Till: SCRAXTOX TIUJJTJ"N"E-Tin:USDAY MORNING. MARCH 22. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rOBUIBin nMl.Y AMI WIElll.Y 1 N Si RA TOH, PA., UY Tuk TklBUMI PVHUSHI80 L'oiirA.Y NCW Yoiik OntCR TKIHW1 Bum.iiINO. Thank 8. Okay. Manaoeil Wand at tht Pottogtc at RmMtoa, F Srrtif-t7i. Mail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCBANTON, MARCH 1 v.i. ACCORDINUTO the PMlalMphU Vt. "tho siilewiilks belong to the pMplfl Mid it u u Infrlngaintnt of their right m well una iborUjlgbted pollof on the jmrt of the property owuerii tbemielvei tu jilace uuv obstruction In the w.ir of their free tine." We uegUd this truth It reeognlitd la Pbiledelphit, end we hope to fritnea its ischial recognition here. - QUEEN VICTORIA. From the point of view of un Aiuer- cu repnblioea it bun fonj beu tiiys :ery that modem England should rind anything to grow enthtulastio over in tlte personality of the harmless old ldj who charges it lomotblng like $10,lKK, 000 a year for the privilege of having herself nud relatives occupy its royal pallaces, and sit. in non-productive, power-shorn idleness, upon an obsoles cent throue. Just why, upon the inert tl of the case, the 800 pounds of common humanity whom wo call Q.ioen Vic toria, and who is surpassed in intellect, kindness, achievements and personal beauty by uncounted thousands of her own so-called subjects should com maud the absurd revereuce with which ber name is invested in the greatest nation of modem times, our owu uosjI bly excepted, the average democrat is Utterly at a loss to imagine; unless, in deed, it bed'.ie to the mere momentum of long -practiced habit aud to the tra ditions of a mouarchy that was indis putably glorious in its day aul geuer ation. The exquisite ludicronsness of this whole serk-coniic royalistic faro iu which a queen, robbed of power, pre tends yet to ex.'rcise i.rod-grtntel au thority; and In which a wjmin is rep resented as the culmination of femi nine graces who, in real fact, Is about us awkward, puffy and shimbliuir a specimen cf good-natured feminine humanity as one could anywhere find, naa been lately heightened by the di vi-rtiug anachronism with which the ' queen, by the grace of (rod, ot Groat Britain and Ireland and empress of India sought to convey a snub to William E.vart GHadstont. Since the dav wh.n the gad tiy tried to annihil ate the cx by a glance, there has beja witnessed co more curious distortion of prerogative, no more touching mis comprehension of proportions, than was shown in Victoria's studied nag lect to express regret for the resigna tion of the commoner who for sixty continuous years had shed upon Bng lish Doli'.ics. English scholarship. Hug lish belles lef.res and English theology a lustre beside which the combined ef fulgence of all the Gaelphs from fat faced old George of Hanover down to the i resent ruler and the worthless heir presumptive, woul 1 be less than a rush light beside a blazing planet. This querulous simper of queen 1? dislike has been vry properly treated with entire indilT;rence by both M r. Gladstone and his friends. The go ; 1 Will of a monarch who could fairly slobber praises over suoa a peer as Lord Salisbury, than whom England has never had a more thoroughly disliked premier, would be too dearly devoid of discrimination to add one iota to Mr Gladstone's renown, just as her ill will is of too infinite unimportance to de tract from it in the slightest. But the incident suffices to remind Amsricins ani-wof thasupreme disproportions that exist under a form of government in which the greatest statesman, scholar and sage in the English speaking world is nominally under subjection to. an 1 must take slights from, a stont-fscd old woman who nas nev-r, during all her life, done so much as the hint of a real service to the public, thought so much as the suggestion of a great thought for the benefit of p uteri ty or achieved, in any direction, anything more consequential than the drawing of a phenomenal list of salaries, pen sions and emoluments with unflagging punctuality and dispatch . AND TBI WOTit Of itis, Breckinridg whs plenty old enough to know better ! If Attorney General IIen'ski. can in any legal manner atiff n the back bones of the Stroii lsburg authorities so as to bring those lynchers to justice he Will be heartily applauded for doing it Ttw confession of a Strou lsburg c r fespondent that the people of that bor ough do not want the lynchers naught reveals a polluted condition of public mofals for whieh Monro county should be thoroughly ashamed. llll Contempt oe court, which takes the form of mob murder, dservea a doublv drastic dose of judicial reprimand. STEAM AND AIR TRANSIT. The Pittsburg I)ipatcb, in noting the recent death of Hon. John Torr9f, of llonesdale, recalls the suggestive fact that Mr. Torrey was "the last but one of the survivors of those who rodo on the Stourbridge Linn, the first loco motive thnt ever turned a driving wheel on the American continent, on the occasion of its trial trip on the DsltWftfS and Hudson Canal company's track at llonesdale, Aug. 0. 1839 The emrinosr was Horatio Allen, who died at Booth Orange, N. J., a year or two ago. John Torrey and Otis Avery stood by the en gineer's side during that memorable and historic trip on the plon"er of locomo tives in this country. Otis Avery, for merly an nssoclate judge of Wayne county, still lives in llonesdale, the last survivor of that trip." The progress spanned bv the life time of Judge Avery, ;partlculsrly in the direction of quick, cheap and con venient transportation, would sjem In credible if related in a work of Ac tion. Inasmuch as Judge Avery is still in rugged health, it seems not improb able to suspect that he may yet be per mitted to journey n the pioneer air hip when the problem of aerial navi gation shall be solved, ns it probably will, iu the near future. Aud if it be not premature, we beg leave to suggest the propriety ot inviting the judge to take this trip, confident as we are that it will bo a realized fancy within a few years nt most. Nothing would better lytnbolltl the amazing readiness, fecundity ami ingenuity of Americans in in. cluinlcal Invention than this link ing of the birth of steam transit with the birth of aeriul llight Tag iKni in Borantoo must be kept from appropriating the sidewalks, Attorney C 11 Sofek's aversion to foot ball, and his Indignation at having been incorrectly named as one among those interested In the formatiou of a professional eleven iu this city, form entertaining incidents of this vociferous spring time There are several hun dred able gentlemen iu America, al though poitlbly not as able as our friend Soper, who do not share his distinguished repugnance iu this matter, but we do nor wish to convey the impression that bis name is therefore to be taken iu vain. If he dors not regard participation Iu outdoor athletics ns oredltable, it is his right to bvlieve that it ll discreditable. This happy fact also piesenes to the legal piofesslon, as an exclusive posses Ion ami an abiding joy. one ot its glit taring local ornaments. NOW CHAT Mike Kelly has signed with Alleutown, per hap 1 the accus tomed procession of the spheres will be permitted to move on. ' MR DUQQAN'8 OPINION. In an interview in last evening's Truth, Burgess Duggan of Dunmors dexterously defends his right to act simultaneously as borough attorney, or solicitor. The ingenuity with which he interprets the sets of May 1"), IST-t aud of May ".'J, IStfJ, s as to leave out of the question the impropriety of such a double tenure does creater credit to his skill as a legal fencer than to his smcerity as a reform -r It fairly re calls some of the remarkable exposi tions of municipal law to which Seran tonians were treated in a certain period uow happily ended. But if it is the intent of tin net of May 13, 137-i. to prevent a double ten ure of borough oftL-es in 1 nob vlv, we believe, disp rtes ttiis it is obviously merely n shifty juggling wi:h teciiui calitlss to argue that the borougli at torneyship is not a boroag't otlb, or, as Mr. Duggau calls it, only a mythical oue. Whatever this offloa may be, as regards the wording of this particular statute.it is obviously a vry Influen tial offi:e in actual practice: and oue that carries with it palpable weight In the determination of municipal proce dure. Any one with a loftv spirit of fair ness and propriety woul 1 ius:ntly s.'e the impropriety of a burgsss going to himself ia his ufti.-ial a ipaolty as a borough attorney aul xsiciug himself what he would advis' himself to do touching a given question of official conduct. If for iustauce, Mayor Cn neil were also to arrogate to hims-lf the oftioial functions of C.ty solicitor Torrey, and were, as mayor, to go to himself as city solicitor, for an opinion whereby to govern his course iu the mayoralty, it would not be oue particle more absurd than is the double bar relled prerogative claimed by the bur-gas- borough-attorney of Dunmore. We do not believe there is a court in Pennsylvania which would uplioll Mr. Duggau's interpretation. . JCDOB RiCE'g decision in favor of se creting legal advertisements at the public expense in obscure attorneys' papers will be appealed to the supreme court If the law ia as Julge K;c In terprets it, then the law is in used of a vigorous spring tonic. The KsTEKMEb Philadelphia Times admits that, with respect to population, area, push aud fire, Scranton has the lead over Heading, but it contends that Heading is best in the line of manu factures, and adds: (,'ens'is figures uive Kending 2,9A6 em ployes in industries thai paid IS, koi.893 in IPW, while Scranton must be content with 9,129 employee Whose wjm aggiMgate l 14,373,013, These are Mr. Porters llgares, it is true, and Mr. Porter is usnallv wrong in his bulletins, bu. ICeaJing tlnd( some tblng to tall about In them and Is corres pondingly happy. The aileaoe of Hcranton on the rnbjeet is quite iniikud. Hut what is there to say I H lading's average wage per man, according to the foregoing statistics, is only 1'), whereas that of Scranton is $i;i B-i Why, tben, should Heading boattl - What WITH electrical companies grabbing our streets ami curb lines, and penurloOl property owners hu l l ing monstrosities on our sidewalks, the great majority of oar citiztns will soon begin to wonder where they are at. e . ii PROTECT THE SIDEWALKS. An ordinance has just been pained by the city council of Louisville which has particular pertinency In view of many audscions encronclimsnta upon the rights of the people in this -ity. This ordinance requires property owners, under severe penalties, to remove all things whatsoever that obstruct the sidewalks, whether low awnings, cel lar doors, carriage steps, awning poles or nameless conglomerations of vicious scalT tiding aud aggravating masses of brick, stone and mortar. There is a sentiment In Lsolsvllls that the sidewalks belong to the public, and are not the personal perquisite of the close -listed properly owner who coolly appropriates theiu to his own selfish uses. We believe that this sen timent prevails, also, In Scranton; but from the manner Iu which this Is ds lied lu one or two conspicuous instances the casual visitor to our city might he inclined to doubt it. Iu the majority of cases it wonld not be necessary to call public, attention more than once to the existonce of a nuisance such as SSV -eral that could be pointed out in this city. Few of our citizens, we an happy to state, boast thu thickness of moral bldo which would lead them to defy the unanimous opinion of re -Hpectable pedestrians. But in cases such as thoso at present under consideration, where cupidity has apparently swallowed up every consideration of regard for propriety, there ought to be some summary legal process for the protection of the city If an ordinance will reaoh this type of municipal evil, let us have such an en acttneut without delay. If not, then let the officials of the city apply to the courts for redress or, if no better plan presents itself, condemu the projecting monstrosities and take chances on the resultant damages, It would he a sorry board of viewers which would tiring iu a bill against the city for protecting what is morally its own. 4 It SEEMS now to be a settled fad thai Deputy Attorney Qtneral .lamea Adeibert StranabSn, of Mercer, will he chosen to leal lhe Pennsylvania Democracy's forlorn hop- In place of State I 'hall man Marsh Wright, who has gone to his reward Well, Strana ti mi ctu do it. For upward of a de cide he has lieen Uuduig just such a hops iu Rspnblioan Mercer, and whit he doesn't know about political lick IngS will come easily and naturally, along thoroughly familiar lines. ' In the career of a patriot like Louis Kossuth, civilisation enjoys a perma nent legacy, the good effects of Which descend from generation to generation, to the uttermost limits ot human ao tivity. And iu his death, amid pov erty and neglect, human ingratitude lees itself reflected in all Its hideous -uess. COME Rare Violins. The study of old violins probably af fords greater pleasure to those inter ested than is t-ver accorded the most enthusiastic scientist who delves into the mysteries of aroluo ilogy. As a general rule every violinist regards the Instrument upon wbioh h performs the bsst of any iu the world, whether it is a geuuiue Cremona or a factory mads llddle. With the iooreass of knowledge upon the subject of violins, it is said, the mania for possessing rare specimens grows stronger and in this ngd one can seldom meet a player of note who does not possess a half dozen or more choice instruments and who Is not ever ready to purchase a rare in strument at any prioe, The ingenuity of modern tuus has frequently taken advantage of the desire upon part of musicians for rare violins aud the ef forts of the old makers are so closely imltated that it is almost impossible to distinguish the genuine Amati or Strad I earl ns front ths modsrn production, The enthusiastic collectors of the day are therefore obliged to If mind a his lory of sn Instrument offsred for sale in order to be sure that their purchase was not manufactured iu the present century. For a city of its size and musical ability Scranton probably shelters a greater number of rare and vuluable violius than any city in the country. There are comparatively few good vio linists in the Electric City; but ths performers in nearly every Instance evoke soulful strains from instruments of value that cannot be determined the most expensive and rare violin in tins state is probably owned by Carl Koetnpel, the well known druggist. The violin, an ancient specimen of the work of Andrins Gturnaris, of I're mo ia, was once tiie property of Bpobr, aud descended to Mr. BOSmpel from his uncle, August Koempel, who was a favorite pupil of Spohr August K isiii pel was 1-ader of the Weimar orches tra in lbtiT, which position lie secured through influence of Liszt:. At the loath of the great violinist; the instru ment u scuii leU to his n"puew, iarl Koempel, of this citv. Mr. Koempel has a standing off t of 3,300 lor the violin, but i: could not be purchased at any price He alo has a Stradivarine violin valued at T0d and several other excellent instruments of a recent 1:1 , . II II II Colonel E. II Hippie, another en thu lisit upon violins, has an extremely rare collection. OolOQSl Hippie's pet instruui"iit is one from the hands of Nicolaut Amati, the celebrated Cremo nsss maker, the greatest of his family, who were all violin tnnk ?re. and next to Stradi sarins, ths greatest maker in the world- at lesst he is accounted so I lie violin was male iu 1638 au l Is in i verv good state of preservation. It has a brilliant tone and nil through is very hue Instrnmsnt. The colonel also has severs! other v.xlu ible vi olin-, that have been prodnosd by tinkers of great er or less renown, inn mg the number being an unique specimen which is decorated with a carved head of e.x- Pri sident Harrison, II H Miss Julia Allen, daughter of the genial health officer, lir. W. K. Allen also plays upon a valuable Am iti vio lin which was recently the property of Mvid Musi n. 1 lie instrument, which was made during tire Siveiiteenth i en tury. waaone of th favorites lu the collection of Mnsln, a d ths great vir tusuo was protiatilv induced to part with It on account of his admiration o Miss Allen's remarkable talent rather than the fabulous prici ut which the violin wss purchased. The Instrument has a very sweet tone and is well prc- S -rved. II II II Hicbard H VVslssofUS, the well known amateur violinist, drawi the bow across a rare old instrument which was presented to him by Colonel Hip pie. It is n production of the c-lo Mated I iermaii maker, .Iscobus Staluer the greatest of nil the Herman makers While this instrument hns not a pai liciilnrly loud tone, the quality Is of exceptional sweetness mil has been iniirli admired by violinists who have plsye.il on ii. It was main in HWI and is In n fsirly good state of preservation II II II Robert J, Bauer, inoslosl director at the Aosdsmy of Music and leader of the justly celebrated Bauer's orchestra delights in drawing the POW over liraiiuj iii. a r rem ii instrument sup posed to be about 100 years old, which was purchased for him in New York by l)r Allen. The violin Is of a light color, of the pattern of the well known Italian instruments, and has a mviii pathetic tone which can be strength HELP ON THE WORK. 7Y"'i fieies. The newspapers throughout the country bsvs done good work for the cause of lib ty ami Justice in tills clty.uutslill there k ory ri tun Macedonia come aaansip '." The agencies of evil are strongly eu- 1 1 cliche. mid only' I'V herculean olrort in thsy be dislodged, '' h people every- cere are Interested in tne struggle, aud lhe press can aid I hem giving nil Uie la Is they develop, Willi ex planiit 1011 UI their luii. in ts the tituatiou. Especially is it aosMsrv that the aota of Governor b'lower should ho htiowii in lie tr Hue light, lie Is li ving lo iui-.ii as the friend of the people, ill the Hum his earls I'lructto catch the ordsrs Ot the Tim' iii e linie practically, mi iiiiloiiiMlou worked uy n ing mx pules up the river from the capltol, Hen play ing a confidence game uoon the people, mid only as the newspapers nut ihetinth OUI the falsehood mi l cupnhlv present It ill tin- puMic tin iibie to give iaccurate judgment, 'the content now oil In this ity is or more than ha d importance, n i struggle for the triumph ot great national principle, mid dl 'feat would be u set Inns blow nt the Integrity id the ballot box, the lliiul minim' lu the iillmis of n free and Intelligent people, flood citlsen- Ulp OVei vwhi-ie Is interested, nud It can belli mi I hn work by u luouuil uud free sprssslon ot its opinion. Ktpubl.cn Vlotory rnncedsd. Arm YarbSUH, DfM(. Astotlio in 1 1 n 1 1 at I. oi of a westei n mini iu 1800, it is possible enough thai ihe south and the eiiHt will have ho objections, l"U IsSS tint licuiucialH in congress ciuuu to understand and act t-peeddy upon the iiinleistuiiiliiig that the Democratic party Was not put Kilo lower tor tint purpose of willing line II doyy uu li.ir iiuu an ass, the Detnocratta nomination tor president in 1NUI will b i pro foriiia only. Tlie liicnine tux is good tui uiie UepublicaU prri-iileul. Thu Wilson bill la good for suotbsr, MM. Fliiguily feisnte a Vlntlai Vnii.i-h'oa Record t Item. I n to the present writing no man has leeu lintui-d better iiualllled lor the liusb Hon of ohsirnUM of lhe Hem ii-rnlii: state , i, .i , i.... ti,.,., ti... ii..,. i . Btranahen, deputy attorni y geueral ofi i eiiuivivuiiia. mi le in ovi-ry wiiy wen tuipped for the responsible duties id the position, nud h)i mid be the Uliuuilllous choice of the htale coiiiuiittee. encd lit the will of orchestral work the performer iu Miss Harriet Ward, the talented young violinist of the West Hide, DOS sesses a valuable instrument, which is sid to be an excellent imitation of the Guarnlsrl violins, Ths Instrument was second for Miss Ward by Hubert Bauer, who purchased it from .lumen Brenuan fne latter gentleman brought the violin rrom (I'liiianyto this country, uud wis only nd iced to part with it by mi olf r of JoUJ. . Rtther a Poor VI idloetbn. nladefsaa BMMn, Beprsssntatlvs Breckinridge's dsfsnc as it. is ntilliii' d io iii. fi lends, mil niut Hiinply to a determination to prove that the woman wihiis DM us him .elf. BsatletlS I-iuapaoUy. hthidv i hiit PfSSS, ' lhe I uitcd .States uniule is still irivlng the country an limtiitiuu of u uiau falling over u wnesiDarruw, it Ths Beeponsibtltty iliucd. Rraakluu Kaalr. Dmm. It is a fact that in th-t moral jiidjmoht moil, iu tne assured nndinn ot i a the eye of Qod now aud before lbs bur t Qod, hereafter Edward Murpby.jr., will iu held ie-poiiBiliiu tor ihe system whose lii-lHtlon lulu m-lloli has htiiineil the tih-n- Hon of Tmy with the blood of innocence uud passed the government of Troy into the hands of crone. So It Doth Appear. Altvtnt i Tttbunt John 1! It iblnson, he Seems to have carried UUir CoiiutiC. THE LOTUS BLOOMED. GOLDSMITH'S 6 BAZAAR GRAND EASTER DISPLAY Of everything new and novel in the fashionable world. T realize more fully what this announcement means we direct at tention to our window exhibits, as to some of the representa tive attractions outlined below. Silk Department We are now exhibiting a choice collection of Taffeta Glace Broche and Taffeta Imprimo, Printed Habituae and Kai Kai Silks; also, new designs in Black Moire Antique and Moire Mirroir. On Special Counter Several thousand yards 21-inch Double Printed Chinese Silks, beautiful colorings, at 25c. 1,500 yards Patersonia Printed Pongee-; at 49c. 3,000 yards of 24 inch Pest Japanese Habituae Washable Silks, in all of the new floral effects, at 63c. DRESS GOODS ur stock of Novelty Dress Goods is now complete and represents the latest products of Prench, German and American looms. 2,000 yards of 38-inch Wool Mixed Suitings.spring weight, worth 45c. per yard; our special price, 25c. 1,500 yarifs of Changeable Shaperd Crepons, worth 75c. per yard; our special price, 49c 1, 200 yards All-wool 5 ( inch Oxford Checks and Scotch Mixed Suitings, worth 85c. per yard; special price, 50c. RI hOV nnnfiQ Such a display of all the new weaves has never been dis- DLAM UUU1J& played beforCi and black i3 all the ragft Little Fixings in the way of Laces, Handkerchiefs, Bow.3, G'.oves, & for Eas ter, for men, women and children, abound with us in great plenty and at the low est prices ever known before. The lotus bloomed, iaya l'i Egyptian lure, W lion tlii' glml i.'.iii nlghl 1 1. liny cQttallu 1'iro, But iml Its waxen petaia 'nektb the itreain When Oiekfltd irtln' wnt liis dying btaia. "Oalris' llower" WM WO iiiiiir' It bort'. N'upiilfdsr DTOW the victor's laurel orc. rirst at llio N1I0 lili nun roso from hi-r shore. Success utifol.li il- ivi nt iluwn't. first gleam Thu lotus bloomed, O flower of glory, ei Ulhed and otalneil in gore At Waterloo, thy life, with sunsot, o'er, Awoke not r.t the morn ns fruin a dream. O'er 6U Helena's exile Fame's last Ix am Dade thy fair head ink low fur hioi no more The lotus bloomed. "Katharine M, Morse ill Boston Transcript, -- wliu Lake Uu. ill's Barunarilha. The innil effect! of each msdiclne art ho.iu felt iu uerve strength resturuil, appetite created nun iieaitii given. Hood'h PlLLS do not weaken, but aid diKestiou ami tone tha Itomacb, Try them, SEE WHAT With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, I GEM) RONS. ' And a full line of Hoys' and ; Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. EASTER NOVELTIES In Gold and Silver. Easter "Egg Spoon." Prayer Book Mark ers, Easter Book Marks, Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easttr Gifts. Mercereau & Conneil 307 UACKAWANNA AVUXUi: Will buy in the J way of a AT CONRAD'S n Mill 1 Wl RPfl inLLinmuv unu I UI 314 Lacka. Ave. JENKINS k MORRIS EASTER MILLINERY OPENING WJLL OCCUR W KDNKSUAY.M ItlCU tl it wi 1 bs tha ffTMtoit ibowtog r tahh ION ABLE Mil J, IN Kit v 11 in thlfl city, -".r - ttifit yoU t'HiiMot hi oUinvliOra 406 SPRUCE STREET SKXT TO DIME HANK EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS The Mqnitlta pnUtaatioM ol Prang tt Co. nod button - Co. , Neil line nl BpllOopill lit niimU nnd rrur Uookt, Cliitholta rtHii-i Book, Ox ford mill Bigitcr Blblti An Extraordinary Announcement Ol In t mill to BI'HCOPAHANi and 'ih -i -. Wo uffcr nan iiui" "i lha hook 01 COM MOM PBAVKB, well bound In loll, Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. It) mttUliiK llit pflCC 10 luii, Wt niv Kit luu dill riihloiii'! it thf bufl1 of tlio pur lifiH ol l.aOO OOploi ill OOploi ONI trill bo told tuouj lodlvlduol or rouillj Reynolds Bros. Stationers anil Engrsven. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE, HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. Foote 6l Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. NORWAY IKON III, At Ii DIAMOND MIA Kit KXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOP'8 ENGLISH CAST sn I I, HORSE sum s TOE CALK 'HUE m HIM i; SPRING SOKT STEI 1 I l.S lti LLOWS HOK8E V ll.s V i,o HEELS AXLES SPRINGS Ml Its SPOKES RIMS S I 1 KL SKI ls H K SPIKI S WILEl .V III .sl 1.1. wit WELLS BROS si REW CI I'TINO M ICHINEK) Bittenbender&CoJcranton, Wtit'liaal atul retuil Jealers in WK.uiukor' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. IC8ANT0H AND WILXBS-BABRBi VA . MANUFACTURERS 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISllNliANU PUMPING MACHINtRY. Ga&eral Office, BCRANTON, PA GUERNSEY BROS. Will remove about April ist to 22 Wyoming Ave nue (V. M. C. A. Building), with a full line of At Wholesale and Retail, oil easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWEES ABSOLUTELY rUJRB HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. btbwpplibd TUE SX0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 43 Lackawanna Atcnue. FOR THE LBMTBN SBASON AH itiun l'- -li l .all roasWad Ouily. Pane t Mauketl llnllbut, Ititnalasi I ",', Viiiiiit!i Uloatara, Milt iiatri, ' llookawMTi Chaaapaaka Rajr. ftVCTLTC Mnurlt'u Rlvar Cava ' U I 0 1 IjiV J iim- Point lofl Shall Clama, Blirlmpi, Baallnpa, j.i- W. H. PIERCE, FENN AVE. i