The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Beecham's pills are foi
oiliou9ness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
foaled tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, w hen caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook fret.' : pills - 25c. At
drugstorcs.or write B.F.Allen
.,o.,;,(5 Canal St.. New York.
Opening Days
Thursday and
F r several years
our Millinery Open
ings have been the
event of the season.
You are invited to
visit the store, com
pare and judge.
Examine the Trimmed
Hats and Bonnets.
Examine the Untrimmed
Hats and Eonnet3.
Examine the great show
of Artificial Flowers.
Examine the vast collec
tion of Trimming.
pick:3 up n peckviue.
Heccer.insrs of ihs El7 CMTMtlf Bl
oovded bt Paithfel Rsporw.
FTirini to the. Hr"l'rt THi4
PlCXVILAJ, I'.. Msr'.-. Messrs.
OMen Metbewsonn, John P. Jones,
Wulura Afiiir. of Olyphsnt, and
Krarilc L) Simpeon of Blskely, were
callers in town on TwIit evnm;f
end a visit to Oriental .-iter oigi,
Free end Accepted efssone.
Mrs ,or.n hirnes anl Miss fie 1 1 iin
jarom will leave this moraine to spend
a few rlavs at Washington. D. C. ,
T he Women s Christian Tmrjeriooe
nr.nn will hoM a dim loeial at the :
horn of Mrs Ed war 1 f;rber, on Main 1
atrt, tni afternoon
Mis Lelie Stitt, of F'ittsv.nrjr. is vis
ing Miss Etta Csllender, of Ball Place
Mrs Van 'rorden end Mrs. Myers, of
Carbondale, worn the tTtsta of Mm
Thomas Pop last Tuesday
Miss Clara fiijlow, of H imilton. nd
bet brother. Clarence, of .Scranton. wai
tlM Rnit of Miss Craee Barber last
Tne Prosbylerisn eonsregstlon
Started the fonndation of their new
church on Main StfSSt bar vMtrday.
Mm. J. R. Russell mid denifhter
Ada, of Hcranton, are visiting tbl
f ormar'a atatar, Mrs. Rlchsrd Ut$n. of
Bull Place,
Mrs. Hanry Jones visited tli Blee
trie city VMtcrday,
Ifiaa Nellie William, who had h- r
sbonldir put our. ol joint at sehool lire
wests K''. floes Dot Improra very rap
A larife delegation of the members of
Harpsr iodga of thia ptaoa attendsd the
Independent Order of Odd Fallowi
tiaiiii-t tit 'liyphant U-t Monday oven-
Erlsf But KnUrtalnlnir Scrip of Nws
from tba Muti'i City
Rjterlot to the Krranltm IWORRI
HOHBSDALB, Pa., March 'Jl John K.
Btunall who Itft here laat September
for a trip to California, returned home
from PassdsUR yesterday.
Ed Kulz in home from Wyoming
seminary. Miss HoftSDSS BtrODRDiaO,
from Uie lama InititatlOD, Iihn been
the tiuHt of Mini Anna Drown. Minti
Lillian Baker, from the leininury, will
be Minn I'rown'e KUent thie wnvk.
Misa Anna Stunner, of PittHton, ia
vinitinx her aiatf r, Mr. Adolplnu Tol
At 7. IS this evenitiK lev. ('. A. Ben
jamin united in marriage Harry
Cooney nnd Hial Carrie Hcott at the
bride's home in Traceyville.
Frank Fowler was rnu ovor about
nonn today nnd wan nlightly bruised.
No bons wre broken as reported
abont town.
Miss Acnes Krantz is seriously ill
with imeumonia.
font or town oorraapoattanti rT ne Tata
DNishonldtltn ttattr aaiitM In fail to aaak
Haws 1 otter, nol for publication uuttogtntrJ
tf I. nint dtoaptioB i
Buress Tlua'ean' rtcullsr ProaaadtU
Other Ilxmt of Intrt.
faMctol to tht- ftcroa ton IWfrnati
DVNMOBB, Pa, March 81. ''here hits
nuTer been a lima in the borongh'a his
lory when tba aan ol any officials h ive
aroused public Indication to such an
extant a the autoaratio Indlguitles
perpatratad by Hurc.-ss Dncgan. 'l'h
oonnoila' failnra to oondaot baiinaai In
aocordanoa with his wlahaa has. In bli
aatimation, jnstitied bim In taking the
agraaalra steps that bar lad to the
present trouble, and regardless ol any
law hut that Touched for hv himself he
t:ii continues to Ignore the citizens'
police forod and oouncll, and sin put
nonatitntea himself enatodian ol all
doenmanta pertaiutng tomnuieipial af
faire. The st tttii taken by bim has attracted
wi lespread attention, as it standi alone
rlthoqt a precedent. Amen,' the legal
lights it is oamlng great inrpriie, and
ill wonder how Mr Duggin, with his
knowledge ol what is right and lawful,
can act in such a manner, for in this
oaae the law is so piamLy ixpreaaed
that there can be no possibility ol ia
uuderst inding it.
That the law says the secretary shall
retain all books, documents, etc . until
his successor is elected. Mr. Duggau
u s not deny, but regardleei of this,
he endeavored to gam possession ami
would have incoeeded had not Secre
tary S.vae foreseen his object ami
placed them under lock.
s borough attorney, an offloe which
be Illegally holds, he advises tba coun
cil that all business transacted by Mr
Savage is illegal, and thereby compels
them to cease conducting borongb.
but .ess blBauaa a meeting cannot
even be called without a secretarv.
Another law mat Burgees Duggan
igo I l l that which says he oannot
iCt b.-tti us bur.-ess and borough attor
ley, the former office beinc tneouipat
it le with any other office of the munic
ipality and it is rumored that action
will loon be taken to depoee bun of
ruber one. Tba tight is directly earned
by ring rule for the OOUOCilmen voting
tgainat Mr. Savage are desirous of see
". remain, but according to their
and pledge they are compelled
to vote according to tae dictates of the
' ttaf "
1 la Pemocratic councilman in par
ticnlartold TBI TRIBCXI representa
Ive tl it were it not tor this he would
v I I Mr S,ya. This Is the pres
ent ooniitiou of me couucil. One half
safj-ct to the dictates of aa oatb-bound
club which is ruled by the town's at
t.'rney and turges. thereby embody
ing the government of the town in one
To accommodate the subscribers of
Fhl-: Tribune in this section the art
portfolioa, "Onr Country," can be s-...-.rd
at Thk Tribune headquarters at
Jonaa' Milk depot A supply has been
f-rwarded ani N'os. 1. ). 3, 4 and S can
be secured without delay These port
folios are gems of the photosrrapher's
art, and all subscribers of Tun Tribune
ibonld cot out their coupons daily
John chulUr, one of Thk Tribune
carriers, is sick, and tae Jones boys
will carry his route until such time as
be has recovered.
MsiT'. Irvinsr. the sins of th new
Episcopal minister, have arrived here
from Tnnkhannock.
An operatta entitle! "Eiched Sleep."
will be produced at the Old Fellows
hall by a number of young iidies on
tse eve-.injof Marth The young
ladies who are to pirticioate have dla
pi iy their dramatic nb:li:is to an li
e-.cea at this place before and tbre
will nndonbt'dly b a nub to isenre
ticketl. The proceeds will be need to
r!iev the poor of the town, and th
call of sweet charity shonll be
a-;wred in a liberal manner.
The rope jirr.pinu craze has caught
the public icnool children and at No. 1
building on Tuesday a young girl con
tinued tne exsreises to such an extent
that sae was prostrated and was tkn
to her home in a carriage The
teachrs should see th at scholars in
dulge in this practice moderately
Tfie temperance lectures held under
the auspices of the Loyal Lgion at
Odd Fellows' hall last evening wis
!arirly attended.
Tomorrow night Ftev. I)r Pearce, of
the Y..m Psrk church, of Snranton. will
dlivr a lectura at the Methodist K;N
coj, i! chnrcb.
His snv ject will he "The Holy Land''
and will be interesting
Mrs it II Detts, of M"hoopiny, is
visiting friends in town
All Frs.
Those who have use I fir. King s Nw
fuscvery know Its valnn, nl those who
r.av- not, have now the opportnriity to try
It Free Call on the advertlaad Druggist
n-.'i s-'. a Trial Bottle, free Hni font
ranm anI iddreei to if. K. liurklen & ' o ,
Chicago. ai.M g"t a anrnpln bog of lir.
King's NeW Life Pill. I nn, as woll na
copy of Onida to Baaltb an'i n . i (,.,, i
aetractor, Praa, ah of winch is goaran
t s1 to do you o'kI ori'l rost you nothlnu
Ifattbewi Bros Droesrtore.
Ent.rtilnlr If Chat Oonoeralag Pasalne
Bvente of (lenerai tapeftanae.
hfr,nt to thm Hrrnntnn 7(nia".
HoOaiO, i'e . March ;l I h" infatil
daughter ol Mr. god Mrs, Daniel Dona-
ho, of Hfsrk's Patch, 'llil Tuesdav
''inn!, (ntarmant will be rnaie in
.St Msry's eetneisrv at Avoca.
Ml is Ella I. "Van nti'l Milium Hindu
starlit Wodtmslay with frisn'ls In
Bonn ton.
T'lie infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs
I' '. Drown, ol M in streat, is belter
Wotk on the M'thodlst Episcoptl
church on Main street is progressing
very fast.
Tne Misses Annie and Attnei Robin
son and Ifiaa JannleE lamer, of iuiier-
tUan, spent Ttlatday with Miss Jennie
i mmell, of Booth Ualnatraal
John II Da?gy,Of Booth Main street,
is on the sink list.
Charles South Main sirret.
MARCH 22, 1894.
Your choice of three beautiful
plottage, ''Telephone Girl," "JJe
liveririf OhliittnuUi I'icsonl.M"
and ''Maidens Swinging.'' Bend
b mall or tnessenger r bring
coupons like litis of three differ
ont (lilies, with io cents, stamps
or coin, to
Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce bt.
is improving his residouoo by putting
a bay window iu front.
Work is progressing on the new bar
rel mill.
On Easter Sunday exercises will be
held iu place of Sabbath school at '2
o'cloek. Every body is woloome.
Happsnlnirs of Mora or Less Import
ance Inttlliirsntly Hvportsd.
ftintol to Mi tfevnatoi IWauaa
ARCHBALD, Pa., March 91, Miles .1
MoAndrew, John A Foota, W R dti
roy, Pastmaster Coagrove, M .1 Mo
Male and James K I'. eley attended
the funeral of Mrs. W. 11. (lolden at
Pnrioni yesterday.
A religious event of moro than ordl
uary Intereet will he the Hiirmni in Bt.
Thomas' church on Friday evening by
R-v. Nicholas Ward, ol tint Order of
Paailoniiti Father Ward is president
of Dunkirk oollegs at Dunkirk, N V
lie is a preacher of rare power and his
reputation aa mob is nut enuilued to
his own locality. He will undoubtedly
he greeted bv , very Urge nil hence on
Friday evening, Father Ward will
also preach itt the last mass on Easter
Aside for tint interest attttcheil to
the sermon by Ftther Ward, tba Ifiaa
ler services ut st Tboiusi' ohuroh will
bo numnally lutareatlug, iiu l ulus
of the congregation will hayathoaltari
very blUUtlfullV decorated and there
will he s profusion of Bowers, emblem
atlc ol t ;e reaurreotioii, Tba choir will
ting special music to the Boootupanl
lUSUl ol a select orchestra In other
respects the lervloei will siiriiasa in in
t treat those ol any previous year.
Rev J, C Rudolph, pastor of tl.o
Herman Lutheran oburoli, will, in ad
ditloil to his dntlM as pastor of the
Arohbald ohuroh, have charge of the
Prioeburg congregation, whlon hn was
luatrnmental In organising This oon
gregatlon has recently built a new
chinch, owing gteatly to Mr. Ru
dolph's exertions. Fortunatelr, his
new charge will not make it DSOiSSAry
tor linn to abandon his residence here
It is Very likely that the Aichbal I
Democrats will make an effort to nom
inate a candidate from this district in
either the legislative or senatorial con
vention. There is certainly an BQUnd
ance of good material for legislators
here, and we have not a few who might
wear gratefully the mantle of Mr. Mc
Dooald, or Mr. Diirk P, J, White, a
veteran Democrat, is being urged to
enter the lists, and it is not unlikely
that he will be lured by the song of the
siren As yet no one from Arebbal l
has advanced a claim for the Republi
can nomination. And, by the way,
Arohbald has not beru represented in
the legislature by auy of her sons sinre
the term or Hon. M M. (tilroy.
The friends of E A. Jones are anx
ious that he should get a place on the
Republican county ticket this year,
and it is highly probable that his name
will go before the county convention.
It would be difficult to rind u Republi
can who could poll a larger vote here
man Mr Jones, He is popnlar in his
own party nnd besides has many L)aui
ocratic friends who would bo plessed
to have an opportunity of voting for
him. At the Febrnsry election Mr.
Jones was elect- d councilman by a
v-rv tHttTing vote, and it is fair to
assume that be would poll n much lar
ger one in the vent of his nomination
for a county ntHce.
James A Kearney waj in Scranton
F atal neclect is a little short of suicide.
The c..ns-o,uences "f a neglected cold are
too well known to neml repeating. Or.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough
promptly Sjld by all dealers on a guar
antee of satisfaction.
a 4
An ArgU Eyd Reporter's Budget of
Live News Notes.
Sptrtal lo the Scranton ZVtoeaA
F miitir ClTV, Pa.. March 91 Mill
Charlotte Giles, of Carbondale, epent
today in this piacs ns.the guest of Miss
Flo Allen.
Tomorrow will be the beginning of
the seventh month of sehool.
James Drown moved his household
goods today from th" Bankin's block
on D-'lawjre str et to Fr-td Cray's block
on Main street.
The Bpwortb league of the Mtholist
Episcopil church held an enjoyable
session last evening. Stmuel J. Jen
nings r-ad an able oisay on "Hurry
and Worry,'' which contained good
advice, and was favorably commented
npin. A debate, "Resolved, that the
character of Napoleon was one to b
admired," will be debated upon in a
s .ort time (ie.irge Msxey is will in vr
to present the affirmative aide, and w
A. Price the negative D F. Maxey is
also willing to defend the character of
H. A I'urpU and ilivr f'ovle, prom
inent Forest Clttans, were In Carbon
dele to lay
H I' Johns is lying very ill it his
home In this piece,
The Men's society of the Presbyter
Ian church will hold a sociable tumor
tow night (Thursday) in their church
baaement Come an i ice now the men
1 1 k care 'if socl ihles
(i-ort,' D. Conch, of Carbondale, was
io town this afternoon.
Doc McMilleo, ol the Pioneer City,
and Kirk Meredith, of llarrisburg,
Wer In town this afternoon its the
gnosis of their cousin, Erie Station
Agent R, M. Shepherd.
Matt.rii of Interest Hurrl.dly rnnnul
for tt itlk P oasal.
fivrrini fefie SDraafee fWeaea
Ji rmyn, Pa., March iil The Ladles'
Ai l toclsty, of Jermyn. will give no en
tertilnment at BO o elook on Tours
day evening, In the Methodist Eplion
pai obnroh, Tim following programme
will be rsndi red:
Hinging II v the Cbolr
Rocitetlone It y Junior Eengm rs
Nurse Maid's I'nii iiv -i Loagosrs
Recitations iiv Jonlor l,nguers
hinging Ity I I. hi y YottDg QglieS
singing By Qnartstts
Qnarterlv meeting of (be above
obnroh will not be held until April 7.
Tbs Jermyn lo igs of Tim Anoleot
Ordel of Fnrislers of America, will
meet hen Sabbath evening in the
Metho lint Episcopal church, and not
on Babbath morning, ns previously an
nouno-d Rev F (iendall will preach
he sermon
- i e '
All the News from a Hustling Town
Br. Hv Itecirded.
Httfrint to thr SWaafoa IWseasj
OLYFBANT, Pa., March 91. Mrs.
William Blake, of Arohbald, visited
MUs Jennie Ferguson yuaterdaV.
The mnoh talked of Rrear.u of Prom
ise Csso of Dardwvll vs. Pickwick,
under the auspices of the Voting Men's
Christian union, wns thn attraction at
Father Matthew opera house Inst even
ing. A large and appreciative audi
ence was present and all united in say
ing that the trial was a "howling" guo
cesa. ,
Tne cantata "Joseph" whs rendered
this evening at Father Mathew Ipera
House to a very large audience, it was
excellent iu every respect and those
who missed seeing it mined a groat
Miss May Wahl, of I nlawnro street,
hue accepted a position as stenographer
in Scranton.
Miss Julia DeHt end brother Joilph
were callers iu Scranton yesterday.
Miss Alice Sweeney, of Arohbald, is
the guest of Mrs. William Sweeney, of
Lackawanna street.
J. 0, llollernn made a bualneii trip
to Scranton today.
Various Notea of Ueiutrul Interest Oars
fully rnmiilled.
flpecfftl fc iho Stoma ton IWeaae.
JERMYN, Pa., March .;l Mrs. David
Wall, of Como, Is visiting her daugh
ter. Mrs. A. Moahrr.
He. it go Edwards, sr.. who will
stricken with paralysis on Sunday af
ternoon, still Ilea unconscious. The
phyilolani In charge have some hopes
of his recovery.
F.. A. Niiwing, of Scranton; 0, M.
Patrereon, of Carbondale, ami C. M.
CI. irk, of Detroit, Mich , were Jermyn
visitors yesterday,
The patrons ol the Electric Street
railway are glad to hear ill the pro
posed extension to rm-kvill.
Mrs. I1. B. Is spending a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. W. R.
Netberton, al Forty Fort
Richard Oendell ami Harry Bovard
are Inline from Wyoiiiiug for the Bet
ter vaoatlon,
Robert and Frank itlakeslee, of Jef
ferson county, are vialling rslntivea iu
The formal op ining of the Republi
can club rooms will tak plaos on M
iiuy evening March 98 Then will bo
a nUUlber ol good eueakors from Scran
ton. Thu CltiSons' baud will lie pres
ent and a uood time is assured to all
who attend.
The entertainment this evening
under the auspices of the Lilies of the
Methodist Episcopal ohuroh will con
sist of recitations, essays, vooal and in
strumental duets, etc The young
ladies who have been practicing for tn
broom drill will give all exhibition.
Qeasral Notes of News from a Southern
Ecrantnn Suburb.
SfioekU fC "if ScrtlnlOS Tribttna.
MlNOOKA, Pa.. March 91 John Mnl
derig, our well known tonsoral artist,
is equipping his parlor with an entire
new outfit.
There is rumor of a now foot ball
team to be organized iu Greenwood for
the purpose of defeating the Miner's
Hill elub which has prolonged the foot
ball season in this place.
T V Mascheall, of Greenwood, was
a caller at Wilkei-Darre on Tuesday.
Jennie Muhen. who is a student at
the Mansfield Normal school, is ex
pected home during the holidays
The lireuuwood mines were idle yes
terday. Francis Mullen, of Greenwood, has
accrpted a position as rnolorman for
the Scranton traction company.
The Young Meu's Institute, No. 184,
O'Connell council, of this place, will
meet next Thursday evening at their
hall on Willow street.
The Stafford mines which was oper
ated by Con ne'. I & Co , has closed
down permanently, as the coal has all
ei. taken out. Those who were em
ployed iu tie mine will be tent to
The infant boy of Thomas Joyce, of
Stafford street, died yesterday after
uoon from the ffecte of measles. Fun
eral will occur tomorrow.
Miss Mary Neweonibe and T. J.
Walsh, of Pittatoo, who have been
calling on Minooka friendi, have re
turned home
Bits of Gossip Concerning Movements of
Our Kn'erii Utrn Neighbor!.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
TASi.uit, Pa . March St. Mr. Gaff
net , - ( sheriff s office of Scrinton, wei
iu town today.
Go to Price Library hall Thursday
night for a rich treat. Any amount of
fun. i'rice free.
The member of the Welih Congre
gational church held a social tonight
at the church parlors
Large photos of Hon. John H. Fel
lows are displayed about town an
nouncing his candldaoy for congress
Mrs. Henry Bpeiber ii homi from a
visit to Philadelphia,
W. J, Neigar an I bride have entered
the duties of housekeeping on Main
Dirt Donsteln. raprcmnting an El
inira pork house, wss a caller In Tay
lor today.
Beatrice BlIOW is improving aftir
several weeks' sickness.
The Traction company has been
planking between the rails at all street
The Willing Workers of the Metho
dill Episcopal rbiireh met this after
noon at the home of Mrs. Neeley, on
Mam street. T he society is preparing
for a besaar.
Mr and Mrs. John Henry Williams,
of Hendham, entertained a number of
Taylor and Reudhaffl friendti on Tues
day night. ,
The PynS Bine worked only OM dav
this week and Taylor two. Demo
rrsllc times.
The Is le .if" In a.i.v, -.1 Mta Prlc"
Women full of Pains
Ai lies and weaknesses,
find m ( i i n i ka A ntt
Pain Platter instnnt
nml gmtriiii relief. In
IM MlNUTI il relieves
II lung Ridefl sml back,
hip, kidney nn.i uterine
p. litis, stums and weak
Indies, lllrum.ilit , sei
sin , ihirp ami Rsrvons
s and chsti palm. kior-
ipll c ee l tone. It Is UlO
Sweetest, snmt, sub .t nml best plaster.
I'm s JeM. lye, $i ... At .it dntnttH er by 1'iiiiitH Dun. anu Liism. Cuer., Iki.lua.
Dfllnii rnviKlit, Colli
fun wiih Mtttnis
Rooms 1 and ? Commonwealth Bld'g,
Jladoatthe U0081G and KU811
DALE WtiltKd.
Llfflln A Rand Powder Co.'i
Electric Dattorlns, Fuoei for explod
ing blasts, gaiety Fuse and
RepaunoChemical Co. ' High Explosivci
Library ball tonight.. Their mrry
lauguier and songs nre echoing
throughout the hall, anil evidence is
that they ere enjnytug themselves
Mm. Fatnck Stnnton brought suit
yesterday for if II. 000 damages against
Patrick Dnrke, of Una borongb, for in
jury to her reputation.
Caspar Neiger, of Milwaukte, wai in
town today.
The ladies of the Epworth league of
the Stewart Memorial chureb, of
Rendbam, will give a loonl entertain
ment Friday night.
Taylor Fool Hall team will hold a
ttnll tomorrow (Thursday) ulgut at
Weber's rink.
The moat unique sociable event of
the week will occur tomorrow (Thurs
day) night at the Price Library associ
ation, when tbs ladies' auxilliiry will
serve nil "old maid's ten " J. B
Wlnslow iV. Co, liavi, presented the
ladies with a himdnoinn chair, wbloll
will be given to the person guesulug
the nearest to n quart of pens OtbSI
numerous attractions will alao take
place. A Gypsy fortOttS teller, who
will tell what is your future luck, will
be on band. The la lies should meet
with great IDOO RS, and everybody
who attends will lie Well repaid for
their lime. No admission collected at
door and are Welcome,
Thon; arc hundreds of young men and young women in thl
country who have splendid ability, hut they have never leea
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people, f yon
arc tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible,
Kiine to the ( SollegO.
NUOlt'f HAND (JOUR8B. ri ri mffr n .
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Onyx Top Brass Table
J H $6.oo 1 ) $6.00
: EACH' Jjf
tir. Frederick seller
hi Pi ten, Penn.
Like a Young Man
Although 71 Years Old
Rheumatism Cutod and Strength
Clven by Hsod'u.
"C. 1. Hood ti Co., Lowell, Mast.:
"i have taken thn .- bottiei ol Hood's Baria-
piuilla and am boa uniiit the louilh. 1 can
truly sa tl hi! UadS a nee nan Ol uic at n ad
vanced aire ol 71. I have sutttnal tilth rheutua-
tuun tor man) years. For ten jears there has
been a suiiih iii my sides and also under tny
klu-e Jolntl. II was so severe 1 could not sloop
down without pain. Nolhinn gave uic re. iff un
til after I eonunenceil to take Hood's Sarsa-
neriUa. I have continued to Improve steadily
Hood secures
and the pain has li lt my sides and knees, t-n-Ibling
me to stoop to the ground with ease. I
am wurkliiK like a young man. thanks to Hood'l
Sarsaianlla. I eaimot praise It enough In re
turn tor the (,'ood II has dune for me. not alone
fur rheumatism hut also for kidney trouble. '
Fridrbick Sillers, Bt, Peters, Penn.
Hood's Pills nre 1 onstlpaUon h restor
ing the peristaltic action ot UN ahniciitar) canal
Hat and Coat Racks. 3-hook, 25c; 5-hook, 50c.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
The most complete
in the market.
Hull & Co.
Dr. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And his s.clatod sttr .,t KnKn h an I (ler
an 1'uyslclatiaare miw rerm.-mently located
Temple Court Building
Ml t sritn E ST.
Waere inoy ma) t. txnsolted DAILY and
The Porter Is a gra.iiat el the rnlversity
ef IVnnsflvanis, fermerlr demenstrator of
rliVsiulnuv and MMerv st the llMHco-CbJr
errloal College, of rhlla.iei, i, n ,,
iji Dtmoriry mem bee oi the Bedleo-Chliw-
Ileal Asuorlntlon. and was plivvlrUn nd
snraeeii m chief f the m.wt noted American
ami tinman haepltala eemes hlsblr In.l r-.-.l
by th; lending luofeors of I'hiladelithla nd
New ,.rk.
Ills many years of h.xeltsl rtprrionoe en
st ten this eminent phvtclau nml t.t
eorreitly dlsiimwe nn.l treat all itefermit es
Slid ,1 ... l-w with the o.,.t flattering success,
and Ms hlrta standtitg in the ntate will iiiS)
ail u- Mm I,, accept snv inearabli r..
lata i Minimum, ki . I in. i t
iV I KM ss n fOtJMti NKtt CtlRRtt
II von hum eeen glVlta tip ey yeur (tend
rian mil upon the din-tor u esaminea
peeerei tae eroret eeaeeof NervpasDeltiUlv.
Rcrofnla, OM lorea i uterrh, Piles. Female
Weekaeea Afrectlnns of the KHr. Bye N..
and Throat Aetltnev toafne. Tum.tra, I'an-
lore end Orittnlee of every Reeortpttoa t'en
ntltstlnn In KiiulUh aM Herman nee, which
plislt DC considered HCfOd sn.l idnellv tend
nntee lino i ti vi io R '- M. Dally.
Beniley. n n.m. i,. l p m.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
' Mil. in. 1. 1 l ei, SR , IHtll. railed Tnr liy
lit.. Comptroller ol the in renoyt
III 'itll iu us.
I tinnt BI,lt0iS40 00
Overdrelts iii7.:t?
Ciiiteii atetits Bonus...., so,ooo,oo
Other Roads BIS.67M.Tn
llanhlni House BR.OT4.46
Premiums out! S Bond! ... RIS.Ta
Duo rrom II. R Vreeeurer T.OOO.00
Ilea from UmiRe...
Casli I in ,440.54
s. '.nil,
1 1 miii nil la
'illnl SOO.OM.OO
Siirnlns S40H000.00
tlllillTldeil ProflU ...1 ISO iu,
Clreulatl ll.OOil.OO
Dividends I'ntinid mi .mi
Deposits.' 1)004,000 n
Due n ... i. - mi. ami. .mi
William conni i i.. President
tin 11. ('ATI. IN, V Ice-I'm . I, lent
wii.i.iam H, PKCK, Cashier
mid emits.
William Cennell, Oeorae it. Cattle,
Aiinoi iinnii. jimms Arenbaldi Hears
llolln, Jr., Willi. I, i T. Siollli. I nt lie.
This bank ofli.rii In ileimsllors every
facility WHi-i-anl.-d by their lialanvrs, bust
niHn and rfspm.iilblllty.
tspoclal ait. -nt l.oi given ti. business ac
counts. Int. i.-ii iuld ou time ilrposlta
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Buildin
For tlie Baby
yms we BK we rememoer the little
darlings in the form of a Nicely Up
holstered BABY CARRIAGE, with hue
running gear, adjustable parasol, and sold
By the way, wo show
fifty different, patterns of
Carriages, including tho
famous 189? DOWNING
which we are sole agonts.
With till purchases itniounting to .$7.. or over, wo Include n 100
piece Dinner Bet FBEE.
Cash or Credit