6 TTIE SCHANTON TRIBUNE T1IITRSDAY MORNING. MARCH 22. 1894. LIE W ii mm TnK BOBAlrTOll Tr.iiWNE's Pittaton de partment is in chaw of .1. M. Fully, to Whom new Item! and complaints niay b referred . j GUNNING FOR DELEGATES. Candidate George S- Ferris te Kindly Rs celvad by Republican FrletuU. Pot the past week or K aeveral poll tlelana from Wllkee-Barre nod Pittaton have vielted tins leotloo in ipiest of delegntee for the next Republloan comity oonTeotioo. It in, of course, little early, bat the old apboritm, "that tli parly birl natohee the worm," i running Id their minds, and they aro all utter tlu worm. Last week Qeorga B Ferrle, attorney at law tor Weat Pltlitoo, who Ii a can dldate for orphan' court judge, was tit re ami wat accompanied by .lames Kuret aiul Profeaeor Shiel, of Pittaton, iitiil County Cotnm iiioner Smith, of Wllkee-Barre. Toey male tour of tins region ami w;r kindly received by thou- Republican friends, but whether they aucoeeded in oatebing nny delegate! it i: is impoulble to yet ay Hasleton Plain Speaker, Tits eevereat cases ct rhenmatiam w cared by Hood' Sareaporilla, the sireat blood purifier. Now la the time to take it. noon i cares. N-PPtNINGS JBOUT TOWN. Au Intjrostuiit Budgvt of Njwj In 8hor: Paragraphs, Abont i o'clock Taeeday morning the itore and :U.v ot the Annera Coal company, located at Lnflin, waa totally deetroyed by lire. It was occupied by Jobn Batterton who lost everything. Hi loas is between 1 WO and $0,000. but la fully oorered iy iaeurano The election of a chief for the tire department takes place tWl evening aud a lively content it promise to be The work of our townsman, Con troller Abednego K.ae since entering npon bis Juiiea, i wiumu for him Bnstintad praiae, Uonoernlng the just and economic management the Wilkes. Brre Timaa eaye "Upto dtte h? baa beeu wieidio tae pruning k:iife ju diciously anlwith effect. ConnlTiOg coss tables and peace jasneea tr.ive al ready felt id kaen edge in the cutting '. wa of tbeir illegal fee. The old trick of peculating on nbp 'sua u i milea' d a t p.iss with Mr Re. He is oppoeed to andiuni three trip btila for one trip' work. H ti-id no good reaaoa for paying a constable fee for a J:zeu or more wireesaea in a trivial ntt hatched np for pure ly speculative parposj. Mr. Kje twtui to think that an official who deliver fifty subpoena! in fifty una ntee isn't entitled to fifty fee. Bains an old eoldier, he propoece that every dollar drawn ia accordance with the law, allowing a eartain sum of moaay for ' mbatonea erected over the icrivea of aeidiers tnned at the ip'aie of the county, ahail be applied co that par po and not drawn to awell the pock et! of some mean and aaaympthetic offl ii '. aa - M been the caee ia several lustancee in the past. A glance at tba commiaaiooers' booka anowa that the coonty ejperjs! for Jaauirv, 1803, wr in the neighborhood of $11,000 Thi -vr f r tin same month toey w-?re ont i 00 Here ; a dropping: off of Ml ."ii Of eo-rgfc there mav have been n. re to piy for laet ye.ir in Jan- nary than this, bat all the aame a large percentage of the redaction U due to Collector Reese's pruning knife." Attorney Jmee L. Morri. of this place. bP'.'ia two sain again: tae Cea"' tral Railroad comoany of Xew Jersey. One for James iDoar.ell claimi)10, 000 iamagaa. The other for Neil Dougherty aaka 3 0 Iamagaa, The nctione are fonndel on the defendant company'! failura to carry tba plaia tiffs to Sandy Ran, after aellmg them ticket!. This obliged them to walk from Pond Creek jnnctioa on a coM, f.-osty night and O'Donneli broke hi leg. The regular Wedneaday evning Len ?n service at St. John'a ETaajli!t ehurch was disoenaed with last even ing. Thergnlir F.-i lay evening ier vice, how-iver, will be condncted to morrow evading as naaal. John IfoLaog ilin, aged 1", yeirs. aingle, wis 4ilmitted to the hospital ysterdsy. ff" was af?ering from in jlr:s reci7.i while at work early in toe day at tie flatter mine, fle bving ftlln from a wind w in the breaker. Tne schools of the 'oorongh will be closed tomorrow Good Frtlay nl rmain so antii jforrlay The memoer anlfrienlsof Thalia lodge, Daagtiters of Rebeoc, will en joy en entertainment an'l anppr at Odd Fallows' hill this evening. Jr. .1 h. Mabon will make an addrass. foncerning the condition of ex-District Attorn-y James L, Linahan, of Wiikes-Barre, who ia wII known in this plae, the Wilea-Brre Tunes s-ays. "The sp'cialia who re treat ing Jsrn" L Lenahao, in New York, recently performed a most deinate op eration npon his face from the fact that he snfTereifJno psin the physicians made aB investigation and 'lisrovered that a portion of In jiw bone hid de cayed and raaoWed to remote and re place it with a plate of silver. Mr I.' :;ahan's face was laid opto from the temple around th eyi down along the aide of the nose and through the mid He of the npper Hp After this incision had been made the fl ih ws I n I hiek ind the decayed portion of the bone re moved and the Mirer plate, previously jrepsred, inserted, the fl 'h laid buck ti its proper place and aew 'il up The ipsratlon was a highly SUOeetaf al one nd the many friends of Mr Lenahao will be pleased to know that ho is to k ing a good recovery." In order to get their papers here na early as the Philadelphia papers, the New York publisher! have had plaoed a special newspaper train for the pur pose. It leaves New York at 8 ''') a in., connecting with the Philadelphia morning train, the papers thin cach ing I'ittston at !l 48 in. This Is the earliest time that th New York papers have ever reached this section, and it will be a decided advantage to the journils of that city, ns they nri now ihablad to compete with the Phlladel phia pap-rs in point of time delivery James McNully lies brought suit lgaimt l)r. J. K. Dooley for malprao tine claiming dnmagss in the sum of 118,000, Dr, Uooley let an arm of Wil limn McNulty, nged 10, son of the prosecutor, thereby rendering it uie leFS for life. i Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the use of P, P. I'. If yon are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonic to regain nVshnnd loat appetite, strength and vigor, take P, p, I'., and you will be Mining and healthy, l'or shattered constitutions and lost manhood V. P. P. (Prickly Aah, Poke Hoot and Potassium) ia the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood pnrillor in the world, tot sale by all druggiete. . Somk remarkable cures of doafneas aro recorded of Ilr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil Never falls to cure hoadache. CARBONDALE CHIPS. interim in i Notts of Nowa Carefully Pre pared for Hurried Rnadina;. .-erct'al to Iht Ncroiifoii 7Vi7jna. OabBOMSaLV, March 21 The Bap tist Sunday school ban placed tickets on sale for a Mother Goose entertain ment which will occur on the evenings of April " and -I in the chapel. Pnco of admission, 10 cents. The funeral services over the remain! of tho late Jenkin Hickards will be held tomorrow (Thuraday) morotna at 11.80 o'clock at the home, No. 148 Spring itreet. Tho following ofBoera have boon elected by the St Roae Total Abstin ence eociety President, John Mul ranayg Bnancial secretary, Prank Oiiu- lii : reroriliiik; secretary. Mu-liaal Mc Donald, John Mulraney and Michael McDonald were eleetedfdelegatoa to the next annual convention of tlw liocessu nnloo, Carpentera aro busily at work plac ing shelving In position in the store on Salem avenue soon to be occupied by Miss M irv O'Gradj Miss Maiuio McNulty has returned home from a visit with Piltston frioinls. The funeral of the late Charles Hoi lis occurred thin afternoon at 8 o'clock. 9 rrleaa weru conducted at Trinity ohurcb, Internum was made In Uaple wood oemetery. W. H, Darla post, Grand Army of the Republic ofwbloh organiaatlon the deceased was a mem ber, attended the tuneral in a body At last erening'a meeting ot the councils the following claims against Ibe city were favorably acted upon and ordered paid Hugh Atkinson, labor, ; city controller, necessary help em moved during lest three years, $108; T. C. RjblnaOO, use of tackle. $l;U. 11 Trron, work on city building, $100; lighta in Colombia flose home, ft). 07; light in oitv buil ling, 8 58; board of health, burying dead criminals. -517, John Booth, cleaning pared atieets, $68 16 Michael Soanloo, a miuer Maiding on Powderly road, and employed m the PowdeHr mine, met with a serious acoident while at work yeiter.lay. It occurred by a IA of rock ih the ebam ber where he wa working He was found to be severely cut and brulaed about the hips, but it c mid uot at once be determined whether he was Injured internally or uot 'real nthiuit l Alru-au l'i;mies. There ha been no change or progress ot any kind among the pygudea of the forest since the time of Herodotus Aa the bird has buildt its nest, the bee its cell and the ant its uew colony, the pygmies have sur vived the lapse of twenty-three centuries, i and have continued to build their beehive I huts liter tbe same ikillesi fashion as they ; built them in the days w hen Herodotus re- cited the story of his travels before tho i council of At boa. 43 years before the birth of Cunst. The reason for this is ob vious from my point of view, which is that the same cause! which operated before the time of Herodotus to drive them out of their original lauds continue to operate to day to keep them in the low. degraded state they are uow in. Africa, more than any other continent, has beeu subjeat to waves of migrating peoples, who have been continually dispos Mating their predecessors. Many centuries before the Asiatic! came to lower F.gypt the ancestors of the pygmies mustiiave oc enpied the delta uf the Nile, poaaibly u'hile the cave men inhabited Britain and west ern Europe. Ueury M Stanley in Scrib-uer's. A GREAT STEP FORWARD We Have Learned of Something Entiftl New About Food. AND II IS RELIABLE. B RICK l-ire and I'lid. At the Little Guinea Debating club uot A Frank Interview Willi the Discover ers Which Explains It Most Clearly. It la only recently that the public hui learned Ihal eOUMthing entirely new in chemletry haa been aceompltahed In New Vors oily In a WOtd; it is the preparing of toil .in such manner that when taken into tliii sioiiiacu n le qulrea no dlgeatlon, bnt i ready to ba lakeii al once into the blood, thus 111 creasing the tlelll adding to thn life. Tins seemed a eubjeot of !( muoh im portanoe that a reporter fur ibis paper was delegated to luVeCtigate, and for tin pnrpoae oalled upon the Pre di gected food oompany,o( 80 Reade etreei under whoso mauagemenl the discovery is being put to practical une. In the course of an interview the Prealdanl said "Ves It is true that Paakola of which von apeak, is a pre digested food, ami is destined to supercede cod livor oil There are various reasons fid- this oue is because it ia free from liiaugr-eable taste, another, beoanaeit is more ef fectire In its operation Brery day w receire lettajra from people who state that Paakola has made them well alter cod liver oil bail tailed, not iu oue in stance, bin in hundreds. "Can you describe the ualiire of this food'.'" "Paakola is a pre digested ftiod.prln- olonllv atarob. but it should ba remem bered that attempts have been made lO produce such foods In the pftt. Pep tones have been used for some time. They will support life in favers, but they will not stop tbe wasting which takes place iu such diseases. To pre vent tho wasting Hi disease we must have atarob, which is a tlssh former aud a fat producer We can fatten neither men nor auiuial! without starch. To fatten auiuiala we give corn oats, wheat, barley, etc. Man is u cooking animal he cannot digest un cooked Itarohy food Dyspeptic call uot even digest cook starch. Brery emaciated person haa indigeetioo, It is a common saying, 'My food seems to do uie uo good.' Tho reason is that it is not digested. This undigested food passes into the bowels and produces coustipatlon. Thil is the reason that nearly nil dyspeptics are constipated Paakola supplies this defect. Al it requires no digestion, it passes at ouce into the blood aud give nourishment to the system where there is no natural Jigostiou. Oue other important fea ture is that Paakola aids iu the diges tion of other food that is taken into the stomach, so thai when persons are suf fering from dyspepsia (it affords great relief," "I aee it clearly and it ii certainly plain uud simple." "Lire.it principle! always are. Do you uot see by the process stated that it is giving the digestive organs a reef By rest the organs regain strength to carry on natural digeition. Thus it is that oue of the first i fleet! of Paikola ia to increase tho natural appetite, then follows vigor, strength andcour- DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. V1T R.IFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. II Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICBi Blnghamton, N Y FACTORY i Brandt, Pa. I ttg i see the following question waa up ' "f? "n n '"crease of flesh N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, M VYVUMlNU AVr . BCKANIOA ONLY 9 DAYS Your Chance Is Slipping Away "Education is an ornament in prosperity; a refuge in adversity." Tlie Cost of an Education HTK1NWAY tk SON DECKER IIKOTHKlia KKANICM A H ( k Ml 1 .1.1. it ItAUKU in PIANOS t . larir itook r tntolw ORGANS MUSICAL MKItCIIAMHSU fur discussion. "Oh Je two ureal c'lami t.e. ure an tiuvd, which am de mos' c 1am- ttouaf" The dab dsbntiil tho qneation at uTcat l'nth. and it was finally referred to Uude 'Rastus fur settlement. "I tell yu' what am de fan'," said Uncle 'Rastm frankly. "Yo' speiikers done dis comboUiernted mu j daX i cayn' tell which am de bes' at arsafyin', but I can tell which am de mos' c lamitoos c'lamity. an' de reaaon ain't lu en te.lied on by de uray tors ob de ebenin'. " fur.' am dil: De flool am de mm' enamitoua, case ye can put de fire out by pumpin de flood ontcr It, but, ye cayn't pnf. de flood out by pumpin de fire onto it nohow!" Exchange. CoM VTnthrr in llitorr. The year 1 Ii amoos in history as that of the terrible retreat of the grand army (rom Moeeow, in which Kapoleon'e forces were weakened by the loss of (oii.iiiiO men. This year naw some exceptionally severe snow storms in the southwest of England. Bray, a local magnate of Tavletock, return ing from F.ieter by way of Dartmoor, found 'he snow so thick at, Sfomton Karnp- atead that It waa Impoaidble to proceed farther on his homeward journey. At Moreton Hampstearl he was obliged to r m.un for no less than three weeks until the mow had cleared off enffldentty for him to reaume his travels London Tit lilts. ind weight Digested food givee ui an appetite." "It would seem, thie being the case, that yon should have a large demaud for Paskola. " "Yes we are having an extensive sale and the reason is that thn discovery posieasei wonderful merit. People re ecire good results immeiliately after taking it. We receive uot less than a thousand letters every week, all in the line of which I hnvo sp .k"n. and ther have been some remarkable cssts of cures, and increase of weight. Mrs M, S. Cook, of V0 Tompkins Avenue. Brooklyn, is one case and John J. rJn'Ugrtton of 886 West .'3d street is another." "Yeu say there ii an interest to learn abont thie food. Well, people should send for our pamphlet giving full ac count of what ,,i i is and all con cerning it. It will be fi uud interest -ing and instructivw ami we forward it to all who send for it to our office, 80 Keade atreet.New York." Vaulting Ambltim Took a Turr.b e WfuhiHitnn I't'Rt. Admiral Da liauia will now have a very fair idea of 'the fenling of the gentleman who tboogbt ht was runninc, against Da liishn ' Irow. DUPONT'S MINl.VCi, BLASTING ANI SI'OKTINO POWDER Manufftcturod Rt the WApWftUOMD Millu. Lu MIH6 county Pftei and ut Wil uiiiitfton, Lcliwuro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Aitcnt lor tba Wyoming District, u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pe. Third National Bank Building. AGENcirs Tfins. ford. Pittaton, ra JOHN B BMITH SON; Plymouth ra. E. W MULLIGAN, Wilkea-Barre. I'a Agentn for the Bepauua Chuiuicai Lulu tnny'K High Kxiduaivva Hotel Wayerly Furopenn Plan. Firt-clas Bar sttxeheA l pot fur Bergncr 4k I.ngoi a Tannhamaer Beer N, E, Cor, 15th end Fllbsr! Phllidi Host di wirahle fnr reiilenta of N K. Fnnn' ylvaiiii All (Onvenlenae! tor (tavelere to ad from Breed Btreel iatli'n and th Twelfth ami Markat Htreet utatlon H liraMii for vi.itii.f Sorantnulaan aad ya lie In the Antheaclte llgliu. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. To solra Ihe (heap fuel I'roliletn. Among fhc lat.e-t atternpte'l tolutions of tl.e "heap fuel problem is the method of a lyerm;iri inventor, who PTOpOOea to inaiiu leetnra aa- tiy dropping a stream ot i rude petroleum through a blent Of 'old air from n force pump. The gas thus obtained will be confined in a regular cylinder open at one ebd, where it. will be lighted. This prodseee an Igaanaely hot flame of several feet, in length liy iwnm of this llnrne the Inventor propotaw to het boiler!, and he maintalna that, the healing of large Mm ks can thus in- reduced very oBrariderably. New Vork GOTMMorclel Advertiser. A Phetoaaetrle itaianrn. A pboiometrlo balanoa bn.s la-en Invent :d by M I, ion, who uses for tbll purpose the daogerou! eaploaivi anbatanoa Iodide of nitrogen. If this is obtained, he says, by allowing BfflfhOflia nt. Wdegs. to ad upon iodine,, it. may he managed without danger if kept in the lii)nl. It, yields a niiiply of nitrogen which is proportional to the intensity of light, which falls Upon it The evolution of the gaa begina and aeaaea In slantly with the InmiUOUl impression PUIadelphla Raoord, Me Dlda'l Reflect. A clerk In a Mi' biK'i'i poetoffloe goea tJi prison for two years for stealing a lettflf OOUtalning IB, llnd be sUipped to illicit lie would hardly have disgraced hliuseli for life for thai, beggarly sum, but, he didn't atop. A prieon cell le a great place to itrike the balance lietwccn debit and profit Detroit Free I'reas. John Randolph, of Roanoke, lies burled In the faneiiis UbUyWOOd ceinelery at RlchlflOhd, In the Kami' inclimiire ire the gran-s of Jamaa Ifonroa and John Tyler. and of A. H Mill and Prlttcbett, the noted Confederal c Itatlari. Ham. Uhiid I Jr. Thoinaa' BoleOtrlO "il fur OTOUp and col. In, nml declare iUa positive cure. (;oiitribiitd by Win. Kay, 570 Ply mouth avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. When B.iliy wa sick, we r;ave her Pastorta. VYIa-u lha waa a Child, ahe erlad for ( 'axturla. When she I ante Mint, alio clung to ' 'imlorla. Whin iHa hud Chlldrvu, she guvuthuui C'ustorla, PSbSBsi WANT ADS UU I -ii .'.it Ton f,.f I, ni ll'ii!ril, Inwi fH JtM aaftrotn 9 pl.WftS.fVi. ay mall ekieflakleriiiii MM ... I ,',,',. V ii.,. Remrxl, i. WM v I- . .. UBj r..M..ii loin, in rin hi in.., in. IB Inserted in I III', I 1,11,1 Nr. nt tho mgHKBBSSBBfBBESBBK rnteof)Ni ceni a wurd ANNUAL CLEARING Si THE PARENTS' DISCUSSION. Husband- "My dear, our hoy Robert graduate from the public schooli n.-ry bood, you know. Hure you thought what he had best do then?" Wife "Well, Jobn, I'd ever h-j mu'jh like to send him to college if you think you could aff rl i'. ' Husband "I'm afraid that ia out of the qUMtion, my dear bo you know tbat it would cost us at the very leus. $500 a year for him at any gool college "Oooduesi, m much a- that? Of conrae, we can t icnl him Lo.t I do wan t to give him a good start in the world, and I don't think a public Mhool education is enough X, equip him for to battle of life." Husband-"No, it is not today, when education la ao general. Now, 1're been t a tbiaking by an advertisement I saw iu THE TRIBUNE the other day. and that ;- why 1 brought up the subject tonight The trouble is. I think, that moit young perioni stumble into lusineis, are thrown into it by accident or necessity, or are drawn into it by misguided ambition or perverted fancy, without any serious thought as to their real fitness for it. Whtu the years for lturniug the theory and practice of their trade -,r t.rofeeilon are passed they often awake with regret and dismay to the fact that they have not oniy male a distaUT :a their election, but have waited tbe precious yeats of early manhood upon a wrong puriuit. "Now, the chief thing for our toy'i sue cees iu life is not education at much a- PROPER EDUCA TION that is. education along the line of his natural bent It s a y-ar or two before he graduate!. I m going to give him an opportunity of doing a little study at borne- during tbii time I wes looking at THE TRIBUNE Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Today, and it'i really a great thing With thtfe bcoke in the bouse, Robert will have information upDn every poitible subject at hii band, and it is the most reliable information in the world. Whatever hit nat ural tont ll, he can find proper development for it in thie Encyclopedia, whether tt'a the law, mechanics, engineering, literature or any of the trts and science. I think when ho ia ready to graduate we will all have made up our minds what be is best fitted for by his uae of these book!. Brides, there he will f ni the life stories of all the great men of the pait, and he will know of their efforts, their struggles and their i-oc-cessee. and he may have a better and more -erious view of life. These bookf haTe in them ail the infrac tion he can get in a college education. Honeatly, THE TRIBUNE has given us a great Opportunity Now, my dear, what do you think of my scheme ' Wife "It's just splendid, John, bnt what w.ll the books coitt" B in-hand- "Why, that ia tie most inr rieing part of it. We can get them for only ten cents a day Just think of it. " On payment of $4.50 the entire 25 vols, will be sent, the balance to be paid in monthly payments of $5; or on payment of $3, the first twelve volumes will b3 delivered, the last 13 to be sent as soon as the 12 are paid for. Address or call at Ti TRIBUNE E. B. DEPARTMENT 437 Spruce St. Between ashington and Wyoming A ves. OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENINGS. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousand Etomnanto of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Pat Capes during sale ut Ii sm than oosl of material, Ever Inch if counter room covered with the greatest bargains evor shown, I.mlixa' Felt IUIm, Hi in MMOU'l atylas 0i). atoll Boys' Winter Waleta mo onoh. M"' 30o. ench. Cloak! $l.50enou. HOBIBBY, UNDBRWBAR AND Notions at QUARTER OF VALUE. COMB, IT WILL PAY 1TOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN S BEE HIVE. PITTSTON, PA. LUTHER m KELLER UMTi mm in p. ,n i p. n KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERINGL SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. 1 Spring Ginghams. Wc have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever lie I ore. are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Thatcher W W 1. mill . i'i' iv r . V' ' v' Jv msls aU - 1 I T!K i.i .1,1. The Flou Awards "CniCAQO, Oei 81, Fh first offlriat annonnoeneat ot WorleYa Vir Jl plonaa on flour li!. m.i.lc- A int'i'.nl luia been awarded by the World'a Kair judsM lo tlip floor man i- faotnrod by tho Waahbnrn, Oroaby Co, in tho groat Waahbnrn Floor Ittlltj Hlnneapolta Tin eomnittee roporti tin' flour MroiiK ami pnm, anil rntitlae li to rnnk a Brat-olaa imtwiit flour (or tunlly nod bakere' na." MEGARGEL & CONNELL HOLE8ALG Ad I N r SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tlia aboTO Vrnnilii of flmir can Ik had at any of tlin following merchants who will accept TMTUBDitl rXODR OOtTON of ','5 ou each one huuclrod poaodA .f Hour or 50 on eHfh barrel of flour. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. IS THE BEST, (let iiricci ami ie the furunco nnd b con vinced. A full line of HEAT KHS, Appollo and (lauza Door Bangoa CONLAN'S HARDWARE riTxsrox. pa. leraaton k. r. Men Waahiaaton aveane I (l.il.l M.lai tlran.1 Duaaore t P Prioa, Oold m.vIbi Brand. paninore-F D Heoley. BuperiatTve Brand. II) ill-Park I'iomiu A Havla Warbliurn Mt. Until Medal Brand) freeph a Mourx.Untu avenne, trnperlaMva Brwd Qreeo Mdn A ISi,.ni-nr.toKi Mmlul HiaiiJ. J. T. Mi-llale, Siiii lBtive. Revldeaeefenner a obanpeltK' Main eve nue, MuiH.rlntire Uraml;!.'. .1 Uilleiiiii., W. Market atroet, UoM v . ,. Hi ami Olvpliant .liimeii Jorilan, Uinierlailve Brand. Peeiville- Shaltfr a K.Wr BajMrUUva, Jeriiiyn ('. I. Winter C snpi'i uhitlvn Ari lidnlil Jnnoa. Himp.iiiii & C. . II 11 Medal, i'arlM)iiinlo K S Clark, liulil Meilul llriind. lluneiilale. I N. Poeter & Co UuUi Modal. MtDuukn M 11. Uvcllo, Taylor-. I u.lite tt CO., Hold Modal; Atlicrton J Co., Superlative. I'urvea Lawronre Storo Co., Oold Medal. Moonle- Johu Moi'rindl. Gold Medal. lHlatmi M W O'lloylo, Oold Modal. Claik'a Oreen- Fraee & Parker, Suporlativo, ClarkV UDiinit-1' M. Youiw, Qnkl Medal. raltoD P R. Mint & Son. Oold Medal Braud. NicholaoD J. E. ii it,- Wav.rly- M. w. Bllna A Hou, (told Medal, Paoterv villi, rharl. lai-dnor, Oold Medal. Bopbottom N- M Finn A Son, Oold MedaU Tnliyliaunn T ihyhiuinii A l.rluK-h Luoiba P' Co . Oohl Modal Brand. Uonldaborn-B A. Adama. Onld Meilal Brand. Moscow Uaiffe A Cleruoutw, Oold Medal, Lake Ariel Jamoa A Bortre, Oold Medal. Porvat City -J. L. Morgan A Co., Oold Medal