TIIE SCRaNTON TRIBUNE -FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH L1.3, 1&S4. ONE CEST A Word. Wants of all HndM cost that S1MCA, e rept Situations ll'midif, k iiWi ore ( rled Situations Wanted. U7 a"sted"viy oSoiSnBUSSsiA KKR sewing. Rcnsotiahly slid stvlislilv done at home, oSXttlll go "lit by tin' day. Call or address miss STELLA DeaBI.BR, Grove street Taylor, Pa. A MIDDLE ir aecOIUpaUtOU Tulmue office, CtTUATION W VNITD-I1Y k act d ladv its liousck 1.1. Addles. for an in I'ity. ruCNU MAN WANTS POSITION AS boolUeeper, eler k or soRettor: four rn experience as bookkeeper, best of references, Including last emrJoyera; bond if ncoeeesry Aadrees '' AN X IOC IV' Tribune ofllce, city. oil'l'ATlox WANTED ass. LK'ITOR IN Borintou ben young man with exiterleuou i truTfUBgwiwiirifffl AddreeaJ P..Tribun city nostiiof) WAN FED IN SHOBlsTORE BY I vurijf man vv.th four and half years - perteuve. Address W . roar HO Waal agtori avclltl.'. e.tv s1 B A .U'Nil do my kind of .-mi furnish good r.vnt OOce',Bcran SITUATION WANTED mail VVtl.t 14 Wlllt'.lC t w..t'k.gv, P. f:ar p.'U'.uni reference. Address M, il t.u ffl a VOUNO Man in DRY OOODS OB 1) grocery store, or eooao business where be ivuldwork up. Bonis expertoace, good refer ence. will work .heap. Address P v ivx Moctruee, Pi w Educational. V MINt! SBMINABY a BOUND BDU ration la the besl . m , a younx mmi of woman can secure for saeoecnful I i v iug. It pMTI to secure it even al a nt -rt Mori' m. Siirli au education can he ODtatned nt Wyoming Be mi nary. specialties : CoUem prennrntion. butlnew. teaching art and miialc. Bprlng tormopeni May SB. Por iaformntlon, sddress REV, L L si'KAtll'i:. D.D.. Bingetoti, Pn. Notice to Taxpayers. IV OTICK To TAXPAYMRS Till: TAX pavers nf the . it v of Scranton. Pi . will hereby take notice tint the board of appeals appointed m the city councils ot eald oil) to bear ami deiertulue appeals from ulty aeonae uteuta for the veer IBOj are bobilug uteettnge .'.ally ai I'u- office of the . it v .'l. rk between the hi ute of a. in an. 1 1 p. ni for the pui paan aforeaaid and thai appeals wltlont) bo heart! In caMeof now esoeeatnenta foreala year, the authority reetedlueatd board not peruiltllng tho revision of eaeeeeniouta fornuy year bud IhatoflBOl The meetiuga of the board will ocsue March 81, IMM, By order of board . ; aptieala U r LAVKLLB, it Work. GENERAL NEWS INDUSTRIES Help WiinU-ii WAN OENEK Al Aral heelri boolli Carriage trorkjL M die. Hl. Ai KBMihl apply Nt O.l Agents VVj.ited. U":AN";:K,y "MAN tt iTHUPK VXD PIKE UMaraaea experleooe A loUottor tn Laekawaaaa eoualy; vd uaduceient to r-ghs wan AddrwM USQ St V e- Uulldlug. P.i ... I. it' AN TED rw' Yi."v Si MEN OP IHHtD 4kUrN to . U on tiMiuen Steady iupioyiiwat :.-r gI men Adpu X ATI ' N y . CLEAN rOWt.. iVHPANY Arcade buuklutg. w V t . iMHhk M S . v .A! S'.-WN D KaND rof Ken:. 1VK KENT APSiL 1 I'HE ROOMS Si Iv occup e4 y the Tk'phoa EXchaaiie. Lackawaaaa aveaae av,'.'- t the floe Lehigh ail Minuu Co.. Tk-r-1 Sitwa. B. bmikltog L. S- and E. 0. PalUr ;sS WYOMINU a1 r. BENT 1 an froM ss ra Uspn Apply p H it:: -r F F Apcl i X K i s r April l tiev. ,'itata . Net C..EJI SB, - v. m v: So.' per n HOCBE dlroa tTeuac. a ant mho co iMoroTenteute. ?t !o'i; L. M Bortoo, N. 3 Cnau: nw Al' FVMBEN T-APftlL 1. A VEKY CONVEX :-n: iu i beautitttUy papered ivM Cap..c.M -iz- ':' i. PAUX1 poB BENT rns sa lacka- r eaooa t s .. ial rail i .x r . . a':. re Ihyhtaad try. F . PA I LI BCILDINO o.? LAI a. A irvci Apr: .. .iAS-t? At u ::. . . -. Si BEST-TWO PLAT ON rU 'A'ssr at : irpceea. . i. in PiUl?'. S'lWyoailag I" . .-. BBN V - : A . una . . B WEl - ES L'' r Side. i- :. .- F - pi 7 FOB KSNT-P'-aT 0 STAlNIN BIS r . :a jtaoa hnllitiag, : mat Frask la tit&i sd Sprue r: Staaiaheat . . it-f-f. .:j ?r...i..:i i -- .-i. J. W S V?.H NT - Ev'.'i N" MV'LoEP.fii' rt. s"Mrit aaproassa: u as- A. J To MA- STORE, HOUSE POR BENT N'iAK PijiT"F?u.'E. : t:u.nag Jou.ta rr.4 a.-..'. iB la ta order cL-c ill ..: f.r ro: tog f i.-iiaeil r.ota.4. Asw at '.i: Uadtn peat T"S ai.VT-PIti.SKar;.') AT No 123 A Adayaw Are Apply to L a. WATitE.S. r-orl BENT-v'. .ST'jRY BBICS DWKL T Haar kooaa s. !-". laiDroTmenta " i rt: i. i .-T.:. j Ar ,. : , MA'-V.:. r. W at .. a ..:. at-i: HOB B:."T. APRIL .-T l' t.'iJLE .-ITOP.E A gr.iva Yr,rk Store, doabU or m g.- Apply : . P i Paail J COK BENT aiuBS. 1.1 i.A. KAWaNNA r- F (,U.l -irf ay Ar .. i. Mi layettwaaaa Eavinira .t He&r aTtnoa or at the Of. RE.'.'T THREE BOOMS. mc I floor ar N a. Boll . 117 Wjn,ag area .. frca Amiiraciie Coal Ctrrjln0 Companies Said to Receive tbe Siui.' Rates. MUM OF FREIGHT AGENTS Will Occur Today in N. York, at Which 8om Action May Bo rkn to Readjutl t'l;' Tolli to Tldowattr, but Oho Philadelphia Authority Doul'li Whether tlio I'crccntaRO Rule Will Provail Statistic of Last Yyeos's Outp.ii ot Anthracita Ot'n- er Ncs And Qottip ot an Indus trial Character. Apropoi of the meotloBlo New Vork today of the coal freight Hgcuis of the Readiatf, Lehigh Valley, PeDuaylTania, .'ry Ceutral, Lackawauoa, Brie and Oataiio an,l Weateru railroad, en.l tt'.eir probable attempt to readjaat ratee trooi niinra to tidewater, th Philadelphia loekhol ler .iys. "l'here ate at pretoat two et ot rates, one hand upon ' 1 i.jr cent, of the nellim; ; ::o of coal tidewat'f paint, the o;hr a ;i.x.jol rate f i? I T J p t ton to Pert . Author and i'. ?3 to .Wrser Qtjr. I'ae Lackawanna nud ibe Jereey Cen tral operate oti 'he used rate, us di 1 ilso tu Lth:gli Vaiiy u:itil auju: two q al h ego, while the other roids use ;iic 4'1 p?r cut. li;. That ttie twy : ites Wf re to raJic illy dir-ent as to create Internal diioonsious among tu 4 roads msy be seen (rou: tui illos iratlon 'lake coal that ia U at $1 a tea at Jersey Citjr. t.'a the -10 pjresat. natta the roads that tueth 'd to obtain its freitfb: rate woa'.d receive $1,00 a "o, w'.iii' the Lackawanna and the Jarsoy (Vutral received T for the r.Xfii rate. I: is aa opea queation, now--Vrr, wbetctr t':: latter JiJ receive thla d.isrence. LTawise eroald be the ih pper ivii.' tronld pay 13 cents a ton u.;re for Freight ov-r the Jjrs-y Crn tral and tat Lackawanna than he coald obtair. Ir u some Other road Whether :ae .'.irJerrnce trai iqaared' : the ead of thy m:u by pty OenU of rbates we are unable to 4y, bat certain it i that the ship pers over !h two roali nsuied wonSd aot consent to such manliest diacriminatioa To make the claim that lie 1 '1 rate is being obtained by '.r.ese railroads -:;a Ii the more ri lic aions. il ii on',y n-csary to say that buckwheat cal feila at tidewater at 1 53 per t',::. nni if the minor and ..-.oper paid l '.' freight he would haee only 10 cents a ton for himself, and co one believes lie could oiio coal at any tosh a price. Tue truth of the rai".tr .', the roadl are all receiving atom the sam rate, tr.ctijth it is cb ri t.-A bv different method?. Tue r mlt is the sum, however, o that all ben the U(:nr:il ndoction of the 10 per cent rata as a basis entailing '.avrmom losses to th9 compar.ies is a..er nonsense. " Cramps, mul Will he named tho Lebanon. She will cost 1175,000. The Itujdwin Locomotive works hu an order for ten heavy freight engines for the Delaware, Bnsqaehaana and BcbnyUcill itHiiromi company, A dispatch from Auburn, N. Y., nyn: There are evldeuoas nt the revival of trade in Una eity. A train of llfty cats loaded with farm machinery left bare this after- noon, hound for tho New Bagtand States, Throe weekaagoa similar train of thirty one loaded cars wont. enat. More nro to follow. Hinipn me again in operation with a ftdl for.e of men, und indications point to a prosperous neseon, The Lebanon Rolling nilla, the last of th' Lebauon mills timt have been I d i since the reduction ot puddlera' wages to MMi. resumed operations in all depart ments Tuesday, riie puddlere yleldeo, L.liMU'd U. ihi'h Inrfto u111riHg.it worka in Newpurtville mo now compelled tu run niiit and day to supply tin exceptional de maud. Operations wars reaunwd at the Chesa peake Nail worka nt Harrlsburo resterday, The plant ha-, been Idle several weeks, Uontraotor Urlltay ima begau tucnustrnot a tioiioy raltwaj from Pottadam to Kiug log Kooia a diitanoe of five miles. Tim lino win int floiihed 111 two months A director ol theliostou and Maine de Dies there n any tiuth in rumors ol a eloser anion between thai road and the Cauadlau Pacllic, Barningsof the Boston and -Maintt have Improved very materially, February showing au Increase over JanU' ary, aud Biarch over February. Bttehlenl Ainlo.a fttv. The t'4'ft Kaive iii (ha world for Outs Druiaee, Boras, Ulcere Halt Itheum, Fever Siren, Tetter, Chapped Ha ids, Chilblains, Corns and nil Mim Krnptioua, and poet" lively cures Plica, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction er money refunded. Price Bo cents ir box. l ei sule by Matthews Bros, MNANl'.IAL AND CUMMtKCIAL WEAK MEN your attention Gray's 1 a C&LLEn T Great ItngttSh Remedy, Specific Medicine II YOU SUFFER fr"IM fllwiuiH una niua " ioih i. Iiiiitv. weakness of Body sad Mind, Bpsrtus h,'s, itioi Impouinc) . an, 1 nil uiaesass that itriii,' i n, nvt.i' : ' " itn.i i.rir anna,-, aa Una of Memory and Power, uimness of vis ion. Premature Bd Aea and many other ilia Unit . Ion, I t, 1,1' , or ( .1 ; 1 1 1 n 1 ; ,t I. tt mul an early t,'ni ', wrltafor pamphlet Atltlrt'.ii llltAV MIDIl'IM. t , llnllal'i, N. Y. Tim Knitiitln Ni,tl 11,0 In ',,1.1 I, y all di in.-1-l-t i at (s ii, r oat kiiKo. or nix paekagei lor .'t,ul ,.,'iit i,v until "II 1,','olpt ol mi l mi ov.iv join nrdei ui GUARANTEE lure or uuiiiiii i .j mi, I, , I . ' it On Hcfoiuii of counterfeits we have adopted the Ytglow wrapper, the only geuu i t.iti in s. rauton ns aiaiinews nros Bt '.'Ua and in.. March i it The sporoscblng .1 the seigniorage Ngv i li"li,l.ii a and tho int 1 11! tins not l oon decided vet. Which (net a checked boainees at the stork Bivbange today, The sales of stocks were ouly mh. MX) snares, Tbe uudertoue of the market might be called Uriu, the net changes of theday except in rare iustancea, sin wing pallia of iil a per ceut., I ' Hindu Southern leading, Reautug.Burllugton, lelswsre and Hudson and New Jersey Central, Qeneral Electric, Northern Psciflc preferred and Western 1'nlou, however, declined Kul)i' Tbe Urangers went relatively itrongtt tbsu the other issues Inine Industrials, siiur wna very Inactive, fhicagotlas was heavy The am lini' ite e alers w er,' w raker. Readlug deoliued i . tolljon Philadelphia stories tbattne receivers Intended to na- liine a new fii.l'ik'isju lialllllv fo. suhivava in tho city named. Tho market closed Hrm. The following complete tt'i suowm ttia day's fluctuatioi sin native slooks is supplied su.1 revised d tily by LaBat A Puller, stock brokers. 121 Wyoming avenuel Op.. a lliti trig. run, In- m th hi inli ii hoiira to ,M p vl( W H ALltXN, Utiles (tor lataluv 9 wanna ami Wieibinglon aves i over lasoo' ard shoe storei oil,. ., boui . ioi,,L'a. ut mi l io t ii in. , renlnm si ii-aliinio'ti. f,r.N l ntililntttli ,,. k It C I , l lti'.v. Praetlea limited to 1)1 ' esnss ot the Eve, Bar, Boas and Thrust lilt ,,, 1.'.: W loiniiti; uv 11,'ttliluuue, "a! ina strvel ii l. it o 1 1 i s. i io Wssliiiigton Avenue, Ultlee huurs, oloB um. l.UOto i and I ii in i. WKNTZ, M l, Offieas St sud unit,, in., -altli iitul.line. if, .iloii, in ,11 Madlaouava offii n hours Mi i:, :'in i 7 P III ntll Vt Ik) l , 1 , ,'lili,,'a III l.'nllli'llt'ti A pt'iully mail,, of ,11,:,: ,. i l tlio uyo, esr, iioaa iui,i throat ami gyneonlogy. i i MoilMAi snei ilaltv made on duv a of eye au,i skin 21S Vt , .m av. nil,-,, ho ilnr i 'nt ll In ii III '.' to nlitl 7 io n p III. Am. Cot on o Am Bugar aTT.sV8.F i ''a Can. So ills Cen. N J llJ i'Lio. . N. W llCAl O . B. U ttiU, Chic. Oas nol, I'.. C. O. St. la... H i-oi . Boek.Val -u T HrCBX FOB BENT 03TB BLOCK ivstt office, 'f.:.:i:c:n toartsen and laandry, i; In t.n , rlr Pine ! to 1st fa ra lined .-'.,;. t. Aj5.7:'.iT a-.- FBOM .- oma 'Nation Ltadea .ET FOR i P,.-: -,r a., .f :: tn liong rk,..- sn stanne. ST T The report of 3 M Liwis, mine in pctor for the Fifrh anthracite dil trir.t. for th yeir 'lOi shows that tho fatal r Tmoer of tons of coal mined was S3, Tc.ere wre 17,940 persons rnployed in th" mines of the district, tnd there were rVtT-eight fatal acci dents and Dinstynins bob fatal, As compared with 18W, there were ten D -re fatal accidents and a dturuss of STORE 3&T.U) OR rCRNI.HHED ! eleven no-i-fatal ncci lents. Compared r raira- : w,h jiji thro was an Inrr -aas in the ions of coal mined of 806,843, 1 1 . L . JS W I). St 0. P Hrie II, B, Co Lake Sboro 1, N Manhattan M'.a. Pas Nat. Lead N. Y. .V N . K. .. N. Y. Central,.. N. Y O. & vV . . N, Y..S. A V I. S. 0, Co North Par North Pae, pf... i imaha Pae. Mail rwdtrnr Book Uland R.T Bt. Paul T..O. ft I Texas At Pae union Pae Wahaan, pf W. Uuloa W ft L. P. W. at L. B, ut... ,1T .lilT . JTM i'H . UM ,ism . ioh .1B4M - -ls . -I"3!! U4s .Ml . 1HU ! a M . j . -'U . iM . 1""V. . ISM . 7U'l .' KIM . i-?s . l ! IMS . m . I'" a eat. ID SWla lai V' 114 lOefa til i t il in: itsJ WW Plb4 row l.lH, 101 I6U k BIM Hi "iWj tiu littZ tvyj Low eat. BBS tf-ta I6M Mn !!! inTx mi m is: " in: BJM ctQ JjMh 4111, IMN KM M ii-a, I6M m tSti lilU '4 '(,:' ' SS f.i UU 4111., Clue int: Mm loss 61? 1, i icrj Ml (..: to) io, 1", a an. 11 -4 -I Hi-Si ii Ii ln-H p. VI'-. TOJt, 'wk 9U m i-.i ISM 4 1' U. TIlrtM ,? SXA BB SS handled feet of , ird A(iUy t Oi Prancha keB -a 'irwn Ruiga street tie V tlr,Tl r,d ',T. ras.v,rAr, tor E BETTLETOX :r . Hspahlli's Hag A . 7 WOjLRI-fP. fn' Sale C.fti WILL BL'T A I&DO-DO O piano, enly a fa mo-i-.ha In ate k ' t- : town atrti"., tTrin IOH, i !. B.dge. owr.ar . The total productions at all of the i Billaide Goal in I Iron oompany's work I logs for last ysar was 089.1036) tons, and Mm totsl oomber of fatal aocl leots ' for, Tftt, Ij.laafira un.l ffuilarin -', ,isrv at an'llirig pro'lue"! 1 1 i tnna of coal and ttira was n it t-trj -ALE AT a BAR' All.' HOL'BE 0 , UU ami len. Tn totil o .al pro J sad lot I. ..i Penn nr, . fit Ride . ,, ,, ... 'l'.-l,4,ll t i-T...,'1 ,,-! I,', ,,.,1, collieries in the first district warn 'I, BALE a MkM OF Hi'. if. V At itr.t, I l iW 0 tons auu ma ioisi nninnsr 01 1 ae i ; ma-half mil i from a -cidenti ths'. were fatal was thirteaii all rnodirn Impr ,.,rn'r,ts r.vr.' rvans tsrrr.s tir tto. li.aarar l.t'iiiwinna ftn'l W..,,frri r....-.','i Ftvwataas farm houas elthaneeer (alha sprinir n .ro7. two barns good lend and g'vl 'irehsr'1 Will 1 h'ap. lerri.a ess . Address B F. VON' MTOKf M :t I-AA' BLLU executors. Daiton, Ls kiwanna county Pa. SALK-lMtji li!H OK 'omrn-.i.' ' n r. . . lng. W'aalilrtiftoi. aeetiue FARM, HPOCrt BEPPIELD, rill rsCRBBTOBK i'-ll J A (' Net'.et. HOB BALI ACRE T and ut-nslla J il M'rtir' sn L'l.R SALE dt EZCHANOE FOB BCBAM A ton propartr A lisrlnrf Ofaage Krv.. tnereastng m twoaearttos tun varas y sriy in ti e t.rsnee scrtlt.n In H'-rida A'l'lres tr. K. BETTLBTOif, Laka Helen. Pi-.rMs Real Csta'.e V8'i WILL HI'Y A IPLENDID BOUBE O of nine rootss; best looatlon in Oreen Kldge, if h1'I beforo April Nt: ail mod u, I m prov.-nwiit' li..u.r. ''ti Oelawar, Htr.t I, "OR KALE HINltLE 1IOCHK, wrigUINd avenue; very dettirul,!.. lo'-atlon Anply i , f. REYNOi.lj.S. ur WH.LARL. WAItuf:.a ft KNAPP. r... Wsj WILL BUY BtODBBM NEW a ROOM . iiouse, ail laprovementej tenna , oor Si r 1adlsn avuliue and Oalowaio street. Ap ply HARRY LEEB srui.iou Wild, iiuy VERY DEBIRABLE LOT V t uriinr Madison avanut an 1 Ouiawar . rlisvt Terms easy Apply HARRY LEEB 'nr 5ta" Jnle. Kit UM MH Or,,, 6HU Hi) MU tilH W4 (tfl, ,V,S4 .'.I'Vfj ku vnt w n mi i-1 1 H.-.S, itU kl'i aoi 17)4 :, IJ., 11 -M Js'Wi 11 U4 111', 2- :,0 hW 211, in 3, '.';V4 lire) lint 1109 IP") llll Ill" U'H Hi" 1100 1 10 1 IP 7 II M :) 14(1 fall II7S fliT too 071) i) (U 67J oi'ii M7 HJj f.M ITO r,7 .. M t t," B7J C70 f.::. hit, Special Notices. riK) Yol'.N'o' .Vf.N Wl'l W ANT TO All I rang" with some y urnr man to take ohsrgeoFaB satablltbed pruiitai.pt uusims'. Ho iniint lai uotivo, enerfetio, have a it,ii record and soms money, To luehnMaawe run offer a goo I opportunity to atart In l.uai MM on bis own eOOOUet Addruas 11, TrlbUM office. M. COBB ARRIVED THIS MORNIMQ with a cur loud of horses, good workers and drivers; weight from 1, lotto I. SOU Ian be seen at his ' ,!! Itll Rnyiiiond i iiurt. I ) LAM K BOOKB, PAMPHLET.", MAO A Ai tinos, otc., hound or relmuud at TlIK TiiniL'NB ulnco. (Juifk work. Roasouablu priees. M EAL T1CKRT8 CAN HE HAD AT III. corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue Twenty meal tickets for Ouod table hoard. P. The Reading Rillroad company and the .r"y Central havit Joined th" I." high Vall--y In the plan Io ru i ls trains over .their respsntiva roads on BnndaF, It is given not Unit in. wirli will hi don) on BundaV that can .os sitly i.e avoided. This arrangement win oontlnnelo fore only during lbs present dull period 'i h surest Indication of better tlmti Is In the InOr eased shlpmsnt of freight over the railroads freight trufll i is dally growing heavier on the Panimyl vanla system. At Wnlls' Iransfrr th" i'erinsylvania railroad employes in.iu- meoced to work ovr tint lust. Thnrs dny night, 'l itis is tho first tlt&O for alruost ii year that I tot biisinam of the coDpany nsaeMltated inch work, ( 'nice operators nre greatly conoerned over tho action of the w orlc i n a in n ut Soottdalit In preparing to organise. A delegate meeting from iill tiarts of tho region has bwlU Oklll 1 Io tins', at So ttt dale on Msroh 08 The nganoll Bergeant Drill com puny, which rscenily moved Its big plant ft out Ntw I ork to BsAttOn, has decided to erect another brink itruo tUra 100 fuet long and I'll) feet wide It will lio used for machine Work Thla will iat put in Operation us soon as BOO plttad, giving work to over 100 new hands. It is said psBitnangsT trains will bi put on the wllkea-Barro nnd B jit em railroad on Juno 1, or ahont tint time the Miinmer cottages nro opto for tho reception of gusets. Minou rOOBTBUL Notes: 'flio Kensington Rapid Transit llridgo Company, of Allegheny, with 16,000 enpi Inl, DM been chartered ill lUrrlsbnrg. The new Keiiding colliery just author llOd by Judgj Diillas, will bo built by Chicago Qraln nd ProvHslont, BCRAaTOB, March EL The toUowttll quuta Hons are supplied and Corrected daliy liy La liar St Fuller, BtOCk hrokeradil Wyoming are nne. 'VH EAT. I): suing Digneat.,., ....west '.losing CORN. Opening Highest ! owest Closing OATH opening Blghest , Iccirat Closing PORK. opening High, a.t I.OWt-St Cloaina LABD, Onenlna rflgbesi Ltyweat ' 1 istni BH BT BIBB, 'Ipstdllg mgheal liweat CPs lng - -Naw Yntk Pmrtuo Msrkat. ,','ew TOU, March ka. FlOUl Dull Mtestly. WiigAT Uolte,essier No B red stori nnd eieVStnr, O'l .hOIHc; siloai iii,ite , r,o n '1 ,, I'll !in. , ungraded rod, .ViaBIc. . No 1 linitnern, foi optlotia were li as mil ivr weak Manh, BOWc, May, OIKci July, '11 1 pternb r.i, , ,e; I lot -ember, BByjr. year, laic liOBBDnll, llllnet; .No.?, fVar ; h vstor, ',r atloat . options v.eta vci v tlull March, 44Hft; April, liSc. . May, t July, SHHe OaTa Qnlot, rinncr. nntloni. dull,Ormer March, M'-: Apt ii. :i Hc . .vinv. :ii;'4 July, -Tin' . ; HO while Mm, BTCl Spot pricoa, N v!. MC ; No. U white, llSr ; No ',! i;idca, lo . N,, il, :tl, . Nn. II whit", if, r ; nixed western, lo)4a86o while no,, nnd wini" itaie, una wo IlKKK Inill. t o adv. Ilail Havta l)iiin. 'I tam bo Bbxp Dull, c ut Mkah (jnlet, ,m iDui.1 1 Nominal, I, Alii. Oiilet, Hi in weatern ntenlli i liised 17 10, rlty, OMM March. 17 HI, Msv Vtl.'l; reilnw), oidet, cntinoiit. f7Mt Booth Attu nes, 17 BO OOttpOUnd, 9fW& I'Onl I' ii 'ii'T, rail 'leiiiaiid. Ill) I rait (Jil'M. finny nliniit. steadv slate dnlry. BOW. Isii'.KI'v I do., old, Ilia hp , tin oronraery, new, BlWr . Pennsyl vanla oreamery, i'U)'e ; wnatem tiniry new. IKal "ic. . do. rri iiir, iiniv, Ifiali ;1 d i factory. I'lallc , tdglus, 88sB3M0 , Inn l nt Ion lesinery, I in 17c ( nr.KHK Knlr ilinimnd, alendy. puns Oood demand, iteady, afs mm I'lilladalplds TalleW Mnrkat Pnil.Aiiui.rliu. March B8 Tallow una dull anil iiiit;hiingt.i I'll, -na were Piiuii city, In hogslieada, 4Uc; prime rmiii try, in hogsheads, ijMo,; do. daik, in hou l ends, i!-. ; rnkes, f.c.i cieiiae, r. Two LivSI Knved. Mrs. pin, elm Tbomas, of Junctiou city 111 , whs told Ii) MT OOCtOri she liad DOB "iiinpt mn nnd Hint there was nohopefof Iter lint t wn lioltlea Itr Mtii: i ,Nev Ilia ci. vol y coiiiplnlitly i iiind her mid alio suv itsiivni in r lire. Air. iiu.s. Bglira, I Morula St., Bm FranciSCO, lUffered from dreadiui cold, sppi oaoblag I .ouaumotlon lip d without result evitrvtlilng elan limn '.ought, nun Itnttlii of Dr. I lug s New His rovery and in two winu was cured. II Is lint i" i . Ihatiufiil. It i . io,. n l esiilts of which tin ' v rxninplcs tlmt in,y the WOBQorful efllcacy of this luedlclno in i .l. nud,Colila I rce trial' bottles nt Matthews llros,, Drug store. Regular nizu Mi,-, mid n, Si aim by II. II. 'ochran. ilruggist, Lin easier. Pa. Hnvit guiiimileed over MIKI but ties of Jiuriioek lllood Hitters fur ilyspep sin, sour btoinimti, uiiiuus nltacks, li v aiid kidney trouble. 5i;SlMSS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS A M mi iiiil HNS. ili u P. DKaN, Ulaoasesol the Eye, Noes Tin. an and i.nr. lad Bprnee itreit, oppe it is.url huuae, u A J. kONNBLL, Office BH Wsehiustoa ' avenue, to I Ulll BpTUOS all eel, UVW u hlorn. Rewdsnoe.7M Ylii'i uL III ill Io U a III nud I" I and Mu'itlai , 11 to ,'l , tu. in II.. I I .mo VR.U ' sat I . KIIINAItt M 111 I itN-4 BTUBURi Vstertnarf Buraaoa, Dan i. liati y a spot lally . nol.l mtididiat 'if On- I,. Vetertnari (Jullesnx oiii.e Bummer'i ery. icjii Do. t,t. near Keller 'a Mrrlage itte.'a lepuoue N,, 41 1 I.A it 1 1 lis M c RANCH i- lata and CulloutlOn of flee, No 117 hpiico at., opj...-.',, i -. Houat. ; i anion. Pa., t olleetloi.a a M.tclaily thronahout Pennsylvuilai iciiaoiu correspond tilts in every ci. on ty ILsrll I 'h A' HAiSO, Attorneys anil Couna'a I lora kt Law. Couni.olitM.ultli hull, llll!. W aaliin.lou ave, W 11. jKSM'e. HniiAi t B Hand, W I! J):bbci .In il.i Ah'D. WARREN i KNAPP, Attoi neve and nounealori nt Law, Repulilic-iu I uilttttu. Wieihtiik'ton ave Set anion. Pa. )ATTBBUOti x W1LCUX, Attorneys and , Counsel!. i a at Law. uihcao and s Lihrary building, btiruiilun. Pa KOHWELt, II r inana ig W il l UM . WtLCStX. WILLIAM l HAND, At c, i. m-di ore, Commons realtb lilt P. .M an I IL BERLY Law offlrea In Price l"l'i Waaliiiiultui avenue. L1 RANK. T oKr.LL, Attorney at Law ltuoiu 1 ',. i ' al llio-hutu.'" sciHiiton. Pa. Mll.ioN w i.owni, i au ys. BR Wasbina II VON BTOBCIt i ton av c H Mjuars AMBB W OAKPoHD, Attorney at Law, rnnilta SB, M and Mi Commonwealth b'I'c SJAMC111, W. EUOAM, Attorney at Law, o Oflice, 311 Horn, 'eat Scranton I a A WATRKb, Attorney ut Law. 4J Lackawanna its Bcranton, Pa I HM1TH, ConnseUor at Law. enve. rooms oi. MM Oummonwealth buildins A l.PRilD HAND . torni vs ami mtlntng do, MEN BY M l,lillduiK, ii PITCHER. Attorney at Law. com monwealtil hi.il.iiu. S innCii. 1'a CUMEOYH, .ill Bnruca si nil REPLOOLE, Attorney-LoaM neo Bated on real eatatn security. Ills Sprue. It I KILLaM. Attornev at Law, ill Wy omlngavenne, scranton, I J AVE YOLK UEBbi AND MOBTG AUKS 111 tvritten and acknouli.di.'tsl l,v J w. URijWNINH, Attoncy and Notary l'uli'.lc, i'l Unnimonn "eltli Huildiu r. BI mini s THil LACKAWANNA. B r, and girls for cuiiegi nil'lrcn C Hot .. Or' Q ion. Pa . i reoarea hot ci In iir.esf thoroughly trains young .ataioitu ul n-iiueat Rf.v Thomas M cans. Wai i mi II BUS! i. 18.1 WORCEBTEB'H K1NDEBQABTE.N sn l School, 4!2 A'lains avi iiuc pupili etved t all times Next term will onen lanuarv '-i ('. R M ' LAtTBACU, Burgi Wynmlne ave, KrttATToN, ..ni.aa hi Dentist, No, ilj rpHE REPUBLIC Bavlngl nnd Loan Ass,. L elation will loan i on in ncy mi ouster terms etui pay ymi butter on liivnsiment Hun any otner nwnciatioii can on s. . cai.i.i.. I IER, Dime Hank Iniiiilitiit linn i s mi in s i i it v is hp: wi stminmlk, m'-IW Wyominj are Rooms heated with itsem; nil mod ern improveiiieu s c M THti MAX, Prop lEULEB B HOTEL, IBB LackawauM ave nuts Bcranton iintia reoaoMble, P .mn i ii Proprleter w ebxmib ii.it Hotel W O. M'HI.NCK. Mniiaucr Bliteenth street one block esat of Browwax at i nmn nqMre, new lorx, Airerlcan plan, Jiffiiitier dav and upward 'oy NK H' 'I e). l.ui a . I ins Open piled ltll the In si Open dsy l' II covnp. Prrmrlelnr C RAN lo.N HOUHR, i tcngor dep.,1 1 j A V I . ft. ' P.' A III llllll iv ,v Hoi i i , ah nit,., t , Booms It and 81 Commonwealth n'ld's Rcranlon, , w M.i i ll. ai, hiteet. Library build in,, wvnmlns seenua Hersnton IlldiWy Anil II llldlllg.lM It aahli.(ti Architect, Prlc it Ave ,Bcrent.tii Connolly & Wallace Special Display of Swivel Silks The best quality on the market. Beautifully printed. In fact, you will think they are hand-painted. Low price of 58c. Pcr yar(1- Parasols Now open for inspection. Our line includes all the latest lads and hear the stamp of the true artist. Some bewilder iiitf effects. SPECIAL EABTER SALE OF KID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, LACES, NECKWEAR, ETC. CONNOLLY & WALLACE m 1is,GT 4VE RAILROAD TIME TABLES. (JENTKAL KAILKOAD OF N. J. LMIlGH ON 0 SUSQU'-HANNA OIVISION Anthracite cost uaed (xcluidvely, Insurinx oleanuneH und t omfort VIMX TAHUIN XcriM.1 I tn I. laid TrslM leave Bcranton for Plttaton, WUkes Barre, sta., at B.BJ, 11.1a, ll.su a. m, IK.BU iw MO, 6.tk), f .Bt, M.Ut p m huudi.js, Uijij a in , I nn, 1.00, 7 10 p in For Ailantlc I Ity. B in a. m. Pur Nov, York, Newark and EUssbetb s 10 (aspresej a.m. IfcBb (exproea with bullet pnilni tarj, HoU (..xpm.nj p. m. Sunday, x.00 p m I on Mai , ll I in m:. Al I.l Mow s BgTBLS in m I ISTUX and PuilADKLPniA, S.B) a lu 12 . i.iw (except PbiudelpaieJ p in. Munday, I 'a i n m For uOMO BNABCB. OrSAX OROVX, etc at s 10 a m . ll BO p in For Readuig, Lebanon ami Harris burg, ua AilentOWU, b,10a. in, il.OU, 5 ijO p.in Banday, II ' 0 p. m Poi Pottavllle, s P.'a in . il: :i p m. Returning leave New York, foot o' Liberty street, Noitli river, at t.10 (exprinsj a in.. I iii, 1.80, i.ii (.express with hutt,.i parlor car; p. m Bunday 100 u m Leave Pblladolphnx, Beading Terminal, k.'jo a. m . '.'.00 and 4 Hi p m. BanSay, b IT u. m. Through tickets t,uii poiatsat lowest ratui may he bud on application in bdvuiicu tu the ticket agent at n station. 11 i' BALDWIN, lien Pais Agent. .1. 11 0LHAU8EN, (leu BUPb Do You Know Where to Get Toui Carpotg Cleanedl i'our Feathen Benovatedl I'oui Furniture Be-npholsteredl Vour Blip Coren for Furiiiturel i'our MBttrtMefl BenoTBted aud ui'd'lc overt Ken .Mattfi-B!;, any kind, u.ade to orderl Featben, Down and piUowsl Bed Bptimn, all kiiid-i? kimn aad Jiol lii.-'j-j-Criba and (.jadl-- Child's Folding Bedxl I'im Vibr MaUif-s'::i i'liifc white, Sta Lbliind Curled Cotton Miltrrajcgl OVH PltlCKB WILL J'LLASi: VOL', WE ARC RETA1LINO The Sernritoii Bedding Co. COR. VACUA AND 1DAMB AVEB, K.B.-PIna Fibre ts vary aioa for BofaPlllaws. oior fa) trrj puasatt-ilieap :o. '. N A I EHlua Valley pi ulrual. i i i.n ii, mm Train leaves Bcranton tor Philadelphia and Hew York Via. v A, H R It at a n.'.u . 1310, 2.11s and 11 a'. p. in i la D L .V- W. ll. K . CM, Mis 11 -A) a m.. alii I..D i. III. Leave Scranton for Pittatun and V,'i,ga Barre via D., L Ai w R u 6 oj, sej, H2j i. m . Pan. iii. n.oT, e.ejt p, In. le an Bcranton for white Haven, Basktton, Pottivilta anil all points on the beavur Meadow and Pottavllle branches, vlaE s W V'UsOs.m . via D. Ii 11 li. at sum 12. Id I in p.m , vlaD., L. B W. B. R , U.U0, ? ua II Jo a m., 1 SO, li'.lp.in Leave Bcranton for Pa-tbl'-hem. East. ci. Reading, llarnsburg ami all im-rraedian points via D a- li. R.K., ia m, 12.10, ! .is n t; inn .via 1)., 1.. A; W. It, R..6H0 s us. 115) . m., i ii p in. Leave Scranton furTunkhantio k. Towanlt, Plmira, Ithaca, Oeneva and all lulenuadi it points via D. II R B..S .; m.jj lu and 11.35 p. m.,via D. L. 4 W it R.. 1 01 a. in 140 p m Leave Scranton for R ahester. Baffalu. Ni agara Falls, D"tr it. Chp-ugo aud nil points west via D A- a R, b K.07 i,.m.,12 lu.i' 8', P. m , via D 1. & W. R. P.. nnd Pittstoo Jiinctli.il, nils a in.. 1.30 p. m , VIS E A: W, R H. Ml p. n:. For Elmtra and th ) west via salsmmoi. via I '. ll It It BOi a.m., I lu.t.i.'i p. m v a D L. 4? W R IC. .sus a in,. 1 Maud HOT p m. I'll lluan parlor nnd sleeping or L. V. chal- c ira on all trains between L a b Junottonor Wilkes Barre aud New York Pblladelp 1 1 IlulTalo and Suspeii-ion ltndge Rol.I.lN II WILBUR, lien Bupt. Fist Dlt chas . l.f.E len.Pasi Ag't. Pnlla.Pa A W NONNEMACHRB Asi't Ben Pass Ag't. south Bethlehem Pa. I U.1.AV, .' l.K L ',' r. .'. . II WEBTEB ' P.AH.RoAL Trains leave Bcrantcn ut follows: Expiea. toi New York ana ail unla tusv H - .' t IS, 8 uu and l.oU a. in : il &i uwi 3 .'J p. ix. Lxpresa P.r Lu.Vun, Trenton, Pl-..de'.phu and the suuth, eoj and tim a. .ai; and 'i U p ui Wkidnmit'iii and way ttatioas 2SJp in. Tubyhanna nccoinmutio-. i i'j p. aa. Expr ss for Biaghamtun. Oaweir-, r.lmira. Corning, bain. Duts-.tlie. MoULt Mjri.. aii Buffalo. IS lu 2 15 a. rt. and l i'4 t,. m.. mitng close connections ut Baflalo to al! p.'iLU in the W. st. Nortb'vt fcttd Souibvreat. Buffalo occon.:u jdaticn 1.00 a in B.ngtia!t.,L ar,d way statiui.o 1. 'S' p -n Nli iiulboi, an-', waj ttatltms -' ; m. Blhghan-ton and Eimira Pxpreia t, j'j ; Expreta for Cortland, Byracuee, usweg). CticaaLd Ri.htleli Spr'tg.- - .'. and 1-4 p. m Itbora. ; lj and MC a. rr. and SI p. m. Por Northumberland Pituro:., Wi.koa Barre. Plymouth, bioomsburg and Danville, making close OBnaecttCM at Ntrtf-amber-aLd fori' Wil'.ian..-., it Hi.i:--t.-re Kki:.. -a Wa-L lnatcn and the Booth. Northumb-.'rland sr.fi lntermeolate rtatioas.4 I. On. Cisi a n. and 1JU and no: r,. m. Nantieoke snd intermediate ti.V. rs 't?' nnd I12i a. m Plymouth a: J it: rn.ed.at-. stations. 8A)and i.i p. m. Puthnas parlor nnd s.etp:i.g . oaches mall expreai trains ror detailed luformstifn. pocket tim'taMes. et,-. apply to M. L Smith, ctty ticket offioe, ic2s Lackawanni avenui. or depot ticket ofltoe, THE FR0THLNGHAM OPENING PBMI IBM AMI 11 MONDAY ETENINO iU.1. :a t SMITH RUSSELL APRIL WEATHER A POOR RELATION M;,Ct.B-i. M. fL Tic, iOc. He. Lexes. lasting ? x r ers: - 1. ex. i boXM Ul .;ges. sea: nc r pcrsoni $.? ex l b'ixe. kiges sr,i c-o.c st-au tc, M ai'.c at section Ttursdsy curniLs March nr jaii-i w i tr sak" wyomixq Valley rail -ociinct.;r,c MOXDA1 MASK H 19 t - r .riVRN OT THE FAVORITES nesn plan, cool and night l'ar MP near D . L At W i .u. Coiitliicled oil Ilia Lin oiot.tn plan. l 1 1 ion h o, ii rTnprletnr HA M I BNTRAta Hi" inrseai ami lljei I eunipiMl hotel In Allautovvii. Pi, mini .' and i ,SI per day v ii i. ui i ' I'tiiM i'. riopi let or. hum i.i m ui s ii'luN Ii. nWAlil'H win ili i; I I' I I I, tubal Nersnton, I I.OABUKI i i w in ihousa Pa M sml V Pima Hank hull.liii, RBOTHRBN aiipplli 'i I'll Tel, , pea. paper V saliltigtoll l lll N il Us' I, unit, twitltv ave, Hi-rant in, I 't it .r i -a i.ivi RV. lesB Cnpouse svenue I'lrst, elaaa ,'arrPiii,"i D I, I' Oo'l'l'., Am I I VI BY, I Ml Pniiei sl Dlreetoi mul F.uil'almrr PBANX I r (II, Clotll. NROWN ( n. WUOI l W I war, i ii rlatttt mul i w UiavnkRWAtitM "MMit Ai Kit li ORUUKHTttA Ml'MH! nut Mil, Im( hlii hytrttiiM, loi i'iitU.'iPH, vn tilhu i Hh-I w.ii --i I wut k fin itUht'il l or tui tnt iilifinaHi m j, BnQtr. oondtiolot1. Wvniutiiif tort ntr.tr. Ktlil AtllllM lit) S I Htltotl I.VsKA I'lNN ft HONS, balKlvm bii-I I t lup. i in i In i 'tirimr Mi tn at live . i tit imi A ill nt- ftnO I' (i U CLARK CO., BFtliOiM, MrlBt ind n ui ni y msMt, itort i(i WMhlngtoa uviiiie; (TfsfjQ h ti", Lk-J Nuitli Mittn hVimuui, OKA M I'NIilN TI As 'I K A Cd Willi t i NS, US f P H KITKTTK.Ia ill I.tls'ttH VsTHtlllM HUM) l liiftlllirr f Wtrn Srri'tMll 1 i! I LAV AK1 V t UTTn uwwauveBji, mmj kv. s.-a tutniBuiil tun hh followt: PrtilMlMTS Br:ilpT Slroot Station. S ntntnii, fir Pitt1 t.tll W illlS.S. lUl 1.1 4ti- S ll) 87, 10 4- rt. 01 i.a,,. a .". ,.i.v e.i i, ;' 1.1 Slid 1 1 l .'l p III Ft, I New Y ork and Phils deli his. msi a. in, P-10. i4.1l MB, 4 If, and 11 :,' p m l or Honesdali I from Dataware, Lackawanni and western depot , 7 0.1, S. (D, lu lit a.m , PI UO in.. J 11. a 10 p in. F r Cita i,lnl" and iu'"riiieilia( itat'ons 0 W, T Oi. s HO, 10.10 a m . ItM m .2 17, I 2'.:, I HBiendsnp, in ; fioni Bridge ntreet De(st. 2 ut s. m.. I.l Tend II 14 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Host am and New i nglaad po.nta .iin a m . arrival st Albany lEss saiutt.es 2 BJ p m , mul leaving Bcraaton st r. p in, arriving nt Ainsny it Atop a, sars toya. l2.Ha in . and B'ston. I.UOa m The only direct route between the oosl lleldt anil Boston "The LcadlM Tourist-' Route of AmeHcaM to the Adtrondaek Mountain re s.'ita, Lakes iieotito ami champiaiu. Montreal etc Time tallies showing local Slid through tra;i set v Ice Pel vv cell atattOM on sll dl v UvtoM I 'els wsie sml Budson ayetem. may M obtained ttt nil DelsWale and Hudson ticket otllcee. H ii YiiCNO .1. W BltRDTCK he, olid Vice Pieai, lent (Ion. Pass Agt, ERIE AN D ROAD r?iTB?JBi WONDERLAND THEATRE CQ local ratlnts st ii Bt, 9 4., sna .1 24 p m. Train leaving at V 4o s m snd SSI ' nu sre through trams to and tr.,ai hoteioale. Trains leave lot Wilkea-Barra at t 4, a m and 3 ll p. m. Mot, HIDDEN HAND Robi nson s Sons" .l uris-aT .' - ,tt u., SxturdiT. THE TWO ORPHANS This piay will Pe predaoad v-.'jt a mark Itroncer cast aad ixr mcrt1 .,arevratn.y tt.a si t- presentation at tai L, a. ADMI86P A' '-:'., N. 10 SO ami SO iT-NTs ; arrcarataaces sv,ry sftaraooa rxitrt M.-'n c.srs an.l Thursdays." at Lf0. ani vtrarr even at i.S Iwi ope st X M ' I NT M si ii ivruN in v i i, in In i iir, i Jaaaart IBth, I BOA. No.i'i nnnnn. Willi ttti BOA SllltlollS Lager Beer Brewery V.suiifactr.rera of tbe Celebrated VlLSENER Lager WE BELIEVE We hsivc tho hand somest line of Parlor BEER and Drawing Room CAPACITY lHXVKX) Bbls. For Annum, II 3 r N Dii '. . Mill ... S::: TaV, .. ; n . . . I? IW 7 itali OMl li:.', 0 OS': 0 ll.i It 1 1 5 ii n ii .i ksi :. t- w (TtSlll'l I llllll. Fx V. CeBt l-iiiidnv i r v Arrive l.envo, T '." v v Franklin s: ? io i osj sviui Htrivi ,ii Weehawkeii I M Ariile 1 , ,,t,. I r. linn, nek .llll, ell, in I im Hancock I If. Ms Slllilllllll I'J AvV 'ii i.. I.i. Coinn I'oynti lie Beknoat Plosaanl mi I'niondsle Korsel City CorMpuals While i. . .. Mayflrld Jel III) I) Al. llll, ilil niton l i ck Mile olt pliant Pick on Throop Piovldeni'i. I in k I'luctt t.vi allien Noiiih lit. mul .i'j BUS Vos 3 KM 111 41 ill Ili, ISlTil 111 111 IIVMU 11."' II 41 (Hill ft 4 i f:, Bt . I H4i Mm ll DO '1. -"I a. ia, a : 7M . HiXl r m nos, . VII . 11C4 ,1 v.'ii . II 41 (le II ,Vi . oi IS) al 9 in i M ll ll'l II l'. Ii IM, li 114', ll 4.t UVt III US III-. fow ti ii i, if.i iv ,r. II v. so, s vii n if til in I :,' 11 IM 4 It.'. 1,1 I -. 1 1 h in, 4. 'kiii i nr 1 1 UN iiii'.',', it '.'i II 17 11 ll, II PI il lc I M I m'a m Lent e Villa. i'4 ii i.. a i . Wi . I' 4S IS 3s fl SV'PIMIUJ . .'11 ll Ml' 11 4A 7 40 iiuuil a M 7 UllOOkll st 7 4H m pi' ,i nit 7M in IBl SiH 7 AS 10 IV I 4 17 V . 11 10 lit) 4 1.1 OOOjiOBt 4 14 si'Siua; 4 it SflVIII.'llll 4 ili I 111 MIM II I HU- ever shown in this state and we would like you to sec it. , eTsv 1 ii.iv,fTTft AHTONEHARTHAH BOU Soiilh Wsshinnton Avonuj, Contractor sad buttder of Con ere ta Fiak-ging, Concrete Hin'kt, Potato, Butter and Goal Ulna, Wet Collars drlel up Ordera may hi lort ut Thompson Pratt, wiuinia & Co, Main snd KyUOU BtMSts, or st Scranton Stovu Wurki. Also Foimlations, Clalerna Pish Wir i Tunnels aud f... .. . ITaggiug tor (lai dun SVulha All 1 1 all, s inn dally e, cpl Sunday. i iigiiiitM that trains stop on Mtnsl p.r pass stuigors, Ailiini m.ii trslns leave carh indale i"i scum, ton I in mid si. ia p. ui , ui i Plug n; scrnntoii I M and r.OU Le&vo Korsnton tor carhondalc B.60 ami B.N arriving in csrbouttale at i Maud 8.18 p. m scenic rates via Ontartu a western Ih'lure nurchsaliig tickets and asvo noaa Day nud riliiKl 11, press tOtbS West j.c Andoreoo, den. pasa arl t, FBtoroftt niv i ii's. Am Bcrantoa, Pa What Is Moro Attrnctlvo Shan ll pretty fain WBh u fisaih, Inikut coinploxlou'f nx it. MS Pui.ionl'al-uvvdcr DO N'T FORGET That we are licadti,sr : ..-a (ci eventhir.e In the line ,,r V Atom KB, Ifjyou have any Idea ot lairebasnig any kind ot a W atch, laily'sor liool'a. Itnld or Silver, vou will make a iiriev 0US mtetekei! run dvnot give lis a call and gaOoar priees, whloh vou win End iar below Mlutaeve, repecialiy hi all the l.iijii gradsscf KBiui. Waltham ami Bampdea movements Li'voit haVO ar.v dOUhtS aitw ate at iill pcKled on prn't ii i v ii ns a call nud we will have no troiihtit ineonvinolig vMU.Westill havoa lnrce aloch to disp i-e of, anil will nflcr (OB won- ilerlul Indnmsnenxsm Jewelry, silverware, Clo 'lta ami nil otlioii'ouds whtcn wo have In stock. C. W. Freeman rmitAve. nud Sprues St. 6c Connell Washington Ave. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CD MeusB'Mturere and D ri I our Nltinuel HsoSDaftingaDd Journal Greasi OFPlCEi- 721 West Laokswanna Ara W ul'.hs. -Meridian Street