THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE, MARCH 25, 1894; WOMEN AND THEIR WORLD. The Latest Creations of the Rul ers of Fashion's Realm. upper skirt hanging straight to ubout mid- good for removing a superfluity of dandruff way of the underskirt, and gradually sloping from the head. backwards towards tho back and bottom of tbo lower skirt. It Is a sort of revival of our Bangs thould be washed at least twlos D first oversklrts of forty years ago. week in a solution of one part alcohol and No evening dress, or street dress tor that j three parts soft water, and dried. By attend mutter, is complete without the hair being I log to thte strictly, any lady can always have ! well dressed. All faces are not suited to suit fluffy ban:-a NEW THINGS FOR HOUSE AND STREET. the Grecian knot, and often when feature! ! and form are in keeping tho effect Is spoiled 1 1 1 h, I smoothly plastered head, the siebt of I I which would make even a statue blush. The I ADMIT I MfCI V M 11 I nfHCQ HUUUI LUVLLI UL.U LNUIl.d. X Street Costume That is Very Smart and (.luite Novel. in'' Newesl Things t Bonnet.-Hint-tor the Boudoir Amelia i:. Burr Writes About LotcI) out iJtdJee . The Heiml) ot Autumn ot life Heeelpts for Easier. line part and fluffy waves now used, will make even a plain face comely . Hangs hav disappeared entirely and the single curl on center of the for tinuesto hold its own. It certainly lends to add youth to any lace, chic even to a plain face, and a beautiful one it makes irresistible. The hair may be worn either high or low, or half way between the two. lasolnating Some of the N()blc , lhat are rchead con- Presented ny Old Age. Tho creators of fashions are busy with the new Spring and Summer styles, and their minds are now exercised trying to look ahead a few Weeks. Hut as their ideas g forward, their thoughts go Kick more and uioro to the old pictures, and fashion sheets of the time Ol Louis XVI. This is noticed to everything, from luu to ihoe, Even the quaint little bag! ar.d reticules of our great gtuiulmoth rS ace again coining into favor. Skirts are still worn plain, with either a rouleaux ot velvet or narrow fur at the odgO! as Spring advance, of course, the tut will be dropped. Blank win not bo as much m favor in the near future as it has been in the peat. Tho new shades of brown will bo the color and ligLi shades In all colors will prevail. Cropons and ore pod goods will oontlnue all through tiio coining leaton among the leading materials. This beauti ful and fascinating material comes in the daintiest tints, and ot a heavier uiake than formerly. The edge of some ot the goods comes with a "crosswise stripe ot narrow laco or ribbon, and is usually ereped Into the material. This year the dresses will be much plainer than tor years past and heavy rough materials greatly in VOgUe tor street wear. Among the popular trimmings arc saloons composed of leather cut in the form ot small flowers. The leather has u smooth dressed surface like more, c , in such colors as cream worked with iridescent heliotrope beads, green with gold, mauve with gold, and so ou, according to the wear er s individual taste. The thick white lace insertions are edged with leather worked in brown, gold and the ucw shade called "medi terranean blue," and those also having tho fringes of paillettes are much fancied trim ming. Lace and velvet will continue I '.' the dsmtaafeon and velvet will be used uj 1 trimming tor dress-skirts as well but must i nanuuuus wiui me suaio oi u.o gcous caenng no noticeable c introst, I I Ss Ol I Among street garments comes the pad- ' .lock coat of wlucli the above Busy, Affectionate woniansays Mr- imclla II. Bnrr Sever Loses. Hit Youth TheTcndorandUrnceful Beams ot Idle''. Am limit. Lovoly young ladies may smile al the term, but is nevertheless quite true, that old ladles may boas obarmiog mtiicr way at .'evenly i years of ago, as their grand-daughter are at seventeen . - for it is the low BUD In life, as well as in nature, thai iuak"'i the color, and the evening ol .'.!- i days to have the splendor and the peace westering sun. At tho same lime, Ago Is not exempted from tho vara '.v which distin guishes every other portion o! lite. Boauty, use grace and mine are ;. bo I mad among may have diffi r i nab. i s In ; outh ; lo w hom tlie yea1 given nothing, and aged women, though Hie out .. pecta from tho unit and again, there .'.:. thou have taught nothing, :.ud from whom they lia taken away, oven that, which In the days nl their ;.. utti they pos sessed, The latter uUl IS III no way cumu undor the designation . t "lovely Old LfldlOS." They are the Mrs, BliOWlOIIS, and Miss Crawloya ol notion ; prowling ubout tho gnj places ot the world, that they ought long ago (o have decently retired from, Out ol thoir place, and therefore out of use and honor, caricaturing youth ana beamy, they are lit objects for the scorn ot those youth ful Veers they alicct : and also of those i i complexion ; the softer smile, the tenderer eyes, the perfect harmony, fair in Its order, us the most buxom youth. Ami a really lovely old lady always knows how to make a picture of herself, by a profusion of soft IBM and teuder greys. She shades her white hair with whiter laeeS, and covers hor neck with a snowy kerchief, and drapes her form in soft dark colors, and throws around tier a flnul grace, that light laoe or crape i shawl, which the French call " i drqpeau tie i icihv emnie," Such an aged woman is in perfect harmony with her years, and she affects all OUrSCDSeS pleasantly, she never muses criticism and dislike, as do those bowigged, befrlnlod, painted wrecks, whose grasp on'alife that has passed away, makes them hideous. The lovely old lady is wise enough to renounce the world, before it renounces herj for she has too much respect for hor own grey hairs, to carry them to theatres, and bail rooms, or Into places whqre only the young and the frivolous have any right to be. I!ul in hor home she holds a far nobler court, she becomes there tho classic matron of the Romaus, or belter still, the Mother in slUCll whom all the young people ol llOr aequaintanoo honor. Por them she opens the book of her life she shows them the ought ! marks of her tears, of her struggles and hor of tho victories, and makos then welcome to tho strength and tho wisdom, she has gained in Iter many experiences, And this is the natural condition, tho best relationship of youth : rid age", for youth cannot enjoy life ration ally, without some flavor ol ago in its seeth ing must. Or if youth be a brilliant flame. wo may expel Wildly, and do is a gooi' mature years, they dishonor. Ago lias, however, tor nobler typos than these, lis physical beauty . a thing to be felt, no! wou with tho eye.; r,nd therefore tho thoughtless and unfeeling do not a it. For the beauty of uge iscfrWred beauty. It is the ossonco ot pain and sorrow nod victory. Informing tho mere ite-h ami blood, and transfiguring it. fouth thinks sorrow to lie an accident of life, which it may escape. On the contrary, it Is the very woof, woven Into the Weft ol life. Our Violets lor outdoor wear are the accepted j nerves were made to suiter; our hearts were i hen age must Btcndy !, oi I to ilai ul, ami burn mischief to Ifaolf and i thors. The world is truly and very reasonably tmputlont with more length ot days, An aged wo n, in who h.i- loarnt nothing In her sevonly-llvo year-', and done nothing with thorn, ami who has no more wisdom and i patiouco than a very child, must not blame others if they feel her to huacutuberor of i tho ground. Tin scire tho women to whom tho "old" may ! rightly applied. They have always been mere children of irgcr growth: they have never cultivated THE REALM OF THE CHILDREN The Thrilling Story of a Daring Young Mexican horseman. HOW HE SAVED HIS COMPANIONS LIVES, They Were Penned in by Apaches, but he Brought Relief. l.iltlest NewsbO uml Hun llr solil Ills wares-How Toddleltlns Hit . oumi by tho Milkman When Lost Now Toys und Tboae vin Make Tliem hiIkt Things for the Uttle Bne. A lUfi;:fJ(!ltM SiA, et nelson Tiionrc. . "li t no harm befall my boy, Pedro Gomes." That is what the mother said to her hus band Juan Qomoz, our guide, and she in I indod, evidently, that the rest ot the party should hear ami heed her, tor she raised her voice iii a way that intimated ti.i- purpose. This was at ih little hamlet of OJo Calionte, Where WO bad spent n few days sen ring a guldo, und preparing !or our survey expedi tion Into tho then almost unknown mountains of Western .New Mexico and Arizona, for this was soma years before th imtng of the rail road to those wild lands. At that tune, the Aote'lic Indians, although not numerous, were giving a great deal ol trouble to our soldiers In tho few posts seat- the middle large enough for our horSCS and four wagons. Behind us there was u canon several hundred feet in depth, up which, it seemed, nothing but a bird could safely come. If the Indians attacked us here, it must be from the front or flanks, and with our su- liefs; but thoso free to sleep, did so with their rifles by their sides. I had been up till long after midnight, so that 1 was sleeping soundly, when I was startled Into wakefulness by a lerlei of I I lod-eurdhng yells, and. as i juio pwl to n.v potior arms we felt reasonably sure we could j foot and saw the gray dawn gathering about Keep DOCS any loree tney could bring against lb- . I tl.a b red throughout the t have been downright r without nn csc irl of tru We had twenty men ii ilh our survey parly i untry, and it won!'! eklcssnoss to travel i Illustration, This is made long, coining within twenty inches of the bottom ot tho dress. It la tight fitting, doub!" breasted. , and tailor finished, with broad revets ami big balloon - like sleeves. On a beautiful figure it is more than chic, and greatly im- I proves even a poorly shared figure. their understanding : to sink into an mil' and they vod, and lull.' unlo oxpeel ely o ODDS 4XD EN'f a now shade 5t brown is si od mordoro. floral favorites. made i i -A The new belts are fully 13 inches wide, and made of jot to match the cllar. Uraid is I also made up into these broad bolts. I Among tho new gowns arc those made e i swivel silk. The skirts are made plain, being in colors beautiful enough to need no addi tion. Sable has become tho rage in Paris, and is used upon goods from the thickest to the thinuest material, including street dresses and houso gowns, to hlci d : and Jet is certainly taking tlrst puv the new trimmings, and will be used in profusion on hats und dresses alike, the laces are elaborately Jetted, Th above 9hows one of the cost taking hats of the season. It Is made from paro .piet's wings, pale blue velvet and pink velvet roses. very 'woman thai at- . tains to (the higheu law of her being, must I have been wounded in' all her affections, and be able to say of every part of her body " ii I lias its history of suffering. " i'aini. ipeci.illy 1 tho rcflnoi of women, and it is to its fine graving, tney owe in ago uiat near, i assi in less face, and that air of patience and scroll ity. which in Itself i- a beauty far beyond I that of mere form or color. , Nothing has ever so absolutely proved the biuuty of uge as tho "huuiuu documents'' I which are now oneol lie great attractions! if our magazines tho faces ol famous men and women from their youth upward, in i i the great majority of these "documents" : among I th0 roUnd, pulpy pretttnessof youth, steadily I ireailgrowa finer, nobler, more Instinct with In Sven tellect and feeling; so that no one with a I Isoul, could hesitate a moment, between I I the beauty of tne youthful and the aged eight years of agCl tana. The first It nnrhum nnlvtha llkenoss now wear gingham suubom.ets trimmed In 0f tt handsome animal; but the latter has lace, and made out of the same material as been graven by the lessons of life, until it ' the .luaint little drsseJ. j has Lccome the likeness of a living soul. j One of the prettiest trimmiugs for light! Looking nt such facet in aged women,! summer goods is loco b.-uding in white r;w m never reminded of their years: for. mack, wnn arawn riocon or velvet to corro-1 their souls throw a weft of radiance across spond in color with the goods. the pale, or wrinkled lineament -. X. i amount lot meehanieal training, no "school" ol cs The tiny chameleons tliat have helped to Iprosslon or repression, can teach an agod soamus.) the ladles for the past few months, I woman this air and attitude of hor years, are still much sought after. The courts lf hor nature is hard, worldly, and unlovely, decided they were not a domestic animal, j it from within, not from without, and and so could not be interfered with by the;uV011 a uttle child will never i I to be told in difference. No! not until itho fierce pas Ions of youth a; d middle age are stilled, not until tho eyes lose thoir lire, and the heeks th ir flush, Is the " Beauty of the 1 upon as"- the beaut v ot u Little girls from two to Hut nohcalthy mind in a roan mably healthy body, ever feel's old. To feci old. Is to ho tired of living, and no woman with tier heart ami hind-; I'd!, i; tired ol living, It has indeed been mid, that long life como I to us. Immortality did to Tithonus at the wrong end. But this is not true, lor though youth soon passes, and middle-ago quickly lapses into age. and then the years in which "the foolish sa --''I have no pleasure in thorn'' appear to length' u Indefinitely out ; it need not be a cheerless vista, nnloss u woman's only hope and business, had been in her own charms and pleasures, Ifshohad boon a loving, busy, ahoi roil woman, thoso quali ties grow; they grow to maturity, and thej remain mafwv : for in th"ni there is no in herent principle ol decay, as there is in mere fleshly beauty. a busy affectionate woman never grows old. The springs of reverence, Imagination, and loVO lie too deep in her. to bo dried up. Nourish d by the dews of her heart, her In tellect grows fresher and richer. She lives among things unseen" and having kept Well In, 'practice all the thousand string . ..t the harp of life, sin; eiijojs her tarrying in the House of Old Ago: feeling thankful to know the while that in a long old age, she Is becoming, as it were purified of the sins of the body. Bo with " No fears to beat away, no strifes to heal, Tne past unsighsd-for, and the future sure,' she grows sweetly a little, and a little nearer to t'nut day, when she Will become of uge. to lalm eternal youth, AMELIA K. BABB. th Fifth Cavalry light, but as none of us hud ever been through tbo country wo ivero about toi xplore, u guide was necessary, ami Juan Domes, who know the route thor oughly, was employed. As Juan Gomog refused to go unless bit son Pedro was takeu along, we bad reluc tantly to agree to tho presence of the youth, j( and. as it turned out. it was well for ourselves that we did so. Excepting tho teamsters, every man in our I arty was mounted, mid as WO traveled, OUT little body of cavalry, under the command o( a sergeant, was kept busy night und day i guarding against a surprise iroiu the droadod I Apaohet. person in our Th" I "IIOIN'TEI) ON i Ition who 1 For the tlrst time since lit had joined us, I noticed that our guide was troubled ut the absence of his son, and his anxiety was shared by all bis associates. We bad hardly completed our defence, when the two troopers, who had bOOn OCttng as vldettes, a hundred yaids in front, dis ebarged their carbines to give the alarm, and then came running in with anxiety in their faces. In reply to a question, oge of them gasped: "The Apaches are close by, and the wood:) are full of them I" A chorUS ol shrill yells, and the whiz of arrows falling into the stockade, convinced us the Soldier was right. Macb man, rill" in hand, had taken the place assigned to him, we heard Pedro calling from the other side of the canon, which was about two hundred b et ac ross, and, as it seemed to us. entirely impassable for man or horse. Th" boy was right as to the place where we could be found, but knowing nothing about the canon he wus not prepared for It. "Thank the saints!" eried the guide as he piously crossed his breast, "that the boy is on tile other side !" I took a looi: across tho awful chasm and saw the boy coolly stroking his horse, and imagined that I heard 'he joyous whistle with which he always announced hi - approach i wind blew from the to camp. 1 but little; bad it b 1 did not think it was possible that ho could coma t" us to-night, and in view of the ; danger that confronted u-, i was heartily I glad ho was on the other side, where thcio was grus, for ins hors-. f od enough for him- Bell in his BaddlO bags, .,.,.( safely. Without doubt tbo boy heard the yelling of : the now swarming Apaches and the occasional ! crack of a rifle or carbine must have told him ' the light was on. a light which but low men in a sate position would voluntarily care to 1 git into. While watching the front. 1 could hear the guide shouting in Spanish to the boy to stay I where was lor the night, und that if in the ; morning the Indians were in the stockade, i to make ids way book to his motiii r, stopping i at Zuni for food, and tell her that be. Pedro 1 GoiEOZ, was u'ele intake cured her, and to take bis father's place as a guide. I could not make out the boy's response, but from the tone of bis voice I interred that ho was determined to join u3. It grew dark very rapidly, but as it would have .been courting death to make a fire or to show a light, we had to g- without coffee that night, and bo contented with hard tack ..tid raw bacon. The Apaches evidently believed they had ir at their mercy, for they established a camp out 'i sight where we could .. t. giari in '. int mountain peaks, I did not need told that tho expected attack laid begun, he Indians did not expose themselves, from their places of concealment behind neighboring rocks, they flrod their rifles I blazing arrows nt such un angle Into the .ir lliut soon they began to fall into the stock . de, and'one of our wagons WIS set on Are. As this contained our ammunition our safety depended on extinguishing It at ones, which wo did, but not till a number of men bad burned their hands so severely that they cor.M not use their rifles. To avoid tho rain of Are and bullets, wo carried our saddles on our heads when mov Ing about Asib-re was no foe seen j except row and then a dark, shodowy flgun I Hitting from tree to tree in the distance, out j ""'M "' .re advised to save their ammunition till such time us it could be used with effect, and for this time the most reckless was not I eager, The long day ended si last, and with night the yelling was resumed, and wo could near l atsh)o a rolling, crashing hoiu.j. which the I guide said was modo by the Anaohos rollfns logs and bundles of wood ir the direction ot the stockade, to bum us out. He was right in his surmise, the Arcs were lit .-.bout midnight, at a dozen points, and tic fuel being dry, wo were s.,-.i, in a semicircle of flame und smoke. Fortunatelv tar . ,!. rath, so that we suffered a from any other dire-. Hon our w.ions would have caught Hi". sH that would mean th" "i. ;. Needless lien to u-ii of ;(.-. atoepli , 3!,si"- tyof that night, tint nest day and the li night. At length the Indians, meddonod at our resistance, formed about us in a great circle, us ii about to charge. Let their Acres yells were drowned out bythe ring otabuglo, and brave cheers and the rnille of flying hoofs from the south. Then the Apaches vanished as if the earth bod swallow I ;: i . At the head of the iroops from Forr Whip ple rode Pedro Gomez, looking as did Don. as fresh as wli"ii he started. Need I say that the brave iad was welcomed and bn -1 !, the men he had reset hour he wa 1 1 tiiat In the palmy days nf Home many of ti? Senators bad an income oi a million dollars a year, this would be equal to twelve millior.s at the present time. But then they not ruled but th"y owned the eon: - .' HOW TODDLEKIXS 6T LUST. Pell in n Coal Hole, hot vVa-- Fou-ii Alter a Long and We in Search i their tires and hear w nnj' TANG. TIMEI.l KEClPEi l K EASTER. Eergh society. The bea-ati:ul their own, and zouave jackets still f hold never seem quite to lose bumij iiiiu's in vtiiioii Eggs are Chlel I ogre diem Tempting Variety. I lie 1 ' I U.J tnoip SVtesnsil-lfSlii r. kJ .m -Ia.I qlmrota v.i-.n i.t-siiti'-, in'; itLtv niiu min Misvft9 I T....I .p. il, in which they are seen combine the prettiest in( lfM ,,. badret radiant With points of both new and old, with perfect tit L jyjjj,, hope anaaainwnnisn, . r.,r ,-., ,,,,,, n . nf The new bonnets aro dainty little spring beauties of fine straw, and beautiful flower;', mounted with two dog's ear bows of black or colored velvet to match the costume. Black violets with green foliage, white violets ami mignonettes ure the favorite flowers ' for trimming. ii..;. r realiy i" in. .l.u old women are that noble land who are bom tor adversity, by thlstokon that the..' have conquered it. They 'have been wives and mothers, they have climbed mauy ilui of Difficulty with the ono they loved, they havo walked with (rod in the Volley ot tho Shadow oi Death, Tbev have sent ions and duugbto! s into Bjg$ in tin Shell. -When properly done, I ggS are COOked evenly through like any food. This result may be Obtained by putting the eggs into a dish with a cover and then pour ing over them boiling water, two quarts or more to a dozen eggs; cover tightly and set thorn on back ol st ivo where they will keep hot and not boil for IS minutes, The heat of the wa'.er cooks the eggs evenly, and they willbe found much nicer than theold method of boiling. lirtailed F.j-j. Boil hard and out In round, thick slices; pepper, salt and dip each in b oten rav. egg. then in tine bread crumbs or powdered cracker crumbs and fry In butter hissing hot Drain If evi ry drop of grOSSO and serve hot. the world well train. .! f i' . many conflict. The silver, steel tortoise shell and ribbon P8 haT0 UM othor9 in ,ha Bvo' 'n'"' band tiaras, with pert little ornaments and1-1 least, : understand in all Its rarloty and hnnhlHml .hl.h Wn ,.rnnA h,. i,.,u 1 fnilness the 1 nv S id n..t- of humanity." of girls all winter, have mad-way f-r laoe. ! Tr' ,h' ni "I'll all thoir ftcalto,pd hjy.-. Place in a deep earthen A twist ofer.ini or whit.- lace binds the l'""-'" '"' 1 '!' ' ,'"-',J' i ' ,Uh alternate liners ol hard -boiled eggs wire round which forms tie. foundation of !"'n :i" ,'l"'i' nt'.xioUS ei- I and grated broad crumbs, si OSoning with the ornament, and two beaaUfal lace butter- i P'-iros.. l or in- w-rd l :::. v.oineu, flies take tho place of tho bow. , especially to their own MX, ".ro wiser and more 'potent Oraoles, than any Delphian1 The roiirninif fad for the nresont vcarl Pr'estcss ever uiwrou; iiqcc mcy snreiy ultra fashionablo nuist now ut. least her hand at the manly art. To do toil must begin by joining soino fashionable fencing club. Thmi shen-.ust purchasoseveral sets of foils and uli the accessories, but, ohlsl Of afl imnortftnt thincs she must own alSWOS i wlio have eo'ne nobly out ! Hons, can best tdl of th" !. of deop tribuln J and gains of Tho above Illustration is a French bodice; mode entirely of Looil XVI ribbon, vest und broad collar in point '. d'Angteterrs ; ruffles ; pale pink silk muslin finish the short puffed sleeves, ilnir dressed high in pointed knot with pink bow. Hkirt accordion pleated of blue gauze. Fan of laco and velvet. Among the beautiful fabrics seen for sum mer nro sheer muslins, and filmy hiecs suit able for trimmings, cool looking ginghams, batistes, and wash cropons. Never have the factories sent forth more beautiful materials than in IBM, i'.vcn the cheaper (abrioi are durable, beautiful and Warranted not to fade. The dimities aro H artistic and exquisitely II m mod in doHigiiund color as materials which cost three and four dollars a yard. The array is simply bewil dering, Among tiio novelties offered is the lliuminuted wool duck, usod for tailor gowns. A decided aid to the Indies who have not ported faith in their dressmakers, is tho almost ro.tdy-rnudo dresses, needing bQta. trifle ot putting together to bo ready for wearing. The skirt:; of the latter are cut and gored and tho insertion of bWMOTOthsr woven trimming set in, needing only the liuiid to make thorn compete. Tho material for tho waist Is planned out togother with' tho sleeve and wnist trimming. Tho handsomest street out lit I have soon this spring was u( plain full skirt of black moire, with long paddock coat of sumo material, white glazed kid gloves stitched with black, patent, le.ithor shoes, muff of the nolle and black luce, surmounted with a bunch of natural violets, blnck jet and laco small bonnet, and another bunch of vlolOtp under tho chin. Tho (out MuicniMo wus tho most fetching it;ims Isoen my good fortuno to sco in many months. , Amonai't)vivivolties is on ovordross ot I fetching costume, in which .'-he can be photo graphed. Then time, diplomacy, an oc casional lesson m fencing, and a generous distribution among her friends of hor photo graphs In fencing OOStnmo, soon givo her the 'Wished for reputation as a f"ncor. J. FboUXOg Wilson. hints rait TIIE itm limit. trv ghyj conquest. It 1 1 a foolish .dea. that gc cannot ad vise or Sympathise with youth. Tho world indeed changes and moves onward, but the ' essentials and attributes of humanity, 1 I change not, What the women of Abraham's! Itime were, in their loves and ha reds, so ' arc th" women of the present day ; and lie . e ' 'who havo felt the force, and drank the' 'sweet and bitter win or both conditions, jam for tbo young, earth's Ik'I councillors ; j Since their experience does really, often j j attain " To something like prophetic strain ;" I While .undoubtedly, the rosldtum of human Wisdom, rollneoj liy age, ,s perhaps the lie t thoro is in us. And pray who can sympathise with youth, as well us the aged cm' EVOO in tbo matter salt and pepper and bits ot butter; over the last layer pour sufficient milk grnvy made rich, to moisten the egg i ho: ..uglily . Sprin kle cracker crumbs over the till brown. Seed to the tab! Which they are cooked. top and bake in the dish in seemed to be entirely tearless was that re markable boy. Pedro Gomez, Pedro was a han.lsoino lad, slender, durl. a nn Indian, and the quietest boy of flftoen 1 1 ever met, and it has been my good fortune to meet a great runny boys ..f nil races. H wus mounted on a Mexican mustang, as light, wiry and active as himself, and between the two there seemed to be a pi rfect under standing. Xo horse was so well cared for as Pedro's. ami when the other animals were breaking down with fatigue, sore backs and the want of ihoes, that wonderful pony he called him "Don" -continued to be as fresh atid bright eyed as on the day we started trom OJo Cal lento. While the soldiers abd engineers always kept within sight and supporting distance of each other. Pedro wandered away at his own sweet will. Sometimes be would start of!' h the morning and wo would not see him again till wo wore about I" make camp at night but lie and Don always turned up us fresh as when they Started OUt 1 spoke to the father about the danger ol having the boy wandering Off in this fashion, and he Bald with a shrug of the shoulder.-, "lib, Pedro is all right; Pedro would rldo 'hat pony nil about thro tills land by him ' self, if it was lull of Apaches, and no ban:; , would come to him." I Despite this assurance, und the fact that the boy always carried a little rifle, that look ed like a toy, and a silver-kilted hunting- i knife, 1 always felt nervous when he was , ut of sight. Another thing about this boy. that struck mens Strange, was that be never spoke un less in response to a question; and while be I often smiled, I never heard him laugh aloud, j It would be a mistake to suppose from this I that Pedro was morose or stupid. His I bright. Intelligent face showed that he was ' entirely content, and his big black eyes told When a lady finds on consulting the mirror that she is worn, wrinkled and haggard look ing, m ner nrst rase no. water ono. t 0fa love ofmlr, noyoung woman wlU give a . unu .i . wat.ii ner ia"o anil noei; , then rub the skin bard with u Turkish toWe! until It is all aglow, then rub cold cream care fully Into all thn pores, holding tho skin smooth and rubbing out tho wrinkles. After this thorough rubbing, lake a heavy Turkish towel, dip it in Water its hot as can possibly bo borne to wring the towol out. Unfold Sympathy so wise, and so warm, as a good kindly old woman. Her own love-life may lie far behind hor; bill it lies In Unit glory of memory, which no solfloh thought troubles, sue remembers that "she too hn been in Arcadia." She had no JssJoUSiOS to warp hor counsel, mid she bus very likely a uliomri.i' m. .re r. m. ml ie i.i'nt .1 ,.:ui i. .11 quickly ami cioB,. to the face, touching, if ln tovor of a b.v .'itch. tis majority not too but. IlniKsit this oil-lit or nine times until tho face and neck aro thoroughly steamed, Then Lie down and go to sleep for tho night, and t guarantee that ono night's work like this win make a vast Improvement, and flvo nights of tho sumo treatment will make one look ten years younger. Ladies who posses rings containing stono settings, should bo very careful to remove them from the Angers upon putting on gloves. The constant friction will loosen tho stones mom than any other usago. Walking is ruoro conducive to good health tliun anything ulsv. PeroKido of hydrogen rubbed on the ntoel each night, will soon whiten and cleanse the worst comploxion. Ten cents worth will hist for wcoks. '' i.ii....W' A few drops ot listerino in a wineglass of water will work wonders in tho way of aweoiM may last until the eternal spring of a eiiing the breath. Our listerias ii also! nobler future. Beautiful the fuded hair and of eager, ambitious young women arc capable of fouling. Why not? The past is ours, only when it Is gone. Tin; young never understand the meaning of their youth its love, and! Joy, ami sorrow until they can look back from lidong distance of years. Then only they know tho moaning of it all. Then only, they see U10 blunders they hav mmlttodi the Opportunities they havo wasted; the priceless affections they have Hung awny. Youth, '.while passing, is a condition but urtiiilly enjoyed and apprehended; bat In old Age, it is claimed m an Inheritanoo, that nothing but annihilation can take, from us. As youth is the season of personal charm. and as woman's influence In this direction, is most easy and ovidont. there it no wonder that they fear tho days, when they will bo 110 loiieer lleslilv lovelv mo I dejiri.lile in tne matter 01 physical ne.-.uty, Uld Ago is itrongth und courage are required. not necessarily ugly, u nan ns own rjoauiy the beauty of the autumn of life, and this Sfg hlaffln. Place a dripping-pan as many muffin rings us you desire. Butter hem and break an egg 111 each; put Ono in-: tie salt and pepper ami a bit of buttertooacb, 101. 1 put into the oven mi I brown nleelv. Serve hot and they will be found deltelOUS. Qdfl$h awl Kggi.ViQ. hnvo ham and eggs, why nol Codfish and eggs us Weill Prop"ily souk mid pick the lisb to pieces, to each cup of fish put in two eggs and beat well together, drop from a B n into hot butler, or half butler and lard or drippings, und fry a nico blown on both Bides, I an be fried in can i r on griddle as pancakes. If tried onOS they will be again and again, which Is the best praise that can be given a dish. Kggi In fas Ass(n(o) dUhfof bitojtfatt), Hem to a froth the whites of six eggs, a little popper and suit; pour into a buttered baking tin, dip upon it six bible spoonfuls of nice cream, one only in a place, upon each Bp ion- fui oi areata drop on., of the yolks whole (be ing careful not to breok them); place In a moderately In ' oven to cool; and serve hot as omelet should lie. This will be found es pecially tempting if neatly done. 1 M'1' iii i v.c were told by :n . guide were, their war songs. I have said tha. it seemed to me impossible tnat any wingless tning evuld cross that canon, if this was the ca ic by day. the diffi culty was Increased by darkness ; great, then, was my surprise, about ton o'clock, to hcai th.; cheery VOlCC of Pedro inside- the- stockade. The guide caught the boy in his urrus, and aft. r kissing him asked . Did you fly a my Son';'' "No," replied the lad. "while it was yet i.giit. I saw how 1 could get down to the b'ttoiu of the canon and up or, this s.j und. 08 SOOn as it was dark, I did it without i any trouble. Then you must go; back, for it will weaken , my arm to know you arc in danger, said the : guide, and Ins voice sounded as if iie were thoking back a sob. " 1 am not afraid to stay with you father, said the boy. ' Hut the mother, what would she do if we Were both goli ? ' "God would care for her. No. 1 could not :; . hack to OJo Qaliente without you. People would point at mo and say, There goes Pedro (tomes, who ran away t.. save himself when 1 his poor father Was facing the Apache?,' said Pedro, with spirit. During this conversation, whieh I wai : forced to overhear, it struck methatwecould make far l etter use Pedro tiiu.ii keeping him. with his boy inside tne s;. .ekade. ! I knew that if General Gregg, then in com mand of the Eighth Cavalry, at For: Whipple, ninety mil. ; to the soutli, knew of our danger, lie would at once send it force to relieve us. Turning to the boy. 1 asked : Were you ever at Port Whipple, Pedro:" "Once, Senor," he rep'.i el. "Could you find your way there alone,' .ih. yos, Senor," he said confidently. "How long would it take you?'' "On Don ? " ' Yes. on Don," for I knew it would be , death for him to try to get out of the stock a le mounted. lb-looked up at the stars before replying, then slid slowly ; "If 1 start nt once, and have good lock, i think I could reach Fort Whipple by noon ; -morrow." "but would you be willing to try it i ' "Yes. senor, " he said without an instant s 1 hesitation. "And do you think you could get back to ' your horse, to-night ' Toddlekini was the .'..cest ruby on the Btreet Toddlekm- was just able to walk, and to see him totter along, with his shoul ders all humped up. as if hi expected P cm -down on the end of that Uttle turn-up nose, set between the blues: oi !.,ue eyes, was too funny for anything. Pa; a. mamma, and all the others nad such !'.. ."an when Toddle kir.s began to walk. Down he would go, ;.a 1 then he would look iy. -. -urpri- d. and 1. s curls would stand out all around tiio sides Ol 'his little blue bonnet lie could not guess ! what they were all laughing at. Maria, the : iittie tricky colored girl, was entrust i with :.; zvrboi, tine doaen eokl hard-boiled egg.., chopped line, one mid onc-hnlt pint of cream gravy BOaBonod highly with pepper and Salt, OOlory SOlt and a little mixed pars ley; mix with the minced eggs the Juloo of half a lemon, stir them into tho gravy and Imko wllli cracker crumbs strewn over the top. Servo hot. Sgfl "ml Chemr.- Ilrenk carefully into an Ordinary pie plate five eggs; sprinkle over them pepper and sail, and small pieces of butter, and cover all with a thin layer of grated che w. Serve hot for luncheon. M. R. W. Buperinh ndent Byrnes, of New York, told Major Calhoun that women were more In clined to vice and less inclined to crime than men. They succeed as shop-llttorS and blackmailers, but they draw the line where a'K roD urn. that be was fur from being indifferent was going on about him. tine day in a lit of confidence, the fath r told me that Pedro'l wanderings were large ly due to his orders, as be wanted the boy to learn the country, and so be able to guide when he b line a man, It is said "familiarity breeds contempt;" j "I am sure 1 could." And you arc wiiling to try UT" j "Yes.'' Although in command of the party, 1 I thought it better to tell my purpose at once to my companions; then shielding a candle, j so that the light could not be seen outsidethc stool.ade. 1 wrote a note to the commandant at Fort Whipple, outlining the situation, and asking for speedy assistance. This note l gave to Pedro, who concealed II outside his tunic. The cool, placed sonic food m a haversack that could hang from his shoulder, as he made his way back, and then he filled his canteen ut the spring and said he was ready. His father caught the boyteblB breast, and I beard bis sol s us be kissed him good bv'e. Those nearest him pressed the youth's hands and his las, words were, beforeho van ished in the direction of that nwful chasm : "Do not lose heart, comrades, 1 shall reach Fort Whipple before noon to-morrow." I think 1 can say without vanity that there was not a 00 ward inside our littl" stoi ka.l !, but 1 think il would better express it to say, i but 1 am very sure, desperate though our Bit- A common snnii lias .')0,WU teeth, and come butterflies lu-.vo Slid evos. fiiniilinritv broods indifference. ' We soon grew accustomed to the boy's ways, ami he became a pet of the engineers and of the rough, broniod soldiers ot our escort. After three months hard Work, we reached tho northern spurs of the Sun Francisco mountains in Arizona, and here, for the first tune, the recently extinguished flres told us wo were in the vicinity of th" ApOObOS, whom we were so eager to avoid. After that euir sleep was not so peaceful us it had been. Judging from the signs our guide thought there were at least two hundred people in the Apache band near by. and he frankly told us that it would go hard with our little party, if (he Indians attacked us with all .'heir force. The nearest point from Which we could get assistance was Fort Whipple, ninety miles to the South, the intervening country being hilly and cut up by deep, dry canons. One afternoon the Indian signs were so fresh about lis, that, acting on the guide' s advice, we went into camp nn hour earlier than usual, and because of tb advantages for defence of the place we hud como upon. It was a natural wall of volcanic rocks, with a nation was, that any one ot us would not bavc &0C0pt0d tbo greatest fori line in the world as an Inducement to change places with young Pedro Gomes. lie told us that when be got back to the pony and was again in the Saddle, he would announce the tact by u shot into the air from his rifle. In my anxiety for the lo.'s safety. I quite forgot the danger in our front. 1 remained near the edge of the black gorge, fearing every BOOOUd that I would hear a loosened Stone thundering down, and announcing that tho boy had lost his foot-hold, or a horrified scream tolling of his fall, but no noise, save the melancholy moaning of the wind, came up from the black depths. After a wait that was painfully long, we saw a flash across the canon, followed by the sharp crack of the rifle, and aloud or in their boarts nil the listeners fervently thanked Heaven that the boy was over. Our guide did not think the Apaches would attack before daylight, and, as it wus neecs sirv that every man should lie InatgOOd a condition as possible, the soldiers and the good spring in the center and a olenrspacs in men of the survey corp were divided Into re Toddleklns in the h ui i, i iut whem per be was let out to walk on the sidewalk, mamma said Maria wu p.. . risky. So Mary, Toddleklns' sister, who was twelve years old, was s nt . ut m let Toddle kins take the air when th" wi at hi r was nlc . ! Dut Mary, though she loved 'J .ei gossip with her schoolmates, and especially latest dolls and doll-' dn sses, One day when i the sun was shining and the st .-. wai all ..' the street, Mary, who wasanxl us to see - away than six houses from tho door. Mary ' laughed, and acted as ll ho wonted to run a big dog, and stare; cl his foot, Mary forg . . and seeing Sally at the front door of her bouse, ' ran over where Ball was, just to take a pa . of the latest fashion. She unite forgot Tod- ; dlekins. the doll was so lovely, but Toddle klns was a moving object, and pulling his hand out ol Mary 's he started eft. Sally had to run upstairs r.r. I gc. a new deli's clonk t ) j show to Mary, and Maty had to look the d; 11 ' over, and when Sally came .1. wn thi re w i lis. and nhs. and so much praise sf the dolls, that Toddleklns was forgotten, or at leas; for ' a lime. When Man- looked around there was no ! Toddleklns in sight No v.-.igon had gone by I that Toddleklns could have been carried 1 away In. No tramp bad passed, and nothing . had happened, but Toddleklns had gimo. j Mary fairly screamed, and oftei looking a 1 minute or two, ran home, thinking maybe the baby had run home and momma had taken him In. But no, Toddleklns was not there. Mamma almost minted with terror, and rushed out of doors. Ail the neighbors were approached on either side Of the stiv. ;. but no. not a person knew where Toddleklns had none. " How could u child thur weichod 'thirty pounds be earned oil and nobody ; know' it I " said Mr. Muggins. 8tots, the po liceman, had seen nothing. Jorgess, the I milkman, had noticed the tehv On the walk, j and all at once he was gone. Papa was sent for. and came home trom the st ire, Bure that any one could find the lost baby if th y t; .. I. Hut after hunting an hour, the last beating heart ol papa began to give way to gi i, f. ui.l yOU could see tears in his eyes. Mamiva was down sick oil the Is d. Poor Uttle ToddlokinS, should we never see him more A half dozen policemen looked nil over for him, and every woman en the block was i ngoged In the 'search. There were as many i p plo around as at a tiro, but not one could help in the least. Uttle Marta. seven y mi s old, who had been reading about balloons, wont t. where paps mi with his bead in his hands-, crying over the losi baby, and softly said : " I link a man in n balloon ciune down an' carried oh poor Toddiekins." Well, thai was about asnoor right as iinv body could guess. It WOS mourn ing over nil the Street, and a night came on papa and mamma were almost era.:;.'. At last, about nine o'clock, JorgOM, the 1 milkman, went down cellar in his milk office, i ami taking a lamp went out under the side- I walk, where WOS a number of bates of bay, I and there on the too of one lay little Toddle kins, sound asleep, his yellow curl around Ills sweet face, und traces of tour., in his eyes. I How did ho get thoro? Ensj enough, The cover of a coal hole in the sidewalk bad slipped, and w hen ToddlokinS sat down and began to inspect it. bo went out of Bight in a minute. As ho went down be eaughl a', the cover, mid when poor ToddlokinS vanished the . over slipped back to its pin. e. and who would have known where Toddleklns -had gone? The sudden fall upon " I''1" "f soft. bay bad not bun Toddleklns. and niter a good crv. which nobody heard, he fell asleep, for he was tired, ami after waking up Olid calling for papa and mamma, he thought that il was still night, and cuddled down and slept again. Poor, dear little baby, the an gels were watching OVI r him, and he slept as sound as if he wore in his crib at home, while papa and mamma would no; sleep a wink, thinking what bud become of their dear. d"ar little ToddlokinS. When.' rgi j found him ho looked up and laughed, and .lorgens said "Y'oit could a knocked modoWU with a feather!.'' Five minutes afterwards tho bnby was in mamma's arms, being e.lie .st kissed to deMith