I THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH '22. 1894. SliiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiii: I Pipe Valves IPS THE SCRAN10N SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, niiiiiiimiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiirS DO yot WW r ANtw NECK BAND on your old shirt Wo do it. Lackawanna THE Laundry tOt Penn Ave. A B WARMAN. NorrmanA Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS N SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS 1111 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '27 Wyoming Ave CITY NOTES. MUST OBSERVE SUNDAY Violators of Law Must Promise Submission by April 1 or Be Prosecuted. PASTORS' UNION ON THE WATCH Twenty Sub-Cointnitteos in All Parts of the City Are Working to Stop Unlawful Business on Sunday -It Moral Suasion Kails, the Law Will Mr Applied Mayor Connell's Edict. The Work Divided. WILL OPEN MONDAY NIGHT. This morning the grand ; rry will present its first report to court. Tn new coses of measles Were reported to the board of health office yesterday. Common pieuo court will bezin oa Mon day. Ic wiil b the Arit three weeks' term H. G. Beane baa ben appointed con stable of the Sixth ward of Duniaore by the court. The report of the auditor intbeei'.ate of John E. He was confirmed uisi by tho court yesterday. This morning Sb-nff Fahey will sell tin goods in the jewelry store of Lincoln A. Jones at 131 t'enn avenue. Henry V. Decker wan yesterday ap pointed jiUge of Section of .Vorth Abiag ton towusuip by the court. The Ladies' Aid society of the Kim Park church will serve supper this evening from 6 to S o'clock. All are cordially invited. An interesting sion of the Scranton Whist dob was held Tuesday night at the residence of H. J. Anderson on Jefferson avenue, An interesting little s ,n of .Mr. an 1 Mrs. Peter O-rnty, of Phelps street, died yes terday from complications following an attack of measles. John Boyle OKeilly Council, Young Men's institute, will give asocial for member- and their lady friends at the rooms next Friday uight. A valuable package addressed to Harry Carling, Hartford, Conn., remains uude liveied and the sender is requested by Postmaster Yandllng to rail for It. The Ontario and Western railroad yes terday paid its employes at the Blue Hi Ige breaker. Peckville, and are t' 'lav paving its railroad employes from this city to Middleton. Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk of the Courts Thorn yesterday to John Joyce, of Minooka, and lindget UoTDe, of fccranton; and 0WTM P. Purvis and .Mary A. Meade, of Scranton. The funeral of ihe sou of Mr. and Mrs i..-s Koch, of Oibson street, who died Monday night, took plac, y,n terrlay afternoon. Interment was made in Hyde Park cemetery. It n iiuired three ballots Tuesday night to decide who would bo the nominee of the Democratic caucus for chairman of the common council. On the II rat two ballots James drier received the same number of votes as Noalls, who was nominated on the third ballot. A. Harris, the aifrtioneer, will sell the boxes, loges and choice of seats for the opening performance at the new PntblDf haiu theater at the Arcade this morning t 10 o'clock. At the conclusion, of the ale all the seats that may remain will be sold. No chocks will be given out. The art department of the 101m Park church will bold a sale of fancy articles, Including beautiful hand painted chlun, Saturday afternoon and evening in the church parlors. Those who desire to make Easter gifts will find no more suitable a selection. Cake and chocolate will also bo old, Cbalng- Concert of ths Standard Courae. The most ancceeaful eutortninmeut course of the long series which the Young Men's Cbrigtiun association has conducted in this city will close on Friday evening with a concert by the "Old BomottMUT1 Quartette, asaiBted jby Miss Alice Ouar eau, elocutionist. This is the original anartotte which contributed so materially to the success of Den man Thompson's "Ula Homestead company. New Trial la Refused. Judge Buffington, of the United State ; circuit court, has banded dowu an opinion refusing a new trial in the case of Thomas Ruddy, executor of Francis J. Ruddy, de ceased, against the Michlgau Lite Insur ance company. The judge also refused an injunction la tne case or vv. A. Kellog, or this city, against F. P. Burcon, of Hazle tou, for alleged infringement of patent. The executive (.-0111101116 recently ap pointed by the Pastors' union of Serati too and Dunmore has addressed the pattoraof Scrauton and DQUmore urg ing prompt oo-operatlou In t)i work ol bringing about an observance of the Sunday closing laws as outlined at a special meeting of tho Pastors' union held March They were instructed yesterday to begin tin canvass, the particular! of which tire given below, and complete their work April 1; after this date alt who havd refused to comply with thd law will be proeeooted Twenty sub committees distributed about the various sections of the city and Douinore will push the work for the next ten days I'bo plan, which its promoter! Mil n onnfaei aud not a crusade, tins been making since last February and U now praotmally lu operation DA VI BKCBIVID oudkus. The subcommittees have received their orders from the executive com mittee and are expected to reach every Violation of the Uw. The executive committee controlling the movement is as follows tt-v P, A Dotty, chair msu; O, O, Maby, Moretary; II If. ltoies, W. II. Freeman aud Luther Keller. Mayor Council, the executive com mittee claims, will add ins proclama tion directing all unlawful Sunday business to cease after April t, and it is expected that Burgess DuggaO, of Dun more, Will do the same. The commit tee is not positive of the I ist mentioned aid. The assignment of section and sab committee! hsve beta male us follows; DIVISION OF THU WORK I. Hyde Park West Side Pastors' union. 1. Ptnu avenue, from l.ackawauua ave nue to Carbon street and to the Lacka wanna river Peon Avenue Baptist church aud Rescue Mission. X Wyoming avenue, from Lackawanna avenue to Olive street S;. Luke's Kpisco pal church, Grace Reformed Eoiecopal chuii.li and the raiireau urauen ot tue Young Meu's Christian association, 4. Washington avenue and Adams ave nue Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church sua Second Presbyterian Church. j Lackawanna avenue, from Jefferson avenue to the river-First Preebyteriau church uud the Young Men's Christian as sociation. i. Spruce and Linden streets Womau's Chriatian Temperance union. 7, Providence Providence Methodist Episcopal tturctt. Providence Presbyterian church, the Biptist, Congregational, aud 'hrit:an churches, i. Green Uidie Green K'dge Avenue Piesbyterian church, Asbury Methodist Episcopal church and the Evangelical church. 0. Pine Brook and Johnson Place Green Ridge Baptist, Calvary Reformed church and Second Presbyterian mission. It). South Scrantou Cedar Aveuue Metu odist Episcopal church. Hickory Street Presbyterian church. Grman Methodist Episcopal church and First Presbyterian mission. 11. Market street from Providence square to North Park Primitive Method ist church. 18, Park Place Park Place Methodist Episcopal church and Trinity Lutheran mission. 13 Petersburg German Presbyterian church and the Evangelical mission. MILLER-KEYSS NUPTIALS. Intersa'.lr.f Ceremony at Howsri Place Mthodtit Episc pil Church Probably the most notable marriage of colored people which has occurred in recout years in this part of the state was that of Miss Ella F. Miller to Oeorga W. Reyes, at the Howard Place Methodist Episcopal Bethel church, at S o'clock last night. A 1 litional interest was added the event by the large nam lr of white p-ople, well known in Scranton (octal circles, who witnessed the ceremony. At the hour announced the bride leaning on the arm of her brother, William Mill-r, "nttred the church and approached the chancel to fie strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin. After the rita nad been solemnized bv Rev C A Magee the couple held an impromptu reception and left the church accompanied by the - rains of Mendelssohn's wedding march. A reception was hel 1 later in the evening at the residence of Mrs John Lilly. filWi West Lackawanna avenue The couple will forego the pleasure of a bridal trip a the groom's duties nt the Tripp residence will not allow his absence. Edward NeUon. Alexander i'atterion and .Joseph King were usher. f he bride wore a lavender mauve gown, made over dress, trimmi'l with old rose satin She wore a lavender ItaW hat trimmed In old ros colors md carried a large bunuli of bridal roses Mr Keyes is probably best known as the valet mid bo ly-ssrrant of the late Colonel Ira Tripp and as a repre sentative of the colored Republican column. Among the white gnests at the cere mony were many prominent persons. The following were among the colored gnets: Mr. and Mrs John Wallter, Mr. and Mrs Muse .Ions. Mr and Mr. David Nelson, Mr. nud Mrs K l ward Nelson, Mr. Alexander Wll -- hams. Mr and Mr. Alexander i'atr on, the Misain Lilly, Mr. ant Mrs. Huff, Mr, and Mrs Howard, Miss Howard, Mr, li. Williams. Mrs Drown, Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Miss Fos ter, Mrs Tillman, William Honey C'hurles Horsey and M. W. Branch. WILL REOPEN BIJOU THEATER. Miss Flora Stanlford to Atipear There TutaXUy Night. W. H. Bover ha leased the Bijou theater and will open the house next Tuesday evening, when Mlas Flora Stanlford will appear there with a capable company. Miss Htaulford Hr rived In the city yesterday afternoon and w serenaded by Hoyer bund There will bo performances at the theater every afternoon and evening, at which standard plays will be pro duced. Mr. Boyer intends doing all in hia power to please the people. Frothlnnham' Theattr I Bslng Dried and Prepared f r the Pub tic. T ho two large furnunes in the cellar of the Frothiughaiu theater have been lighted and will be kept in active opei ation until Monday, by which time the liouso will be thoroughly dried and ready for the initial performance that Sol smith Russ.ll will give There will be some detail! of Bnilb ing incomplete Monday night, but they will be in such plnoei as to piss un noticed by the large audience that will be present on the opening night. The seats nrtived yesterday and are being put together. They are the lame as those used iu the Eaipire theater in New York. The work of placing the scenery bus begun and ou Friday the scaffolds, which at present prevent a latUfaotory view of the interior of the house, will come dowu. The house is visited by hundred of persons daily, many of whom expirees themselves as believing it impossible to have the house ready for a perform auoe Monday. Iu rvepoiiii to a nuery of a TiMUUNH reporter yesterday, Manager John 11. Blackwood dtslared that the houae i now practically tiuished and will assuredly be ready for the opening Monday night. The draperies have batn prepared by Goldsmith Bros, aud their woiktneu will this morning begin placing them in position. Auctioneer Harris will auction seats and box-a at the Arcade this morning. To prevent speculator! getting control of tne liatl not over six will be sold to any person. The piece with which Ruseell will open the houss is "April Weather, " one of his latest uud most successful efforts. "S NEW FIELD FOR USEFULNESS. Tobyhanna Man Wants Board ot As soci.lted Charities to Become a Matrimonial Bureau. JAKE COXEY. GENERAL He Is at the Head of the Massillou, 0., Army o( Crauks. WILL MARCH ON WASHING f ON The Associated Charities is a com paratively uew organisation in this city and aoiue persons seem to have p ecu liar notions as to the object for which it exists, as the various OOmtUUnlov tloue received by the agent go to show. A short time i:ice she received a letter t'roui a resident of Tobyhanna. refuelling that the society hud him a wife, and a few dive later the app I cant for a life pirtuer called at the of fice of the organisation, lis was a sight to behold, being blind iu one eye au t able to only partially see out of the other. H was thoroughly in earu earnest, however, in his search for a wife, and greatly desiied that effort bu put forth to find him one. Wbeu asked why he did not select a wife from among the unmarried ladies at Tobyhanna he replied oon tempt nonsly: "The women up there Hre nil Dutch and the divel a one of thim would 1 have.'' He wai told that be would have b ird work to find a female in Scranton who would consent to share his joys and sorrows, at which he seemed greatly disappointed, having evidently become impressed with the idea that wives were to be had iu this city for the mere asUiog. Another correspondent who seems to have a curious conception as to the sphere of the Associated charities, stated the case of a man and wife who not being able to live together iu con jugal felicity, have separated and re quested that an effort be made to reconcile them. Many other lett-rs pertaining to m itters equally foreign to the aims of the orgunizitiou have been received, but of course no notice is taken of tbem, the time of the agent, Mrs W B Uuggan, beiuir fully occu pied with other duties, a the records will show. Yesterday the four hundredth appli cation for relief was investigated and tne report filed. To comolete this work it was necessary for the agent to make at least )') visits, a taslc of no small magnitude so it will be per crived the addition of a matrimonial buresu is not needed to keep those busy who have in charge the affairs of the charity orgauiz ition. SKETCH OF WILLIAM CON NELL. Leading Welsh Paper Pays a High Tribute to Hli Wor h Y Drych, the leading orgtn of the Welsh speaking people, published at Ltica, N. Y , this week contains au ex cedent portrait of William Conhetl, of this city, together with a well written sketch of his life. The article slates that Mr. Council has risen to wealth and prominence from a humble begin ning, entirely through his own energy ami business qualilicatioiiH, and aciotdi to him a place among the truly worthy men of to lay. I he anbject of the sketch is praised for bis liberality iu contributing of his mean! to religious ami church work.ai well aa to the oisteddfoda of the Welsh singers, and is pronounced an Ameri can, and a philantluopist in the best and truest aousj of the words m EX TOX COLLECTOR ARRESTED. It Is Bald That Hn Has N t Mettled with fohool District. Thomas J. Bilbow wa arretted yes terilav afternoon on a warrant issued by Alderman Wright charging bin with tho embezzlem -jut of city sehool tx fund. Several years ago Bilbow was col lector of school tax. -a in the Twenty first ward, and it is alleged that there i a drflcit of $l.U'i in his returns. Effort toward i-lf-cting a ettln:ient have been previously made and Mr Bilbow ia said to have proiuid to Coxey Is Well Known iu This City and Its Vicinity He Was Born at Dan ville and Has Relatives Who Reside at Pittston Many Btdicve That He Is Developing. Into a Dangerous Crank. The uiost prominent crank iu tho country just now is Jake Coxey, of MshsIIIou, 0 commonly referred to in print a "tieneral" Coxey, aud who has organized a movement to Intimi- late and overawe congress by a dem onstration of physical force. He has established headquarters nt Maaslllou, and his schema is to gather about i i m a vast army of followers and then uiitroli to Washington to peacefully impress upon congress the immediate necessity of Inning an un limited volume of irredeemable paper currency so that no man may suit ir for want of food, and of stoppiuu' the pay melit of iiitereat on government bonds iii order that the country may recover from the biikruutcy toward which it is hastening. It is the full development of the "Ohio idea" that money value call be given to a piece of paper bear ing the government mark without any necessity of piovi ling tor ll redemp tiou iu specie. WHO JAKE IS, 1'articulnr interest in this eectiou centers in the movement! of "(tau aral" Coxey for the reason that he is not altogether unkuowu in these parts. He is u ion of 1 homes Coxey, ot I'su ville, and was bora Hi that place. Coxev hue for a brother-in law John II. Rickntts, n well known Pittston business miii. At the g of W yours married a daughter Of Hr. Aiumer- mau. or Uaiiviiie, oy wnom na nac tour children. Subsequently an es transement sprung nn between the couple and the wife secured a divorce. HI second wife was a JHss N:rUor. Some eighteen year! ago ,1 ike moved to Mussilloii, O , an 1 became a farmer, in which occupation it is sail be has been successful. 'General" Coxey is a Theo-pliilan- thropist and claims to be in direct ommunloation with heaven, a has fathered about him quite an army of tramps and is in constant receipt of dispatches from various parts of the country atatlng that dstacliuistita are preparing to Join his army which is to take U(i its mi. Tor Washington next Sunday, it being "fieneral" Coxey's intention to reach the capital nbout May 1 Every recruit is to provide himself with a hone aul a blanket. ihe "General encourages his men by recalling tho suffering ot Washing ton s army at valley rorge. itieyare also told that to compensate them for their prospective hardships thev will find the land through which they march filled with the uecesiariea of life, to which they are expected to help themselvei RKCRD1TIMQ THE ARMY. The scheme, crazy as it seems, has assumed consi lerable proportions. Meetings are constantly being held at Msssiilon and uew recruits are con stantly arriving. Theinseription upon tne banner of tha fnna'icil host is 'Peace on earth. and to men good will but death to interest on bonds." It is sal 1 that insanity ruin in the family and it is generally believed hereabout that Jks bas gme daft. He has been a ranting greeubacker in times past and is known in horse rac ing circles, having been at one time the owner of a steed hariug a uatioual reputation. He is well known by many Scran -tonians and mauy stories of his pcular ities nro going the rounds of the city. Some aver that the "Heneral" has de veloped into a dangerous crank and that he should be restrained before he is guilty of some overt act. uiriko good whatever wa In in. but up to date failed due Irei to do so COLLEGE MEN'S MEETING O. A Par- Cooaiqiiently proceedings were inali tnted ny ex-Judge Knapp, attorney for the board of control, and the arrest followed accordingly. 11 waived a hearing before Alderman Wright and gave ball in the sum ol tfl.oou Rrm'ivel to Waehmuton Avenue. Miss Sarah KtcLsnS has removed her milllnury parlors Iroin H.'4 Spruce street to a more desirable location. 811 Washing ton avenue, where she will have larger and more commodious quarters. Mis McLane Is now doing business at her new plnce, aud will be pleased to have all her old friends to call aud see her. CBDBOB, storo ninl hotnu Uccoratlvo plants at Clark's. At Leah Jones & Co., 189 Wyoming ave nue, opening display of millinery today and tomorrow. The Everett Lead i Walt for Guernsey Bros.' new goods. Ool. Ripple's Lsotur tit Boy's Brigade Colonel Ezrn II. Ripple will deliver i lecture at the Penu Avenue Baptist church tonight on "Thrilling War Experiences The proceeds of tho lecture are for the "Boy's Brigade." Colonel Ripple will give bis own experiences on the battlefields of the South; and also an account of bis cap ture and escape from a Southern prison. His descriptions of Andersonville and Florence aud many of the sceues of the civil wararo extremely vivid. America 10 1IK.U TI11 L PIOTCBB8. KVEUY ROTBD PLACE I.N .ALASKA, 'MIK UntTXD STATICS AMI Mi. XI CO. FIVE M MBICRS on Tin; COVM MCH, TK.N CENTS AMO ONB COL' PON FOR ANY NUMBER BIG REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. Lackawanna Avenun Property Bold for $72,000 bv the Albro Brothere. Attorney John P. Albro mid his brother, William C. AlJjro, have sold to William and Theodore Krotosky tho property at 307-9-1 1 Lackawnnua ave nue for $72.0'Jd The transfer of the property was made on Tuesday. It ha a frontage of BO feet on Lackawanna avenue and extend back 1.10 to Center street. It la improved with a three-story brick building on front and rear. The build ing fronting on Lackawanna avenue is occupied by Meroersau & Uonnell, L high Valley company and Jones Bros. The propeity was purchased in IBD4 by the father of tho Albro for M 1.00J Since then the building fronting on Center street lias been erected A Uefol Article. II L Gerry, sole agent in tin atate for "The Fountain Ink Stopper," I in the city to supply business men, banks, etc , With this Stopper, it will litany inkwell or bottle, and Is fr superior to any of the more costly ones, Ths Taisuiti uses sev eral of these stoppers iu its business office, uud heurtily recommends them. They pre vent the ink from evapuiatiiig and exclude all dust aud foreign matter if Mr. Gerry does not call en you, nddresi him at 321 Lackawanna avenue and he will deliver them at M cents each. -St- - - ROOI BOTTOM prices ou groceries. Rein bait's market, Laokawapna avenue. Ml ', J . The Last Concert In the Y. M C A. Course. The Gld llounstead t'liarlette and Mia Alice I liiariletul, olo'-utlutilut, will give Ihe last concert of the Young Men's Christian association course, on Friday evening. March 23. Single admission, T.'i cents. Re served seats, association oftlce. L Removal of F. M Aylswortli. F. M Aylswortli will lemove to J2:i Wv oiniug avenue, nuxt to F.cotiomy Furniture coiiipany's store, during the (Irst week iu April. M Eahtku Mower show in our double store. 141 and 1 Id Washington ave. Clink's. I in. C. 0, Lai:hacii, dentlit. Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Right years In Nianloii. TllK millinery openiug of J. Ilolz, 188 W yoining avenue, will occur on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No better display of trimmed and luitrlniuied hats can be found iu this city. - Skk our double storo of Kastor Mowers for church and home decorations. Flue lilies, hydraiigin, nzalia, hyacinth, spiscsr, maiden hair tern. Everything toautlful 144 and 140 Washington avenue. G. R i LARK & CO, OiTtMN'ii display of millinery today and tomorrow. Leah Jones & (j0 Wyo ming avouue. New Bioycle. A new bicycle worth 175 will be old for 135. The machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the Tribune office. It Will J, Held t at Y. M lore Tonight. W. H Sallmon, president of the Yale University Y ,uug Men's Chria tsiu asaociatioii, who is the guest of i'homas I' Archb.ild, of this city, will resid at an inform ll m ting in tie Young MeilsChril ln Association pir- ors this evening, and Bv -minute talg. Will be give, by repr-'seuiativ from v.iriou collet;,' on tho an 1 -ft nl College Life and Opportunities T ie following is tho programme of topics and Hp akur: 'Mistaken Views," H. W. Luce i Yale 'J h aud L. P. Ken nedy (Princeton "85), 'Correct Views, Intellectual uud Social, " Nicholas Staid IPrloOetOQ 'Wi. "Collect Views; Physica! and Spiritual," t-pencer c. LM0KSOU itulvernty or Pennsylvania TO) "Opportunities; Meal," Frederick Piatt (Cornell "88), "Opportunities 'or Personal Influence' Uiies T. Hand i Williams "J4o "Opportunities for Christian Work Out side College, ' Thomas F. Archbald ,Vale '88). "i Ipportuulties for Christian Work In Col lego .George Chase (Lafayette P. Q.) . All who aro interested lu the col leges, Including alumni, college stu- lents, Ntu Imts preparing for college pastors of churches and those having sons In college or preparing for col - lege, are invited to be present. The meeting will alford an oppor Utility fur those who imagine that the colleges do nothing but turn out ath letes, to learn what is being done spiritually for college students lu this country. TWO TWELFTH WARD CONTESTS. Riht ot James J. Mauley and Mor gan Sweeney to Sit in City Councils Disputed. Contests were begun yesterday sg iiusl James J. Mauley, select couu I'ilman, and Morgan Sweeney, com mon councilman, of the Twelfth ward, who were returned as the successful candidates fur these offices at the last election John Keurney contests Mr Manley and Henry W. Coyle, Mr. Sweeney. The grounds on which they institute the contests are exactly the same. They allege that many peraons who are not citizens, were not registered, had not paid their state or county tax within the prescribed time, were not ot legal age or were not residents of the ward cast votes for Mr. Mauley aud Mr. Sweeney, while persona who wauted to vote for Mr. Kearney and Mr. iCoyle, but were not registered, were prevented. from preparing affi davits that would entitle tbem to do ao. For these illegal reasons the peti tions say they were defeated. Mr. Mauley's majority, according to the face of the returns, was 31, ami that of Mr. Sweeney 0. Their peti tions were ordered filed and the court fixed April 7 for a bearing. The outcome of the contest wlil be watched with great interest and much teatimony of a decidedly aensational character is promieed by the contest ants, who are represented by Attorneys Connolly and Davis. INCENDIARY FIRE AT DUN MORE. Twc-Story Frami StruUun Entirely Destroyed A two -story frame dwelling at Dun more owned by the Wert eatate and oc cupied by Albert Maynes aud family was destroyed by fire at au early hour yesterday morning. The greater portion of the furniture was removed, but the structure was completely destroyed. Tne cause of the hre is thought to be mceudiary. Several fires ot myterious origin have occurred at Dunmore recently. Fvrantot.'e Business Interest. Tiik Tumi se will soon publish a care fully compiled and classitied list of the leading wholesale, baukiug, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton aud vicinity. The edition will bo bound iu book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together wiih portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton s many ludus- trles It will be nu invaluable exposition of our business rssiurces. Sent to persons outside tho city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers aud be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is ou a plan that caunot fail of good results to those concerned as well as thecitv atlre Representauves of The TRIBE XI will call upon those whose names are uksuied iu this edition aud explain its nature more fully. TboSS desiring views ot their residences iu tins edition will please 1 ave notice at the otUce. MANDAMUS FOR MR. NELSON. John EASTER, 1894. inery Jermyn WM1 Let the Courts Pas Upon ths Case. John Jermyn, through hia attorneya, Hand&liaud, will immediately peti tion court for a man lamus to coinp-d liuildlug Inspector Nelson to issu a ermit for the er cuon of tue propose iew hotel bull ling at the corner o, V yoining aveuu and Spruce street, md it ia expected that the matter will s speedily heard by th judge Mr. Jermyn c airns tnat he is acting entirely within the law in erecting witbin th" ten-foot privilege, ol widen be proposes to cover but eight feet, and that ll comas entirely witbin the pro- riaiuue oi tun uaHawauna iron auu ;.. i Coal company's deed, which Building ! lectb 1U -'ul0" Md WntmlngJ inspector .-Nelson asaerta goverue the case Mr. Jermyn also says that the pro jections upon the privilege are to be nothing more or Uaa than bay win dows, aud therefore claims that the de sired permit ia withheld contrary to law. Opening Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thuraday, Fi.d ,y aud Saturday. Ranter Opening. i'ai lb 11 uts and Bonnets, Globe Warehouse. Patau creamery butter.li'i centa, a trlctly fiesh eggs, ceuts.ut Reiuhart's market. a i Lii-y ui tun Vallei at Clark 'a. . McbtklfjL H new Turkish bath. Kvery thmg new. WW bpruce street, opposite Court Rouse. - WtuKH, ItATCBLSSS, biuw aud other makes pianos See oiauo iu wir.dow t Stelle tc Seeley. 134 Wyoming avenue. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIU I Procrastination . . . THE Latest Novelties at attrac live prices. Imported Bonucti and Hats. Also a large as sortment of copies from our own wof-Kiiium showing the latest el- A large assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children' 8 Untrimmed Hats Ve are also displaying iu our show room new flgUOMO? Ladies' Spring Capes, Jackets and Suits of all descriptions. Special inducement for this week in Capas, Jack ets and Suits. J. 138 Wyoming Ave. IS hi ILL T11L I CONWAY HOUSF THIEF OF TIME s DAY BY DAY It ateals the profits of t'cmuu !H! who walla to advcrtiee until tu g morrow. Henry Battin & Co. g Never wait nil tomeirow. but advertise BARGAINS today aud every dy. BARGAINS TODAY In AGATE WARE, BLUE WARE, TIN WARE and WOODEV WARE. H SS Try our plan ani don't wait until to g morrow, but secure your bargains to 126 PENN AVE. niiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiHiis I 188 and 134 FBKN AVEM'L s On the American Plan ScrantoiiS newest and best equipped hotel NOW OrE.V TO THE PUBLIC. Heated by Bteam. ElectriS Bells Ball Tub ou earl, fir, or. Large. Weil Clghied ami airy Kouuik. I.uj :. ; Complete. ALL THU MODLEN IMPKOt EMEN'l s. Office oa second flon . Good sample room stitched An ODirortunlty for the Uaemployid You aro out of employment. Invest your time on a business. itsBO graphic or academic , -1 ,t ., It means success to you in the future. If you cannot pay us this year make it next year You helped us iu your prosperity we xhnll help you now. Wood's college of busiuess and short hand. e - Raater K .- Qtveu Away. iu Saturday our store will be beautifully decorated with flowers and plants. With every dollar's worth of goods sold we will give au Raster rose; B.uO worth of goods, two loses, etc. MSABSA HaOSN . K.yami Lilies, never so tine, at i lai k's Dr. Hill t5- Son p. J. con way, Prop. Albany DENTISTS Huntington's HOME BAKERY. Fet teeth. 85JO; beat aet. 5?: for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown and bridge work, call for price asS referenoee TONALQIA. for extracting leetL without pain. N e ether. No gas. over nrtsT m i ix.u bank. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Send your corsets to lie re boned or new steels put in. We do it neatly aud at a moderate cost. We have a large assort ment o! PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES 128 Wyoming Ave. Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid- night. Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Cccrt Boras SsirARt. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best. GENTLEMEN, 1 Jeforc Wo move to 1 1 7 Laokuwauna DjVduuu we offer a special price ou nil ot our Silver nov elties, UMBRELLA STRAPS 35c. Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Cpruco St Best Sets of Teeth, $S 00 h eluding the painless extracting of teeth by uu tutirely new pr cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. ias wvomino AVii EK OUK I.1SE OF $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKfc HANO-SEWED, r'o Seams or Tacks to Hurt ?oor Feel. All Style! and Widths in Count oa or Lace. The Best Shoe on Earth for Ihe Money Try u Pair Aiul you wUl wv iiuutUcl. BANiSTER'S$3.00EbS RAMTflTrR'R to. h -rrw, Sl'KAXTOX. PA. Our $2 jo Shoes are as good as anybody's $3 00 Shoes. jajMBJfJBPJHaa :imm and hm'm km, BROWN'S BEE HIVE Now ready for inspection. Easter Millinery CLOAKS, CAPflS, ITS M, BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.