The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Thk BCHAHTON Thihdnr's Pittdton At
pnitnvnt is in charge of Fahy, to
Whom iiqws items ami complaints may bo
Dats Fistd for tho Friu.arl and Dis
trict Conventions.
A meeting of tho Republican county
COmU-ttteS was bold tula miming in
Wilkas-l.arre. Thorn was a good at
tsndanc. It wis decided to hold tho
primaries for the election of delegate!
to the district coilventions on Satur
day. April 7. at tho usual hours. The
district conventions will ho bald on
April I). That for the Fifth district
will be hold at Avoea, and that of tho
Second district ut Crary's hall, Sblek
shinny. A committee, conBiitiog of the coun
ty chairman and secretary ami the
ohatrmen of tbe Legislative dlstrioti,
was appointed to revise the rules o(
th county orguuiz itiou. it is Intend
ed to mike tbe rules over all Republi
can contentions held in the
clnding district, eity, borough and
township. The work of thu commit
teo on revision will bj submittal! to
the legislative contentions ana then to
tbe county convention for approval.
Wany P.racranh. Com n-uins
Sid of tin Rivar.
(.wine to an error in transmission
the item in yesterday's issue in refer
ence to tho suit brought by James tic
ulty the name of the defendant
should have read Dr. J. F. Ihvely in
stead of Dooley.
The bmks will b closed today, it
being Good Friday, a legal holulav.
As s remedy for tlie epidemic of
crime that has broken out iu this c uu
ty. th Haz'-ton Plain-Speaker wisely
ngg '8ts: "Divide it so tltat the upper
and lower er.ds of the county can bring
these criminals to speedy justice and
there will be no trouble "
Among the deids recorded at Wilkes
Hirre yesterday was Isaac Ererett to
Hitchnsr - O., lot In Weat Pittaton,
Pa., for 02,800.
A- than has been considerable com
m-nt over the appearance in tbe pi
I"rs of two nottces- on by M. N
Donnelly, chairman of the fire commit
tee, the other by C. it Cutler, presi
dent of tho department committee
notifying the tire committee to inset
and elect a chisf, c.H. Cutler makes the
following explanation : "I want yon to
state that I authorised Mr. Llewellyn,
secretary of the department oommlttee,
to issue u call for a moating on Thurs
day ev- ning, March S3, but I did so
without any desire whatever of usurp
in.; the ri .t of the chairmau of the
borough tire committee to do so, and
had I ben iu town when Mr Darnel
ly's call for a meeting was published, 1
would not have Issued a seond call.
Early last week aeveral of the dele
gates oime to me, sni asked me why 1
did not issue a call for the annual m et
ing to elect a chief, and, no call hav
ing been issued by the chairman ot
the borough tire committee, and
I not knowing that a cull was
to be issued by him, I instructed
Secretory Llewellyn to issns the call
for a meeting Thursday evening I
did not do so with the intention of
creating discord, because 1 know that
according to the ordinance, the chair
ln in of the borongb fire committee has
power to issue a call to the department
committees to else: a chief engineer,
and that the chairmtn of the borough
fire committee has to the oast issued a
call, hut at the same time I believe the
department committee is a distinct or
ganizition in itsslf."
Edward and William Keating and
James Siangan, of Pittstoa township.
1 ave been held for trial at
Itarre on the charge of assaulting John
I ierrity. Mr. (iarrity, at the recent
election, went to the polls on the in im
ing of the election and presents t an
order from court entitling him to act
in the csp icity of overseer of election,
hut the accused would not recognize
the order and forcibly ejcted him
from the pilling place.
Pittston's share of the licmse nnnoy
this year amonnts to $8, (8 .
John H. Mnllln, the newly appointed
postmaster forwarded his tiond to
Washington yesterday for approval. It
D signed by four persons, in the sum of
1 12, 000. Mr Mnllln expects to enter
upon his dutirs at the end of the pres
ent ij'iarter, which will be April 1
Luzerne connty is the defendant in a
suit brought Wednesday by E F. Bo
gart, the Ladr proprietor. lie wants
pay for publishing the lieens applica
tions and nsks some $1,200 to which
Controller Ifees" says nay. Hence the
suit John T. Lenahan is his conned
Eighteen delegates representing six
I'ittston fire companies met at the
houss of the Eagle company tonight to
elect a chef for the department, Jo'm
M. .Ions, of Eagle oompsny; John J,
i (art, of Niagara company, and John
JI. ifpllen, the present chief, were
nominated. The first ballot resulted
:s follows: Hart, 5; Mullen, 0: Jones,
7 Hart being the lowest man was
dropped and at that juncture Mr. Mill -len
entered th room and declared he
was not a candidate. His friends re
fused to allow him to decline nnd the
next ballot registered 11 t iti s for him
nnd 7 for Mr. Jones.
PUlUIYthe blood, tone the, nerves, and
Rive strength to the weakene I org ins ami
body by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla now.'
mi 1
A hearing was held In M.J.Collin's
ollice this afternoon before that magis
trate. A number of old timers remem
bered a road being at that place for
the past forty years. Mr. Lemon en -tsred
bail to appear at next term of
court, Major Everett Warren, of
Scranton, and Attorney L P. Weds
man, of this place, represented the
commonwealth, and Attorney H. O.
Watrous, tho defense.
John liiird, it student at Wyoming
seminary, Kingston, will eat Easter
eggs at his home in this borough.
As"a result of the last borough elec
tion two election contests will be in
order. E C Dunnier, Democrat, will
contest the election of J. Gk Weeteott.
Republican, who was elected tax col
lector by a mujority of 1 vote. The
Republicans will contest the election
of two Democratic councilmon, John
McDonald, the ex -burgess, and Fred
Wollbrook, who were elected council
men over the Repnpliesn nominees by
a mujority of 2 and 1 respectively.
The RepnbllfSn nominees were John
McLaughlin and Lafayette Decker, jr.
The post office will be open tomorrow
from 0 to t) a. in ; !l to ti p. m., and 7 to
S p. Ul. F. CUNNINGHAM, Jit.
Dr. D Dwyer, of Csrbondalt, was in
town today.
M. H. D. Allen will leavo Satnrdav
for Mansfield. Pa., where she will
pend Easter as the guest of her dangb
ter, Stella, a student at tho MansfUl
state Normal school.
Well Known and Popular Bcrantonlaus
are Married at Oer bond ale,
RpeefoJ to the Hcranim IWbuat,
CARBONDALK. Pa.. March 22. A
happy event was oelebrated last even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8
Bolton, of North Main street, the oc
casion was called by the marriage of
Miss Hattie Reyuolds and M M, Pain
both of Scranton. The bride's maid
was Mies Anna Reynolds and the
noon, was attended by the brides'
brother, captain lieorge Reynolds
The ceremony was performed by
Rev Ch irles Lee. pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of this city. Th
wedding march was played by Miss
Lsla Bolton. After the ceremony the
guests, who numbered about forty, sat
down to an elegant repast whicn was
served' bv Mesdamei Joseph Birkett
and E. M. Pock, assisted by Misses
Myrtle Hughes, Blanche Hal-tod, Cora
Avery and L ilin Bolton.
The out of towu guests nresout were
Mr and Mrs Banister, Mr and Mrs
E. P. Reynold. Mrs Qeorge Reynolds,
Mrs C. E Reynolds, Mrs heecii
Misses Somen, Forbes. Anna Reynold.
Mamie Reynolds andJeanette B iker, of
Scranton; Misses Myrtle Hugnes sin
Blanche 11 listed, of Green Ridge, and
Ciintain Uorie Reynolds, of New
York city.
Read What Your Nethbor Think of
1'he set of ltritamiica orderod from you
has been received and uiipackod. and upon
examination I tlnd that the work exceeds
my expectations in paper, print and bind
ing. It is tho great Edinburgh, page for
page, which 1 have always desired, but
could not puruhase before on account of
tho price, H iu cloth.
l'rincipal No. 10 5chool.
imige H. M. Edwards says:
I have compare! tun volume or vour re
print of the Kdlubiirg edition at tbe Wi
tannics Encyclopedia with a volume of
the original edition ill my possession, SOU
1 tind it to bo the sumo, Desnles lowing tno
Ainoricnu ailditious. It is u coiupleto 11-
brary m itself.
This is tho ngo of books. Learning is so
broad anil hooks are so numerous that it
is Imnoaalbla for any ouo to procure sepa
rate volumes upon all tlie suujectH wuicu
at present engage human tliOught. In
place of this, a good Encyclopedia is an at
tempt to abridge, or epitomise and ciass-
II y all auowienge to onug it wumn tno
limit of our comprehension. After a some
what careful study of three or four of tho
principal Encyclopedias, I nftlrm without
hesitancy that the Britanntoa bus no
superior. Keudors of nil classes should
possess it.
V. (1. W ATKINS,
Pastor Providence Baptistchorch
BCRANTOIf, P., 1'ec. 7, 1803,
About one year ago I purchased from
Charles Sci aimer's Sous the ninth edition
of the Encyclopedia iSritaunicu, leatber
binding, Jli per volume.
Hum mid M. Sthkkikr,
Attorney and l ouuxvllor.
The public should appreciate and take
advantage of Tin: TRIBUNK'S offer of a
copy of the great Kdinburg edition of the
Encyclopedia Brltanuica with supple
mental matter added to each volume and
tlie latest maps, at $1.98 per volume, and
on so eay paviuonth it is a rare opportun
ity, it is a complete library end should be
in the homo of every school hoy and girl,
tine who has never used mi Encyclopedia
Cannot appreciate its value Let tho boys
and gn is losrn Its use when young, ami so
lay the foundation. They are uot using
such aids half enough.
V. It. UliAVKS,
l'rincipal No. 35.
From the scores of such expressions
commendatory of this great work it
seems that enough had bsuu said to es
tablish confidence. Only nine days re
main in which to soon- it. Ullice at
:I7 Spruce street ; open evenings. On
receipt of 4 B0 by mail the twonty-tive
volumes will be forwarded, express
Pumk remarkable cures of deafness are
recorded of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil,
Never fails to cure headache.
Best in the market
Your Chance Is Slipping Away
"Education is an ornament in prosperity; a refuge in adversity."
The Cost of an Education
Brandt Clay ProductCo
OFFICE: rsinghamton. N.Y.
FACTORY) Brandt, Pa
Ttmt Inveterate j"ker Sothern had made
au appointment with Tool- to dine at a
Welt-known restaurant. Tho hour of meet
ing was fixed, aud Sothern arrived some
few minutes before tho appointed lime.
An elderly gentleman was dining at a ta
ble at some little distance from that pre
pared for the two actors. He was reading
a newspaper, which he had comfortably
arranged before him, as he was eating his
dinner. Sothern walked up to him, and
striking him a smart blow between the
Shoulders, said:
"Hallo, old fellow! who would have
thought of seeing you here? I thought
you never " The assaulted diner
turned round angrily, when Sothern ex
claimed: "I beg you a thousand pardons,
sir. 1 thought you were an old friend of
mine a family man whom I never ex
pected to see here. I hope you will pardon
The old gentleman growled a reply, and
Sothern returned to his table, where ho
Was presently joined by Toole, to whom he
"See that old boy? I'll bet you half a
Crown you't go and give him n slap
on the back, and protend you have mis
taken him for a friend."
"Done!" said; and done it was im
mediately, with a result that may be im
agined. -London Tit bits.
A Live Correspondent's KnUrtaining
budget of Current News.
Rtf inl to the Krrtmttm Tribunn.
FORB8T City, Pa, March 22 Mr.
and Mrs. I. V. Allen is spsndiiiK the
we k in New York city.
Mrs. Benjamin Mazy and Mrs. J. L.
Wenlgitte were in Oarbondals to lsy
Blrt W. Blaksslee, who I is taking a
course in medicine at the University
of 1'ennsylTauia, is home for his h ister
Mine Inspector Roderick, of Scrsn
ton, wsb in Forest City today investi
gating the death of tho l'olander who
was killed iu tho Forest 01 ty slope
Krnest Caryl, of Scranton, spent i
short time today in this place.
Miss Alice Orogory, one of Forest
City's popular school tachers, intends
spending a few daye with former school
friends in Reran ton.
Mrs James Johns, of Iiethany, is
taking CHre of her son, H. F. Johns
during bis illness.
Liast tall j. c Lemon erected a
bowling alley on a piece, of road which
had for years been used as a public,
highway, As a consequence, W. H
Higgins, who owns property near the
bowling alley, has commenced a law
suit against J. E. Lemon, maintaining
that such a place as that is a common
nuisance. Mr. Lemon purchased the
land from H. VV. Brown who had i
deed from the Hillside company for it
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
City Music Store,
H I I 1.1. & It A I Kit
t If a ii iff stock of nrat-eUnt
Ml si (J, HTG., KT'U
Manufactured at tim Wapwallopen Mill i.u-
-i mi- comity fa., ana at v n
uingtuii, Lic-lawaru.
General Agent for tha Wyoming Dlstrict,
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
Third National Bank liuildint.
TIIOS. PORD. Pittstoa, Pa.
JOHN 1) BMfl H & Sct.V; Plj-mouth. Ta.
K. v. 311 ,i.i(iA. ilii'r.-iirr. rt
Affont" for the Kopauuo Cliuuiicml Cotu
lmny'b IJlKh I m . .-.
i.nile II Mitinl il4..
A kindly, honest nnd simple little man
was Frederick William HaniHtcdc, origi
nally a City cleric Of London nnd a versifier
who concocted worthless doggerel for love
ami not reward at a rate which would sur
priie moet poet eaters. Yet his claim to
remembrance lies now in the fact that
Thackeray called him "dear little Ham
stede'1 and loved and protected him from
tauter with a strange und touching chivalry.
If any one laugbed at tbe great novel
ist's attachment to ko Insignificant a pro
tege, Thackeray would exclaim:
"No one shall say a word attninst little
Hamstede in my hearing, I love little
Hamstede. I tell you I love little llain-
Stede, nnd as for his verses over which you
have hen making merry all I cure to say
is that I take more pluisuro in reading his
poetry than I do in nailing your prose.
Tbe secret of this large bearted protec
tion was not far to seek. Hamstede was
n dwarf and a hunchback, Be had been
crippkd by falling from a nurse's arms in
infancy nnd could not get about without
U cine. I n.ickeniy, tne giant., loveo him
for I he sufferings ho had undergone.
Youth's (.'(iiupanion.
Preferred His Company,
1 Ie You were getting ready to go gut,
and I'm afraid my e:ill is Inopportune,
Bbs Really and truly, I wonui mucq
rutin r May here and talk with yen than to
keep my engagement this afternoon,
" I nm delighted. But can tho engage
ment be broken without oe using hard feel
ings?" "Oh; yes. The dentist won't mind."
New York Weekly.
More Then a Match Por Him.
Tom SomelKidy ought to warn Mrs.
Prettiface that that fellow Smirks, who's
paying alii Dtton to her, isn miserable flirt,
dim Hem! Better warn Smirks. Mrs.
Prettiface ia a w idow. -Chicago ltecnrd.
Of One Mind.
Lady 1 want some advice ahout get
ting a divorce from my husband,
Lawyer I'll give you some for nothing.
If you will wait a few days, you will hen
tree woman. I filed a hill for him yester
4oy. --Texas Plftings.
J I r. iifed Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil for
Crcop and colds, and declarn it n iiositivo
cure. Contributed hy Win. Kay, 570 Ply
month avenue, Hiiffnlo, N. Y. Si
VVln-n n.iliy was sick, (rnrn lier ( astorte.
When ibs ess a Child, she cried torOsstoriti
When slit- hii-aino Miss, she clung to I'uslorla.
ivii. she ImU o.iidrvu, hLu , 1 1 . . i . i ' i ' ' . 1 1 1 1
Havinir secured the SHOEINU FOROE of
Willi..m Blunie .V S .n fur' n permanent husi
ness stand, I shall conduct Bt'lsuttflc and
Pathnloittcul Bhoetng for the Prevention, Re
lief and Cnie of hnmeiiens nnd other iniiedi
nisnts in the movements of Horses Incidental
or due to Imperfect shoeing. I shall tpve tho
work my personal attentl nsnd guarantee no
extra charge. except for innuovi ment. Ijmn
ness, eta . will he tieiited urterniHJiis. A free
clinic and professional advice given every
Monday from to - P, M.
Hotel Waverly
European Plan. First-class liar stt iehM
ic)0. for Ik-iKner A Euif.l'a Tannine m--r
IE Cot, 15th and Filbert St!,, Ptiila.i
lloiit dosirfthlt for residenUi of N E. Ponn'
BvWanta, All conveniences lor trsvclert
to and from Brond Street statlen and the
awelftli nnd Market Street station. He
lirnUc for visiting .SerantouUns and ie
lie In thu Antliraclte Kettlou.
m m n fe.d
Husband "My dear, our boy Kohsrt graduate- from the public schools vary soon, yon know. Be vs
you thought what he had do then.'"
VVif - -"Well, John, I'd ever much like to s.nd him to collegs if you think you c.uld aff ,r 1 It "
Hnslmn- "I'm afraid that is out of the question, iny dear. Do you know that it wculd cost ns at
the very If s $500 a year for him at any good college : '
"Gf odness. ns much as that? Of course, we can't send him liut I do wan t to give him a good start
in the world, and I don't think a public school elucatioa is enough to equip bim for the battle of life."
Husband "No, it is not today, when education Is so general. Now, I've been set a thinking by an
ndvertiseinent 1 saw in THE TRIBUNE the other day, and that ir why I brought up tbs subject tonight.
The trouble is. I think, that most young persons stumble into bu.iueis, nre thrown into It by accident or
necessity, or are drawn into it by misguided ambition or perverted fancy, without any seriou. thought as to
their real fitness for it. When tbe years for Warning the theory and practice of their trade :r profession
are passed they often awako with regret and dinuay to the fact that thsy have not only made a mistake in
their selection, lut have wasted the precious years of early manhood upon a wrong pursuit.
"Now, the chief thing for our toy's success in life is not education as much br PROPER EDUCATION-
-that is, educntion along the line of bis natural bent. It's a year or two before he graduates. I'm
going to give bim an opportunity of doing a little study at home during this time I was looking at HIE
TRIBUNE Edition of the
Today, nnd it's really a great thing. With these becks in tbe house, Robert will have information upon
every possible subject at his hand, and it is the most reliable information in the world. Whatever his nat
ural bent is, be can find proper development for it in this Encyclopedia, whether it's the law, mtchaulcs,
engiueerintr, literature or any of tbe nrts and sciences. I think when he is ready to graduate we will all
have made up our minds what he is best fitted for by hi? use of these books. Bsiles, there he will find the
life stories of all the great men of the past, and be will know of their efforts, their struggles and their sac
cesses, and he mny have a belter and more serious view of life. These books have in them all the instruc
tion be can get in a college oducation. Honestly, THE TRIBUNE has given ns a great opportunity. Now,
my dear, what do you think of my scheme?"
Wife "It's just splendid, John; bat what will the books co-t':"
Husband "Why, that is the most surprising part of it. We can get them for only ten cents a day.
Just think of it."
On payment of $4.50 the entire 25 vols, will be sent, the balance to be paid in
monthly payments of $5; or on payment of $3, the first twelve volumes will ba
delivered, the last 13 to be sent as soon as the 12 are paid for.
Address or call at
For Delicacy,
Forpnrity, and for improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Puzzoni's Powder.
Lost Manhood
I r. fitiri" i, MltPII lln. .,,,. t
Hind.... Hein.'ily With wrlllrn trturanlfr tn tnrrt. .SulJ lv
iiml vlpnr Ciilrky
If Ml
10. t (
Is., iiurelv cur.'fl li
aiAlTiltWU BKU8..1.I. SkTiwloa. i'a
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at tho
THE nm E. B. DEPlfi
Between W ashington and W yoming Aves.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
iMrniuif-tlroutorl I
tm ilnjr. by I
" Mnfitlo Rem-1
But -iinpf Riur-nl-, IMCIf l Dy l "i,i'ir, l.
Illil nr- ila and 100-nu r ok ill'lllrltH Iron.
I lift. froBi p, ,lf rnrd.frt by mill Wliunllt.lS-.rlnp I
nd Mucaryhll. Our Mlwlc RelWKl will I
! In. 'I, ((ink RKITIO III, rhlnm. III.
Thousands Kemnante of Dry Goods, clonks nnd Fur Capes during
Kiilr ni less than cost of material.
Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
LfidipiT Folt Hats, this gennon' stylos 103. each.
Boys' Winter Wulsts lOo each.
M tiffs 30o. each.
Clonk $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
Ul, BIT.
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works,
Portland. Pa.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, arc what
SI 1 t 1
will recommend tnem to our
lijtj 'r a V' " '"
w-i-i-i-i-i- ii i.i. y-M, -.i, i li
THE BEST, (iet prices nnd
so the fumiice Rinl he con
vinced. A full linrt of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Oaiue Door
IrvrithX. Y.Tr.tmnr, .'.or. i,
The Flour
"CmCAQO, Oct. 81. Phi first rflloisl
snnonncsnsnt of World' rir di-
plotDSS on Hour has heen m:ide A
medal h:is been awarded hy the
World's Tiiir judces to the flour manu
faclured hy the Wnhhnrn, Crosby Co,
in tbe pnat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reporM
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rani m tirst-.-lnss patent Hour for
family and bakers' use."
The above brnnds of Hour ran be hnd at any of the following merchants,
who will nccept Tnr TRtDONI Ff.iK'li coupon of 'J5 on onoh ons hundred pounds
of Hour or BO on each barrel of flour.
Taylor .IuiIri' & DO Uda iluuiil; Ath.rtoa
it Co., SuporlatlT
IMirv.'ii l-iiwi-i iicc stcro t'o , Oold Modal.
Hootlc John MoCrlndle, CkilajfsdsL
PjUiton It W O'Boyh., IK.ld Medal.
Ulark' QrtSB FTMS Parllor, Superlatlva
('lurk's tunirait F. M. Yunnir, Oold Modal.
P.iltoii 8 K.Finn A Son, Hold Modnl Brand.
Nli-holMlll .1 K. II ii. nn,.
Wnverly-M. W. Ullsa Son, (lold Modal.
Paclory vlllo Oharl.w Hnrdiior, Oold ModaL
Hopbottoiii N. M Km n Hod, Oold Medal.. ,
Tohyhanna- Tehrhanna - LcblKh LumbtfS
(.'o . Oold Modal Rmnd
Qonldaboro S A. Adams. Qold Modal Uran d. I
Moscow Halite & Clements. Hold Medal.
Junius A Hortreo, Wold Medal.
L. Morgan & Co., Oold
BorSBtOD F. P, Price, WsShlBgtOB STSDSS I
Oold Modal ftrspa
Duninoro V. V Prlcv Uold Modal llnind.
Donmors F. D Itsatsy. BaptrUtivs Errand.
Hyde Park -Careon ft Uavla, Walilmni HU
Oold Medal Brand; J. sejih A Mears.Mam
avoune, Superlative Hrand.
OrconKldk'e A 1.. Spencer. Hold Medal Brand.
J. T.MclUlo, Superlative
Providence Fonner A ChapMllN' Main ave
uue, Superlativt. lirand;C. J OOlespio, W.
Market (treat. Oold Mnlnl Hrand.
Olyidiant .lanioa Jordan, Huperlativn Brand.
Peckvillo Shaffer A'r Superlative.
Jermyn -C, U. Winters & Co Superalatlve
Arehnald Jones, Simpson A Co . Gold Medal
Qkrbonaala B, B 'lark, Oold Medal Brand.
Houosdiile 1 N. Foster Jc Co Oold Medal.
Mlnooka-M H. Lavelle,
Lake Ariel
Korcst City - J