THE SCRAiSTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 26, 1694. CENT A Word Want of txU fcotifi mmI that much, ex crp SitwUiom Wand iwhich art fits irhd FREE. Situaliono V.'jntc,!. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES 14,'ANTLT) I1Y Hindi llRRSKMAKKR V svwtng. Beexonaoly and stylishly done nt home, PT WlH go out bv tho tl.-ll. 4 or addreis Miss STELLA DKABLE8, Brow street 'i trior, Pa. UlTUATlON WANTED -h A .MlLt'l.K ' J aged lady ns bousekecu or esooiiipautoti for an invalid. Ailurees, K, V Trionn n.tVc Help Wanted Mule. ITANTED OKNERAL WHKBLRWMT, ' Apply :.t Udhor Currl ige orkn. Agents Wanttd. WAN tSB .M AM v i lit' l.U':. AN U '...' t insurance cxperienco n solicitor in Lsckswanus county; g.s'd ludnosment to right man. Address UXOSO D.tJ building, i ; lUdelphto, Pa. ; ANTED TWO YOUNU V.KN OF OOOO V sddrees to call ou buswiwii nou re Steady cmpiome:it lor good uien. Apply katYonau Clean rowKL coiiPAXx, Arcade budliug. ror Rtnt 1 , l ' RENT 1.PB1I I THE BOOMS HOW i oceupiedby Ihe Telephone Exonange, i5 1. ckawanun avenue, Apply at the ottoe Ol 1 tilth Salt Uintn t Co Third National tuik building;, L. s. and t' 0. Fujlsr 1,'oR RENT BOUSE WYOMING AVE X u front April I- Eleven twins, nil tho modern impmvetneti . runt $.'0 per month Apply to R 8. CXJCUUN9, ta Liekuwauua avenue niVE ioXH FOR REN 1' r'lHS'f FLt vti. X '--1 North Piltuore aveuu1, i;Oi. RENT PRON APRIL i HuWH AT J 540JeffroU avenee, u Qmt class conal tloa modern let movements, bett location. Apply to L. M. Horton. .N' .i Commonwealth l ujidln. V 1 RENT APhlL l.A VERY CONVEN 1 lent and beautiiullv i-awii'd house. 1408 la, iiwai nue F S. PAtlLl 10!4 RENT THE STORE SS LACK A I wanna eveoato, and suit of six ruo sboj tight an l ,irv. F S PAt LI UVH KENT - PCI DING 618 LACKa" A wanna arena from April t CilAKLEd It WELLES. Coal K 'ban,-. Tyn RENT-FLAT CONTAIN IN SIX Jc rooms ai stone bttlldlng, corner Frank lin av. auc ai:d Spruce, street. Steam Beat, i .mire at toru, IA' FrtllkliaaTeBM. V. W M SB -c 0 ' TjTa SE FOR KENT XEA i P0ST0FF1CB, Ii containing-fourteen room aad lanndrjr, all In fine order s; i-.adi.l locattoo for rent ing furnUed roai. Apply at 657 Linden trcet t( r'Oii bext-tw.. .i:y n-.tics :'vki.. 1 J. bnghooaa; tn '..ra ImproTementa: OUT I Foreatplace; rent, $'.t Mi-ly to MM RICE ct'LLlNs, aicnt. T'ji Weat Laoluwaana av inn, roR BENT- nriE. 5 l LACKAWANNA ; x aTenu. by April. I. Enquire oi Henry Fr.'v. ci Lackawanna av- nne or at tbe "TOl; RENT-THREE ROOMS D'KONT ON I X mco ,.1 Boor, over N A. Hutbert'. manic Wyoming aven.:o, t'ri.ia April L la- ci:r- in MM It TTOViE FOR RENT ONE BL'iCK fKOil I XI pint office, containing fourteen rooms and lasndry. all In Dne i rder, Fine location to let furniehed room, Apply at W! Linden ! itrt-t. 'l'u LET (OR A TERM P YEAR.4 i Part or ail of tore., hun lred feet of yard i-. m aioag raiiro!. Aply as Mti Fra&klin av3'i. T'O RiNT STOKE SSWki OR FURNISHED hail on Qrenn Ui.lgK !t.-.H;t. Very d.mira-rl- cation and cn reasonable ternw. Apply to F E. NETTLETON or c. a. WOODRUFF BepnbHcan "Uiliim. Far Sale) rvSiRSA ' S - A FXSifoF E i KTY ACRM, X' cna and one-half mlTta trom Palten on tb Deiawara. Lackawanna an'! weatcn r, Iroad. Pirat-ejaii faym noma itbanover raillnnprtn'.' nearby; two barn. o.xl iand a'dsodirchard. Will ; ipiim - . Addrm. B. F VQN ST0RCH or ISAAl ELL'S axasntom, Dait.ia. Lackawanna Pa. ffiWWOL BCYA jWDOLLARUPRL. IT D 'piano, only a few montb i In nae. Del aware atreet, (ireen Ridge; u.n:er leaving tr.wn.- FAiiM. STOCK ! 8HEFP1ELD CU POB SALE -- at-ACRE I and ateailla J. at Vlonroe are. I j.-k -ale rt ex hang z p.-.s X tor. proprtr A i.en.-i.i oracgo groro :iirrpair.i in croda-t;on a'id valm- yearly In I the oraniffl spr-inn in Florida. A'Mres F. El. NETTLETON, LakeHMon. Piortda ftcj titate 17 ABM FoR saLF. -!XTV A RE A ;.!. X -.nn-bilf mile eaat ( La Plnma ntition, twenty acrea of it aandy Koam an.i ma-k. e.voi.d to nor.e f ,r garafltthlg, all whU wa.-or- 'k gwd a;ijl.' o?cnar 1. one aoro of l.ia. mupborripa. one half of itrawberrlea, grapen 'nrraate. g,j! bfrrlee, eberria. piuir.s: .ill fiirtnin implements, thrao wa.on. on-- cart. uleiKha. aed ffr.iin. pan of hor-a. rne oow, r. yearling hei or, noownotd farmtar new borgji nino r m. iarg.- barn and work il Price. f."..p.r air. Bl.idKI down, P'o s !, f..'r.-har. WIi.LIAM N. HBEHWOOD, I a I'lnmn. Cj8.i;i wirX bUY-A SPLENDID Hi'UE O of tot.nn: i-Mt location In (rei Itirtg", if mid ludor- April 1st: ail molrn im proTem -nt. Inqn r-i)-iwir r.-,ir TOR SALE BlNULEHO BR, OA (gUINUY X arenoe: very d.-iral.i. location. Anp'y i F REYNOLDS, or WILLARD WAR KEN A KNAPP. CM HO nv ill BUY MODERN MEW a, ROOM O bonaa, all tmproregMOta; terms away; ,-f,r tor .Mr.divm avenne ami ulrrct. An pjj BARB LEES M,n WILL BUY VERY DKBIRAHLE LOT O comet M&di n Hvonm and Dataware trot Terma eaay Appiy RABRY LEBK Saecla' flotlc?v 'iLaVk'' rXjoRs' V'aMi'i'il'ei MAOA J .n"a, ate., bonnd or rebound at Thk TaiBuag oSIc). Qnfab work Hcaaonabl,, iri" i IEAL TICKKTH CAM ISR II a It 7 in a'l r-i.twr Sprneo Mraet and Frnnklln avo mi". Twnty iiim'iI ti.goU for $3.1). Owl table Krd. Eduoallonal, 1X7 YOMINO HKMINARY A 801 ND EDU cation h tfi'- yjil a inioiniit ' nr'' item a agiMt rrl aian or worn: n im ng. It pnys to so' nr'' it i n a n i- Oca, Hni h an ".Im ation ran i obtained M Wyoming seminary, pecialtlea: (oil, go jireparatlon, l.nairiess. taaohmgarl ..nil nuMlr. nprmg term opena May 2L For Information, KlilriHH BKV L L BPBAOUR,D.D Kingston, jn. Notice to Taxpayers. TUOTinT'lo TAZPAYEfeS-THB TAX is payers of thn elty of Srtanton. Pa , alii bareby take notion that fli l,r, of appaala nppointM by tho city councils of aud any to le ar.o.d determine appeals l.-om city ushcs . for the year lsHt are holillng ii'ie dully at tbe o nice of ton city slerfi betwaon it. ii nranfBa,m. and ft p. B.for tbapnipnea ntoiesnlil and that appeals will inly be board in cu-..'s of niw nasoasinenti for add yenr. the imth-irity yattadtaiaid Loar.i not pgrmltvlng the revision of aaaegenivnti for unv year but tbatofllM, The meeting! of the board will c ua March n, ISM, liy ordi t of Loar l of npiienls. M. T. LAVXLLB, citv Clerk. r.offaln ZJra Btoeb Karkt. Ri ffalo. N. V., March L'4 Catim: -Recciiite, ;t,.'l(Hl: on Knle, UK; pint It. t aiendv for light :;i., 1 , dull for heavy. Good eleers, W.2!; fnt cows. 3.60a9 IB BootBgortpta, 18,400; on aajg, n.fl.iU; mai kot ItrODBl yorkera, fi8Bgi,M Chotoa lli'lif, h:-i,.i . mixed packers, lietg 4.8TJ; fnir to good heavy, ti.Toat BOt rniiuhs. (4n4.40 r-micp and Lambs Receipt h, .1 4)i; on fnlej 4,1100; marhot weak for Ininba. ationi; tot hrep; cbolro to extra lnmb, 4.(li:il SO; few Inner, $; fnir to good, M.Sa4.ftH loir to (food mixed aeoi-p, ?:i.';."i;i;i. 7,"i; choice J:i.()0ii3 lid; wether. 4.0ln4,SO; tlijipcd sheep, td.0On3.00; modoca, 6uG). Coal Freight Agents Han MOetrit is Ma tsg u nmicable Ignoou&b WILL CONFER AGAIN THIS WEEK It Is Alsq Thought That at This Week's Meeting of Ihe8ale Aentn Si ghtly Lowered Circular Will tie Adopted Important Consolidation of Trolley Interests Just Negotiated at Cheater Other Interacting; News and G.iasip In flotation tJ Honnuyl vania industrios. According to the best roporta at hftiid, last Tharaday'a meeting; o( tiid onal fteighl agenta la New York wti not ua auinterruptedlf liartnnulODi o might have tieeu axpfcted l.k f net. it waa rather a atorm aetalon, takliii; all thingelnto nocount 'l.'ie Qaeatton of adjaitlog lr:;ht riloa from mlneg to tidewater polnta wax not lolved, al thoogh it waa detailed wit'i a ygn geaoceL and another meeting will h uallrd tiiia week i:i tbo hope of then reach in: a mora definite oonettulon, As Tin Thidcnb baa prevkouely IX platnetl, tbrr- ore at prexent two seta of r itea in force, one oeing baaed on lOpiroontof tbe acllng ptloa of col nt i ide waten the other a fixed rate of si 70 per t mi to Perth Atnboy and ?l 7," to Joraey City. The4U i;' oent uuU it now ttae i by all tii i roada exoeptlug tho Jvrsev Central an I Delaware .l.ick waona and Weeterni tmt It bneonly recently been adopted by the Lbtgh V illey; which I rm .r'.y if ad. the tlxol rate, The c'.ta-i tuide by ttii rompuny, together with it" ugh. rate agreement with the New Yorb, New H iVen ami Hartford, has been Isrgely Inetramental in erenting tee prcs-at diaoord among the ooxl ir-ilic agents. The Lackawanna It reported a tn-in eap totally bitter ag il tet tbe Lehigh Valley, thoa'i why Uahonld tingle cut thii road is not clearly nnderatood In the trade, 'i'ae .0 per cent ratj mxkea the profltx of tag carrying companies considerably smaller tivin tlirj wonld be if trie s?d rate of 1. TO an 1 T5 per ton Wag rj oeived) au l the mss increases ai tho price of coal deoreaaea There is little jnnbtthal the aathraelte coal Rales iH'-mtj at their meetln;; in New York t:;u week tvil! m ike the spring circular lometbiog lower then present price, to that tbe aver iga selliutf prion of coal it ii lewater will on i.he 40 par cent, hasi also bssen the ooatof tranxporta tion. Cokl pr.djction ii the CoiinaKsrilla region last waa two tbooaand tone greater than that ol the previous weet, tut the output was not n;j to to the atanderd, lithe weakly aaip msnts there Wax a decrease of To cars, allowing that s me of tiie pro ln.-t w ia stocked on the yarde. The demand did not improve moob daring the wasit, it tbo i p -rtlort aaticip itei. A detailed r pon of the np 'ration andontpnt ahowa thit 11,819 active and 9294 Idle ovena with a total ei timated production --.f 110,741 ton com pirel with the prodttOllon of tho previou wcok. This wai an iucMas if 9,040 tons. 1 1 the active list of OVent the; was a nt gain of 191 OV;n.. According to the 13 :iht!n of the Iron and blel association; atlaiat one-hfth of the eipital investol in the Iron and ateel induttrlea of this country has been absolutely sunk since tho elctiou of Mr. Cleveland in November, 1893, and at least 100 iron an I st.o-1 m mufaotur intr eatabHebmeatx an 1 iruii orj m.nin properties have pasaed into tfm han'W J lelvers and aaaigaeet, or the xnsr iil within the same periol. The latent trolley oootolldxtion ia r ported from Cii-s;.;r, wher axil the electric railway centering In that city are united ia one company, tbe new ys'ain ha7ing it total inwen 'if ti-nr-ly forty mil-a of rnihviy. The now corporation will be known as th C ies- ter Fraction company, ni it i a nnder- atool that the I'nila lelpiiia Tr.udlon ccmpHiiy la Inter ted In th deal Colonel Samuel A Dver. who has been no aciiv spirit in the U lio i railway. Till control the nnw concern. The llnegabtorbed th (yieater Traction company are the C.iat..r Street rail way, wbleb o-.vos moat of the original ffanchla la tbe city; the U.ilon railway, which baa a leasi on tho line of th'j Cheater Street rail way, and c mtrol lini to (Tplan I, Bddyatona and Mar cus Book , tho (",'inster an 1 Media E eo trie, railway, which hs a lint from liiecl'.y t' Media, aix mil, and vilu Bblaatreet trinhi- in M dit bor ongh, and IheOaeater, Dtrby mid Pnll adelphla railway, which own and op r..te a line from the city li Dirby, lisfatit niiH ni:. where It o'innju:a with the Darby txtnlon of the Pblla d Ipliia Traction oomptoy'e Itn m up i whp h tn tr dley ii ii iw being intra duced, Too ii'.w compiny will own tun large ueatrai power noue la coei tet, wbioo inppllex tbi citrmt for nil Ilia above line, nd will b iva o!ll i s at Market quata. Tea oipltal sto.:k is s"i0. ooo, and fhs incorporator r :iaii.nel A. I)er, Willi m WllO0 Cbxrlea F, VYagncr, j-., Bigeneflat v!-y, (iLoit- i''. Pottelger. MlNOl! Imilktiiial NOTM; A rook welgblou three) tool roiled upon tho f'eiiiisylvaiun railroad near PotttVillC r cuLtly.wfeo viu.: a i n i atngef loooatotlve. Contractcv T. P. Kern and JoeephQor- nine, of I'ottHrille, have made ii hid for thn noiia'riicti in of n liner rallr, nd bet ween Cnmberland and Bagerxtown, to cost rotten tnlk of ooloniflog, buiiiilng n pottery to employ I, WW men and a OWB near Bast Liverpool, 0.. on n bonded basis or, wita uongrasaiaan Tom Johnson as baa ker, Prxeidont Bobertaj of lbs Pennsylvania, Inn been elei ted to serve In thai capacity fourteen coosecatlve limes, President Ilopnw anys that there nro continued evldcBoH of improvement in local railroad truffle. A goop deal of lriilfl"nnco Ii n't tiinl to the increasiB Intlmaor between tho Rockefeller and tbe vanderbilte, ,wo great is tho i'hlliidelphl mid Uenlliii( roul output that it is buvlii trouble at Pottavilu in bandliog it. (jeneral Manager I'reyo;, of tho I'ann- sylvaola raiiroaa, has been making tour or Inlpertlou over various branches. Tl.e R 'nilliig company's collieries made I ut three days last week. The box factory owned by John B. Im Loi ut Dull .is, Wbiob has boon i J In for four week, eflll rvgUUM to-day, giviny oniployment to on hnndrcd bauoe. r.uclilon'ii Ainici Balvv The best salve In tbo world for 'luts r-inmiis, Boras, Ulcers, Salt Itbenin, Kevo: s.res, Totter. Chapped Bands, Uhublalax, t'orns ami all Kkiu Lruplions, mid posi tively t urea Piles, or BO pay reijulrod. It if esjartHtteed to give perleol satisfaction r r money rrfnnded. Price us rent per box. v by llattbsws Uiue. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Bt'clta auJ Pond'. KaiwYonx, March si. Ttm amounl of bastneas tranaactad at the stock exchange to-day hardly warranted brlBglag thu memberi down town. Only 57,n7'i slinrea changed bands daring the two hours nee lion, Tbe easier condition of the foreign exchange and tbe fact that no ip.ui wen; OUt contribute.! to the BrmBeSS of I he mar ket, u I fair to assums that, ibex factors WOUld have had more RlilUOBM had it not been (or the uncertainty regarding the fata of tbe seignoraga bill, Dimiiiers ami Chicago gas were him.. ng the llrmest on theliat, Tbe first rose to '.'-,, t'bicago Gas moved uo a point to t;i un Chicago rumors that tic quo warranto proceedings will he dit missed. Richmond Terminal sold up to r, i inn! aaassxroeut paid. Tho in ii i kct dosed Hi ui ut about tlm top of tho day. Tin. following eompiota tablo snowing the dsy Vt ttuotuatlona in aeiiva atooka ia Hiippllad ami revlaed .lull v 01 I. .l.ii A Pallvr, alouk brokerSi i-i Wyoming avennei Open Huh- laT Clos ing, .-it. eat. lug. Am. lot. Oil Am Smiar M'ti W m'l W A t. .V- A. K 1X1 li?; lalu I Can. So ,d hi M l I'on. N. .1 IIS 111 Uil Ua Chic. 4N. W I'M IMS leaisi UaJ c, u. a ij na't nhJ .W fs Chic, lias Mj lit !Mlt Q 0.. O. St St. L,, . 4U sM't sot i ti'tt c... Hook.Val. T 5, A 11 IS7M I:; B7M li;a 1)., L. A W D.eYOrr -'"rs ) s"?n Krle 1,'tJ; IT IT'm Q, B. Co I'-tj tilu SSn Lake Shore I, A N Manhattan IM l 124 124 atlas. Pas 'k S's tfK Nat. Lea.l Ik'dii .HI W if' N Y. A N E lots ln, I0M WM N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. AW Iflta Ii.' i bill I1114 s y..s. a w iei 18 i8 Wi U.S. C. Co North Pan tti 'i'-h 'i North Pao. of :'l ':i SI -1 Omaha DO UI Ml i' "4 Pao, Vail neadiug KonR lslau.l It. T HI l'aiil T..C. A I Tex is A Pas t'ninn I'ae wabase, pf W, Union W, sj L I W. Jt L. K. if.. le'l lew let no. -1'.. '.I', "I'm '-'I'm m?4 tiu ii' i tivm HVi 7 IrH, 7 I".", 1 fSM BWi "Sat IH IV ID I" ptx MS iii tm lau 1x8 MS SJ I"', AU IM, ?..' Itii MH W's OH i&H 4)i 4.?i Chicago Qraln and Provltlon. BonAgToa, March (4, The following quota tion ara iappusd an I o irreeted daily by Li Bar a Puller, stock broxers,lxi wraouag ava Rai nuo NY UB AT. Opening Iligaoet.... Lowest '.'l.nung CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing 1 oa re, "luning Highest Lowe! CI adng POHK opening Highest , Uiw at Closing LA III). Opening Highest Unreal Cl'iialng H u r Buai Opening Highest Lowest Cloting ,Vur. May. Jn!v. uU r,:i NU less "o?s .iiij filVa f.7i ,V'Hi i6 a,a ,',1-f'l, tut r.:ta itn MM I'itl t m 87 mi tj I'M UTTt mi aw r?4 :', BPU 2T, Mm M MB Rltj 3, HfJsJ 1IUJ 110) 110;' hid 1101 im 1IW I1M lit).' ll'JO lL'a 11U3 c:r OM) l)7J U'JI 1x7 MS UI7 IV. j nttji bm oa 1 is in ."a r,7u KS rur i;t s;r c4j7 s:o 570 Nfw York Produce Karhat. N'f.w Youk, March '.'4 i'boPit Dull, Steady. W hzat Dull, No.2re.l store and elevator, tJOaOlc.; f.o.b., 63c; ungraded red, 81c.; atl.'at nBla; No. 1 nortu ern, 67c; options active. Irregular, opened weak, dosed Steady; No. 1 red March, IW4e, ; Slay, SIMci 3nlj-, 03)0.; -August, 04c.; Beptamberf6A)4'C.I December, (ibie COBB Dull, strong; o. ?, Pic.; ela- vator. 47c. afloat; option were very dall, closed steady; April, 48'c. ; Muy, 42Jc. ; Julv, iZ'rfc. ( Iats Stronger; optionp, dull; March, Wc; April. :r.'4.: May. 84je.j .'ulj', 'Mr. : a)ot nnce, N'o. i, BGJg'O.t So. i white. raSsfc; Nj. a Ofaicago, :.lic.: No. J, ;Kc.; No. a white, DTjie.i mixed western, 80,' j'c. ; White do., 41c; wbit stale, 41c. Obbt Steady. Btir Ham lDoll. cot M kat8 Steady, Laro Firmer; western steam, f7.:.'i; cite, SXr.; reiined, quiet; continent, $7 (;): hiouth America, e7.U6; compouad,'o. 1'op.K Qoiei mess, $1 2a 12. 50. Bottbb Quiet; western dairy, 13al6cT; li'lfins, ai.'jC. ; Penueylvania creamery imGo. uRnau Steady, Eoos Fair demand, steady; wtttsrn. fresh, 13e.; southern, 12c. CMsaeo Live ftjclc Market. CB1CAOO, March C4. ('attic Kiccipts, (00, Market (toady qnlettoommon to extra vtn rs, Ill.86a4.63; aiockcrs nod leeilers, llAttaV.bvi rows and hulls, $1,86X8,36; iidvee, tj&0a5.T5. Uo.-s R-uelpts, 1 4, SOU, Market tinn; heavy, 4.40a6.T0; common to choice, mixed, l.40s4.7i'; choice, us SOrtod, -170il7"; light, 11.464 70, Piga, 16,804.60, si p Receipt. 6000, Mar ket alaadyi Inferior to choice, 3l 60x186; lamb., tsL8Sa4 63. tlli;. 1 .'.aiij l.ungoages? Baton the simpler laws of astronomy were known tbe sun m supposed to be trundled out lint the beaveng every day, and th" star bum; up in the firmament every Bight by thu right hand of the Al mighty. Before tbe law of comets wrro known they were thought to Im mbxdlM huiied by on angry Oodata wicked world. Before the real QetlSe. of liglitning wim known ii. uraaauppoaed to la the work 1 f appodOodin hla wrath, or of ovil spirits in their mallca, Before tbe law "f meteorology were known it ' M thought that, ruins were caused by lbs Almighty or his eogsls open lin; "the ailldoWSOf beaVSO"tO let down upon tbe eartb "tbawatota that, bo above the Qrmament." Before tbe law s govern. In); phyxloal bealth were known dlaeases were gnppoaed t" raxull from the direct In lerpoaltlon of the Almighty or of Pa tan. Before the laws governing mental health were known Insanity wax generally thought to be lliebolie pOHSCKsilCI. So iii thbt ( nv, to BOOOUnt for I he dlVSTXl ly of tongues, the direct interveution of the Divine will wax brought In, As ibis diversity waa felt to be an Inconvenienoa, it, ox attributed to the will of a Divine ! Ing in anger, To explain this anger It waa In Id that, it must, have liccu provoked by human sin. Outof thlaconoeptibn explanatory myths and leg) nds grew thli and naturally as elma along water courxeaj and of tbexe the earliest form known to us is found in the Chaldean accounts We see it first in the Chaldean legend "f tbeTowerof BxboL Andrew D. White, 1,1, 1) , in Popubtf Bdenoe, - A Quarter Cntary Teat. For a qqarter of a century Dr. King's New Discovery ha been tested, mid tho millions who have received lament rrom ita use leatlfy to its wonderful curative powers In all disease of Throat,Cbesl mid Lung. A riiiiiedy that has stood tint test, so long anil that hna given so universal I'ntlsfartioii islio oxpcrlinniit. Maeh bottle I positively gnsrautiied to glvo relief, or tho money will Im refunded. Itlandmltted to be tbe most reliable for boughs unci Co.ds. Trial bottles Free m .Matthew Itro'a, Drug Btora, L.ifK size o Ic, and 41.00. a Kntw When to Ylld A'eic Pbf6 irerid. 'lovsrnor Walto cam a down off his high horse Just iu timo to keep Ins bridle dry. The essential Intn-healin princlpla of the pine tree has linnlly been successfully Separated and reflnad Into a perfect cough mediclno. Dr. Wood's Norway I'iiio s.yiup. Sold by nil dealers ou a gusrautue of sa'ibf action. WEAK MEN vour ATTENTION is CALLED TO TUB 1 , UdM 1 n QroAl : 1 K'i"!i tvcmmly, Gray's ly.ik Medicine IF YOU SUFFER fr"'" HHMTHIIX tint li,i.t - "' VOUS lo- billty, Wi nT Ito ly ami Mlml, Hporiua lorrneo, and Impoti ncy, anil all diseases that mis,- from eeer-uldiilgouco und self, as LoSSOf Memory anil rOWef, OlttUeSS of VlS" ion, Prematnr Old Age and many other dlt ssaea that lead to Insanity or ( nnsumptlon ami sn early grave, writefor a pampnlel, Iddr G It A v Ml DM INI CO., Buffalo, N. Y. 'i i.,, apeoiflq Medicine is sold by all druggists at a per package, or six package for . , , , 1 is'iit Ly mall 00 receipt ot money. and wlU) ovry IKOQ nrder Wi: RUARANTEC 11 .'UI'' T II it'lir , n l UlUl- 't ' awasas . . 1 i it 1 1 Hit . V 1 Mi'i't'i, r iii-- Sold in BcrantuQ iv Mutth H 1 prill I) BUSINESS AND PROFESSMAL PHVait IAN A Nil HUBOKONA hi, ii it, DKAN, UaeaseTof lie, Lye, Mass Throat and iCar, ui sptuoa tirret, oppa am. court hoiitss H J. tON NBLL. Office tul Watblugton avL'iiue. tuiuer hi, nice atreut. over rianc.o n driiK storo. Usldsnos, ii; Vlnsst, Office boursi to U a ui. ami j toi .ma u .io tn 7.B11 m Sunday, t to 8 p rn, W I.. AI.LI.N. tlttbrt eor. Iak X' wanna anil WXslllngton avaa, I OVSI ueoB. srd shoe store; nmoebonra, 10 to In a. m and Uui t p in ; , ,i,,n,;, at I'saldeiies, , .1 Nsllllltou HVr. hl(.c. 1. l ltLY. Praetlea Umllsd to Dl saees of tbe Kye, Bar, Nissi ami Tbroati ufhso, km Wyoming av Residsuo, Say Yin 1 1 1 eel j vie l.ii kails, 140 Washington Avsnut, I' Office boors, atoUuui, luoiu .1 anil f In I p.m. jtllliN L WttNTK, M U, OltlcM IC and il tl Lominonwuaith bnlkllngi 1 esldenes 7ii Madison avo;oMos hours la to III I to 4, 7 Pi I; Bnndaye - ho to 4, eveulngs at renideuco. A Ipodaltr mait'i of ilpeaa,',! of tho uyu, ear. noaa ami tiiroat and gynecology, nn. it. 11 Uu Hh AY, specialty made on gov eases of aye ami saxu,sld Wyemiug Ave. nl)co h.mcK I'ntil 111 sni J to t Mini 7 1 1 s p in. t KIBKINAKY BUIIOKOM I,1 8TOKOK, Veiermary BUMeoBi Dea I.. tistry s specialty ; gold mensflel of Oa iiiiio Veterinary Camego, iiol-is Summer's livery, itil lux at. BSSf Keller ' earilusa nhap. Tetsphona No. Ill LAY YUlta, I M C. RANOK'U Uiw ami UoTieeUon of tl . nee. No itl7 BprUOS at., opposite Perual lloiise. Bcrsnton, ra,; collsetlousa specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reUXBlS corrueHnd cuts la every Bounty. IKtmUl'SM BAMOi Attorneys ami Coousa7 I Ion at Lsav Coiuu.onwciillh bnllUin, Wiwhniilun av W, B, JsSSPP, i-i!., 1: Hand. W H Jistri'. Jn. tXTILiLARO. WARREN KNAPP, Attor t neye sad Oonnselors al Law. ltepuhiican buUdiO', WnshbiKton ave. Sei-nntnn. I'a. I.l ll.Kso.S A- WL' OA. Attorney, an I 1 Gouasi Uors at Law; oittces 0 and o Library, BcruuUiu, Pa. Hoswm.t. II rATTgllin. Wil l i M A. M II.) ox HAND. At- t'oiamunwealth bufldllnr. IIisiiih 111. 20 and -T. nENRY M BEBLY Law offices in Price iiuiiiliuK, Its Wsshlngton avenaa, PRANK T ' 'K 1. i.L, Attorney at Law Itooui I ,'t. Coal Kxchaniri.. Scrantoii. Pa, MILTON W LOWRY, 1 Atl-ya, W Washing r. II V"N STulti'H. iji.o av . ( 11 sipiaio lAMBd W, OAKftiuD, Attorney at La. l miana Oil. 64 ad 66 roinmonwealth b'l'. W. EUUAlt, Attorney ut Law. a . svrsntnn. 1 a. I A. WATitLS, Attorney at Law. JJ Leak iwauiia nnc. acrnnton. Pa I) 1'. hJllfli. 1 ciraMl.or nl L.vv. mil l.. 1 room 64 66, 68 Ontnnmnwealth bulliime LPRKOUANO, '.VILLI All .1. . A tor:ieya ami Counsellors, CAUL EL kJ Ottee, ol 7 Bnrum ( ' ii. 1-rrCHBU, Attorney at Law, Com- ' 1 wea tli li'iiloiuc. Si-rant m. l a ( . 1 o.MMiiS rtiirue,. -I. it UEPLoOLB, Attorney Losns nero- I). tinted ' n re il ci.t itr "eeiirit ". lis Sprneo. 1J F. KILLAM, At'ornev at-Law. la Vy I"), om ins a von no, Beranton, HAVB YOUR bCBDS AND BdrftMOKB written nud nexni.wleleil hv J V. BROWNINO, Attorney and Notary Publ.c, i") L'ominoi. wealth Hail Im :. si HOOLB, 4J Hot il. OP THL LACKAWANNA. Ser.n" O ton, l'a . prepares boys ami clrls foroollegt or huel-insn: tlicrouglily trains young children Catalotfuj at leiiuost RgV, Thomas M OABB WALTRH II BURl.t. Mir.-- WORCBBTBR'd KIN OERO ARTS N ani Hcht'oi, 113 Adanniavenaa Fupiii ncnlvnt .1! all timer .Next lenu will open gannsrv fX III Nl lots s (3. lAOBACIL Burgeo Ucutiat, Not 113 v . Wyumlnc av." l; M, hTHATTON, nfflee ' oil Kxehanirc 'Pill. REPUBLIU Barings and Loan Asso X elation will loan i eu ranney en eslr ti rms .uui pay vmi Is. iter on investment than nny other sstoclatlon fall on s. N, CAi,I,..X I'Kli, Dime llnnk building Kill I l.s AMI IItTAl l:.NT. 'ft'lIK' WITMINM'l l.U. .1; -I.' Wym ,u 1 sve. Boons heated with steam; ail m-sl rn hnprovemsBt c U Twumab. Prop ZIEULBR'B HOTEL, '.'7 Lackawanna STW 1 nea, getaaton. reasonable, p BiBouB, Proprietor, xrKBXMlAUTBB HOTEL W. (I. K'HLNCK. Miiuager Kixteenth strict, 0110 blis k east of llroadway. nt Union houare, New York. An-rresn plan, SI ,rs H-r da ami npwatd MIYNE BOUHB, kuropeaa plan: 11001I yj HHima i'ikii aay inn nlulir liar mip- pao "itn iu esn r 11 OYNE, I roprietor. u LANTON MOUSE, mar I) . L W w ci : ii senger depot Conducted on tbatafopsen plan. nrrnii hin ii. itoprietor t UA hi BNTRAla 1 Ii" larteo ami n ..t I SUUlppeJ hotel in Allentuwu, l'a : ratal I'.' and KJ.jO per ilny. V 11 urn I) PAnsra. Proptletoh AlK lillM IS I 1 A V I f ;, Mini 60 Coiiimonwealtli n IM'c. Hcranten l.s L WALTER, Architect. Library lailiti I it hot. wyontln svsnnw, Boranton, l.s u BROWN, Arch B Architect, Prlos I . I.iiilflinir. 120 W nahbiKtoii ATc.,:vtiiut.,n, Mini KLLANKOVB, Mt'H TiiSj li. HW AtlTS WIIOLF.SALB ramber, ami W Dlma Punk laillillug, Sernnton Pa XXEOARtlEE RKOTRMrH, PltlNTRIta' lv J supplies, envelepes. paper bull tu'lii". warehouse; 190 Wsanlngton ae, liorsnton. Pa MOtjTE'H LIVI llY. I.Vtl n oiiBi. eve'nue. I First fllss oarrlsgos D L l OOTi;, Agt Funeral Director ami Bmbalmer, 1 'HANK I'. BROWN CO, WHOLE I sal., flealeia In Y Iwarn, Cordag ami ill, Cloth, Ml W. Lackawanna I Venn HAUKH'S olttTIKSTHA MUBIO KOIt halls, picnics, parttno, receptlnni wisl ohigs snd obiiosrt work furntshsd, Por terms saareas it- -t. lisuer, eonduotor, ur Wyoming live . nvar Hnllsirt's mnste agire TZRA PiNS suss, buimers und contra. I a tura. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams live ; cornet Ash st. anil Pen SVS , H ranton nSMim, ( It. CLARK A CO, Bsademsa, Florists t snd Niiraeryiiien: store I . , Waahiua'ton avenue; vre,,n iouaa,i;iiVI North Main avenue: alnre teeilmnn 7H-,' TEAS. 14 it AN U UNION TEA . Jones Bros Willi: M KM NB, FOB. KUETTEU Sit Lackawanna SVsaaa ft Scratiton, l'a., tnniiuCr of Wire Scrsent AHTONE HARTMAH 90G South YVashlnnton Avrnua, Contractor and builder of QaucrstS ITnrin, Cenerete lll.siki. I'otat,.. butter and Dqal Ulna, Wet Cellai drio.l up. Ordure uny be left at Thompson ti Pralt, Will ams Co., Main and Rynou Streets, or at Hcrnuton Movo Wurki. Also Pouiiiiatious, Cisterns, Pish Wire Tunnels and Collliu. Plasvlug for Oaidcn WuUj. Connolly &, Wallace Special Display of Swivel Silks The best quality on the market. Beautifully printed In fact, you will think they are hand-painted. Low price of 58c. Pcr yar(1- Parasols Now open lor inspection. Our line includes all the latest lads and hear the stamp of the true artist. Some bewilder, ing clients. SPECIAL EASTER SALE OF KID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY LACES, NECKWEAR, ETC. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 SS RAILR0AU TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAMOAD OF R J. IC HIGH AND SUSOUtllANNA DIVISION Antbradta coal nsel sxeluslvalr, inauritc ' leriiiliueaa and 1 omfm t. nan VABU ix arvsoi rtn 1. iwi. Tralaa leave Beraaton for Plttstoo, wiikes Harru. etc . at.'I.Iu, 0.I.V, 11 H n. in. li t) t) ':"; iW.' I ? " liunduj. w a. m., 1 00, X00, 1 .10 p. 111 Kor Atlantic cuv, 8 in ,1. m, l or New York, HSWartl and Kttsabsth. H 13 (exnrass) a. in. 1166 (sxpross with liuftut parlor car), 8.6U (express) p, m Kunday, iiw p. in. ' PouMAccn Cbdxk, Allxxtowb, BgTBLB- 111 1 L tsTOB and PBIUXPKLPBIA, a.lU a m.. WXL9M. 600 (except HLaadelpliiaJ p m. Sunday, 600 p. ui Par LOBO BnABOB, Ot BAB BBOVB, etc.. at 610a. in . u..i0p m. For IteaduiK' Lebanon and Harriaburg via Allan town, H.lUa. m., itMl 6.U0, p.m. Sunday,, l or PettsrOte, I I'ln. m., )2ip. nx HetUl0g, leave New York foot of Liberty Hire, t, North river, at 1.10 (expreaa) a. in.. 11", L80, 431 ' sxpresa wnu Lullei parlor car; I', m Si nday, 4.:ll a in. Leave PhilanalphU, hexfllnn Terminal, noo 11. in , 2.00 and 1 :n p m. Sunday. 1X7 a. m. J hi 1, will Ueketl to nil points at lowuil ratii may l had on applicatlun in advauco to tho ticket agent at thj statu n. H. l'. BALDWIN, J. II. OLIIAT-SEN. Cell Supt. Do You Know Where to Cet jsotir Carpets Cleaned! Your Feathers Beaovatedf Your Furniture Re upLolsttrtdf ITour .Slip Covers lop Funiituru'! Your BdaUretses Henorated aud made overt New Mattreawa, auy kind, mado to ordert Feathers, Down and Pillows! Bed .Sprinjrs, aJI kinds? Biuw and iron beds.' CribB and Ciutllesf liild's Folding Beds! Pine Fibre Mattresses! J'ure white, .Sea Island Curied Cotton Maltressesf f LlllOli YaLI.LY liAILIUIAL Xj I ga, 11, inn:. Trnin leaves Beranton for Philadelphia an 1 new York via. Ii. A 11 R u ut s a.!a. ItW Ifr und 11 as p. in via D . L A" W. 1(. , 0 U0, 600.11JO a. m.,nd U0 ; . ic. Leave Beranton for Pittston and Wilk Barrs via p.. L a W, R.R., 0.09L 8i,n.2J a. in , LOU (80, 0.07, 0.88 p. m. Leavs 1 Boranton tor Whitu Haven, Haslttoo, Potttviu and all ia,inti on this lii-aver Meadow and I'otlsvilfa braiicbea. via E A- W 10 a.m., v a R A IL I; it. at s a BV, lilfl 1 1 Ml , via D L. Ii W. K. R., 606, e.o. II. U a.m.,, XX) p, m Leave Beranton fr Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all mtortn -dUt 1 points via 11 a- 11. K. r , slv m .lo.iu, ii. r, p in , via LI , L. A W. R. R.,uW.ui. li.aia. in., Lai p.m. Leave scrantoi for Tunkhtnnock, Towani x, r.bniia. Ithaea, Geneva anil nil InMrnisditta o:n;s vu I). &H K R..l' n7 1. ni. liluand ll.)j p. 111.. via D, L. A' XV. R R.. XOt a m.. 1.1) p n. Leave Beranton for Kochsster, Buttalo, XL r.garn Palla, lictr-i!. Chicago and nllp.nts west vial) A II. R. R. aW ..m..l:i 10,'i.l.UI 8'. P. in. via I. L.A W. R. R. and PlttatOI Junction, sua am., 1X0 0.89 P. m, ViS B & W. R R. .' p. n . For Lhicra and th. we-t via Saliminoi. via l 1 II. a R U.o; a.m., 1; 10,0.16 p. m , via I) L. A W, 1! If.. ,a06a.m., 1 inr.d li.'J7 p m. I'll. Unas parlor and sleeping or L. V. chi!. caia ou all ra n h twseti L b. Junoilon or Wei.,'. Uarre and New York, Pniia.lelpHv leiiTal i nn I SiisiH.n-iou Bridir.' RULL1X II WlLllL-i;. tl,.,. Sunt. Div CHA8. S, L".E ian. Pas. Ag't, Phlla.Pi. A .xv KONNEMA0HBR.AsstOm.Paai Ag'u South Bclhlthera, Pa. OU PHICEB WILL I'LKASL VOL. WJJ AUL KP.i AILl.NU. The Scranton Bedding Co. COR, LACK A. AND ADAMS AVE& H.B. Pine I ibre is Tery nice for Sofa I' lion. Oalet li very aaant iieap. no. 4 Lr . HUM fll- DELAWARi: AMI HUD HON RAILROAD, .... ...... U lu,ll fill' 1 I trains 1,1 1 wjj a I Trains leave Bridge Street 6 CVfAaW 1 ' " ' mti ; foi P.tts wBfhm' x -. k 1 , ; , ,'i, IV.MII. III.. i. 01. 1. -'.. tax 4 in. .via, ai, au and 11 ai p m por New York and Phtla dell hia, suiu. m. l'.IO. :ai 686 4.10 and 11.00 p nt Por HoaseaaJe(from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), " ft). S.3J, U.UI a.m . IJ.iw m . J 17. Hip. m. For Carbotiaale and intermediate ftntlona 1 1". 7 f. s ;c. l. in . IBM in 1;. a 63,8 10. a '.'a and 0 3.'i p 111 . bridge street Dciwi, tOJ a. in.. 2.(7and II ifi p. m Past sxbrsei to Albany, Saratoga, the Adt romlack Mo iiitains, Beaton mid New Kugland point, 640 a m, anlv n: at Aldany 12.4.1 er6oga.B) p m, and leavlmi Scranton at .1 p m , arriving at Alhanv St 660 p tn., Sara toca. 12 66 a in . ami D iston, 1,00 a m Tli" onlv ihris'l rmite bstWesb the COS Held 4 and Boston "The Leadinn Tourists' Route of America to the Adirondack Mountain n nuts. Lakes Deorge and Chaiu;iabi, Montreal, etc Tim., tables shotstai M nl and through train sarvlca I eta cell rtatlons 011 all illvlnoiia Dcla .vine and 1, . - system, mav be pbt4UBed at all Delaware and Hudson ticket otllces. II. 44 TOUMO, J. XV BVHDICK, Keioiid Vice Pissldent. lieu. Pa4 Agt. DEVAi'J?' LACKAWANNA AND VMJSTEE RAI. RiiAI) I ralna leave Scranton as folloirs: Lxpreas foi New Y.-rk and all points K,t. 1.80. 2.SU, 6 Ic, S bi acd CaO a. in ; 18 6i and 3.50 p, m tipr.t.s fur Baaton, Trenton. PtiUaue'.phla and tbo South, 616, SOD and k.&u aul j W p. in Wohini;ton nnd way stations, 2 40 p m. lobyiianna accommodation. 6.10 p. m Kxpr as for Hinchamtou. Osweijo. Klmira Corning. Bath. DanavUle, Mount Morris and Buffah.. 12.111. 2 1.1 a. in. and 1 21 p. m.. inakiiik close connections at Buffalo to all points in th" west. Northwest nnd Southwes-. Buffalo accommodation. 8.01 a. m. Uiughaniton an J way stations. 1687 p. m. .Vn holson and wav statl .t.s. 646 p in. Iiinghainton and Eliulra Express, tl Oj p m Jxpress for Cortland. Syracuee. OaWSgO, I tica and Richflil.1 Springs, ilj a. rn. and 1.21 p. m Ithaca. 2.15 and Bit) a. m and 121 p. m. 1 or ..oitl'cmls'rlaiid.Pittaton, Wi.ites Barre. Plymouth. Blisimaburg and Danville, mak.ny; close conncstion. at jrorthumberland for Willlamaport, IIarni,burt. XVatn Ington and the fnlltu, Northumberland and intermediate stations. Oflii. 0.50 a. m and L60 and 007 p. m. Maatteok and ir.tennediat. statiora, P08 and 11 20 a. m Plvmcutb and mturmcdiata stetloua. 3A , and USs p. m l'nllman jiarlor and sleeping coaches on all egnrem trains. I or derailed Information, pocket t im 1 taMes, etc . apply to M. L Smith, city ticket ufflo, J Lackawanna avenue, or deia-t ticket office. ERIE AND WYOMUtQ VALLEY RAIL ROAD Train leave Beranton for New Y ork and in- tsrmsdiats points on tbe Krie raihsoad at ons a. m. and i.U p m Akto for Kawluy and local iiolnta at 11 ai. 666 and 664 p m. Train leavimr at 646 a. m and;) 24 pro. are through trams t., and from Honcedale. Trains leave ful IVilkca-Rarre at 0.4114s. in. and 3 41 p. in ;THE FROTH INGHAM SCRANTON. Pa nprNiNG P:iuoi:manck. Monday evening, y. a . SMITH RUSSELL APRIL WEATHER Tuesday Ercning. Xarcb A POOR RELATION J-RlCES-jm $1. 50c. C6C, Boxes, aeatinc nt persons t)2 eacfc : box.s: an '. .urej. Mating five persona tIO ea h B: ies, lo?es and choine Beats to b aoid St auction Thursday morning March 2." ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TBCBXSAT, mar. so. XR KI'r.GUNDFR exSl specivl a'tentionto tbe p-,.t ecu ymeni : the periormaace find the excellence of the entire companv. I DAKIU, FKOHJiAS'a LYCEUM COMEDY 22. Presenticg with special s -cnery and e.a'i irate detail aamc as slVen tor -.tic entire season m New York, tfardoa' Comedv, AMERICANS ABROAD : Maud Harrign. 1 H. Giimor-. iirtmde ! P.iveis. a h. P.. Ik. H?',e:i Kitinaird. Georg. Alhsnn. .lennie Owen Tsucett, l':.a Al i: Ir.a ri. k C. nger . Mary Eilu-tt . age. Alls ;!-, Gallat'n. Vaughn GlaH-r R J.mes. SPECIAL PRICKsi -Gallery, 25; Baloony,80 una ..i; urst ntx-r. is tx ;i . ni'uam'iin PIVlaiOM. In 4 ii. ci Jnaearr IBlh, IBOsts Monh HoniHt. Baulk iiuunii. a i - p .1 u vint an mio , y,,4 aos KA J Btatlous u P it 2 - M iTrnlns Dnlh , Kx- -. 2 ' ? ;-. i "pi KundS) I i' aiAiriye Leave 88 n v pranklln St. , in wet 4Xnd Rtreetj . i' Wechnnken I mAiiIm- LeaveU E. Robinson's Sons Lager Beer Brewery llanufacturers of ihe Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPA CITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, '2 immm XVeek commencing MONDAY. MAt;H -'X Mi 'N PAY", TI ESDAY AND WEDNESDAY", RenredttatstOa of the Grandest Scenic snd Sensational Drama Jcver presented at this hi a-, Under the Gaslight See the Wbatf Scene, the Railroad Scene and the Bowery Dance THI RSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Mr line Homer's Dramatization of Jules VoTBOU Great Story. Michael Strogoff I' H I. k 10 T II ?4a I ; n in 7 ON i' il 61 4'i ft) 4a 1141 ii n:, fn ss 0IN c ii All fit I'.l l I. 1 00 IS.V4, is r.'S i if 4; 1 .,'. el in is IK.1i v,,l 1 8611 4'1 .-. '.',' f 1 1 ia fx til ....I a tfu 1 1 tn Mill .'- 5 1 11 1 1 Vol Mitill '.''I n re tl 1 1 a a 1 1 1 1 4 .VU 14 4.V II .10 rs l.Tfi.w 0 10 4 Ml II (VV 1 IS Uuiicock .iiiiniion u no, 1 1 .1111- 'CI. '.1,111,' Preston I'nik (fonin rm nteUo DelnwBt Plansant ml I idnudalii 1 "i sol City I'm laindaie White Urldiin Mai Hi Id Jermvn Areliiliald Inlon Peckvllle (ih t'lianl Pleksou Tlllisip Pro Idsno 1 link PI SOS si 1 anion ; 5.1 SlXl ' M '! 11 v el 1 Sal I II 3 vi 8 AI 1 a ol .1 uu a iu :'. :n r m'. mU h Leave nro .... II IS .... i i ii I'M . .. 4 .... I S4.V . I'M .... li W . I to a a Tl 1 11 in T 3; ti Is 18 :ls ti m m m 1 1 43 Till II Ml .1 4,1 Tt nill'tl, I M T S in (ia. ;i s T 4S PI 10 .1 M T W 10 I8 4 04 T. 14 1017 4lT j M, Ml ) 4 ID a IM 10 1 4 14 HOttlOifl 4 17 s 0-. 111 no 1 j scu ADMISSION. 10.0 and SO TENTS PsriiM isaoes every afternoon, except More Cay and Vliurm'ays, a! 2.'. ant cverv even lnii al S 16 Doors open at l.;4U and T.CoP M. Bijou Theatre i WO FKRFORMANCES DAILY K.Kk COMMENCING. MARCH 27. Return of Scranton's Favorite, MISS FLORA STAMFORD IN TWO GREAT PLAYS. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. hvast Lyime FKday and Ssturdav. FACTORY GIRL rhose Two Great Play tvUI be elegaatlf staged and coatuiucd Admission, 10, 20, 30c. Dsns open at l.0 ami 7 Performance at (.60 and 616 V - Arrive a ka a r u All li niiiH i uti daily except Sunday. t signifies that trfdns stbo on sbrsU for naa. eencerH Additions trnins leave Csr bond sit M somn. (OX I. Iii ninl o.i.'i p. ui , arriving ut sciantou i sj i anil T.iio. Leave sci anton for t'.'irh nidule 0 ,V) and s sn i arriving ui rarbnidsle nt 7 ;10 und :i. t. p. in ii cure rati'H Ma Uninilo 4. Western before purchasing tirkeis ami aiivu money. Day and ISIDgt Ripri'SH tn the West J.C Andeisoii, tien. Pais Agt, T. rUtOroft, Dtv, l ass, Agt (ci union, P., What is Ploro Attractive Than a pretty faco v.lth n fresh, bright complexion? Por It, uso Pouonl's Powder. DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters (or everything In Ihs line or YVAK'tfl'X If yon have any Idea of purchasing anv kind of n Watch, iadv'sor gent's. Hold or Sllvor, 3'ou will make a grisr eus Mtttanit yimoonpt give ns n call ami get ear ptrlee, waten j4nn will find r belot all utnere, rtntSelally In, all th" high gradesof Klgln. Walthani and Hampden movements If you have any dOUbA and are at all potted on prices gun ua a eaa and v,a will barn no trouble in convincing you Wo still have a Ir.rgo st.s k to ataposa of, and vlll offer you won dcrltil itidiiis'tni.nts, in .lewclry, Silverware, Clock'i and alt vthcrsaoods which ate have in stock. C. W. Freeman I' uti'Ave. nud Sprucj St. MOOSIC POWDER CO tas 1 and 2 Commonweelth Mi BORAKTON, PA MINING and BLASTING POWDER iiade st the M009IO and HUSH 1 'A I . . WOKK3. Lifllin Al- Hnnd Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Battorlea, Fuses for exploJ ' ing blasts. Safety Fuse and KcpauooChcmical Co. a High Explosive