I THE SCTCANTOX TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 23. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rcni HUEl) DAILY AM) WBKKI.V IN RcnAN- ton. Pa., uy Tim Tftuuifi Pvbusbikci COMPANY: KlW Your OlNOII Tiiiuune BUILBIKOi FBABI B. Okay. Manaoeil Eailtrad at n nutoflef of Rtnmtoiii Fa. fiNOMlXteM Hall Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCRANTON, MARCH Z3, I8M. It is undoubtedly trui., Mr. ciiit. ten;U'a ways, that Bonntoniui Jo not keep a sufficiently oloaa w.itch upon tht cfli.'ial otloDi of their conQellmen. Any movement OtlouUfed to incruae tha Yijilttiice of thU Olrlo acrutiuv will receive thi paper a I mi::.: ani most energetic rapport INCREASE THE FIRE LIMITS. The preaeut lira limit i" tlii.-i city are a roinlniietDM of Sloonifl Hollow. They rttnuul oua of the time when Mi community was a ueat of etract;liu borough. se',urateil from each ether lv boRP, forest ami twampa. In u My of 100, CUO tool, uoteil f.ir nod wulo (or ita tntorpitfp, ntrtty and municipal uaali. it i lit tie let than ridiculous to eontiue tbe area of prohibited uew frame bultditlft to the small apace it" mediately cirootDMrlbiog tha oantial city boiinttl center In view of the rapid growth of the citv in all direc tion, and cf the multiplying number of mw retidtncMipriai(ing u:i a if by magic on every available araa within trnlking diatauca of the court louae, council ought to mik new nd am pler provision for the protfotion of tha couimuQ'.ty Kgniut tire, and for tba preveat'.oa of unhealthy overcrow linic Taki as an IllutMtiOU the well known fir trap at WMQlUgtOO. and Spruce. No Ions ago that vn propped up. and In additional story iu-t-frtel under it. Under proper municipal re uUtioni, tht could not have been per wilted. Every uw building addition in the btttittMl portion of Scnautou should be contracted of brick, itone, metal o: glass. Permits for the aug mentation of tinder-ltse frama atru.1 Inrti (houll not be granted, uuder jy circumstance. As tba ewe stand low, tbeae permit cannot be reused, ueeanie the ordinance on thi point cover, onlv .1 few streets and refers, or : interpreted to refer, oaly to wholly new structures, and not to extension abandoned railroad tunnel abont one hundred and fifty feet In lentjtu near Hockport and ha boarJel up tho onds and will enter at once iuto tho work of producing eflculent fungi In tho dim NOaaaM of tha artificial cave. The so called mushroom in its na turul atate, gatharad from woodland dalliand rolling sheep pastures, ha kept pica with the Initrumant that no one knew war "loaded" in furnishing buaiuera for tho undertake In fact the service of tho funural director have been usually BeoeSMrJ in ovary cass to fully dtcide between the harmleas mushroom and the deadly toad tool, Mr. Rankle proposes to grow fungi from genuine mushroom spiwu that has nona of the bad ir lit of ten found in the wild plant, and as he is not an anarobltt and ao far na is kDOWn hut no interest In ooffln facto ries in the vicinity of Mauob Ubnik, the hungry public will, no doubt, ex tend a hearty wolooUM to hi enter prise. SCRANTONIAKS WILL ba delighted to learn that tht recently proposed stries of Moody mmmar maottngi In this valley i practically an assured fact. The great evangelist, accompanied by UV, Mr, Whittle, will, it is announced, reach Wilkes Hirra on or about June 1, and will devote himself thereafter for three month to the work of re claiming the soul of men in the twin valley Ttia finld which trot.-he out before Mr Moody in the immediate vicinity of Wilke -ltrre. Is probably as fertile iu sin aud SOOlal corruption as any similar area in tha United States hi gratifying to observe bis Intention to begiu tne heatit part of in task Brat, wben energies aro fresh and moral courage atronir. EXIT OROCKWAY. For so many years has the name of Ztbulon K Brook way, warden of the Kimira reformatory, has accepted by penologist aud philanthropist a lynouimoua for all that i creditable, hQ' mane aud progreaeive In the treatmen t of criminal that it Is difficult, all nt once, to grap the sweeping sigolfloaUSS of the stinging Indictment of tne mm and of Lis methods which bat jut been brought, after careful Investigation, the New York state board of obarlties. Not only does this board's report con vict him, in uumerou iuetance. of "cm?!, brutal, exessive, degrading and unusual pnnisboenta;" of "need- leas cruelty aud ttrons humanity;" of "permitting, countenancing aud en COUraging brutality on the part of the officers aud the keepers." hut it also ar raign him, by ioftrettOs for an even greater cnuii, and one which the pub lic will be least likely to forgive, namely, the crime of prolonged bypo- taclfnd on tt nt'l tines. Therefore the) key to the difficulty lies ia the adop- 1 erley aud systematic deceit. tion of a new ordinance, amen iel and expinded to cover tiie largjr aal live lier city of today, aal also to provide satiifaot irily for toe grestor scrautoa that is to be. Provision should by m.le In correc tion of ugly conglomeration of squatty, sued-. ike tenements like that which Is giviaz public ofence on Jefferon ave nue I.' this kind of overcrowding can b. reached by municipal legislation, through some kind of restrictions as to tho number cf apartmsnts permiibl3 on a givea groual spice, it ought to be reached etl ctirj'.y and promptly. The opening of new building territory which will result from the completion of the new Dridges unkes prompt ac tion dooblr deeirable. ScrantOU is too bright, too enterprisiaf an 1 too prom ising a city to be delaesd witn impun ity hy tba insatiate greelor the gross indiSerence of occasional property owners who care nothing for tne pub -lie, except toaqueezt it, aal who are amenable to uo diaeiptiM save the mailed band of rigorous Uw If there i any moaning ia word aal any force in OUtnuloUi evidence, thi detailed exposure of Urockwayism, Serried as it is into ail the relentless particulars of the brutal warden cun -nlng, Inhumanity and unctuous simulation of rapirior sanctity, will lead to immediate action hy the New York legislature, before which a bill for Brockway'a removal is now pend ing. The fact that the board of man agers of the Eimir , institution are ar raigned a accessories after the fact to all of Brock Way's mismanagement, harinc;, as it appears, been hypiotized by him. abruptly ends their usefulness and cails for anrompt and sweeping re- E.vn though this Niag- The Fan that Senator play's Phila delphia urin hai bolted Cameron, taking its place alongside the independ ent Press, is an iniicati n of more than ordinnrv interest. Cameron's free sil ver chickens appear to be coai.ng home to roost. . . WHAT IS IT? Certain events of the list few days aprjesr to mske deiiraolo a fixed, accnr ats snd exict dsfinition of the term 'bsy window." At the corner of Wtahingtoa and Sprats it has lieen held tnat tbe small shanty which does service on the Sprue street si la as a cigar store is a "bay window " Just around the corner carpsntars are at work adding an uaaigotly and gsner aliy obaoxions extension Tnis. too, is defined a a "bay window," an I as tneh its owner not only claims immunity from criticism, but seems to cultivate the inference tnat be deserve praise and a medal as a pubiio benefactor. At the corner of Peno avenne and Hprnce, there is a miniatnr Nrvah's ark in which an enterprising cittzm sells candy and peanut. No one who bad preconceived ideas at to what a bay window really is would ever single out this young ihed as fulfilling the function! of a bay window; btulegally that is just what it it Upon the aarne principle it would be possible to back a coach and -six np alongside a house wall and claim that tbe glass door made it, too, a bay window. We are surprised that under all these virions interpreta tions of the legal privilege that hedges the Scranton bey window, nobody has yet tbonght of building sidewalk tene ment bonses, one above tha other, in tbe fashion first let by the old Aztecs From tbe ttandpoint of guilelets legal innocence it would teem to lw a ipier law that would permit the erection of sidewalk cigar stands and peaont pal acs under the generic name, "bay window," snd yet deny Mr. .Terinyn' right to erect a real bay window in con nection with a structure that will be one of the distinguished ornameuts and architectural asselH of Scranton. We irs mystified at thit nice distinction. e grow faint at tbe confronting spec :acle of sucb complicated tochuicalties. BittxKiNitnxJE, being such an iono cent young thing, was led astray. We bsve this from 'hit own lawyers. EPICUREAN ENTERPRISE. A new industry according to ac counts has bten developed down iu tbe vicinity of Mauch Chunk. A man nsmed Kunkle lias made preparations to engage in tbe novel business of mushroom raising, and expects to keep the markets In that locality supplied with an urticls that will rsnder the services of tbe corouer unnecessary af ar eating. Mr. Kunkle has leased un 1 rganiz ition ara of dimning t-'Stimony and incrimi nating detail were purely the fabrics tion of malevolence and spite a sup position so wild as to be almost iu credible it is clear lhat the effect waich it hat had iu lofl lenoing public opinion would preclude tne reinstate ment of Brockway an 1 caacel all the value of hi future seivices. While it is true that no other man has ecjoyed so large sn experience of fondling and of adulation nt the hands of American prison reformers as has this discredited Blmiran, it would be false logic and worn jostles to connect his hypocrisy in a iy unpleasant man D rr with the oatue of genuine prison reform. His case viv.dly illustrates tha terrible wron's which a hypocrite can perpetrate woea clothed with the mantle of high authority and shielded by the misplaced confi lence of indis creet (lup-'S But by that vorr fact it forms a doubly powerful argument in favor of suca an overhauling of our prison tvsteia as will do away, not only with the old defimt brutalisrn tnat calls I penology into being, bat also with this masked dlsblery of which Ilrockway will hnaaioi;n uo the ditgraced exponent. V v, are pleased to note the succtst which has attended the efforte of tWO Tribune graduates, Editors Pan nf man and Lewlt, to give the eltiginl of Plymouth a fir st olaaS local daily news paper. Few communities of f inal size are betteT mrvd thsn are the readers of the Plymouth Tribune, and many are not served half ao wall. It grati flea ns to observe that this mint is re ceiving substantial token of apprecia tion. e SUfc FOR DAMAGES, thai recently bi held by tht In diana supreme court that where proof can be produced that the looatlon of n saloon in a eiven place depreciates the value of neighboring property, a pro ceea in law can be instituted for the recovery of dam ig n If this be trus in rxlatinn ton saloon, which is a bin! n'S specially . . hi I br the state, it ought to t squally Ime with reference to a gambling room, n disorderly house or any other resort of notorloui repute. Freqntntly, then, when criminal pro codnre cannot reach thei wary of fenders, civil action for the recovery of I 1 11 1 -t - might work material bet ferment In the eociul atmosphere, upon the principle that what touches the pocket book of vlco Is even more eff ac tive, as a rule, than that will;:1! merely touches ita uncertain conscience, It would 'in to the layman that some enoh principles ua this ought also to operate, in equity, toward tin protec tion of a quiet neighborhood whioh Is threatened by the Introduction of n nest of obnoxious tenements, strung to gether on a single lot like beehives in an npiary. We have in mind a place on Jefferson uvenne where it Is pro posed to build nine flimsy frame apart merits on a ground spnee not more thsn sufficient to accomodate one dwelling of ordinary size. From tlionatnrnof these email apartments, it seems fair to infer that they will be populated by tenants who will probably not add to and who m:iy even detract from, the deelrability of tUat avenue as a resi dence center. It is commonly reported with what truth wa can simply conjec ture, that the threatened construction of this architectural monstrosity on a thoroughfare once esteemed the most Select in BerantoO, hns already precipi tated 11 decline in thevalue of ml joining property. Why, then, Should the own er of those adjacent holdings uot pro ceed in civil action for the recovery of oompsneatory damages) The Indiana decision affirms their right to do this when the depreciatory factor is 11 saloon Upon what principle of equity could they bo denied the same right when, instead of a saloon, the disturb ing Inflnonoe emanates from one man s diseased ideas of what iconstltntei pro per and wholesome realty Investments? Understand, Tai Tribuxi doe not ;' i 1 .. I". 1 1 privilege of a prop erty owner to build what ever he sees lit on land to which he hi, Ida a valid deed, but the exercise for euch privi lege must not work injury to others. It mutt not, by multiplying extraordi narily the chances of tire, increase the premiums of aljaosut firs risks, Nor must it iu auv other direction bring pecuniary loss upon those who are not responsible for it. Such, we believe, would be the finding of the local court should any property owner on Jeffer son avenue bring action for damage against the builder of the new aeries of rat traps which is located 011 laud be tween Linden ahd Mulberry. - mS Schuylkill coi mv Etspublloani have determined, it seem, to have a new dally paper, and one is promised by April 10. Just what fault is found with the two good dally Republican papers already printed iu i'ottsvilie is not illsclosed. When it is remembered what a power the Miners' Journal once was, there arises a wish that Schuylkill county Republicans might bury the factional hatchet, drop their schemes of new division and pull together unl tedly toward the rehabilitation of the memorable morning organ that tbev already have. 1 1 1 - APROPOS OK the offer of President Scranton to Sell hi company's electric light plant, the Boston Express pithily says. "Two questions here present themselves lias the furnishing of eleotric light ceased to be profitable, through competition, and is the belief spreading that it is the prop ir thing for a town to furnish it own light'.'" This is the whole problem iu n nutshell (Toon its decision muob depends L't us have a frank expression of local opinious regarding the question. .- . If the North Pole can be found nt all, the likeliest discoverer would be a newspaper nan. Nevertheless, the Waltr Wellman expedition will strike most person as 11 needless waste of money nnd time and a foolish accept ance of cru;l risks. The proper func tion of a journalist is to attend strictly and earnestly to bis own business, and of that bmiuees, pole hunting forms uo part QOVBRXOR WAITE'a throat to use troopt if the courts do not sustain bi preposterous assumptions, should en title him to a soothing eojourn in j til. He has ceased to be a novelty and is fast hecoiuin? a mere, howling nuis ance . "Bat" Shea m iy have heid th? pistol that sent a fatal bullet inotho body of Robert Boss. But Murphyism in poli tics it what pniletl the trigger, and Is what should pay tha heavier penalty Government uy the people, after much trouble, has finally triumphed in New Jersey, and it must yet triumph throughout the solid south. Here it remained with aomeof the cov ering torn off to thlt the ennou could view the monal'-r for some twelve or fifteen years, and until to many of itt parts were broken or detached aud takl u away, that it was not considsred worth rsoalring, and I think w is sold for Old iron. Some of its part are still preserved as mementos of the first locomotive seen upon a railroad in America." . . Virtually on Embezzlement. AliniirnpuH riatsa OstS. There seems to ' u good deal of ntisap prehension ue to th rei meaning and pur poeeof tbe Bland Seigniorage bill, not withstanding all th" discussion of it. Stated In plain terms, tbe bill 1 virtually an embeaslement of a pan ol tbe collater als held b tba Dovernmont In trust for the redemption of treasury notes issued for the purchase of silver bullion under the She! limn act of IV.10. - Two Truths Well Oryatallaal IffoHeafMgia IHsiei if men would preserve their financial credit they must be i lmiy sboOt putting their names to notes to be floated on the street; ami it tbey would preserve their socutl and moral credit they must bo equal ly eureful 111 giving indurnenients of Char acter for whn h they nre not perfectly willing to be held personally responsible. Where .- i . t . : . . t elle. Hatttmuit AsieWonn To the Woman who lulls to get her dress 111 time for Raster, pessimism is a Hue art, and till dressmakers are worse than de mons. Tim trouble Is that thu poor droi-8 makers do not get thanked for the drosses they do make on time, a little apprecia tion might help these huidwoikiug and deserving toilers sv Would Qt 11 Cl.t Kscapllon. HottOll Jvurnul. V alter Welliimn, Whose Arctic expedi tion la now ou tho way, whs given an American Hag. with orders to nail it to the North Pole, That would be simply to run au enormous nsk of being called down by the administration, it would not bene cording to it foreign policy. - Bo Gay We, All of U. HoUtlMOtt 4aseHfUM. The best amendment to the amended Wilson bill would be to strike out the en acting clause. Suui: of I be Stara. When ih" da) light fades hi the evening shades, And the blue melts in tht S"i)', We pitch OUr telita Iu the 111 luuuients Tognard tne milk way, And we gather tha broken tunbsama up Thut thu dn has I' ft In Its lalh, 'To kindle mid tmlld the tfluvv mid tjild What our eparkllng campflrvt huih. With fond careates e jewel the irvwes Of the miKiii uk she mounts the skies, And the beavent we aprlnklt with umny u twinkle That leaps from our sparkling eyes. Cut when the stormuloud roll hU cur Iii thunder across the ky, And tiie lightning da lies in titfui flashes, We hide till tho storm goes by. The bUU ia uur master, uiid no . .. 'it Can coinu to his nig hi of rest, For with constant eyes on the utm horizon We guard the coat and the West. We someUmes And where the comet hides, And we fi i.'hten htm out of his luir, Till he speeds through tbo night, like a fox Is hi) flight, To his home in the greet nowhere. Wo sometimes jmiukc i:i our journey because We hoc ourselves in the ulass Of the silent lakes or the tea that take Our picture uj wc pats. But when the daylight guivsrs and breaks. And the gray uiolts into the biue. The tears we shod o'er our fallen dead Are found In the morning dew. - Alfred Ellison, - TiiKiitsr mutuul insurance policy sgalnat att aek of sickness is to be found in taking Rood's barsapanlla. If you are weak it will make you strong. Uui'ii's 1'iLLs aro the best after dinner pills, nHit digestion, cure headache. Try a box. -Joe. e Tm: DfPtOAL hog, ns a Scranton in stitution, mnit be suppressed, and we are here to do our part. Bckani N DAS too many frama fire trap, mlscalled dwellings aud stores. Tne fire limit ilmnld h extended. PARLY Steam Travel. Since the death of Hon. John Torrey, of Honesdale, interest in the pioneer trip of the StourbrldgS Lion locomo tive, opon which Mr Torroy nnd ex .muge Avery were feiiow pi-eriger. h is perceptibly increased. Toe follow ing letter written by Mr. Torrey to a friend under dttn of Jan H, lT0, and kindly placed by tbo recipient at Till TlilIiUNii'n disiiossl throw? valuable light upon this important historical event. The letter follow : "The first. locomotive run by the Delaware nnd Hudson Canal company on tnelr rail r.-nd In Konesdals ( in I, as i believed, the (i'si ever run in Amsrloa) wa msnafSCtursd by Foster. Ilsstrick i: Co., of Btoarbrldge, Bagland, ( manu fsotnring town on the river Htonr. about firteen mil west from Birm ingham 1 Its front was ornain nted by a huge, fierce looking fuce of a lion in boll relief. and its nam, "Stourbridge IJon," w.n prom inontly placed upon it by themskera. Ir. was placed 01 the railroad lor trial in the ear. purt of AugUtt, 1839, at 11 time when 1 was nbtent on a j nirney to Philadelphia, "I find by memorandums mads atth timo that I was in l'niladelp lit on the fiist three days In Adjust, 1899, end that near the evening of Aug II I Started on my return, and thai I w is home 011 Aug 7 I alao ll.nl an entry in the account hook kept by my In other at that t lute under date of Au x it. mi'j, in which lie ohargesths 1 a 1 , ware and Ho Ison Goal company with labor of man of horses drawing "tones, etc., 'to loail a railroad oar.' and this I 11 'obust .iiid to be 11 railroad oar to attach to the lo'iomotivo on trial From these dates I think the lo tomottVS must have been as lata ns the third ami hm soon as Aug. 7. nnd th it it w is probably on Aug, 8 or 4, When I first aaw tha lo ooinottve after my return from Phtla delplua it had been remivel from the rails add was standing on the ground (or on s me plunk; on the northeastern side of the railroad traoki Dearly opp site the northeast corner of the old graveyard. While standing there it WSJ SU object of groat dreat to 111 my of the children who wr obliged to past near it, au I m my now am ng us oan remember the curved route an 1 hasty tepi they nsid to tuks when UHSsing tne frig'itful Linn. II II 1 "In the snsoeedlng fall, it was close ly housed iu with rough boards, and ns judicative of tha tiuu of this ooUer ing, I fin 1 In m brother's account a clinrge to the Delawaro and Hudson Osual company dated Nov. 87, 1888, for 'bourds to yover the stn.im engine.' 3EE WHAT Will buv in the way a AT CONRAD'S GOLDSMITH' S $ BAZAAR URAND EASTER DISPLAY Of everything new and novel in the fashionable world. T realize more fully what this announcement means we direct at tention to our window exhibits, as to some of the representa tive attractions outlined below. Silk Department We are now exhibiting a choice collection of Taffeta Glace Iiroche and Taffeta imprimo, Printed Habituae and Kai Kai Silks; also, new designs in Black Moire Antique and Moire Mirroir. On Special Counter Several thousand yards 21-inch Double Printed Chinese Silks, beautiful colorings, at 25c. 1,500 yards Patersonia Printed Pongees at 49c. 3,000 yards of 24 inch Pest Japanese Habituae Washable Silks, in all of the new floral effects, at 63c. DRESS COODS BLACK GOODS Our stock of Novelty Dress Goods is now complete and represents the latest products of French, German and American looms. 2,000 yards of 38-inch Wool Mixed Suitings,spring weight, worth 45c. per yard; our special price, 25c. 1,500 yards of Changeable Shaperd Creuons, worth 75c. per yard; our special price, 49c 1, 200 yards All-wool 54-inch (Jxlord Checks and Scotch Mixed Suitings, worth 85c. per yard; special price, 50c. Such a display of all the new weaves has never been dis played before, and black is all the rage Little Fixings in the way of Laces, Handkerchiefs, Bowj, Glove3, &:., for Eas ter, for men, women and children, abound with us in great plenty and at the low est prices ever known before. Yictors With the New Valves Out of Sight EASTER NOVELTIES Easter "Egg Spoon." Prayer Book Markers, Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second hand Wheels. Easter Book Marks, Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easter Gifts. HfSercereau UOT I.ACkA W A X . A '' I'. L 1 : Hons nun 1 iti aan si iLLinmuu unu SOLD HA Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. 7 II ui 314 Lacka. Ave. Foote Sl Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. JENKINS k MORRIS EASTER MILLINERY OPENING WILL OCCUR tTKDNEaUAY.MAKCal II UwtH ba tho graataat ihowing uf kasii tUXABLB MlLLlMatRy a in Ibli dir. btyK'a that foXt oaAUOtlM uUtuvheri). 406 SPRUCE STREET NEXT TO DIME HANK EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS Tho i'iiuisiti' pnotloaUona of Prnru 4 Co aud Duttoii & Co. Nan Una of Kplaoopal Hytunalaainil Pmyai Hooka. Oatholla Praiyar Dooka, tlx ford nn.l Uagatoi Million. An Extraordinary Announcement or Intcraal to EMtCOPAl IANR and - i . Wa nffar a ncn edition of tba DOOR or COHMOS PBAVI B, woll bound in cloth, Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. It unit, i hi pi let' mi loWi i nre clv Ing mil t-unit timer! the tiruclit of thr jnu -qIuiM of l.o0 osptM III ooplfll only ulllbtioln to any IndlvIdHatl fitmiij Reynolds Bros. NORWAY I HON BL ICK DIAMOND SIM I I! RXTRA SPECIAL SANDEItSON'8 ENGLISH .U SHOP'S RNOI48H CAST BTREL HORSE SHOKS TOR CALK TIUR MACHINERY SPRING SOFT STEEL ANVILS BtCLLOU s HORSE NAILS WILEY A RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. i l l 1 1 NO MACHINERY. WAGON WHEBLO AXLES SPRINGS h i ns SPOKES KIMS BTKRL SKEINS R K. SPIKES SCREW ni Stationers and Enrr vtri LAI KAWANNA B Bittenbender&CoJcranton, WholMShl and retail dealers' m WagvamtkWt' and BUokamitha' SUPPLIES. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ICRAKTOM AXD V1I.KFS luniiK. PA. KANWACTCRBBS OJ Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. tienonU OftV BCRANTON, r.V GUERNSEY BROS. UIIIflilllllHHIHIHIIItMiiOIIHIHIIi: Will remove about April 1st to 2 2 'WyOiTling Ave II nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full line of Pianos and Organs aaaaaav At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will jl pay to wait for them. DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE TIME? WE 11. n E 11 i EDWIN G. LLOYD (88 Look Avi. 3 I nillllHIIiaillllllllllllMIHIIHIIIHHin ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWEE lBSaS FOR THE LENTEN SEASON AU klnda Ftaali M"'" reai0 ilniiy. Pane Hauotead ai tii i in t. Runalaaa Cmi, iaf mouth Uluaiara Mdi Maeararal. ItookawHVi Clitaapamka Bay. LKLICIOUS, MIID SUGAR HAMS. EVERY HAM AND ouriED 1KB TRADE BUPPLIBD BY TUii AUSOLUTELY ItTn33 LARD. PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. THE STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA MattriM Ilivai llllU- I'lillll l'i4' llllll OYSTERS w. Mu-ii lumn, Bhrlmp ScilllllpH, att. H. PIERCE -NN AVE.