THE SCBAKTON TBIBUNE PBIDAT MORNING. MARCH 20. lS'M. 3 MKU OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS Q & Co., ImprintH en Enrh Clpar. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. tuna UoU: DR. H. B. WARE BPKCl M.isr. EYE, EAR. KOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE HOURS: I TO 1U0A.M. 1.JP To 5.SJ P.M. 135 WYOMING AVE, ri'Ksox.u Dale 1im gone to Pottsvllle returned rrom tin NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Tfaomu ti u busloosa Conrad Bchroedar has i loriil trip. R. T. Contort, of Wilkea-Barre, in t the Westminster. C K Bennett, of Blnghamton, vlslled th: eitj yesterday. Krsnk Thomas, of Oivjihsnt, was ui Berantoa yseterUar. C, K. M.msille, of Oarboiul.tie, was la tht city yesterday. Or Qeorsje LThroopii ill at his home on Jefferson avenue. William T, Byrnes, of Carboadala wai In the city yesterday, Pr. and M'x. c B. Warner, ofRuib,Pa., arc at th Valley H 'tte. Mi.h Kthor M.xo.s u spetutitig br Esster mention at home. Thorns v7alkey,ot stay Held, wss among yesterday Scrantou visiter IflM Pra'i, of 0) I Forge, i vwttai Mi Jw:e Ui'.'er. on Madison avenue. Johu F. Everhart, of PiltStOB, was yea Istday calling on Serantou acq laiuteuces. lYotbonotary Christopher W egaud, of l.ttteroe county, called on Prowonotery Pryor yesterday F P. Brown. T. V. lowderly, jr. and T. J. McTig ail of Carboudale, Were in Sc.-miSoa vesterilay Miss K:'rv.: Stanton, Miss Stanton tad li Florence Hata. of Hou-mAiIc. were :u the etty yesterday. Mw Elisabeth Arohbnl'l will give dam-iajt party at Bar leH home u.-tt: Monday evening HiM Frvila Htm, of Pin :rt. i ex pected bom today from Now Vort. wber she bai Been attetuii; ioaool. j. E. Durham, of Al'ctown: Jiba I. ilathias. of Hiiotiv Cttv, ud W. R, t'.:. of Wsehiogtoo, are a'. the Wyoming. A. B. Farrei'u of Low, and XI. P. O'Connor, of Biajchamtoa, were amous j the guests at the St. Charles yesterday. P. E. Timlin, of Jermva, registered yes terdav with Prothouotary Pryor. in tbe ofllcVof District Attornry'Jobii P. Ktlly. iiisa Katie Kardiaj, daubwr ot Ed ward Murphy, of Providence, will be mar- red to Harry Schoefleld, of Coxton, April 10. N. B. Jobn. of Daavi!I: Jobn E. Fr-e.of , WTornina. and Mr. asd Mr, tworae Happonlugs or h Day 'flat Will Interest Hydo Park Reailjrj. CONCERT AT ST. DAVID'S HALL it Wai Given by Lackawanna Oouncll ot tlu- Arcanum Two Very Enjoyable Evening Parties Do.illi ot Hanry MeDarmOtt, a Well Known Resident Black Flag Floated irom Culm Ho.. The Waal Bldt offlea of th BoaatrroN nuaomialoeaUdat W8 Booth Main art ana wharo enbeoripkioat, adrartlaamanM ami rotamunioatioui will raoalri prompt attantioa. Large orowdi of people oongregate i Ut evenlug In Bl Oavtdl ball, ou North Main avenne, to lieten to lb coiiipliiu alary oouoerl lendeted by Lackawanna eonncll, Uo" Boyal Ar oanauv Tne walla were laatefnlly decorated with ttansi buollugaud the atage adoi ned with a rerltable enbankuient of tt wira. Tbi enter tainment wai of Bret claa nature Cbatiman John Prond, "f the cninr Uinmeut eotnmltten, auuounoed at t ti: st number a qnartette contlilng ol Connll,Mr Joaeph .U' Brian, Rlobard Thomta, aud Edwin Bwen, who rendered "Spring Bong" In iplendld manner, fMa w.i followed wan a rtoltution by Mitt .vb'ln Break tone Mint Julia Q, Allen, delighted ihote preeeut with a violin tolo,"Valte Ueoouotri" ssiio wat eotbntlattloally euoorvd Bolot were theu rendered bj Mri A B Connell, Mi- O'Brien, Ed' win Boweo and Rlohard rhomat An addraii on tbe toclety wai given t'V Profaaaor ii rj 11 (Well Uiti Julia Allen rendered a rloliu tolo, and Mill Breakttone a m reeitel A featurt I ,va a dut "Exoeltlor" by Mttn Tbomaaand Boweu. the aooompan' iatt tor the periormanee were Jii"-' Blaaktnan, of Wyoming emlnanr, and Protaetor Daniel Protheroa Itie af fair W is oa o( tltt Bnett ever glren -a tbe city and the li 'yal Aroanum tre the rec:ieutt of showers of C ''ii-atii-Utiout ou tue fieee of the vf.iir. Flnicitie. of Eastou. are at tbe v aiiey House. Leopold Jordan, basmesa manager of the "Prodiial Fither." was In tbe city yester day mak::; arrangement! f-r tb appear ance of bis company a: ;ae Frocbmbani Two E' j yblt Fa'tls A p4aut party was bet l on Wed needay evening in honor of Mit Lucy eon avenue , BnrscheL daughter of Mr. and Mn Htnrv Buraohel. of 501 Soutu Mam aveuue Those pr-'sent were: Mi.-ws M irv Morgan, Jeaele Bagen, Margaret Prttchel, Kite Vieth, Lillian Dink ; worth, 15 sale Proasrt, Carrie Proheit, Auguata Buraohel, Llszie Pfeiffer. Julia Dankwortn, Morvytn aiorgau, Louiee II ilt of Nw York, and Meurt John F. Scheuer, Johu ChrlatophaL William Walters. Fred Hints, Frank Dancwortb, G.-orv;- Bortc&tl, I'eter Btnsiiel. Oi-.vr Joute, Alvm Fuller, DaytJ Lewis, John Tbouiis and Kotu Hearv. Misi Mary Davie, ot North Everett aveuue. ave ber tecotul social of tilt leasju at her home iatt evening. The spacious room were baantii'u'.lv deco rated, an I a soft mallow light she 1 by a large piano lamp added to the artis tic effect Mirth and joy ri-aed -prtme until a late hour. An excellent noper was aerved. Many yueits from on'ib It) and S. i. Kerr will deliver a lectnre based upon bit recen: trip to Ireianda; Ulypbant m tbe n-ar fu:n tbe North Ead Hanrv JftDermott Dtad. . i; ii Mr Isnrv M.'JeruDtt an i-'elani r-- Kerr ahterved many novel isrh:a and these he baa enil-odied to bis aiiilress maiini II extremely interesting. Among the well known out-of-town busi ness men here yesterday were: A. H. Moore, of Nicholson; L. 3evaa. of Pitts ton: J. W. Bowdisb, of Marathon. N. Y. . James Cool, Wilkes-Barre; E. D. Run ieU, ofTowaada; John Eve?, of Mt:ivi,ie; P.. il. -:..:icr. of Hottttdale, and M. T Sayder, of rfawley. w. p Bell, of Waahiugton, D. C, was in the city yesterday and was shown tbe points of interest atv.ut town by Otorgt Pernio. Mr. bell has r.en engaged in newspaper work for the laat twnty vears, and ia now r,ne W sshington corr apon:ent of the Plttab irg Loader and tne Philadelphia .'or".h American. Dr. King, for the Iat six years, one of Scranton's most pro-ninent povsiciar.s and surgeons, will leave for Aar n. N, .. thortlv. The doctor has been very sac- cessf'il as a pracinon-'r. and has won by i his profound medical knowledge, ken per- i ception and acrnrtfe diagnosis of di'.-asea, . a high standing among hit fellow prscti tioners and the community. Two out of town the-er parties saw the Kendals in "The Ironmaster" at the Arad emv isa; nigh1;. They were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Weston, Mr. an 1 Mrs. A. T Hearle, Mr. and Mrs 0. ri. Pardy and Miss Wy at.t, of Honesdale, who stopped at the Wyoming: .Miss Liorfl nger sn l tbe M."es Btanton and .V P. Snyder, of Honmdala, who regit tered at tae Westminster. William Connell wiil p-esent the An laradte Coal Operators association a val uable snd aaiCjOe souvenir in the shape of a desk article newn from a aolldlompof coal. It is about 4 inches wide, S inchee longand contains two ink wells, a they. OBCter holder, pen case and sponge bolder. Ahont. its has Is oar 7ed toe in scription, "Anthra'ite Coal Operators' as socistion." s Bir Rxeroisas. The free kindergarten on Washington avenue, Miss Salisbury in cnarge, was yes terday morning the r-ne of pretty Kaster exercises. Marches ' were executed and Miss Ma'isnnrr told t.he littleoael an in teresting ilaster story. Ia er the chil dren were a. lowed to search for colored eggs that hvl he-'ii prepared for them in another room r'.a'-h one carried home a n'-sf little pap:r basket and an Hester boqnet. HowUv Bros. A war Id Ti Con'rsits llowley Bros, were awarded the con trails for lay. rig a pipe dram through prl vale property and Utraldtna oonrt on the West. Side by tbe select council lao night, rbe prios is fA30. Tbe tame firm waa aleo awarded the Contract for nlaternl sewr in Bpellman conrr. Pine Brook, w. st of ths fifteenth district at 11.31 per llneiil foot Award t'.T Mr Walsh. An award was tiled yesterday by Arbi trators w K. Unvis, B w. Molnolland and Fred W. KleiU In the raso of James W. WalHh Hgninst the DwelHog Mouse In anrnnce company Mr. Walsh was allowed tl.l'JO, that being the amount claimed. -1 A Prediction as lo Maryland. Bd fist oft ameffeaa, Bepublicans In thissliito want harmony and a great deal of it. It. mnst h geOUittt and generul. united and unuiiimous. It can carry tlio stute. Nsw Bicycle. A new bicycle worth 7I will be told for 3f). The mucbinn is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may bo wjen ut the Tribune oQlce. Music Boxen Exclusively. Best nisde. Play any desired numtior of tunes. (Jnutnchi & Sons., nianiifncturerK, 1080 Chestnut street, Philiidelphia. Won derful orrhestrial orgsus, only i' and 10. Bpecialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tuuoe. Ouit opening will occur on Thursday, Friday aud Saturday. Our display of mil linery is one of the b"st ever shown in the city. J. Bolz, ts 138 Wyoming avenue. Violkts at Clark's. tpeeted rsilentof this aid-. did at hit i home, 1918 Price strtet. He was born I in sligo county, Ireland, and came to this country when young in years tl- was formsrly a Dlacktmitn by trade Mr. McDsrmott is inrvivel by wife and four children. Jobn, Henry Bernard and Enea McDetmott Tne funeral oceurs tomorrow Interment In the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Toplet Britgy aTtntionsd. The otoiIs at the Capiina mine tospendtd all operations at the works yeater lav an 1 today. gPIOIAl BALE. For a few days lonifer w wiil con tinue car saie of figured china silks at cents. MlAM & Haoiff, Mr. and Mrs. John Conrtrigbt, of K-yser avnue. are visiting friends in Monnta.n Vailey. Larg stock, new styles, man's nck ware at MCABS Hi BaOBN'8, Miss Lillian Kenwood and Miss Mrths Evans, of N'orth (larueld avs nne, will v,s;tfriendl in Wllktl-Barrt today. H-m stitched hnck towell, dnmask border, 1" by Clinches for 88 cuts at McanseV Baoek's, Mr. and Mrs. Tnorn is North, form erly of this sid, have removed to f'.essar.t Mount, Wayne county, wnnra Mr. N'orth will oonduot a farming but ! nets A French model corset for SO cents at Mf.afs Hi BaOBS' Tbomaa B James, of Plttiburg has retnrnad home after visiting friends on this ide Ladies' hose, ttamless lilar.k and I'O'ibie he and sola for 18 cents at Mkarb to. Baokh'b William Devise, of Wilkes Bine, a student of tne Philadelphia College ol Pbarmtcy, has returned home after calling on West Hide Iriends. A frlori " Bilk Umbrella for ir cents at MlARB it HAOCI'Bj P. J, Leonard, of Sonth Main av ntie. was In Olyphant y'sler lay. An organisation termed the Histri onic Comedy and Dramatic society has been formed OA th! side. Its present mombore are Fred Q Petert, Breeraon fwen, fieorge T Qrif&tbl, Will Will iams and Samuel Delhi, LOOK I Freeh eggf (warranted) Hints. GBlt Edge butter 'JO Ota, Onion lett II) eta Joh, A. Ml, MIS The Ilsintit.on mines have laieii work lug little lately and when un Ofoe r came to shut down for the remain let of the week, soma wag. in miking nn earnest endeavor to impress upon tho minds of th" people that (here is a gen ersl depression, caused a black ll.ig t a be floated from the oulo dump per taming to the breaker, Kahtku ROfn OtTgX AWAT )n Baturday onr itore will be beantl fully decorated with (lower! anil plants With "very doll, ii ' worlli of goods sold We will give an Billot nwt . S worth Of goods, two r ise. etc. MKARtOl II MIKN. Meellnir of Collire Men A college lie n's meeting was bold Inst, nighi in the Young lien's Christian ssso elation reception parlnrs, and was preiided over bv w. ii. saiimon, nreeldtnt ol the Yale Unlvaruty Young Men's Ubrlstlnn association, who Is the guest or Tlomai Arcbhald, of tblaeity, The meeting was addressed by L, 0, Kennedy, PriOOtton, to; Fichoins stnhl, Princeton, Bpen oer c, nickson, University of Princeton, 85MileaT, Band, William' rolleke, Wi Tlioiniia P, Archbnld, Yale, IKI; (luoign ;iia8e, Lafayette, p. 0, 1 ' t Besdleston ft Woert's and Ballantlne's Ales are the best. B.J, VValhu, ageut, III Lackawanna avenue. HOLY THURSDAY SERVICES. Tho Procassion of Blessed Sacramsntsnd Veipers ot 8t I'sters. Holy Thursday tervicts were enn- dnotea at Bt Peter's cathedral yester day morning, At 10 1!U a Kiiliiiu high mass was celebrated, the following oler gyiiien taking purl - 1 v .1 A. O'Reilly, celebrant; Rev, John Bnright, deuoon; Uev. P, Ir. Qoinnan, inbeacon, and "v. P, J Grolden, matter of ceremon ies. After the mas the procewlon of the blessed sacrament begun The host watoatrlttl from tun tnbsrnacle In the main it 1 1 ar to the Bletlt 1 Virglu'l altar. The main nltar was stripped, typifying tho burial ot Christ, and will remain so until Easter Sunday At 8.80 yesterday afternoon ths tent brat or evening ile vespurt wets chanted tv the clergymen of tbetpli oopnl rotldciioe, saststeii bv the stu dents of St Thomas' college. The same txeroltet ill be repeated tbii and tomorrow afternoons at ihu samt timn. CONTEST NOT YET DECIDED. Question Ol How Voles Should Bt Counted Mu-.t Now Be Dctcrnv Incd by tlit Court. Th contest in the Third and Fourth wards of Carbondala for the otflae of ic iooI director anil remains un leolded riio vo i". were counted in the main court room yesterday before Jul.:' Arohbalil and Jul, re Bid wards, but no deeltlon was reaobed, Mr. Collins ws represented in court by Attorney Donovan and O'Brien, and Attorney 1. H, Burnt i ptieiired for Mr Ungliei Deputy Clerk of tba i ourtt C till H 'iin an i u . i 1 onen kept the tally, Bevonty ilxvoteswere rejected as Illegal, wulch left Hughes tttll three votes ahead However, tho learned ju Iges could not agree as to the iltspotitlou ot sixteen ballot! tbat sull tiuirt ill the cast The sixteen votes referred to were marked in the in an liter usually sup posed to Indicate Hut the voter In tended to vote tne straight ticket, and also eoutainel a mark opposite th name of Collins. Six of then were marked specialty for Hughes and tan tor Collins, JuUe Arehbald believes these six teen billots should be counted accord ing to th special marking, argning tbat the special marking dearly Indi ctee that tbe voter Intended to osst his ball il t r that particular candidate Julge Edwards does not entirely agree with that p nltion, When Ju Ige Gun stor is ati'.e to appear iii court tba iiitstti m of how the ballots should be counted will be argot I before the three julget and afterward ruled up 0, If tiie votes ar oouuted acoording to tbe special marking, Collins will hav a tuaj ritv of one. If the party mark i ii 15 i ti;en to designate tbe proper leL'al ballot Hiwh-s will have three votes more than Collini The opinion of the court will b awaited with interest, as the qoeition of marking aud iti ell-ct his been a disputed one ever liuce the Uaker net wut into effect . GRAND JURY'S FIRST REPORT. True and Ig-nord Bills Presented to the Court Y 'Sterd v. Foreraau P. J. MoCcffrey took the m-m'.'ers of the grand jury into court yetttrday morning and presented his iirst return to the court. It contained tiie following lilt of true and ignored bills: , THLT. BILTA Henry Bmith and Josef Jurichski or Jil'ige. murder; M. F. Spellinau, pros. Ant Olo Ferro, felonious attempt to kill; Timothy Bnrke, pros. Antonio Ferro, felonious wounding Tim 'thy Burke, pros. Clementina Scott, alias Clementina s?uipi, felonious wounding; Paolo Torchia, prox. Francis O, liarrick, aggravated assault and battery; John ii Hughes, pros. Micln-1 Bolotou, aggravated assault and battery: Joseph Haddock, pros. P. Q KrUegerman, aisault and battery; H. Gay, pros. C. 8. iJoud, assault and battery; Ziba Tinglepaugb, pros. Henry Peel, assault and battery; Ellen Monley, prox. M. Newman and Berab Newman, assault and battery, jnltaQ iballa, prox. James Fallon, assault and battery; Mary Fallon, prox. Msrtm McNslly, robbery Joseph Frnntz, pros. Praneis Morrow, burglary, Michael Itie). vm. pros. John It James, statutory burglary; W. T. Byrne, pros. Onuses I dark moor and Daniel IHia" k mo pro ROTES OF SOUTH SHE BappsBioga of a Day Tbit Will IntONit Many Tribune Readeri SNEAK THIEF IN STREET CAR Ho Stolu Package I aid Down by John J. Collin;. Suivni's at St. John's Church Yesterday Beauti ful Floral Dim (ii .itions. I',.i son.ll Mention anil Items ol New, Com prustud Into a Uriel .Space. statutory burglary; M. Crlppon, Patrick Mnnley ami Thomas llihboiis, statutory burglary. M CriOpen, pms. K ibert Robinson, criminal assault Martha BoOVtV, prox. Ira Pol and 'I'll he Pox, criminal assault : Bl lit llixhv, prox. William watchos, attempt t orlmiual assault; Julia BrMtS, prox. Robert Robinson, sednction; James Hoover, pros. James Pergoion, fornication an I bast ardv; Ellen tfcDonougb, pron M It Pox, fornication and bastardy, Mary A Walker, prox. .i ibn Larkln, fornication and bastardyi Margaret Boorke, prox, Prank II llarber, I irnicalion nnd basl ardy. OorS BampsOU, pr". Antonio I err i, carrying ronceale I weapons; Tine. thy Bnrke, pl"S. Jaffltt Tyrell, falie pretenses. W. T. BlmpsOB, pros. Tnomas I ampbell, cruslty t" nnimais and negllgsnoe bv bailee) John Regan, pros. Patrick Renneghan, extortion; Con itantlns Murnlotky, pros, James clsrk, extortion) Cositantlnt Mot nlOl ky, pros. Hannah wood, larceny by bailee; it. White, pros, It K Lowry, larceny by bellCSI It. A, Zimmerman, pros, imvii Devis, laroenyand receiving. Mi ebael Bps llm in, pros. Joseph Woo,' i, laroenyand receiving; BIlSS Newton, pros, Patrick Uunley and Thomas Olbbont, larceny and receiving! M Orlpptn, pros, William (Minpton, larceny end receiv ing; w. t. Btmpton, pros. Adam Mleael, receiving stolen goodl) 0. D HaadersoB, pros William Lewi", Joim MoDonBld,Tbomsi McAndrew, Martin MoDonougb, recelv Inr stolen goods; Wlliiaut tjnlnn, pros. John Ljuoao, tipiiimg bonsai A. J. TolbJsoB, pros Joseph Hndewlek, selllni honor on Baa- day t Msrv Bardwarts, prox IOMORB0 BILLB Bllsabsth Corwlo, assault mid battery; Bernard Davis, pros,, to pay mils John M. Holland, sssanlt and battery; I' red Cavil, pi"S, to pat costs, Jafflet Kennedy and William MoNlobolS, sssanlt and battery and cutting the wblS' ksrs of Michael Qfanoy, pros.) county to pnv costs. Ann Ruddy, tippling bontt) Thomas Ktl ehnllen, pros., to iiv ootts, Michael J. and Ann Kuddv, Itiiphng honse) Thomas Kllchullen, pros,, to pay cost s, James Conway, statutory burglary) w. T. Btmpsoo, pros, Thomas Bates, iBNOny and receiving; Edward Metsgar, i res. Fred BBlCBtses, Inrenuy nnd receiving: James Liitigan, pros. James Kennedy, larceny and receiving; William filancy, pros. Frank Morau and James Lnrtus, Inr Couy (i lift receiving; John BSUSOU, pros. Michael ReillV, larcuy and receiving; m. Crippee, pro. John .1. 'iillliis, of Put iton aysniiu, slssiuan for Collins to. llscktt, rode home on our 19 of tho South Bids line, leaving town at 845 p in. Ilt hail with blm a Valuable packogt Of Nliiall list, and when getting off the oar at III hum4, left it on the seat. A man i row Qreinwood picked it up ami ind it tinder bit overooat, Mr Collins inltSSd the package iih SOOn as lie got Inside his resldenoe; but the car was gone too far to overtake it The con iluctor notified the fellow hide the ar- ticle under his OOAt na soon as Mi Collins got off, inn did no t insptot Buy thing wrong, supposing it uelonge I to 1 1 in iii an in whose pOHtMStloil It. was. riie sutak thief aligUtsd from the car at the loot ol the slorp grade til ( Ireiiu- wood. Half Thursday at St. J hu't. The Blessed Virgin's altar in si. John's oburoh Isa bower of fragrant hot bouse plants H is ouitoinary on Holt Thursday to tttns dsoorata Mary's altar, and tmnsfsr the lliesa-d Baora men! to it from the tabernaole in the main altar, constituting a repository tbrine, which is visited by all the faithful, 'I'll exquisite manner in winch Hi i dec irntious am arranged on this ocoaaion spu.ik for ih refined tllSte Of the sisters of St John con vent Th ' oburoh was tills I vaaterday sontinnouslv from 8 o'clock m ths morning until lo o'clock last night New i N das and Personal Miss Morrow, principal of No. HO school, wont yesterday evening to Ply mouth to spend her Easter vacation BI'KCIAL BALI For a few days longer we will con tinue our sale of figured china silks ut 39 cents, Mfaus to Bauer's Daniel J, Vaughn, of Blngbamton, Bremen on ihe afternoon express be tween that place and Washington, N, J., it spending a few days with hit pa rents on Pltlston avenue. Large stock, new styles, mtn'g nsck wear at MEARS & II 10 1 Mrs. Connell, of llreck street, mother of Seltot Councilman Connell. of the Twentieth ward, left yesterday for a fortnigut's visit to Sbsmokin. Hem itltobed buck towell, damwk border, 45 bv '-'I inchet for 'Jj cents at Mears & Haueh I, Anton Fish, the shoe dealer of Cedar ayeiio, will leave next Monday on a business trip to BostOU. Miss Maria Murray, of Minooka, re turned l ist nigui Irom Warsaw. N. Y. , where the had I. i. ou an extended visit. A French model conet for 50 cent at MlABg & BaQEN'S. 'Flit choir of St John's church will sing the Kyrie and Oloria of Mozart's "Twelfth Mass," and Farmer's Credo, Ssnetus, Benediotoa aud Agues Del, The Begins Coeli will be sung at au offertory piece. A Oloria silk umbrella for 95ctntl at Mkarb & Haqbn'b The cnoir of Sr. Joseph's church, Minooka, will ling Mercadaiito't Kyrie, and GHoria, and Lie rest of the mass in I) Minor, on F inter Sunday. Ladies' hose, stainless black and doutile heel and sole, for 85 cuti at M I u; & HaQEB'S. James Higins, of Wilkes-liarre, father of Thomas J. Iliggiiu. who dud here lately from the result of an acci dent at. the lower steel mill, was on the S intb Side fester lay settling his son s estate, who curled a poliey of 330 with the Y nng Men's institute, i:astp.h ROSES. OH kN AWAY. i in Baturd ty our store will be besntl fully decorated with (lowers and plants. With every dollar's worth of goods sold wo will give an Faster nee. iti worth ot B'odt, tWO roses, etc Mears oc Haoen, e THE K NDflLS APPRECIATED. Their Prntallon of th IrOBBBaBtSI Well Liksd t tti Acadmy. A cultured ami appreciative audi BOOS gathered at the Acsdmy lull evening to WSloomt the Kendals in " The Ironmaster " While the play was one constructed along the familiar lines of what was onnn roiitml to be called the drama, but which. in our later dais of diversified nomenoli turn, would be olstslfled as a mixture of society ilrsma with th eonvsntlonsl Bngllsh melo drama, it tivi thelnHs nil. n iled the prloolpsl lie lor an excellent chance to exhibit their wonderful polish an I highly do VSlopt I titliiih)ii-. Few liner perform nnces have bitn given in this ritv lint It was appreciated rathr in spits of the plv itself, winch lacked buuisn InttftSt, and Solely as a trilmla to tbe masterly BOtlogoftbs two nrlnclpsli Mr Kendal gavs mi admirably rounded Jlmpenouatlon of a chlvslront son of I n lust rv. strong in sffestloot and tqntlly obttlnste In hatred; and Mia Keudtl, st the tomtwhat Inexpll- cable si.ollsd diiughler of patrician parents, gave rem to numerous emo tions with a fldellt) and STtitttO finish rsrsly sqnaled Tne tubordlnsts parts were acceptably, hot not notably, dls rlbutsd, . v . VICTOR lltHBmt, 'CEllOIST. it viii dive a Ooaoiri at tb Aibnry m v. Ohureb Victor Hsrbert tbe world fsmoui ttllo player will gives concert st tbe Aibnry Meihoiim Bpltsopsl church on Tnsidsy svsnlng, Apui 8, umier the auspicet of the Ladies' Aid society of th church. Mr. Herbert it at preaont the con ductor of the celebrated (Mlmore's band, and is recognized as the fore most cello player of this country He Will be assisted by a number of xvell known mutlolsns, Ticket are on sule at Powell's nnd '. M, C. A. New Wonderland. A dramatic triumph was tne production of "Tba Two Orphans" laat evening. The play was In good lunula Indeed: ami with ibis advantage and that of beautiful scenic effects by Mr. Thorns, the play is bound to drew grssl crowds tothu p"pu Isr show-bouse, Tim work of lilts Fuller and Mill iKeinp wns excellent, while i hat of Una Homer, in three cbsrsctsrs, was certainly a great achievement Biles Mae. gin Wllfetl nnd Miss Urate Oontoit were great In their respective roles ami won much applause, Wuntsd XOUnS Men nod Welusn Out of Bmpioymesti We liave hud a good year. To meet, the demsnds ol the souool extra tsaobsrs wein employed they me lie now. liver DUO young men nnd Women mil out of em ployniont In Bcrantou, This h,iin nnd summer we propose to take these young people in our IC-hool on o ihy teiim. The demand for peoplt is not great m any line, but oonnt up th pie who do clerical work In ah the offices, store, binike and manufactories, nod IIS what an array of book kpor, stenographers nnd clerks are employed Those persons ere the butlness men ol tomorrow, Hundreds ol your fiieuds bava been at tho college aud huuclrvds bayo luccssdo l The liiiihliil ones Villi; the InatteuttVO lad. Take these next feu inouthi and learn book-Keeping or itenogrsphyi brush up in gi milium, hoeiling, tritumetlCJ Ueejf your eyo ou penmanship, gstugood knowledge i of noli s, dull ii, ouiickt) iinow soini-lhing of commaroial law, aud wind up wiia the butfuei s pracl ice, You have the time conn. In and sue at, Wood's Com.kos r iii hinemh ami Bhuiit n ind, I E, mi, Pruprletor, THE LATEST OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. --4 O ioI Ki iday Btl vll II ul F.rst Char oh, Mood Friday No vices appropriate t will be conducted tbissvening at the First Preabyterlau church by the pastor, linv. James McLsod, A cordial invitation It extended to strangers, and it. is hoped tba I every membor of the church and congre' gallon will lie present Ai.lieiiHHr Uiihch licer. I null Lobmau'a BUOBprnoe t. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN Housekeepers, Martin & Delany Clothiers and Cusiom Tailors. Yl'. 1 X ITEyour attention to our new new spring stf ;cl :, whi h is complete, and beg to add a word with reference to the advantages offered by us. 'J he particular care exercised in the se lection and manufacture ol all garments, the perfection ol pattern and novelty of design, all guarantee the best value at No Higher Prices than are frequently asked for goods of infe rior workmanship. A careful inspection will convince you their value. ATTENTION Collins & Haclett Fine Clothiers, Hatters and furnishers, CARVING SETS OIVES FORKS SPOONS DINNER SETS' TOILET SETS LAMPS SILVERWARE, &c Largest and Best Line in the city. 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ERSTER OPENING OF AND Capes. Jackets Wraps Forthe Spring and Summer of '94. Stock Large and Attractive. Prices the Lowes! on Record. VISIT US. BUY OR NOT. CHINA: HALL 6. W.Owens WE1CHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. The GEN I INK . Haven "Mathushek" Pianos & Co. Cloak Makers and Furriers. .ri08 Spruce St. Court House Square - jar ESTABLISHED 1866 York Warorooins Fifth A. venue No. SO E. C. RICK RR CO, S.ile ilealers ill this ISCtioC ill I H I: 1211 i Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Bhimberg, Tim BWflMlll on tltt Byt HtftdMllM NervoointiB rolrtrtd, sUttoBl nnd Improvod si vli ol Bjrt nml Bptuttoltt ti tht liV0Ht Irlt'4i. At tilirinl ihh i t.-,l ftr r. SS SPRUCE ST.. op. Pott Offlct. Special for This Com ing Week. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS Ladles' Kid Button, pointed stvl Philadalnhia t,vs. natent leathfr tips, snsoial price, ti 69; worth, s 50, j paid 1300 down j sr YEAR he hail saved $300. Wo bnughl ; honse worth 11850 1. allies' Dongola Kid Button, hand sawed, special price, J3; worth f4 .0. Misses' 1' snrino heel worth f- 00 iii Bnttor., j'lsin toes, snecia: prire, n.50; Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. Union for Ever R i:i: NOW orfKHING THE PIKN8T 1. im: or hum i t s m TKICVCtiKH I OH Ml N vvi IKh l HR CITY. Wti A I : I : BOLK Ol M s I 'Oli 1 II I 1 1 DKItS, Boys' Scinvil Sboos, Dongola ton, i to BJ, speOial nrioe. Si. 50; worth t00 Men s "air Patent l.llier Lace, pointed toes, sjieoiil price, $3 00; worth f (V Men Calf Blnchar, hand sawed welt. Picoadlllj lust. Bpsclal price, ?j 8u; worth P SO Little Bovs' Shoe, button and lace, sprinfj heel, mail "jnsl like nspa'a'Bises S to I0i special prioe, 50; worth j Youths' Calf, hutton sod lace, sprltift heels, Uooilvear welts sisei 11 lo 91, special irli'e, $i; worth, S gage for 11,550. 1 od mates n. follows: Ker.t s.i ve.l lnterei on mortirnciv Tuxes sad rspstrs . Net Mirij on rent.... Ssrisi on salsrv :l O :l lliort- he osti- n .tn 00 . X !C :w ro $12,1 M IV ,0 $-;-,i .vi RBI I.KC1 liN hoQI 111 be li re In rot K that rrom d)bl mill 1 .1 ...1 hxe n koass l ie .mn." GRBKM Kiui.i ia the paradise fe home Finn A Bon Ilea,, teeenlh tin isiira :i beanUfal villa whtehthaj effbaj en ens, payment, at S1SBC 1 all st lhli nfflcf between WasBitasjleel Hiiil Idams OliV ulrert. EZRA FINN & SONS. .'ul ft T. ROCHESTER and PREMIER HELICAL Florey k Holt Y. M. C. A. Block. SCHAM'S Arcade Shot Store. THE CELEBRATED SOHIHER umimim; 1VM The Qroftl Marvel ofDrutal Scienoo Anaesthene reccul discovery and proportj of th.- DENTISTS, 31G Lackawanna Ave. X XANOS Aif at I'irwnt lh M.n Pernlt PrsllfflJ kf lSStS STtStl Wirernimi . 0ii,is:i CBInaibtM XtsnuiBiali 20 r Washington av. Scmnton.Pn. ilMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIlllllliiltUnHIP: 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, 1 1 m i; ui Hi cm COtfPOVS, vro ttnltil tt iii Trlbiuto JOIHtt. oor ntT Potltl HVtlttti1 nml Rtriltt tlttti rntttltttlit htltltr In nil Iht rlv llitgon tlif nninrnHtlU rt-r hit illMrlbtttlBa oimln? bi ii tit tig out itttrtrtHi Tltt uffort tundc by Tht Trlbiiitt lUMMftgtttftvut urt lis fill 1 ID ( IM S tOll Pot IHI Mllliltlt' III till r Cnnpotit fttf t . . Ll III tllto ! Ovt i tot) "". lutoltvi from i ABOUT s WHATJ.G, 8EAMON8 JAYl NJESTHENE lU. IM NUoimi t WAttUBLtei ttfi linvlittf tltvott t t it (xtrtotod t otiu aIHIiic by tltt tiiklnlvM inofcltodi I m--tt5ttite it t'litlttty m 1 1 tf no tow i tvf IMiiiirulai-. Ji Oi St AMIJ.N8, 9J?fl iiixl Pour C?otiiottM for it I (t ..h niit Mil il lllckolIM' OUQlpltMl ni kits g 30 CKVTR nnd Poor Cottpotn Tor M m kiij booti hi llto liuitb aSoriot. am mn HJ t I I x :tn, i l.i. I itU ttlt fOr g SS mi) book In I h Oxford itrltpi SiiuBriaSiiamuniuau I