THE SCKANTON THlBUNE-bA i U U DAY MOR1SIKG. MARCH L4. 1894. CHURCH SOCIETIES to bat the Vouag Fooplo are Daing to Advance Religion. ACTIVE INTEREST IS SHOWN Members of the tpworth Leagues ami Socit'lies ot Christian Liuleavor Keep Up Their Noble Work for the Salvation ot Souls Notes Concern ing the Luther League and Its Work. Probably do oue ocoaalon develop 10 Deny of Sermtou'a tnuslol resources BS the EistiT season. All of the chnreuee havt prtpartd more or 1 e- elaborate proiramines.and must of thetn hate large ami well triiinud chorus uholrs. The i'Ihsj of luualo is alio Rrenly Improving Themmto at Bt Luke i will be nnosually attractive, both morniug nnd !eveulng, under the masterly direction of Protestor Conant At St. Peter's Cathedral next Sun lays' music will nndoobtsdly surpass any -thins ever before nirvn in that ohnroh A large and able choir, under the leadorahip of Professor Schilling anl assisted by many prominent solo art Itts from here .and abroad, will take part. At i mt miss tney win renuer Moziri's rat masterpiece, "Twelfth Musi. ' They will be assisted by Bauer's orchestra and several; jpromi ueut players from Wilkes Barre and New York. The music at St. Patrick's ohuroh rendered by a large s :oir, will be nu ns natty attractive and pleasing. The large cboras oholrof F.rt l'ro byterian ehnrch under Tallie Morgan's leadership is prepare I to render th finitt music ever given In that popular ehnrch Some very tine solo and qairttts will alio form special feat ures F.ster music at the Trinity F.vinj! loal Lutheran church this yeir will be under ihe directum et ii T Wliitt wore, chorister and R. F.. Pro the roe, orauist. The programme is au elah orate one anl has b-eu very carefully prepared. The Provtdense Presbyterian'.er choir, led bv Chorister Davis, will ren der a very attractive E ister pro gramme. Chorister Williams of Frovi lencs Methodist Episcopal cbir. ht pre pired a programme for Eister Sunday Mat will undoubtedly escel all prev ious eff irts. Thi Epworth Lsau. The devotional meetia? of Elm Park Lau on Easter Suudav will be led bv W H. Peck. The subject is "Toe irat King aod Uis Kingdom " The music will be unusually attractive. S ng service begins at tf 30 aad mt ing will be duuiusl erlv so that all uuy have an opportunity to secure seats in the auditorium for evening ser vice. Toe annuil alctiou of officers will occur a irly m April H. H Beldteman, of the litrary 4e partm-nt. will deliver an address be fore the Dminore league on "What to Bead auJ Hut to Read" at their nest literary meeting. Several eothni.-tic members of the Simpson leagae visited the devotional service last Sunday. Elm Park leaeu is certainly pronl of us music and musicians. About half th- mmters of the church choir are sctive l.ns;n-r. The debut on Thnrsd it evenmn was on t r.f anu'ual interest. Tne coiitisi ants all sem to hav come pr-pirJ for battle .ml there were som- very able arguments advanced, many origi nal i !as developed and considerable of fnu and repartee. The Dunmor league has a member ship of 120 and 117 ribacribers to the Ejiworth Herald. S11M7 none but an enterprising league cm make such a showing. An interesting and profitable devo tional meeting was hell oa Tuesday -v-ning. Elmer Jackson was ths leder. The regular topics assigned to the fl. worth league are used at the weekly meeting and prove to be very helpful. The department of entertainment iiav charge of decorating the chnrcn for Enter The department of mTC.y anl help, assisted by til secretary, is looking up members who have been absent some time. The debate at the Providence league on Monday evening was entertaining end instructive, and ereatxl quite a diversion anions the many wno at tended. The ifeit literary meeting Will be held Monday evening. April ' The devotional meetin of th-Simp-on Epworth loaguo led by Professor Wood on last Sun lay evening, was ex cvplionally interesting ami t ie attend ance unusually On Sunday evening the Simpson l"Hoe will be led by Mrs Frame H. Ey-r. -Subject, 'Risking All for God' Chris' tan Er.dnavir Soclstlii. Th devotional meeting on Sunday evening at the Washburn Street Pres byterian Endeavor will be one of un namil interest and no doubt Urg'lv at tended. This will let a special Better consecration service. The topic is, "What Is Christ's Life Doing For Yon?" II. Tim , II., 118 The president ol this affgressive o:ietv is I) L Mor gan, one of the WfHt .Sido'e most popu lar young mn. The Providence Presbyterian En deavor society is one of th most Hour ialiiiig in the citv. There are ahou I'M iiK iiibers, Membership is still iiior'iH luir most encouragingly. Within two years the membership and attendance nt devotional rnnetintrs have doubled, Devotional meetings are bold Sunday evening from ti 80 nntil 7 IS, and are largely attended and ii-iunally helpful mid Interesting, Miss Nellie Herbert is at present the active and efficient president. Business waling ere held regularly tlm first Wndnesdny after conteoration matting Socials art sus pended for a short time A junior so ciety wns recently organised with membership of twenty live. Its meet in as are held Tuesday iil'ti-niojiiH at 4 80, lieorire W. Bttlt, is at present the tnergetio president of North Main Av enun liaptist Endeavor society. Tali OrganilatiOD has lit present thirty live, nclivw members. The finances tire in excellent condition, and ihs society Iiiih a balance in hank Every depart ment of work is developing and grow ing. L set yeartbeV sent two delegates to the convention st Montreal, and will Send tWO deb-gates this year. Then so-t-inj, literary and devotional services are well attended, nnd full of interast. The Wsthbnrn Street Prepbvtorian Christian Endeavor socioty are work log faithfully to pi. in .-urate a syste matio beiievclont organization among tbtlr members. This societv bB pledged, collected and deposited in bank i$IU towards the now cnurcn building fund. Tim Yonog Men's Chi Ipsilon society held one of their most interest inn meet ings on Monday eveuing. They have pledged $100 toward the new church project. On next Thursday tvenlng Colonel Hippie will L'iva his entertaining "An derionville Reiuiiiisotmiieft" under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society. Luthar Lni(iie, Trl-.uty Church. This active leange of Trinity Evan celical Lutheran chinch in its interest 111 belptug improve tlitt church music is ntlug ite tieit etforts to piirchase a pipe organ for th ehurob, Tut organ Will be placed on trial in a few weeks, after Whloh a concert will be Riven. Every effort will be made to have this entertainment first class in every re spsct, The Eaater servloe to be rendered 0 1 Sunday evening under the able dire,: lion ol Chorister Q V Whlttemore, will be exceptionally tine I'ndtr the pi,-n-nt management the Sunday school snd church music are improving won derfolly. New members are being added weekly to the league and the devotional in-et nig are constantly growing in Inter est. Every department of work in Trinity oburon is progressing most hopefully and all are encmraged anew to greater personal efforts lu the Mas ter's work. Brlsf Heliirtuus Nito The Junior Epworth league of Simp son church is under the energetic in 1 it -agrmsut of Miss Hattie Smith, Those who know Miss Smith's characteristic energy, conscientiousness and ability, will nnderstan 1 that this organisation nuder her care is prospering wonder fully. On account of being the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Qenoral Meal D.1W, the great temperance advo cate, this week w is observed t y K, worth leagues. Christian Endeavor and otiier young people's church societies as "Pledge Week " Those wh 1 are fit miliar with Central Dow's vigorous work in the cause of ttinptranot will ever honor his name for hi" OOUrageoUt and (earless tihl against the evil of tbt nun truffle - o DIED FROM Ht. RT r4ILURE. Frank McDonue1!, it Avoca, D119 Sua deully at the O il l Cure. NJtt'iut to tkf Peranum 'Irdmtit. Pittsivs, Pa,, March 88. -Frank Mc Donnell, a barber of Avoca, arrive,! here Thursday to undergo treatment at the Monroe Uold C'ure located at the corner of Maiu and Uutler stroets. Dr Rust, the physiciau in charge, after an examination found him to be suffering from cardiac debility. Toward eveu iog irew wore and Drs, Dively and L'e Voe were called in and administered the necessary remedies but all to 110 purpose. Ai the cook struck uiue Mc Uouuell died. Deputy Corouer Perkins was notified and arrived here yesterday, lie dt cided au iiiiiuegt was necessary and elected the following jury to iuves:i- ;te the esse Edward KUtltdae, U Snyder. James ttibbans, Phillip Radr, P. Eirlevand hlward ttirrett. the jury viewed the body and will meet at tiie Ligle hotel Wtiinttxlay nes: ut o m. A post-mortem txuuiuation was ordered to be made. PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. All the N wj of a Hust'lng Citv Brightly Rocorled. PlTTSTON, March F.'s took a big tumble inpric yesterday. It ws ine to tho starting of several of our merchants In culling prices Tn price fell from 1 1 cents per dozen to b cents. Toward evening prices began to as- oend Abont noon yesterday an alarm of tir- was turned in from box 30. The fire w ig discovered to Da in the Bnn- i-nbnrg buildingon South Main street. Tnefl ims were subdued without ths aid of the fire departm-nt. Monday night CompiUf 11 will hold their annual E ister bill It will bs litld in the K-ystone hill anl prom ises to lie a grand aff air. Daugiiters of Rebecca lodg held an enter:aiument aui social In Old Fel- lows hall Thursday evening. About 3o') parsons w-re present 1111 I an enj y- able time was had by all. At the con- nsion of the programme the company present partook of an excellent suppjr whi:h had h-an prepared for them About thirty fnnds of the cause of temparance assembUd at the home of Mrs. J. F. Dively, on William street, last evening to commemorate tho nine titth birthday of Nesl Dow, ths great temperance worker, of Maine Musk.-. singing and addresses were indulged in greatly to the delight Of all present. Ths fair of the Ligle Hoee company, which was suspended temporarily a few week ago, reopened lit evening under very favorable eireumstances in the company s hall on Kennedy street. Ihe members of the finance commit tee of conncil met ; Town hall, Thurs- ay evening to give a hearing to per sons who have claims standing against the borough for some time that have not been paid. I he ComtnltttS app, ,v- eil Dr O M.iliey'e .11 of j.VJ to dam age of '-arriage, ai 1 Kearney's lull of 142.78 for blavKsluithlngi John Walau s bill for extra work and Dr Donaldson's bill of $16 lor semes rendered as veterinary surgeon were also approved, The bills will have to he approved by the council before be log paid. VANOLING NEWS NOTES. An itartalnlntc Badgit of Orsonal and Other I ems Of tntsreaf. t i.ri ml to the .Scraaoa Tribitni. VaKOLINO, Pa., Maroii li:i Mrs L II. Wilcox is sick Mi-s Louise (f regnry, of Liberty, N. '1'., returns to school at Ilaacok. Sat unlay after a week's visit at the home of Contractor Wilcox. Mi-s McOabe, of Pretton, is visiting her brother, .lames, of this place. Mr and Mrs Qent Kseler r rltlt Iting friends in iloiiesdalw Mr Bird It noting to Rlobmondalt Katie O'Neill and Tessla Plunkett spent Wednesday In Carbondsle. Mrs Daniel Rsgen is sick Mrs. m I). Mitobtll It visiting frltndi in Wilkes-llirre. Re?, .1. D. Evans, of Plymouth, will hold services in the school bouse both morning end evening, next Bundayi in the morning at 10 30 1 evening tit 7. Many Milis has sold his meat market to Patrick Carney, from While's valley. I,. II. Wilcox spent Wudnesduv in Blngliamton, Mis L II. Wilcox nnd friend, Hits L J. Gregory, spent Tuesday lu Car boudalt, Sanies Mullally has moved into his new h. ' Philosophy from Nsvni-iluk. Itvnitiny 'I itnn. If ad tho dtvils were oaat out of some people thoy would look like walking skel etons, s , One Momnnt. PNas.i. OhiOOQO Dittxttchi We hope this country will not be obliged to fight the British lu Iiluellulds until we tlud out where Uluetields Ik ou the map. 1 e Taeslonate. Cholly What did you do when May accepted you? Chsppis I blew a kias at fieri Truth. HONOR TO DARTMOUTH Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M.D., LLD., Whose Giant tellect Discovered Paine's Celery Compound. ' Thousands Remnanta t,r Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during naif at less man cost ol material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains eve snown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles 0o each. Boys' Winter Waists " ! I Oo! each. M,uff ..30c. each. Clok .....$l.50eaoh. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT CUAKTER OF VALUE -UMk, it WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. Two giants am mg 111111 the great est statesman aud the greatest ptiysi clan that America has produotd Dan iel andElwardE Falps have both done honor to Dsrtmouth college, one as a student, the othir Hi au instruc tor. To Prof Edward E Phelps, M.D., LL. D . the world today owes longer life and more freedom from sicUuess, than to any other pbyslci tn Every Dirtmonth alu nous of more thinado.Mi years sta-iding remem bers the awt in Which In held tho keen observer wtio-te nam- appoarep in th" collego cataloge next to that of the president as professor of 111 iteri t mid ica and every younger gra.laitt has admired the complete uunum of unl ical botany which Dr Pdtlpi gave to the college But it was the world-famed discov ery of Prof. Phelps of an Infsllible cure for those fearful Ills that result from an Impaired nervous system and impure bloo i which has en tears 1 Ine great doctor to the world and made his life an era in the practlos of in-dicine I'rof, Phelps was born in I iinecti cnt and grsdncsttd from the ml II tar v sch'inl at Norwich, Yt. He ttndieJ medicine wsth Prof. N'athin Smith, of New Haven, Conn , anl gralaated in ui'dicine at Yale. His 11 inuil talent soon brought him reputation and prominence among his professional brethren In 1V he was elected to the professorship or an itoiuy snd surgery in the Vsrmont univer sity. In 1 4 1 he was appointed lec turer on mat ria medio 1 and medical botany in Dirtmmtn eollee. The next year he was chosen profesor of the chair then vacated by Prof. Robby, and occupied the chair, the mst im portant one in the country, until a few years before his death in 1880 He had for years foreseen the dan gers of th-" American way of living. Ho went about to find a scientific, com mon seiisa remedy to cure the common evils that. under one nam and another, result from an unheal th! ul state of the nervous system, and within a score of years have seemed to bo swoopiug over the country like an epidemic lie succeeded He gave the medical profession a cel ebrated remedy, which has since come to be known th" world ovr as Paine's celery compound.! It was Dr.PhtlpV prescription which ever Bince has o.-eu fren'.v USsd and prescribe! bv the most eminent of the profession, The formula wai lurnis'ied to all reputable physicians 1 They found the wouderfnl remedy to be exactly what was claimed for it. a greats nerve and brain strengthener and restorer. It was demonstrated beyond doubt that Psint'l celery compound would cure nervousdebility and exhaustion, MO ralgia, sleeplessness, dyspspsia and all blood diseases. It was us harmless as it was good and it was the universal advice of u medical profession that thi coinpou -id he placed where the general public could secure it, and thoneands of po ulo have every year proven the wisdom of this good advice The recent sdvice of Commodore Howell to use this COTADOOnd. which the commodore publicly sai l had savec his own life, and the published testi uionialsof Mayor McShaue, of Mon (reel : tbt pott-mthor Hardy, Georg Wright. Marie Tempest, Councillor Morse, Mabr-l JcnnS4, and other m n and women of national reputation, has brought the c mpound mto specia notice. As 11 well-known physician in th. city says. ''Paine's celery cnmpnun.i Is not a pitent inadtcine. it is not inre tonic: it is not an ordinary nsi vine it is as far beyond them nil the diamond is superior to cheap gla MINOOKa MIRRORING 3. A Brf Iludat Hulkrt lato Brief Condensatiens Sprciilt t the Scrantim TrihHnt. MtKOOXA, Ph., Mnrch 88, William Conroy, brother-in-law of ex-Super visor Patrick Coyne, will shortly re turn to his home in Syracuse. Jaini-s Cooabay, of New York, vis i t I his friend? ntra yesterday Isaac Ilavis, of QrttnWOOd, is visit ing in lluryea. A iiiartette consisting of Misses Jennie LoUghney and A-mie Hullin, John Casey and Thomas Qojon, will sing at ths tuttrtaintttellt Monday night. An inoffensive Polander was as saulted and robbed on his way fiom church Inst Bundsv night and reliev-d nf nit watch and '' 50 Tbess iccnr reuens are bec tiling to frequent and deserve prompt punishment if ths pr pttrators can be sppreheudtd, John St. Jobn, "f Qrotnwood, has petitioned court, for a commission as deputy constable. Nut So Thirsiv for Illnnd, After All. K'nikiagtea Poll, ! m (h.vnrnor Waito weakens when tho trad ing is good and deep. Hi ai. mkhit Is characteristic of iiiinii s Hsrsapai ilia, and is iiiauifi-ateil every dny In tbt the rtmsrkabla cures tbt medicine in tooniplitbts, " THINKI ACTI Rsad What Nxlehbora Think of Bi Itannloa The et of Britanntra ordered from you has been received and unpacked, and upon sssmlnstlon I find that lbs work exceeds my sipectatlons In paper, print and bind ing, it is the great Edinburgh, page for I age, which I have alWSS desiied, but could not purohstt before on aocouut "t the price, H'.'.'i in cloth, Jobs w. sVaonku, Principal No. lut-icUool. Tbls Ittbe agt of books Learning Is so broed and books are so numerous that u is Impossible for any one to proourt sepa rate volumes upon all the subjects which at prsttnt engage human thought, lu plureof thi ', a gnnil BncyclopedlS Is nil at tSOpt to abridge, or SPttomllt, and OlSSS if V all knowledge tn bring 11 Within the limit of our comprehension, After n some what direful study of three or fnur of the principal Encyclopedias, 1 slSrm without IiiKitanry that the BrltMUtOS has nn superior. Renders of nil classes should ponsess it. W. O. W ATKINS, Pastor Providence Baptist church. BCBAKTON, I'll., Dec. ?, ISM, About one year ago I purchased from Charles Kcnhiiei 's Smis tht ninth edition of tho Bneydtpedia Brltanntca, leather biuding, $) per velnine. HoWAKU AI. i H, Attorney aud I'ouunellor. Judgo II. ML Edwards tty si I have compared the vohimo or your re print of the Edinburg edition at the Bri tannlea Encyclopedia with a volums of the original edition in my uossossiou, and I find It to be tho same, besides having the American additions. It is a complete li brary in Itself. The public :liould appreciate and take advantage of TBS Tnini NKM offer of a Copy of the great 1 lliibuig edition of tin bniyclopudia liriiiiiiuicii with supple mental matter ndclpil to each volume and Ihe latest msiw, lit fl H3 per Volume, and on so easy pavmeutx it is a rate opportun ity. It is a comp ete liuinry and should lie in the home of every school hoy nnd girl 1 me who has never , i au Encyclopedia cannot sppreclata it- value Let the boys and girls learn it" use when young, and 10 lay the foundation. They are not using Mich aids half enough. K, QRAI SB, Principal No. 35. ANNUAL CLEARING SA A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. lib From the scores commendatory of seems Hint enough liiblish confidence. main in which to 487 SprtlCe Htreet , receipt of t at) by volumes will bu prepai 1. it such txpretiiom this great work it had been said to es- i lly uiiiH davs re seem e it. ( HVicr st open evenings. I In mail the twenty tive forwnrded, express Dytptnsle ami Indlcestleu In their worst forms nr.- Hired by the use of 1". 1'. I'. If you are debilitated and run down, or II you need a toino to regain flesh ami lost appetite, strength mul vigor, take I'. I. 1'., mid you will he strong and healthy, f or shattered constitutions and lost manhood I'. P. i. (Prlokly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) IS the king of all nieilicinos. P P. P. is tin- greatest blood purifier lU tli World. For sslo by all druggitlt. t Sum remni'kable cures nf deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclt-ctric Oil. Never fails lo cure headache. When Baby was Kick, we cave htrOsstcrtSi When -ihe w as a Child, she cried for 1 'astoria. When si,,, bettmt Kiss, she suing to Csslorls. When She had 1 1. 11. uvollieui L'astolUv WEAK-MAN hue mmi? I.N FIFTEEN DAYS. 1 j f0 1 uiii semi kiikk lo any man the ureeorlptloil ol 11 new and iioslt Ire reilied y lo eii In 1 in-111111 II. a oak organs, and sure oufe tor nil srcaknesi in young or old men, Onres oases ot i.uat Manhood, Rmlsatens ami Viselcoeels in lAdays. disease never returns. Co ires pond Nice private. All , ti. 1 scut In plain sealed in vol Iddross, T. C. iiahnk.h, Loeh Uox S04i News Dealer! Marshall, Nn li. BLOOD POISON '-'J -' : I MaKloReni etjy, MMH t'lartr.tT, hswk L , nNi,,i l I Iicilivi' jiriaits sin I 100-tiftgc h sib, ilhiftrstM I row I I liriitnpM,nlncurt)t).frtsb)rrniiil Whn HotRLriiifi I and Meiciirrftu., Our Mnfflc Ramotlv 1H I Ipniltuwl) (UT. 1001 ltKllV:0 ( O, tletn. III. I Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to out patrons, GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. lUvti.v wiiro.) Him SHOEING FOROKuf Willi, m Blum A flru tor b ptrtxusQtnt boil MM HtHinI, 1 iDitll OOttdttOt Hi if ntifl' Mid I'Atholofrloal hhotini (or tiio PrcvoiitfoQi M ftDd luifl uf i.ititu'iifHH nnd othw Inptdl mtttti in tho roovvtttntiof ikhhh iiuiipotal or duo to Imptrftol ihortng I uttll gtvttM v ork my oortont) utt nti n mui KiiHruiitrt no Xtrft ctttsgti Otctpt for imiMt'Ti int'iit- Union bNt, otf. . will bt t rofttod tif tarn xttis. A ffti QUttlc mitl piufoHuitiDul MTiot siivoti ovcry MiMidky trom 1 to -1' M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. Every Woman SoiMtimtt needs a rell able muntbly rtgulatnu medicine. IV DCAI Q PENNYROYAL PILLS, Hi- prompt, safe sad OtrlstS In result Tho iionu- iMiiOr. nal'sl aarer dliappolat seBlaarwStit 11.00. tVul Medlcluu Cu . Clevoliind. O. Bold Iit JOHN H. PHILP8 , Plisrmsolst oornor yomiQg aVtBUt sud Niu... street Bcrantou. l's. A. 8. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. i to., rA x y. infra , Ate, 1. ua. The Flour Awards "CHICAGO, Oct 31.-Fhe first cllicial SBDoniicemtBt of World's Fair dU ploiuas 011 Hour bae been made. A medal baa been awarded by the World's Fair judges to tbe floar manor factured by tbe Washburn, Crosby 'Jo, in tbe jj-reat Wnbbbnra Flour Mills Miutit-Bpoli. Tbe commrttee reporti tbe Hour strong mid pure, and entitle! it to rank as Qrst-olats t at-:.: Hour for tsmily aud Inkers use ' MEGARGEL k CONNELL WBOLKSALV AOKfiT SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Ibe above brands of flour cbl be bud at nuy of tbe fullowina; mercbants, wbo will accept ThbTbiBCVI flovu cui'Fo.N of i5 ou eacb oue buuZred pounds of flour or 00 ou each barrel of flour. k-cranton-F. P Price. Wasting-ton aveane I (ioltl llo-iu UrbLil Panmore- P PHca Qold Meilal Brand DunnioTv-1-' U ttsaler. SuperUUve iiran i Hydu Park-Cur wjn & Davie. Washburn St. Uold Medal Ilrand. J wpli A Mean Man, avenue, Superlative Brand. Green Ridv-i- A L.Sponoer.Uuld Medal Brand. J. T SKHhIc. Haperlative Providence Penaer & Chappdi.N Main avt- nna traperlatlvn brand ;C. J OUlespla vv. Markot itieat, Uo:d Medal brand Olyi.hant Jaiai-s Jordan. Superlative Brand Pwkviiie fiiait-r 4 K-la.-i HaperlatiV9 .Iermvn-C U Winters , Co Buperalatlro An-fibald J.jnei. S mpt rfl kCn.. O .id Medal Carlwndalo-B. i- Clark. Qold Medal Brand. Uunesdale-I . Foster & Co oiold ii-la Micooka-M H. LaveUe. Taylor-Judp-i Co , Gold Medaj, Atntrtoa Co., uj.tirlativa. Daryea- Lawreuci v irs Co., Goid Medal Moo-i-.- Ji.l.n MeCiiodle, oold Medal Pittaton-M W O'Boyle, Gold M'.-da! Clark's Green Fracc 4- Parker. Superlative. Clark's Summit-1 M Tounic, Gold Medal Dalton- E Finn S Sot. Gold Mela. Brand. Xicbolson-J E H:.ram. WeverlT M Bliss A: Son, Gold Meuul. Facti r rille--Charms Oardnur. G.-Sd Medal Bopbottoni S M Finn Son, Gold Medal. Tobyhanna-T -tiyLscna 4 beaigt Lumber .o . doid Medal Biand Qoaldsbero 8 a .-dani-. Gold Modal Brand. In-" a Gaiffl 4- Cl'-ments. Gold Medal Lake .Vriel-Jiinnip .1 Hortrei.. Gold Medal Forelt City J L Morgan 4 Co.. Gild Mtal LUTHER KELLER LIME, HEW. KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTE1 SEWER FIPES. FLUE LININGS Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. Lost Manhood and vigor quickly lukturuu.Yurlcuivlii, tl!llt V - I r l . I - , I iitioutiy .etc., iiuroly curd In INllAPO, tlw ifnat lliiHluuKcniiil). with iniUMnaraSSMlssMi Suldby MATIUEWS UKOS , Uruaa-Uli. Scrauton.Pa. B RICK DRAIN TILE FRONT, WIRE cu r. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. Brandt Clay ProductCo. OFFICBi Blugbsmtoa N S FACTORY: Uratult. Vx DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AXI SPORTING POWDER Mtiuufiu'tm ! :t tho WawjiUoi'ii Mill Lu zerut' county Ph.. hikI hi Wil inliilftuii, 1 i .nv .1 HENRY BELIN, Jr. G antral Agent for tha Wyoming District 118 Wyominj Ave., Scranton Pa. 1 LlrU Niitlonal Bank Uiilldllia AQSKClla Tllos POBD, Pittston, I'a JOHN B SMITH SON; riym.-ulli. Pa. V, W, MULLIGAN, WIlkas Barre. Pa Aa-eiita fur tliH lUipuuuo Ctiuiuluifci Com pany' Uik'b I m 1. N. A. HULBERT S City Music Store, v. HOMING A,. 6CUAJr0Jk sTi iwv av so Pl-X'RKH HKOTHKRt- an KRANICH UACki 81H.IV. At HA I Kll PIANOS ORGANS musical merchandise; u mi KXO., KTO. m . InserteJ In THE TRIBUNE at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD. Hotel Waverly European Plan First-cliw" I'nr ntt .oriM. Uvpol tor Bviai'v A Ktih'ol TaunbiiHitk-r llwr i, i Co:, 15tli find Filbert Sts, PrIMi Most destrabla for resMeats ol s Pent yivaiiia .',l oonTonlenees (ot traeeleit In and triMii Utoad Street ataiien and tha Twelfth .-Hid Hiarkot Street rtatioii. U Slrabla (ol Sill tins Sorautoniaua and lie 111 the Antlir.ictto Kegloii T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prleet and in- tbe furnace and be eon vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Anpello and Uauae Dool Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE PIXXaVrON, k?A.