The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I. lewder
Opening Bays
Thursday and
font or totra oorfoepooaeata of Ti Tun
Dke should sl.ra their asinss In full to omb
news latter, not for publioatloa uut to gnu J
against ilceeutiou.i
I'm- several years
our Millinery Open
ings have been the
event of the season.
ou are invited to
visit the store, com
pare and judge.
Examine the Trimmed
Hats and Bonnota
Examine the Untrimmed
Hats and Bonnets.
Examine the great showi
of Artificial Flowers.
Examine the vast collec
tion of Trimmings.
An Intsrsstirir Budget of Current Top
ioe Brightly Dinhsrt Up.
Special to the Seranton Tritnmi,
NICHOL80X, I'., March 82 At the
meetinir wliich hel l by tlie branoh
of the Republic, Savings ano" Loan as
sociation on Weiine-Miiy evening, the
followine officers wem sleeted: J, M.
Carpenter, president; A. II. Moor,
vice presiilent; E F. Johnon, secre
tary anil treasurer; S. L. Tiffany, at
torney; appraisers committee, Jacob
Bonno, Lerny Bacon, and II. J. Tiffany ;
direotora, N'icholaa Cooper. F. A. Col
vin, Edwin Jaqnss, A metin will
be held on the '-ilst of eaoh month nu
it should fall on Sunday , then It will
be the day following,
Two tramps were arrested here on
suspicion of having been concerned in
the robbery of the store at Lynn, a few
nights aito. The store whs broken into
and it'l V) worth of goods wre stolen.
If a tire shoull break out in some of
the Mores In town they would all go,
because there is nothing to fiht fire
I M. Harrison, of Seranton, was in
town on Thursday
The charter list of the branch of the
Republic Savings ami Loan association
will b left open until April 1, and all
those that join the association between
now and April 1, will be cmrter mem
bers. Dr H N. Kelley made a trip to Al
ford Thursday.
The Neal Dow entertainment was a
Flashed of of Interest to Renders
Nenr thoCountv Line.
Fperialto the Seranton Tribune
AvO0A,Pa., March 83. Misses N'orah
and Cylia Mc'Hynn visited friends in
Mill Creek today.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Thomas Walsh, of this place,
and n Miss McDonald, of Donmoro. to
take place at tho latter place Tuesday,
March 37.
Misses B. O'Brien and Mary Ward
and Mrs, M. F. O'Brlon wore in Scran
ton todav.
Miss Alice Morahan was a visitor to
Seranton today.
Rev. J. J. McCaba spent today in
Mrs James Alexander and Miss
Belle Morton made u trip to Seranton
Mian Kitie dill, of Pittslon, visited
MilS Ella O'Mallev yesterday.
Mrs. William Van Tassel, of New
York city, is visiting her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Jemes McKunn.
The Ladies' aid of the Primitive
Methodist church will hold asocial at
the home of Mrs. F. F. D imtiiHrmutli
on Monday evening, March 2(1.
Thomas Cox, of the West Side, has
inoVed his family to V mulling.
T. J. McAndrew has purchased the
Hendrick property on Main street.
The looal board of trade will hold n
special meeting at. tho store of J. H.
Anderson at 8 o'clock.
Teachers' Institute Notes Personal and
Othr News Items.
Special to the fclViafon Tribune.
Ql.vbk'8 Uit! sen, Pa., March 22. W,
P. Coon spent Sunday with friends in
Rev. (i. P. Moor, who was to hav
Commenced ip lOial revival services at
tha Sammit, baa been oompslled by
sickness to postpone ihew until Sun
day evenlog, March '.'"i
A. W Hunt returned Mondsv from
a visit with relatives in Bnneadale,
Tha institute at school building Xo.
1 was dooidedlv the iie.t ever hel 1 hare.
The "Chalk T.ilk" of Profess r Park
on Friday evening was well attended
Saturday morning Was. taken up with
an address by F. C. Banyan on "Eus
sential Pointa in English, Grammar."
followed by discussions, and class drill
by Miss Florence Tinkham, A talk by
Professor Park on "Penmanahip" was
received with just approval. Iu the
afternoon session, Professor Park spent
a short time in a talk on "Drawing, ''
which was followed by Professor
Bovnrd on "Compulsory Situation."
R. N. Davis then took an extended
trip across the continent, A very
pretty duett was rendered by tho
Misses Bertha Colvin and Kuth Ball,
entitled "Yonng Hearts," nccompauied
by guitars. County Superintendent J.
C, Taylor then gave his experience in
touching reading. The evening- session
was held in the MathoJist Episcopal
church and consisted of recitations by
Mr H. Parker, Miss F. R. Sherman
and Miss Mae Courtright, followed by
a iluett and encore by the Missss Col
vin and Hall and closing with an en
tertaining talk on "The Ideal in Edu
cation" The institute theu adjourned
to meet in Dal ton in the near fnture
The Junior league of the Clark's
Green Methodist E;iiseopal church
have prepare! the following entertain
ing programme for Go id Friday even
ing, of this weak, viz: Grand entree,
March of Eoworth league, by Junior
league; prayer, by J. C. Higgins; rec
itation, salutatory, by Albert Mullinx;
recitation, "Smite Whenever You
Can," by Iva Tinkham ; music, "Jesus
Lives,'' by Jnnlor league; select red
ing, by Bertha Baty , recitation, "Smie
of These Days." by Charlie Wells;
solo, "Have Courage My Boy, to Say
No," by Horace Davis; duet, "Little
Boy Ulnr," by Bertha Beatty and B-s-i
Mnllinez; recitation, "D)n't Give
Up," Ludlow; recitation, "A
Little H-lp Is Needed." flattie M.
Mead; music "Speak Just a Word for
Jesus." by Junior league; recitation,
"Jim.'' by II rac Davis; recitation,
"A Merrv Little Girl," Graeie Isby ;
music, "Just Ask Him in to Stay." by
Junior league; recitation, "Lit
tle Things,'' by B'onie Wood
ward; recitation, 'Your Faces,"
by Annie Rihole; dust. "Wabnetab,"
by Btrtha Be itty and Bessie Milliner ,
recitation. "Nothing to Do," by Stella
Covey , recitation, "What He Won Id
Give Up," Mamie Wells; solo. "A Fe
male Auctioneer, by Bsrtba Beatty;
remarks h.y snperintendent and others;
music, "Tell It Again," by Junior
Movements of the Jilly Students Chron
icled with Cars.
f-perinl to the Sbraaton Tribune.
FaCTORYVILLE, March 22 Tne mea
sles have abated and those who Were
indisposed are again able to resume
their work.
Raich White, of Justin, callod on
fri-nds here on Tuesday.
Professor E E Sonthwortli is organ
izing a vocal class with a view of giv
ing a concert at the close of the present
The prize rendinirs which were to
take plaee on April 7, have been post
pone'! for two weelu on account of the
An interesting session of Phi Mn was
held on Friday evening. The princip al
topic of the evening was the discussion
of "Disloyal Secret Oiths" The so
ciety voted to hold the fourth annual
banquet on Mav 20, and to be given in
honor of the principal, F. M. Loomis.
The mock trial Whioh was given on
March 10. was int'-reiting and Instruc
tive throughout Court opened for the
evening session at 7 o'clock. W. M
Denison and F. E. Scott repr"sented
the eouimonwoalth, and it U. Cap
wall and B. F. Thomas the defense.
Jarass Calvey R:onivs a Tlullet Wound
In Ills Nek.
Sperinl to the Seranton IWeuae,
Avoca, Pa., March 25 A shoot
ing Htlny tooK puce at the home
of Charles Hainan hist night
about J DOIOCK, which near
ly resnUed In the death of James Cal
vey. Calvey went into tne Hsnsori
house and became engaged in a quarrel
with Mr. Unison. the utters son,
John, who was asleep on the second
floor, heard his father s cry for help,
and coming to his aid found Calvey
and his father on the floor.
He Bred the revolver which he was
carrying and, just as ho s'lot, Cilvey
raised nil bead, the bullet going
MARCH 23, 1894.
Your cLoicn of three beautiful
pictures, 'Telephone Girl," "!
iiverinK Christmas Presents"
and "Maidens Swinging." Bend
by until or messenger or bring
coupons like this of three differ
nit dutcs, with 10 cenls, hLuiiiih
or coin, to
Cor. Perm Ave. and Spruce St.
through his neck, between the wind
pipe aud the jugular vein.
iiuusou, wiio is about Is vears, was
arrested but was afterwards released.
News of an Entei p-lelng- Town Written
Up for Hurried Perusal.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
ArCBBALD, March 22. Mill Nellie
Kearney, of Maiu Btreut, is visiting
friends in Scrauton.
The new board of health met on
Wednesday evening. All the members
were present, but it was decided to de
fer organization until a masting to be
held next week
The Esdies' Aid society of tho Pres
byterian church met at the residence
of Mrs. James M. Eaton on Wednesday
afternoon. Aside trom the Installation
if efllcers for the ensuing term, there
was little business of importance trans
I'he Orphans' quartette and Miss
Lizzie White will participate in an
entertainment in Jormyn on Tuesday
evening next.
There will be no work in the Ray
mond Coal company's works during
the remainder of the week. The com
pauv is about to put in new rollers and
lonble scroens. Ihese screens will do
awav witu the shaaurs that have
been in uso at the breaker for some
time past.
A verv enjoyable entertainment was
held In the Welsh church on tint Iiidga
ou Monday evening. The attendance
Was verv large uin! the treasury of the
church, lor which the entertainment
was designed, will be sulistaul'iilly
benefitted, Tne programme was ad
mirably Interpreted aud each partici
pant w is reoeived with well meritod
approval, Everyone was delighted
with it. following la tne programme:
Gospel hymn, choir; address, Mr. Bruu
dage, I'eekvnle; recitation, Miss Eliza
Williams; song, Miaa MoElroy, Wlnton j
recitatlou, Miss belina Cooper; long,
William Randall; song, Miss Mag
gie Evans; recitation, Miss S.
A, Jenkins; solo, David llaigh;
recitation, Johu Jenkins; song, Seth
Randall; recitation, .Miss Agues Will
iams; sons, Miss Solina Cooper; dia
logue, David llaigh and Miss Hannah
Williams, Part Seoond Recitation,
Miss Maggie Evans; addresss, Mr. Mat
thews, of Jermyn; song, Seth Randall;
recitation, John Jenkins; duet, Rich
ard sistera; recitation, Miss Annie
N'uU: solo, Will Wutkins, Peckville;
recitation. Miss Mary Duffy, Archbald,
dialogne, Thomas Proiier and Seth
Randall; song. John Conilns: harmon
ica solo, Eddie Reddie, recita
tion, Miss Selina Cooper; solection,
quartette , dialogue, Thom is Prosser auu
party; solo. Will Watkint, Peckville;
The condnotore of the entertainment
are especially thankful to Misses Duffy,
of Archbald, and McBlroy, of (Vinson,
and Mr. Watklns, of Peckville, whose
excellent rendition of their selections
added much to the pleasure of the
audience, and whoso kindness In par
ticipating entitles them to the thanks
of the congregation. E A. Jones was
chairman of the entert iiuuient.
Father Ward, O. P., will oreach at
the services iu St. Thomas' church this
Miss Nollle Vail, of South Main
street, has returned from a brief visit,
with friends in Scrantoo.
Rev, John J. Feeley, of Willlsiu
port, conducted Lenten devotions in
St. Thomas' church on Wednesday
evening. His sermou, which was pro
foundly interesting, was listened to by
a large audience.
Mattr9 of General Interest to Our En
teip i-li k Neighbors Dlscuesrd.
Svecial to the Seranton Tribune.
DcNMoitF, Pa, March 22. The Eas
ter social which was to have been held
at the homo of R P. Savage will be
held at the home of M. K. Bishop, on
account of sickness at the former
place. The event will take plsoe to
morrow evening, and is held under tha
auspices of the Young Ladies' Mission
ary society. They will dispose of cakes
and Easter novelties. Refreshments
will also be served. Admission, free
Everybody welcome.
W. F. Burley will return from Bos
ton today.
Mildred, the infant child of Charles
Wagner, died yesterday, Its age was
six months, the luneral will occur
from the home of its grandfather, Al
bert W.'gner, on Siturday.
Lecture hv Rev. Dr. Pierce at the
Methodist Episcopal church this eveu
The largest and most enjoyablo grand
ball of the leaion will be held at the
OJd Fellows hall on Tuesday evening
under the anspn.-es of George M Wal
lace Lodge, Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen. The railroad boys are noted
as inimitable entertainers, aud the
elaborate preparations they have been
making for the comfort of their guests
indicates that this season's celebration
will eclipse all lonu r events. Deeora will commence opirations at once,
and by Tues lay evening the large hall
will nresent a gala scene. The holder
of eash ticket will bt entitled to $10 In
gold. All uii'inliers are suppliod with
tickets which can he a- cured at the
price of $1,
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and thoso wdio
have not, have now the Opportunity to try
It Free, ( all on the udvertised Druggist
and get a Trial IJottie, Friw. Hend your
name and address to H. B, llucklon & Co ,
Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Free, as well ns a
OOpyot Quldo to Health and Ilou ehold
Instructor, Free, All of which i giiarau
teed to do you guod and cost you uotbing.
Matthews Ilrus. Drugstore
Death of Oe, rife Kdmond. Other Notes
cf Gererel Interest
Slirrtal to the. Seranton Tribune.
JlRMTM, Pa . March 88. James
Evans, of Fourth street, has typhoid
The employes of thn Egerton Coal
company received their monthly pay
We are rtlloed, not by what we really
want, but by what wo think we do;
never go abroad in search of your
wants; If they he real wants, they will
come home in search of you, for he that
buys what he does not want will soon
want what h" cannot buy.
Mrs. Singer, of Carbi.ndale, spont
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Goiuer
George Harvey lias been put in
charge of the Ontario and Western
crossing near River str.-ot
Hi iti" Nichols is spending soino
weeks with Mrs. William Bray in
Beach Pond, Wavne county.
Mrs. William' Ruwliug, of Third
street, is ill
The enter tain men t last evoning nnder
the auspices of the Ladies of the Meth
odist church was a auccoss, both socially
and financially.
At the formal opining of the Repub
lican club rooms Monday evening, it is
hoped that all who contemplate join
ing will do so at that (lino.
Henry Dunlap, or Tompkinsvllle.nnd
P. F. Gillgallon, of Fort Wayne, Ind.,
wore Jermyn ulsltors yesterday.
Georgo Edmonds, sr., who was
stricken with paralysis Sunday after
noon, died yesterday morning. Mr.
Edmonds was well known in this vi
cinity, having lived here many years,
and on account of his quiet dispoiitlon
was well liked by all. A large family
is left to mourn hie loss.
rf -se
Northern Suburb of the Elotrlo City
Graphically Wrlttea Up.
Special to the Shranton Tribune.
PHiCriBUU(i,Pa.,Mareb 22. The open
ing exereiaes of the new school house
has been postponed for certain reasons.
Notice will be givon in this column in
due time regarding this matter.
(.'unstable Richard Barron made a
business trip to Blaksly poor farm on
Mike Hell ers. yardni'vater or the lilcu-
mond brenki-r, is on u vacation.
The Yonng Men's institute, of this
place, are preparing to bold a grand
A bate ball club is being organized
in town.
The work on the new German church
has commenced.
The ladies of the altar society, of St.
Thomas church, will m ike the Easter
services more impressive by decorating
the interior of that sm-red udilice.
Isadora Jonea, of Halatead avenue,
gave a party to her yonug friends th
other evening.
Thomas Byron, of Wilkes-Barre,
ailed on friends in t iwn on Wednes
day. John Murphy, sr., is lving sariously
ill at the home of his daughter ou Dick
hou flits.
Btorra' mines will only work one day
next week. This week they will work
The Republican club of this place
maels every Monday night in the 00
tral hall. There are 105 members at
present The for the ensuing
term are Thome Peach, president; C.
!). Snyder, vice president; secretary,
George While; aasistant secretary,
William Summers; treasurer, John G.
Sumuwl Baker, is erecting a snlHtan
tial picket fence on his property.
T. W. Loftni, of Olypbaut, circu
lated among friends in town during
the week.
Patrick J. Mnlaliy has announced
himself as candidal" for aherilf.
e -
Live N jwj Notes from the B iss of Irv
ing CI ff
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
BONISDALE, Pa., March Elwin
Twitmyor, Lafayette: Augustus
Ihouipiou and George Weston, Yale,
and El. Bums, Columbia, are home
for their Eister vacation,
Gus Benael, of IUwIey, rods into
II instdale on his wheel this afternoon.
Two persons were knocked down by
bicycle riders on our streets this morn
ing. One, an elderly geutlemm, wis
quite badly shaken up.
William W. Ham is visiting his
brother at Seranton.
A noisy skimtnlngton, about IU)
strong, serenaded the newly married
couple of yestorday at their hom iu
Traceyville last night.
Mi-s Lizzie Ammerman, of Carbon
dale, is visiting friendl in town
Harry B. Mulr is seriously ill at bis
home on Grivity heights.
Ground was broken tolny for the
erection of a frame dwelling for Leo
pold Hahn near Foster's plaining mill
ut Seeleyville.
Howard Reitnaner left this nfter
noou for a short tri p in the valley.
Fatal neglect is a little short of suicide.
The consequences of a neglected cold are
too well known to need repeating. Dr.
Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures a cough
promptly. Sold by all dealers ou u guar
autee of satisfaction.
Caib nidsle Current Topics Carefully Re
ported for Live Riedere.
j'fcie! to the Seranton Tribune.
CaRBONDALE. Pa., March 22. To ac
commodate the subscribers of The
TmiiUNKin this esction the art portfo
lios "Our Country,'' can be secured at
THE TRIBUNE'S headquarters at Shan
non s music und news rooms on North
Main street. A supply has been for
warded and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and . can
be secnaod without dslay. Ihese port
folios aro gems of the photographer's
art. and all subscribers of I UK I fill)
i nk should cut out their coupons daily
Uaronce K igers, or Uundalt, was
among the visitors in this city today
Rev. John i.i mm, of Aiuesterdam,
N. V , la the guest of friends in thii
David Wolcott has returned to this
city after a several mouth's stay in
Mrs. Charles Woodward, of Corning,
N. x , is the guest or her sister, Mrs.
J. J. Rvgeluth, of Salem avenue.
Mrs. S. S. Hards, of Salem avenue
spent todav with Peckville friends
a Cough wltn a Weak Sys
tem, Consumption with Weak
Lungs, or Disease with Loss
of Flesh. Take
llllllllllseaeaeWsThTOin V
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
forany ailment resulting from
poor nourishment. Physicians,
tho world over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
prrptrod by ticutt ,1 limine, N. Y. Ail Dnmjislg.
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bla"g,
Made at the MOOHIC and RUSH
DALE works.
Li.fllin & Rand Powder Co.'e
Electric Batteries, Fuses for explor
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
RepaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosives
JJ - . W. HuhIi.
Aiiaiumiiik, Penn.
A Wonderful Cure
Ulcer in the Stomach
Hood's Sarsaparilla Restores Flesh
Strength and Health.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"I feel it my duty to suffering humanity to
givun statement of the wonderful cure Rood's
Sarsaparilla brought about for rfie. Over two
years ago l became ill, due to an ulcer bi my
itomaoh, 1 had six or seven dillerent physt.
clans, whoso standing wm of the highest, i at
they did not OUTS me. I was broken down in
health anil lost hi weight from
145 to 118 Pounds.
I could hardly vh around, and after suffering,
severely for about a year, 1 commenced taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, Alter the Oral bottle I be
gan to feet like a new man. 1 purchased an-
Kood'ss,; Cures
other bottle ami had not taken half of It when 1
w as cured of my trouble, I am now In health,
hiii'k to my old weight again nmt attending leg-
ularly to my work. I iirnii believe HnodNSsr
aparllla saved my life." r. w. Bush, Anaie
mink, Pennsylvania. (let III 'a.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect
In proportion and appearance. 25c. per box.
Dr. EX Grewer
The Philadelphia Facialis!,
And lils emulated ttulf uf Enclleh anil Ger
man l'lijelciane.uro uuw periuuneutlr located
Temple Court Building
Where they may bo consulted IJAIL.Y AND
M If DA.
Toe Doctor In a graduate ot tho University
er Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of
pbjKioloitv nd surgery at tho Medieo-Chtr-trgjcal
Colloge, of Philadelphia. Ho is also
aiibumirary member of the Medieo-Chirur-(leal
Asmx'latlon. and was physician and
surgeon In chief of the most noted American
and Of rman hospitals, cornea highly Indorsed
to the leading professors of Philadelphia and
New York.
HIb many years of hospital experience eu
sbles this eminent pbyaician anil surgeon to
correctly dlagnoso and treat all deformities
and diiienftee. with the most flattering success,
and hie hlph standing in the etate will uut
all - Mm to accept anv Incurable case
WBABNEaS OP vnuvti mkn rirRKn.
If you have o.en given up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor and o examined.
Be cures tne w orst casesof Nervous Debility,
Scrofula. Old Soroa. Catarrh. Piles. Female
Weakness. Affections of tho Ear, Eyo, Noes
and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumor, Can
cels and Crinnles of every desorlptlon. Con
sultation in BngliNh and Gorman Free, which
shall ho considered sacred and strictly confi
dential. lirtl,-.- lloill: OA.M. to 0 V. M. Ulllly.
fiuiiftn,, 0 it.m. to ' p in.
National Bank of Scrantoa
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
W . W WATSON, Vice President.
A.B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
SAMrai. Hints,
lHVIM) A. Fiitcn.
Joaipa J. JtiiMv-f.
Cuas, P. UlAnruKwa,
oAHfs &f F.vr.nnART,
Pltlll K R FlM.EV,
M S. KBMERtll..
W. W. Waison.
This bank Invites the patronago ot businoss
men aud tlrms generally,
Fublic Sale.
There aro hnndreds of young men aud yonug women in thii
country who have splendid ability, but tbey have never been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
lias been an inspiration to hundreds of youn,' people. If yon
are tired of inactivity and want to do BOmething tangible,
come to the College.
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Onyx Top Brass Table
Third National
Bank of Seranton.
Mut. iu. -i.i Feb SS . 1X04. rnlled for tijr
tliu Com ptroller of the Cm roucy.
I.oanM -l ii. :i-00
Overdrafts 947.37
I'nlteil Statin llfiinle HU.IIIID.OO
Other Bonds BIS.S7H 7.
llanhltlK Ilouae MM HI
I 'rt-m in 1Mb nn V. s. BoDds.... 043 7S
lino from V. s. I'raasurer 7.600 oo
Hue t Hi, i,l. 'us i
Cueli 140.e40.o4 oo
I upllnl v-oo noil OO
Suinlue 240.000 00
Uuillvldeil I'rullls MIIMHOO
Cli'iiilalliin 79,000.00
Illvlilvmle I i, p. id B34 AO
lleiilts.' l.od-I.IIIIO til
line to Bunks 00,360. SO
, SOS, 080 BO
WILLI AH CONVKt.L, Treelilent.
ULO. H. CATI.IN, VU'0-l-i-elilent.
WILLIAM B. rl.t K, Cnsliler.
William Coimoll, Gori;A IT, Cntlln,
Alfred Bnnil. Juinee Archliulil, Hear
Itnllii, Jr., M 1111. .ii. T. Smith, I other
Tllle I ti ti K nflere tn itelineltors every
facility warranted liy tlielr Inilatices, buef
ueea ami reHpunellilllty.
rSpeclal attimtlon K'ven to linnlncM ao
counts. In!, i -1 pnlil un time deposits.
Hat and Coat Racks. 3-hook, 25c; 5-hook, 50c.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avemu
The most complete
in the market.
Hul3 & Co.
v: ,.::& m m r07 tycmUG AVE.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Seranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
For the Baby
pHlS WEEK we remember the little
darlings in the form of a Nicely Up
holstered BABY CARRIAGE, with fine
running gear, adjustable parasol, aud sold
By the way, we show
fifty different patterns of
Carriages, including the
famous 1894 DOWNING
which we are sole agents.
"With all purchases amounting to $75 ot trer, we inolttfo 100
piece Dinner Set FREE.
Cash or Credit