I THE SCH ANTON TH1BUN3C SATUltDAY MORNING. MARCH 24. 18!M. a ..JSaCSi-- " u- JUL;- . ti bauS" 09 (f!ij"S44M5I!ll fid fytf 1 -JSK In. T 1 .'.' X Dlf!7 K. "Bedford .v.ii ; The i-L :3m itEtnf I T n 1 N" Ms w hi t er.ed lepolcttar A Life ess I miii of frozen clay E c laroudetl la a ro'.-e of LOW Tee wn asd a,rea Wattr tan Yfltu lean hands fol J. tlear syat ieilod. His scant and Batttd lock! ClOM prciS Jjralcst his ruakea :i mple-i, anil His rifid Hmtj composed to rest. T-e plac :ros roc'ijnl their llto4tr forrr.s A.tl bleat tbelr coaniaj cet"3 o'erceaa: The north triad hiwled about the tomb A3'l EhoarneiJ acil mcolieil tBtaotlt dead; A wrea"a of faded, wUatrtd 2'jT'rs Buncata Um fa.lea leaves half aid, And bathed !a Batata s let tears Repose i upon hl3 cofia 111 B-t, tol the colJ"n snallfat nocpd And kU3ed the grltviag plr.es I icv-Si The rcatla south wind waadarvd by And whlspored of aadyiBg love It touched the sleeper 3 tiammy trow, Caressed aim with it balmy breath, Until he stirred hit pulsolesj lim'os And str;?gled with the boads of JeatH It cast aside the withered flown That rested on the dreamer s torab, And wound about his breathing f.-,rm A wreath of rreih and fraraat b'.oorn: Rebuked the boWllAff polar wind And seat it to the distant north. Swung wide the portal of the grave And ;ocund. sdoruus Spriae cams forth: The ttSSOB s resurreutloa: And The r.-.-w mtiAnbast o'er the mold And dan'.i d';cay of nature's torn: Is brighter. tKitte than the cli. The aew-cora year nt am&latn Is Of all that happy state will tr.n. Wt' a traked from life's brief troubUd drc.a We know one fair, eternal spring. S Q LAPIL4 the valior ot nn IjornarUuuv 01 COC3t) !io know nothing about raising ami tnarketlng grunt, and at a cou sequence ho wus well on tuo road to grief by the time be had learned; and it was about this time that I, Jao'. Uillette, an old bachelor with more , money than anything elas except love for Ucorgo ami lils youngster, hap pened out liis way and furnished hiin with sufficient funds to keep the wolf and tiio sheriff away from his door. But he f 'It poorer than ever after ho had given me his notes for the money lout him, It was his way to consider himself tint much worse oil than noth ing until the note were- paid, und as 'A HILDA'S EASTEB HAT. L' VVIL(. TIS8 IlJiC ULDA DEAN was a hand some girl and a country girl at that Sensible and dutiful, fehe was not a saint nor yet a sin ner, except in the general way that we all confess in the Litany. She had boen trained by th' Book of Corn inon Prayer so far as religion went, and hod the Catechism and the Apos tles' Creed by heart, as Well as the morning and vening services, and was well up in the Collects. In short, she had been confirmed, but I solemnly believe that she often smiled, in a sly Mjrt of way, when in the response she said. "We urn miserable sinners." She wasn't miserable a little bit, but was. for the most part, the happiest 6ort of a girl. Ileing neither B blonde nor a bru nette, but Just a pleasant medium as to complexion, I think she averaged pretty fairly in all thingsnt about that Btandard, ami she probably had some thing like that estimate of herself, ior the very reason that she was so well balanced. People, generally, who were ac quainted with her, liked llulda. and I was very fond of her. I could afford that because I was old enough to bo her grandfather, at tho time of which I write -and am yet, as to that. Her father and I had been schoolmates, ComradeS-in-arins and life-time friends. Indeed, our fathers ami grandfathers had been, before us. 1'or three generations, und well along in the fourth, our people mine nnd Uulda't -had lived In the same re spectable town in Kentucky, or at least on adjoining farms so close to the jtown that we were considered as town ipeoplc, and wc had been christened in the same little church and at the same baptismal font for tho lust three gen erations, including Ilulda's. George Dean, Ilulda's father, got "the California fever," however, about tho same time that ho began to get tome twinges of rheumatism and a (touch of the asthma, bo ho emigrated 'to the Golden state when Hulda was, idteen and bought an orange ranch in HTLSA I.N THE (JL'ICKJA.ND. !.e seemed to get some eomfort out of that sort of misery I just indulged him in it. However, about that same time Easter was getting close at hand, and I bought Hulda an Easter bonnet, or hat. whatever they call it. The bit of s'.uff was cute, oo. Aa little as it might have been erpected of mc, I had ta-jt.e in that way I knew what would suit Ilulda's style of beauty, and I ffiaew a great deal abont tin.- other "figin's" she was getting for spring .., ar a I astonished everybody Inter ested by my selection, made one day at T.o Angeles. It must be confessed, however, that I told the young sales woman from whom I purchased the af fair all about Ilnlda. except her Chris ti.in name. Some women are blooming fools about names, and I suspected ti,at tlii.-, "t didn t iiave enough every day common sense to know that Hulda v. its a wholesome, semibls name that Qttod my donee much better than any garment or bit of millinery she had In stock. Dot excepting kid gloves I even showed the young woman a photograph of Hulda. and bo Well, the Easter hat was a success. Easter Sunday came, and as promis ing a day as ever dawned in the citrous belt. I rode horseback with Hulda over to Riverside that morning to church, and I was ns proud of her as if I hud been u cavalier of the olden time and she the ladylove I had won in the tourney. Oh! how she could ride She was a Kentucky girl and sat her be loved Oily as if she belonged there and didn't depend upon tho cinch of her f addle for her lift, as do BO many would-be horsewomen I see now and then that make me shudder They ride for a fad, and don t know enough about a horse and his trappings to even bo careful. My fifty five years had not affected my horsemanship. Out wc won't speak of that further than to say I was raised ,,n a horse; yel I was never raised on a !, licking broncho. They are not horSei, They art only poor imitutions. ami I never mounted one never shall while the walking is good. We went to church at ltiver-,lde, ad mitted ourselves publicly to be "miser ild'' sinners'1 several times, heard the termon and Qulda's hut simply pllpaed the aggregation. Then we itarted home. How Ilulda's lilly got Into that julcksand In crossing tho creek is lometbing I have never entirely set led in my mind, but she went clenr ,u t of sight for a minute, It seemed, ind Hulda with her, but I made a grab it her Hulda, I mean and got the Boater hat first That was not what i nostly .wanted, however. I wanted ' I ii Ida ; sol threw away the hat, and omehoW we landed on the bank, all hero, except the Raster hut. That loated ofT down the stream like any tlier wreck. The filly enmo out, too, ind stood dripping and trembling on .he shore. llulda first looked decidedly frigbt ned, and puckered up her mouth to ry, but thought better of it when lie saw I had mud in my whiskers nnd . as ridiculously disheveled one way or , Mother, and more or less disposed to say things that would have emphasised the "miserable sinners " confession! Hut did you ever notice how quickly a woman can shake herself out nnd look presentable? Well, that was what Hulda did. She hud been with that filly in the quicksand and water and was as wet us a drowned rat. Hut blest if she didn't give herself ti few touches some way, and in five minutes looked as pretty as before, only a little older and somewhat more graceful and dignified. Femininity seems to partake of this characteristic all the way through, The filly had given herself a few shuddering shakes and fixed her toilet nearly right. I gathered bunches of eucalyptus leaves and wiped tho side saddle some, spread a big ban danna handkerchief over the seat, and In twenty minutes from the time the accident began llulda and I were can tering over the mesa, within twenty minutes' ride of George Dean's house, Ilulda's blue eyes sparkling with fun beneath the white scarf that was tied over her nut brown hair, some tresses of which were flying in the spring breeze with the ends of the silken tur ban that had taken the place of the Easter hat. John Pendleton was a young Metho dist preacher who had graduated at a Virginia college where they turn out any quantity of his professional "cloth," and he had come to California in search of such of the lost bheep of Israel as might be wandering on the ranges of sin in and about the San Bernardino vally. That is to say, the California conference of the Methodist Episcopal church smith had set him on a circuit in that region, und he hail been "riding" it something more than s year when this end of this chronicle begins, which wns just one year, to a lay. as measured by Master, after the juicksnnd baptizing that llulda and 'ier filly got as narrated in the para graphs preceding the constellation of stars that glitter in tl;u w hite tirma sent just at the bead of this long par graph. Pendleton was a very good young man. but he was enough of a "misera- ole sinner" to retain a strong love for lome patrimonial acre i and the ancient I HI MI.Nim.K IHOWWa nil': HAT mansion with white pillared porti coes appertaining thereto, out in the Old Dominion, that would ope day he come his as the only heir of Judge Pendleton, of Fauquier county. The reverend John preached with much eloquence and earnestness, but he also wrote poetry and plnyed the piano the two Inst predilections being more and stronger evidence of the "misera bio sinner " in him. It was, perhaps, the poelry side of him that made him expose on his pul pit at the Pomona Methodist church, where he was preaching on this Sun day, a pretty Muster hat of the preeed ing year's stylo, and solicit a claimant for it, after telling how he had caught it the year before while fording Hin con creek on that Master Sunday aft ernoon as he rode toward Hiversido to preach that evening in the Methodist church of the new city. And Judith Dean, (leorgo Dcun's maiden sister, who lives with him and win, is as old as I um. If she's a day, und admilsil to mc, while she says both of us arc quite young yet, was In church at Pomona on the occasion men tioned, for Aunt Judith is a perverse old lady, a dissenter from the estab lished religion of her family, hav ing apostatised when a girl while spending borne years in "the Kelinoy" with a maternal u tint of her own, a Methodist and far away from the pro tecting wing of Protestant Kpisco pacy. Moreover, Aunt Judith just uotes on Methodist preachers and has offered many a yellow-legged chicken in her time upon tho altar of her devo tion to those good and reverend shop herds and gentlemen. Did any woman ever forget an Easter bonnotV Not to my recollection, and I am older now- much older than when I bought llulda tho hat and afterward pulled It from her head. Aunt Judith recognized that hat in stantly, und shu didn't wuit until "class meeting" was over to suy sol either. She claimed it for her niece, then and there, ami invited Mr. Pen dleton home with her to see the young lady to whom it belonged. Ho went, und Ilulda's blue eyes mudu him moru of a "miserable sin ner" than ho WM before. Hut llulda wouldn't marry a man who had to ride any circuit that conference told htm to ride. She admitted thut it was good and lovely and Christlike, and ull that, for them to do It, but she was so constituted that she must live ill hohlO So she docs. John preaehos w't, but only in the little chapel on his own farm in Fauquier county. I just came from there a few days ago, where I attended the christening of Ilulda's second baby and tirst sou, lie wua baptized "John OUlette Pendleton." 1 lI'v r'i I I J I 1 A mam IT STUHH THE PR0GRE88 of Consumptiuu. The makers of Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery are certain of it. They've provsd it for years post nnd they're willing to sell it with tho agreement that if it doesn't benefit, or cure, in attry case, they'll return toe money. Consumption isthui scrofulous condition llmt bomtS from tin pun, blood, Tin 11 Discovery M prevents it, if taken in time i cures it completi ly, if you haven't iraited too Iouk; givst relief und WNnfort, SVCH in ud vancud casus 1st it in ssvere, lingering Coughs, Asthma, week f.uiins, und ever) Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affection, D. '' tiOSENBALM, ESQ., of Dutch, OrUliioei " . Ann., writes as folulWtl I bud Imh-h huiii,; down in strength und weight tor months, I vrui not able to stirtnd I smothered very often. After u.ki:iif 1 Ulsoovory ' my cough was nilleyod, 1 oouM wuiii tbrea mill's will,,, ut trouble, catohuui pokl don't distress me now. As bos us 1 live I'll pralso'Q.M, i. " Fin Flu DAOWAY'S II READY RELIEF. Foil ! VI BUN . I. A I 1 1 I Nil UN All ! "Christ is risen from the dead, and become the tlt",t fruit-j of them that slept." liver the whole world today rings the anthem of the resurrection. Be ginning in the far orient, it runs with the dawn to the limitb of the Occident, It Sounded from every church boll, Is voiced in every hymn of praise, rising up to heaven like a pnan of hope and promise. The winter is past, und .Na ture has set man again the lesson, which sineu time began she has spread out before him in the earth, that book which may he read by the unlearned as well as the wise, by the savage as well ai civilized ii. an. There is no death, there is no effort that sinks into the dim void und becomes naught, there is no cessation of soul influence. The summer comes and its glory passes, the harvest time of our lives wanes, tho Qeldl arc brown and barren, and look ing over them sadly we grieve that all of our hopes were not brought to frui tion, when the frosts of age cover our heads we sometimes say with the great SOttl thut voiced his agony in a durk hour: "Youth is u blunder, manhood a struggle and old uge u regret." Yet we have lived und loved, and that is within Itaelf a boon. From the grave where were laid OUT crucified joy, our blameless offering! to untoward destiny, our loved and noble ideals, shall urise a glorified spirit to guide others down the rough way tothe place where tin; "great light" shines. No path of sorrow in the vale of life is virgin to the naked feet of our shrink ing souls. Wherever the water is deep est, and the shadows fall darkest, there trod the martyrs of the ages, and, though they found a sepulcher at the end of the journey, being dead, they yet live and speak with undying ut terance. Did you ever stop to think of the wonderful symbolism of the divine em blem of this fast andfeatt of Christen dom? Like other symbols, it is the plaything of the thoughtless, the im plement of the utilitarian, and per forms its humble office as a material factor. It is a food for the body, and thus the bulwark of tho soul. The egg is the sacred emblem of the cre ation und the resurrection. The lily which sends up its fragrance from u million ultars upon Master day is fair, but its odor is lost in the encircling air. and the hours bear away upon their bosom its beauty, and it is gone. When men. in their days of innocence, worshiped the egg. nnd saw in it the cradle of the universe, they had re ceived into their souls the heart-throbs of truth. Within the egg. formless but perfect, is the element of new life. Its shell the eurth und sky; its white the sun: its yolk the moon: and all the emblems of created forms sub crv ient to the needs of the organized erea tore. The Finns, the Persians und the Teutons of old. in this symbolism, clasp hands with tho Christian upon Master day, and the past tinds another lie of brotherhood with the present. Christ is risen from tho dead! Hong ages pasted when it seemed to the waiting nations that He wns yet In the tomb, und in the sleep of death hul forgotten tile world. Toil, stripes and anguish were the portion of His peo ple, for the pOOf are Ills Wickedness wore the robe and crown and tlllod the earth with sighing Mveii then there were b'ave hearts that looked up through the clouds and listened for the suthcin of tho resurrection It was heard at last, and liberty of thought, faith arid conscience was proclaimed The eeremeiils of error ure cast off and lie in the open sepulcher, and with them are the broken shackles ant reniied fetters. Mou v. CiAPta. V HI l.i.l.sl u I'Olt TIIK DAY. The receipted milliner's bill might he made a prominent feature in Master bonnet decoration.- Judge. Matter 1 1 cm. Sunday Schoid Teacher Xow, can my little hoy tell me whut Master l celebrated for? Qood Mlttle Hoy (ougorly) Mgg.- Texas biftings. - p Hak need Dr. Thomas' tcluctrlc Oil for oroUp and roldt, anil dclarn It s positive curs. Contributed bv Win K,iv srn Viv. mouth aveuue, lluffulo, N. Y. to slot, wii V. ' silo l ll injury on til -y.lili:. chl ,i":miii Bthor u i i' n i') iiesiruyius tin 1,.1'l'lit .ii-ii.k 1 i uslntf ut-d n a vol I hu li t i i ft opium. Morphlao, Minn a'nt il.-ial lb - noii.-, , of DfirctMition. th, bati'Ut tba p iwer of fxeling; Thlsiaamftsl nasirm live practfoj; It uusis the symptom-i shin up, ind instead f removtov trohto io .-.-.ii -dovn thostomta . liver stid iowmjI1, eiO, t eon tlnuna Iri fora laotfth of tlmu, k , 1 i t', iiurv.iii uud produciM local or general piraiy ils There lino neoosattv for ml thesti u tain saante wtin ;i nositlvoramedy ISe It .!' v.Vb RBADV RE UK will utiptuemot werueTtttlng pa " nulnltur ,vltboiii ontsilluj th" UmiiI dauffar, m either Infant or a i it Instantly s'opn tho most escraclaMi psloir, allays Inflammation sad curt c nue tluas. vhotherof th. Lunst, Stomioh, Bow sis. or othorel ndsur mfuouememhrauee F'llt HPHAIN8, BRL'IRJM. UA KaiHK PA1'- IN TUB CHEAT OR B1UK8 Mi AH A' HE TOOTHACHE uH ANY OTHER PAIN, . few applications sat like laajic, cane o tli : pain tu instant 1 y stop CURBS AMi PREVENTS Colds, Qoughs, Sore Throat, Inrlammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rbtumallsm, Nturalgta, Relation, Lum bago, Iwalllag of tht, JoInU, Palm in Hut k luet or LIiiiUh. The application of the READY RELIEF to lie .ij't ur pitrts whoro the 'lifnr'itlty ur pain exists will fiVrd aw and comfort ALL INTERNAL PAINB.PAIH8 IN BuW ELS olt -IUMACH. CRASiPH, BPA8M8, ROl'R STOMACH, NAI'8A VO.WIITNO HKAKTbl'RN M KVOI'-'NESS. SLKK ' LEKSNE.-'S.slCivHEAli.V'HE.DIARRuiEA. i OLi i ', FLATcLENOT, FAUn INQ bHlLLS sra relieved instantly sad quickly curoi by taking lntrnaily h huir t u leuipo mfui Ji Ri-:idy Rjliof lu blf u tutu liter ul ut-. r Mah iria, Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. Thorn Is nut a rim? lil a;ent in th" wor d that will curH Kev.r und Aau'-1. and all other Wa'ari ioi. B II ins and . t tier Psvera, aide I by Ridway'a PiiU.SO quickly as Radway'i Ready R.divf, Pries 50c. pjr bottle. Sold by Oruggiits, PILLS I'm ht nr ul itll iliam tlf ri of ' ', BtVUI itch I Iter, Hiiut lr Klditejrd, Ulathle t.Xi i v tit IfUriiitfa, lltiilni;hr. On-tlitt on, Colli 1 ntfMs, 1 niii-fHtlitn. Dyipfapftltt, If 1 1 lottsnM, l i r I titl.i tu mitt imi of tha lfuw ci- ri)) iti i nil ttrnnfomofiti of i ho ln tt l :iul V iatM'i ii I'm r Vortoblf, itl tuiniiu ho mot'oury, mtnoriali 01 in 1 1 i KBtOl I DR1 (- Prtco86cpor boi Boll hy mi tlrufftiHtF or on receipt trf iriiv will bo a 'lit l y iu ul Mve DOI01 lor Qno Dollar RatDWAY & CUstl Win i.'ii st N. V Oomfjlexion Preserved OR. HtKRA B VIOLA CREAI8 Rriiinyce FreoMon. Pimplei Liver Melti, Blaolihoadt, Runhure and Tin. and n. Uiros the uklu to lit orlul- cKnir nnil ncniiny nn i'u; rlril.in. Mnerlor ti pll hum iniiiirIIiiii and porfei'tly hnr.nlcsa. At all arugfJsttiorttuuToe ic:5ii m Bend mrClreulaT, VIOLA SKIN 80AP " etmptj Immpintli Kin 'urifit!i( buap, ejMOUM I t Ci' leUeb iA vlUlout 4 ,l?l to, im i.imiy. l,".ln'. U pir u,;.l tly m.di ri.l Snatna Prine 7S Cfiih. O. C. BITTNEH CO., roi.KOO.O. Eoi :iii iy Msttbawt Broa ,MotgaaBrosand organ A Co, n(CI5TlRED. a well Man of Me." V ST M ST- y N. INDAPO 1 1I K UKI It HINDOO 1 R0D1 I Nt'i vuu I''- 1 " r'liilttitt Mi tn -1 ita Sl w..-- mi i- iLfnM Miii .limn, ! . tiuti tl bv ntiuoft, ulvctt vtuoi titl sirp to i.tntik n i.tn . .iml qutttlj nut Hinrl PtnOVM LmI m mihttnti in "id r rouni Eaulh cartwtl In vest K-y.-i Pt loeil.OO r pi lingi IU roi a oo with r ttnlirn gfiint it In run' up nettii rtTumti lit (t HIiV " l ' l'-l illti.rijl t ft 1 1 VOII l ft fi it,i if Mitntftm it. m.t on havtna INIIAPM num olhei it he luu nut gjtt tt. wi will And It by idhII upon it . . ij.f of ii it f Pnniplilet in hum li -I ini'lup firo a.hifow Artt'Httil u ,i i ii I m . i'ruit. , i i n ii-". III., i i 'iu. BOLD by Milrofttfi Bra., WholbwiU ..ml RtUil M,tft:i.ii St. RAN TON, I'A , and Dthtl Lead iiiK l'iKj;ihtH Ehoomco r thi Hiohiit Miwo.l AuTHoniTict SfltNTHOL.NHALER mmfm CATARRH HEADACHE" IMlAi Kit T 1 i-urn i.,m A woniliTfnl boon to ititvrtm 1 i , i ul,'. s i I'., 'i'Iii Intiiirn.i, JBroaekHUi Of U I lA fr it 4r4J immtiliutt tiltrf. An f nlfK'iit , i 'ii In pnokCU rf o,tT to UdO on Oi-t In4iinitin Of Cold ConMnueil Up I rin i )'. niiun. tn 4'ure. HiitiifctlotiKiiiirnnU'M(lrtn''ney rpfnnilrtl Pi Ire. m t n V t 7n u nt'tnitiriMi nmu. aTl). tl'SasiH, Sir , Thm R.imh, Sua , D, S. t. OlTSHMAN'ia II Thi, Biirt'fl n i i.l imTimH remedy fnr il Htirei.jluniB, I'ttig. H'nnderllil rem- Elftls ,.r M mull prrimiil Rhe efl nrPII.KK. Fi ler, SA rll. hi liriiu o a I aa .tuirrpi. :ip niMiTi. uni,:i! Fur Hit bv Matthfwt Uro.Muri;au I io and Aloie.au ol (.'. 'IP i In the snip of tho shears, The ixjij HioltJcT hear3 The sound of his money enhancing Why not copy his raj . And clip t-very duy Toget something that's quite as entraoclnir. You Can Do It! BY SNIPPING AND CUPPING YOU GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think of the delights of a trip ail over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexk ILU AND JUST OF e)4t44) Iieinff able to do it in easy stapes, at TEN CENTS "a stage." includ ing the services of a guide' Yet, that is just what we do for vou. IHIIIC liedl 'St' ! ' : : ' ever part of --viiiciica, uone in iNiW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. The incomparable world-famed traveler an J lecturer, PROF. GEO R. CROMWELL, is the cuide. Journalistic enterprise is the conductor of the trip, America "From Alaska to the Golf of Mexico," will bt publlabtil in WMkl.v ttriti of titttta vitwi .tacit vlaw 11x13. incliw inlljf worth $1 60), ami will ciubraottbe physio il and tctnic wonderj of Our Own Land, tht vrbolt tdlltd by Prof. Q K. Cromwtll, Baoh seritt will bs cncloi-J la nanatomt covtrt i in- rspllol, H nshlHglan, 1 1n- Common, Huttet Frinthig Hnu BqiiNtt, Ni Vorli tt-vvn liu i in i nn, Canon, t olm n,l,. Ca, i,ii,i mi-. 1 1 t hiiHiU ilnhla i-lltiii Kt on o 1 mIU i, in i nt, llrnloni tvo, Ntvnoi talral Pari tiluaoapolU, I AiKliioriuni Hotel, Chleagn. i.oi g an it Kapi.u st. I Kwranat Rlvaa rssaplo kqaarr, .ilt Lk n. Wonntnln ttou', Crtaaou turtngi, Va Witahlniit.ii, Mnniinirm Unit lumrr Bnot Pallt, Milium t ill ot Viilorlu II C sill. l.l, , Each Series Lasts but m Week, See That You Get Them All. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig3iiiiiiiiiia - . mi m m-m. - SS I COUPON NO. 23. Send or brilig tfro f tUese coupons, ilillVrcntly huhiImmoiI, g with Ten Cent8,anil get one of theBeriea of sixteen magnitit'ent 5 photographs. Pire numbers now ready. iiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iiiniirtiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiamminniiiiiiiiiiiniiicii I MARCH 24 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different p dates, and with Ten Conts in cash, will secure any c one part of tho World's Fair Art Portfolio in four s parts. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiGiiiiiniiiiiiiii I M