The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G.. B. & Co.,
Imprlniwrl nn Ench Clgnr,
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Happening or a Day That Will Interest Hyde
Park ReaJjrj.
Henry McDermolt Buried Saturday
Afternoon Funeral of John Bird.
Marquette Club Elects Officers.
The Debate Resulted in No Deci
sion Car Left Track on Robinson
Street -Other Brief Items of News.
W- T. Payne, of Kingston, Uattbo West
luiuster. Mr, w. w V'onng, of Bloghamton, t
Vi-itiut; in thu city.
Dr. Dauial It. Strong, Ol Starriiixv, was
lu tins City yesterday.
J. J. Elliott, of 'lowauda, was a Scran
ton visitor yesterday.
Jurue J. .Hide, of Wilkes Harre, VII
yesterday m Scrantou.
MissAuua Howell, of Uroeu Kide, It
vwmu( iu New York city,
r. 0. Xlearje, of Washington aveuue,
spetu Easter iu the Quaker City.
G. B, Brown, of PrtBOetOU, N J , was
calling on Scrautou frwuds yesterday.
Mus Anna Lvotia. of Monrro,., i visit
lag Mrs. Sidney Hayes, on Olive street.
Miaa Ko I'jben, of l.iudeu street, has
returned from an extensive vetrn tour.
Miss Mary Voight, of Saudemou avenue.
Itreeu R'.dge, is flitting relatives at Ber
wick Uarcm Duffy, city editor of the Carbon
dale Leader, spent yesterday at his homo
in this city.
Editor John I' Hopewell, of the Provi
dence Register, Is recovering from a se
Tere lllnisa
Miss Anna Clark, of PUtatOB, k the
guest of Miss Kathryne U-Doaald, of Mou
roe avenue
Mrs. C. A Wheeler, of Hjuesdal. is
spenJius a few Javs with her daughter.
Mrs. M. A livodwiu, of Mousey aveuue,
Ureeu Ki jge
Charles O'Neill, instructor of the Ex
ceistor Athletic club, is visum; friends at
C.imdei). N Y
Robert Crcssin. of New Vork, is ipoad
tnga few aavs a: tae homj cf his mother
on the West Side.
Mis Jcsie Macon, a student at Blooms
burg Normal school, spent Suuiay at her
home on Mulberry street.
Mrs. track Merntleld and daujnter. of
Jefferson avenue, are re :iit:g a few days
with Biugbamtoa relatives.
William Cooueii has ret irned from Flor
ida, much improved by bis soj .ura In the
land ot orange groves and eternal summer.
Harry MaJigan, manager of the West
ern I'mon office at Morristowu, X. J.,
spent yesterday at the boon of his parents
on the Sonth Side.
Mr and Mrs Clares Keenly, of B'ack
Walnnt, Bradford coanry. speut last week
in the rity as the guests of Dr. H. E. Daw
sen, of Provideuce.
Misses Maine Birtley and Nellie Birtley,
tudents at the Mansdsid Normal scaool,
are spending the i-Iaster vacation at their
homes in Providence.
Miss 'Edith ree!y, a ndent at Vaasar
college, Ponghkeepsi'. N. Y., is -pending
the vacatiou period a: the uuin) of her
parents on Mooy avenue.
W. L. McLaughlin. Shamokin; L A.
Patterson, Carbondale; Charles Uatchia
aoo, Kingston, and J. S. Voorhea, Nw
York, are at the Vailey House.
F. S. Benedict, of Clam's Green: J. C.
Clifford, of Elmira: Frank E. Tracv. agent
for "A Kentucky Oriri," and T. V. Pjw
ierly, of Carbon. tale, registered at tae St.
Charles on Saturday.
Mr and .Mrs. St. Clair McKlway are
be' e to attrnd the funeral of the late
Dr. George S. Thrown. They are at the Wyo
ming Mr. M( Klway is prprietor of tbe
Brooklyn Eagle, and is one of tue most
prominent newspaper men in tbe country.
Mi-s Archbaid will give a dancing party
t her home on Jefferson avenue tonight.
The last assembly of the season will be
giveu at the bicycle Club houae torn rrow
Mrs. Milo Osterhont. of Providence. gave
party Saturday afternoon in honor of
her ton, Bert.
Tbe Adonia Dancing class will conduct
ttl Kaaer social at Excelsior bill, Wyom
ing ave .ue, tonight.
Wednesday night the Bicycle clnb will
five one of itsni.j jyabie IOCMU at tbe cluo
bouse on Washington aveuue.
Tbe social of tbe Young People's as
lembly at Sieget's Thursday night prom
ises to be a very pleasant affair.
Tbe Young Men's Institute will conduct
a members social at its rooms on Lacka
wnn ia avenue Wednesday eveniag.
Next Thursday fvening Mr. and Mrs.
Townsend Poore, of Green Ridf, will give
a card party at their residence on Capouse
James B. Hkeoch, of the News, left
for Sarnia, Oat., last night, where, on
Wedue-day evening, be will wed Miss
Lizzie Hkeoch
Announcement has been made of the
engagement of Miss Kettle JJ. Spencer,
d.tugnter of A. D Spencer of Madison
avenue to E. Clair Van Atta, of Waverly,
N. Y.
Wednesday morning Miss Minnie Mel
lon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward
Mellon, of 'Franklin avenue, will be mar
ried to James O'Connor, city editor of the
Truth, at St. Peter's cathedral. Rv.
John J IMty, of Williamaprirt, r-onain of
the groom, will perfo'm the ceremony
A reception will bo tendered to the choir
of the Hrst Presbyterian church, which
did such excellent work yesterday, at the
home of A. W. Dickson on (4 lincy avenue.
Tbe choir numbers nearly sixty voices and
has tx-n very Faithful in attending all the
rehearsals and the gathering this evening
will be quite Informal and will give mem
bers an opportunity of gutting better ac
quainted. The Commercial Alliance Life insur
ance company of New York, cash capital,
$200,000, full paid, desires a local represen
tative for Scranton and vicinity. To the
right party, furnishing undoubted refer
nces as to integrity nnd ability, a perma
nent position and satisfactory remunera
tion will be given. Address
Lion Douhon, Jh , Manager.
742 Drexel Building, Philadelphia.
- MM
Removal of F. H. Aylaworth
P. M. Aylsworth will remove to Ml Wy
otntng avenue, next to Economy Furniture
company's store, daring the Hrst week in
New Bloycle.
A new bicycle worth $7o will be old for
$86. The machine is guaranteed atid is a
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at tbe
Tribune offlue.
The. West Sids office of tti Sor.vnim
Thibuss Is located at I3S Booth Main ave
n n'. where labsorlptloQs, advnrtlistntaM
ami eommanloatloni Will i,-it prompt
John I'hiiiips, of North Qarfitld ave
title, ettiulovsd as a miner at the 1' t -DOOM
itiitie, met with a severe acei
dotit oil Saturday Dtoralog bj a tall of
rock Pillow workrooo qaiokty otme
to Ills assist. lin e and lelesssd nun fiom
his DITlloUl DQflttOQ, He was removed
to hi horn iii the company's ambulance
and Dr. W. A. Pallia attended to his
InjorlM, He was found to have n
broken leg and a sever gaih which
necessitated several stitetitM
Heiuv IfoOermOtl Iturlsil
The funeral of Henry MoDermott, of
Pi ice street, OOOWNd from the fainilv
rvtldtnoo on8tnrJyftornooo at 80
O'olook aud was lar; dy attended TUf
remain were tiikeu to St. Patrick's
oh U rob where Kv Father WneUu
otltbretod a lolenn high mass of
requiem, after trhigh interment was
tnadei'i Hyde Park Catholic 0"iu-'terv
The pall were John Hagen,
Peter Larkltti John Cdwley, Domlniok
Healy, J tcjbc'o.iks auJ M. Petriok.
Funeral of John Bird.
The fnoerikl of John Bird a respected
resident of the West Side, for the pist
thirty- tive years, who died ut his hi-iiu
00 Ltfavette attest it 11 o'clock 011 Fii
day evi'intig, will taKe plaOO this morn
ing at 9 o'clock A solemn high mass
of requiem will be celebrated at St.
Patrick's church. Mr. Bird is lurvived
by a wife aud four oblldren, namely
Johu, Thomae, Josph aud .1 a tue.
Bleotloa of Cm.r.
At a roul ir uieetiug of tti .MarqiiMtt
Club, hell in their room 0:1 South
Mam aveuus ytr 1 ty afternoon, tbe
follownig otti.vrs wer elected for the
etiuiug trm Presideut, R brt V
C'jcp'r vice president, Tim B-e!s;
secretary, Qeorge T UrifHths, tr-a
urr. Hrry W. Reinhart. Tbj club
will g.vs a lelect social in St. David's
hall ou Tburtday, April 5, which
promisee to be ouo of the ra let deligut
tul atlurs ever hell oa this aide
Minor Nsws Itesaa
QtorgO E Weetsro. of N'ewbery. N,
Y., 1 a guest at the home of Mr aud
Mr. William T. James of Washburn
The debate between the Yang
Peoples ociety of the First Welsh
Baptist church and tlw Vesper of tbe
Peua Aveuae Baptist church on Fri
day evening w is uu leci.led on acc mnt
of tae deb iters b-ng ua ible to dsfl ie
tae worl "Trait."
The Traction Company's car, No 50.
Ey 10a aad Taylor, left the track at the
Rottnson street iwitcn Saturday
evenin, hortiy after L0 o'clock, caus
mg eo-ni Urable delay in traffic
Ao interesting meeting of tbe WeUh
Philosophical lociety wa held ou Sit
ur fay evening in tneir rooms oa utb
Main avenue.
Tbe Hyde Park Literary aad Debat
ing society will hold a metin this
eveaitig in the Welsh Puiloiophical
lociety rooms on Sontn Main aveim.
Tbe Twilight Social club, will ive
their annual ball this evening in .Metr a
On Easter Monday evening, March
2ri, the Father Whitty lociety will pro
dnce "Tbe Confidential Clerk," a stir
ring dr.iina in fonr acts by W. Ella
worth Steadman, at St. Mary's hall,
Following is the c&it of character 1
Kobert Morgan, a retired farmer,
J. F. Saltry
Thomas Maxwell, a villiat. f. J Wethers
Frank Montgomery, and ianooent abroad,
J. J. McOuire
Mike McOsnn, jnit from the Hoggs.
J. E Moran
Petah Johnsin?, a gemmo n of color,
E F. Gallagher
Ephrebam Johnsing, chip of the ole' block,
T. J. Evans
E-ciuire Hnyder A. F. Kane
John, the boatman F. O, Mason
Bark, th"d"tective A. P. Gannon
Mra. RobSTI Morgan Mies M.iry L. Orndy
Mus Edna Morgan Miss Mary A. (jillepsie
liesslo Morgan, the missing cl.ild.
Mi" Mary L. Mahon
Miggle, a imreo girl. . . Miss Mary It May
Police, No. 37 E. J. George
Sailors, Citizens, Police, etc.
Manager, Asa t Mansvet. '
P. J. Molherin, F. X. Sweeney.
A child of fenrg- J. iinrna, of N'ay
Ang avenu", is ths fortunate survivor
of a severe aftsclc of c-rebro spinal
M J. Horan, a popnlar North End
young man, has Isased the hotel 011 in
lorner of P-rick avenue and Oak street
from Landlord Regan. Mr. Moran ha
been granted license for the above
premise and will open up for business
on April 1.
dsorge H. Davis, proprietor of the
Lewis drug store, has thoroughly ren
ovated his premises. The -changes
made are desirable OOM and add much
to the general appearance of the place
i -
Furnishings Kntlrolv Destroyed and
Flrsmaa bv Bmok.
Fire started shortly before 9 o'clork
hist night in the residence of J. I).
Rnnynn, at 721 Madison avenu. and
damaged the building to the extent of
l,800 Tho OOnteBtl Of the house were
mi most, completely ruined by water and
Clinrles (Jetslor, of Crystal Ktigine
company, narrowly escaped death by
tumbling into a bole made by the
flames. Dr Fulton wns called and re
siiscllabed htm. Oesaler was tnkon to
his home
The damage to the building Is fully
covered hy an insurance of $11,000. bnt
there will be 11 loss ou its furnishings,
which are protected only by $1,000
The tire originated in the pipss lead
ing from the furnnce.
Music Boxas Exclusively
Beet made. Play any desired number of
tnm-s Oantscbi & Sous., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only V and 110.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Msrtln's Is the place to gat your 1m
srted Rabbits.
Anheuser Bunch Bor.
tcuis Lohmuu', 829 Spruce at.
Guuiter makes it necessary to invite
these jurists to assist iu the trial of
Thers nro many important canes on
tho lilt for this term.
. . .
Two Oreat Attraction for tbe Present
Tinder the (Isslight," a grand
scenic mid seusiitional drama, will be
presented at Wonderland tbealsr this
evening and also tomorrow and Wd
neiday I he play is one of absorbing
interest. The wharf scene, the railroad
scene and the bowery daucu are sdunr
able. T he production will be strongly
Staged mid tho cast is nil excellent one.
For the last threw duys of the week
"Michael SlrOgoff," tins Homer's
dramatisation of Juiaa Verne's won
derful story, will be the attraction.
In the e uly houiH of Saturday morn
ing the nsldenoe of Herny Winkler at
491 Willow truet who ia tresuier of
the South Side Building and Loan as
social ion, was broken into by burglars
and : J.'l 111 taken from the sale.
The Scrantou Traction company be
gnu 011 Saturitay to ili-4tritmte mat
rial 011 Hemlock at root tor an eitonsion
of it tracks. As soon na the wathr
permit! the work of putting down the
rails and ertoting the DOlM aud wires
will begin.
A runaway horse, belonging to an
out ot town huckster, broke the tie
strap from the poet wher It Was
bitohed on Prospect avenue Saturday
and started toward the ceutrul city on
a mad gallop Pedestrians got out of
tin Way and women screamed, but the
runaway animal kept on until the wag
on struck a telegraph pole. At this
juncture the horse Itopptd of its own
accord. Over a score of peoplo had
narrow escape from being run over
Dr. J W King and family will
leave this afternoon for BulTale, where
the dootor will in the future reside.
Edward llaggertv. of Fij; street, hss
a severe attack of quinsy
Roger Met tarry, of Wilkes Barre.
and Dolpta Ltlennou, of l'utston, visit
ed Michael McGarry, of l'utston ave
nue, yesterday.
Patrick Moore, lately a motorman on
the South Side line, has goue to Brook
lyu, where he will work ou the Brook
lyn Trolley Hue uuder J 11. Vander
veer, formerly general manager of the
street railway iu this city.
The funeral of Mrs I'.lizsbsth Chris
tiau was held yesterday afteroon from
the residence or August 1'rantz, ou
Cedar avenue Interment was made
in the Forest Hill cemetery.
The F. ister music at tho Hickory
Street Presbyterian obnroh was especi
ally good yesterday and reflects eredit
on the untiring efforts of Urauist John
The "Our Folk a Concert" at the Ce
dar Avenu? Methodist Episcopal church
tomorrow evening will be a musical
Surprises lu Store lor Careless Nou-Comiiiis-DlSliODed
Only Men Who Will Bo Faithful to
Duty Wanted in these Important Po
sitions Those Who Have Not
Missed a Roll Call Since Jan. I.
Death ot Colonel Hippie's Military
Horse Other Notes ot the Guard.
New Arranatmsat of Terms of Civil
Court Ooea Into Effect Today.
The first three weeks term of com
mon pleas court will begin this morn
ing with Judge Archbaid ou the bench
In the main court room. Ju Ige Si User
of Tunkhannock will preside in No
and Judge Schuyler of Kaaton In No. !i.
Next week Judge Edwnrds will pre
side in tbe main court room nnd Judge
McPberson of Harrisbnrg will try
cases in No 2. The illness of Judge
Eishoi) 0'3ara Assists at Calibration
the 10 30 a. m Mass
At St. Peter's cathedral yesterday the
servics were of an Qooaually iuipros
lve character. At 7 o'clock a. m Rev.
Bishop U Hara read a low mass a is
his custom ind at 10:80 he assisted iu
cope and mitre at the celebration of
high mass. His deacons were Rv J.
A. Bnrlgllt and Rev. James Dolan, O
S F., of St. Bonaventure's seminary,
Allegheny, N. Y The celebrant of
the mass was Rev J. A. MoHngh,
deacm. Rev. P. F. linuan; sub dea
con, Rev Pster Gotl , master of cere
monie, Rev. P. J. Golden. Father
Didan preached a thoughtful and elo
quent srmou.
After the last gospel Bishop O'Hara
as 'en ld the ult r and aunoiitico l that
as is usual on tho principal feasts cf the
Obnroh he would impirt the pspal
ol "ssing. He then explainol in a urac
Ileal manner the significance of the
indulg-nce attached to the blending and
the disposition necessary on the put
of tho recipient. The venerable prelate
spoke in a clear, strong voice, that b)
tray 1 no evidence of his recent indis
position. The high altar had ben beautifully
decorated for the occaaion with Easter
lillies and cut flowers nnd presented an
imposing uppearauct. Perhaps never
before was a finer mnsical programme
rendered in tbe Cathedral. Tue music
was under the directions of Professor
W. P. Schilling, liiuer's orchestra ac
oompanylng the choir, which rendered
Huisrt'l Twelfth mass. Mrs. W. J.
Burke sang the "Veni Creator" in
splendid voice, aud the following In
quartettes rendered sevsral boaiitiful
numbers: Mrs, Schilling, Mrs. Doyle,
Mrs l!urk. Miss llaftnr, Mr. Klaasn,
Mr. Brolbnrry. Mr. Kirby and Mr.
Snow. Mias Rogers and the choir
sang at the olferatory "Begins Coli"
nnd Miss Rafter nnd tho choir rendered
the "Ague Dei."
m '
Foranton Ol mpany To Ho Chartered for
That Purpose.
On April M an application will be.
made to tiis governor for a charter for
the Beranlon Vitrified Brick and Tile
Manufacturing company.
It ia proposed 10 locate a plant on
the Krll nnd Wyoming Valley railroad
two miles from Dnninore that will
hsv a capacity of manufacturing B0,
000 tricks a day.
Ac.tivo spirits in the proposed com
pany are Lieutenant Governor Wairs,
M H, Dale. J, at lthod and Victor
William It lii's Hurt liv a Fall of Top
Coal at the Xrlsbln
William Roberts was painfully in
Ittrtd by a fall of top coal while work
lug at the Brilbln shaft Saturday
afternoon lie win Immediately con
vsyeil to the L ickawaniia hotpital and
his injuria carefully dressed.
The Boat serious wound was found
to be a fracture of the skull. It is not'
of sullicieutlv serious natnre, bow
ovr, to endanger the life of the
patient and It Is thought that he will
recover in a short time
Bcranton'a i Interott.
Tiis Tiuiii'NK will soon publish a care
fully compiled mill i lassilled list of Hie
loading wholesale, banking, iiianufartur
lug nnd profeHsiinial interests of Hcrauton
and vicinity. I he I'ditnui will be bound
In book form, beaiilifully illustrated with
photogravure views nf our public build
iugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an eiiisl p p
resentatioii of Boranton'l many nidus
trla. It will be an 111 valuable exposition
of our business resources. Hont to
persons onLside the city, coplea of
thla lisndsonie work will attract
now comers and be nn imeipinlled
advertisement of the city. Ilie circu
lation Is on a plan that cat: not fail of good
results to tlioe coureniod as trill us th-' eitv
al. large Kopro-onlativoe of Tin: TniBl'Mg
will cnll upuu HUM! wiiosk namks
are Oksihkii in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Thoae desiring vlewa of their realdencea
in tnis edition will pleaso 1 ave notice at
the office.
Thers are some surprises lu store for
those noii (oinmissloued otllcnrs who
have persistently ahsouted themselves
from company drills. The examination
of the DOn-comi' roeter kept lu tho ad
jotanl's office reveals the fact that line
January I there has been the moat lit
grant disregard for attendance upon
tue part of non 0OD1I ill some of the
oompaniei of the regiment, These de-
liuqnente will asksd to explain this
HerioiiH broauli of dmaipliue and zam
plo npou their part
Colonel Ripple is determined that
DOU-COinniilllOlied otHcers of the l lnr
teenth shall be offloeri who attend
triotly to their duly, and not merely
figurehead, and ho propoaei to word
onl all who do not attend dull, or who
may be otherwiae incompetent to till
I lie honored position of a aou-uomuns
sinned otliaer, and replaon them bv
Worthy U1ll,Ol whieh there are a great
iiuuiber iu each compiiny wlio will be
only too proud to don the non-com
chevron. The iiou-coiumtaatoiiud olllcer
is an important factor in a regiment
He must therol'nro he intelligent nnd
attentive to duliea Thesilout influence
of the 11011 commissioned offioer lu the
coiupanv or regiuiunt is too iiuportuiit
to allow ol lliigiiiut absnnce from dull,
thus setting a damaging example to
the men
INCOMP81KNT8 must u I,
The 11011 com who cannot till his of
flee with competency and who cannot,
or rnllier does not allonil couiiiauy
trill iiiuat o, mid the sooner the bet
ter for the advantage of the regiuieut
here have been thirteen roll calls 1 in
cluding two non-com sellouts) thus fsr
this year, and it 1 a notorious fact
that two eorporal of on of the com-
pauie have only autwered one roll
all each hile th roater shows tin
and otiier iiagrant wituont leave
it also shows that which is refreshing
and satiafactorv, and at the same time
commendable record of attendance
upon the part of a few non-coms who
are men who realiz. the importance of
their office and honorably and con
scientioualy discharge their duties to
th honor and credit of the regiment
Here is the roll of honor. Tue follow
nig have not missed a roll call siuce
Jan. I. 1804:
Company A Sergeants, S. Dermuu, A
It. Livingston; corporal, J. Kreth.
Company B Corporal, E. E Berry.
Company C First sergisnt, S. A. Kaub
corporal, W. 1!. Molr.
( ompaiiv D hirst sergeant. 1 M. 1, ill-
man; corporals, A. K. Toote, K. M, Ward,
W. Ingles, W. A. liould.
Company E Sergeant, W. Dodge.
Company U First Sergeants, W. H
Warner, B. A. Lyons; corporal, 11. S
The following have ben absent but
once and sucii absence nas been tor
good and snflicient ressous
Company A First Srgeaut, li. E.
Thayer; sergeant, Oourge li. Hice; Cjr
porii'. W. K. Pierce.
Company C Sergeant, H. Cullen; Cor
porals, p. w. Cbamberlin. Wallace Uoir.
Compauy D Sergeants H. W, Reese, J.
M. Hughe.
Company B Corporal, A. Mitchell.
Company F -Sergeants V. K. Evans, W
O. Jones, George F. Booth; Corporal W
Ley ebon.
Company Q Corporals F. s. Alniley, J.
C. Harrington, Charles F. Beed,
Company H First Sergeant J. w. Ueu
jamln, SOTIW OK TIIK 0UARD8, ,
Several non comiuissione I ('fillers
who have been absent from two 000
commissioned 1 fTiceri' schools have
been ordered to report to th" ezsmln
ing board for examination, This ia in
compliance with regimental orders No.
5 which some thought would not be en
There will be an election in company
D next Fridty evening foroaptsinto
till the vacancy cans nl by tbe expira
tion of term of Captain Barnard. There
will bo DO OppoeitiOO to Captain liir
nard's return Major C. C. Mattes will
conduct the election
Adjutant Miller, nccompaoiod bv
Sargeant Major Conkllug, will go to
Montrose this evening and hold a non
coin's school lu the quarters of Com
pany G.
There will lie n meeting of the board
of officers, Thirteenth regiment at the
Scranton City Guaid iirmory next
Monday evening.
Orders will be Uinedln a few day
from llarrisliurg for the annual on
oampment of the divialou at Gettys
burg. Loft, strayed or stolen The sd.jtit
nn t general's report for IHOlt
Colonel Ripple is mourning the losa
of the fine hlack mars, Flora, owned
by blm for ao many years, she having
died last. week. Flora was iu the atriet
enie a military hofie, BhC has been
at every em ainpinnt for tho past
eight years anil has turned out lu ev
"iy parade of ths regiment in that
time. Her military intelligence was
such that on drill or parade at th
OOmmanfl "Halt"OI "Forward March."
the ct'inninnd wna at one obeyed with
the rgtilurlt.y of ths uisn without
word or ram from hor rider. She was
kind and gautle and hr abaimcs will
be keenly relt st future eneampmenti
and parndes. but more keenly by Ad
julani Miller, who baa ridden her in
hia offloial cup icity th pnat four yeara
and always found her goiill and sure
footed, The adjutant feels that he bus
indeed lost a faithful friend.
Work oa th. Oautata I Progressing
Vary Kapldly.
The Sacrd Music society, numbering
fully 100 voice, is making (ubatauttal
advance in th music of the "Fall of
Babylon." All the choruses sre now
well under way and In a few mors re
huarsals tbe wfiole work will be com
mitted to memory.
Over -mii voices have been testsd In
dividually by the conductor, Tallin
Morgan, and aaaiguad to their respec
tive p iris in the work. The remainder
of the chorus will be tested ou Friday
between the hours of I and o and H
and 10 o'clock.
Tho mauageuieut will iastio throe
editions of a paper, one every mouth,
for the purpose of especially advertia
ing the cantata. It i expected that
ilie performance will have a run of sev
eral days.
a mm
She Waa At trm t, iiik to Save Mar Furni
A building st 18411 CapOUSI itvonus,
owned by M M. II, Wilt and ocoupliid
by Airs. I' I' inn, 11 boarding hoiisa
keeper, was badly gullet by flioSulur
lay night
Mrs Finn was burned about tint head
and hands iu endeavoring to save her
Tho total loss amounted to it 1,000 and
is partially covered by insurance.
Tleartleaton ft Wonra'i Wi Ballantlim'
Ales are the lieet. E.J. Walnii, ageuL B)
Laekawanaa avenne.
-N V T T"S ri
UlliilU 1
Wantad YouriK Man and Woujii Out
of BmployaMBt,
We have had u good yeur. To meet the
deiiininle of Hi ICDOOl extra teecttori were
einiiloyed they are with ua now. Over
M) young men and women are out of en
ploymeul 111 Scrautou. Tins spring aud
lUtnmor we propose to take these young
people 111 OUT school oa etsy term
The demand for people 1 not great in
any line, hut count, up the people who do
clerical work in all the offices, store,,
banks and manufactories, and see what an
array of book keepers, Stenographer! and
Clerk lire employed These persons are
the busiiieNs men ot tomorrow,
Buudredl of your frleinlu have bCOD at
the college and hundreds have succeeded,
The fallhlul ones win; the inattentive tail.
'lake these next few mouths and luurn
book-Keeping or stenography, bruidi up iu
grammar, spelling, arltbiuetici keep your
eye 011 penmanship, U'1 a good knowledge
of notes, drafts, checks, know noun-thing
of commercial law, and wind up with the
bu-iue-s practice
Vou have the time come iu and see uh.
W ooo's Collcoe or Business smd Hboht-
iiano K. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
A Strata' Colucidtnca.
Kobert Aitken came down from Carbon-
dale last ween for a lark. Vi-sterduy the
intoxn anta pal tinily overcame In m and
he entered, unbidden, the boarding house
of Mie. Carey, on Lackawanna avenue,
and fell asleep.
On discovering hr uninvited lodger,
Mrs. Carey enl torn policemau to eject
him, but iu tin, interval (4 were missed
and Aitken will have to make an explana
tion 111 today's police court.
Part six of the hecdsom portfolio
"America" Is UOW ready for distribution.
Those who have not received auv of these
handsome photos of our owu country
should do so, as tli-y ea 1 now get each
number, up to and including number fix.
m- .
STRONG i-ells parlor suit, line carp'-t,
bed suite, silverware, crockery, etc., 518
Mulberry stieot, Tuesday, 1 p. in.
Baby Carraiges
Martin 6c Delany
Clothiers and Custom Tailor
E I N ITE your attention to our new
new spring stock, which is complete,
and beg to add a word with reference to the
advantages offered by us.
1 he particular care exercised in the se
lection and manufacture ol all garments, the
perfection of pattern and novelty of design,
all guarantee the best value at
No Higher Prices
than arc frequently asked for goods of infe
rior workmanship.
A careful inspection will convince you of
their value.
Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
Forthe Spring and -Summer
of '94.
Stock Large and Attractive.
Prices flit- Lowest n Record.
G.W. Owens
8c Co.
Cloak Makers and Furriers,
508 Spruce St. Court Housp Squar?
Wedding Presents
Choice Selection,
116 Wyoming Avenue.
Arc at rrasanl lha Moat e. i ! an t rrararrtd bj
LrS'llMK Allium
Warcrnoim : OppositaCnttimlur. Monument,
2O0 Wnshlniton Av. Scrnnton.Pn.
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Union for Ever
Florey & Holt
Y. M. C. A. Block.
Special for This Com
ing Week.
Lsdlft' Kid llutton, pointed and
Pfailadslphia t'1a. HHtntit lthr
tip; iptoial prios, Ss 69; worth, 50.
I.siHps' Donaola Kid Hutton.hstid
spwrd. special prut', $y, worth $4 50.
Muse' Kid Button, plain troa,
spring hsid, Special price, $1.50;
worth 9 o
Boys' Sclinid Sliosa, DongolM top,
n:7.a '.'i to S. iptolal prio. $1.50;
worth IS.00
Usn'tCaK Patent l.patlir Lsea,
pointed tofa ipeslal prlo, $3.00;
worth 1400
lion's t'alf Blnchsr, hand swl
widt. Pioeadilly laat, spatial prlos,
Ja.Sg; worth 8
LRUs Hoys' Bbost, batten snd
Iscx, iprlag haid, mads ".juit lik
papa's, slsoi B to li'i. spsctsl prioc.
titt. so; worth $t.M
Tonthi' t'alf. button and laoo,
aprlng hosls, Uoodvssr wdts. siz
II to'.M. ipSOial prlOS, 8a; worth. 9 BO
AST YEAR he had saved 1300,
He bought a house worth 11850
paid $300 down, gave : inert
pi-it for $1,550, Today ho esti-
Diates ;is follows:
R,nt aavod
lnlcrit on in,'! lnffi'
ThVer. kuj repairs .
N,t SBTlug on Not
Savod 'ti alarv
To apph on niortcuro
fJMO 01
fi 1V1
. .1 90 lis sj
$121 M
ISO ol
URFLECTinM "In FOUR rar that
hov will as tVss rrons dsbl ami 1 imti
liav,. a lirttiic ,l nj own."
Otni RIOGB la lha fo
bnnt. linn .1 sn h, r, Truth Una
uhpd a bsanllfsl uia. which IfctJ nffrrt
mi I'HTMO'iiin, i eiaso
Tntl at llirtr oflli'iv hstwaaa alilngtoll
aad Adavai on Ollvasttaat
Tlu- (iKNi INK New Haven
schank'S tt,i.,Si1Ms,s"MattiysliEr Pianos
wvoMivn AVH
The Great Marvel ol Dental Science
A recent discovery and tho eolo
property of
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
DRS riKNWOOIl S W nun n
Afflar havlas lTOh ta th rxtrnciri nt
ana sitting hy lha painless asotaod, i pro
aonaaa it antiraly aatltfaotorv in rvury
parilanlatt J. O. BRAMOMt
Now York Warerooms -No. so
Fifth Avenue,
B. I1. RICK ER kx CO.,
S.dp dsaltrt 111 thia aiction
Eye Testing Fre:
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tim BptelslJll n lha Eyo. IlrndAclisa and
Naitotiiiusai iiIIstsI hatat and improved
Stylo ot t'.ya Ulaaai'a mid Spu, taolna at the
Lowest PflBSa Hust Arttflalal ByOI Inserted
for $.
to, SPRUCE ST., op. Post OtTlca.