The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1894, Image 9

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c-tirrinK Recollections of Heroism
by Land and Sea.
utnbi.' contribution Prom Lieutenant
TlmrleH Given, Colonel LAWrenec
U'Kantuin. Cuutain lliii-r; Hamll
tun, John Water-. Mid Gen
ernl Wililntn H.l ov. by LIEl'T. CHARLES (;ivi:.
I have always believed that In ulose Sghtlng
one oould see whit the enemy was doing bet
ter than lit could what was going on among
the friends about him. The best opportunity
to sea what our own folks were i!,itijr was
who. a follow had a sick mil to the roar, and
the tendency that way was pretty Rtrong in
the tirs; light or two. in sotuHl bravery I
never could too any difference between the
man in blue sad the men in grey, for out
West, where I put in my time, the) were just
about the seme kind ol devil-may-care folk,
with the same kind or names and the naino
kind ol cuss word!),
But, as l was saylng,whenwe got closi up,
there was i: better ohanoe to see the Indlvldu
u! acts f the enemy than of ur own men, l
think the aurvivon of thi battle ol Corinth,
fought November S.I uud tth, l-W. will agree
1 was on the Varuna, commanded by Cap- to hold possession of the lower Mississippi,
lain iiogg in the Ml issippi. juei b itoro the determined to contest to the utmost the pas
capture ol New Orleans. We had a hoi birth sage ol the federals at Island Number Ton.
3b V
daring the bombardment of Fort st. Philip,
aud Oscar Denl was s powder boy. He said
h" wa Blstoen going on seventeen, but he
looked two years younger, indeed, I gut a
glimpse ol him just as 1 1 - flghl opened, and
1 thought what a pity it was that a gentle,
bandsomo looking lad like blm was not al
homo and at school. This I belioved to be fl
job for lull grown men, but bless you, that lad
Oscar Don! had In him the hoar! ota giant,
Wiu'ii the action was nt the hottest, I
hoard that boy shout and laugh us if he en
Joyed it. Hedld more In getting ammunition
to the gunners than any two others, and with
in an hour tli,' imoke and powder hod Moi '
ened him iill he looked liken darky.
I hoard Captain Boggs hail Oscar, as be
seemed to be getting away from his work, and
ask hi in : "where are you going, my lad':
The hoy replied " To get a passing-box, sir.
thoonje I had was smashod by a ball." And
he got another passing-box, and stood to his
post till the Varona wont down.
Wo had a swim ol It. many of us. and we
were picked up by boats Irom the other ships
and the few olourownboats that were savi J.
1 believed Oscar Dent wont down with the
-i :p. but just a-1 was feeling sorry for blm,
1 hoard a nheer from the water, and yro all
saw tho boy wimmlng f-i Captain bogg-.-boat
u few oars length away.
When ho was pulled on beard the Captain
asked him if he was hurt, and ho saluted,
laughed boylike, SO as to "how nil his white
tooth, and said :
No, sir. I report fit for duty, if you'll toll
mo what to do."
'! he Captain mad,' room, ami toU Oscar to
sit down beside him, and seeing this, the iur
vivors ol the old Varuna sent up a eheei tor
Captain Boggs and the hoy.
John 8. V.vtkks.
I nave alwai maintained that men, who
are sad ti be insensible t, (tar are not brave
men In the proper acceptation ol the term.
And that reminds me, that while I ha-ve heard
ol such men, 1 cannot recall over h iving met
In this work of resistance ;::ul obstruction
General Villepfyme was most energetic and
i nnsplcuoui, As a g moral o3ejr, be night. I
without laying himself open to the charge of
timidity, have bod his headquarters out .f
the line of lire, hut this would not suit hint
it would be like an Infidelity t., his creed. ;
Being within less than i: mile of the ene
my's battel it--, tin- tiom-ral's liei:dUartor.s,
Excitement Attending ii
bration in Europe.
M ,
rile Washing oi the Feet ol Thirteen
Poor Priests by the I'npr splendid.
Impressive Ceremonies of the
Spaniards hi range scene in
tu anil sunny Seville.
V: V:-
r..... aa..L XZe M
w Mr"
takes .luce a curious service, which i. known
j as that of the Monuments. Immense wooden
structures covered with stuff to represent
niarhlc are erected in every church M well as
the Cathedral, A consecrated host is d.
posited in each. The devout endeavour to
. I Km I , iv ' A-A " ,
t'!?t'ii ; ; f
V I. ivi ' 1 : i ' . i 1 -.Xsft' . 1
i? WW
vith uie in s.'.yi: ; li.-.l while it lasted it was
e of the fiercest battl is of the war. We had
dy twenty thousand men under Roseemn:,
had fully twice that force, but the dlsparitj
in numbers-was more than made u;i for on
the Union side, by the strength of ttr i
tion, and the faot that we fought on the de
fensive, behind good earth works. M ir
between native bor? Americans, Th B iwer
We bad ha i
third, eni ugh I
was present in
tract to seo ip ;
'.vjr .1.,.-.. -; t
large force, and with 'a eon
battery commander, ft the enemy could cap
ture this fort he wi old bav i the k s it Corinth
iu his list and he knes
i i;en'. i i
The artillei
I attack
fourth, ' fighting began, by
l:om the enemy, as if he was
hurry 1 1 tinisa the Job.
v.-itn tno nrsi - in itsn si . ai u it xs
psared. and every t lees f artillerythat .. .
be brought to bear on them opened, and si-;
thouiaud crouching men in blue began to
heard the bugles sounding the ad . ...
coarse orders of th oftlusrs, and the
Si., .caring yells of the men, as they rushed
forward at the abattls, It seamed imp
that a sparrow could By unhtt across that
obstruct. "ii and In the lace of that awful
I was in the forr working at a gun, and noting
the gaps, and the broken formation of the
men In gr,.-y a . ,h ly came nearei an i n n i
Btuoh as I wanted to see them batten, i feU
at the moment an Indescribable pride In ;ni.
iplendid and almost insane exhibition of
Nearer and nearer, but with decreasing
JUmbers they came, l'ar to tho reai the
charging column was broken and men by
twos, tens and loo res could u - n - urrying
to the protection of the standing timber. We
felt convinced by this time that the sssaull
had lost its danger, but tbo meh far to the
front, and 'dose up to the fort, did n; dream
thst their supports were gone, Cona tcuoui
am'ng these men in grey was an tfi-- r with
a heavy board. H carried in one band his
sword and in the other a flag, tlnii risking
himeeir particularly conspicuous. With less
than fifty men behind him, this daring officer
got free from thV obstructions. .. it! a
shout dashed ui the parapet, and there
planted his Hag.
It was only for an instant. A hundred
shrill voices shouted: "lJ..n't Bboot Him!'
but it was too late The rlflem n behind '
fired, and Colonel Rodgsrs of the Texas
brigade, the bravest man 1 hvi saw, fell dead '
on the remnant ,,f his t.itt-i- I ihj
Sl.'-ll lifter liof'li tie- ni.Mnv,..l '
pretty badly beaten, and iu appreciation of
his gallantry we buried Hi" Confederate
.olonel that evening in u special grave and
with the honors be deserved,
Cbaxubi onrtx.
roi.n Bi joics WATHWi
1 was a warrant ofOoer in the Savy, mol
of the time und'-r Kurragut, SO that I UW a
good deal of fighting, but when I was asked
to think of some particularly brave uct thut
Which were lua frame house near the river,
became a conspicuous target for the Federal
Every evening, from about an hour before
sun-down till dark, tho tiring became very
heavy, then it would cease till the following
One evening the General lent for mo, ami
while talking in his office, 'be uiuul practice
beg in goon a ten-Inch shed came snsblng
through the building, and 1 leaped to m
"General," 1 said: "I don't enjoy this: if
veil will kindly llulsh the interview I will get
back io my camp. I Is not so trying on the
nerves there"
Without changing a muscls, the Qenaril
blew out a cloud of smoke, and said, as a
matter of course :
"Oh, thai - nothing, Colonel: if u shell Is
one., Borne men have more self-conunaud destined to hit you to-day, it will And you In
thau others, and so can disguise their feel-1 camp al well as here."
ings, bur it Is entirely unnatural to say that I replied that, all the same. ! preferred its
an) nun iu full strength and health could finding me; In camp. Wo soou finished our
race Instant death unmoved, or if there ever butlnesi, but not till two more shells had
siu h a man. it Is sale to say there was a ' gone screeching a few feet away, then I hur
: Set 111 his tn uttal make-up, rid baok to camp, leaving the imperturbaole
a lot of new reglmeuts Joined us In the) officer still placidly smoking,
Kentucky campaign again s; Bragg, In Sep- Lawrence 0. Bamtpit.
tember, IS82. We veterans i ; a year or more
were Inclined i iauirti at the green men. all '
' 11 '': ss mi as i in Ivi s who had on ,.,. .... .,..,..
101 I! in QMU$h , K. cox.
Mner . ., j , . .... ,j:v To -ingle out one from among tho vast
. , numb t with whom I was associated, and
who. into aarsnui ney, could bo justly
styled, th- bravest ol the brave night be in-
vldlous 11 not unjust. Then among the sur-
; vivors of thoa.' who so freely offered up their
young lives us a holocaust upon their country's
altar, these hallowed memories are now their
proudeit heritage, and arc cherished with
even Eastern devotion.
among the volunteer soldiers ol either army
oi our country, of one origin and with com
mon aspirations, bravery was the rule and
cowardice the exception,
i Therefore, while disclaiming auy purpose
I making unjust comparisons I venture to
ebri lulclo the act i ol a private soldier belong
n to my regiment, (8nd North Carolina State
troops, i with which l am tctaillar.
; Voting Barnes, of Wilson County, at the
first call by the Sovornor of his state for vol
unteers, though hardly eighteen years of age,
.promptly enlisted for tho war. Ho was a
l 0 irly handsome youth, tall, erect, with
ruddy cheeks, brown hair, hazel eyes, and
fair - a woman, His grave manner, earnest
ness oi purpose, and soldierly bearing early
ut.i .; ted attention. A country youth, he had
been denied the benefits ol any education
'save that of tho most elementary character:
j This defect stood as a bar to promotion, not-
withstanding hi - recognised gallantry and the
severe wounds which bo received iu the very
trout of hit command.
The most dangerous post in any army dur
ing a battle is that ol color or Hag-bearer,
. The tla? . in drill or in battle, u used for pur
I poses of alignment as well as a signal ,,
victory or defeat. Its 'loss may not only
ai hi! enlor by throw the troops into confusion, but .in any
introduction he '' 1,1 tompanlid with a sense oi' humilia
tion; hone, tno heaviest Are is concent rated
upon tho part ol the line where it la seen and
the mo-; dcadiy struggles t".ko place for its
retention and its possession.
Tho authorities at Richmond, recognizing
the importance ol the poaitlon) and danger
that accompanied i;. made it u subject of
It was tlie night b fore Perryvllle; it was'
dry. i was acting temporarily on the etaft of
with a y6uhg officer of thi Thlrty'-thlrd Ohio,
whom I shall call Oordon though that xrn
not his name. He was a strikingly handsome
fellow,-fresh from college and. as i eouM see
by in; smooth fair face, not at oil sure of
G ns regiment wa in Sill's brigade.
Biver, and I tool: an order there jujt -on the
eve of the iigut. Although about My 'own
LOSDOK, ttarch IO. People In, America
have a very taint realisation of the excite
ment attending the celebration bl Holy Week
lafiurope. This name i. given to the lust
week of Lent, closing with Easter Sunday
and beginning with :'aliiii;::duy. It 1 also
Called l'assioti Week, though tho Roman and
Oreok uhurohes apply that mime, to the pie
ceding week, commencing with Passion Sun
day. In all the Anglican, Greek and Roniui.
churches, the Easter season is one of joy, of
religious feeling, of freedom from the re
straints ,,r the pre odlng forty days ol Lent.
While in America. Christmas-tldo has prece-
iletiei, il, o.ioilhi,' e iih' uimiuii ,.f 1...
tivltv. in Europe the season of' Easter is ex-1 u"b'n '""
alted over all other fusts mid feasts. The
greater number ol Protestant churches do
not celebrate this week, but its observance Is
Com aenolng With Palm Sunday, in which
pnlm branches are blessed and borne In pro-
en by the people,, to symbolise the ever
living Life, it i-- designed to eommimoratl
that day when the people cast pulm branches
in tlie way of Christ, as he entered into Jeru
salem. The business of furnishing thee
palm branches at Homo is held by the de
scendants ,,I that sailor, Breica of San Remo,
who cried out, "Wet the ropes," as tho obe
lisk in front of St. Peter's was being raised.
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the
(Ol darkening of the churches to
the darkness o the crucifixion), Is
A huge candelabra, bearing fifteen
Imposed in the form of a triangle.
Seating Christ, his apostles, and the
who foretold his coining, is lighted.
psuhns arc sung, the tapers are ex
d one by one, until the topmost one,
representing Christ, only remains. Then tins
is taken down and carried behind the altar.
during tho Miserere, after which It is putK
noes in ii - piece, io signny ue temporary
withdrawing of Christ's light. Thursday be
ing tho anniversary of the c-tabllshment of
the eucharist, and of the priesthood of tho
new law. is distinguished by two ceremonies
of great Significance, which take place at tho
solemn mass in cathedral- churches. Tic
first is the consecration by the bishop, as-
What Really Caused the Cana
dian's Financial Downfall.
ering 141 -i Bntirprlsos in Wkleb
He Was at one Time interested
Ills Capacity tor Work.
The insiuc siory ol Erastus Wiinan's flnan-
ivndered. Imagine an audience of 15,000 or
-0,000 souls packtd into the limits of this
vast cathedral, wrapped in the densest gloom
save for .. fow flickering candles about the
altar, no one ibil to move a step in any diree
tton, yet standing with sublime patience from
sundown to lo o'clock, llofore the Miserere,
the Lamentations of Jeremiah are chanted
loran hour, while theoondlesol tim Tenibm,
representing the hours that ''hrist wasbnthll
oroas, are slowly extinguished, one by one
At lasi, only one slender blaze is left, the white
flume of tbl Kftry candle, which must bum
continually. This at lalt is homo away in!
So!em:i procession and deposited before the
altar. Then bursts forth the tender and !
solemn harmonies bt the Miserere. A chorus I
of Wi voices, and an orchestra of 100 pieces,!
interurct the reuuisiio music done hv a notml
Soan lib composer, a priest named Esclavi. I "r0- SbOUt a year ago, hil assets vrere re
Again It Is eung on Thursdnv evening. ported to be sutlicieiit to meet his liabilities
Oft Holy Ttiursday and Good Friday there W he stepped i mt of the
platform, hour ufter hour, Erastus TViman
managed tho gnat agency with case and with
'i qUtOSniSI of comprehension and a rapid
grasp of situations that werotruly marvelous.
I Ho disposed ,,f business In a day that even
noted merchants and prominent linuneiern
could not have handled in a week. Tho mall
I "f toe Arm and his private mail, which was
! almost an heavy, were taken upandanswered
w .,.. . 'Ike 9 flash. Ho could dictate two different
?harMtf' ronndBIraa utter, on two dlff rent sueta totwoZ
neatly unci iiiiimil.lMciii r Bcuitd- ! ,. - IM III II,,. mime Uma ---
w I - " ..i.i ui XOLiei
j would ho concise, well worded and cover al,
that needed to bo written. It was a sight v
eethli fnon at work,
j Vet this keen, shrowd, unusually intelligea
I business man, who built up an enormoir. con
tal troubles has not been told. When ho XZ. ZZ ' .L" nWu,W
v.... ,w ,,-asy firey, 01 till;
ubiqultoui crank. For several years. Mr.
; Wimun daVOtad an hour in the middle of the
of R. U. Liun ,V Co., overwhelm".! with peci;-
niary burdens. Mr. Dan gave blmacltanblll
of health. He said Mr. Wlrnan left the linn
without tarnlih. That should be remembered
in tho light of recent events. Whatever may
bo (he cause for the serious charges 'Xmcht
br. at he u i, ravoi bofoMauih anl, i, against the famous Canadian, and icli
altar, once in the forty-eight houis. J'nttad In his Indictment, I hero welV charge
whole is brilliantly illuminated with five rPtttri nen man tbat made the great
no hundred and "IW ,MPPM '"wn and out.
sixty silver lumps. t-rastus Miinan is a remarkable man. No
From Monday lo Friday, curious process-1 malur criunnal litigation may tern
,,v 1'IU" to outsiders. Then came the crnnk or
rather t hi aggregation of cranks. There was a
long bench outside the railing, and on this
they grouped themselves. They went Inside in
tie- order of their arrival, except where Borne
more favored inventor, who had been there
before, was called to enter out of his turn.
Tin- Msunohausen tales that W'iman heard
very .lay would have set most men crazy,
Be enjoyed thim, The gr eater the fairy story,
ions, known as cofi-aiiias, pass through fte'ns, the career of the Toronto nawiboy n
streets every day, twenty-three In all. T)ley always ivmuni intrestjng and pictm-.-s.pi..
consist of one or two jncos or wooden statues !H,;wus "! ""' mHrt t1")'"" and sanguine
of the Virgin Mary, the crucified Saviour tho '. temptrameni from childhood. Ho always
two thieves, etc., mounted on wooden pint-
forms, borne by men carcfullv eon.-i aleil.
!They are Intended to depict Kines in the
life of Chrilt Theu follow long lines ofj
military, attired as Roman soldiers, or n
concourse of NwmiH in sackcloth audi
ash. s. The efflglliol the Virgin Mury arel
draped Iu very costly robes, being princ!-!
f velvet, stilt and crusted with gold
saw tbo sunrise and fin- midday orb of jg,t.
He never looked for -uns.-t nor thought of
the night. Ambition ruled his nature, it!
was not a mercenary ambition. He never
aspired for wealth, simply for the pleasure of'
amaaBlnirand nrmwrvinipn f.irtnm. hma
point of view of the ordinary mortal, Wimun
made a score ol fortunes n Us manv years
But his money Sew from him as fust us f
and repr
Wliih- th
tk. BlW toward him. He manufactured the wing-
last with whloh his wealth took Bight, Hla eon-
stunt thought was t ) be lam., us as u bene
'the man with a
uiai suver emoroiiiery. costing up int.
thousands of dollars. The processions
all .-light, and the streets are as full of specta
tors al iu tlie daytime. These cqhuffas ate
viewed by the rich people from boxes and
seats erected in front of the townhall,
Almost every nation is represented, aud
squads of eabeUirot, offlceri, etc. fill up uud
down uu itrnti
on Baturday mornmg. an immense btook wu, cmmeromi ncs oetween caneai pleaded immediate poverty, out would come
veil, that all tlie week has hid the reredos, i M,i tbis !'-"'lry wa-- u striking samplH ,f the the check bookorarollofblllB.and the patent
an emblem of the darkness that envelope-.! i "' nnibltlon, It Ii safe to lay that or them del or the sample ore would remain
tlie earth during the disappearance oi Chrilt I ETMtUS W'iman luis spent a fortune in behalf ' on deposit Until a f Urthei conversation took
Is suddenly rent apart, amid the thundering r mmerolal union. He traveled far and place.
echoes aliove. Immediately the 'Ji bells cf 1 near to preach the doctrine. He poured cut. It is the plain truth to say that Erastus
the city awake, and fill the air with soum!. : """' o obuin toots and furnish literature "(Viniiin was ruined flnonolally by the crank.
This Is taken up by the bells of the 140 " Tl"-' H'-' allowed himself to be He is a conspicuous victim of'tbe crank s in-
cnurede;, uutil Hie whole air trembles with a mukQ" "J ,n" KWDyiKI in Ma-hiri?ton. in the fluence. Not that lie helped every cran
vibratory eartljquako. Cannons and guns are U J1 1 TOUrlui legislation mat would lie,p , .mbraeed every project that wa
uvwauieuuj oenein nianicii.i!. not tin r.ii. r i . ,,t ;t lw ,m.,i.ii n
in the usual charitable and philanthropic I was ueviroross or abrupt Re was a splendid
sense, but by the introduction of some practi-. listen. ,-. If the scheme struck him as worth
chI Invention, the construction of some great considering, and t,0 many schemes struck
highway or the cheapening of the naeesssry bin, that way, be nude another appointment
to get good view I of the ownoui.ies oi meior tne masses. 1 lithe crenk had a patent or a model or some
nis earnest ana ontnuiiaitio effort to brhv- or,., .,r wnatever it ,-Meht . r.-itt, hi.,.
llred.and each individual Immaii unit, who ,'-' "" 111 -' I'u"'- ' "r "v-rHi years h arose If he bad, his failure would have been ,..
s sreo ,,v iTeive or - sis. ii mil sice-.iora . . i- .o, .... ...... .
,-ostiinv.' of the oils used in thi nrfmlnlatM nM my means for .-uakunr a noise, contrib-, "oursoi uieniorinng aim nictated nounc-.j several years sooner. Many of the
cosmmes, oi me oiia uaeu in uie aaminilirs 1 ui. u -i T . 'i ... J articles to feroor.,r,v,r o, a i.. , , . ..
. io i.. ... o-;, i-naie. nis one upneavai Oil j -.wr-w. - .-.v, v, ..-uvliui snuu, u.llg uio woro lor mo moment in
discords. inov.n, as ne cspreseeu it. - tne curbed wire a more eommendabie way, had reallv praise-
Tliere are many strange customs Which I,nco ll!at dlv!us ,ho Dominion from the worthy projects. Some of them were pro
are observed in various portions of Eurona United State." Night after night he appear :d motors who had shoved their cranks to tb
pestered villages, that i uuuru J"-vriJ'i nI Jrade In the leading I baclcground and Were eoting as special attor-
ure mere survivals of the Middle Ages. One r ' wiempiw to orotic an lnteres: ,it . neyi. Mr. Ilimau onoe told tho writer that
very ancient one. was that of putting out
all the household fires, and rallshtlne th,.m
on BOIter eve, Irom tho sacred flints. In u" 1 ,Iul " reuon iieiiev.;r saved ; disc .very of tne hundred and first crank. It
Ireland even now, children and the more wmw h9 acquired. Thousands of dollar was probably a crank, again meaning no dis-
lgnorant rise early on Easter morning, to: 1 r,,r lu 81 uu la lnecentrai .xationai and . respect in the use of the word, thut first
see the 6un dance for joy.
ui an countries o. tue eartli. null IS Is the , eaten- mu.n s uiieiH.on. rue vanauiau uia.Je u
one where Easter is celebrated with the
greatest ceremony and with evidences of re-
v '' .'J - vHt' -
tion oi tho sacrunients, etc. The next is the
washing of feet of twelve poor persons, while
the choir sings st John's "Jfandaltmi
.,..,,, M Thla ,1,. lo Innm U...l,
Thursdav, us Lmskcts or muunds of food are D''-na-vs u,,'d
brought for distribution lo the poor. In
Rome, tbe Pope washes the feet of thirteen
poor priests, iu memory of the apostles. In
cluding St. Paul. While the duria in tu'eki
is being chanted on this day. the bells sud
denly breakout in joyful peals, aud then re
main silent, until the mass ,,f Holy Saturday
when the Gloria is chanted.
On Qood Friday which Americans will re
member as tiie anniversary ol Lincoln's
death, the altar n stripped, to signify tbe
desolation of the church
joicins from czar to peasant. Everv
the prophecies per- "IT Z "TTS . l, ?73Z , T
taining to Christ s sufferings, the passion otT.A - 7 t ne "
St. John ore Stu, and the procession pro-'SCU 'fd' ,Evin. pero' meets
ceedi to the sepiilelnv. whence the host U ' MeM l?1' Tt ls
brought back, and offered to the people for r"tC';ia,,0nS U "QTi 8,1r,rt ' ke than
n,f.r.,ti,,n and flonanrnM hv tl,. nfflln- WuW bs I"' 1,1 Enghmd or America.
oJIcer. On Saturday, the servietl begin by
the blessing of 'lie "new lire," obtained from '
nis ttieorj. j ne entertained a hundred cranks in orJer to
rtuoBuwaniea money tor the good becoulo get at the valuable invention or the promising
j nai is in
i w ei e io niscreuit in tne Central National and . respect in the use of tbe word, that
tunemieoi nanks many a time, but of all tt'St brought the automatic Weighing machine tc
, ue ootaineu. only nis real estate on Btaten Wimani attention. The Canauian made
i Island and hil intere-t in the electric light pile of money out of it. and is still doubtless
plant at 8t. Oeorge. remained when the down- j receiving a rovaitv. unlesi he distosjd of his
Two Michigan farm boys brought
sTRfcK llE HEr.E.
Gordon regardi
many years. After
ihi iwed a great anxiety to learn what a man s
feelings were in battle, and II I had ever seen
any man run who afterwards turned out to be
liy tlie light ..f the camp-fire I could see
vous. and 1 understood Iris feelings perfectly,
tried to impr a him with tho beliel tlir.t
though I muit confess this was not my own
tvrryiille was a fig
cimilatio.i by creating too offleu of ensign,
with tie. rank of lieudbiiuit aid directed that
the bravest and most approved soldiers
should be selected to (HI tbe office. By com-
The won consent Private Barnes wus accorded
i exl mo i . .. , iroi ... ids .,i :!... I ii-.., ., ..... .a-- nigu itistiiic.e.n ny in
ly saw Gordon, and i made up my mind that
i- was going to show the white feather. He
- iked like a eh lit, and, tnero was tt look oi
..-.voii anxiety in his eyes. The regiment was
posted behind a stone fence, and the young
man was repeatedly sick at the stomach,
'i h i or four regiments, amongst n i Gor
don'!, were ordered down to Chaplin Creek
to dislodge tl- enemy, and to hold the
strentd, for our men were famishing for
la the a tvanct Gordon acted IlKe a drunken
man. and as I watched liim out of igl.t. I ex
ile hign dlitlnction by hii commanding ora
in as worthy of this promotion. Ho was
already a vet ran in lervil . as his scars and
,-. iundi attoated, though still a man .uth.
Phi battle of Chancellortvlllewas fought on
a beautiful Sabbath. On tho preceding day
there were many troops hotly engaged, yet
ti.- decisive .buttle was on that beautiful Sun
da;, iu May.
My command wa to the right of the Chan
etllorsvlUe House. At the early dawn we
v. -r moving into action, and after driving
Uhe ehemy from seveal breastworks in our
!fron, imd broken their lines though taey
cdntecratsd tfint-- and steel which are kept In
the churches. The Hint symbolize Christ
our Rook, uud the lire the Holy Ghost. The
clergy return i.i procession singing tho Lit
any of the saints, and the joyous mass. -,VitL
Its Alleluias, a foretaste ol the resurrection.
iu Paris, especially, and at most of the
European capitals, the fashionable women
appear iu full mourning. Great requiem
masses ore produced tor the tir-t time, and
solemn and splendid procession-; and services
prove tho steadfastness of Christ' followers
on ourth. Russia, as one writer expresses II
is turned Into a vait oomp-moetlng.
In Spain, for Instance, which is the most
intensely Catholic country of tho world, tberc
aremany customs observed, with on intensity.
a ' 'religious abandon, that can be loiind
nowhere else. In Seville, Bpain, for exac
the customs f .'oo years ago in the aslebrti
of Holy Week nresUI preserved. Thousands
of foreigners, especially since the eeromi nies
at RotSQ have been clipped of their Importance
and the pcpal seclusion, goto Seville i..s.c
the'e ceremonies in their original form. The
devotional spirit prevails among all classes
to an extent that impresses tho strange
sLrongly. By Good Friday, it reaches its
height, than gradually relaxes until
building in rt. Tetcrsburc. and every other
town are decked with flag-, and the White,
green and red of tho national banners flash
and wave all along the strei-ts. In all the
hako shops and confectioners' window:
gorgeous with gilt and gingerbread work
the Easter toys and offerings attiact crowds
of not only eager boys and girts, but ot
grown people us well. Curious confection
ery, iu which the Easter egg is conspiououl,
1111 the eye of childhood, along with the
SUriOUl compound called the palhka, with
Which all tho orthodox break their fat in
tlie morning. It Is white, made of sour
cream and speckled with raisins.
I The streets are packed with the throngs
i that gathc:- and Increoio as midnight ap
proaches, Tho Kavikl Prospect, brilliant
with its rows of electric lights, Itretchce
1 w
the cyclone pulveriser to tbe manager of the
commercial agency. He sold the foreign pat
ents for a fat figure, but sunk SI 00.000 in
trying to make the machine a success in this
country. In the boo'.:. "Clin nces of Success."
that lie published a few months ago. he tells
the manner in which ninny good things came
to hiiu.
But his ambition was unbounded whin it
-ii- uld have been held in check. He took up
po many things ut once. Even with his
vol us capacity for work, and beginning
ins day as he did, ut live o clock in the morn
ing, and keeping it up until f-ix in the even
ing. In- could not keep up With the procession
of cranks. He was a great promoter. When
be set ..ii! to get money or push a project, be
rarely failed. But he spent his own monav
! too often, when hlibralm L-bou!d haw been
j his contribution and some one else should
I have furnished tbe capital. Tbe mercenary
inventor or eraf
v oro
bled Wlman
"t.'e'for miM lhr'-'"sl1 the oity, crowded thm might havo
.tloni'r1" ? "I? wit" -r:';--"lliaifncreo! s.i!;
drosh'cis and pedestrians. Kaan
Iral und the Cathedral of St. Isaac-,
the northern rival of the great Roman
church, an the molt attractive points. At
! the latter, admission can only be gained by
I favor, and liencath its golden dome that
shines conspicuously afar above St. Peters
burg, tner.' is a crowd of the nobility, the
peetsd to mm fall, bul he kept on with position on our Hunks, thus expos-
tho lino, i saw him again the next morning. 'au "'v toadlrect, hut likewise to a
He was on a nrei iher, with a bnili I wound In 6Vew infllade fire fr-: i the right. In tjls
ids rigin breast, if recognised me und was ! W ly angle the struggle oecame so delpei
Iu response to my " neiore xne oncm; was niiioageu, inat I
witii a smiij to hi: : '"" ".on the Heltl half of my men, while not
It itruot me hire, tMttheitteofaraan'iahnbnf haa'bneor
fall came. Even the Staten Island land wa
accumulated for tho purpose of disposing I
It in lotsto t: en . . sinali means. in onl. : tl ..:
homes of their own and a
to which thev held the ; ; .
isionaryasmc - memi may nan noen, tt was
Conceived with the best of objects in view, and
ol late it to .k c USl prominence in vTiman I
mind With hil plan for improving tho finan
cial and commercial prospects ol Canada.
Tl,., lin, 1-MwfWll T-Ms,,... IV:
...V- HWNIVHtl ,,.(111 ,'l MHtlll ,f 1IUUI1 I
was cat.-.-ti ot me iiiueiuiiaoie iHaisu.
for humanity, Let credit be given whin
i-. tlue. It will be fashionable, for 1
awhile, at least, to decry what Wlman did
.Hid tried to do. If h' should be ee,.
mud will be thrown over tbe numerous en-
uiujuvtj tiiut tn." icsi.K.'e,Hi.Hnv oi me nuiBUU 1 credit
aftomooa Of Easter Sunday, when the bull-; u' ,." "T , a'
fight season is indurated amid general re- nM" "n ,ha' rtMld' 1 taW"-1 ' !
iXinn, and the warm AndilOShin nature " ?2 "";T"' p,5tnw! PWM8o
L ....... . . . . i.of.t in tneii-.e. ii c t ne. esc . ...... ... , . . . ... ,
give-useii up ,o .-very species oi inn and, , ' ,, . larprwea irtgtnaiea ana pusnea, i; nei
gayety known among men. ! , " .
on Palm Sunday, -vcrvbtHlv goes to hear, .. "'""-".""'.-"" r,Bnuy uro-1 ntold In his praise, again tbe statement ii
the Passion se. vice ehented by three priests I u-f'"-" Kl" '"' omeUmil repeat repented, that Mr. Win, in became a Una ncial
i i : L . ... ..... . , tn
III .1 oi.oi.utie luniiovi . oeittceil lUeUilill all"!
uiireiy ame to - as,
question, he pointed
breast and taipsd i 1
' Of fellow, he wanted m,. to know he Wat
hit In front. Hi n vend from nis wound
moremnrkiol the deadly .-.inflict m which
w... engaged, for not only bullets, but grape
and subsequently served with distinction, ,0Tal 1 ""' "en employed.
but I regard his going Into that Perryville' Itwasherethe subject Of this sketch gave
light at all as a splendid exhibition of trttll "P young life under the molt heroic clr
lurage, for he felt sure l,.. waa going to I CUmatances. From the commencement of the
Hatai BaxttTOK,
" i nEror.T foii iutt."
I had witiic ssed, I must confess the question
struck me like a conundrum of the RSavlllI
eiilibre. At first I thought of the old Admiral
himself, lashed to the shrouds of the Hart
ford in tho battle with the Ironclads and forts
in Mobile Bay, hut then every one has heard
of thut. Everybody, however, hattl lienrd cf
Oscar Dent, and so I'll spin this yarn
blinding nrothoiyeS f bit command iad reef
ed upon blm." Hoiu.y, defiantly, proudly he
pp sS,., on w-ith the r n of 8t. Andrews (ottt
battle flag., Waving above n, until n'l of the
color guard wen either killed , i disabled by
wounds, yet he yielded no; hrt parpOSl to
carry In triumph ut the cost of his llfl this
guerdon ol victory-, He knew that the f,ug
iniHi float m the eyei i hla corariuel, and
deliberately, fearlesi y and heroically he giti
up his life to a sense of duty. linfni-f, tietie-t, t ,l, , -111.,.,.
A V. 1-: ... . , " ' r T
,..., ... ..... , i. Tiqpnia, i mil v,e Know ' f,,,j h. ,ved
,,v. .,. in- e.,,oe- on, iii e iiuu the fi oin. I
iuihui .o.uii hi kiiicii iiiey wclc ell -' th'il hil
W"" foe
, sun,., mm, i- -tan. oi inc nsroi lighting 1 owln- wt hl) frnm
hi iniii.w, i in i gut itno i,,.,,i 'iaii:i. nil. 'thr
ouisioe oi army reports. I nafaasen nothing
that attempts to given thorough account of
thl lighting along Hi Mislsslp1t. from 0o
WI It i: , OL. I tMlilM 1 O. Rt.
There have been many worl:. written on
'I;., war, but there nre c?.n.;,aigns and lints of
desperate fighting tliat ."-em to ImVI entirely
escaped the ajtataflori of tin. historian.
Writers frohj tin. North and South have
made us btnjliar with fhn doing: (or four
years of the Army of th- Potomac and the
tn cbi 'i -; tue m ot beautiful Gothic catlie-'
- .r m
A r -;tx w ir i
1 . - Ml l -
i lore,, oigreai .-an,,,. ,,,, ,,., women acquitted, this lit. le Itory will spread and he
i ki
peration. Handsomi young guards
men in whtti uniform, stand up iu a long
Ii',-. The cathedral ,s but dimly lighted, to
allgun tha darkness ol the tomb, but even
tl... tuckering tapers, the ahrentlo and
clioioratc proportions of jthc chuieli ON
visible, and here and there one can see the
gorgeous splendor nf the ornamentation.
Then comes the representation of the
Esster dawn, just us the hour of midnight il
icachcd. Thi candles are lighted and as by
magic, out flashes the glory of the great
cathedral; pillar . i green maloohito sup
porting the screen, th,. blue columns or !a:nr.
lazuli on cither sid.- of the gilded gates, that
concealed tne nitar
dally, while the latter was accomplishing
what tho inventor and the broker never
could have done. Just think of the big on
t orprlses he was conducting at one time, say
lis yean ago! He was managing P,. 0, Dun
.'. i'o. He Was lighting n doxen bat I lea on
E aten Island. He was trying to get the Baltl
:.. ire and Ol..-' railroad to come over the
I ridge that Wiman, at a frightful cost, got
' ' ;.. sanction, and Robert Garrett to
' build from NVw .Jersey to the Island. He was
producing "Kero" and tbe -Fail of Babylon"
(iis.rgc: t unning a base-ball team, and
backing up BufYalo Hill and Ins Indians. He
was trying to furnish S.aten Island with elec
tric ligjit and electric power. He was presi
dent, and the sole responsible head, of tho
Cyclone Pulverizing Co., with headquarters
in Philadelphia, of a company that extracted
iron from the ore by a mechanical process,
wreck, temporarily at least, because of hil
constant desire to accomplish lomethlns
practical for his fellow men. That lie want, i
to amass wealth ia this attempt is not de
nied. He always laid he was in search , f
gold. But he wanted to make money from
om project In order to spend it in mother.
His history provei this. Five years ngo. or
possibly six. he muil have been worth in 1
quick assets, nt least half a trillion dol in
Staten Island Mai eatatl not included in
the inventory. He could have stopp id me !
dltng with schemes, lived handsomely on hit
inri A'JA
1 sv-- mri
i ' i A I nm
- vw
lumbUI, Ki litucky. to the fall of Memphis In I
During this campaign l served undirQin-
iralJon P. yilliplgpej who, though he sub
sequently dropped OUt of sight. Wal as gal
lant u man as ever wore u sword or sat on
I have sometimes thought that Oeiieial
'iillepigtif's courage was of ihn chara -tcr tlmt
ilistingiilshed Him followers ol Muhomet. He
evidently believed in destiny, and that It was
folly for a man to attempt to avoid the Inev
itable. This Is, I think, clearly shown by the
following Incident:
After the fall of F,.rt Donolson, on (he
Cumberland, forced the evacuation of Qohra
bus, Kentucky the Southern forces, in ordi
w.-il na-! while orbislni to
fell inor! illy teoundfd. 'I he fear
I rs might full into the bands ottfii
nei ved Ins dying hands and while his life
lu slr.fT,
rust It in hlsbosnni. crimsoned With the life
bio id that was gushing Ir-un the wound,
turned over mi his face and heroically fell
asleep upon nil Hug.
All thi.-. wai donl byu n ivatc, of humble
position in life, with no property to defend,
save bis rights as ., man. His was a soul it's
noble and grand as that of a Eayard or a
Nelson. or other heroes w nose deeds of fume
ere imblaaoBed on the pages of history.
W. 11. Cox,
AT Tun
Irnl in Htlfrone. Tiiese prieltl are speciully i n,
lorn an mneria rrntm
lor the great mosala pictuns, Jesus of incomoni managing partner in tin- 11 f
Katanth and the Mother Mary with bet R- O. Dun Co., and allowed tbe half million
child, colossal haloed smnts, among them St. lo double Itaolt, Bul he didn't do
- - -
by a great burst of .one, thee.v.jr. v, n eh ' ,:;lVl' 111 ' PMtn 1 1 Impression that lie Wll
si.i, ids before the altar, arrayed u, blui.r.n, I a wild speculator und wasn't atunding to
yellow vest menu. The gales open, and bu.;iness. rnd then enme the crash.
u -v. .ii.i tne iteaoygian ot the eandlei, and . Kattirally, hit ambition to maki a name f.
...o ut uaivve toe ww in tue easicrn
Christ: and a thrnl oflov nu rhiemi i, sL1 permit the public to share in his discoveries, along thi Rill von Kill, and of a cold storage
of n pain) company at BoQBton, X. J., that
,j. . iiit.uv nee iuuc.t tt piiim om oi paiveruea
himself in new llehls and at t!i same time iron "'"S- - a company that made brick down
midl V.'iman n f-ilr target tor the crank. He '"''era
A reward nf $.1(111 has been offered for a
good national song to take the place of Hail
Columbia, Yankee Doodle und the Star
Spangled Bonuir. Such songs ure never
written to order, or in competition for priry.
Tin- chances areive shall have to put up witli
the Old songs. They are quite good enough
tor. moat ot u
trained, and arc respectively tenor, bass and
counter tenor, tbo first bhanttng thi narrative
wi'.iiout change of the kiynots. When he
otne.-. so the words nt the others, the l ass
sing In n deep, resonant votoa, with rich
tbnas, t(e wOrdl of the Saviour, while tho
counter tenor Impersonates tl,.. Inferior
Characters, and the multitude are Imperson
ated by ii band :' thuiloatti within the choir,
Theeltect of this musical dialogue, Ii Inde
Krlbable. It II repeated every day till
Thursday. On Passion Wednesday n while
vclleonctialsthcclergyiluringmass. On reach
ing the words: "The veil of the temple was
rent in twain, the-vtjll liofore the priests Is
split from top to bottom , amid the thundering
explosions of powder in the lofty galleries,
which symbolise the earthquake that accom
panied the rending of the veil of the Temple.
On Wednesday evniug, the Miserere Is
crowd, I hen till gates close again, and II,
singing continue! while u procession ol
banm i-s, presided by an antique limp and
cross, pass down thsunvc to tho further ond
"I thu .-lull oil . Thev bo down tha e illioilnil
then paM around It, asking everywheto, faoit alwaya got an audlenci, Thi lialt-cnay
-Have you seen Him.' Have you seen Hint Inventor, who worried v. all itreet and got no
with a "ort .,f , Iranian., action. At length hearing, finally learned ot Wlman, ami m.-t
a. ,i here. He ia risen !" and th- sudden out- WPW W IPIIgatatiOll 01 eranits that us- in
to! sound is the .-land .'h-ir i l-nnl'ii- bled in front oi the big loom, covering an en-
tire floor, from tiny t.. day, at 9U Broadway,
Iu N. w York, near tha Brooklyn
was the friend of the crank. Themahwitha oriage. He was intinsted, and where he
scheme in tho Weal who was told ..i Wlman I was interested it meant be was active, in a
brought his pel prcjeol to New York and
the anthem of the "P.,- urn tion ' in i. olv
Then follow marchings and countermarch
ings. chant", and responses. TnlOcomeiCl
gorgeous procession nf ecclesiastics, Swing
ing smoking centers and bearing eandlei I !
numorabll. Nearly every per-oti in the
. sthedral Inisa white taper, and at the pro m
time with one accord the iapers are lighted,
until tin vast couron is op uudulating sea of
light, above which thi dim smoke of tbe in
cense hovers like an BUtUmn midlt.
The first jrt Is over at two ,. etoek in the
where W'linnn's offlcS win. On a slight p'ut
fonu. with a railing to separate it from the
rest nf (he apartment, wal Wiinan's tlek.
averyooay eouia see nun wnen irwa
open...!. Then sal the man that handled one hl nmbltloui
.lor.en otner . merprtses. lie was at I lie sum,,
time talking und writing about Coinniercial
founding the new resorts of South beach.
Union and Arden cud Arroehnr.
Yet. with all these surging, struggling in
terests in Ins mUld, hi gave heed totheeraiik
and had mouoy react (or the next good pro
ject thai aim along. Truly, it is Folly to uy
Brastui Wiman was ruined by B, u. Dun or
Staton Island or any one thing you might
name. Ke carried too heavy a load and ear
, ad it too long. His big, generous heart and
ictive brain, were t,,,, many
of the largest und most complicated branches!'"1' Bwpurat, Willi the means of a Vender
of bullneis, He knew more, uud gnowi ' ,''lt- n wo,,'d undoubtedly have added to the
more to-day. about th details of oommercial r benollts ho bns unquestionably con-
tiade than iinv man in the nation, lie .'- : v upon tho public. Hut give tho crank
I rows of
All im.nnd tin- snercd cdidee long! lowed the arteries of trade ami felt (ho mer- "mo n,ul '"' would get nwny with the millions
ciintiie pulse of the world. His wonderful k vandirbut, Liwanog B. Morr.
memory enabled him to give on the instant
the standiug and credit of thousands of bus- The Kew York AWd advises its readers to
iness bouses. His keen knowledge ,.f tbe I keep their eyee open, as there aren great
subject and Iris close observation permitted many nickel' counterfeit in circulation in
him to write those weekly trade lotters that New York.nntl It hintsthat nit hoy ere passed
for years were regarded not only ns prophetic on tho street cars that the conductors know
piisehktis and cohtclnes. clotted
aream and currant cuke, ari waiting . be
blessed by the priest, theirwnrs can
sell them. As you leuw the ehuidi, high up
over tbe blaaontd wudowi' oolond (vjiies
rears the form of n gignntii- c-oss of Are, and
from braxen urns on the cathedral towers,
wave the tall flume In the keen morning air.
Fnlut, sweet, tender asadreiim, comes the
ad music of tlie disUnt bolls, tilling the air
with throbs ot melody. Edward Hu.daxe.
but as absolutely reliable.
There at a large desk in the ceutru of the
more about tho fraud tlmti they ur willing to