THE SCRANTON lUlBUKE-SATURDAY MORNING. Mak( u -'4, 18,-. 5 UIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIU I Pipe I Valves I Fittings THE SCRANTON SUPPLY I AND MACHINERY CO, DO Vol' WAN 1 A IN! tL W NECK BAND on your oi l shirt Wo do it. Lackawanna B HI nnnT - U HI li CHURCHES T H czi Laundry !TG Fi-tin Av A. B. WAEMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS mm 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, TVall Papers, w indow Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '37 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Qovcrnor Fatlriwn lim issued a procla mation naming April 18 and H7 ui arbnr days. Children' music clitM at the Young Men's Christian AaKuoiit.l'ju rooms thij afternoon ut 2 o'clock. The Easter choir of the First Preiby-tt-rian church Will m"-t f ir a final rehears al this evening at S o'clock. Ea3ter service at the Krscne Mission to morrow evening at 9 o'clock. Music will le in chart;-; of kettle Watkim. A special taster service for Vonng Women will be conducted by Mrs. E, . Fellows in the Komi, -' Washington ave nue at 4 '. m An informal social with music and (fame? will be held Tuesday evciiiu;.',M:rcli 27, in tbo Young Women's Cnrlstlsn mi . ciation room That innriiQcant play, "The Two r jjhans," will be produced at .N"W Wonder- lund today, cblldren'i day. Every child in the city should s, e it. The "Old Homestead" quartette gave a very entertaining concert before a large audience ut Young Men's Christian associ Hon hall last evening. Thomas O'Donnell, who assaulted 0. s. Lutz, on Cap use avenue Tuesday, whs arretted by Officer ijavid Roche yesterday afternoon. His case may not be beard for a few days. The stt department of the Elm Park church, will bold a sale of hand painted china, beaiitilul Uinii ihadll mill fancy urticleH inltable for Baiter gift tins af ternoon undeveiiini; in tlie church parlors. The presentation of astatue of Abraham l.mcoin to Qrtffla Poet No 134, Qrand Army of the Republic, Will take place at the post room this evening, and the mem bers are requested to be presuut in full Uniform to receive the same There trill be a opeoini Batter service al the Railroad department Young Mens Christian IStOOiatlon, 68 Laokawanna ave nue tomorrow afternoon at -'t. 45 o'clock, The choir will render specie) music and the male quartette will sing. Railroad employes and tbelr families are cordially invited to attend. American BeantT Ku;cs at Clark's to day. A Great Hnrpriat. Wo were startled yesterday when we dropped In Williams i McAnultV'a t what a little money would do in linn rUgS, They called our attention to Oriental rugs as follows; Bee them; 6 by 6 42.00 6 by 0 u.Oi) HbylU 11. no by IS 16.00 . 4 Easter Qiven Away, i bi Saturday our stmo will be beautifully decorated with flowers and plants, who every dollar's worth of goodl s ld wo will give an Batter rocet 13.00 worth of goods, two roses, etc. MbaM&HaOBR, Do not fall to see our blooming plants; tney are to nue. i n ami mo wasniugtoa aveuue. Q. II. OtARR & Co. Ftkonc sella at. auction tlm contents of a 14 room house noxt Tuesday at 1 p. in., Bra Mulberry etreet. ' 0 . 1000 PiibzIh Fr Today. Hon. r'elton i Bid , 801 .Spruce stroot. Fnrlnif Chickenr, Turkeys, duckti, chickens and squabs. PtiptOB'i jiAUKa,r. Boiled bam, Armhrost, ftIO I'eun ave. 1 Lilv or the Valley at Clark's. McUkidk'b new Turkish bath. Every tbiug new. 50i Spruce Btreet, opposite Court House. ' - Shltudiil ProgfalDIDM That Have Bet'ii AnaiiiJid. : iOSRS VIE WITH EACH OTHER II Hie Churches Have Special Serv ici's in lionor ot the Resurrection o( the Saviour At These Services the Mu-ic Will Most Certainly Be oi Unusual Excellence Program mes in Detail. The ch l ira of the . nrclies of the city have been making unusual efforts this year to make the muifoal portion of tbo Eaeteriervices especially attract ive. At t lie Elui Park oburoh the following progratutna will he rendered under the direction of Professor L) Protheroe: HORNING), Anthem. ''Ho is Risen" F- Schilling Quartette, "lie Hath Redeemed I s," O. Belcher AltoBolo, "The Resurrection," li R. Shelley Anthem, "Come See the Place Where Jesns Lay" P. A. Schueckr l. BNISa Btsbat Mater Rossini Uunrtette nud L'norus. . "Lord Most Holy'' Tenor Solo "Lord Vouchsafe Thy 1. -vine Kiudncsi " Duet, Soprano and Alto, "Power Eternal" Bass Solo "Through the Darkness" lias.- Solo and Chorus, Then Hast Tried I 'IM' Hearts' Quartette "Hear Us, Lord" Alto So'.o. "1 Will Sing of Thy Great Mercies" Soprano Solo and Chorus, "Wieu Thou Cornell" SOLOISTS Sotrano Mrs. Jos, O'Brien; alto. Mrs. A. B, Ciin. ell; tenor, Mr. Allied Wooler; bas, Mr. Richard Thomas, CHORUS. S piano Mr-. IV. A. Powell, Mis. li. J. Hatig, Mrs. Roderick Jones, Mrs. D. Protheroe, Misies Lydia Saner, Letltia I vans, Jenuie Haalett, U tme Perry, Carrie Beidieman, Eila Griffiths, .Stella Yost, Ljuise Llnder, Alio Mrs. ha Orr. Mrs. Jacob Baas, Misses Annie Connell, Joiie llawley, Teresa smith. Bertha May cock Jenuie Barnes, Maggie Rogues, Maggie James, Elsie Powell Tenors Messrs. r, T. Richards, J. E. Surdam, H. c. Benson, J. L. Lutsey, r'urtis Powell, w. i). Runyon, Thomas Williams, John As'.. in. Howell Davis. Basses Messrs, F. A. Boidlman, B B. Hicks, Moiford Vernoy, M. W. Bieseoker, Harry Vost, H. H. Beidieman, Qustave Uruener, i.leorge loues. Jehu Edwards, E Iwsrd Jamer, jr. Urgauist Mr. Ueorgl Carter. rr:vidnc rr.isbytsrian Chuuh lu tlie ProviJencs Presbyterian cburcb the Easter music will be n.s follows under ;ue direolioi of Profoi sor T. J. Davies UORMIRQ i trgau Prelude MIm Ruth Jackson Anthem, "Chrlit Is Rlteu from the Dead" sir Qeorge Elvey Unoir. Solo, ' The Angela' Message" ... A A Load Miss Cora P.oivley. . Anthem, "He Is Hum,' . . .Mr. Barrett Soprano, Bassand Tenor Solonu, choir Organ Postlude, "MarKhdssUrsnadters, 1 Hymns, .Nos. bo.', sn, sr.'. BVENINO. Organ Prei ids Bi nee Anlheui, "1 V ili Mention tlie Loving Kindness Sir Arthur Suihvan Tenor and Soprano Soloists, Choir. Sol", "There b a I. net on High'.., Taylor Aliss i atherme i.tabncl. M'Jet, "Forever With the Lord'' liounod, Shelly Miss Helen Ilir butt and Miss Cora R twley. Solo, "The Resurrection Uoldeu Mr. P. II. Warren. Organ Postlude Scatsin Clarke llyuiiis, No-. 825, 81 1. 8J9. rnn Avenue Baptts'. Chircli. lusicnl Director John T. Watkim has prepared u programme of unmnal xcellence tor the lsst'r services at the Penn Avenue Baptist church. Mr. Wntkins sayn his cnoir, numbering thirty-live of the best Volctl, is u mo a latisfactory on?, and the ezoellenoe herti lore attained on special occasions will be fully maintained tomorrow. i iie Bible school h is aioo prepared u most interesting prugrnmtu" tinder the direction of thnnuperintendent, Luther Wellnr. 1 ne mimical servica of Mu scimol is In charge of C F. Whitte more, which gives assurance of its ex cellence .Much interest Ls msnlfoited in the afternoon etercile, at tiie clos of wiiich the ordinanoe of baptism will bo adininistered to quite a nuinbjr from the school The pastor, Rev. Warren (1, Part ridge, will preach special surinons morning and evening, and the church will be tastefully beautified with Bow ers. The programme or tho day is us follows HORNING Organ Prelude, "Festal ilarch, ' uaoMaiteri Salutation. Uoxolgy, "Praise and Adoration". . Wesley The Reeurrectisn, "Triumphal March" e osiai r. nun Boprano Solo, Male, Female ami Donble I horns. Hymn, "llnrk1 Ten TbOUMUd II irps and Voices' Mason Ke-piiiisive Heading il'salm xvi. Antheiu, 'Tlomnua " lules Urnnier Soprano Solo and i hoir. itesponse, "Hlnim 1'nlria' Mr. L, Spohr icssier 'nerinas , ; diortory (Baritone), "The Easter Son shine Brews Away Miotzko John T. Vv atkins. Sermon, "(llory to the Risen Christ," 'I In Castor Anthem, 'I 'hiistioir Passover." P A, Bcbneehtr Soprano, Alto, Tsnor and Bass Solos and Chorus. Hymn, "Cnrlst the Lord Is Huon Today," Wesley iirgan Postlude, "Sonata in M," Mendslssohn IVBMiNOe 7 W o'OLOCR Organ Pielude, "Festal March ' Brewer Sen lence Hymn. "Welcome, 'ITn.n Victot" Croft Responsive Scripture Reading (I cor. xv: 184iD Anthem, "Come, Hee the Place Where JesUS Ly" W. H, Parker Boprano Solos, I nlson Chorus for Mule mid Female Voices, rulH'lioir. oft. riory, Soprano, "O, Happy World Redeemed Today" 1 Kies Mrs. Uisla iiutfiies Brundage, Sermon, "The Kesurrectiou ot tho Mend" The Pastor Easter Anthem. "Faintly and Sot l, the k y Bbafti f Mornlng"P,A.Sohneoker Boprano, Alto, Tenor and BsssBoloig Trio, Quartette and Responsive chorus. Hymn, "Coronation Holdeli AKTKRNni.iN' 'i (iVl.iX'K. Bible school esircises: Organ Voluntary. Singing No. 8, "Break from Your Bond age'' School Responsive Reading no, 10, "Prophecies of ReturreOtloRl Its Fullll nient." Singing, "Beautiful Morning," (Irnco and Anna Hose, Charles A. Whit- temore nmi school. Hope Messengers Eight Qlfll Song, "The tiolden Sunshine, " Primary Department QuartnttO, "Portal of Glory," Urneennd AnnnRose, Charles and Edwin Whltteniore. Kespuusive Heading No. 3, "The Early Morning. " Song, "Hing Happy Bells." Primary Department Address A. L. Collins Sinning, "Fair us the Muwu, " Jessie seamans, i lata bona and school, Responsive Services No. 0, "jov anuQladness. Singing No. l., "What Ulad News," School W ords by the Pastor. i irdlnance of Baptism. Persouel of the choir: Bolo Quartette -Mrs. Lissle Uugbee-Brundat, soprano; Miss Margaret Jonas, alto; David Steph ens, tenor; ilolin 1 . utkins, bass and cui- luctor. Auxiliary Choir: Sopranos Mis. David Btepbeni, .Mrs. s. s, See mans. Miss Lizzie l,loyd, Aliss LIZZie Reynolds, Mis Unto Mongan,Mlss sudia Ooitou, Miss Mary Burhuu, Miss Maggie Jordan. Altos Miss Miuple Thomas, Miss Alda Mavis, Miss .Maggie Reynolds, Miss Annie Roche, Miss Carrie Kendall, Miss Hannah li. Davis, Miss Mamie N'ymau. Tenors David M. Mavis. Thomas M. Thomas, John J. llleasou, Thomas M. Lewis. Uass -Curtis P. Colvitt, Walter Han I rlcki in, Jobn Lloyd. Frank Fillmore, i 'larence M. Flory, L. u. Uhlel. organist Miss FlorenSe Richmond. Pint Pi-rtsbvt.iiian Church Tho new choir, numbering nearly lixty voiees, will make its first appear itnce tomorrow, mid sing from the new mid haudsome gallery. The even ing lervioe will ho devoted almost eu lirely to music. Tbe day's programme will be us follows: MORNING SERVICE, 10 80 A It, i Irgau Prelude. Doxology and Invocation. Anthem Voluntary, "Great is the Lord" Belrly 'holr. Hymn Choir and Congregation Scripture Reading and Prayer Pastor Anthem, "Now Is Christ Risen " Porter Choir. Responsive Reading Pastor and Congregation Solo, "Easter" Vaudewater Mrs. T. J. Lewis. llyniii Choir and Congregation Sermon. "Tho Resurrection", Pastor Anthem, "0 Sing (TntO tho Lord.' Rousseau Hymn Choir aud Cougrcgutiuu Benediction. ' IrgBU postlude. E ES1NU SERVICE, 7.30 P, M. Anthem voluntary, "Let All the Esrtli Be Ulad" Porter Choir. Hymn Choir and Congregation Reading of Scripture Pastor Solo, "Easier May" Shelley .Mrs. M. A. Goodwin. Prayer Pastor Anthem, "Angel of the Lord" Uoate Choir. Responsive Reading, Pastor and Congregation Anthem, "Behold. I Tell You a Mvs- tery," Holden Choir. i ulVrtorv Solo. "Euster Dawn, ".Woodman Mrs. Edith Rlchards-Heckel, Chorus, "l Will Sing of Meroy"...Novello I adiei Voices Hymn Choir and Congregation Address By tho Pastor Anthem, "O, Sing Unto tha Lord." Rousseau Choir Closing Hymn.., Choir and Cougiegation Benediction. Organ Postlude. Director . i irganist ' 'ornetor Tallle Morgan Mist Stella Ssymour ,, Joseph Sumuierhill S'. Pau;' Churc i, Qisdii Riiifi. I ir Taunt and director Sjins Rosier 'Vuli Aqnm " Ma s in F Concone Offertory solo, "Ave Muna " Millard .Mrs. MoTiflhe, i eul Creator" Weigand rostiuue. Second Prlj.'teiin Church. MORNING BERT1CE AT 10.30. Uigun Prelude, "Andante Beethoven Doxology tl uisoin, choir aud Congregation Anthem, "Crown Utm hverlastiug Kmc. Warren iSolos for Soprano, Alto, Tenor aud Bass.i Ulorlo Patri Old Chant Boyce Hymn No. 401, "DobeSt" Batton An'.hem, "Aa it Began to Dawn' mew), Foster i Sol, i for i 'ontralto.i Hvimi No 420, "Resurrexlt" Sullivan Offertory Tenor Solo, "Easter Bunibini Breaks Again" Mieizke Hymn No. 410, "Ariel" llason organ Prelude, "Marcbe"....Mendlsiobu EVENINO SERVICE at 7 30. i irgan prelude, Overture. Bellini Hymn No. ;:,7, "1 Am He That Liveth." Bnrk Anthem, "Why Seek Ve the Living Amongthe Mend'" Hopkins "OH irta ratri, old cbunt Borr Altoselo, "The Lord Is Risen . Sullivan From the oratorio, "The Light of the World." iivinu No. 879, "Let Us Crown Him." McQranahan t n them. "Christ Is Risen from the Mead." Kossi Soloi for soprano and bass. 1 iffertory, soorano solo. "Eastor Dawo." Woodman Hymn No. UiW, "Halleluiah' Christ Is Risen." McUraiiahnu 1 iraan oosunae, ijaeenot eneoa uarcn, Moiiuod The choir of voicei is as follows Sopranos Mrs. B. T. Javna Mrs. F. D Brewster, Mis. R M. Stratton, Mis Jessie Williams, Miss Susie Black. Alto- Miss Annette Reynolds, Mrs. A. L Lord. 1 1 non Thomas Bynon, Oeorge DeWitt Bassos -Hector II. Jume, Robert R Voris. George Noyes RookWell, organist and director. Uoly Tiinity I.ithsran Ohurob, Tho Easter music at Holy Trinity church tomorrow will be unusually in Westing. The following persons will take part Sopranos Miss E Qaragan, Miss a lloeuberg, Miss A. V intersteili. aliss M Morgans, Hlai Jennie Blioklns, Miss Jen nio Beokendorf, Alios Miss Abbie Orff, Miss Sarah Beck eudoi f, Miss Annie Morgans. Tenors -Frank Mroher, Mr. Miller, Now ton Croft. I!, ms K.I I Haas, lleiirv Shubert, Tho, Price, E R. Protheroe, orgauist aud di lector. M"RNINi.l SERVICE. OrgtB prelude Ruuagle t K Protheroe. chorus, "Glory bo to Ood'' Perkins Kvne .aim Ulni ia in F X' elsis Liut Solo, "Twns Easter Eve Gounod E. Clunigau. Hymn. "The Lord is Risen Today" Morgan eei iiioii. Offertory, "Miserere Mei Deus" Ltvriz Solo, "Tho Sabbath Was Past" J. E. T. Miss Annie Morgaiis chorus, "Christ Is Risen" Simper llymn, "ihe IJay or Kisurreotlon Salvatori Sanotui Carindn Agnus Mel Lay i It D unc Ulmiltn Jnule Benediction i.lradier St. Ptter's Cathsdrsl. The following prngraranie will be rendered at the 10.30 mass at S'. Pot erl cutho Iral, tomorrow morning un iler the iliruotion of Prof. .W. P. Schil ling: Jnbilato Deo Choir Mozart's Twelfth Mass, sccompnniea by liiiuer's i ircliesini (nuginentedi "Kyrie" Solo Quartette and Choir Airs. , ,:ii..-, n- hatter, Alessrs. Klas en and Kirbv. "'lloria'' Quartette and Choir .iirs. :- online. ttatter, Messrs. Klassen and Brndburv. "Credo" quartette and Choir airs, uoyie, .um natter, tnossrs. Kins son and Snow. Veui Creator, adapted from Rossini. Mrs Burke Sermon Offertory, "Reglna Coeli," .Miss Rogers and Choir Sauctus" Choir 'Aenus Dei" Miss Rafter and Choir To Meum Choir St. Pat lcli's Church, Wast Sidt. At the 10 30 mass at St. Patrick's church. West Sole, the musical pro- i i in me will be as tollow.i: Prelude Orison IspnrgN Uiiartotte Mrs. Sullivan, Mlsi Carroll, Kdivnrd Walsh and J. Conuollv. Kvren Schubert Horla Gounod redo Gounod Offertory (vioUoj Cavitina r..Bobm Miss Harriet Ward. sanetus Bobubert Benedictus llounod Agnes Mio Schubert, Postlude, Fugue in D Ouilmont llaydu Evans.Organlst and Director; Solo. Wis, .Mrs. Sullivan, J. Couuelly aud J . Fee.iey. Washburn Btrest Church At ths Washburn Street Preiby- lerian church, 'services will be held at 10 u0 a. in, and J,V0 p m I lie pastor, H-v D, V. Sklllenger will preach ser mons impropriate to the day, and great preparation! h ivo been made bv tbe xcellent chorus choir of tiio ohurcli to tve an exceptionally fine programme of appropriate m isia, oonillting of solos, antbeins ami choruses ut both services. The following order of ser vices will be observed MORNING, 10.80, irgan Prelude. Invocation, Anthem, "Christ tijlug Raised from the Dead LlVey i iptursl R .siting. Hymn 720, "On This Day." Tune, Hewlett Prayer. Response, "Lord in Thy Mercy" Ogden Baptism. Hymn 160, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today.' lune. Easier. innounooments. Offertory. oprano solo. "The Resurrection, ' Shelly Miss Clara Sanders. Sermon. Chorus. "Blessed BjThoul.ard God, "Kent Hymn ,10, "lilcst Btoming, " tune, Ar lington. Benediction. Organ Prelude. EVENING, 7.30. organ Prelude. Anthem, "Christ Being Raisd ' Webbo Hymn 168, "Angels Roll ihe Rock Away." Scripture Reading. Prayer. Response. "Hear Our Prayer" Ogden Hymn 170, "Christ Above All Glory Seated." Announcements. Offertory. Anthem, "Christ our Passover" Tours Sermon. Baritone Solo, "The Star of Hope" Protheroe M. C. Richards. hymn 169. "Yes. tho Redeemer Rose" i one i.enox Benediction. ( irgan Postlude. Director Rees Wntkins Organist Walter Davis Dunmors Prsbvterian Church MORNING SERV H.'F. AT 10 80 Morning Breaks upon the Tombs'... chorus. Barrett. "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" Hymn morgan, 'The day of Resurrection" hymn Smart. The Eastern sunshiue Ureal, again,' .. solo, Mietzke. Sermon. Subject, "The P.-rsoU of Christ.1' He is Risen" Quartette, Martiee Hark ten thousand llurps sud V oices Hymn, Mason. BVBNINQ BERVICI at 7 3d. 'Christ is Risen" Chorus, Manko Golden Harps are Sounding'' Hymn Havergnl Hosanna", . . Easter Song, Jules Gamier "Mighty God while Augols BiBss. Hymn, Knot. "Christ Victorious" Chorus, Porter "His Matcult ss Worth Mason xcelstor Alhletlc Ciub tetmM to Conduct Association Tournament. PLENTY OF ENTRIES ASSURED Officers of Amateur Atlantic Associa tion of Athletics Promise Every As sistance to Make the Tournament a Success Entries of Boxers and Wrestlers That Have Already Been Received by the Club. f imp3on Mthidit Episcopal Cburoh A special B titer programme for the Minpson Metnodist hniscopal church has been prepare ! by Chorister Profea- or W, W. Jones, assisted by ths or gainst, Frank Reynolds. A chorus of thirty voices will participate The orocrammo will bs as follows M im ing- Urgnn voluntary, rrauli Key noldSj hymn! and prayer: anthem "Christ Is Risen," choir; Scripture let- sons and olleriug, solo, "Ths Cin- queror, miss biiiian bniveiy; sermon bv tlie pastor, Kev. L. U l'lovd, U U , subject, "Ttie Resurrection and Its Lessons; anthem, "Christ Has w. the Victory," by a quartette consisting of Misses Lillian Shively. Ur ic Acuer and W. W. Joins and Hurry Acker They will be auoomptnied by neboroi The evening progi iinme will he as follows; Organ voluntary, Frank Reynolds; anthem, "Tail Is ths ntv. by the choir. Scripture leisou; solo Mrs. Byron Page ; hymn ami prayer anthem, "Why Seek Ye the Living,' choir, solo and chorus, Frank B?ck sermon by the pastor, subject, "The Duty of Prsiie"; authetn, 'U' For a Tbouiand Tongues" Plymouth Congregational Church Tha programme for tho services in the Plymouth Congregational church tomorrow has been carefully prepared It will he as follows: Morning ser vice Organ voluntary, ,openingJchorus "Spring and taster, n sponsive rem! ing, prayer, quartette, "The Angel's Mission, responsive resiling, trio "Night of Grief." dialogue, "The Dawn of Mops;" solo and chorus "Evangel ," recitation, "The Roman's Defeat," anthem, "Christ Our ran over," recitation, "Robhoin;" chortle, "Out ot the Mouth of Babes," infant class, acrostic, "L:stor Questions,' address, Superintendent A IV Kviion closing chorus, "A Parting Lay ;" ter beiiodictiou, .organ and orchestra accompaniment An interesting pro in no me will be rendered iu the even ing. An Opportunity for ths Uusmploytd. If OH are out ot employment. Invest your tune on a busiuess, steno graphic or ucudeinic education. It means success to you iu the future If you canuot pay us this year make It next year YoU helped us in your prosperity we snail Help you now. Wood's college of business aud short hand. Csuhfl ;wer, i.i... henna nsiiiimijim tomatoes, summer squash, egg plant, etc etc. PtERcl'S Maiikkt ripe DR. C C. LaVBAQB, dentist, Gas and water company nnua'ug, Wyoming ave nue. Latest Improvements. Eight years in hcrantou. 1 Ladies' hose, staluless black aud double heel and lole for BB ceuts at MBAEI Hahen. The Everett Lsnds. Wait for Guernsey Bros.' new goods. M America ANOTHER CHANCE MADE RAPIDLY NEARING THE END. Tlie F.xcelsior Athlotio club hns made another change in the exercise under its auspic-s, hilled for April 0 and 10 at the Academy of Music List February Mio club decided to take charge of the fourth annual tourna ment of the Amateur Atlantic Aso- mtion of athletic. Entry blanks were sent out to all the clubs of the association, and the affair was exten sively advertised throughout the Eis- tsrn states. For some unknown reason tho ofli ;rs of tlie Excelsior club did not seem to get lunch encouragement or assistance from the board of managers of the Atlantic association, who were to receive half of the profits; and con s quenlly the sentiment of the club's members was that tlm association tour nament would be a Rssto, so thev de cided to drop the matter altogether As was stated in this column a week ago, tlm club intended to run a tourna ment of its own on the dates advertised for tho association events, and puts forth ull its ende ivor to make it eclipse all former tournaments. ASSl'RED EVERY ENCOURAGEMENT. President Joseph J. McXally nnd Sucretary John Collins left tor Pliila- leiunia last Wednesday to attend a meeting of the board of managers of the Atluntic association mid usk a re lease from the contract made in Febru ary, When the matter was brought up explanations were made by the members of the board that threw a dif ferent light on the sulij-'ct. I he apparent non-interest on the part of the managers turned out to bs without foundation. Instead Cillini ind MsXslly were assured and con vinced that earnest 00 operation was in progress for the success of tue ns?o- ciation tournament Assurances wete given that several first Class amateurs of the ilitrrent clubs of the association ha l already began training and would oe on hand when the time c mis. Why no answer came to Secretary Collins from over a hundred entry blanks forwarded to the various club, iinl which aroused the idea that the association tournament would be un succmiful, resolves itslf satisfactorily whot! the explanation is given that the entries will not reach here until the men are ready to come along, too. ENTRIES ALREADY RECEIVED. President McNally went on to New York from Philadelphia to s-?e P. J Donahue and secure niin us refere. .Mr. bonnhoe was a lvortissd ns the referee nt the last tournament of the Excelsiors nnd did not show up. He claimed to be unavoidably dotaine i ami desires a second trial to prove his sincerity. Secretary Collins secured the follow inz entries before be returned, which is only half of what will come in later John McCormick, amateur middle weight champion boxer of the United Slates. William Wilson, light-weight, winner of several prises at last year's association tournament . Cbariei Mc Qlnley, 188-pound boxr, f the Rox borough Athletic club o I West Phila delphia Teddy Dillon, lo" pound box r, of the Pittsburg Athletic club; Harry Marks, 108pound boxer, Pittsburg Ath letic club; Cnarles Hooper, 185 pound boxer, ot the Pittsburg Athletic c'.u' ; ''buries Uigley, 136-pound boxr, of Philadelphia, and John C. McNulty, 113 pound boxr, of the Pittsburg Ath letic club. WHO THT. WRESTLERS ARE. Tho wrestlers will lie Charles W. Christmnn, weight, 188 pounds; Cnarles W. Bchwartienbols. 185 pounds John MeOraw, 188 pounds, and James W. Bates. 115 pounds, ail of Philadelphia Turn Gometnde Athletic club. An important meeting of the mem bers of the Excslsior Athletic club will be held at its rooms tomorrow after noon ut J o'clock Seiffolding to Ee Token Out of ths New Thtater Todv. Workmen enntinno with 11,1 nil tad vigor, their efforts toward completing won win oe. mil .Monday evening the finest theater in t ie state, "The Frothingham.'' Their efforts are begin ning to tell and those who visited the house vesterdav after a 1 couple of days werd amazid at the transformation thy witnessed. Tho decorating Is practically completed ami by this evening the last touch of pad t will bo applied. The two 1 irg- hot air furnncss are fired continuously and the warm air from their stupendous vents dries the paint us fast aa it is applied. This afternoon at 4 o'clock the last vestige oi scaffolding will be removed. Tho upholsterers llav been at work for two daya and this morning the nick linen will commence patting up tho railings on loges and boxes. The sale of seats continued yesterday and, while the pick of the seats huvo been taken, there are still a number of very desirable ones unsold, This doss not imply that there will be a vacant seat on Monday night, Every ao it in the house is a good one and from pres ent indications every chair will have an occupant. Ren stitched buck towels damask bor der to bv i, inches lor 'Je cents at Ml ins & U.IOKS'S. Er.Ean creamery but tor, 'J J cents s tiictly fresh eggs,80 cents.nt Relnhsrt'i market. 4 Imported Rabbits nt Fred -Mai tin's. Opening Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. EASTER, 1894. Larg stu:k, new itylei.mea'i neckwear at ajkahs ti Haoer's. -v Weber, Matchless, sha .. and other makes pianos, s.e piano lu window ol Stelle A: Beeley, ;"i Wyoming avenue. aiIik!'Mi(HI?!M: inery THE Lateit Noveltiei at attrac live prices. Imported Bonnets and Huts. Also a large as sortment of copies from our own workroom showing tbe latest ef loots in colors and trimmings, A lai-je assortment of Ladies', Missi s' and Children's Dntrimmed Hats We at e also displaying in ou, show room new fashions 0? Ladies Spring Capes, Jackets and Suits f all descriptions. Special inducement for this week in Cap as, Jack ets and Suits. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. j Procrastination. . . CONWAY HOUSL IS STILL TI THIEF I OF I TIME I I DAY BY DAY It Steals the proti's of t' re mini I e.-ho wails to edverttll ur.til to- morrow. Henry Battin & Co. never wait till tomorrow, hut advertise BARGAINS today anu 1 every nay - s BARGAINS TODAY S lu AGATE WARE, s BLUE WARE TIN WARE and wooden g On the Amer can Plan A ALF. m j gcranton'e newest and best equipped hotel NOW OI EN TO THL PUBLIC Heated by steam, Eleetrtl Belli Batk Tubs on rat-l, floor. Large, Well li,.! x ' i rhi Alrv iconniSi Everything Complete, A I.i. THT MODERN IMP OVEMEJiTS Offlce on see ,nd llo ir. Oood sample loom attached. i l iinl i n : KNN AVENI E 8 Try our rim atel ih.n't trait until to- gj I nioricw, h.,t s?(.-urc your bsrgaine t. jj I 126 PENN AVE. Sj JJ SIBiSlltltlllcilliliSllltlEiiEHSIIIlsCtli Huntington' HOME BAKERY. See our double stole of Easter Hewers for church and home decorations. Fine lilies, bydrangla, asalta, hyacinth, iplsoar, inaideii hair fern. Everything teuntiful 111 aud Mil Wsshlngton avenue. H. R. 1. AUK i; C'0. StEONO sells carpets and forfeiture Tues day at 1 p m 519 Mulberry street. Bock sausage, Armbrast, 819 Penn. A French model cornet for eO ceuts nt Me.ius - Hauen's. Raster Sower show in our double store, 144 and 148 Washington ave, Clark's. i i i. The millinery opening of J, Holz, las Wyoming avenue, will occur on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No better display of trimmed and unti ininied hats cnu be found In this city. I' vsi BR Lilies, never so line, nt t lark's. Before We move to Lackawanna a venue we offer a special price on nil of our Silver nov cities. UMBRELLA STRAPS 35c. Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Spruco St. in iti Ai tii i l run itrs. EVERT NOTED PLACE IN ALASKA, TBE I NITF.n STATUS AND MKXICO KIVK NUMBERS OR THE cor N TKK. TI N CKMTB ANI OMR COUPON FOIl ANY .NUMBER. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 OQ Includina the painless extracting cl teeth by an eutirely new prir Cess. S. C. Snyder, D. D. S. ISO WYOM1NU AVI. Dr. Hill Son ! p. J. con way, Prop. Albany DENTISTS Set teeth. fSJOT; best let, ?s; for eoM rnp snd teeth Without plates-, called crown nnl bridge work, call T r prices slid refereneei TON ALUIA. lor eStractlng teeth without pslu. No ether. No OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Bend your corsets to be ie boned or new steels put in. We do it neatly ami at a moderate cost. 128 Wyoming Ave. We have a lare assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CARES, ICE CREAM aud WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St, nnd Adams Ave, Court Housa Sjjcarb. All kinds of Laundry work guarantee! the best, GENTLEMEN, PEE OTJH I. INF. OF $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $-1,00 Shoes You Buj MADE LIKE HAND-SEWED, Ko Seams or Tacks to Hurl Soar Feer. All Styles snd Widths In Oongresi or Lsee, Tlie Best Slioe on Earth for tlie Money BANISTER;S$iob BANISTER'S, to w ,,; J toyes Our $2 so Shoes are as good at anybjJy'a $3 00 Shc? BROWN'S BEE HIVE Now ready fc inspection. Easter millinery CLOAKS, Cffi ITS M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.