The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G B. & Co.,
Imnrinloil rn Tnnh ChjV;
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
.Max Kioe wni in 1'ittston yesterday.
Mrs. l.. (iooiiiuau mui children, of 1'itu
ton, nro vUiting friends In the city.
D T. j. McTigbe nml Prank Brown, of cr
boiidiile, were in (he city yesterday.
C. I!. 0"Nietl, of Honetdale, formerly of
this city, called on friends yesterday,
Mi- Nellie Connell, of Townndo, i vis
iting ber sister, Mrs. Koegan, of I'enu
Mi8 Euitna Booftnon, of Washington
avenue, trill ipend Goiter Bundw iu Ox
ford, N. J.
Miss Telle Douii has returned from IMu.;
hanton, where ihe attended the wedding
of u friend.
Hurry Bernstien, of New York, is the
neat of Mr. and Sir. M. u. Poster, of
Washington avenue,
Mr. and Biro, Humphrey Bradley hare
issued iuTitatioDi for tbetnarriage of their
dauuhter, Emma, to Arch Ridgewaj April
4, at y o'clock.
Miss Qrace Floyd, a student at the
Women1! college, Baltimore, la apandlug
the F.aster vacation ivitu her parent ou
North Hyde I'nrk ureiiuo.
Among tuo pleaiant calls received bv
The Trim. Ml yesterday was oue by Dr. P,
C. Johnson, editor and half-proprietor of
the Wilkes-Barre Record, Lu.'.erre coun
ty's foremoat paper, and one of the best
paying newspaper properties iu the state,
Dr Johuson has jus? hud the latiafation ot
moving his mechanical piaut mto a larje
ami well-eu lipped annex, thus placing
the Record's Lome upon a par with the
largest and best appointed Offices, in thi in
terior of the -tav. The doctor's modesty
preveuts him from acknowledging that
this Battering success is ,hie mainly to iin
own superior business management; but
those Who kuow sav that this is the fact,
and that moreover, Dr. K. C. Johnson is
among the best aewpapar executives any
whe e.
Second i-'kesbttekiis ChCRCR ReT.
Charles L. Robiuson, U. D., pasior Easter
music moruing audeveuiug In the eve
ning the pastor will give the last lecture,
the Great women of the Old Testament.
Subject! Kins, Lemuel' Mother.'' All
seats free in the eveniug All welcome at
all icrvicet,
Pes:; Avknoe Baptist CHURCH Rev,
(barren O. Partridge pnt..r. Easter serv
ice at 10.SO a. m anrt Subject
in the morning, "The Glory of the Risen
Christ." In the evening, 'The Kesurrec
tion of the Dead Easter mnalc by .4 lar.-e
ehornachnir, All welcome. Eister serv
ices and exercises by the Sunday scuool at
- p. m
iJai-r:; RlBOK Prescyteiiiav Cncr.cH
Preaching at JU,H0 a. in an ! ?. p m by
the past ir, H "V. X. P, Stahl. Morning
topic, "Th" Significance ol tuo ivurarec
tion." Bible school at 1- o'clock. C, E.
prayer meeting at 6V80 p. in.
Luko and Kuri7. sii weu. R,v ). ' Whit
mire, paator. Preaching services, 10.80 a.
in. Subject: "The Certainty of the. Res
urrection." Bnoday school at 1 p. m
"That Blessed. Hop-'' will b? the subject
for the services at T.. p. m
Baottom Btrebt Methodist Episcopal
Church. R"V. A, W, Cooper, pastor. Spe
cial Easter morning prayer meeting at 1
o'clock. Ail tho West Hid Societies of
Christian Endeavor and Eoworth Leagues
have b""n invited to be present at this
meeting. At 1" o'clock a. m. th i pastor
will preach an Easter sermon. At 7 p. m.
(bare Will be a special s-tvicc consisting
of stort addresses, readings, recitations
ami songs. The Sunday school classes will
report tho amounts of money they have,
secured for missions during the year. Bp
cial Easter musk by the ciioir. Uoder tho
direction of th ftev. H. C. Hinman, at
regular morning and evening services'.
CHCSCn or CHRIST, SciEXTi.sT Spencer
builaing. B19 Adam. street, bio.- lesson
st lU:H0a m and cbarch service at 7 80 p
in. h. N. kicKes, speaker, All are wel
come. Seats tree
Sana Ridgi Bamist Church. Bev.
W. J. Ford, paster. Services at 10.80 n. m
and 7 Hop. m Baptism at the close of the
morning seivice.
Ei.m Pari Hkthooist Episcopal
Church W, B. Pesrce, ustor Morning
6ervic at 11180 o'clock, subi-ot, "Tho
Empty Tomb." Special lister music eve
ning , "Roweino's Babat statu, n will U
rendered under the lenders ,ip of Profeaor
PrOtherO, liors ' pen at 7.311. Sunday
school at J o'clock. Epworth league at
orack RiroRHip Episcopal Church-
Easier Sunday, 10.80 a. m., Commuriion.
Subject, "The LlvingOnO," Rv I is. Sal)
bath School Easter service ut it o'clock.
Eveniag wot ship at 7.3't, subject, "The
Power of liis ttesnrreetion," Phil 8:10,
Special Lister music. Union liiblo clasi
Thursday 7 4" p, in.
Zi'jN Evahokucal Church Omen
Ridge, o. L afatee, pastor, Bnoday ser-
vizes as follow Sunday school at 0.80 a.
in., K. L. C. E. service at 0.30 p, in., au l
pleaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.3J p. m,
Everybody welcome.
ClCROH liuv.J. F, Jones, pastor; 10.80a,
in., Eaiter service; 7 30 p. m., preaching
by the pastor.
First Baitist Church Pastor T. J.
Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a. m.
7 p. m. "The Resurrection" will bo the
subject for morning ami evening. The
church will be decorated and there will bo
srieciai Eu.tcr nuisi morning and evening,
Seats free. All welcome.
Christian Chapbl Pens avenne,Oroen
Ridge, services condocted by Bamnel wii
son, of Rahway, N. J.; 10.80 Hiihject, "In
His Name;" nt 7 no a Bible lecture upon
tho suhj-ct, ol "Son nnd Spirit," giving a
biblical uxegis. of theso Words. Saudav
hchool at 0.48 a. m. Seats free. All are
Calvaiiv Reformed Church -Corner of
Monroe avenue and QlbeOO stie it, Rev.
W. H. stubbiebinu. pastor. Preaching
10.8u n m. and 7.30 p. in. Evening sub
ject, "Occupation In Heaven." At the
morning service the Holy Sicrim 'lit of
the Lord's Supper will he administered.
Jackson Stout Babtist Church The
paster will preach tomorrow on the "Res
urrection of Christ," both morning and
Kuilo Boxss Exclusively.
Eest made. J'lay any desired number of
tunes. Gautschi Jl Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orrhestrial organs, only It and $10.
fcpecinlty: Old music boxes carefully re.
paired and improved with new tuues.
Martin's is the place to got your Im
ported Rabbits.
Our opening will occur on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday. Our display of mil
linery is one of the best over shown iu the
city. J. BoLf,
' 13b Wyoming avenue.
Violets at Clurli's
Happenings of n Day That Will Interest
Park Readn
Good Fnclay Services Held at 6!.
Patrick's Church and St. David's
Episcopal Church Jenkin E. Rich
ards, of Carbondale, Interred In
Washburn Street Cemetery Mios
Nelllo Moses Thomas' Female
(The West Sid cIDoe of th BOBAKTOR
TRIBVRI Is located at IJS Bonth Main ave
nue, where aobsoriptiona, advertlsemeati
and communications will recsive prompt
D U. Williams, "Dewi Qlan Ely rob,"
alderiuan of the Kirst ward, Provi
dence, wss honored lust evening in
Patagonia ball ty his Welsh friends
from this side. Mr. Williams has
lately been united In the bonds of
matrimony with .Mrs. Hannah Rol
ands, an estimable lady residing on
Hampton street. Ho has been a resi
lient of the vnllev for the past thirty
five years, and as he has now just re
moved to ttiw side he was tendered a
hearty reception. Alderman T. T,
Morgan, of tiu Fifteenth ward sp.
pointed chairman of the evening, The
program me opeued with an address t.v
Evan J, Evans, in which be spoke
feelingly on the oootlon which bad
brought them together an I extended
Hi" right hand of good fellowship 'o
Mr Williams In welcomiug ntni
among t hem An excellent Solo w i
rendered by John l)i-1s, addresses
were given by John Talsrtheu Jonss,
David Jones, Diwy ogle. A poetical
address was also given by Joseph D,
Lloyd Thomas W. Davis entertained
those present during the evening with
several poetical eUnzts of bis own
composition. Be also mule a neat
speech A IVelsn national song was
rendered by William Jones and an ad
dress by Edmaud Mosss. William M.
DtvU iG.vilym Morlnis) rendered an
excellent solo and ku address was given
by Timothy Jotii, constable of the
Fifth ward, which was heartily ap
plauded. The reception throughout
was i success and the worthy alderman
is now thoroughly installed us a resi
dent of tiie West Side
Arrtstsd for Bmbssslsmsot
John Burdock arrested on com
plaint of M'ke tuiniitiu for embezzle
ment. Qaiuoan alleges that he give
the defendant 8 to buy twenty cents
Worth of ah and be kept the mousy,
only giviug tuck the change for a dol
lar. Both men are Italians and rcsidx
00 the West Sid?. Burdock entered
lnil in the sum of $000 fur his ap
pearance at court
Good Fiiday Services,
Good Friday services were held yes
terday at St Patrick's obnrcb, wuicb
were largely attended At 9 o'clock
the mass of the presanotifled host was
celebrated and afterward tho adoration
of the cross service wss held. K'3V.
Father McNally officiated at both.
Services were also held at Sr. Da
vids Episcopal church yesterday morn
ing at 10 ocloek by Rev. M. H. Mill,
Tomorrow morning the Eister service
will commence at 8 S. m , with a chil
dren's f-stivnl at 7 JO p, in , which
will olo.-e the lenten season,
A Carbondal Funeral.
The fnncral of Jenkin E Richards,
of Cariioitdale, was hl l on Thursday
afternoon, intermont bing tiiaile in the
Washburn street cemetery. Tii" fu
neral was largely nttended. The de
ceased wss widely known here, hiving
rssided on this side for many years,
i he remains arrived in this citv at 1,80
o'clock on the Delaware and Hudson
train from Cerbondale, in ehargs of
the "Shield of Honor," an 1 w is m 't at
the dpot bv a l.irg nniniier of the
msmliers of ScrantOO Casth', No. 107,
Ancient Or ter K:iig!its of the Mystic
Chain. Tne services werecoo
d noted at the grave by the latter lolge
iii an impreaiv minnr.
tributes were of ohoioa design.
Maay Condnssd Itsms
Miss Nellie Mases Thomas has organ
ized a female chorus aul will lea!
thsin in competition on "The Li -lis" at
the PltUtuu eisteddfod on Decoration
D 4V.
Ladies' hos, stainless IJack nnl
double heel anl sole, for 38 cents a
Harry Peok, a stuletit at Lehlgb
University, is spending bis Lutr vaca
tion with his parents mi Prioo street
Fresh eggs (warranted) HicU.
iilt Edge butter '.'Oct?.
U.iiou sets 8 cts.
Jon. A, Mi: its.
Camp lt Patriotic Order Sjos of
America, will bold a reunion at Itiri
fiari hail on forth Main avenue on
Thursday evening, March .".. when rep
r-sentativei from all city lodges Will
be nri s 'nt.
Miss Margaret Evans, of Main av -line,
has returned from a visit with
friends In Taylor.
A (iloria ailk nmbiolla for Oj cen's
at Mearu & H aobn's
The B lloviie night school dosed for
the Mason last evening.
For a few days longer we will con
tinue our sale of figured china silks at
ii'J cer.ts, MlARSife HaGBN'S
Mrs. T. I' Jones, of Olvphaut, anl
daughter M ind, hive relnrn-d horns
after visiting Mrs, T. E Evans, of
South M tin a vena
A French model corset for 50 cents
at Mi: Aits A HaOKN's
J s Hughes, of Bucknell liniver
sitv. is spending his E ister vnoation nt
the home of his parents ou South Rs
beoeii event) i,
Hem stitched Imcli towels, damask
border, 45 by 24 Inobei for 85 cents at
Mrirs & Haqbh's,
The programme of the Welsh Philo
Opbloal society this evening will be a
talk on the "Science of Mining in Con
nection with Cave-Ins" by Mine Super
Intendent Evan 1J. Davis, ned Jenk
ins will read a paper on "Magnetism,"
which will be debated. Professor W.
W. Evans will furnish the Singing.
Large stock, new styles, nun's neck
Wear at MbARS it HaGBN'8,
Miss Lottie de Courdres, of Syracun,
N. Y. ; Miss Ray Williams, Mirk Lottie
Powell, William James and Professor
William U. Powell visittd the Cspouse
uiines last evening They were under
the care and uuidunceof Outside Fore
man David Bevau
On Saturday our store will be beauti
fully decorated with II nvers and
plants. With every dollar's worth of
goods sold VM will give an Easter rose;
t'J worth of goods, two ross, etc
" HRARI & Haukn.
Ilesdleston ft Wonrs's end Ballsntlne's
Ales are the best. E. J. WaLsii, ageut, SS
Lackawuuua avenue.
Vvent Over ths Boats of the Nw Bouls-
5tr. Nairs. of the firm of Nairs S:
Lawis, contractors for the Nsy Aug
I 'alls boulevard, was in towu yester
day and walked over the proposed lino
accompanied by his foreman and sev
eral assistants
He located a aito for their camp nnd
will b?gin the erection of tho boarding
house ami stables immediately, They
will communes work on the boulevard
proper Aprjl 1, and push the work as
fast as possible
Evsnir-Ilst Rii-r. Find
Justin Rice, the '"cowboy evangelist'
was given a bearing before the mayor last
evening and lined ?ir. RitcbOte to go to
jail and OOnteet the right of tlm city
officers to prevent bun from preaching
on the street. Today an effort will be
made to have him i leased on a writ of
habeas corpus, be Will then, ho declare.,
begin an action against the mayor to re
cover damages for false Imprisonment,
Last night his wiie addressed a number of
persons from a barrel m the cellar of the
Poreat house. Her iliseuurse was directed
principally against the mayor and police
His Demise Diu to the Effects ol an
Attack oi La Grippe Funeral
Will Occur Monday.
Dr Ueorge 8 Throop was taken ill
last Sunday night and died at s l" yes
terday morning from tlm effects of
gripps, Daring hissiokaest he was at
tended by skilful physicians and on
Tuesday was cousiderntily Improved. A
rvapse followed, however, and the pi
tlent gradually trew w irse until death
r- l i -ved his sufferings
Dr. George S. Throop was in his
fortieth year, having been horn Sept.
!, is"; i . He received his education at
the schools in this city, at Nazareth
and Lancaster, this state, and Flush
ing, N V., afterward gralusting from
Jefferson Mdicil college, Pbllndel
p iia, In ls70 For a short time he
united In mr practice of ins profession
with his father, Dr. II. II Throop, but
owing to their vast financial interests
lie soon aban loned ntedlclno and there
after devoted his tuuo to business af
Dr. Throop was married t o Mis
Jennie Wall, of Tunkhanuock, Jan. 8,
1880, and two children were horn to
them. In August last Mrs. Throop
dis I and in December the youngest
child was buried, so that now the only
survivor of the family is Benjamin II.
Throop, who is but -I years of age He
is also survived by his father. Dr H II.
Throop, his mother, Mrs. U II. Throop,
an I his sister, Mrs. H. B, Phelps.
The dea l man was of u kindly and
genial disposition and had many friends
who will sadly lament his death He
was a member ot the Scranton Rowing
association, and also of Peter William
ron Lodge of Free an I Accepted M
anne, Ltckawanna Chapter, II It A,
M , Cos ir J Lion Corntnandery, Key
stone Consistory, Thirty-second De
gree Northern Masonic Jurisdiction,
and Lu Lu Temple, Philadelphia. He
wss o i" of tne. organizers of the Scran
ton Lode of the Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks, Mnd whs also
for many years foreman of the
Seranton Hook and Ladder company,
wbieh he helped organiz.. For
twenty-five years Dr. Giorge S Throop
was conneote.1 with the Soranton fire
department an : has likewise been u
member of other prominent organiz i
t ions.
Friends o' the late Dr. George S
Tbroop will have an opportunity of
viewing the rem iins at tne family resi
d-nce on Monday between 1- and 'i
o'clock, Funeral will take plnOU at
2 HO from St. Luk ' cbU.'Ch. The cas
krt will not be opened at the church
PcrintO!.'s Rur.iness Interestn.
TUB TniBUKR will soon publish u care
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will hi bound
in hook form, beautifully Illustrated with
oh itogravare views of our public build
ings, business: blocks, streets. u, together
wiih portraits of iouting citizens, No
similar work has ever given au equal rep
resentation of Bcranton's msuy indus
tries. It will bean invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new coiners and be au unequalled
advertisement of the city. Tho circu
lation i ii a plan that cannot fail of good
results to thrwe concerned as w.-il as the city
atlarge Representatives of Tax Tribi vk
will call upou THOSE WHOSE HAKES
are pesireu in this edition and explaiu
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in tnls edition will please I ave notice at
tho oflice.
To Wkom It May Concern,
Benjamin E, Morris, having, without
the knowledge or consent of the under
signed and While tho latter was absent
from this city, transferred tho hooks, and
assigned the accounts of .Morris ,v Leete to
Mrs Horton,! he solitary creditor except,
nig tlm writer -has ur vented the under
signed from collecting the accounts due to
that concern, and thereby caused the sus
pension of Hie Cricket. Tho popular local
features of that journal, however, will be
continued iu the Sunday News from week
to week, which having the Associated
Press service and containing exclusive lo
cal news w ill bo hereafter under the edi
torial managemem of
ai i, K. Norton Lleie.
To the officers and members of the Scran
ton Fire Department :
Von are requested to meet, at the truck
house of the Horunton Hook and Ladder
company Monday, March 86, 1894, at I
o'clock sharp, with fatigue cap, coat, and
white gloves, to attend the funeral of our
brother ilruman, George s Throop, late
momber of the Sorauton Hook nnd Ladder
company, liy order of
II P, Fbrbbr,
Cbtel Engineer,
s .
Thk Commercial Alliance Life Insar
ance company of New York, cash capital,
$.'011,110, full, desire, a local represen
tative for . Scranton and vicinity. To the
light, party, furnishing undoubted refer
cures us lo integrity and aldlity, a perma
nent position and satisfactory remunera
tion will be given. Address
Lion Dodbon, Jr., Manager.
743 Drexel Building, Philadelphia.
ROOB BOTTOM prices ou groceries, Rein
hart's market, Lackawanna avenae,
A Gloria silk umbrella for 08 cents at
Hears ,t Haoen's,
Kmoval of F. M. Avlsworth.
I . M. Aylsworth will lomovo to 228 Wy
omlng avenue, next to Economy Furniture
company's store, during tne first week in
r'p"iial Bsli.
For a few days longor we will continue
oar sale of figured cbiua silks nt emus
MbaRI i- Haok.n's.
CHUnCB, Blore nuil homo decorative
plants at Clark's
Homo msde Frankfnrts.
Armbrust, 118 I'oun nvo.
Olu store will not bo open tomorrow.
O. it. Clauk & Co.
cuings ot a Day Thai Will Interest
tidiij Irlbona Headers.
City Engineer Phillips Maps Out a
Splendid Outline Ol Hie New Bridge.
Programmo of tho Moart Glee
Club Batch ol Interesting Person
als Condensed Topics Thomas
Langan Painfully Injured.
The approaches on each side to the
new I'ittston avoiiue bridge were sur
veyed n f,.v days ago by City Engineer
Phillips, and an outline that will be
worthy of the the now Structure was
implied OUt A board of viswers will
have to be appointed to assess the cost
of the ground taken up by tho up
Oonoert Kastoi- Monday Nifht.
The following delightful programme
has beeu arranged for the coinpll
montary concert, of the Moz trt Q iar
tette club a. Qeruianla hall, Blaster
Monday night:
Overture, "Straddle" Plotow
Allien Binger nnd Karl I: Bart.
"Twinkling Sturs Upon the Lake,"
C, A White ,. Mozart Quartette Club
Soprano Soto, "Ecstacy" Ardttt
Miss Manic Fassold,
Basso Solo, Rocked lu the Cradle of the
Deep" J. P, Knight
John F. i olden.
"Let the Lusty Shout ' Fr. Abt
Uoznrl Uuartette Club.
Duet,"W hal Are the Wiid Waves Say
Ingy" .Stenheu I Hover
.Miss Maine and George Fsasold,
Tenor Solo, "After the liall Is Over,"
Charles Rusar
(In German Language.)
Basso S lo, "Down Deep Within the
Cellar" lohu F, Golden
"Soldier's Farewell" Kinkel
Mozart Quartette Club.
( lomical l ane,
Henry J Wetter and Soheider Uioa.
Car) Rudolf Soft, Musical Director.
Miss 1.', A MoTigue, of Cherry
street, will rvluru this morning from a
two weeks' trip to Hochester.
Mis, Woloott J Parmulee, of Blag
hamton, formerly of tuis side, visited
friends here yesterday.
Assistant City Engineer Dotniniek J.
tl 'iiley is confined to his homo with an
attack oi gastritis.
Cot dunsd Topics.
Ladies' I. , stainless black and
I'ouble heel and - : for 'Jo cents at
Meah9 i!e Haoen's
Willlsm Holleran, of Miuooka. aged
60 years, died at his houis yesterday
morning at '.' o'clock. The funeral will
lake place tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock. Burial in St. Joseph's ceme
tery. A (iloria silk umbrella for 95 cents
at Mbars X- Haoen's
Mrs EllZubetU Christian, mother-in-law
of August Fiiint the Cedar ave
nue grocer, died at '.' o'clock Friday
morning. She was 1" years old and
was an invalid for some years, The
funeral will tike place tomorrow af
ternoon nt 2 o'oliok. Services will be
held at the bonis bv Ksv. w. H. Stub
blebine, of th Calvary informed
church. Interment in Forest Hill
A French mo lot corset lor 50 cents
at Mbars lv Haoen's.
Tbttdy W alsh, ot Miuooka, is under
going u severe attack of pneumonia
which, however, is i.ot considered dan
gerous. Hem stitched huok towel, damask
border, l"j by 84 inches for 35 cents at
Mbars & Haoen's,
John McDonoogb, of 1 72 ' Ced "
a von no, is laid up with an attack of
fluenc i
lirge Steele, new stylos m u's neck
ware at Mr i'- A- 1 I-
Thomas Lnngan, heal te 1 1 r at the
old shall oi ., ii i Coal con
pany, while attempting to get on a
rock oar which was moving slowly,
lipped and fell and the wheel badly
lacerated his right leg The 01 f ot it
was ripped open, leaving a gush ten
Inches long and six inches wide. Dr.
J .1 YYultli was called and suwed the
wound up He slated tint the bi y
Would he around in about a month
William ntioveiiu, ol Fig street, is
sick from a severe cold.
For a few dey . longer we will con
tinue our isle oi figured obina siiks at
20 cents, Mbars & Qaobn,
The Lister song service at the South
Side Young Women's Christian asso
ciation will lie led by Mrs. Albert
Myers Music will be furnished by Mis.
Myers and Mrs, siewsrt, Misses Franz,
Tllleburg and Sullivau and Messrs.
Berghonsir anl Hewitt. All women
are invited and it will be necessary to
go early for the clu.irs are nil filled,
yen at mi ordinary meeting, The ex
en is? h will open at 8 II p. m
(in Saturday our store will be beauti
fully decorated with UoWelS and
plants With every dollar's Worth of
KOildS BOld we will give an Histerrose
if'.' worth of goods, two rosea, etc
Latest K .5r Tos Shoes
iii Russia Calf or Patent Leather for In
dies ami gents m the Commonwealth Shoe
Store, Washington sVeUUtf,
Fanov Htt w lj ,rrl ,
Price within the reach ot all, at Pierce's
Mai ket this mornin t.
Our stock of Kid Gloves
complete. Specials: "Cen
temeri," "Alexandre,' Re
genes and White and Black
(the latest.)
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
rUnder this besdtns ahort letters ot inturust
wilt lie pubUshe I whoa sooompanied, for pub
Uoattou, by the writer's namo, THBTatBOMB
will not ho held responsible for opinions hero
expressed. I
Submission Not in It.
Editor of Tin: Thiiiunk.
The TRIBUNK aim! to be helpful to good
causes, I am sure, luit it misled iu its head
ings yesterday morning when it said:
"Violators of Law Must Promise Submis
sion by April i or lie Prosecuted." The
movement for the protection of the Bab-
bath iu Scranton, which has very general
encouragement, is on a different basis alto
gather. Instead of our committees asking
submission from tne business men of
Scranton, they will ask the help and CO
operation of every one of them. .No Mib-
miislon idea or threats of law are its main
Spring, Its aim Is to protect, the rest day
and day of worship, and It respectfully and
kindly solicits the assistance of all. When
the committees have done their work,
then, with charity and love, but with cool,
determined purpose, all that tho laws of
the COmmoUWealth may do to secure the
submission of the nisi offender will bo em
ployed, Instead of threats andhumlllat
tug alliances, there is note man or place
of business in Bcronton whose co opera
tion is not desired.
For the committee, P, I.. Don?,
i lhairman,
Scranton, March S3, 1804,
Wanted- Touna Mn and Women Out
of Bmploymeot,
We have had a good year. To meet the
demands of the school extra teachers were
employed they are with U1 now. Over
000 young men and Women are out of em
ployuient In Scrantou. This spring ami
summer wo propose to take these young
people in our school o.i e isy term-.
T he demand for people is not great iu
any line, but count up th people who do
clerical Work In all the olhces, StorOI,
hanks and manufactories, and see wimmn
array of book-keepers, stenographers mid
clerks are employed, The-,- persons are
tho business men of tomorrow,
Hundreds of your frleims have bl eu at
the college and hundreds hav succeeded,
The failhlul ones win; the inattuntive fail,
Take these next tew months and learn
book-keeping or stenography; brush up in
grammar, spelling, uriibuietici keep your
eye ou penmanship, get u good knowledge
of notes, drafts checks; know Nomotuing
of commercial law, and wiud up with tho
bnsiues pract ice.
Vou have lie, time come in and see us.
Wood's Collbob or Business and Short
hand, p, E, v..),, i,, Proprietor.
Ameiic i.
Part hx of tho hiiudsomn portfolio
"America" Is now ready tor distribution,
Those who have not received any of the-e
handsome photos of our own country
should do so, as they ca i now get each
number up to and including number six.
dun store will he up n ui.til hit- tonight,
but not tomorrow, ii u. Clark & Co.
Hawssnpfrlfsi - lmportd KebblU.
Tho above to order on shoit notice at
FRBO MaBTIN'B, Penu ave.
Axbbican Beauty Uoses at Clark's to
day. -- .
Strong sells parlor suit, hue carpsts,
bed suits, silverware, crockery, etc., 510
Mulb. rry street, Tuesday, I p. in.
1000 PuziU Fms Today.
Goo. Felton & 13ro., 801 Spruce street.
Choice meat,
Armbrust, 319 Penu.
Anheuser Bui cii Bonr.
J.c.da Lr.bman'a, 8S Sprues 't.
Baby Carraiges
Wedding Presents
Choice Selection.
110 Wjominfij Avenue.
Arc t I'ri-dil II,,' M.i.l r,,pnlr hh.I I'naVrr, I l,j
lirnilmn si list.
Wsreroomsi Opposite Cplumbui Monument,
20B Wuhin;ton Av. Sornnton.Pa.
Union for Ever
Florey & Holt
Y. M. C. A. Block.
Martin & IDelany
Clothier3 and Custom Tailors.
WE INVITE your attention to our new
new spring stock, which is complete,
and beg to add a word with reference to tho
advantages offered by us.
ihe particular care exercised in the se
lection and manufacture of all garments, the
perfection of pattern and novelty of design,
all guarantee the best value at
No Higher Prices
than are frequently asked for goods of infe
rior workmanship.
A careful inspection will convince you of
their value.
Collins 3l Hackett
Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
Jackets A.n
Foi the Spring and
's.iimiYior -f 'OA Hf
i i i i i . i, l j r.
L . Hi
rJtock Larsonnd Attractive, m'm
... ... M H
1 1 n t me bowesi ou Keoora.
& Co.
Cloak Makers au.l Farriers,
508 Spruce St. Court Housp Squ.ira
' xwi nsm I'M"
Special for This Com
ing Week.
I.'iilios' Kid Hutton, nomtoil anl
riiiUiMlim toss, patent lintlisr
tips, special price, 4a 69; worth, 3. oO.
I. mill's' Don noli Kid Bnt ton, hand
lewed, Bpecial price, $3; worth j4 M
Mioses' Kid Button, plain toes,
tprins htel, Hpecial price, $1.50;
worth f: 00
Boy' School shoes, Dongola top,
aiz-.-s Vj to 51. special price, $1.50;
wortli J3.00
Men's Calf Patent Leather Lace,
pointed toes, special price, S3. 00;
worth fi.OO
Men's Calf Blucher, hand sewed
welt, Piooadilly Isst, special pric.
?a. 8g; wortli "0
Little Hoys' Shoes, hutton and
lace, spring heel, mode "just like
psp i s, " sizos ."1 to 10i, special price.
1 1. 50; worth (1.90
Vonthi' Calf, bntton and lace,
spring lieels, (Joodveur Weltt. siz s
11 lo91, ipecial price, $j; worth, $3.00
SGHANK'S facade Shoe Stow.
I AST EAH he had saved WOO,
no miugui a uuusc woriavioou
paia vouu aown, gave a more
gage for 81,650. roday he esti
mates a- follows:
Rtuit saved
Interest on inortfloie.. .
TaXei sad repairs
Xi t saving ,in ivnt
Sat, ,1 ou salsrv
To spply on mortgage.,
. :c x 119 ")
Si'Ji jJ
1270 SO
RKFLKCTION "In KOl'B reers Hint
housn will be free from a.'bt nml 1 shall
huTe n hotne i my oun."
GREEN RIDGE Is Ihe paradise foe
homes l inn .v in,,,, recently fln.
Ished a beentlfnl nin. srhleh the ouer,
oi payments, bi si.sjo
Cell nt their office, between tVoshlngtoll
nml Adsmson Olive street,
The Ureal Mat vol of Dental Science
The GENl INK Now Uaveu
"Mathushek" Pianos
Now Wnk Warerooma- No. SO
Filth Avenue.
Sole deslers in this section.
4 - j .1 : .1 IV..
.v reccui uisoiuTi inn. iuu Mm- nftSnniifl- v... wni:n, vnnn
property of owcimiii ljc iwuiig rice
Henwood k Wardall
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After hevlng; eleven teeth extreeted al
one sitting hj the painless method, l pro
nonnoe ii eutlreli sotlsfaotorv in everj
part tenter. J. u. IKAMOMt
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tbo ; . i. on tho Kyo. Hi'Hdnohoa and
fi vt Ufiu'HH roliereii. LntCBt Hiid Improvod
Style of Kyo (i1hshi aud Spectaulev ut tli
1a)wM PHoM Beit ArtiUt Ut Eyed itisertud
fur r
05 SPRUCE ST., op- Post Office