10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 24, 1894. SITTING BULL DINED OUT HOW HE WAS ENTERTAINED IN FIRST SUIT OF CLOTHES. HIS DiClcultlen Surmounted in Providing That Suit -Enlarging IIU Dreae Coat The Yming Clergyman l'ut Bad Spirit In the Meat and Potatoes. It was back in tho seventies when tamp of civil eniueoM constituted what is now the well known city Of Forgo, N. D. My husband was uniong the number, ami 1, with our littlo dauhtor, bail recently Joined him. I heard im unusual commotion outside the tent beforo rising in the morniuK, and peeping out, saw a party of eight or ten Indians, full blooded Sioux from the Mis suuri valley, on their way to pay a visit to the "Great Father" in Washington. Auioni,' them was the wily, keen witU'd, mercileM savage who afterward became to famous Sitting Hull. They had left their native haunts clad only in their native garb, but at liLnuarck two or three of them had succeeded the eveniug before they left In inducting themselves Into sume of the OSSt off clothing of Fort Lincoln soldieis. Over these they had thrown their own blankets, so Sitting Hull had not disco v ered the change until the next morn ing. While openly scofRng at such degeneracy, the interpreter accompanying them told us the chief was secretly chagriucl at not having procured such gorgeous raiment for himself, and upon his arrival at Fargo he declined t be presented to the poten tates of the Northern Pacific railroad uutil properly attired. UK uot Tin: CLOTHES, As he was resolute in his desire to have white men's clothes a contribution was levied on different members of the encamp ment, the result of which, although satis factory to him, struck the rest of us as in expressibly ludicrous. The only pair of trousers whose waistband was suited to his girth belonged to a very short man, and gave to their present wearer that laugh able appearance Inseparable from abbre viated nether garments, As no ordinary masculine sock was loug enough to fill the gap between shoes and troupers, Aunt Venny, the huge old uttgro cook, was call ed to the refcile, and a pair of snow white stockiugs were given to him. There wxs. of course, some difficulty in giving these the smooth, unwrinkled appearance de sirable, but the ebony aunty gut round the difficulty by fastening hose and trousers together with those useful little articles known as safety pins. Uno of our brawny teamsters contributed a shirt, flannel shirts were in general wear among our engineers, and a white one, commonly known as a boiled one, was an almost unknown luxury. However, one of the men resurrected one long buried hidden in a trunk, and to Sitting Bull's great satisfaction, he was instructed I its to the approved manner of entrance and exit. A est was not to be.found. and it seemed for a time that civilization as represented by a coat was for him still in the dim future. Hut here again his good geinus in the shape of the fat old Degress intervened. A coat having been found whose only objection was it i extreme nar rowness across the back, this ingenious woman energetically ripped the center seam and inserted a broad stripe of vivid red, cut from a heavy blanket. A stove pipe hat polished to the last degree was found, and tuuseo.uipped the famous chief tain made his deoul before the presiding officials of the encampment. The wives of several of the officers had been at vinous times residents in tliecauip, but Just then 1 chanced to be left aloud with my little girl to represent our sex. I had been warned of the impending call, but had been told nothing of the change of raiment and when this astounding toilet appeared before me, the keeping of the muscles of my face under control, and maiat.umng a gravity befitting the occa sion, was the great triumph of my life. My little daughter wxs not so fortunate, and at once gave utterance to an uproar ious burst of mirth, causing her father to instantly seise and bear her ignomimously from the tent. I proudly felt that I was ocouitting my Self very ereditubiy during the interview, and as 1 had been instructed to Invite the chieftain to dine with os in due form and state, I did so. AT THE DIN N Ell TABLE. Among our guests that day was a young eastern clergyman, making his first trip over the prairies. Ho was a very zealous youth, strongly imbued with the mission ary spirit, albeit sadly lacking in experi ence, I SOOO saw he looked upon the meet ing with these Indians as a spedal provi dence, and burned with a desire to turn it to aOCOUnt in their behalf spiritually. Still no opportunity scemist to offer, and we took onr places at the table. The young clergyman rose from his seat, and, with arms extended over the table, loudly invoked a blessing upon our feast Despairing of any other chanoe, I suppose, he dexterously interwove ft petition for the conversion of the grim old savage before him, making in all a rather lengthy pre amble. The old warrior evidently regarded this devout exercise as some sort of Incantation by a medicine man of the pale faces, de signed to affect food, for us our minister, in his eagerness to offer a miiIuMo petition, wildly waved his hands over the various dishes, Sitting Hill glunred suspiciously from one article of food to another,, then to the face:; of the white men, and finally sank sullenly back in the unaccustomed chair. When at length his plate was tilled and sent round to him, ho glowered over it, muttered and grunted, but male no at tempt to cat. In distress 1 beckoned to t he balforatd who served as interpreter and who hungahout the tent awaiting bis turn to eat. After a scries of grunts exchanged with the savage, the halfbreed informed us, "Great chief say white medicine man put badspiritinme.it and potatoes. If chief cat, maylic he he weak and never travel to ec the Great Father." A long examination ensued, and at last our grim guest fell upon his long delayed dinner with fierce appetite. I regret to say, however, that in the training of his child hood table manners must have been sadly neglected. The only possible use he could see for a fork was to reach forth with his grimy hands and spear various articles of food which appeared to him desirable. At the dose of the meal the pet severing little minister was on the watch for his op portunity, and, as we were now belter pre pared, a deOSOt sile.ioo ensued, and wo bowed our heads with duo reverence for the return of l hanks. The poor man opened his mouth mid had uttered but a word or two of adjuration when Sitting Hull rose and with one stride reached him, placed his baud over the parson's mouth, mid w ith au emphatic "Xo, no; onco enough; no more call down the Great Spirit U crush the chief,'' marched out.-Cor. Denver Iiopub lican. ciuh Etiquette, liy common consent the vital condition of u club is what is called the gentlemanly honor of its members. It is the general confidence that no club will duuu- clubbahle things. Hut (woven club men are fallible it will happen that a club can not always avoid t he admission of those who should not be admitted. If, however, such ure admitted, and it is afterward, by home sud Incident, discovered that they ore unrlubbable, is thero any remedy but a capital one Hoes gentlemanly honor ad mit of degrees!1 U it not of the nature of in wig. when' the tolerable is itolfrnblcr Or like an ear for music, which we have ot huve not t If, under the misapprehension tliat one can sing, be Is admitted to a glee club, but upon trial it appears that the lowing of heifers or the bray of donkeys is preferable, is be permitted thereafter to low and bruy, or is he kindly but peremp torily eliminated from the melodious choir. George William Curtis in Harper's. Au Illuminated Street Cur Sign, C. H. Bnyloy, of Uostou, has patented an illuminated street car sign for use in des ignating the route of the car after night. Incandescent lumps supply the light where the signs arc used on electric ears and oil lamps supply the light where they are Used on horse cers. Philadelphia lteeord. PRETTY PRINCCSS ROBES. Very Elegant, Hard to CM and Not En thusiastically rnpiilar. T he princess robe, declared by the arbi trary law of fashion to be the mode, has not been adopted with whole souled enthu slasin, although it has a certain eleganoi thut two piece gowns never attain, no mat ter how rich or in how good taste they may be. Perhaps the small number of princess costumes seen is due to the fact that they are extremely difficult to fit properly, fid piuxcEH Kvssnro GOWN. that there is no convenient way of fastening them, except in the back, unless the front be draped in such a way as to conceal the closing. It is certain that the style will never be come vulgarized, at any rate, and it Is now rather exclusive, so much so that it can be said to never go really out of fashion any more thau fine lace or low cut evening bod ices become obsolete. The two piece cos tume has the advantage of allowing more variety in the wardrobe, since the skirt may lie used with different corsages, especially it it be black, and it is thus more economical. Moreover, un ordinary dressmaker will make a success of it where she would make a failure of a princess gown. When the latter fits well, however, it is an ideal gar meat, as it leaves the long lines of the fig ure unbroken, ami the bodice is kept in per fect position by the weight of the skirt. Two or three models of street gowns nrc shown lu this style, with a draped front lapping over aud fastening at one side. In one case the front of the corsage is plain and closes in the middle by an Invisible fastening of hooks and eyes, but this plan could be followed successfully only by un experienced and first class modiste. A sketch is given of a full dress toilet cut in the princess fashion. It is made of vio let satin, with brocaded figures in green. It has a round train and closes in front un der a full tablier of lace, which falls to the bottom of the skirt, where it is caught up on each side by a flower-de-luce made of lav ender velvet. A lace flounce continues from these points toward the back, becom ing narrower as it approaches the train. JlDIC CllOLLET. SEVEN PLAIN WHITE SLIPS. One Day It Better Than a Satin One Monthly For a Littlo Girl. All wool French chatties are selling at very low prices, and they are shown this season in extremely pretty patterns. There are small detached flower sprays on a light ground tiny moss rosebuds or violets and also more connected floral designs, close Persian patterns in medium shades and va rious stripes and flecks, mainly In rtd. These goods not only make cool and pret- GROWTHS BACK OF THE NOSE. To Tliein An Ascribed .Ylauy of the Ills and Complaints of Childhood. In no other department of surgery has more positive advancement been muilo than in treating the mouth and nose. He feetsof 6pocch, of breathing, of hearing, us well as of smelling, that were formerly considered incurnblo, now cosily yield to the skillful treatment of the rhinologlst A very large proportion of cures of chronic ratarrh, so called, are found in the exami nation of the part of the throat and the pOStnaros to he nothing more than the necessary results of obstructive growths of tbo mucous membrane, these growths kometimes completely plugging the nasal passages and Eustachian tulie of one side, and thus setting up a constant Irritation in both the nasiil and aural membranes, Many children whose wheezy breathing, running noses, frequent COUgblng and ear aches are regarded by their parents as merely going through experiences neces sarily Incident to childhood, and which will bo "outgrown" in time, aro suffering from disease of the nose that might bo cured by a little surgery in a few Weeks and a lifetime of inconvenience, if uot mis cry, be averted. In children it is by no means uncommon to find soft tumors, adenoid growths, poly pi or vegetations in t he front nasal space that are the cause of many Infirmities, mentally as well as physically. Dr. Dela van, in an exwllent synopsis of rhinologio al surgery, describes tbo effects of abnor mal growths iii striking terms, pointing, for instance, to cosily recognized anomalies like these: w ant of symmetry In the form of the face, pinched nostrils, open mouth, projecting teeth, uivhed palate, stupid ex pression, anaemic surface, drooping eye lids, stenosis or narrowing of one or both nostrils with constant catarrh and defect ive speaking, discharge from the ears, loss of heunug, mental dulness, deformity of the chest, and so forth. If adenoid vegetations in the post nasal sp.ice aro a prime cause of such evils in children, it is full time that physicians generally gave close attention to them, treating them early in their development and not waiting until so far advanced that their removal must involve serious conse quences. The idea of outgrowing these sequels of a malady that if let alone will persist in Its development is monstrously absurd, and should stamp the physician w ho entertains it w ith fossilisin. We won der how many children ami young people have lost their hearing, for Instance, by such ignorant counsel. As to the removal of these troublesome growths, it can lie said that the procedure is simple, and may lie undertaken by any physician who has some capability in the use of his index linger or a curette. In most children the growth is soft and easily detached by the linger nail, and re moved in a few minutes, and if there lie much bleeding a nose douche of warm salt water usually stops it. Where the growth is excessive several attacks may be necessary before all that should be removed can bo taken out. Ur. Bohrcns says he has found in most cases that the little patient experienced so much relief alter the first operation that he readily submitted to the succeeding. As in other operations on the mucous sur faces of the nose ami throat, cocaine muriate is serviceable in mitigating the : pain of the operation, the fear of which is i the chief bugbear in dealing with children. In some of these eases, especially for polypi, we think that removal by the snare is de sirable because in the dextrous hand this method gives less discomfort, is cleaner and more thorough. Phrenological Jour j DAL Buckles That Buckle Nothing. Buckles arc admirable and useful things, 03 every hostler is aware, and they enter into the preservation of much that would without their secure grip go to eternal smash But the feminine buckle, the buckle of ornament, pure and simple, seems ' an absurdity, especially when it gets into the hollow of a woman's back, and has no I excuse for being there. The other night at I tho theatre my gaze was constantly dis tracted from the stage by a hind-side-before buckle which glared at me from the shape ly back of a girl who sat across the aisle. Every time she leaned forward in her seat this long silver buckle, that apparent ly fastened nothing, gleamed provokingly in my Hue of vision, and each time I ex perienced an uncanny sensation, for it seemed as though the wearer's pretty head had been turned the wrong way on her shoulders. It us impos.;iblu to reconcile this front effect with her back hair. Hut the caprice to do whatever outrages the canons of urt is galloping through our very modem life, and it w ill not surprise mo If one of these dnys we aro treated to the spectacle of a pair of slippers worn for shoulder knots. Cor. Hoston Herald. A Surprised Ihilioon. A book recently Issued in England, called "Home Life on an Ostrich Farm," by Mrs. Murtin, is filled with many anecdotes of life in South Africa. Mrs. Martin tells this .story of Sarah, one of the pots on the farm, a female baboon, which had been tame from infamy; "She dearly loved sweets, which were often given to her wi upped up in a multitude of papers, urn Inside the other. It was amusing to watch the patient and deliberate manner in which she would unfold OBI h p iper in turn, tuk ing the greatest cure never to tear one, and pro' ceiling w ith all the caution of a good Mohammedan tearful of inadvertently in juring a portion of the Koran. "This time, Instead of the expected tit bit, a dead night adder was wrapped up aud presented. hen she unfolded the in nermoat paper, and the snake slipped out, with a horrid writhe across her hand, Sarah quietly sank backward and faint away, her lips turning perfectly white. By dint of throwing water over her, chafing her hands and bathing her lips with brandy she wns revived from her swoon, though not without some difficulty." i.m li oiiiL's craixii aowg, ty dresses and tea gowns for "grownup ladies," as children say, but are especially suitable for little girls and misses' attire, being simple, dainty and Inexpensive, Nar row ribbon bands, SO jmich used as trim tning of late, are a particularly appropriate decoration, the color of the ribbon being chosen to mutch that of the figure on the goods. This garniture is even prettier than lace for children's frocks, being less quickly defaced Cashmere, flannel, thin French serge, (bailie and for exceptional occasions china silk are the richest, materials that should I used tor a little girl's gowns. There Is no danger that she will not look daintily the pie part prepared n paste mon well dresaed If her wardrobe is carefully selected and well made. Let money be put into the fitting and finishing rather than Into tho stuff Itself. Plained and figured white nainsook dresses trimmed with u modest amount of lire Valenciennes luce ot delicate embroidery are Infinitely prefera ble to silk frocks for little people, for nain sook is new every time it is washed, while Ilk Is old ut the second time of an nctivc child's wearing. Tho main thing to be de sired Is ImmaoUlateneSS, Seven plain white slips a week are better and show a more re fined taste thau one satin one a month Keep the little girl a child ns long as possi ble. Do not smother her youth In mature materials and make her a mere doll. She can be a little jfirl only a little while at most. The time will come soon enough when her personul attractions will huve to be supplanted by flue clothing. While they are sufficient in themselves do not eclipse them with rich stuffs aud elaborate styles. A sketch Is given of a dress for a girl from 8 to 1-1 years old. It Is made of challie and trimmed with bands of No. 1 ribbon. These bands are urrunged on the skirt in the form of large Vandykes, the upper points of which are ornamented with rib bon roseites The plain round bodice has n full vest trimmed with horizontal bauds of ribbon, and u wide ribbon belt defines the waist. The close sleeves have a puff from shoulder to elbow, and bunds of rib bon simulate cuffs at tbe wrists. " J I DIC CUOLLKT. Vlnogar rien. One duy tho cook of one of my friends offered to make her some vinegar pies, and declared, in appetizing description, that "lemon pies was nothing to them." So, carefully following the direction of her soldier lover, she mude the pastry, and for I like thnt usisl by the paper hanger than any thing else, nml flavored this with vinegar. The )or mistress, divided between a desire to thank the cook for trying to do some thing for her nml her repTtCrianco to the odious pie, was in a state of extreme pel plexity, but was able to decline with thanks when soldier pies were again sug gestcd. ---Mrs. ("lister's Hook. The Three Branches of ihe Qreok Cnuroti Thero nro three great branches of the Greek church the orthodox church in Kussia, the orthodox church in Turkey and the national church in Qroooo. Tho czar, through the holy synod of St. Peters burg, is the head of tho Russian section of I the Greek church, but vertunlly his sway does not extend any further. The Turkish branch of that, faith is under the headoi the patriarch of Constantinople, with the subordinate patriarchs of Jerusalem, Al exandria and Antioch, while a permanent synod in ( I recce governs the sect ion of the church which is in that country. -St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Useful Minima. Without danger danger cannot be sur l Unted. With the humble there is per. p Aitil peace. Wit once bought is Worth tt k-o taught. Words may puss, but blow s fn.r heavy. Yielding tempers pacify re sentments. Youth is tho season fur im provement. Zeiio, of all virtues, mudu In choice of silence. New York Ledger. THE TWO PAT tUHSNtft. la lithe t wi Boy Become ? r oDttmtoK. waxes, .tOfor.Ari.3 succrr.5. HE8E Illustrations are Intended to slum tbe effects of training nml circumstances. Althoui'li the Inheritance :it tiitili of a sound constitution and & well-balanced mental organization Is ;i most im portanl factor in shaping character, yet the possessor of tbe best nal ural endowments may so pursue tbe path of life that tin; close will find him :i miserable wretch, to go from beggary and vice to an un honored grave. On tbe Other hand, education and moral triiiiiin; can atone for the lack of natural advantages and make of a less-favored child a use till and honored citizen, Who can divine, on looking at tbe bead and face ot the child rep resented above, what Unit young intelligence will become in the future of his life.' in the one etise von Bee him choosing bis profession and contem plating a settlement inlife, wedding himself to a virtuous, loving and devilled woman, and in course ot time becoming surrounded by a lov ing family, In the other you sec the boy idle, with no fixed habits of invest! nation, and you see him as a man emerging from the scenes of brutal intoxication, to plunge Into deeper, darker vices, until life becomes g burden, and he nets doMn to the grave unlamtntcd and unwept. How different this from the career of the man whose happiest days are spent in the bosom of his loving family, and who grows old amid the most genial influences, honored, revered, beloved: who goes down to his last resting-place amid the prayers and t?ars of those he loved, cheered by the hope of a happy reunion in a world where life is perfect ami joy complete. Parents, the one safeguard, now within your reach, is to give your children something to do and the means of properly doing it. It is said that children will naturally ask the right question to get the right sort of an education if these ques tions are properly answered at the proper time. If you place the Encyclopedia Hritannica in your home children will be able to find answers to all their ques tions, and they will busy themselves at healthy investigation. NO DANGER THEN' Without this great treasure of human thought your children will be handicapped in their race for success in this advanced age. On receipt of $4.50 the entire set will be sent, charges prepaid, the balance to be paid in easy monthy pay ments. The books can be seen at THE TRIBUNE Encyclopedia Department. 45; Spruce street, any time during the day or evenings. Drop a postal and a volume will be sent to any part of the city for examination. Your order will receive the same attention Only 6 days remain in which to secure this great educator, if mailed as if given in person. Address The Tribune E. E3. Department Spruce SURDAMS Auction! Auction! AT 'Bargain Stores 133 Penti Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. IS CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. Sin Red Flag, 7L I DR. MOTT'S M HVI KIM PILLS THE Seeds and Upholstery Department! Fertilizers OF William : Sissenberger Opposite BaptUt Church, Pciiii Avenue, is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets.Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT k CONNELL Co. OKXTKR 8I10K CO.. loe'p. rnjiui.si.i'oo.noo. BEST HHOB IN Till: VOUI.l. 'A dollar MM4 ' n dolttr ,ameil." . Thtnl.nillim' Solid FtWob liimcoln KliI Unl tiMi UoOl lU'Hvorvd ftfp nnvwhrro In th.' U.S., OH receipt Of Cub, Money ('riler, or l'.ntnl Note (or tl.V). KniiuU every WM the boot! MM In nil retail lere f.ir fl.KI. Wo make thl loot onrtelvod, therefore we M. ir (infee llm fit, n've anrf irMf, nny 0:10 M net HmMM III rcfnml the BWMJf nd another pnlr. Opera v or Common Henwe, tilth . D, B, KE, lien I to S nml half lie. sfftdfOMF lwi 0 Will fit LrMl. iBW llluitratrd Oata lORiie mm is- mm WKV 1 UT. PLEASANT AT UP.TAIU Cw!of the tw quality tot dOUlMtl ' 110. .anil of allllMtV AsltVONd HI Part ol tno city ttlowwl prion. O1M1 m left nt my ofllca, no. lis. WYOMING .V'M'' Rear room, tlr-il floor. Thir 1 National Built, or MBl b mail or MtphOnvtO tlio minis will twelve prompt attention. special contiaetM will I" made for lb MM anil tlolivery ol ltuck wheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. FREE RrwrcD Qunc fin 1 FECEHSt ST Uf-Aitn onut tiu., hoston. mass. Ladies Who Vaiuo A refined complexion i.mut use Pononl'a Pn dor. I' produces 11 soil and beautiful I kin. lira NERVeSiTSCS. ThLo.ilP'Nd l-.-m ... tMTI tnlcil It, fur ll n. r,-tt. 1"' one mien a Weak Maroon, Loti ol Pin in Power, Hi ailacho, aki rumen, lxmt Manhood. .Nightly KmlMloim, Nei vonsi,ei, nil drain, and KMOI power IniloiieratlvoOrganaof olthoroxoaiiedPyoTeroTertlon.yotit''tler"' encewlto no of tobacco, opium or ntlimilnntK, rthh h lead 1 ' ritirmin .tin" aumpUon or InaultT. Oanbaoarnedlr ve.i perkct. ai I r "jo. ,ui w-j i.v mall prepaid; With n Sit order wo alve n v. rt'ten n.nraatce 1 .1... m. rircnlnr nee Sold bT n li l-e It. ! '(FORE AND AFTLR USING no other. Addroti BVE MEED CO,, II temple, CBicAao.ufc For Sale In Soranton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Drqggist, ew Washington ind Spruoo itroetev RESTORED MANHOOD Tho !rri.trrfTn,dy fornorvoii t pmntnitlnn nnd ftllncrvmidttUpiWH of 1 thotfL'rivrculv) nryntm ol ruher MX, ffm-h nn Nrrvoitn 1'runtralU n. Fall 1 tr.i' ur LOIt tUifihiHH,, Iini'iiti'iii'v, iS'iirlitly Km iMlOti i imthiul Krrnri, , Mt'iitiU Wirry.oiotmilvt' MM) of Tolui.TiMir Opium , whloh to'un sumptlnn ami liiMinUy, With cvi.ry 5. ordi-r we ytvti n wrlttm irmir- nnUt't(utto r rotund tliiMiiiiiicy. Sn. .r si.oo pir hnx. C Imxos lui A.OO- IIU. JtlOTT'M tlkKM U AL( O.. ClcvclaaU Ohlu. fiLFUIUi: AND AMKK UH1NU, 1 or Smle byC, M. mi;iil, DrucCakt, iHl Avenuv WEAK MH cure mmm in two mm. Wnl WUtO tlmo, nioncyand healtblth Mei :or:etvonucrtnl tilt," ipesUui, eta., when IwUleetid FRKB wepresi riptlon ot now nml BOfltlM rrinodr for t be prompl I,-. -nro of l.oat ninnliooii. Nightly nilaalons, Nervous Weakneti 1 1 old nr lounnmcn. Vancocrlo, Im potency, nnd to cnlanrowoak, lUnnled orunnn. ores In Two tVooi.i. I ROUll this p?eierl wtrnai. Arraiu f Ion l rro ofrharr, nnd llict I" r., nm.-r ' " kuvi -' cr.t 1 nhnntll. AnTROOrtilrncKlstorpliyHclnncajipiitlt up for you, n.-evci7thl;ii;!crb:.ii:.-;d: .::i; io. All 1 ak In roliirn la that you will buy namall qiinnllty of tho renoi frorfl mo dlreefc rr ndvl' O your friends U do ao after yon rccelvo thorcclpo nnd oo tha,. there la no dunlr ror I'.eeeptlon. 1UH y n candoanyou plMNabont t Is. (NiireapondeniMstrlotlyconfldyntlrl.anaa'.i V'tters mnt Inplr.la acaled onvoloii. Kuclosoataniplf convenient. l'.-H.ilmil'erliMil, UoSAt3T,AlblOnJKll 31