THE SCHANTOJT TElB t JNE FIJI DAY MOKXINO, MA RCH 23. 1894. 5 UMiaiiimimiiiigieiiiiiiiiiHiCHiiMeiiiii: Iripe Valves I Fitting s THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, 2 S1illllllll3IEI!!8Cft!lll3BII!nil9iel!ltl DO YOU WANT ANEW NECK BAND on j our old iblrt. Wo do it, Lackawanna THE W PRISON HORRORS Laundry S08 Fenn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. NorrmanA Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS bbs mm 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpet Wall Papers, s9 Window Shades, Draperie3, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANUlTY. '27 Wyoming Ava CITY NOTES. Address to Boys' Brigade at the AvjLue Baptist Church. Penn COL. RIPPLE'S GRAPHIC PICTURE Realistic Story Is TolJ of Personal Reminiscences Of Lift and Lventa in the Prison Pens of the South Hor rible Sanitary Conditions gesm In credible Prisoners Assumed Leal Power and Hung Desperadoes. Today the public schools Had county of fices And banks wi'.l be closed. Nine new streKt cars for tho Trscton company arrived in the city yesterday- There are still a number of good seats for the opening at the new Froth - Ingham theater. The ladles of the Second Presbyterian church will cerva a itupjjer in tb church pnrlor this evernnz, commencing at 6 o'clock. Seyen cases of measles and ono of scarlet tVrer were reported at the board of health ofiv e restenlay. The case of scarlet feyjr is at 1502 Price street. An assembly wi'.l b given in honor of the coll (rians who will bs home for the Easter vacation at Uu Bicycle Ciub honso next Tuesday eveniag. The funeral of the 2 year-old son of James Xeweil, of 'AH Fifth avenue, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment in Hyde Paris cemetery. A warrant was issued yesterday b7 Al derman Bailey for the arrest of Thomas O'Donncll and otherB who assaulted 0. O. Lutz at Pine Brook Tuesday night. Official information received At the board of health office in this city yester day states that four cases of small-pen and three of variloid are under treatment in Danville. Marriage licenses were granted yester day bv Clerk of the Courts Thomas to Ar thur Rollison and fiessio Haley, of Promti ton, and Richard Hughes an'l Mary Mc Hale, of Jermyn, Oood Friday services at St. Luke's chuch: 7 a. m., litany and lii-iiiiaphor.i: 10.30 a. m, servicoand sermon; 12 m. to 8 p. m., tho passion service; 7. 45, overling prayer and sermon. Frank Koss, a member of the Lacka wanna county colony In the Esstern pen itentiary, was disrharxi d yesterday. Ho had h'en serving a term of imprisonment for aggravated ns-ault and battery. The novelty store of II. C. Surdiim, of Penn avenue, wa taken posses-Ion of by the sheriff yesterday on an execution Is sued at the instance of I E Rardam. The execution was issued on a judgment for t".',JK0. Mayor Counell yeitenlay nj. proved the ordinance establishing the trade of (..' jmuse avenue betweeu New York and Ash streets. He also attached his signature of npproval to several resolutions passed by couudls. The building committee of the hosrd of control mot last night an 1 approved of a number of bills, among tliern bet'ig that of Hunt & Connell for heating No. 7. A retaining wall for No. 23 and improve ments for other buildings were provided for. The sale of seats for Sol Smith Kussell's presentation of "A Poor Relation" nl the new Frothiughain theater next, Tuesday evening will open at the box 0001 in tho Arcade this morning at W o'clock. In "A Poor Halation" Mr. Bassell is seen at his very beet, and the uaturulness of bis act ing is remarkable. - Mr. Evan Entsra Ball. Titus D. Evaus was arrested on a war rant issued by Alderman Prist yesterday for forcibly entering the house of Oeurge VaiiBchooter t" make a levy on a distress warrant, lie was admitted to bail by Al derman Morgan in the sum uf $M, fur nished by Henry Ilurschell, 5Wi Houtli Main avenue. Both parties to tho case live ou the West Side. - Easter Kosea Oiveu Away. Un Saturday our store will be beautifully decorated with flowers and plants. Willi every dollar's worth of goods sold we will give an Easter rose; S2.u0 worth of goods, two roses, etc. Mkaiis St Haokn. Lily ok the Vai.lky at Clark's. McBridk'8 new Turkish bath. Every thing new. WW Spruce street, opposite Court House. Colon! Kzra ll.Kippleaildressol tho Boys' Brigade of ttio Penn Aveiiil.' Baptist 0 Unroll last night on his "Per aoual BemioiaoSBOM of Sautlioru Prima Life." Companion A and it and the cadet carps occupied u portion of the body uf the church, auJ the other space was devoted to a zoo 1 Biz id SQlll- enct, The prooee'ls nottod nnltn a largo emu and will be applied to the pnrshaea of uniforms for the Bjvj' Brigade. That the subject of Colon Hippie's talk was uu appropriate one, was shown by ths rapt attention uf the young lusu whose interest nevr lagged from the time Colonel Hippie DOtfMU speaking until he olossd, Tue salient point of the ud.lrese were us follows ! MISCONCEPTION Of 1NDIBSONVILLI. '1 he paper 1 shall read cauuot bedig ii fied by the term "Lecture"; it is simply the NOOUoStion of sceuee aud events in which it was my fortuue to take a part. Few have a knowledge or conception o( Andereoueilte m which many thousand union pi lemur suffered and di-d. yet. from Ueitysburg to Appotntnattox Court Uniae there were fewer uniou soldier killed ou the tit 1 1 of battle thau died ill the prison liens of the south iu the same ieLgth of time. AndTonVl)l0 overshadows the other prisons, but the mortality there was not HO as elsewhere. Salisbury, Flor ence, Milled, Blchmood, Danville, Belle I'le. Colombia, B'.ucksuear and other prl ODI this side of the Mississippi, Camp Ford, Texas and others on ths west side, coutilbuted their quota which placed the aatsa of the union soldier far ab'vo all others for deed of heroic sacrifice uu 1 steaufast loyalty to country. After the lapse ot over twenty -live years mj recolleotione may be a little diuim I. uud 1 forgot uiuuy naUMsof tbot" whj passed through too fttrnaCiOf iirtlictimi with me; but some of the scenes are so in -deltbly improved on my uniuory that Whit TOaMD, sense, or life remains, they can never be etf.iced. My regiment, the Fifty-second Pennsyl vania, was u;:e of uu uped.tloa OfgaoiSSd under General Footer to get, ssiou of James Island in Churlestou hirbjr; the attack failed, and about 11 of us Who landed were either killed or captured. It w as the morning of July Ii, lstil, that we walked luto the Confederacy over the par :t;ets of Fort Johuson.and it was not until tue first of the following March that I was privileged to shuke the uniduiutauce thus hastily and rashly formed. We were taken over to Charleston dur ing the morniug nni were marcued through the part of ibe city Which was exposed to our guru on Morris Iland to the city prison. On our way we were subjected to all sorts of taunts and chaf flug and sometimes could not refrain from replying in kind. The hatred felt for us was plainly shown. We were taken into th" jail yard and iu the afteruoou fur nished a lubful of boiled musu aud somu bacon; very few partook of it, but after ward 1 wished for an opportunity to at tack the second tub. The ileus in tho prison were driven away by hce iu over whelming numbers who took possession of our bodies. ES ROUTE TO PRISON" PEN. On the morning of the sixth we were re moved from the Charleston prison and put aboard the cars for Andersonville. Forty or fifty of us were packed iu each box cur with one door closed and four guards watching the other exit. At Augusta, John Hupp bought a ijuurt of iu:u und divided It among Brennan, Beavers and myself. We were a thirsty lot ami tired, and the millt, like its prlce-t'2 per 'luurt whs beyond description. At Macon we were separated from our ofVeri. who I believe were left there, and we went on. Colonel Hoyt escaped shortly after and within light of our guuboats on the Edisto river was treed by dogs and re captured. We arrived nt Andersonville on tho morning of July 8 and were allowe I to re tain all snms of money les than $100. It was at this time I first saw Captain Henri Wirz, made fumous.or infamous rather, by his administration a commandant of An dersonville prison. He was a little, weazened specimen of man aud res-mblrd a skye terrler, though the companion is unfair to the dcg. lie was utterly heartless and held his position for that reason, by the full knowledge and purpose of his super iors. Ono of our boys described Wirz as heingtbe most even-tempered man he ever saw. 1 1 that he was always in a rage, We coon came to a point overlooking the stockade and the sight of the Inside of the prison below us was stunniug and dis heartening. It resembled (in imuieam ant-hill teeming with life. There were about 2o,0G0 prisoners there at the lime, and that mass swurailng and moving about over tho face of the prison bore out the ant resoaiblance very strongly. It srmuck our heart to think this was to be cur home no one know how I 'tig per haps until the end of the war. whenever that nrlght bu. Cpou our eutrance, flit ', disease, starvation, and death were nil about us, and we were warned of tho dead line by the old prisoners; no intimation of this feature having been made by the gusrd to u. In some places this dead-lino was shown by a fence about throe feet high, running around the insido of the stocknde about a rod within it-, limits: but in all placeB where it was or should have been, the penalty was death for crossing or leaning on it. As soon as n prisoner unwittingly crossed the dead line, he was shot down, some times nt twe'nfv feet distance, and released from csptmty. Many went deliberately to death in this way. lloRHim.K DEATH RATtt. Tho treatment which sent nearly 14,000 ont.u.f 4V0O!) nriHonsis to their graves III one vcar must have produced horrible scenes: in stating this I want it uinler- stood tnatl5,((i0 was the greatest number confined there In one month, it linn been Irrowlna to that point from the time the prison was dpened in Maruh until Augun. after this they b.igan moving them to other orisons until toward the list there WM not a tenth of that number there. The uteatest mortality whs in the month of Aiiaust: in that month nearly one out of every eleven (lied, the number being H.0H7, n;i average of within a small fiartion of 100 dead i nch day for the entlie month it was death in all its repulsiveao'S and hor ror: as the dead wagons came for them they were tossed on like logs of wood twenty or more In a wagon, anil were bulled In trenches without coffins or other coverings that bore the falnteut si iutdance to a Christian Imrial. U'e hud no shelter and the food was not Healthful; we had no opportunity to bathe or wash our clotniug. ruth abounded everywhere. We were turned loose In this prison, strangers to all. aud obliged to hunt spaces for ourselves wn -revel' we Vonld find a vacant tpot. After deicribing an interval of find ini' unoccupied space and meager shel ter, Colonel Hippie told of a tragedy enacted in full view of the largest audi "iice ever assembled on an occasion of the kind in this c niiitry. Of Hie llrst lot of prisoners who came to Andersonville was a gang or the meanest vIlliuiiH who ever uscip.'d the gtllows. They were bounty-Jumper, thieve and criminals from the slums of the big cities, who spent their time robbing fellow prls ouers of money, blankets or auythiug worth stealing. Ultti tho proceeds thev bought extra rations for themselves, and kept well red, while their uuseraoln vie time were dully losing strength and car rlage. At last, driven to desperation, a few determined men handed together aud resolved to break up the murderous guug. (isllows were erected, and in the presence ot SO.UUU leiiows these desperadoes sulrerecl the just iHiualty of their crimes. Fr.nn that time on we had peaSOUd order with in the stockude walls oven if wo didu't have uuy thing elsa. scenes in prison, a walk through the pnson would dis close suffering, disease and death in more nwlul forms than the nriid of luan. unused to Mich sights, could Imagine. It dying one bad 00 trusted frieuds to draw their rations and help them, they would lluully set in a condition overall by lice aud would bo killed by them. 1 have seen poor fel lows out iu the sun too weak to turu their faces down, with uieggots feasting on them and lice devouring them, We could do but little aside from brulliug off the worms, shield their faces from the sun aud give them water. While one would do this, hundreds Would walk by with only a pass ing glance. VALUE OF OULD. The cum nt rate of exchange was about threo dollars of Confederate money for a (ue-dollur greenback, and so great was the desire for gold that there was practically no limit When it wa offered, A 1U piece Would probably hare brought 1,0M in Confedeiate niouey. John Kapp was tho only one in our party who had fund aud he divided with us $itl as long - it lusted. Onions cost from !b to 75 cents each; eggs, 4ll cents each: potatoes, SI per dozen, suit, 5 cents per teuspoonful, uud other foods in proportion. ( ii the terrible Suffering of the ensuing five months, the oscipos aud re-cupture.t by dogs, the many incident which go to make up Mich a wiuter as we spent there, uud our dual release and arrival in our lines. I cannot ut this time uudertaku to relate "Peaeaful and quiet now the place, 'l he cureless traveler tin. is small trace Of Mouse enacted here. Ami ret. so rail of memories dread, It seems ss if the Very dead, jtmoua wiuae grave the living tread, .Ml, tlit waken an I appear w heue'er the ill famed name is breathed, And tell of tortures worse than death.11 EASTER WIUSOT CHURUHES. Preparations 1 hat Are Beiti Made by tho Choirs ot Different City Churches tor That Day. Blow i given the programmes of the Lister Sunday services at St. Luk i's Bploiipal church, Wyoming uveuue. J. Willi Couaut, organist and choir muster, will hvs ohargs of iUj r Vk'tfJ. UOBN1NO PRAYER. Processional, Te Doom iu Q, Jubilate iu P.. 'Tho Day of Resurrection," Tours Hopkins Oariett . Burnley ...Calkin . .Conaut . Wosyau GOLDEN OPPOSES RULES He Says That the Police Officers Cauuot Obny Thtm. THEY PASS COUNCIL HOWEVER Appropriation Ordinance Passes on Two Reading! in the Select Coun. ci -Ordinances on Third Readme;. Business Transacted at the Meeting ot Common Council Action Taken with Regard to ViaJu:t Ordinance. SEATS IN UVUV DEMAND. HOLY COMMUNION. Introlt, "Awake L'p My Glory' Kyrie in W Ctloria Ti'.u Oratiai Tibl Hyiuu, "Jesus Christ is Risen" BEBMON. Offortow, "As it Began to Ouwu". Foster bursumcorda ,. t Sauctus Agnus Del Woodward Benedictus uui venit Woodward tiloria in Excelsis Woodward Ave Verum Gomrod Recessional, "Rejoice ye i'ure in Heart," llessiter eve.msu prayer. Processional, "Rejoioe ye Pnre in Heart, " Messiter Glorias Conaut MaffuMeat Vincent. Sw. Dinuttis Anthem, "Awake UpMv Olory ". .Barnley Recession, "The Day ot Resurrection." Tours TheEister servioel nt the Trinity Lutheran church, c irrnr A Wins ave nue aud Mnlborry street. Sunday even ing, will be under the auspices of the Sabbath school, nssiited by a largo chorus no I several of our well known vocalists, accompanied by Lawrence's orcheitra, who will render a delightful programme appropriate to tue (lay. Among th3 musicsl features will be rendered the following: Vnthirin "Awake O Earth" Soprano Solo lluet and Chorus with Soprano Obligato Duet. ."The Have Taken My Ljrd Away" Solo and Chorus "Watchman, What of the .Night' Easter Curds Crown tho Royal Victor," "Happy Easter Day." Solo and '.'horns "Death's Ureat Kiug'' Euster Card. . "Hallelujah I Chtist Is Risen ' Accompanists J!i-s E. (inrugan, ilisi Maggie ( lark Leader of Orchestra A. Lawionce Bpfeial attention is being paid to the mn:e that will bo rendered at St. Pet er' Cathedral at the 10,30 mass on Sunday. For eeveral weeks a large choir has been rehearsing Mozirt Twelfth mass, under the direotion of Professor Schilling. T'n choir will bo accompanied by Bauer's orchestra, nn 1 Violinist llembergir will assist. Mrs. W. J. Burke will twoue of the soprano soloists, and the Que voice of Mr. Schilling will also be hoard on that day. The musical prugramme is the hneit yt rendered "t tii oatnedrai, i. I' Is Barrs't C'oil.t Note. The Lackawanna Iron arid Coal company has dedicated a strip of Itud sixteen feet wide lor nil allev in the rearof propurtiei fronting on Mineral stro it, Hi-venth ward It will prove a great convenience to the property owners along Mineral street. Select C lUiicilmaii Koch who wus uistrii mental in securing tin alley, introduced a resulut ion in the select il last night naaiing It Barrett court. The resolution was approved. R'raovsl to Whirtfton Avenue. Miss Sarah McLurm fins removed her millinary parlors trntn 3.'4 Spruce street to a more ili-elraolo location, ll Pushing tori avenue, where she will have larger and more commodious quarter". Miss McLauo is now doing business at her new place, and will be pleased to have all her old friends to call and sea her. Ladies' hose, stninl'-s black ami double heel and sole for 'it cents at Mkahs . ilAOIN. m Latat R- zor To Sho in Russia Calf or Patent Leather for la dles and gents nt tl o Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue. -- 1 Itoi K BOTTOM prices on groceries, Rein bait's market, Lackawanna avenuo. A Oloria silk unihrella Mkahs ft H AOicti's. for V cents at Rsmoval of F. M. Avlsworth f, M. Aylsworth will removu to MiS Wy oming avenue, next to Economy Furniture company's stoic, during the Qrst week in April. ' St"- ul Sal. Pot a few day longer wo will continue our sale of tlgurod china silks at H cents. Mkahs ft Haiikn's. CH0R0& stoAj plants at Clark's. and home decorative Wail The Evsrstt Ltads. for (iuerueey Bros.' now goods. America 10 i; I ( i I MX PIOTVBKS, EVERY NOTED PLACE IN Al.AKKA, Till UNITED STATES AMU Mexico pivio NUHBBBS on i hi: coun- TXH, TUN CENT! A NO ONK COUPON 1 OU ANY NCMBEB Sjlect Counclluiaii Patrick Golden does not favor th new rules that h ive been drafted for the government o' the police department At last evening's msotiug of ths city's . ; lie made a speech against the passags of the rule by that body and Intimtted tint if tiiey were lived up to the city would have to ek othvr than mortals to do duty on the police force. The police regulation ordinance Which contains the rules was brought over from the comiuou council and, arter being iotrolueed, was pluced in the hands nt a committee with dlrec Hons to report forthwith. ThsrtDort being favorable, the measure was at once called up on Arst reading When City Clerk Luvelle finished orating from the lengthy document Mr. (1 il den claimed thu attention of the chair, aud from his manner it was very evi dent hu was intensely in earnest. "Is there any good, honest in mi iu this couucil," he cried, "win can vote for that ordinance.' is then any iu in here who could live up to them rules himseli'.' Why, ties chief of police could not do IU I think this is gag law and I'm iu favor ot' a square deaf I waa on the polios toros for eight years ami know what i'm talking about when I s-iy those rules can't beobsyed " WANTED IT BEFSRRBD. Mr Schwouk moved that the ordi nance be referred back to thy commit tee for correction, lint the motion failed and the ordinance wis after ward passed on first and sjoMil rsd lugs. The impropriation ordinauos was ulso Introduced, reputed forth with end passed oil fir.-t uuJ second reading. The following ordinanoes pasted third reading : Providing for repair ing the Mountain rout which passes through the southerly pirtion of the Twelfth ward ti Roaring Brook town ship; for construction of sewer sys tem section "B" iu th- Fourteenth ward; establishing grade on William tret, between Brick aveuue und Mir garet avenue. The report of the city engineer nam ing and re naming streets, w.ts adopted and the bid for R '"ho court and Ash struet sewer were rj icted A reduc tion of the asstsita'nt o( W. II. Rig lett for the year 18M. from s.'.OJ) to "2, 100. on the recoinmendatiou of the city tisseesor, was allowed, an l a reso- lutiou requeaitng the mayor to enforce too resolution with regard to leaving vehicles standing in the streets was approved. LOWER BRASC0 MCKTINO. The cnmuioii council also hold n meeting last night, at which the bonds of the following delinquent tax collec tors were approve) : Charles S Crelbert. Frank UOeller, Jacob Schaeuer and Frank Meohler. The mayor returned without his ap proval the ordinance providing for the filling in front nf private property on the easterly side of ttarfleloj avenn The veto wa sustained by n vote of 12 to 1. A resolution cancelling thecoutnet of Richard T. Harvey to grade Twelfth street between Lnzsrtis and Division streets, and authorising the city clerk to advertise for new proposals lor the work, was referred to the streets and bridges committee and the city engineer. Tliefollowingordinunonsowsed third and final reading; Providing for the purchase Of singl" drop harness for William Coutiell Hose company ; B proprlattog private property lor ap proaches to the Linden street and llor ing Brook bridges. Council went into committee of whole for the purpose of anianding th ordinance providing for the construe Hon of n viaduc'. over the Delaware Lickawnnna and Weitern railroad main track and switches ou West Lick nwsuna avenue. ine atuemlmtnts proposed were reported favorably aud udotited. The amendments were con cerning the payment of the city pu Hon of th9 fund for the work, an 1 th other was that upon the authority of the city engineer the work of con structing tho viu luet ui ly be begun a soon ns the iraotlon and Oilawaro, Lsckawanna and Western oompinles have paid in the iSld.OOO each, thu in suring the f uud for the payment of ex penses to bo wicurre l. ' M BASG Bf.lL BRIEFS. The Altoona club will start on a southern trip Apr;l 1. Oeorg (loo lharti of last y ear's BCfOUloU club, will play at Healing this your. Orudy, Allentowu's Hue bucksr.op of last year, will wear u Philadelphia uniform this season. The cranks will be pleased to sue Long Tom Flanagan iuu BcrantOU Uniform again this seasou. Beading is covering it diamond with iyr of yellow clay and n large grand stand is being erected. The club will wear navy blue uniform. Johustown is going to content I'self with amateur base ball this season It limy I anlii to tolerate amateur ball, but what will It do without Thayer Toreyson? George Leldy. of Pbilllpsburg, who dil such clever fielding for Scrsnton last year, bits gone to ludiuiiupolis, lud , whore h.i will piuy thu ess son under Manager Ibarslg. It does really seem that after all of Read lug's fuss William Horatio Mussey will gum d first bug for our team this year. Whitman was apparently turned down at Rarrlsburg, It Is reported that the club King Kelly will manage at Alieut own will be made up as follows; Charles Snyder, Wushiugton, and John Clapp, Buffalo, ottchere; Charles Itiidhouriie, Providence, .lames Devlin, Louisville, aud Robert Matthews, Athlet ics, pitchers; Mike Kelly, llrst base; Sam nei Wise, Washington, second base. Mid, del Mclteary, third base; David Force, Buffalo, short stop, James O'Kuiirke, Wash Ington, left; Hurry Btovey, Baltimore, right Held, aud Peter Browning, Louisville, centre field. Wyoming Simlnsiy. Mat ch B0 the spring term ot the Semin ary opens in all tho departments. This worthy institution cover a wide range OfStUdlO and hundreds of young people go from the different departments each year to enter colleges, to teach nnd to fill responsible positions in the business world. Or. Sprague and his co-workers are to bu congratulated upon tho aggies sive policy that characterize! every feu ture of the SCOOOl, - . Fei: our double store of Easter BoWtrS for church and home decorations. Fine lilies, hydrnuglu, uzulia, hynelotb, spisc ir, maiden hair forn. Everything teautiful. Il l uud 140 Wushlogiou uvouuo. U. R. ( LAhk i Co. Auc ion Bale at Ths Frotblunham Dtvsl opi Muoh SpiritsI 1. ! i. ,. The auetiou sale of saats yuiterday morning for the opening of H1 Smith Russell's dedicatory engagement at til new Fro t hi Ogham theatre dveloped much spirited bidding gentl-riiiu purchased two b x is, paying ' h a premium of $'i All the boxes and log's were Hohl at prices exhibiting n marked intr-.t In the opening p ir formanc of "April Weather," but several choice so its yet remain, and these are being rapidly marked off Mr. Frothingham has secured, it souvenir of the event, the hand some Lister o.T.-riug that Prang & Co., the celebrated urt firm. h id for sale. and every lady attending on Monday even ing will receive a copy of this beauti ful token. The work of putting the finiihing touches upon the interior of the theatre is progressing rapidly. Seats were placed iu position iu the two baloonioi yester day evening, and by 0 o'clock to night it in expected tint tho curtain will be in position and a greater part of the soaffiil ding taken down. l ill smith Bros & Co, have a large fnrcu at work upon tin Upholstering of the box and loge. The heatiri appara tus is giving satisfaction, and tue man agement predicts that when the thea tre is thrown open to the public Mon day evening every scent from the newly painted decorations will have disap peared Meanwhile, a large force of workmen i busy night and day. mil i nch minute adds to the theatre's ele ganc.i. WKIT OF" MANOAHUS ISSUED. Directs Building Inspector John Nsh ' son to Show Cause Why He Slill Not Issue Permit. A writ of alternative m in latnU! dl rented against Building Inspsotor John Nelson, was issued yesterday to compel him to show cms whv he shall not grant a permit to John Jsriuyn for the erection of a hotel at Wyoming avetius and Bpruos street. Tue m in lam is is ma le returnable at 'J a in Much 83, Mr. Jermyn was represented iu oourt by Judge Hand und Attorney W. J. Hand, aud later th papsrs Wire served upon Mr. Nelson's counsel, City S)lici tor Torrey, Tho complaint ws acom pauisd by a copy of the deed of the land a conveyed bv the L ickawanna Iron aud Coal company, and lu which a clause relative to th) 10-foot reserva tion was inserted. The h 11 of particulars sets forth that Mr Jermyn has had plans for the hotel prepared at great cost , that Raid pUus Include th erection of f.viOiv win dows ou ths Sprue ) street sidsanl that Building inspector Nilion refussi to grant a permit on ths grounds that ths bay windows, as propnl, are, ncoor 1- ing to his interpretation, contrary t the provisions of th) 10-foot reisrva-tion. It is held th it Mr. Nslson has ni power to determine what ts a bay win- low, and tlut tUS city ins no right to move in the m tt'.er. A I j lining prop erty owners ur ths onlv ones that it is said have the pnvjr to m iki objections to the hay windows, u u furt'ier claimed that the dsel for tho property dees not prevent the erection o. buy windows on the 10-foot : -rvatioa. PURIfW, OR THE FEAST OF LOTS. Ic Beeau Wedassday Kvsnlngand Clostd Laat Night Puriin, or the Feast of Loti, observed by true Israelites everywhere, began Wednesday evsuing and closed last night, tt I a joyon festival and pleasant recollection cluster aronnd i'. The story of how tue Jews iu 127 provinces were delivered from the slaughter intendsd by Hainan i related St every return of this N.tival, end the noble deeds of (leeti Either and Mor-d-cui retol I. Prayers, hlesiingi Snd psalms suitable to the occasion are re cited and sung, both in private bonis and public institutions, msrking the the event A Chairman Not Yet Selected. Another meeting of the high echool com mittee of tne board Of control wa held lust uight.but it failed to elect a chairman. It was suggested that thu chairman ot ths board be recpiested to nutne the chuirmin, but the siiL'jstiju was ,... i An. other meeting of the committee will be held next lliursduy evening. . Hem stitched buck towels damask bor der 45 bv -ii inches lor ' ceuts ut Mk.iks U Baozm's. Thunder, Fr:Uy ond Saturday. Easter Opening, of Paris Hats nnd Bonnets. Ulobe Warehouse. ... creamery b;ittcr,'JJ cents; s trictly liesh eggs,(j crut'.-,ul Reiuhart'e market. Large slo ill, new styles. meu s neckwear at Mkahs i Haukn's. - Wkbib, Matchless, Shaw and othei makes pianos S-o piano iu window ol Stelle & Seeley, 184 Wyoming aveuue. tfiBillltiimiltitllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIttlU Opening Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. EASTER, 1894. mery Ecranton's Biulnesa Interests. The TrIBORI will soon publish a care fully compiled and olSSSilted list of the leading wholesale, banking, tniuufsctur Ingand professional interests ol Scrantou nnd vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully illnetrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, businesi blocks, streets, etc., together With portraits of leading citizens, No imilar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many Indus tries. It will beau iu valuable exposition of our business resources. Sent to person outside the city, copie of till handsome work will attract now comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cann t fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large Representatives of The Thibuvr will call upon thosk WBOSS NAMUS are DBSIRSO lu ibis edition end explain its nature more fully. ThdBe desiring views of their residences iu tnU edition will please 1 nve notice ut the office. An Opportunity fir tho J lemp'.oy. d You re out of employment. Invest your tune CU a bUllueSS, steno graphic or acadsmlc education. It meaus success to yon in the future. If you cannot pay us this year make it next year. Vou helped ns iu your prosperity we shall help you now. Wood's college of business aud short baud. The Last Concert In thY. M C A. Course. The old Homestead Quartette and 'Mi Alice Guardeau, elocutionist, will give th last concert of the Young Men's Christian association course, on Friday evening, March '3:1. Single admission, 73 cents, lie served Bets, association ofttce, A French model corset for so cents at aikars A Baden1. - - EaSTEB Bower show iu our double store, 144 end H6 Washington ave, Clark's. Tiik millinery opening of J. Bolt, l ss Wyoming evenae, will occur on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No better display uf trimmed and itntrimtned hats can be found iu this city. . ESAITgR Lilies, never so line, at ( lark's Vi move to 117 Lackawanna avenue we offer a m in I price on nil of our Silver nov elties, UMBRELLA STRAPS 35c Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Spruce St. Best Sets of Teeth, $3.00 Including the painless extracting cf teeth by uu entirely new pr S. C. Snyder, n.D.S. lao WVOMINU AVfcl TIT K LateJt Novelties at attrac tive prices. Imported Bonnets and Hats. Also a large as sortment of copies from our own workroom showing the latest ef fects iu colors aud trimmings. A large assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Dntrimmed Hats Weare also displaying in our show room new fashions of Ladies' Spring Capes, Jackets and Suits of all descriptions. Special inducement for this week in Cap 33, Jack ets and Suits. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ava. procrastination... CONWAY HOUSE THIEF 1 OF time: i I DAY BY DAY E It iteali the pruttt of t' luuti I. who waits to udvertiud until to 2 S uiurruw. mm m a Henry Battin & Co. Ncvor wait till tomorrow, but S S ftdrertUe BARGAINS today and Z - cvory day. BARGAINS TODAY W In AGATE WARE, BLUE WARE, TIN WARE aud WOODEN' WAKE. I3S und 18S 1 L S AVEM'E m Try our plan ami don't wait until I 5 m morrow, but scure your bargains to 5 K day S 126 PENN AVE. I niiiisise(iiiiii!iiiiisiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiii(i On the American Platv 3 Bcrantun s nsweet and best equlpjied hotel. 5 -SOW ol EN TO THE PUBLIC. S Heated bj Stuiu. I lectllc Bells Iiutb m Tabs on ath llcor. l.urj,- M'ell Lfgbted and -Airy ttuuuia. Ever thing Complete. ALL TH1. MODEBS IKFROVEHBMT1 ofliceoa second Sonr. Oood sszuple room attached. Dr. Hill & Son p. J. conway, Prop Albany KTISTS t teeth, SMOi best set. IS : for polJ cap ar.d tetli without plates, called crown and bridge work, call for prices and refereno.w TUNALOIA. tor eltractini teeth wittaiu: paiu. Nu ether. No paj. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. OVLK FIRST NATIONAL HA NIL OS LAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Send your corsets to be re lumed or new steels put in. We do it neatly aud at a moderate cost. 128 Wyoming Ave. We have a large assort ment of PlilN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave vour order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid- night. Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Linden St, and Adams Ave. Carat Hot s sgt are. All l;inil of Laundry vrork gnsranteiJ the best. GENTLEMEN, f F.E OUR LINE OF SHOES Better Than Most $4.00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKfc HAND-SEWED. t o Seams or Tacks to Hurt Yonr Feel. All styioiaaj Widtlu tn Cottgrtst ol Lnot The Best Shoe on Earth for (he Money Try a Puir ai.vl you Will wear DO Otb X RJIMTKP'RM Aft SHOE on uniuuiua uu.ui every boyxl BANISTER'S, fc Uc'iiJGPf'S Our $2 fjO Shoes are as gooJ as anybody's $3 00 Shoes. BROWN'S BEE HIVE Now ready for inspection. Easter Millinery CLOAKS, CAPES, SUITS M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.