THE SCR Aft TON TRIBUNE- TH l'K,-DAY MORNING. MARCH 'J2. 1894. HOME DECORATION. HOW TO FURNISH A HOUSE WITH TASTE, FASHION AND ECONOMY. Ki DUeover um Thlunsita -.-. uerj For Convanlanoe and Comfort N.'it ! villa uii it lioncrul Srlii mit of t'ulur lie- qnlremente of Modern Parlor. It iikiv ;jiicni unite . simple matter to eutor it Htoro of furiiisiiiiiits ami soli'ct tlic various conventional pieces of furni ture required, but nothing leu than a continuous study of colon, tieaigm and effect, t tvit't ItA' with an intuitive percep tion of what is really desirablesud beau tiful. is nnrrwarj in order to proonn oonpiete harmony of effect. The rag gcetions here reproduced from The Deoo raior and Furnisher will, wo trust, be of assistance to tlioso who deain to know how to acoompliah this reault with taste, fashion and economy. Tin' true art of furoishtng is to first discover what things are really necessary for the OOnTenieUOe and comfort of the occupants' of -the house, ami then allow the taste full liberty, guided by a knowledge of what is proper in de sign and color. The proper way to furnish a r.Huu is first decide ujn a general icheme of color, which is the first thing to be done in the decoration of an apartment. of the various woods, mahogany is perhaps the most appropriate for the woodwork of the par his a southern outkvL. t;t the room r If i? or blue vol j Wide; an ounce or any ono color will make n band tyindhea deep when woven 44 inches vide; uiiounri'uf any one color will make B l aud 1J inches deep when woven 51 inches wide. By a little cal culation one can plan a striped border for curtains or spreads, The hit ami miss eiirtninn an woven by sewing all colon of scraps together! Using no piece over half a yard long, These curtains are generally finished with a band of plain color near the top and bottom or a bonier of Roman tripes. Whore you are making more than one CUttain ISd desire Stripes, tbO best way is to divide each color into ns many parts as you wish curtains. If you have oi;ht ounces of red snd wish to use il in two curtains, make two four ounce balls. If you desire strives at the top and bottom of each curtain, make four two ounce balls. Knitting silk is used tor the warp, and If the center is hit ami miss any color can bo used, but where the center is of any plain color use this color lor the warp. Light or failed silks can be easily lived with bright dyes. Where there is no weaver or one has but a few scrap'., they can be prepared in the same man ner and knit upon wooden needles or crocheted, By usm four knitting nee dies one can knit a strip one vaid wide, but it is very clumsy to handle. It can be in narrower .strips. Cfoekel Ijmmi ratteen. Modern PliSctUa suggests a neat little edge which lever) rdmple and therefore quickly made, it is sspseteM) suitable THE JAPANESE ROOM, it Muy He Beadered i:nvn iv u I to a suinii Outlay of Moiwy. A .lapauiw room allows of rich, warm color ami of wider range of Individuality than does the ordinary room. If you Serve afternoon tea, il can bo made a real gelll of a place. Japanese materials and Japan ess fur nlture may of course oost as much as you lire inclined to Spend, but One gnat beau- MOTHERS aud thosn about to hSflnBJIS mothers, should know that Dr. Pioreo's Kavorite Prescription rohs childbirth of its torture, terrors and 1 1 ; 1 1 1 , i -1 to Until iiiiithur it i it I eluhl, by hkIiiik . il. at i TV.-- " l-fiFW EXi'iKK SOI A, svk:-:en AXD CHAUt crs are appropriate, snd warm or reddish tints look best tu rooms of a northern ex posure; heuce the following scheme of decoration will be appropriate: Wood work, tcohocatiy; walls, self tones of old sr.-;d and yellow; frieze, same as wall ; cornice. Itgbt old red; ceiling, citron yel low: carve:, deep old red, with old gc '. I citron and russet; apholstery, warm chve reea; a deeper :::.: i :' wall color. As rviarcii the f:rn::ur. one of the most refitted of all the modes of the pres ec: rtutr -j :h- r::.":re :v'. w was CKW 111 V ItUMMlNO. for trimming underwear, children's skirts, aprons, etc It is worked In the width with crochet cotton No ID and a fine steel needle. Make a ch of 19 --t First row- One t c in fourth st, 5 ch. miss 3 ch, 1 t c, I) ch, I t c m next st. ch, 1 s c iu last st. Second ri,w. Two s c. I picot, 3 sc. I picot, 8 s c on e ch; 0 t C oti 8 ch; 8 ch, I s c iu center of 5 ch, o ch. 3 t o iu 9 t o. Third row -Three ch. 1 1 c in 1 1 o. 5 ch. miss ch, 1 t c, il ch. 1 1 0 in 1 1 0, 5 ch. miss t C, 1 S o in 1 s o of scallop. Repent second and third rows. . peu in t ranee uttcer i ae re-.u-.' . : of this stvle .".r. (eon I. The furninr usual; produced tn rraaccanr. re lieved rr.:z ,r: t-r-ass catting and ona menrs. which take the rue" of the wood earrings of other epochs, Th ityten y be ;. r owed :n highly mate or stm-.'.-icnn-rr. The nod-rt: iin-.s; re:u ;s ofrer. finished a ts-.'dratzatirn th-1 Lov.i Qrdue style. This style, which :a z. i re itnvsgant effects is known u- :he Bococo Ityle, : -.'h.irio".7'.red by nnin Urutc '.:n.:s ii .'ir--rs. There eonsiderabie as .'. rarved scroll' w:rk. The .-ryle the eery opposite c :' that hard and stony style known as the Eastlake and the nlr.cate espr-ssion of freedom of line, sprace and richness of It U not the 'tnstom at present to cm factun the regulation su::, containing what ww formerly considered the cr- a loctj seize iirrvt. ajrs Ban, thodox nimber of pieces. Tni parlor suit u nuw onrtailed to thrpe ,t at ' mo-it ftvs pks .s. which a d'.van or sofa, armchair and two sid : hairs, sofa, two ar.'ichairs and OM -: !::. dr, These are supplemented by a varly of fiseea, known as odd chairs, eorr.-r chair3, ottomana, window seats, fa:. tables and pedestan. The drawing r . an frjuently will include a pUr.. with carved ptaoo seat, music cabinet and piano lan.p. InformlloT AWal FJan't. A wr.ter in The Etude has the follow ing to wy about the tone of pianos: The characteristics of a fine singu. torn are volume, depth, duration. fltsribfUty, rich-n-ss A timbre and revrve power, B "reaene'' is meant the capacity of the IQtmdboSffd to give out a pars tone not only nnd ordinary touch and f -.r a, b ;" to ot-ar forcing till the utrnost limit of the pianist's r-eTigh is reached i without less of nobis and musical quality). The amount of pure tone the piano can he mads to yield when for'ed is its final test of aWellSMt, and I may add of dura bility. Comparatively few amateurs are aware of the exists ice of the sfttgtog tone of the piano; fSWSf Hill bSVS SSST prod nod it. The singing tone if i', Ui perfect wlli carry. I hat is, it will travel a long di tnnos nndlminished m strength and no-1 changed in timbrs a nroperty which depends njion putty as ranch as upon foTQS of vibration. Ttie singing tone of a fine inatruinent n.ay be BOBnted on for many yearn and Should increase during the first fiv" years of use, as he t"tur'- of the wood growH more Bexible under vibration, provided the piano ri-"-ivH; propiT care. Fine pianos have a great latent vitality. They can is: repairer and restored to beauty of tone when in ferior instruments are hopelessly di.-. in tegrated. WEAVING SILK HAG'J. iv to Do 'litis for Oartalnst Table Oevs crs, Cuahlun and Similiter Itnlx-a. There iti nothing prettier or eaaJtrto make by ono who has had experience In making rag carpet.; than the outcome of silk rugs woven together. The Bouse keeper gives these directions: Collect every wrap of Kill;, Rutin and Velvet, whether bias or straight, Cut in utripH half an inch wide. Thin pilks can bo cut wider and very heavy nilk nnd vel vet narrower. In sewing lap the pieces one-half inch, new firmly nnd smoothly, nnd as you sew roll them into one pound balls. If much satin or velvet is used, the ball should weigh If, pounds. Twenty-two ounces will weave a yard of goods 51 inches wide; 20 ounces will weave a yard of goods 44 inches wide; 10 ounces will weuvo a square yard; 12 ounces will weavo a yard of goods 27 Inches wide. Rules for colored etrips: Ono ounce of any one color will make n band 2J inches deep when woven a yard A Wont ibwut Pound Cake, They don't make pound cake 'pound for pound' in those days." said one of : . in I rake makers for the Woman's Exchange, "but the formula is abcut ;is easy t. remember if one says to herself, Six ounces of butter, T ounces of Sour ifter :t is lifted , S ounces of suirar and half the latter number in e that is. -4. To this add a pinch of ground mace, rtw. !i::.-hes if you like, or a quarter :' . r.-.tturi tr.-l the grated rind of a half lemon and the juice. No baking pow der or soda. Depend on the beaten whites of the eggs for the lightness. "I know it is the custom in making this cake to ls;at the flour and butter to---:her first, but I never have bad luck, in ': I beat my butter and sugar together first: then I add the beaten yolks of the turn the flour with the mace and the grated lemon rind, and when my ; spend pans are greased and ov-n ready the beaten whites of eggs are added to th3 cake and stirred in hurriedly. When the ggs are beaten t a stiff froth. I add the lemon juice to them and use the egg ;.-t"- r vigorously. "Yon do not want too hot an oven to start with. I sometimes open my oven I r - vera minutes before putting in the cake. Cookbooks will tell yon the j exact number of minutes required to hake : ,ur af. h ;t d-jn't bo misled: your minutes will vary with your style of , oven and your kind of fire. Don't al- ways pin your faith to a brown splinfer itber. When your cake stops 'singing,' 1 it ii done every time." Thin;t tVumm Want t't Know. Bayadere erepona showing raised ir regular lines of various colon on black, ; - . doll pink and "cru grounds are among the new iinportatbms. Prominence in the new colors is given to browns, beige, jale yellow and all shades, running from brown into lighter tints. The large bows in black or white moire antique, edged with either black or CTSam la' -, are the rage just now. Flonncings are now sold gathTsJ to tiwr re-.tOings in wide and narrow widths, so that there is no question as to th amount tonso in the fnilnnia tendon r toward draped or donbls r;.r's is growing more pronounced, par th oftrly In evening gowns, It is not likely to lt; a yar in which there will beany wonderful fancy stuffs ir, faahio'i. Solid plaitiii'sis will chara' terize materials, whh h will be trimmed often with narrow galons. boxes for sardines and holders for oranges are DOYeltiM out In aitver plated ware. Enamel Dies, ipidWs, butterflies no l robins lignre upon the handles of dainty spoons, tpty ially designvl lor the ever popular "j o'clock." el ... W i OHM KM in .1 tl'tM-si- KUOM, ty about a room of this sort l t tint It can be m ule iiuiueiisely etTecli e and at the same time exhaust but little money, The hiexpeiisive china and tho low priced stiUf .11,' o.oud in e ilur aud excel lent 111 design, which Is lie' gnat rOBSOII of tho popularity these goods have at tailed The foundation of the loom It of course the floor, and if that and the walls ate correct the rest will follow quite uaturally if you have any ol thai sense of fitness which all women un sup posed to have. A good color for the wall Is dull old blue. tu the walls bang a cabinet of bamboo and till it with Japanese bits. Here aud there place a bracket support Ing a rose of good color and hang ovei yonr divan a flat screen of bamboo, but do not put pictures in tins one room. Tot tile floor select either plain white Japa nee matting or matting which shows quaint figures here and there, and throw down upon it il few jute nigS, Buy only light bamboo chain, which are in perfect harmony w ith the general scheme, aud select one or two footstooll of the same material, but be quite bum that each one makes a comfortable seat. Iu one corner erect your tea table, and then let as much color concentrate a? your purse allows. Let the table itsell be of bamboo, with the two shelves cov ered with matting, and select your serv ice of Japanese ware. Into the ceiling screw a strong lamp hook and hang ti it a big umbrella, from which the ban die has beeu cut, and beneath this let your table and the one chair for tin maker of tho tea stand side by side. Se lect your kettle of Japanese bronze. Lastly, when all the rest is complete hang bamboo portieres at the door and curtains of cajafoun cloth at the win dows. How o Make an Omelrt. The most successful way of proceedin? is to beat the whites and yolks of th( - separately until both are light; the,! add to the yolks one tablespoonful ol milk for each egg and the frothed whites. Stir lightly together and turn Intotht Omelet pan, which must bo ready on the stove, with just enough hot, browning butter in it to keep the omelet front sticking to the pan. As the omelet sets slip a ttrin bladed knife under one edg and lift it enough to let the uncooked egg run under. As it hardens roll up e little and tum out on a plate, Do not wait for it to be entirely cooked. Tin heat remaining in it will make it solid without hardening. No salt must be added until the omelet is cooked, as il wiil make it tough. So made, an omelet should be a light, puffy mass, brown 01 the outside and golden heart id within. Griddle CakeSi One cupful of hut pudding and a cup ful of warm mil'.;, beaten together with a cupful of sifted flour. Let it stand overnight. In the morning add a well beaten egg and half a teaspoonfnl ol v ia dissolved in a little warm water. When ready to fry, stir into thi- battel a half cupful of sifted flour. Butter n hot griddle and fry in small cak"s, send ing at once to tiie table, Tins is daibtj and go'td. A lloiiK-miili-Tea litlilr. Now thnt th" fashion of offeringtea to afternoon callers is ho general tea tables of every shape and siie are seen. Those that have a double stand are found to be mon convenient, and such a one, recent' ly Illustrated in 'ibo Household, can in easily made from two barrel eovws. A IVIm Pesaootter, Tourist la Mi" dining ball stScrogg's Station fin by the eowpitn Conductor No, by private parties. 'I v.n 'I hank f f.,t that V. u will probably hw allowed plenty el tine M New Vork Wi'fkly 0CNERAL SUMMARY, If' ur i i'iy Hilar t.'-iy Stisagsd From isjo larni at will, iuiitet In'lln n f,n-M4toiio clay. wasio dree Un loaKwi ui lean blsbrstesf down reu weiir, A t wit run BMB 0OWB tclay. "Down, Uta iirtt of all hi raoa li-i Lie, BaUnueitli facn ut tiw.-a (in Urn litkti ur In il,M i uv, Hliil-- tlci sti-itill'-it efiiio' Alt- Um '.itrry utlicrt IWW, Died unit t'jL tlic tawl itravn Wban they aeratebsd Iha reladsw imua Iobm 'ai" awds i-ii" skslsh ins own, llwbsd a from Dm srtlst Umo, F.vii Iu thu.' early 'lay;4, Woe a ibapls iioeeoii ptniss Tliruu n the till uf othur mini 1 re tli'-y lii-wwl tin' KpMli vltt;) favorlUSBl leVSVMd lilit-uigi-, gvnii as It ilooa III this ugii. Wlm shall ilmiljt tin- M'lTi't 1 1 IU Pi.'litr I'Iiciiii'm pyiiuiilil WSS that tic OOBtrSCtOr did ( 'ISIIS UllL llf St'V.'Otl IllilliuUUt Mr that Jrwcpti's auilili'a rhtu To cuDipli-ullor nf Htipllil4 Wiui a fraud of moustrous hiA (in Kiu-Fbareoh's swart civilians? Thus the artli'sj suacii I "Int Do nut deal with anything Jor ur never said buforo, As It wn In thn becinnini;, Li today official HlmilnK. Aud shall bo (or vrvrnioro. -ltudyard Kiplli ; II 1 I nature in preparing the system for parturf tinn. Thereby "lalmr" iiiul the iiinil (if iiiilliicnient is nn-itl lv Hlioi'teiiisl. Il also A l III AT AMI COKVBNII K I IAIII.IC. These are turned SO that Hie run will stand up and seound by four broom stick lege, which are w lewd In to Hie covers, f this table Is painted with ilm ivory white enamel paint thai le now so pop ular for furniture, the rims of theCOVCTS lined with Kilt paint and a few lines of tho gilt striping the legs ai the top ami bottom, ii will be very handsome und serviceable. promotes an abundant secretion of nuurisii menl for tim child, flouts Bend Pasifk Cu.. WoalL Ptaaca, Bulrslo, n. v.: (ddr .so I Im'ksii fak- Inir vein " ntVOntS I're. Hci liil Inn'' t he Mist moatbof preglMBO. and linn- oontinued nikintr it since oonloeneut T did llllt CXpcrli nee the imiiHeu iii- any ut Mm- ml moots due tu pregnan ('-OWt mWOa ' ' sun ciimii, Wii''. 1 wttttiimy III liii 1 1 UHlntri time, nut) tlir phyrili-inu urtimlly wi'll. I in It UM sll l til ul 1 1 fiTktllf 1 WllH (nilltllt'il U M ' 1 1 1 In' Hltll M)U I'tirrlictt Hi-fi, nfiil il hiiMiluuu it world of K"'J1 l a un- Min ' ii iy ytmisi. NK, W Du. It. THE Upholsterv D OP Mrs BaKSU, We Hi 1 1 1 k it Have C. Il Mi Kit. Compl3xion Preserved DR. HI HI, A' , VIOLA CREAM RotUOVei FrooMi PlmpluiI Livjr - Mulot, filnnMiBada, Sanburn and Tin, and Ma lures ho Skitt 10 Iihoi IkI nal fri-.ihne.Mi, p.inluuliiK a OlSSI and BSSIUiy enin-fl I'leliiiu. r 1 1 -I I utnii i:u u M naratloni un I nerf -i ilv UrUfl la, r mailed Iir50i-la. Baud lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP ' daw! limaajmikU lata rafUflai i"tii. anaaalal in Um iuiwi, aa4 u.,.i ,Ui.l (Ul U.u i,,.i-ty il'tMliil. l j,ui blrl acllmltl; ut.ll MU4. tt .UunKit. Prinu Ti Cmti. Q. C. BITTNER . CO., Tolcoo, O. hiirmlcA At all Poi I II MetttlOWS BrOf . M..I Kan III u. und Hoi'KKn a i'u. (..-in. Miiiie w nil nice. A good way to nan a cupful of cold boiled l ice IH In pill il into gems fur luncheon. Bepante the yolks from the whites of it eguM, beat the yolks bghi and add a pint of sweet milk and II cnpfiils of flour i If Is thoroughly and thn add n tablespoonfnl of butter melted which is not a tableapoonfnl of melted buttar a toaepoonful of salt and the cupful of boiled rice. Rent vigoroiiKly: then add 2 teaspoonf ills of bilking powder ami the well beaten whites of the eggs. Orewo the geui pans thoroughly and bake yi minutes in u quick oven. nUMMUS tl yiLbiiiixEU 18 Vi liidapo mdae a wen ''(v. .... Man of r' uMl I. I INDAPO I Hi HINDOO RCMIiDY HtODVl LTItu fttOVl Iflrtl LI- tu KO I 1 I lil-h ull Ni-i viMie Ulfeancn, PHiiititf Mi iini! I'ut ValH. HU'l'-rll.i- NluTltl V I. Hill Hluilx, snU.0ftWWl I'V 'n( liburt p, ulvt-a l Id iiiikvn hi 'fuii, u. ul lunLly but r-uiel rttatoi t-i M lsmbuuil in Old 01 fiintf hii-l.y anil Jib VMl po!kl ttpiicltftft BU for .so with Pill m tfHiu MtM t teirJ or MWM rr-Cuiidi-st. Don 1 tt't UIIY UllIM Illi'lpltJ tlrirjlfl-'t rll )U tiny kli.'l ul tfUf-if K"i Itidiat t'U hit' Inif I MM ! nut i' ulhci Tl hv nMnot vot lt1 w i' wlii ruriiti It hv tiiatll upuu rui; olpricu rMipbWt in miUm Mvtiopt feet-. SOLD by MttthYI Drot., U ltulei,ale und RtUil praurttB, SLRAN'ION. PA., ftfld ulhex Ltai! ins UiUtJKistk William : Sissenberger Opposite Jiaptm Ch Pciiii Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounge3 for the Holiday Trado. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONHELL CO. MT. Pl.KASANT Ekoomio ar thi Hi.hi.t Mtcctt AuTaeaiTita K SEnTilOL INHALER HEADACHES INHAt.fR will cure ynu. A woudtTful boon to Poftgftfi i r i:i olilsj, hc.rc 'l, Infliipnr.i. II i om I,,I1. i rll A Y I'F.VKK. itarSl I'nmriJ.afrrri,.'. Ad cfni li-ut rpmprir ivirtr.-iiliif 1. r,f In pncKot. nailT t3 vt m flrt Indirailun of imIJ. C'nnllnai-it I in l:ft"t. Frrnnnrnt 'nrr. Hatiifaiilwi aii-iranti'i'ii or mnnr re! umled Prlr., CO rt.. Trial fni t Dnnit-int4. It-v:-r. -. . : CO OSalS. E. f. CCSHSU, Sir., Ikre tm, Ikct , C S. . CrnHMAIV'S MFNTHHI """" ml aafi-m remiiilT for Rl ,l,Ul lll.l1 l.i ll li .11 Si. BALM A i RrcTAIIa Tnalof til" lieyt quality for flom"Stti;,d Of hUbIsim. delivered ID kuj part ut Ua citr at loweat price. Order lot I al my ulllco. NO, lis WVOMINa AVENUE, Riar room, flrt flixir. Thir 1 National Bank, or iicnt ty mail of ti-lej!.oaa to tun rniua, wul receive )rompt atti-ntiou. r-t-lal contracts nlll b made for Uie aale aud delivery ot buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Khvnm.i.M s..rt. Ilnrnt. cm Wondrrftit rem euif i , r rn.ti rnce, sfi ru, m oru' Kitm urorroattprapaiq, agaraai ii ai For Hie br Matthewa Uroa.. Moriian Urus and Murcai. A Co. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Havinir sccnreii tbe BBOBINO FOROB ol w lllltu blume for a parmSSaflt tm! liesa atauiL I Lall roadacl btimtnc am l'utliolotrical bhOS lilt lor the PrtTMttoo, I'.e llef anil I'm e of LsmMSM and thcr iinpedi metltslll the lnovpiroKta of Borsaa incidental or dot to Inperfset iborlng I shall (rive the wrk my pcrSOBSl uttentl n ami auaruntee ui i xtra I'liarge, except for .mini T( meet. Ijtme tiesa, etc. , wjll hetieatd afternojns A free CUOlc ami tirofensicnal advice glTSS i-verv Mouday friu I to . H, 11. Every Womar i JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S, Sometimes noeita a reli able monthly regulatmr medicine. AX Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Am rimmpt, aafc nnd certain in reult. Ttie tienu .' Or I'enl't.-never d;nflunint. Sent aurwhclt 1.00. l'aal Mcdli inc Cu , Cleveland CI. Bold to .milN' B. PHELPS Pbsrmseltt oortMr Wyoming sTsnoe and Bpmos itresl Beraatoo. i'a. WEAK-MAN m VOUHSELF DtlTEB IH0I CO., dc CnlUt. BEST SI .AO HHOE IN Till: OltLO. "A dollar funti t a dolitt mmtJ." ThUl.rtUlen' nnrli DoMffoUKMBtlt lun Bool dcIlvpTTtl free Ml where ,n .hf I s , ;, rvcftpt of Caih. Money Ordi r, 01 I Vital Not! for f ; M Ka mi frery way the boon MM ia nil "retuil utoroi for J..SiJ. V nmke this Uwt oorMhrtt. thttofort w juar- inUt tht Jit, i,'i,V au-l ti f.i-. id If Ko v o-jp t hoi ui'.Bi il will refund the minr r tend nnothtr ytir. t';i m 1 or i 'mn.n erl MUi 0. D. B, k BK, lie 1 1" S n,l h .' SmJ your tttti Hi!i ft l.'sf. lliiitt;,i l'U Vk mbUitkl rtF TEEN DAYS. I w in lend ii.ii Id any nmii the DKavoi Intlnn of n im um-I potlilvfl 1 1 -it.. -I v toenUrffl imoil, w e -ii k orifftnii ii i itiro euro rorftiJ wfHfii III JfOUIlH Of tIM'll 'tir' Cll-al" l.i'Stt Mh ii hood . BhiImIohi mi VoHvoctlt I fi iloyn , (IIobom ni'vrt rrtnriif) CortCtponil in co ptivftto. aii lotion lonl In pljln s iM 1 nvHom Vil Iroin, T. i it ;.M - Lor! Box 304i iMrtin. Mortballi ielsW iiinevL Dexter Shoe Co., FHEC FE DE HAL ST., nOSTON, II in. A Handsome Complexion la one nf the create! obsrmt a woman can pitam'ta I'OJfi Ni'a Comm tuns PnWI'kB tVI ULCERS, PIMPLES. BLOTCHES. ABSCESSES. SALT RHEUM, PUNNING (ORES, OR SCROFULA IN THE SPRING If ho, yuur Blood nuiRt ho Impure). Cleanso tho Blood and System with Burdock Blood Bitters DUYUtUC, Mich . April li, IfSH Mkhmiis FoSTPit MtLBtrM 4 Cft Oeur din ' write tbsl you msv Unnw Um good l have reoelred from t lie BURDOCK BLO n BlTTBRo. I in mm- mi the ninth bottle o( youi wooderful UlUsrS, and in tint OonfeSS I flSTS received iruniit OUTS of n li'ii ttsndtna iliaeaac BOROrULAi I here used dollsrtftei uollers' worth o! rosdldnes snd reeeleed no relief, but tue tiiir.i boitls ol it B, B, I found lircat rt. i bare sleo used three imttlca of Boioooi I'u in, thej ire tho la-ai medicine I ever took. I OUUOt ptlisc IhetD tmi highly. I do own my whole lite to lliem nml can recoin mend tnnm tnevery living soul Hint u nffllcted with thai dreadful disease, BUH0F ill, A. I wa sffllcted with lumrsj u larsje is an vai: in mi right slds and large lumpeOO my Ihrost, kihI my llmba wero covered with n lunnin,' nnd Itching man. which very gTOlUy nniioyed me ivlicn nem the warm alove I hud a'iit n gretl dcai of money trying to get relief, and consulted the i'"i medical treatmenl in the ni.te, hut nil la vein, (he) did me no Mod whatever, mui I i. i ihoul given up when I llioiiclii I would try your medicines, mid. Ihnnk Qod, the) have cured inc. 1 um u well Woman to-day. Your over true friend nnd well wisher, MRS t HAS BUTTON, v BervlUe, Bt, OlalrOo., Mu idnwi. RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTT'S PILLS fur m'rviin prnnlintlen ni l i , . . i v . , ,,r iiraiiim ur i-itiinr ni nui-li i Nurvoui. I'rtmtiaiii i. iSll- i'v, MMlr Kinlniiiiiiit.Yiiiitliriil Krror, hi the snip of the shears, The bondholder bean The souu(3 of his money enhancing; Why not copy his wa;.. And clip every day To get something that's qoite as entrancing. You Can Do It! BY SN1PP.NG AND CLIPPING VOU GET W VALUE FOB TEX CZXT. Just to think of the delights of a trip a., over 01 from Alaska to trie Quit of Mexsc: AND JUST THINK OF Br ?-(8',-i'$' Be';ii able to do it ir. easv stages, at TEN CENTS a stage indud- the ervi;rs of a ruide! Ye: in, that is just what we do for you Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey, The incomparable world-famed tpae!?- an j lecturer, PROF, GtC. R. CROMWELL, is the cuide. Journal $t : oe. -:s? :$ f? cn:r of the trip. America "From Alaska to the Golf of Mexico." will be published In weekly esrise of eliteen Tim sch tiw ;ixisr mcbss lullr worth $1 NX soil will umbrae tbs phrttcal sn.l BOMlC waJira of Our Own Land, Um whole tltlid by Pwt U H. Cromwtll BeMh itr. will b mlowil ia l ho rnillo1 w ithlatytoMs i hi omttion, HmIi I rlntlitg HOIIM Nqiiaire, Sn le Ii in t i i Us ikii ( AitDit, Colo ajii Chvttnoi mk.i i mu.u 'i in,. t iii'nitin si u W outing lit ii 1 1 i ' i mi' NOWpoH l lltnl l aia Mlitnpolte AmllUxlum Hot I. ( hti'tgiv Long Janult Ilp1(ta t. Leiwrooct Kir. rmpl lajmoro, "it l kr hi? . MtrUOtOtn Hoiiat, CrOtOOO 'iinh; TaW Mahlhstrtn Motnimem BftIttBa01 Home RnoOefOjlla Magam CUl or Ivtorlft u c tliall ..I. . 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HMDOOd, Nigiiitly KiulMlbua, NiTTOiiani'aii.alKlrnliisatiit loaa 01 powvr lit t )iiiral I Vii ( iffii m a if 'H tir r i iitiseail by OTCrfltrUotl, yolhiil errors, -iv i v or t.'imeiv opium ur funnumiua, wniin ioai lo innrmMi. ron- an m ul Ion or InHiintlv. ' in luirnriloiHn veil iio.-kct. Ml icr tmi, sj for I mj uniH I iu in bl. With n i u it' i' wi clrr n written kin rant it to ciirn in- i-In i.i I i lie ir. i tic i . i 1 1 Cll III i I I'M1 Si ilil iv ii I 1 1 mini Uta A - h ( . r 1 1 in kit "tr'ORE AND AK1LR USING. Huutbur. Addrtu xficve IllttOOn Mnsouio fuaipio, cuicauo.Iu. FurSulo in Srnvutxjn, Pa., by H. C. SANDEUSON, Druriat, cr V7atjhtrnftOD nnd Suruco atrcoU. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllll MARCH 22 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different s dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure any one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four s parts. i iiiiiiiimiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiitiimiiiiii iiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir