The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1894, Image 11

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Varying Opinions as to his Abil
ity and Sincerity.
wiiui Hie tUmii t. Da w III Talnuure, ir.
Leonard, tbo Uevi William Cart)
slid Btheri Have i Naj n i
CoMntl Ingersoll' Remark
utile TvacbUwM
I than to Had the truth. II it were in my
j poww to stay him, to-morrow I should not do
'so, for 1 know of no man Wild has had III"
I I . ith shaken by hearing or reading Colon!
Ingersoll. Those Already sceptical, and this
! Ii a stMptlcal age, art c 1 to get ready made
arguments for Utah diebelief, and thaae are
furnished than without thi necessity for
It i- not to me," sold Judge Freeman,
when queationed on thla euhjent, "a question
ai to whether Colonel Ingeraoll la right or
wrong, or partly right and partly wrong, l
I claim that he haadone good, The preachers
and the people who follow than, if uudls
turned, drop into the suuutltled and self-sat'
iafled habit of accepting their religion with
.hi queation. They will reaaon about every
thing elae but their faith in Uie aupi matural,
that i auaepted without queation, Ueltglmi
i is us much h matter I progreea und evolu
tion us the ivlencei, and the man who makes
I the people awure Of this, mid Who shako
I them out of their atagnaut and mossy
conservatism doea good to religion and
It has beon tho custom
regard theli clergymen with a
peoie oi niointry, who oj mme oi mew
calling are mora teamed , wiser ami bettej
than the average unaanetitled mortal, but
when a man itkf lugorsoll eomeato laugh
Tin' door o pane again and In comae a plainly , we shall see him and Ba mattert.'
draaaod man "f thirty, who has evidently Ity at Ho'oloekthe twain returned
to the de-
getting tome Interview wttn uoiouel
Moll, uo easy matter, b) the way, for
though the most aeoeaelble, lie is the busiest
or man, 1 hvo had excellent opportunities to
study hi peculiarities, hie Uttenaely strong
Individuality and thoae physical manifesto
tions vf character by which uii man are liu
praaaad. As a preliminary to the Interview I to truth,
in auMtion. I have tried to learo how thai for people t
clergy and iait regard the Colonel' polemki
afforti and the effect hie teachings are having
on the nsiii,' generation.
Oh, Idonteare to talk about the man, their pretensions Into ridicule. aud to quae
said Dr. Talmage, as he dry washed bis I tion the truth ol their dogmaa. It may cause
hands, us if to tie rul of disagreeable sub-1 religious ludlguatiou tor tin. time, but the
aet, "A tow years ago I delivered a series result must be to elevate tho pulpit and
of sermons and lecture on IngersoUlsin. I broaden the congregation."
Bead them and you will learn just what I Oolunel lngertoll htmsalf appear to be en
think." I tiraty indifferent to the opinions ol the put
"I recall the sermons, doctor, but I have j,,t or the pul'lic as to his own life und
forgotten everything but the tact that you do- motives. He believe in the utmost liberty
UOUnoed"al taacliing as Injurious.'1 Uir every man, woman und child and he
"Parhape 'denounce' I too itrong a word, would have this freedom extend to their
i tried to show that the man was threshing thought as Well as to their uets, and he
old straw, that the attempt to overthrow ths holds that tins ehouid tntlueuee then
Chriatian religion had beau undertaken by ut
abler man, aud at a time, like the French Keio-
lutiou. when the public Uliud was unhinged
and ready for any new .-sue. Vet Christianity
h..s advanced In a marvellous way. and the
nine- ol the opponents are know u by reason
Of their failure. The harm such men as
Ingersoll do, is not in Influencing me reaaon
of men. It he eat men thinking fll would be
well, but there is a large elae of men eager to 1
disbelieve in religion, iu order that they may
Bud au eXCUSe or ease the uoMcienoe as to
their own misdeed. Then there ure the
young, with tulnds susceptible and eager for
novelt) . who are won over for the time by the
speeious argument and attractive rhetoric
of men like Colonel Ingersoll. II you car,
fully study his addresses, the effort won't tax
your bi'uiu. you Will see that he is a
rhetorician rattier than a logician,
"Than you think the Colonel hai done
nothing to disturb the faith of the people?"
No-, he may have changed or rather con
firmed men who were alreudy of hi way ol
thinking, but I have yet to hear ot a Christian I
man. wno na renouneeu ni auegiauce i
Cur. st by reason of anything that Colonel
Ingeraoll has said or done, if it were not for
blasphemy of luoh speaker the church might
well welcome them as allle. Let the agita
tion (jo on. All men have to do i to leek and
they will surely Bnd : to ass aud it shall be
given : to knock at tue door ot truth
and it shall be opened uuto tii m."
The Reverend Dr. Leman la not so sure
that Colonel Ingersoll Ii a weak copy of
Voltaire. Paine. Koiceau and Hume a i Mr.
Of course, I deplore Colonel Ingersotl's
course, be said, when queationed on this
subject, "just as we deplored the course ,i'
tho many trained and able army officers who
felt it to be their duty tu go With their Stales
at the beotnnlna of our civil war. 1 think
Colonel Ingersoll Is radically wrong in his
teachings, and that he is fostering religious
discontent and working harm. But unlike
many who i .ppose him in the press and pul
pit. 1 believe in the honesty of his pur
pose, tue parity ol ins private life, ami his
arked ability ; indeed, as an orator I regard
him as a genius. If such a man were to de
vote htnuelf to the uauae ol rellgl n ba a mid
do infinite good, as it is he takes away from
the heavy of heart their only hope and sup
port, and he gives them instead -nothing."
"Conceding Colonel Ingersoll's honesty,
doctor, would it not be better fi ir the pulpit
to make puolie his addresses and to aoewer
them logically, than to denounce the man. "
-I do not believe iu denunciation, As t...
giviug publicity to Colonel Ingeraoll' ad
dresses that 1 another matter. It is easier
x sow the seeds of a malignant disease than
to cure it, and it is far sailer toaak queatlom
thou to answer them. The trouble With all
discussions on abstract questions Li difficulty
of coming to an understanding as to the defi
nition of terms, After all the universalltytof
religion shows that the impulse :,, worship is
innate. The Chriatian creed la not a system
Of dogma, but Is based OH a few self-evident
truths that even Colonel Ingeraoll bimtelf
Would appr IV -.'
Would you :h'ise th is leaking religious
rruvn to read Colonel Ingeraoll' books, ..r to
hear his leetur
"To that I say ri" moat emphatieally. If
u.xioiis for the health "f my children, I
should not eare to siibj'-.-t tnem to the ii-k of
contagious dlaeaae, Voltaire, and men .,f tiutti
, u '" " ' i, IUnd erltl
suttiors ir stuuenis m uieoiog) hi stuu..
The Bav.Willlam Carey believes th .t Colonel '
Ingeraoll, like every other power is raised uj ;
for a Divine purpr ?. ' The Colonel is an
laonoolaat, and in I emupaigu he would I
Wstroy the admire I with the Objection
able. He has, however aimed most of his;
btowe at Calvinism, and I san but think that.
opinion of himself. He lives Oil Fifth Ae
BUe, ueur Ttttlty-alxth street, and his domes
tie life is In every wa beautiful, His house
hold consists of his wife and two lovely
daughter, one ol the hitter la married aud
her two children who with the huaband are
of the family, an aunt, a lter-ln-law and
two couatna are the permanent member ol
the family, but at all time there la a crowd
of visitors, an,', open hospitality without any
striking formality is the rule.
The Colonel la very fond of his home, and
though counted a ublie man lie never visits
club, and it is next to Impossible to get him
to a dinner where speech-making follows tho
dessert. NVt General Neul Dow himself is
more tenur.ite than Colonel Imtersoll,
thouirh an exception ahould be made in tho
ease of tobacco. He is un Invents smoker.
and even iu his olDcO he works and talks
with a cigar between Ins hps, which, like
General Butler, he hews when it chances t i
go out.
The i'- lonel' i fftce are in the Gertnania
' Building Ko. 39 Nassau atreet. There are
three larrfe room on the lafiond story, piled
up to the celling with law books, letter
tile, unbound pamphlets and package
heard ot the Colonel's habits Tor his manner partiiu 'il and the process
la as self-eon lldent us his predecessor's was i c-.ird was repeat), but with
obaeauioua, "Colonel IngertoU," ba begin,
"I've bean out of work for otaetlme," "aorry
t., m ar it," Interrupts the 0 ilonel, "und you
dont know mo, continual the nam, "but I've
just k',,1 Job ue conductor on a atreet car lino,"
"Glad to hear it," from tho Colonel, "And.''
the man goot on, "the oompany want thirty
live dollars to in. put up aa soourlty before
they'll give me tho place, N.. my friend
have clubbed together and raised twatity-two
dollara, but im short thirteen, and I was told
that you might help me, and if you do. i n
pay you back HrSt QDJUloe, with interest.
"Can't It, m friend, I m not in Iba money
i onlng buaineaa. Good .lay. The man
ic-.-dt.ite-. scratohe his head a ii searching
lor a more potent urgUUietlt thuli he had vet
used, he gives it up as ii bad J"b, mutter
au right boss," und stride out disappointed
and defiant.
At lomtth I urn taken Into the Colonel'!
private room. More plloaoi book and crowds
of desks, tho largest is u perfect litter of
papers, There is only one named picture
iii tin- room it Is that Of tho Colonel's dead
brother Ebeu, ami below It the little tin sign
on which are the name-. the brother
as they appeared when the) were law i.,u
uere. Besides Hit plot are t bore Iba large un
trained photograph of Judge Calvin B, Pratt,
ol the New York Supreme Court, who I a
very dear friend ol the Colonel.
Sow sit down here and let me have your
question," aaye the Colonel. He lights an
other Cigar, sees that 1 huve plenty of legal
cap impel , and with my question ill liw hand
lie take a turil about the room. I haven
sheaf .d sharpened pencil before me and am
prepared t" take down the Colonel's address
Now, all right.' The Colonel draws in u
loasj breath, flips tin ashes from his olgar
mid 1 can sen tin- Ural word forming on his
flexible and beardless hps. for he is as smooth
shaven as ti monk, when a rap is heard a! the
door. "Boms one to see you, Colonel," salts
out a voice from the other side, aud without
u word ol explanation, he vanishes.
Five, ton minutes pass, then l take out my
note t k iu which there are u number of
anecdotes of Colouel Ingersoll wMIch I want
t,. huve verified. Here was 0110 of Senator
Quay, of Pennsylvania:
1; was slated that the Keystone "Boss" had
called on President Harrison to obtain u "tut
Job" for "tie of his followers, The President
was not iu u generous mood, and Mr. Quay
"put th" screws on him' in the usual vu ,
saying that His Exoollency enjoyed the oc-l
cupancyol the White House "by the vj-illufj
II is about time that you and many others
should ceaae to worry ue with such re
quests," said the President. "And you might
as well understand now that I am President
of tho United States by the Will of Cod."
"Matt" Quay was not prepared tor each a
Shock and ho staggered out into open air.
On the portico of the Executive Mansion he
sending in a
chanced cf-
fs !si-:i
m h A
iu '! in.
m Wk i
Li 1
If sot
of thu Father of the
,('01110 lu at any time and make yourself light
j at home. Oh, Hi i interview, that's all right,
I We'll flX It Up in goad Shape, It never does:
!t"urry. The saecdotes, ah? Well, all Birthday
: 1 1 , , ', -, I , T .1 ..oil ).,,.! , .1 .,it,'u.. tt'ti '
Butletme tell yft,.i dmi'i want mj hlogn icmperante Movement
phy written till I am dead, and lis I am only i
sixty und lag (health, i tm not antielpat
lug tnat event very ooh,"
ThO growth of Ii II
Bl itOB may I lllfe
within ssjventy-llve
sei,, ol liavs iuori osi
loopbthy in the united
red from t!ia faol that
ears t;... Cnctors of thai
il fron thing to 30 00 I,
Morning apehi miii ii
His Pleasmil Home in Portland
Reeollections i :i Long, Kiwy
and i scral Ufe M Ise unit
Xoble Word ui the Vunna'.
Portland, Me., Maroh 17, The most pi
nrtugeport, ( onu I lite greatest corset
ln.llin l.l.'t u t eel,:.,, In I! u,,r!,l II Inn,,
. ui o,otw .. dnj'j and koopson band a stook of jsuw,Kla' ''WI"'L' "' tl"' w""lu B,w " fhrm,
Oiw.nut), T i. to are over iqijfl girls i mployed to-day, Is General Meal Dow, of Portland, Me.,
.in the bueiuerr, a maloriti ol im mi are so the originator of the Maine taw. who amid
i wed formed ai to seres as models.
ll.liU.t.tM. MTillti til Mil '.:
derate titmiii
iik- ti Meet,
Lt:n POLS To UO'l
"The secretary," exelaimed
"was busy und could not be semi."
Away Went the tWO gentlemen. Colonel III
gers..! feeling s uuewhat annoyed ut hi, fail
ure t. reaeh the "plumed knight." A con
sultation was held and the next duyColohel
Ingeraoll went t.. the Uepartment, and failing
to obtain an audience through the same '
Uaiing iiiiu: Ciiiik
i oniuanlon Would
, "Longntn
loug seudlug one brigade after another up
against our line he was reported eleven
years ago by Colonel Frank A. Burr (who died
over iii Philadelphia a tew days ago,, m an m
tqrvlew published m the Cincinnati Enyuirii:
Next to the 38th Ohio Infantry, my regiment,
the lilst Ohio Infantry, was the largest In Um
hi my ol Die Cumburlaod that day- .t was the
I UOtli du) ol Beptamber, isuj, and tho -"eu,:
was Chiekamauga. IValiadMI men and Hi
commissioned ofttesrs aa very well remem
ber, for I aetedas adjutant (besidei uommand
ling tw unpanles) for several weeks aftei
the battle. Kut on the morning of September
21st wo could muster "ii the slops ol Mis
sionary Kidgu Heal' RoSSVille, only 270 men,
counting ihose we knew were in hospital, and
15 commlislonod officers.
The reason why we were able b, hold the
, hill against tobgstrcet's brigades (for we were
detached from oui division sarly In the day
and fought, all alone, without the sight ol u
I man who ranked our Lieutenant Colonel Who
commanded as, till late In the afternoon) was
I because seven of our companies were armed
There was a struggle over this and the
truffle hiding from the light of day slunk
uway in cellars und back alleys. So high bad
Feeling run, that in June, 1MB, what was
known as tho "Rum Kiot," took place iu Port
land. The Maine law provides for agencies,
no In each city and town, to Eell for medici
nal and mechanical purposes. General Dow
"I was mayor and chairman of a committer)
Author at! o! the board bl managers and aldermen, to
I purcbassj necessary liquors '.for tho City
I Agency. Thla tha committee did, and tho
li'pjorr, wore deposited In the collar of the
City Hall, under the apartment on the ground
floor, which hud been assigned for the Agency.
The rummies swore if they couldn't sell
nobody should, and so they made complaint
that the liquors ho purchased, und deposited,
were the Mayor's --Intended for bale on bl
account und swore to It.
"Thy mo), e&qouraged by the political bosses
of that time, made an assault on that place,
U destroy the liquors. The police force was
i the congratulations or his numerous friends,
lebrats th ninetieth anniversary ot his
I birth, next Tuesday, March 30th. a large,
"'"""'" ow-tlms brlek house, in the vary small, and. unequal to oope with the rascals
"i una v v. ii, a ui i juih:"H r u lul ;o itfiu
t ha been hammering us all day n"""i" '. "'" oi me uanenu,
J 1 ii It.. ,ii I iu4. i .. tn ii
Him nuih u ij.uiv,'j i-.ira Kif. f rvn la
trout w iniiijwsj, torosi th wtrvet, you look
OVfcf tO tb liulLir -.'I l.i i sou Coloutl Tt9& N
' si
OENEBXL SE4L low at TBS PStSgXT llut.
Dow, the house In which he was bom.
Here, in this pleasant home, the old tem
perance hero is ripening lor the distant home,
"Where all Is made right that SO puxcles Ut
In. I'm '' S l-r. ,,"i.. tuna r,..,..,u.l ,.",1. .. ....
Colonel Bob was red In the face wheu be Always reliable Enflelds. .., ,... '. , , , . , ,
i, ,, i i im, i , ,i i . k m i i. ,i . , i fusion of snowy white hair, an alert look, a
7 , "h f . ,CT,m ''"'8"-,'ct s men , ,yan m,p 0, the hand, and you arewel-
turned ,,v, wh. n. attel an al. -en I sovela had n civeil i.ur I fst enll.iv than ,,!. . . .. . . . ,.
.. ... , . .,,,; ,,la jejune in. i. ii ).;ii icaie your i
i u-siu-u ivrwaiu won a great accession oi
CUSe, sent a ear,
following :
"Will the tecr
a time when he
ii which was penciled the with Colts revolving rifles taoh could be
j loaded in all Us Qve chambers as quickly as1
tary of state please Indicate'11 Enfield while the other three companies
an see Mr, IhgersoUr' I were mads up ol men quito expert with their 1
f several I had
the man returned und handed him
, sf: . .- " .' jjwts s io
I lit I I lli.lil . IVl'I'ULWl
a card on which was legibly written : "Mr,
Blaine cannot see c , lonel Ingersoll I '
"Hell!' exclaimed Colonel Bob.
"But you say there is no hell," interjected
his friend, who felt budly because he had
been the innocent cause "f this contretemps.
"Ain't there!" retorted the agnostic Kob
ert. "Thla is hell and no mistake I" tad the
smell of sulphur cold luivo been strongly
detected in that atmosphere, sure enough.
It is well known that Henry Ward Beeoher,
to whom Colonel ingersoll bears a striking re
semblance, was a great admirer of the fa
mous agnostic. To ouo of his purishoncrs
who was denouncing Ingersoll, Mr. Bteeher pencil
said : ,1'"li
"Brother, tho foundations of your faith
must be "nock-kneed and you ought to be ob
liged to Ingersoll i, rimy man who would sweep
them away, True faith and true love cannot
be disturbed by logiciun.inlldel or InCOnOClast.
That which is not tiue ought to go. and if
there Is anything 1 do enjoy it is to see a
brave and able man pitch into the supersti
tions of the age. He can't whack 'em too
hard to suit ma." a
At another times gentleman waa relating a
store of Ingersoll s egotism. An admirer of
this gentleman desired him to visit hi.-:
mother, au old lady of seventy, who was an
ardent Presbyterian. Mr. Ingersoll declined
u the plea of not wishing to Unsettle ,the be-
. cigar behind you. Short of stature and corn-
speed and confidence thinking they would be pactly built, he is till springy of tap, and
on i" us oeior.- w.- . ..iiM reload, lint
would scarcely pas-; ten paces befoi
would catch another volley and nrhll
wore turningthls over in their minds we would
let them have,.. bird ! This was felt to be quite
a peculiar circumstance, requiring delibera
tion, better conducted Oerhaps haek In Uie
rca: and out ol rang, be ii generally hap
pened that with the mud volley the Johnnie
had come to u dead bah and were beelnnina
take the back truok, which they no longer
situteu i, in. ut when tnej got the fourth and
they Illustrates the philosophy that bus curried
they him through life, and u.ude him the central
thev Dgure of a remarkable reform. Follow him
to hi den, as he enii- his library, and 'you
shull see him at hit best off the Dlatlorm.
ami the Mayor culled out a military eompuny,
und ait. i long sulfating from the mob's throw
ing stones, 1 ordered the men t" betaken into
the apartment, and to defend it at any cost
In doing this one ot the mob, tins loader was
killed, several were wounded and the mob
j "Tha bosses organised a second Inqusst, and
I tried to hulo me indicted for m Older but
I "B was a yasj befoie that, when my Uousjj
was assaulted, and two years before when I
WSJ hung iii effigy, and Ave or Hi yeurs before.
; when I was assaulted in the streets by a hired
At the outbreak of the War, (ieneral l)ow.
at the roquest ot Governor Washburn, began
to recruit a regiment, lie was commissioned
colonel ot the- Fifteen th Maine Volunteers,
and sailod in Butler'b expedition for New Or
leatib, but was wrecked on the way. The
storm rose ko Wgh tnut it seemed very evi
dent that the ships must go to the bottom.
A lot was drawn lroin hoadloss matches, and
the captains ol the regiments were required
to draw, to seo who should go from the over
loaded ublp to the Mt. Vernon. Five Mumo
companies were drawn to go over to the
urge: and saler ship. Butter said : "Colonel
Buw, yoq had better go with these men, on
board the Mt. Vernon. They will be safe
there.'' "And leave you here, General?"
"Gh yes, I must stay here.' ' Unless you
order It, 1 shall do no such thing. I shall
stay with the majorit ol my regiment, and
stand Dy you. and butler adds, he did.
He was afterwards with Butler when he
ran the forts, and later helped Butter to en
force the Mrmgent laws that made New Or
leans a healthy and orderly city, He w-u
commissioned u General by Abraham Lin
coln, and at the siege of Vitksburg In 1863,
was taken prisoner bv General Josetili K.
General Dowoome Of good "Id stock, being jJohii'ton. Captain L. T. Mitchell of B
I lief of so venerable a matron
"The arrogance of supposing hlmsell
to show uu oldfCbrietlan like that the error of
her ways.' said the critic with a sneer.
"I don't believe ha ever said it." said Mr.
Beecher with some irritation. "It is not in
harmony with bis character. If the lies that
ore told about public men could bo material
ised they would wall in and root
whole earth."
There arc some who believe that Colonel
IngsrSOU'S cole purpose in lecturing Is to
make money, ami that bo. lawyer like, would
be quite as ready t" talk on the other side, if
he found it profitable,
"If," said a gentleman to me, "Colonel In
gersoll were not an infidel, there is no posl
tion In tho gift of the American people to
which h mid not aspire with good chances
of success." The Colonel once had such am
bitious. He says :
When 1 was a ni in I had ambitions.
1 have found that the cures which come t" a
by the time we sent them the llfth our
Hew after Hying fi
as we nso peculiar ammunition it huu-
it had to happen, being one of those
that always do hairneti that nielli
about noon s mielKidy ordered the wagon iu
which our cartridges were hauled to the
tear-. We found, however, that if we kept the
bayonet oh the gun to prevent the splitting
of the muzzle, we could use the F.nllcld cart
ridge, even If the ball wa a little bit larger
than thoso made osn.-cially for the CoTt'l
And 'as 'fust a'' men using the revolvers
were disabled or killed soma one would Swap
his Enfield for the better piece, so that ut iast
nearly every man in our line was equal to
five, so far at least us his shooting was con
cerned. Under tha circumstances it was not
remarkable that late Ifl the afternoon we ran
outol ammunition, l don't know bow any
bode found it out or who it was that gave
the order, but about Hint time two regiments
came up tho hill ir im the rear to relieve us.
We were sent down, just far enough to be out
ot range, and lying down to rest began to
I reckon up the sad havoc in pur ranks, We
nun not oeeu at it vers long, However, till
word came for us to gather Bp those 01 oar
men who still had ammunition -and take them
sj uescenaant on nia fathei side in the
seventh generation, from Henry Dow, Who
came to this country from Norfolk, Englan t
; in lGlt" : and on his mother's side from Cbtis-
I U..II ...i n , , .
balls ' ' "'"I. who vaiue irum r.ngianu m ioso
j His extensive reading and tulking with men
everywhere, has refined und polish, j hi
style, and given him u command ol English
quite unusuul either upon or offthe platfoim.
His pronunciation is clear and distinct.
He was a successful business man, dealing
In real estate, was a tanner before the war.
and has been connected with many buslnssi
enterprises. At the age of seventy-five, he
met with misfortune that would have crushed
most men. Rev. D. B. Peek got himself elect
oil Treasurer of the State. sndthen began to
play with the cash and finally defaulted to the
er.tcnt of $100,000. General Dow, Who was on
Peck's bond, hsd to make up the amount.
Next Cashier Gould, a favorite, followed In
rock's footsteps with S20.1WU. which the Gen
eral had to make up. He honorably stood up
under these losses.
A Whig, while that party lasted, he helped
to organize the BepubUcan party and elected
Mayor ot Portland has twice represented the
city in the State Legislature. Much diseus-
G was put in charge ! the trisoiitr. and
ordered to take him to Richmond. Captain
Mitchell adds; "DoW hud been in command
i I' " DOW AT StrtNTT.
cf a brigade of negl troops, and was at
tached to General Butler's division. All the
si'jii has ensued as to the origin of the Maine
up totne front to right it out. I had three or xw. uencrai janiesAppietoii.Bsfarhftek as naniel(,ss outrages of thieves, guerillas und
tour m my company und went witli them. ' 1S32. urced the restriction , l the traffic In in. j. j, j. , n...
.p .... ii'Ai'.'iuniK ui iiiis. ami in loao ue maae u re-
Wf had not been then
came aware of the old. familiar
long litte of t
fact remains, that until Nea! Dow framed the
Maine law. there was no similar enactment
on the statute book of any nation or state.
Sitting in his library to-day he described the
origin "f thi- remarkable law us follows:
it was a good many year- ago. and 1 was
oc -uicie uie i a. -. i, ...
nfodnnt. ,.,.,i i, lonil"'" wnwruia un uoie saoieei. uu. uie
Ver the I'.thecbarce. In st a thov iwil In ftia rlnht
place, in good range of our rides, all ut once
i, man was seen t" spring OUt of their ranks
and to come leaping up the hill towards US
swinging his hat over his head us he came.
When he got hear enough we could heuT him
Shouting "c.-ase tiring I" while the brigade
followed him with steady step, the men enr
rying their pieces tit a right shouldor shift.
At last the messenger reached -ur lines
and was taken to tic commanding officer
who ho was 1 never learned ,1 illnitely. Here
'u explained his errand. He said that the
Johnnies coming up the hill wanted to sur
render and asked us to cease firing in order
thai they might do so. The Colonel ques
tioned him sharply, but lust, sat is lied that
he was telling the truth, gave the order and
ler and Dow, with a childishness born of ig
norance, and prompted by malice." When
Mitchell reached Selma. Ala., there were a
lsrp- nuruber of refugees from New Orleans
there. Somebody teiegraphid to Selma that
Mitchell was on the way there with Bow iu
custody. Mitchell's coolness und bravery
narrowlv saved him from death at the han is
fining in mis same Uouse quite late OM 0 a mob. At WeldoD, S. C, his hie was
evening. In answering u knock at the door 1 IMin thmti
I found a lady whom 1 knew very well as the
wife of a government official in this city. He
was a periodical drunkard, and on this very
night was down town ,,,, a spree. His Witt
He wa.- put in tabby Prison, and then
delivered almost daily temjrame lectures
Dow'i temperance matinees wen- very pop . and the "bovs" would cheer him to the
man in a place like that "f President f the Instantly everything became still, save for the
United States are enormous. After Garlleld ''Ustan: d.-ing. Which by this time had be-
Was nominated 1 said to him one day, 'Car-
i tap.
Th'-re are desks and chairs ioi a nonn .u.i
yers, ''Ut Mr. Griffin, a handsome young man
of thirty, associated with the Colonel, and
ths secretary are the onlj persons in the of
flees who sp.-ar to bo busy. The freedom
that prevails at the C' lonel's h.eis-. extends
to his office. There i- I,,, sending in "f
cards ..i .vaiting foi un audience, the latcii-
-.trill,' Is always hanging out and it pulls
I imd beard tha Colonel on the platform
hut hud hot ne t iii m personally for many
y ,m, so that heat first regarded me aa a
it ranger, There were three men smoking
.,nd chatting in that ti .fit office, one of them
was th" secretary and all the others wore
hats. On" of these men sat with his feet on
a shall in front, his hat pushed buck from a
massive forehead, ins neck-tie askew ami his
hand buried in his trousers' pOOketi, Tho
bluelah gray eye told ol klndnsss, but tim
ii"S-. Is combative and the chin denotes
lorce. "Want t . Interview me, ehf Well,
sit down and 1 II JMS ab rut it." i I ilonel
istntht midst . f a story he Is telling the
Hon, Dwignt Townstgd who tepi
Rrst New York Blstrlll ID .-.uigi
the war. Mr. Towns. ml, by the way. is quite
as full of anecdot" and remlhisoel as the
Colonel himself. Th" seer. tary lights his
pipe und Joins In, as he .v alid be sure to do
if the president ol the United Kiutes were a
caller, for there Is no hero w .rahlii permitted
lu til" Colonel's 'iffiou.
Th .Colonel Ih discussing orator.-, and he Is
giving. his opinion of (inittun. when the door
opens and a babbtly-dreeaed old man domes
ill With Iheupologetlc mullliel UIld obsequhiU-
bearing of a miin about to ask a favoi.
"Well, What Is ItV" asks IhoColoiiel, brusque
ly. The mini begins the stereo'yped story ot
hard times, no work and rimt unpaid, but
th.. Colonel stops him, ut tie. same time
In that ho has done good. His denunciation Withdrawing one hiiml lroin his pocket.
of Calvin la masterly, and ha has earned atten-1 "Yea, yes. my mend, ns says. the
tlon tii the lifo and teachings of that bitter timea aru hard and 1 am sorry for
"iithiisiimt as no ntli.r man has .lone. But lit. H" reaches out his baud to tic "Id
he has tried to link the teachings of Culvln 1 BUM, who glances down ut the crumpled note
with those of such names as Luther, Muluneh- In his iulm and Is about to pour out h torrent
ton and Michael Servitus. Hs shows the Of thanks, whan the Colonel bids him good
oramping and orusl trend of Calvinism, and day, ami relighting his cigar gdes on wrttti his
then unjustly draws the infere that tho story, ending It with liquidation from Gr.ittiin
isumo holds good us to till Christian sects and ' thut would have thrilled the heart of thogreat
IsMhen, After ail, what la the truth. Irish orator, If he could have heard the feeling
It has struck me that Colonel Ingersoll do- and the rich iiiiisu il voice lu which tho ex
llghts more In his power to puzzle and d.awte tract was given.
metOol, Roberto, Ingttsoll
Hello Mat .' what are you tooUnf so blue
about7 Une would think you had Juat come
outol an Indig" factory Instead of this white
Washed mansion."
The Senator mournfully related his griev
ance, not omitting the President s Ingratitude
in attributing his success to the Almighty.
"What!" exelaimed Col. ingersoll. "The
President says the Lord sleeted him to office!
Well' I have said some pretty rough things,
but I neve! charged the Lord with doing such
un net us that."
Among my papers I had a copy ot Colonel
eloquent speech
Ingersoll' powerful and
When ha nominated Blaine in 1X70. andap
plied to him the name "Plumed Knight"
which -tuck and subsequently became the
rallying cry of the Republican party, and a
fertile thome for cartoons aud caricature.
Subsequently, as they say over In Jersey.
Bhiino "soured on" his dbafhpion, and he
gave the first Intimation of it In the following
Way, The story Is In the main corroct.
ft to happened that shortly alter Blaine's
Installation us secretary ot state Colonel
nt' d tic lug I il was induced by a warm personal
during , friend to accompany him t., the statH depart
meld und Inter la with the premier h' DVOllI
In', a pending matter of public bttSltteSS,
Arm in arm they entered the Sdiflee, and full
of son fl denes Colonel Hob proceeded with
seven leaga" boots to entci Mr. Illalno's
come very irreguiai' on on our left, and the
l.iiic. inn, ',. l,v- tl,.. ,,,'iv..l,i,.,. 1. .,,,., l..- rtj ,1,...
Ileld.'you are going to be elected President 1 1 WHded through the thick underbrush. I re-
I member that th sound was like that of the
wind playing thri
Meantim the
brought. I don ; know winch, near t" whai
lieutenant Uunb.ol my regiment and 1 were,
! without men. He was .Vtall young fellow, chid
in "butternut" and slim and lithe aa a hound
quick und courteous in hi- movements und
gestures, handsome ami of good presence
; He lav down at the fool ol u tree, having it,
1 1 observed, between him und his advancing
comrades, His quick eyes darted about con
stantly, taking in everything that was hap
penlng and they gloweu with an evideut en
joyment "f the situation.
And still the Johnnie eaiue caddy on
With their piece at H right shoulder shift,
and some one made tiie remark that u they
wanted to surrender they ought to lay down
' the. I aims. Ijjii.b observed that the thing was
u trick Hia! the Johnnies didn't intend I iui
, rendei . and turning to his men ordered them
I to follow him back to the regiment, I observed
; the young Johnnie aa Ills piercing naze rested
' I, ,, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,! I ,.,,,).- 1 1, 1 1 1,..,,. .1.1 ..I....... I
of amusement in in- eyes which forthwith I
traveled swiftly ahead to -co what effect I
laiinb's move had upon the lest. but. except
that I gathered my men togeUlSI mid fol
lowed i.amb. everybody stood with hi mouth
open, stupidly gimiie at the oncoming Con
f".s. At last, just iis we reached our regl
ment, someone sang out "it vou want to
Ugfa a Held of ripe wheat. That all may be.' I replied, 'but here is this
messenger came or was gentleman, w ith a large family depending on
him for support. It he g. SS ! i hts OflBl to
morrow, diunk. he will losshi place. 1 wish
vou would eell him no more. He became
oiib iai sanctum, a sabla-hued
halted tie gulUiit Colonel and. with hows
and scrapes. Informed him that the rules
required that he Hhould first send In his
card. ,
"All light, ". heartily replied Colonel Inger
soll. "Vou muAt do your duty us you lire
ordered. Here'n my enrd, nurt tell the secre
tary Hint I am somewhat In a hurry.
Belplo Africenus took the pasteboard ami
disappeared! While meantime Colonel In
gerSOll paced Impatiently up and down the
miirbi" Hour uf theoorridor. Minutes long
us hours pa-sod when llnullv the messenger
emerged and eommunlcated the fact that
'the secretary begged to bo excused us he
wus engaged."
"Very well," said Colonel lugers-ill. "1 will
hope, but by the time you huve been Presl-
meeseuger dent a month rou'U wtsli sou warn runnlna
an loe-hpuss in Hades.' Weil, l saw him after
he had been President allttls while, kno i said,
'Well, Garfield, how does it gm1 And hu mi
IWered, '1 donl know but I'd prefer the loo
house business. I tell yon II " hardest tilings
young miin tuuteendajl III this world is sue
cess. Success to a young man, coining to him
when he Is young, Is one ,,f the hardost things
he eiin have to stand and keep Ids potSC. Kanie
Whv. think how few. how v, rv few of the
ana cans "t msmay, and the two regi
ments dams piling, panlc-atrlksn down tn
Wished me to got him home onictlv. bivause I eo'1'- They would crowd around, and sign
If he was drunk nSXt day, h might lose his i I'ledges c onditionaily, "till this cruel war
1 out a"j '",,nd hmi to fc0M;kf u aU or "ti1'
the back room ol one 01 the down town I One day. in looking out of the prison
saloons. 1 said to the keepet in a quiet way I Window, at the risk ol his hte. he saw a nearly
T Wish you would sell no liquor to Mi 1 bai "foot Yankee prisoner being let along by
Blank. ' Whv, Mr. DoW! he sold, 'this ,s ''ve Contederates. Dow called to him from the
, ', . ,., window and threw down his v wn shoes and
m. buaineaa: I must mpplv mv customers. L,...,L.iJ
Klne months in Libby, and he was ex
changed tor General and re
turned to his old home, amid the congratula
tions ot thousands ol friend Smce then, b
has been very active in temperance meetings,
in lectures, and meetings on both sides ol the
Atlantic, anil in ISSji he was nominated foi
President of the United states by the Prohibi
tion Party, Courageous, temperate hopeful,
without worry, he has done the work that
God has bet to his hand and he bus done it
Said he today . Mine Was q long lived race
SSVetal of my ancestors passed by ten t.
twenty years the thn-e -core and ten limit
two reached 100 one passing 104, w hile tn
honored tathor lived to Within three mouth,
'of j with hardly, a sick day iu his life. Fo
at icsst three gonerettoue, my progenlton
lived the trugal quiet, well ordered lives ,.
Friends andths) ttansmtttedtomethetamll
tandem v to kvngevtty, unimpaired by di-.-'.p.i
tion ana excass. In youth, isring fond .
athletia sports and having opportunity :.
reasonable lnd.Ulgeoce In them, I thSTSb
added to my Inheritance uf health am
i have been particular in the mutter a
diet, so far, at least, ns to avoid eating to sa
tlety of meats, and altogether of whai I hav
lound hurtful l hue niways abstained Iron
intoxicating liquors and tobacco, and ait
convinced that such abstinence hns grektlj
contributed to my health, l haveborns phy
sieBi and mental attain uadai which aaao
elates as strong naturally, have failed, be
CatlSe, as 1 believe, they resorted to stimu
lante. This has been due In part to prudence h
diet, but more In my trying to bear In mln
that 'sufficient unto the day Is the evil there
of.' In wasting no regrets on the inevitable
In trying to endure what could not lie cured
uii.l in borrowing no trottUle, 1 have save.
f health and strength, wind
TK,V.- lL'
surrender, uy down your arms i and some- somewhat angry, and told me that he too
1 "'.e'1!":1, l '"i'l'c'"" U",i" hud a family to' lu'ppbrl and that he had a
1 a volley followed, and then another. ,, . V , . . ,
cashing and rearing tlirough the w led unwtoeunquortowhomewhepleaiMa,
lull-, there was the rueh and soramble of 'So yotfuavealloense, have you'.' und you
liu.ny feet, sharp cues, orders, oaths, s'nrieks suiiport vour family bv destrovins that inan's.
Weil see ab. ut this.' I went home thoroughly
detormtned to devote my hie to suppressing
The ohngrlntd imander who had been j th Hquor traffic in the best way possible.
mad,, tn... victim ,,t th.- shallow art! Hoe .,r- The Maine Law originated In that nun-shop.'
deled our lush major to charge up the lull 1 In 1846, the Legislature ol the State enacted 1 Hi" steal wust
with the 'JUt and retake il . ami we poor ., iM. i,t n .li.i ,, ,,.. ,,,ii, u itj ,ic .alwavs attends us doss aiixletv
devils, le-s than 800 in number with only , .'.,.,.,, '., v "Jhava always been busyi 1 think Iteaa
one round ,.r ammunition, charged :,'"' cilorcei ient. iiinliseouiagcl. truthrnllv sa'itl 1 nevei willingly pasasdak
ngiiinst that brigade tliree times, und Dow roused the loroea of rsmperanoe, and t,)e hum iii my life. Books haw been u.
reckon wodld hav,. beaii at it yet if somebody together in ism they went before the people. closest companions, lu their oompany, con
hadn't told Micky to stiiu, ' with their nronositlon of total nrohlbitlon. Tha tent and Pleasure has been found, when a:!
lint I never heard anything more of the
daring young Cpnfedeiate. I would like to
meet him, lo talk the Hung ..i, r.
Wilson Vaxck.
iiwing to consanguinity, it is said fully
thirty per cent, ol the marriages among the
num. sot the great, irrand men ,.f Rome luce anstocHury of Biugiano are childless,
bsen watted along down to us acroas the oen-1 Owing to, ths Doyetty, which is reit In8paln ot the session -to be enacted and upon its
SUrieSi And the men themselves, winre ISjgj wsll us In oilier purls of the world, brigand-! pionipt approval by Governor Hubbard, to, k
their la mo.' Who kuo,vs them.' Who thinks i ll(a it Dn (a Inniwaae and snarahv Issniaad- from that moment. The Maine law re
election showed the defeat of nealiv everv
member ot the Legislature, who had voted
against prohibition. The new Legislature
were enlightened by tin- discussion thut took
place, and which was led by Seal Bow. It
wasacruotal moment. But it was passed
through nil Its stages in one day the last day
of them? Th" im 'ii of this world, how last
they go, how littlu they leave behind thtttt.
And 1 tell you, when a man grow- to be a
ther conditions tended to discomfort and
unrest, Bo, that time has never hung heav
ily on my hands.
"YOU ask what adwee I would give to the
ypuog, aa essential to success In life, ideas
o itt0CSSS vary. 1 can conceive of no higher
i tin, la id than the full discharge of one'sduty
to God and his fellow men. No higher re
ward can com to muii than the content at
tending ii consciousness of that duty well and
faithfully done.' Wuir Aulaxd.
Call again," Sind he Suggested to his friend ; great man. then does he begin to feel le w lit
tlmt possibly Mr. Blaine was busy with Some! tie he le. The greater he Is. the less he
of the (ofolgu ministers, whose privacy could knows."
nut be Intruded upon. "Hut," hu continued. I 'Hhe colonel returned t' me after two hours
"we will come back at I o'clock, when the aud then, without a word of apology, said :
secretary is about tigning hi mall, aud then "I've got a client who wants thi room.
j11(t- I versed ue policy oi license, umi sunautuud
I lor il the policy ,,f absolute prohibition of the
1'ully sixty per ei nt. of the maisSjge be- manufacture und sale of alcoholic liquors, c-
tWesn American hstrtsses and titled (oreigti eept for medicinal and mkohahleal purposes
SHarc failures, and but few of the forty per ami the arts.
eent. uie said tube happy, yot American Thus eume to puss one ol the most remark
siiobs sell their daughter.; and Kuroptntt able laws ever put upoti the siutute book, and
udveiiturors tin J it market for their tawdry one that has Sfltotsd the legislation of the competitors from
titles lu America. world- 1 muami
n UngUslnan Who Should know, says, that
within twenty-live years the people of tho
British Umpire will wonder -not that she
House of Lords xvii abolished but that suclj
un Inherltanoe ol icudaiism and barbarlsi
shi aid be permitted to exist so long.
Mat fair in Belgium u large price has b?pii
olfured for the highest man, and theie aio
all nations, Ameriru lu-