The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1894, Page 12, Image 12

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Beecham's pills are foi
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation : and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook free : pills 25c. At
drugstorcs.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,36 Canal St., New York.
Laces and Embroideries
Were uov?r so beautiful Hi now
Betidea thoir loTellnets, the
prifos are sucu h to commend
them to tlie attention of tlio
more prudent buyers, Notwith
standing the nnequatel demand
for liicee tins leMOQ, oar stock 13
cousieteut with the iloiaud.
Fine American Ginghams
at 10 and 12 1 ,'c.
In a complete line of styles iu all
the new combinationi aud color
ing. The goodf :ire exceptional
value ;it the price, this ldenti cal
quality .having beu soli last
Season for lo aud 10 ceuts per
Serpentine Crepa at 20c.
This fabric bears a itrong re
emblance to an a!l-wo)l mate
rial. It is huht, airy and is
shown iu ten different coloriujit,
Including all the popular shades
for evening wear.
36-inch French Percales
at 12 '.c.
in many styles and coiorius. t he
choicest product of the uiills.ara
fully represented, and the de
signs are entirely different from
any other printed fabric on the
Opening of Millinery
TV-re was no evi lenco of hard
times at our .Millinery Openine
A large number of ladies were
present to pick out their hits
from an aisortment so inviting
as to make choosing a pleasant
difficulty. The dm.nds upon us
for prompt execution of orders
are ijuite extraordinary.
Gorman's Grand Depot
Matters of ornri Interest to Liv
RnsrWs Bnd DlMUNeA
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Taylor, Pa, March 23. The rocp
tion committee of the Price library will
meet nn Monday night.
Taylor line of the Traction companv
has a fine and accommodating set of
men in Its emptor, who are faithful in
ef-rvinz the pnblic.
roaster s-r trios will be held Sunday
at all the ohnrohee. The Presbvterisn
chnrch choir has arranged sptcial
mnsio and service will he neld in the
morning and evening. At the Welsh
Congregational obnroh Ipeoial music
has bfn prepared by Itl miuinal direc
tor, Professor James Tnornas. The
Methodist Episcoiial choir will also
render snecial mmio of song. The
Calvary, Weleh Baptist and nvangeli
cal chnrches will also have appropriate
mnsic. The pasters of the various
chnrches extend a welcome to all to
at tend.
(i-orge M Timlin received a dis
patch this afternoon from Washington
of his appoin'ment as postmaster of
Taylor. Mr. Timlin is a prosperous
and anceessfnl merchant of tin bor
ough, boing engaged in the meat mar
ket on Main atreet, and his appoint
merit iriv general satisfaction to all
claafea. Mr. Timlin was stronly op
posed by Andrew Doles, Esq , Henry
Behnltter, W. J. Bnrns and .).bn lfe
Langblin, Mr. Timlin will, in all
probability, remove the office to the
tore of Mrs. Lilly, on Main street
Our Eiiht Corr.ip ,ndsnt',i Dslly Bu1
get of iMnres-lnir Nswi.
! j.ertal In the S. canton IWbaai
Moosk , Pa. .March SB. Rv. Linder
uiuth will preach a temperance ser
mon Sunday evening. Meinbsia of the
Women's Christian Temperanoe union
and Other ti'iiii''mnct workers urn r
qneeted to be pr-sent. Meet in the
basement of the oburob at 7 o'clock
James Hand has purchased a new
span of work boraeft
Sdrt. John Liliar, Mrs. S. W. House,
nti'J Mrs (iorgo Tragallil attended the
lecture in Avootlaet evening, delivered
by A M. Ilolvy. of We'd Pittston.
Mr. Luw has purchased a .Shetland
All Free.
Those who have Dead Dr. King's Now
Discovery know its value, and thoso who
have not, have now the opportunity to try
It Free. Call on the advertised Druggist
and get a Trial Bottle, free. Bend your
name and addresetoH, K. Ilurklen ft Co.,
Chicago, and get a aamplo box of Dr.
Kiug'a New Life Pills. Free, as well an a
copy of i .!: to Health and Hou-ehold
Instructor, Free. All ot which is guaran
teed to do you good and cost you nothing,
ilutthewit liros. Drugstore.
P"nr of tiwn rnrrespin lnts nfTia Tuts
DUB shontaeisra their natnss in fall to eaeft
aesrs letter, nol for publieatlon uattoguard
against deooptlon.l
Imprsiv Grind, Friday Services Per
eoiial Hiid Otlir Notes of Interest.
Bptrtoi to th$ flernafoa rwheaa
Archbald, Pa., March 23. Mrs.
John H Lack and grands in, Lack
Samnaoo, ar ipending Eister with
Mrs. Lack's daughter. Mrs. John Samp
ion, of Dnryoa.
The Father atathew socie'y will con
duct a grind mnsloal and literary en
tertninment at their hall on Mondav
Mr. Michael McDonnell, of South
Main Street, who hu been ill for sev
en! weeks, is slowly recovering,
Tne Hose company will, within a few
weeks, hold a l ook social for tlin pur
pose of adding to their library, Every
one who wishes to, may favor them by
bringing one or more hooks
Raymond, a young sou of John
Marin, of Hill street, is verr ill.
Mr Martin M.iha ly, of StUui street,
is slowly recovenug from his reoeut
Good Friday was observed with
solemn eerrioei at St. Thomas' and the
Evangelical Lutheran churches yester
dy A' the fonnsr church the mass
of the pre eanotlfiod was celebrated
aud was followed by the adoration of
the cross. In the Lutheran cliutvli
the servieee were also Impreativa The
pastor, Kev. J. G Uuilolph. delivered
a sermon of great power on the lignifl
eance of the day of sorrows.
Tne Faster services at St. Thomas'
church on Sunday will be very id
presilve. At the late mass, 10 3d
clock, Rev, Father Ward, 0. P.. will
preach the Baiter sermon The etiuren
lias been Very beautifully decorated
and arranged for the great event that
is about to he commemorated.
Mrs Patriok '. i old an I
highly respected resldeut of this place,
died at her borne ou North Church
street at 0 o'clock last eveumg Mrs
Qiiuiartin came to tuis place when the
viiligo was emerging from the wilder
ness and she lived here constantly ever
since. Bhe was born iu Ireland about
eventy-fiv6 vears ago. Her husbaud
died at the outbreak of the civil war
i 1 tn- care of a lariie family devolved
upou her. Of these Daniel J. aud Will
iam A Qilmartln, of this place, aud
Tuomas F aud Patrick C Qilmtrtiu,
of Scranton, survive ner, Her daugn
ter, Mary, died a few mouths ago
Mis. Ci. martin WM a kind hearted
end charitable lady whose many
ood qualities endeared her to
iu extensive circle of friends. Her
funeral will take place on Monday
morning. A hig'a mass of r.quieiu
will be sung in St. Thomas' church at
10 o'clock. Iuterment in the Catholic
At the Lntheran church on Sunday
confirmation and the sacrameut will
he administered and a sermon on the
Resurrection will be preached. In the
evening tnere will also be a special
Easter sermon. There will be no
special services iu the Presbyterian
Criticising a Young" Lady.
"She would he a pretty girl for but one
"What's lhatr asked Charloy.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to b the same wnv my
self, but I caught on to the trouble oue
day, and got rid ot it in no time.
George What was it?
barley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
jhe boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad tint you could
bear him holler clear across the country
every time ho moved, fie tried it, and
you know what an athletic old eent he is
now. If somebody WOOId give Miss Daisy
a pointer, Kb" would tnauk them after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
Sundry Nwi Items Oivtn la an Epi'.o
mizd Form.
Sr)riat to thr .S'crrcn'oa IWftuaC.
Di.rvea, Pa., March 23 0. B. Rich
ar Is made a business trip to T unkhari
nock yester lay.
M. I". Corcoran, the new postmaster,
will continue the offiotin the same
building for a time.
Th Agenda rae-ts this eyening.
F. B Dills is at the county seat to
day. The employes of the Babylon Coal
company received their monthly pav
The in'nnt daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Fred Stucky, of Main street, is very
II L. Edeall, of thfirm of Elsall cV
Claneon, has recently purchase 1 n Boa
carriage horse.
The Ladies Aid society of the Pres
byterlan chapel will nold a social to
niirht at the chapel
T!i new iiaptist chureh is nearing
A horse nn I wagon belonging to
Dill's )i v.-ry. of this place, was stolen
.it PlttftOO Wednesday eyeriing. The
tbief lias not yet been discoverel
All of the Hnpptnlnits of the Day
EiicMly Written Up
ffitHtU to thf Srrantnn Tnb'tn.
FOREST CTT, Pa, March S3 Will
iam Eg 'ii bal aerept d s lucrative posi
tlotl at Norwich, N. Y.. for which
place be will leave In a few days.
Bicycle aconls are hustling
Thomaa E Reynolde, nf Scrnnton,
was in town on business today.
The sociable held by the Men's so
cletyoftho Prebytrian chnrch last
evening was quite largely attended
The society resitted about 118
Tonight a 1') cent tapper will be held
by the name society in their church
I asement During the evenings the
drawings for the bed room suite anil
tea set will take place.
Nearly time to go trout fishing, but
you had hotter wait until April 15, or
you might bo caught by the officers of
MARCH 24, 1894.
Your choice of three beautiful
pictures, "Telephone Girl," "l)e
liverlng Christmas Presents"
and "Maidens Swinging." Bend
ii mail or messenger or lu-ing
Coupons like this of Unci) differ
eul dales, with 10 ecnt.s, slumps
or coin, to
Cor. Peim Ave. and Spruce St.
the law and have a chance to fish down
"salt river."
Sarah, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Honrvitoh, of this place, will be
united in marriage to Harry Vlnkel-
Itein, of Soranton, Sunday afternoon
I. M. Gray, of Binghainton. N. Y. ,
was in town yesterday. Mr. Gray
taught in Susquehanna cnunty for a
number of years, ami at one time
lacked but a few votes of being county
Rev. D. W. Bkellinger, of the First
Presbyterian church, of Hyde l'ark,
will on Tueaday evening, March
give a talk on Palestine, American his
tory and temperance at the linptist
Fred Derrick has returned to this
place after several days visit iu (Ireat
F, Cunningham, jr.. P. M.. and Ben
jamin F. Muxey, spent a short time in
Derrick Center this morning
The cantata, "Jeptlia'l Danghtnr,"
will l given for the benefit of Enter
prise Fire oompany. Mar lid
II. 1'. Johns' condition is better.
Appropriate Kaster services will be
observed in all the Forest City churches
on Sunday.
Krie Auditor S. Smith, of New York
city, spent a short time In the Krie sta
tion cilice today.
11. Edward Taylor, the popular drug
dispenser, spent today in Borauton.
a Live Reperter'e Bpltomiaed R'c.ird of
tha Events of a Oav
Sjuciol to th$ Stvwifoa IWhaae,
Jekuyn, Pa., March 'Jj - rhe funeral
of Ueorge Bdmonda, sr , will take
place at 8 o'clock today, Interment in
Mayfleld new cemetery.
Xermyn Order ot Foresters will at
tend service next Sunday evening in
stead of iu the iiioriiiuir.
There will be a social at the reel'
deuce of Joseph l entils Tuesday even
lug, March '.'7. The proceeds will be
for the benefit of St. Jamm' Episcopal
Mollie Carey, the little daughter of
Frank Carey, o( Tuird street, is ill with
scarlet fever.
A J. Col burn, of Soranton, will be
present aud deliver an address at the
formal opening of t'i Kipiihiicau club
uit klonday eveniig
11. 11 Hathaway, of BioghamtOU,
aud BartCurran, ofjSeranton, were iu
town rester.lay. '
The following is the prorr.tinius for
the entertainment March 27, Under the
auspices of the Catholic Mutuil Bins
tit association H 'rsler s double qu ir
tette, Klrkwond, Movies. Doylan,
Coogan, Kdly, Eirkwood, Klrwiu and
Boy Un I vochI olo, Miss Sadie Timlin ;
tenor soio. Frank White; recitation,
Miss Alice Qainn; address, Rev. M. E.
Lynott; vooal duet, Misses Roche and
Collins; pantomime, 'Legend Beauti
ful," twenty-six little girls; Orpheus
quartette, Messrs. Eiton, Foote. White
mid Gilgsnnon , address, Jas. O'Neill;
vocal solo, Miss Katie MoQoVem:
violin solo, Miss Hannah Murphy;
quintette, Misses Collins, McCioern,
f'eeney, Timlin and Roche; bass solo,
John M. Foote; recitation, Miss Lizzie
White; Ssleotton, Hessler's dounie
qu irtotte.
The home of Mr. Daniel LaRus, on
North Mam street, was the scene of a
very pleasant gathering, his daughter.
Miss Minnie, being tendered a surprise
party by a largs number of her friends.
Among those present were Misses tier
tru le Davis, Blle Dak -r, Eva Wheeler,
Emma Moon. Csrrie Coon, Jessie Wil
ier, Berths Belt, Elita Osnorne, Liuoie
Heuwood. Carrie Murray, and Messrs.
H. W. Bovar I, Walter Moon, George
Nicholson. Ralph Wheeler, Thomas
Jopllng, Robert and Frank Blakcslee,
Winter, Thomas Champion, and Mr.
Peters, of Scranton.
W. R Dodson was the guest of
Kingston friends last evening,
- .
Intoresti t News Notes Gathered by n
Brunt Corre.p ndent
Special to the Srrantnn Ti ihune.
Factouyvii.i.e. i'a . March 'Si The
friends of Mrs. Sarah Frear will be
glad to learn that she is expected home
soon. S a has hen spending the past
six months with her daughter, Mrs
Paul Oelerhont, of Blueflelds, Nicarau
gua, and is now on her journey home.
Mrs M. J Watkins has s ) far rec v
er-d from her recent ill uvea as to bj
able to be out again.
The Ladies Ai I society of the Bip
tist church met at the horns of Mrs
Levi Liudleys last Wedneid.iv after
noon. Mr and Mrs Dinlel LingstalT. of
Soranton, expect to occupy their beau
tiful summer residence on Academy
street in ths future.
Miss Loncelta O irduer rn'urned last
Saturday evening from a six months'
trip t trough the so ith and west. Miss
Oar drier has brought home many souv
enirs of the places she visiUd.and gives
glowinir and amusing incidents of what
she saw an l heard.
A chorus of about fiftv voices have
been preparing an i iterating special
Easter programme to be given at the
Baptist, church next Sunday.
The home of Mr. anl Mrs E S
Hinds was tns sosne of a very pleasant
gathering last, Tuesday afternoon, the
occasion being the seventieth birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Hinds' mother.
Mrs Emma Roynolds There were
about twenty-five present, whos aver
age age was 07 years After partaking
of a sumptuous repast the guest do-
pwr e I. wishing the hosts msny such
ll p r dnrns of her birth lav ami hop
lug i;c they might b permitted to
nj ') many more such gatherings.
Fatal neglect It a little hnrt of cuiridc
The consequences of a neglected cold are
tor, well known to need reponttng, Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Byrop cores a oough
promptly Sold by all dealer on a guar
antee of satisfaction
Matters cf Pas. I it Interest to Rosldents
of th v 1. 1 City.
Fl rcial to the Srrnitton ''i t'etae.
HOMKSNALI, March ','H The pews of
Qreoe Episcopal ohuroli will be aold on
Easter Moutlay between the hours of 'J
and I o'clock p in Any portion desir
ing a pew, half pew, or sitting, will
please be present at the. appointed tint i
or send a representative. At theisms
lime a vestry will bo elected for the
ensuing year.
The body of Clarence Bnlleok, who
was drowned In the Susquehanna river
at Campvilie, N. Y., on Monday, was
recovered yesterday, The funeral will
be hold from his late horn at Cstup
ville BktUrdayat ID a. in The services
will be Conducted by the It-, v. William
Swift, of this place. Daring Ills rosi
deuce here, OlMtUOS gained many
warm friends, among Whom was It .y.
Mr. Hwift. All in. mm his untimely
and sail death.
Russell Dlmmlck, of the rjatversity
of Pounsvlv.inia, is homio.i hisvaui
tlon. C, H. Webster, jr., of BlnghsffltOU,
N Y , is making bust nail calls upon
his many acquslntannai h're
Easter sf rvicos will bo held in all the
church' s E is'.er Su iday at 10 BO s. m
anil 7 30 p iu. Sunrise Choral servic
at Grace church at 0 a. in Holy com
munlou will be celebrated.
Interesting Scrapa of Newe from the
Hustling Pioneer Otty.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
CaRBONDAIsB, Pa., March 2;S This
morning while making up a train in
the Delaware nnd Hudson company a
railroad yard Joseph Lavan. of Con
ductor S. Bobbins' train, bad his
thumb smashed on the left band.
Mrs. W. II Hubbard, of Wyoming
street. is recovering from unillnss that
has confined her to the house for two
Misa Lillian Missett and Martin Jor
dan, of Hchenectady. N. Y , are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Missett, of
Brooklyn etrent, ;
Maggie Mitchell's greatest success,
"Fanobon, the Crloket," with Miss
Carrie Louis in the title role, will be
presented at the grand Saturday mati
nee. Admission ten cents to everybody
to all parts of the house.
The Catbondala Traction company ie
about to complete its railway in Arch
ibald. Under the terms of the ordin
ance granting the company the privi
lege of laying tracks, the work i to bo
Completed by May 18 There will then
be a continuous line of eloctrie road
from Simpson to Taylorvillo. A con
necting link now living built will noon
make the lower terminus Nanticoke.
Miss Helen Richardson, of Camden,
N. J. , is expected today to be Misa
Mary Watt's givst for a few days.
Professor J. F Crowell spent yester
day in Uaioudale.
Miss Lucy Vanaan ami W. D Evans,
ol this city, are toeing at the concert
iu Green nidge on Tuesday evening In
aid of the Baptist church of that
Mi h Walter ( ur is the guest of Mrs
A. L Patterson for a few days.
News of Iatttett lu the Knlei orlslntr
Valley Town.
Ppectal to the tkranto 7Wbxt.
PECKVILLB, Pa.. March 88 The
Lsdiee' Aid society of the Metholist
Episcopal church olesre I f'd at their
farewell supper last Wednesday oveu-
i Dg,
James Graham is nursing aaprsined
ankle which will confine him to the
house for a few days.
Eister services will be held in the
Methodist oburob Sunday morning and
evening. The morning service will be
under the auspices of the Sunday
school, lu the evening the pastor will
preach an E ister sermon and the choir
will render several special selections of
Easter music.
Arcio Coebrin, ad about s years,
was killed in the Bliu Ridge mines ou
Thursday by a fall of top eoal. He
leaves a wife to mourn bis death. The
funeral services will oooor on Sunday.
Mrs. Cbarlel Jeukius is on the sick
George Woodbridge is visitiug with
friends at HouesiUle.
Miss Maria Chevuy is sick with
John R, Cook circulated with friends
it Hyde Park last evening.
(iay Ksller and Florence S.vingle are
home from the State Normal school at
Stroudsburg to spend Eister.
Mrs Fred Warfield and daughter, of
Eqnenoc, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William Warfield.
Nervous Headaches
Dyspepsia, Impure Blood
A Perfect Curo by Hood's Sarsa-
K'cbstrr liakcr
York. Pi
" i personally recommond Hood's SarsapariiiA
to my friends and others, whenever I have an
opportunity, and I am willing tint this state
ment he used lor publication. This medicine
has been of gioat hnieflt to me. I have been
tillering mere or leu w ith dyspepsia and per-
Hood's5? Cures
VOUI headncho lor several years After using
other prcparattoDI Without success. I concluded
to try Hood ; gananarlUa. i am pKaed to say
that I have beoB beno&tod more by the ..r,e of
Hood's Saruparilla than bj
An Gthci Wicaicir.cs Corr.bincd-
Infuct. 1 havobcoa cured by Rood's Banapa
riiia. tatMfind Hood's FUU very bensOclaL"
D WsbitkuBaksr, 3lg.rann8t., York, Pa,
Hood's Pills purely vegetable, and do
not purge, ain or gripe. Sold by all uriggiiU.
e have the hand
somest line of Parlor
and 1 )rawing Room
ever shown in this
state and we would
like you to see it.
Mill fc
Washington Ave.
Eryslpelns and Scrofula All My Life,
lu Cloths For Weeks. Blisters
Size of Teas. Burnesl Llko
Fire. No Kest or Sleep.
Tried Three Doctors. Did No Good.
Got Cutlcuro. Immediate Help.
Entire C'trc in Three Months.
I have been troubled wi:',i Erysipelas and
Borarulaatl my life, Keoently luy Uuibs came
out iii red !tiols trout tltc jtc ot nt hand down
to tint tnerosl plmplo, Some of them would
fueter a lltUo, but mostly lire red, and ibo laro
sj.ols looked morellka neoi . and VfOUld raise
up quite a little from tbosnrfaeo. There srould
be utateri coin,, at large as noiu in differeat
hlaoeS Sflth the rest. It was all over my hotbs
iiom my feet to niy body, across myshouldon,
and my arms, bands and wrists had t bo done
up to dot In for nooks, and they srould Itch and
burn as though I was alio . and there was no
sleep lor mo, and my UmbS IWOllod :i (.'o'sl deal.
1 trietltlir Iwtor.t. hut did me no ;o"td. Ki-
nollyn friend recommended CUTlcuas ii::me
diks, and my husband cot them. 1 ejase them
a tiiorotih trial, and thoyhtdtted me riirht off.
In three months time I was all well. Now this
wat three years ago litis spring. I have USOd
six or SOVOn UOXOS of CO net I.,,, anil have taken
nearly t. down bottles ol the Ccticcua Resol
vi:nt. and the Ccticlua Soar I use enitroly
and llicro u uc other like it for hunt and toilet.
Mi:, W It SI'ltlM.
Geneva .vstahuia Co Ohio,
Thn i iin-iti. til', i lit . U tie ( i ii t liA 1(1- m-
nii - of tottunniti tliaflfpirlng and huimiiai
kin, icalt :iut hhiiiii ilirttMi'H with loss f hair,
arir so wuiidt-rful fU to levin .ilnjunt iLcicdiblO.
Ytt orerj word is truo.
Hold ihroPifliout Hit; world Pilct1, rt'TieCRA,
50c.; BOstF.etAo.; IUolvint.II. Vuttih Ijmju
eMfoOOBM. Cow , Huh- Propiwlorii liutou.
o-"ll"iW tOCunBktQeOlMMH," Uiullt-d fltfc.
BklDMid Sailp pti iilicd kod luHutltied
by CuTtcmu huai'. Abnotnttly pure.
kidney and utOliDO 'iiiii and wt.-ak
Kuseu fsdtevi'd In oim iiiimil) If v thti
Cutlcura Antl-Paln Platr. Ouly
ii, .u ' ! pfsjeVklUIng piuNivr.
Dr. E). Grewer
Ihe Ptiiladiilpliia Fpscialist,
And his aaepeUted ttatfof BualUh nJ tier
man ra)reielanaara uuw poi mauuutiy lucated
Temple Court Building
Wberu lLoy lutty 1 consulted 1JA1LV AND
Tito Doctor Is n graduate ot the University
ci f.riiisylvanlii, formerly demonstrator of
pliysi,, yv ,,d surifnry at the Medico Chir
BrKlcal tollege, of Philadelphia H Is also
aii honor nry memhor of the Medico Chirur
tlcl AgsotiAtion, and was physlciKD and
surgeon In chief of the most noted American
sttd German hospitals eomos highly Indorsed
M the leading piofossors of Philadelphia anJ
New ork.
His many years of hosrjltal cxprlenoe on
blrB this eminent physiciaa and surgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all defunnit as
and diseases with the most fiatU-rine success,
and his htvh standing in the state will not
all W hint ti sooept any Incurable case
l.ltl HMimiii HKhTOUKD
it you have isou grviwi up rty your phvsl
clan cell upon the doctor nnd V examined
He cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility,
Scrofula, Old Sores, t atarrh. Piles. Female
Wcnkn'MO, Affivtiorrs of the Ear, Eye. Nose
and Throat Asthma, Uoafnoss. Tumora fan
rets and Crl poles of every dosorlption. Con
niltatlon in English and Herman Epea. which
shall Ins couatdored sacred and strlotly cotil-
tlltlee Hours: f A. St. to l". M. Dally.
Sunday, 0 a.m. to - m.
Atlantic Refining Co.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Illnminating and Lubricating
Liiwoil Oil, Napthas nnd Onsn
lines of nil grades. Axlp Oreitso.
Wnion (.irpnso nnd Colliery Com
pound : also, n largo lino of Tar
raffloe Was Candles.
Wo nisrt handle the Famous CROWN
ACME OIL, the only family safety
buruiuj,' oil in the market
Office: Cnnl Exchange, Wyoming Avo.
W orks at Itno Uroofc.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Rtatement Feb s , ism. mtud for by
111. 'oiiiptioller of tlie Chi tviin
'"nns I.SIO.S to 00
Overdrttfu ti4 7.:i7
Dtllted Stales Hoods mi i mi
Other Rntids Mi:t.ft7H7;
Itanklttg II. .11.. 8, 074. 4(1
Premiums ouC. 8. llonds..,. 04S.TB
line from I'. S. 'treasurer 7 into no
lue In. lit Hanks 20H.SHI 7S
apltal s i on
Surplus loooooo
UnillTliled 1'rullta AOINtlllll
Clreulatloii 7,000. OO
Dividends t'lipald S3S .in
Deposits. 1, SCI. (100 .14
Dim to Uaiiks eo.UOB.ftO
William rosNn i, President,
uko. ll. ATl. in. Vlca-President,
William CfMMelt, Qeorae H. ratlin,
Alfred Hand. James Areliliald, Henry
I'.. Hi. Jr., WIIIUiu X. Niultb, Luther
'Mils hank nffeis to depositors every
larlllty uari anted by tlielr biilnnces, linsl
ness ami reMpniiHlhllltv.
hpi'vlal attention given to business an
euiiuta lutvrcst paid uu tluio deposlte.
There are hundreds of youns men and yonrjg women in thl
country who have splendid ability, but they have never bee
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiralion to hundreds of young people. If yorj
me tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible,
come to Hie t'olU-jjo.
ni siMiss (;oi;ksc.
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Onyx Top Brass Table
0 $6.00
Hat and Coat Racks. 3-hook, 25c; 5-hook, 50c.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
gigJL The most complete
in the market.
Hull Co.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.