a TITE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDN ESDAY MORNING. MARCH 21. 1894. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PrftfeJ Baking ABSOUUTELY PURE GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT 7IRST VIEW OF Spring IHE PS OF y TOWNS Cut or townoorneponasatsotTns Tata- 0M8 should slen thetriMIIIM in full t aeU newsletter, not for publication uut u iiuar J dinuiit deception. 1 STROUOSBUSG TOPICS. MILLINERY Judge The i'lil on g Days pemn Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ings have event 01 You visit the are store, com pare and judge. Examine tli3 Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Examine the Untrimmed Hats and Eonnets. Examine the great show of Artificial Flowers. Examine the vast collec tion of Trimmings. NICHOLSON NOTtS Brief Chronirl 'f Patln Events of Qsneral Interest. Py m'til to the S&nntnn Trih'tne. Nicholson, Ph., March 80. R. D Newton la buildinif an addition to hi honse on State stret. Boy The TRIBUNE booaaiO it is the best piper. The Delaware, L iclciw.nna and W stern company intends to build a new bridge this coming snmraer. Mrs. CNrr has moved in psrt of the honse belon'in(( to EL L. Stevens, on State street. Albert Rodney moved hii family and household ircols to Clark's Summit, on Monday. Mr. White, of Tunkhannock, was a business man in town on Monday. Joseph i; Harding made a business trip to the Klsctric City on Tuosday. D. C. Graham, of Tunkliaimock, was in town on Tuesdny. IIol. Robinson, of Lenoxville, was a business man in town yesterday. Moses Shields, jr., arrived home Tuesday night after a six weeks' visit in Wales. A meeting for tho permanent organi zation of the local hoard of the Repub lic Saving" and Loan association will be held in the Opera house on WodDOS' day evening, March 21, at 7.3d o'clock. Tho following named officers will be elected: Attorney, president, vice president, treasurer, appraisers and dl rfctors. A full explanation of the plan and system will be given. QaoSnODJ may be freely asked by any interested person and answers will be made as plain as possible. AH interested per sons, whether members or not, will be cordially welcome Republican Convention Diseussed Crniir Alter the Lrnoherl Fifi'tai to the Jtoranton lYftun . STRnDDSBtJUa, Pa March '.'O. crit Republican convention b Saturday is still being discussed by the politician There iaa preVHilitijj good spirit, considering the fact the contest for delegate and oonnty chairman was bitterly fought. The light made by M. W. Rhodes, the cigar manufacturer, was one to bo proud of, although Jesse A. Gravel walked awav with the prise, For oonnty chairman I'r. Thomaa t' Walton won a tight which was not al together nnaxpeoted, for Dr. Walton was deserving of re election, r.ue to the fact that ho line been constantly pound ing at the Democracy of Alouroe for ii number of years His opponent, Major Kistlr. who at the late election defeated Jauie KJln ger, a strong Democratic candidate was defeated, not on account of hie Unpop ularity, for he is popular, but on ac count of the present county chairman's great pull with the mail of the party, and more especially the party workers. It was the largest oonveution ever held here. The Republicans' cf Monroe county were never more encouraged, anil are hopeful of making still greater inroads in Monroe county Democracy. Jmltfe Crau's arrival here to hold a sp 't'ial term of curt was yesterday re garded by the lyncher as meaning that possibly more rigid investigation , would to ordered by the court. 1 he ; state authorities, it is understood, are determined that every effort shall be made to free the conuty from the dis grace the lynchers has put on it and : y will do all in their pw.r to assist 1 the 1 octl authorities, Judge Craig, it i is believed, will before tne speolalltertn I of court closes, liavejsomethiug to say J "i T7i f 1 f r ' t'lar w:'' Ilot "sact'.T pleasing to the mVllcU LO finriff and others The judge.it is well remembered, a few we-lts ego did not hestitate to tell the authorities what their duty were and it is not likely that iie will let this opportunity pass by without showing ids displeasure. How ever, is is not believed that no matter now rigid the investigation may be that a successful attempt will be mad-" to fix the blame. No one, even those who regard the nffiir as disgraceful, I want to see the lynchers brought to justice. Mi?s Kaiser, daughter of Andrew Keiser. will be married todav to Dr. L-vering The uffiir will be quiet. i July a few of the friends are Invited. Ice men have filled their los houses I and the haivest has been a gre.it one. I Georgo C. Hughes, editor of the 1 Times, was in New York a day last week on business. Tne Tunes is be coming one of the livltest weekly lour nnls in Eistern Pennsylvania. Wide awake i lurnalism and Brother Hughes I travel in the same orupmy, and the people of Monroe county are to o con gratulated on having the Times in t:ieir mi lst. Mrs. Sarah Wilson has remivel her store to Jacib Miller's, across the Way, The divorce suit between F, Iward Morgan, the well known Eist Stron Is biKg merchant, and his wife is now on trial before Judge Craig. Miss Allie Walton has accpted a pi sltion in the Times office as cashier and book keeper. Bi.'yclers are now getting ready for t'oeir spring apieannc. Tin most popular nere are the Victor, Columbia, j Ol.-.l I 'I'l.- I . ... 1.1 ... .Ian For several years our Millinery Open- been the tne season and the Clevelan 1. liie Rambler also has a number of friends. Fatal neglect is a little short of Miiride The consequences of a neglected cold are too well known to need repeating. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup curo-i a cough promptly Sold by all dealers ou a guar antee of satisfaction. HONE-.DALE FLASHES ElMHURST ECHOES. of Entertaining rareirruphs from One Ike Earth's Garden Spots. Fitrrial to the Scranton Tribune. El.Mill iist, I'd.. March 2D Measles are quite prevalent at this time in this place. Rev. F. A. Matteson, of Knoxville, Pa., has accepted the pitBtontte of the Elmhnrst Baptist church. Mrs. Clarence Stevens is reported as improving rapidly at the hospital in Philadelphia. ignite a number of our oltilins cele brated Paltick'a day at. Wilkes-Barre and elsewhere. Professor John's ptactice class in music meets ou Thursday oveniug in Baumann'M hall. Tallie Morgan's juvenile class in eight reading will moot at the graded school building. D. L. Bleseoker has his new house and barn up and will soon occupy the same. The attendance of our young folks nt the Moscow convention last Friday was very general. Our borough council are planning some necessary and decided improve ments for the coming season. The box factory is again running full handed making pie plates. A mum social is on tne hoards for tonight at the Presbyterian chapel. Condensed R'oir.t of Events of a Day In the Maple C.ty. Fj.rrinl to the Scranton Tribune. HOMBSDALt, Jlsrch 20. William Foley, aired about 07 years died at his homo in Seeleyville late last night. The fnneral will be held from the house Thursday at 10 a. m. Bberifi Murphy took foury ung men to Philadelphia yesterday nnrnios, where thev will pass the next few months in the penitentiary The miserable condition of the pub lie road between HoaCSdals and Bee leyvllle is still being coinplainod of by all persons having oooMion to use it The road should be properly fixed. , Meade F. Sohnnck is home from Wyoming seminary on his Kt, tor va cation. At a meeting of the hoard of trade lust evening the action of the Ddaware and ilnd'ou Canal company in reduo nig the force of boats on the canal was discussed It was decided to circulate a petition asking the company to re scind its decision. Miss Bessie White left for Long Isl and College hospital this afternoon to attend tbegradnating exercises. Ilr brother, Harry, is u member of the class. Services in QrOCI Obnroh during Holy Week is as follows: Tuesday, March 2d, U a. m., and 4 p m, , Wed nesday, u a. m , ami 7 mi p. m ; Thurs day, 9 a. m. , and 7 30 p. m ; Good Fri day. 10.U0 a. m., 2 p. m.. and 7 30 p. m ; Saturday (Baatef eve), U a. m , holy baptism ; B liter day, choral ser vices, ti a. m., morning prayer, 10.30 a m , children's service, 7 30 p, m. F. W. Shear, of Scranton, was a call er iu towu to lay. Gardner Bros will open their gentle men's furnishing store, opposite the city hall, Friday, March 23. Agency of the BORARTOM TRJBUNK Miss Jessie Koefer, of Scranton, is visiting Houusdale friends. Hurt Da Hsrr, of the Mnrvinsburg News,made a hasty trip to town today. e ARCH BALL) HAPPENINGS. A FolUhsd Wiliei'a U - ,um of Current Tup ci Up th Rond. filpectolfo (As ScTonton rwtaae Arohbald, Pa . March 20. The Car- bondale Traction company is about to complete its railway in this borough .Mr. Sadler and other officials of the road Were here ou M:idav and made the necessary arrangements for hsgm nlng work on the extension It is said that the track will lie laid on the side instead of the middle of the road from Its present terminus, near Moyles' bo tei, to the Blakeiv borough line, it is hoped that the road will i. oompleted without a reenrrenoe of the trouble that attended tne laving of the part now in operation. Under the terms of the ordinance granting the company the privilege of laying the tracks, the work is supposed to be oompleted be fore May 1. street Commissioner D.ilTy has a force of men at work on the Plank road in the vicinity of the Riverside store, repairing the highway Whore it has been almost impassable owing to the yielding condition of the soil. Tue springs under the road, at this season, make it almost as pliable, without giv Ing it any of the solidity of In liu nih il r. Mr. DnfTv's men are raising the ro id ty covering it with ashes from tie- Klversiu works Mrs. W. 11. Golden, of Parsons, a sister of Dr. J. J. K dly, of this nlac-. died on Monday after a brief illness. Mrs Golden was well known here. The Orescent Bleotrio compuiy is placing an arc light in front of St. Thomas' church. It will bo lighted for the lust tune this evening Patrick Maloney, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Maloney, ol Salem street. The school board held a msetlng on Monday eveuiug for the purpose of con sidering tho proposals received for the furnishing of basius, pip-, oco., so that each room in the graded building may have a separate supply of water. F. J, (.' Boyle's proposal for six enamel iron basins with the necessity futures was $130 Mr. Bishop's proposal for live witn fixtures, was $133. The board accepted Mr. O'Boyle's proposal, R-v. Mr. Shaw, of Voorheesvills, N. York , will preach at the morning and evening services ou t, ister Sunday lu the Presbyterian church. Rev. M Shaw eomel here for the purpose of looking over the field with a view to accepting a cull from the Prtsbvterian congregation, who hays no pastor at present and who have invited bun to conduct services next Sunday. Mr Shaw has been a missionary in China and Japan, and he is said to be a geu- tli-man of remarkable ability. Tne board of health will meet for organiiation in the council rooms at 3 o'clock this evening. It is hoped that every member will be present. A large delegation of Odd Fellows fr m this place paid a fraternal visit to (Jlyphaut lodge last eveuiug. 1 be Hoso compauy held an import ant meeting ou Monday evening. There was n large attendance and much in terest was saowu in the procosduigs. It was decided to build a high tower at one eud of the building uow occu pied by the company. The proposed structure will be forty-five foet high, and besides being useful will be very ornamental. Officers for the ensuing term were also nominated these are: President, John 15 Lack ; vice-president. W. H. Blake; treasurer, lieury Myers; recording secretary, H. 0 Ltndermau; financial secretary, Al bert Michol; foreman, W. H. Blake; assistants, P. F. Corcoran and William Myers. S-veral members of Cottage Hose company called on the Arch bald boys and asked assistance iu their ef fort to erect new hose rooms. The Arcub ild firemea generously olferei to co-operate with them. Drs. Murphy, of Dunmore, and Kear ney, of Scranton, were m towuyester day, Charles Law spent Sand iy in Avoca. Miss Millie tJlmtr, of Carbondale, called on friends here yesterday. Tbs Ladies' Ai l society of the Pres byterian ohurch will meet on Thurs day evening at the residence of James M. Eaton on Laurel street. John H. Lindermsu, of tho Third ward, will lie a candidate for delegate to the Republican county convention. Mr. Liudertuan is a popular young gentleman, who will make it inter-Ht-Ing for anyone w ho dares oppose him. Mr. and Mis Pattiok Gillespie and son. Joseph, of Pittston, are visiting Mr and Mrs 'I homes J. Healy.ot Main street. . All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Bi8Covery know Its value, and tuoso who have not. have now tho opportunity to try it Free. Call on tho advertised Druggist and get ft Trial 15 ol tie, Free, Send your mi inn and address to II. Iv lluckleii & 'o, Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Free, ns well us a copy of Guide to Health and Iloii-ohold Instructor, Free, All id winch is guaran teed to do you good iiml colt you uuthing. Matthews Hros. Drugstore, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tiffany. Mrs. Cogswell, of Lunanville. is visit ing Miss Alice Vananken. Ed. Penny has moved to the Hollister place. E P. Mack, who has been confined to his home tor the past woek with a severe cold, is aide to be out again. Miss Margaret Mct'ue entertained a number of her lady friends at the home of E M. Cl.umsrd Wednesday in honor of her neice, Miss Howell, of West Pittston. Tea was serv' d at 0 o'clock and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. M. Chuuiird visited Scranton Friday. CULLED AT CaitBONOALE. Pen Pictures of .lima, and Soenee on the Plonesr City Midway. Special tu the Nrnoilott 2Vi6uns. Carbondale. Pa.. March 20 At Inst uight's mesting "f board of trade $20,000 iu stock subscriptions w us relied to scure the erection lu city of a disirable miinulacturiug plant lesterdny Mrs taniiie Wherry pur chased the house it it il lot at the corner of Chestnut and B-linont streets, off Hortoil C. Dilts; consideration $2,100 Mrs. Joseph Rogers, of Caanan street, who has been in ill health for n long tune, was today admitted to the hos pital, where she will undergo treat ment Miss Katie Fox, of South Church street, la v isiting Scran tou Irieuds. Miss Jauette McMillan. of New York, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jumes McMillan, of North Church street. Henry Finch, of Scranton.is visiting W. E Bwarls, of Gilbert street. Tiioinaa Reese nss returned to Wllkes-Barre after a short stay with Csrbond ile friends, Mr mi l Mrs A S Lewsley returned this afternoon troin Nineveh, N. Y., nttor enjoying a brief visit with the Utter s parents. - - - - A BAN D CONCERT. Young America's I ietUutlon Will Ren dor a Pleasing- Proirremme. BptcUU to the Scranton Tnbum. MlNOOKA, Pa , March 20.- -The enter tainment and ball of the Young Amer ica Cornet baud which takes place ou Eister Mou i. iv evening at Father Matthew hall, Miuooka, promises to le a decided success. The following pro -gramme will be randored Piano Solo Professor Davis Vocal Solo John Casey Voc d Solo Mrs. M. J. Eagau Vocal ISolo Professor Sheams Violin olo Daniel ClnnoDS Vocal Solo Edward Mclutyre Vo' ol Solo Allss Jeunie I.aughney Vocal S do James Couaboy Banjo and Outtar ,. Jones and Housered Vocal bulo Miss Annie McDonough Vocal Solo Thomas CJuiun Highland Fling, Mr, Con and Miss Julia Mahony Vocal Solo Mis Delia Lituiran Vocal Solo Samuel Maueuy Stump Speech Peter Casic Duet, Misses Mary 1,'awley and Annie Mullen Solo Thomas Grimes Recitation P. O. Bolaud Solo A. J. Duffey Solo Thomas Heffroii Song and Dauce..York Walker and Friend FUNERAL OF ISAAC ELLIS. Large Audience Pays Tribute the Vir tuse of the Deceased. Bp$cUU to the Scranton Tribune. Daltun, Pa , March 20 The ser vloee connected with the burial of our late towusmau, Isaac Ellis, were bel 1 at the Baptist church at 2 p m. The church was thronged with sympathiz ing friends, many of them from out of town, who thus desired to show their respect for the deceased, whose sterling worth and noble integrity of character had won for him hosts of friends. Rev. James Fielding preached the sermon and Hev. J. It. Angel, of the Methodist church assisted iu the ser- vice. MARCH 21, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice d' three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "De livering Christmas Presents" and "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messenger or bring coupons like tliisot three (lillcr- ent dates, with iu cents, stamps or coin, to TEIEUNE OFFICE, Cor. Pi mi Ave. und Spruce St. JOTTED AT JF.rtMYN. for Little Locals of Intre. H o i denied Intelligent Rend -e Vifttaltn the So anion TWOUSS. Jkii.myn, Ph., March 20. -Presiding Elder Thorpe, of Honesdale, will preach in the Methodist church Sou lay even ing next. Don't forgot the entertainment of the Catholic Mutual Benefit association, March 27 A good programme is being arm nged. The Odd F"11owb' Hall is to be light ed by electricity in the near future. Miss Lissla Roche has recovered from her illness and has resumed her posi tion with Winter A; Co G. A. Dayton, of Blnghsmton, and D. U. Taylor, of Scott, wore Jcrmyn visitors yesterday. The Ivlgerton Coal compnny will pay their employes tomorrow. ,1. It Griffiths trans icted business in Scranton yesterday. Mrs, Harriet Russel, who fell re OSntly, breaking three ribs, is Improv ing rapidly. Dr. and Mrs. M. j. Shield have re turned from their southern tour. Preparations are under way for the fair of the St. AloysiiH society, which will take place in April. There is no doubt of its success LINOAVILLE ITEMS. Condensed News Notse from a Peaceful Hamlet til Rural It irons M I f- "ie " ' I 'i 'mi IWftuilf. Lindavillk, March 20. -Ralph Stsar ling attended a sndo at Lynn last week and brought hum five bend of stock, Mrs. George Tiffany, of Hitrrlsburg JT Mm. ii. 11. fjT'li& Uahuis' eST Webster, . - J) tod. JOUN E. mw psAisoxt ja$ ML Whatcum, 5e J Write Us at Once If You Wish to Know What Cuticura Has done for Us 'Ji- 'i MrH. Annie Schrclncr Alletituun. Pa. Hood's Is the Grandest Raised from a Weak and Low Condition To Perfect Health and Strength After Four Years Suffering. "C. I. Rood & Co., Luuell. Mass.: "Otntlemes i think Hood's SerseperiUa is tho grandest ilseovsry yrt made, and It fulfill even more thau you claim for It. My wife hoi been slok lor the past tout years. For three years she was so had that she WSJ unable to do any of her bOUSCWOrk, We had good physicians, but she did not retovai her health. She was lull, i in;: Iron) Bright1! disease and LaincnesK In tho Back. Her tongue was covered with blisters, had no appetite, and was wry weak ami Inn with gen cial debility. I Insisted on her taking Hood's Bartaparllla, ami IhS has ben hnprntlug ever since. She bus taken live bOttlSS, and Is so well Hood'sCures that lor three months she has dene her bouse wnrk, an. I we have seven children." Aco. BcBMuotB, AJientown, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, tick headache, tmincsiiou. MOOSIC POWDER CO Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, BCltANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOHIC and RUSH DALB WORKS. UW1S (T Katon, K l Lark nrtlli Mrs. Snlll "r-y lean's iuiiv, ir t In Speedily Curing Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Humors After all Else Failed. Hrs.u. Mrs. jamts' kosa Bast, klllv, iWood- BockweU .tun, iiiy, Kuu. Iowa, Cuticura Has Worked Wonders in Our Cases And Has Proved Itself Entitled to All Praise HOW TO MAKE MONEY Here are hundreds of young men and young women in thti country who have splendid ability, but they have never beeu wnkeued up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity and vaut to do something tangible, come lo the College. COMMON ENGLISH COU USE. UUSINK8I OOURtsM. sm K l ii , ii COURSE. n -ri tt.t. . . F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. M.VV VTOAU OPEN'S .lANL'AKY 1. Onyx Top Brass Table Lsfllin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Elertrlo Batteries, Fusei for explor ing blsste, siifoty Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives A. Pi C.H. G1IAMM, W"BS' ktOUBt nrute Bw' eioud. Wis. Mo. Dr. K. Grewer The Philadelphia . pp.cialist, And bis muncutod lUH of Bnstlsh and Oer man rnsswianskare now pormanentli located Temple Court Building .tl I BPftUCE ST., SCRANTON Wbers Ihoy may bo eonsnlted LiAlLY AND SUNDAY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot tho University Cf 1'cDnayIvanin, fnrmeilf demonstrator ot physiology and mrgery at the Medico-Cbir-nrKical Colloge, of Philadelphia. He Is also an honorary n emher of the MedlroChirur gleal AaH.iclation, and was physician and urgoon In-chlcf of tho most nntcd American and Herman lioepitals, eomos highly Indorsed by tbj leading professors of Philadolpbla and New York. His many years of hosDital experlenoe en sbles this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose aud treat all defores t es and diseases with the most flattering euecess. end his htuh standing in tho state will not ell iW him to aeoept anv ineurable case I.OSI MA.NHfltlll KKTOIIKO. WElKNRiS OF yni'vo HKS Cl'ltKn 11 you have neon given up r,y your physi cian call upon the doctor and I e examined. He cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores I atarrh, Piles. Fomale Weakness. Affections of the Kiir, Eye. Nose and Tbrnat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Can cels and Crinnlea of eyerv descrintion. (in- enltatlon In Kmrlisb nnd Herman Free, which ball 1h considered sacred and strictly contl din tint. Iiffioo Hourei OA. M. to U r. M. Daily. Snndnv, a.m. In ' p m. 1 III. TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CUOANIZED 1SJA CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. fa Mr EL HINB8,tPresldent W.w Watson, Vice Fn-sident A 13 WILLIAMS. Cashier. ciitxcTons. BAkrOlt TliNta, jsmks M' Evkritart, luviao A. Fiscn. PIBBCI B. Fiklst, JoHKPH J JRIIMVS. M KXMKHKIL. Chas. P. Maitiikws. John T Poutih. W. W. Watson PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This hnnV Invites the patronage of business men and tlrms generally. Public Sale $610 Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb IN. 1804. called for by Hie Comptroller ail tho Gurn v HS8OVB0ES, l-nnns 1,110,840 no Overdralts 047.37 United States iinmia ko.ooo.ihi Oilier llimds Di:i,n7a.7a llaukliiK House 18,074.40 Premiums on U. s. Hands,.., 048,78 Due Iriim II. s. Treasurer 7.000 no liua rrilttl Hunks 008 4 1 11 7:1 Cash 140,040.81 ,800)880. SO LIABILITIES. Capital 8300,000 OO Bursjlns aso oon 00 tlndlvldvil ProOta DOiHtilMI Olreiulatlon 70,000.00 lllvlilviida liiinld 884.80 l)iioslls.' 1,A(I4.UOO A4 iino to lianks ae.auo.no SM, 808,880. 00 WILLIAM CONKKLL, President UliO. II. TATLIN, Vice-President. William ii in k. Cashier DIBttCTUm wminm Connelt, Qoortre 11. Catlln, Alfred llnitd. .Ihiiios Arrbbald, llvnry li.. 1 1 11. Jr., WIllL.m T. No, ill,. Lutbor Keller. Tills bank offers lo depositors every ftirlllty uarrimted by tllelr biilunces, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given lo business uo counts. Interest paid on tluu deposits. EACH. v)$6 Oil EACH. Hat and Coat Racks. 3-hook, 25c; 5-hook, 50c. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AKD 201 VT0H1HG AVE. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. For tlie Baby Hr BB lli iff XHIS WE El v we remember the little darlings in the form of a Nicely Up holstered BABY CARRIAGE, with fine running gear, adjustable parasol, and sold FOR urn By the way, we show fifty different patterns of Carriages, including the famous 1894 DOWNING SLEEPER COACH, for which we are sole agents- With nil purchases amounting to $.5 or over, wo include a 100 piece Dinner Bot FREE. Cash or Credit