoknl llnlllllll. llolirlrss 'n,l, Varmottlh iiiouters, ult Mnckrrrl. Roakawari cinsnnk Bay, AVCTE'DC Maurke Rlvar Cova '""'UlijlljllJ 11; ii.- Tnliit toll Shall rums, Ihrlmpa Scsllops, Jtc. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE