TITE SCB ANTON TBlBtTXE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 21. 1894. THOSE CHEAP SWELLS. KUISANCES AND DEAD BEATS WHO MASQUERADE AS MEN. Whvy Hon Ago to LI.. Without KM Ap parent liu-oitiu Hiul Hake Thanaelvei Intoliruhly Ofltaalae tn DMOBt I'l'oplr. SmnplcH of the TWO CUMaee. Literally, BOOfea of men itro familial to the pttblin nr. liirgx whoae pfetenalOBB to Itvelldom are sn traiispnmitl)' falsotliat lliey altnoa approach the grotesque Vet as the yean roll by they continue to float about upon tbaenrface o( Ufa, are always to Ih) Touud la public placee, ara on hand nt all state nmaainm. and at every notable thoatrical or public event, ami apparent!)! enjoy most of the privilegei Ol the elect o( the earth. After a time the fcellnR of rt:ri osity abottt them dlM away anil that of exasperation takaa t:.i place. They posr tin men about town, "rotnulen.," BeBUMMa of leisure anil tholtkfl. KveryKniy knows that they are petmucae, yet they llTa on luxu ries It 13 the cheap nrall who stan wom en out of OOUntenance at thu theatre, who Infest the shopping street in the early part of the day, anil girei hia more enb statttial anil hard Working fellow citicen an immense amount of annoyance by his arrogance and assumption in general, Than aro two general cl?..-s of t lie cheap well in New York. One is cornpoaad of tiie silly and pratentioaa young men who poee to gratify au iutenso ambition and who fancy that they ilmivu the world by their "society" airs; the. other is the type of gaudyawell who use hia Oaaby attire and assunnuv as the means of making a livin ,-. Thesounv of the tacomaaof many of these men of sham and imitation in often com mented upon. The majority of them have no iucomos at all, and they do uot need them, for they do uot spend tuiy money They keep up the semblance of a life of leiaare airl extravagance without carrying it out in the slinhn-t degree. ONE Of TUB MILD TYPE. A typical obm of this sort cornea to the writer's mind. For nearly two years he was constantly running across a tall and sallow youny man. who always bctrayi-d au air of intense hauteur, and exhibited all the aigUA ol the world of cheap swell dom. Hia manner was lupOKilliooj and austere. He was always to bo found in Delmonieo'a just before and just after din ner, and he was a prominent figure la the theatre lobbies. V.'heucver women of par ticular attractiveness came along he stare! at them with au air of advanced Imperti nence. Occasionally he could be seen Stand ing up at the rear of a theatre, and between the acta he was invariably to be found stalking gloomily u; and down in the most pretentious of the neu!ilxri!r,-catV smok ing a cigarette, bur. never buy:n;- auj thing to drink. After the opera he was always to be found ia the Tturty-iiinth struct cor ridor, still Brooking a cigarette and ap parently waiting fjr his carriage Be moTed about among people of wealth and high social standing, staring at tholadiea and arousing a universal feeling of indig nation among the men. lie w;u always In evening dress, and his attire ivu distinctly fashionable in cut. though there was some thing ia his appearance which caused ob serving men instantly to set hici down as an outsider. He aroused a vague and un tiefinabio but pronounced feeling of c.; aaparatiou in every decent man whom he met. and yet he never did anything which would warrant an observer iu thrashing him. For two years the writer encountered this particular personage everywhere he went In New York, until one day ho saw him in earnest conversation with a well knuwa hatter on nroadwny. V.UAT THE L'NCLE SAID. Inquiry from the hatter revealed the fact that the pseudo sweil wxs his nephew, nud not a particularly popular nephew at that. "lie has occupied a hail room In a Lex tngton avenue boarding house," the hatter said as he took up the case cf the young man, ' for nearly three yean, and. though the cost of the room with board i.i only JT a week, ho has managed to run in dobt to the landlady to the extent of over fJOu. She is a silly old fool of a woniuu who thinks the cub has rich relatives and big expectations, and who actually goes down into the kitchen after she has fin shed her work at 11 o'clock at night ami rons his trousers and cleans his coat., w.th benzim: for the follow ing day's parade. I lo pots in tho boarding house aa a society man. always aata tli" regular dinner there in evening dress, and then hurries oat un der the pretense that he is going out to n party, a reception or something of that aort at the house of some well known N'ew Yorker. For the rent of the night be Spends his time loafing about, He's a well dressed loafer and nothingelse. Occasion ally he runs errands or makes himself use ful to a theatrical manager, and in that way secures iidmis.-,ion to the theatre. Thau again he will manage to worm him self into 'be good graces of soma young man about town who is careless and amia ble when he has been drinking alittle, and out of thai aoQuaintance ha always man- nges to extrart something substantial either credit ak a tailor's or a loan of one sort or another. Of course he never thinks of doing any work." This is a fair type of the ( heap swell who is not vieions. Of course than are many grades of the species, but they have ail managed in ono way or another to adopt such a peculiar look and manner that their presence nets as an affront to men. the rmovi iwmxt Tito vicious typo of the cheap swell is more interesting because he not infre quently drifts from careless into criminal relatious with tradesmen, and occasionally slips Into schemes of trickery and fraud. Kvery attentive reader of the, bOWipapaiS has from time to time run across the. Domes of men who have been MStented to priaon, but had posed and been accepted by Certain people as men of leisure and soda proiii nenee. Than la ao denying Ike unvanal gullibility of mankind, A large, breezy mid genial man, clad in the nn st advanced style of raiment, can go down to Wall street, and into the offices of the most eon servntlvo merchants and secure ciu.h sub reriptions for any kind of a wildcat e;if, nre. A modestly c lad but thoroughly ub atnntial und reputable citizen could not raise $50 in this fashion. A few days ago two suits were brought and won against a Haw Yorker who was always prominent in club windows, who boasted not long ago that, ho find thirty-four complete suits of clothes mudo this year. .Judgment was geound by ono of his creditors for tSfiOt niul by another for 10,000, Kvery man who linear anything oliout New Yorkers was awaro that this particular "swell" had Ren without any legitimate, Income for years, and that ho owed tW.OW) or $i,(XXJ In New Vork. Yet he succeeded iu getting credit in the cnurao of two months for $U,(XX). Many other men in New York could do the same, probably. If they had thirty-four milts of clothes. The Stars of Ineu seems to exercise an ext inordinary and occult inOuenco upou mankind. New i'crk Sun. CHANGING WEDDING FASHIONS. Orsnjo Illoasomn No Longer Necessary and Hie Veil Sometimes Omitted, Tho traditional wedding customs, like many Other old obssrvances, me rapidly disappearing, whether banished by the uni versal skepticism or the times or neglt oted because the age is too busy toalloa any ek men t that la not eminent )y prosala snd prac tical, It would badifOoull to Say. A bride may still occasional !y unconsciously advertise tin-novelty of her position by a collection of li.' among the ribbons of her bonnet , while tha groom'a hat sometimes fulls a victim to the too accurate aim of a wall meant slip per, but thoaymbollo rites from bich these effects n'sult are usually performed by ilitl drcn and are regarded as a juVSgUS freak, Orange blossoms and myrtle are often re placed by rose.., lilies, vlnlets and other flowers, equally appropriate to any occa sion, while the veil s sometimes entirely omitted. The wedding cake has in par- A Oeatle Dlow. People often push others in n crowd in Jin street in a manner much ruder than jbey would ever employ were not those Jostled into their way entire strangers. A lloston gentleman wi's crossing a crowded street one dsy, when a well dressed, ladylikv looking woman gave him a real blow on tho shoulder while attempt ing to push her eager way past him. lie lifted his hnff 'Madaml" ho said courteously, "next time i'ou nsiyiult mo in public, would you mind sVihing a little higher up on my shoulder, its that place Is lame!" , The lady rushed by him, her faco lliiin Inj with mortiilcatioa. lixchuugo. mm BIUOAl TOIUfT, tloular degenerated most lamentably. Far from cutting it herself, the bride seldom even sees it, and it is brought from the con fectioner's in the f irm of small slabs nlrAidy packed in white and silver boxes tied with white ribbon and so delivered to the wed ding guest after the bridal couple have de parted. The custom of dressing the bridesmaids in white is also falling Into disuse, and with some show of reason, for it is entirely suit able that white should be left for the bride's toiiet solely. Delicate pinks, blues and yel lows not only set off by contrast her snowy apparel, but lend a superficial cheerfulness to the bridal procession, which it is well to encourage in the modern wedding, usually almost as melancholy nti occasion as a fu neral. To be married in traveling costume is a convenient and offhand method, but as the white regalia is one of the few poetic sur vivals iu an ago of hard f.VJts, and a woman cau array herself In it but once in her life, It seams rather a pity when she does not wear it on the one occasion. A sketch is given of the bride's gown at a recent Paris wedding. It is of ivory white satin mer veillettJC and has a bell skirt with piped seams and A round train, The bottom of the skirt is trimmed with a flounce of gui p ire festooned with piquets of orange blos soms. The round bodice is slightly draped in front and has a wide guipure cohar, while the large sleeves consist of a puff reaching to the elbow, where it is finished byafioUUOaof lace. A tulle veil is worn, secured by au orange s.iray. JfDIC CIIOLI.ET. PERFECT POEMS OF EONNETS. r.lack Is Much In Evidence In the N'ew Sprlnc Readweaf Hats are of medium alia this SOS SOU, and bonnets arc small. The combination of black with rich carmine shades claims as prominent a place in spring millinery as It has held all winter. Iilack Is much in evi dence in all the new headgear, almost every thing displayed consisting in part at least of some black material. Black lace is par ticularly popular, and much jet. and many spangles nre DJHld. There are soma pretty littlo bonnets iu which the crown is a sort of skeleton arrangement of -teel or gold and black beads, while the tiny brim con sists of a frill of plaited lace, and the trim ming is made Up of some bits of black vcl- LA' I ASK MQjgl HAT. vet, the two inevitable mercury wings In steel or gold and an aigret of one or the fit her metal llirds' bodh-i and wings are very little seen, and as they are easily de faced and always in bad taSta It Is to bo hoped that they have permanently rati rail from popular favor, datrkb klpaatwmuah used, and with jet and v dvet are the pre ferred trimming, Somi) fine luce straws hnve lieen brought out, iu black and colors, but black lace hats are moat fOshlonableat present and a mini tier of them are shown. The luce used is mainly of the tine, light quality or is Jetted or spangled- the plain, heavy guipure so much employed of late is losing its prestige. Moire place silk Is Utilized aa a trimming on many of the spring hats, cut on the bias for liows or gathered to form a soft crown, and tha effect is rather good. Xhs low crown of one lacs trimmed bgtwasntllts covered by a broad silk bow set flat upon it. BeskV the Spangled mercury w ings before alluded to, some pretty ornaments are shown composed of balls larger than a fll part, also made, of overlapping spangles. These are placed on stems and mixed with metal aigrets, or are twisted lu with the trimming and are a pleasing novelty. A sketch Is glvm of a hat the brim of Which is OOmpOMd of black lace embroid ered with jet, and black spangles. The soft crown is of black moire, gathered together in the middle of the top by a Jet ornament. The trimming is simple, consisting of a large roaattO Ol Catmint velvet, from which spring two upright, black ostrich tips. Junto CMOUJTi A Hull Treasure House, A succession of tenants tfe a llOUM tn Clifton Terrace, Bean street, rmld btUO news to publish but, for tlin fact Unit it. lias been the medium for a collection of names the like of which perhaps no othei owner of property is Boil mum furnish, The first tenant was n Mr. Farthing. When the latter left, 11 Mr. Penny took up tho occupancy. In the course of time Pen ny departed and was followed by Mr. Shilling. Thin unique succession would, it wan thought, end here; but no, going up In t he BSOendlng scale, v.hrn Shilling gave up the bouso 11 Mr. Crown obtained it and is the present ocaipier. Thus we have four u 1 .ii : one another, uumcd re spectively Farthing, Penny, Shilling and Crown. What next:' Mr. Jlall-a-so1. eretflh r would be too much to expect to SI 0, Mr. Sovereign Is feasible snd should gild the pinnacle of a not unenviable notoriety which the house has thus won,- London ; Hxouange. Posted Iu Advance. The OWnar of O boardiug stable In the northern par' of the city advertised a bona for sale. Early yesterday morning a man 1 appeared ami aaked to see the equine. "See bete," said the owner as. lie square I olT at him, "I like to have a lair under standing abo.it things Now thou, is it for you or some one else;" "Some one else." "Do you know all about a horse or noth ing nt Bill' "I know every crook and turn about a horse, sir." "Oh, yon doi' All ri'th; We now un derstand each other, and I'll show you the beast." In ten minutes a sale had been effected, mid the horse was helm led uwmv "Why did you care whet her lie was green or posted"1 inquired a man who hud stood by. "Made a great deal of difference to me," replied the late owner. " The hone la spav ined, plgeou tooa nud woakftn the buck, ilad ho been Ull nmetCUt 1 should huvu felt bound to tell htm." "But he kuww all about a bone." "Bxnotly, and therefore knew nothing. Easiest sale 1 ever made to anyone. "De troit F100 Pre - iie.iv criticism, A sign painter had just line. bed painting a sign for an agent for sewing machines, who hud started ill business. As the painter descended from his ladder be and thasewlng machine agent both looked up at the Sign, which read plainly as follows: I JOHN illUTTLg, BOWINO MACHINES. : "Look here!" exclaimed the agent, some what timidly. "Isn't 'sewing machine' spelled with nil e instead of an Of" The punter glanced at the agent wit him Injured air. "Weill" ho said, "1 should think you might let nt work get dry before you be gin to criticise iti" Youth's Companion, A. JT I TP M in tlin hiuifl of n Surffcon plves you a feeling of horror und drcwi. JUSTS Is no longer necessity for Its use In lnuny discuses formerly n sunleil us in curable without 1 li-1 iun;. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery In well e... t 1. a hy thu fact that RUPTURE or llreneh. w. . urn. uno rod. icallH cured without the ItnU'o ami without pain. Ujuuisy, chafing I ruse . lean be thrown away I They never cure tan often Induce In Hnniutntlon, strangulation end death, THMflR ovarium Fibroid (Uterine) nn.l -'"- raany others, lire now removed Without thi' perils of 1 ntilnir operation. PILE TUMORS, Z''t;:T'!:i the lower bowel, uro iieriaunently Cured with out 1 .en or rcuoi l to me i.nue. Ill the lllsdder, no mutter how , I ollt let pe (eel STRICTURE: iarue. Is OTUShod, pulveilzeil. wash i't out mid Jtet feet ly removed without cutting. f I'niciry I'ussuire 1,1 alto renioved without eiiltlm; In I, li- of cases, Iror piuuihlet, references ami nil pnrtlculsis, Mel 10 cents (In sii,uiin) to Wiiisl's Dispensary Meilliul Auioclutlou, Ho. Kit Main ftrcct, liulTuio, N. Y. MT. PLKASANT AT IlKTAIU Hint of t)n ticnt rinallty for donmtla 0MiMt4 ol nil Hi7.iw4, tiuii vor. ia uur pMrt ut tun diy ht loWlMt prlov Ordttftf felt at my nlllfo. no. 1 IH. WYOniNfl AVRNURi RcArroom, flint floor Thirl Katloiul Buntt or Mtit by mail or towpboot to tiu ninub wm it-cfivf prompt ttentfo, hpocleil oonlraoti vviU Ins matlo for tho Haiu inadouvwy o( Buokwbiwt CottL Anaemia is depleted blood. Tho blood lacks richness and tho cheeks lack color. Tho Whole sys tem lacks tho nourishment of S the Croam cf Cod-liver Oil. This nourishing, palatablo fuod restores a healthy color, enriches tho blood and tones up tho vvholo system. Phy sicians, the world over, en dorse it. Don't !i2 deceived !iy Subsidies! Mro.l !; "col I i li, All draocltts. ADWAY'S READV MUE ion iMU.vtt APli i.xi i.hn.vl Li:. In uslnit ia -dte'n -s to atcn pain. o botiM .iv.ii I U' h lewet injury on th" ysten;. OpiOTB, Morjtjlri ", Cbl roforra. Ktbor, o cnlno a::d 1 lihirsl stop petti hy deSifOTlnj th'i Miuso of peraaptioa. tha patltnt logins the p wr "f reeling This in a meat destruc tive praotloj; It nuaks lha yrapturai. ahats ny. ;'Dt. iustetd f rem irlia tiol". itreak d iwn Iheatoraaa , Aver and lorei . and, if ceitiuu-ei in tor a I mirth of time, kilts tilt aerTeS and produce, local or gaaeral piraly- There li n 1 necessity for mi-ig these uneer tain i.--'iirs wae-i a t'OHiiivoreni'-dy lle It ! WAY'S KKAliY KKl.lKr will stop til 111 11 1 exorntdatlag pa n in r witboui sntailins tbn least da igor, in either Infant or a lutt it instantly ops the mot asoreefalln t piln". i.i in Inflararaatloa and onres ciime" tlom. trhetnerol th Unaga, Stoataob, Bo eH. or otlcrici "dor m 1 -it- is mnni'iraries PuB HPBilKS, HRUIHBrt. HA KACHR PAIN IN TUB UHE8T nit 91L)RS, UKAp Ai HE TOOTHACHE oK ANY OTIlElt PAlrf, a few appllcaMoaaant like Eaejio, caua i:i the pain to Inataatlf ttop. CURI9 AND PBEVBNTB Co.ds, Coughs, Soro Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Bhanmatlspii Neuraejla, Solattca, Lum bacu, Hwi-lltnu af the Jolnls, Pains in Hack, ( brat ar Limbs. Tha applieatten af the i:kaiY BBUaVte be purl er partt wbare the difllrulty or pain exist" will ttfefd I aw and rneifurt ALL INTBUNAI, PAINS I'AINK IN BOW' F.IM lt 'M M A' ' i. CIlAil'S. Hi'AHNS. ROUB HTQMAOH, Nms a Vtv,ItIN(l IICAKTHttBN. NRBUOU NfMM, HI.E':.' l.KHrtNE'H.NH'eC HBAPAC'HK.DIABBltrBA, L0U , IUTVLXNOT, r'AIrll INtl HPMLL8 ar relieeae instantly and quIcHly e'.ire'l by ink iik i'lt'riiaiiy n half li a teaapoonfnl of !:'!. itehuf In half a tumbler of wat-r. Malaria, Chills and Fever, Fover and Ague Conquarod. TbcrO IS ftOft A r m 1 l(l : nt in tli wirM Hint will rii' r'ev r ?il A m i hu 1 all OtttPf Mu'nrl'iUH, I) 1 1 -i i fiml Othif i'"Vor4. ivlli lv It . . ' i l 1 1 1, no '(" 1 , iifi U .if I way h H -aily lili.f. Price 50o. pt boltle. Sold by Uruytjltfl. mmr$ bi PILL Ba a ajsu Gun St i"r lha eare of nit i!iurttrtor the liera itch, Liver, Bowels, km Bladder, Mar V'un lllseaaeii, Haadaoae, CansSlpak lea, Cestlveaeas, Innlgeetlee, ' o-1"-1 iui-ii,u-n.'NN, I'ev, r iMflentmetloa or lha to -.-ei- files sail all deransanieala 'f the in t, r oil Vlseora, Ptirslj Veg tattle, e a lalultta ae raereary, iuIiiuiuIh at iii-.i.i'. TKBIOVI UBtUe. I'r It e '.'.". p or I k x Holt by nil dpigirlii'.a, or on raiviipt of price will 01 s int tiy ra ill, 1 Ive Imxei fer tine Dollar. BAUWAY CU, IU Wsrren Ht . N. Y. and vtpor quicKly hasvreaVai rWouel k jirui.iiy riiv. aureiy to red l.v IKnAI'O. tho ureal llioit'in Renuslv. With ruitntirulloort. Hold tif li.vt.UbV0 likuk..i. rues lam, Scrantuu, Pa. WM. T. SMITH. OH BLOOD POISOM' aMt.ofcpm- edjf, umlfr - laranty, t'kr ! ti I'-i-i al IV-MliV" Ilijl3 iumI IU0 apt botS, llluilrtf'l I; Obi J liflfniui , i 1 -ei! by Mil V.'hon ttMriOfl Stnl rwMfffMl, Oaf Mit'ir RbniUv "'"I "t- Citrv. ti e ... IT, 1-1 I II , t the: Upholstery Department or- William : Sissenberger t ipposita Baptist Clim . i iPciiix Avenue, Is replete with fin 3 and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Hookers, Couches and Lounges ior the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholntorod in a Substantial manner. Will ba as Kood as new DKITKIt IdiUK CO., liie'n. ( n.nltfli. l,0iW.i')IH). best at. mi Mini: in lav: would. UA dowtt taNii i" 0 rfefae rarara. This Ladles' Nolld Preach laoagola mo h-,i. on. iiuut dtUvtrod tie,, sayeatte In Ibo U.K., on .ei:el I ,! ' ... h, Muni y 111 li I , ui t'natiil Nolo fur 10. KiiuaMi avary ear thu iKK,tn SOra Iu all 1 tall Stores fer 160. We inaku thin In ot ounelves, tliorefote wt 7oir aslM the dlftlWi ead aieae, id if SUV one l-i nut wul-le il vfuad tat moaey W ' 1 - " S . 'ot' ur C';liu:i'in r-i'l.M', u v v: V I f- : ?t?' I&BH.A wii will r. t ' . .' V Dexter Shoe Ca-fiLS I aaata I What is Moro Attractivo I Than a uretiy face With 0 fresh, bright I cokii legion? For it, use Poisoni'S I'owder I , i i i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 f(a2 ft wT m 6Jr - JB PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Wakes Pimples, Blotches i and Old Sores and Kidney Troubles raaaaaaMiMiaaaeeeMiais n at aawieeisainw 'VEr Marvelous Cures "??r:rz in Blood Poison ?E Rheumatism and Scrofula rKf 4Pi P. P. P. parities tht booAt btlUlp the and leblllUtort, jrlvta fltrrngth ta wti.ikPDe'1 nerves, :. p tig dNasutf.glvlnjc thu pativnt hoail'-L nml hp.pi'lni'.1 whore irickiiM, cl,)iiij ft'0llnj:a and la&sltudo Urst prevail oil, Ft iirlniarr.st'coniiar.v arul tortinry FYpb.jln, lor blood polix-n'.nc. mervu rial uolfluD, mularlu. dvapop. lh, and Iti ull blood mid skir. dffteisM, tike Motobes. pluipU-s, old rbronlj OlOfTSs tettr. Betid bJUt UoIIj, jrttpclMa Ottmi wo inp-V f.ar, without iVnr of oniitradlctlon.th.it V. P. I'. lithflh?ft bliK i purltler la the worid.uin' niakes positive, apeodjaud permaucot euros In ell coaea. Ladlos whourt 15 stoms aro poi tnned and blood lain an Impure oondl tlon. diitftoinunstru.il Irreuularltlea. aro peculiarly hrnefltod by tho w-n-dorful tonic :tud blood cloausinK prop Brtles of P. P. P Prlckl.v Ash, Pofio Xtoot und Potassium. BpIUKOPJltD, Mo.. Auk. Hth, 1H93. 1 ran pwtk in tho blgnest terms of your medicine from my own prr.mnal i.i w - 1 ff waffoetod ith lioari di-uase, plearb-y ami rheunattsnj (or ;, yenr", was tieuiiMl by tho vtry let phytiU lans snu spout hnBafod of doJ 1 111, trltMl every unown romd) with- i;t fiii'" . . ii 1 I h.ivn only tStti OBt twttle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully y It bus uoou metporsj tfOOd Uuttl inythlDI 1 h a e ar taken, i mva re oinmond your UiodlolotS lo ull auCjrers of the sbore disease?. MEt, M. U, YEA BY. 8prinj;Utld. Greun Comity, Mo. tTf prinklv Ash. Pnka Root and Potaa slum, tuo tfreattst blood iurlQer oa earth. kmonati o.. jaiy 21 1891 Mpssrs. Ui'iTiA;; Rito;.. Buranuab. Ga. : pBJUtBlBS I bought nbottlcof your P.P. P. at Hot Hprhtiw.Ark..and It has done me more good than threo riontfcj. ti t'iurueiiiat the Hot bpriDtfa. Hond three l ottlon ('. O. V. JAB. U, SBWTOJf. Aberdeen, Brown Cuumy, d 4'upt. J. Bia Johnsjton. fb all phm it mar concern: T here bv testify to the wonderful nropertlaa ot P. P. P. lor eruptions of tho skin. I suffered Jjr stveral years with 'ia un elfThtly and diH.iffreauble eruption on my face. I tried orery known ri-iue-dv but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am uow entirety cured. (Blf&fJd by) J. D. JOHNSTONs Mttii CatjBMV Curcile Testimony from the May tjvinTtX a?nn. .aa Tt tt laainaar 1.1 lfil pr.yi in. ir.a., nauuJij t, io;;o Mn&si.s. Lippuan Bnos.. savannah- " Oa. : drndemfn have trl.M your P. P. P. for n daMH I V'. the skin, Lumily known as sia rancor, of thirty years' w atandis and tuiiml (trout relief: It DnrlAtM iba blood and removaa all li wm htAtlon from the .-ear, ofthodbonso nnd prerenal any iproauinit of thi sores. I have tc ken Ave or six bottli-a und tee oonnoefit uat ajtotheroourse v ui atfeet n cure. It has aiiso relieved ba frou indigestion and stomach trooolets Yoqrs truly. Attorney at LaW. -3 m on tm mm vm m ALL DRnOQlfiTi BELL IT. LIPPRflAM BROS. PBOPRIBTOBS, Upfimnu'a r;i-i'..viu iiiinali. fin i 1 1 1 1 1 i i iii i n n 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1- "THAT COUGH IS A SIGNAL OF DANGER. ' DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP TRADE aa " AV, ' T'SVSS ir'T'":;--'-7, MARK. Positive Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron chitis, Whooping Oough. and all AlTactio;n of tho Bronchial Tubes. Tho Purest, Bitfcsl and liosi Throal anil Dung Reaiedj Biror Pro tluocd. II will cure ovory foroi of THROAT nud LUNG Diseasea tlown to the wry borderlanil of CX3N3UMPTION, PR8PARED 0KL1! Dl FOSTER, MILBURN & CO. "-VSaW- BUFFALO, N. Y. IJ"f v-' RESTORE LOS! VIGOR Di-ft'tf nd Al. i Uulu 1 diaci'f't T Will hrtrn nM Maalas a w-..W r i. n I'ARAN 1 b t lire laoivjun lVl.liy. I u cr:4xial Pnwcer t it otthfl a li'...lioih r. P.nlMh.i.eftiinanf eauar. If i.yuU. t.a. aurh irciiblni l.s1 t ( '.hail til ttli 'li r Hi". 1 1 l' v 1 I'll ni li... I ..... .1 .!.. r SaJ mm. a. - , It n vi in mi, n i"'ira inr n li II T r I I IV i MV l "I Hi I 1II1DI At.t.x. I.. w..l Ilk... a J.I. I'L.i mi iMiiVi' n. m . i .,a . BBiesm taw anwii ail.iril (Ull I J 1 f I IVIIU . II ly. Ad.li fivt inlo by JOHN H. PtiArnftcUt cor. Wyomlas Ave. nnd rntnofattL BomtitoD, Pi I e . I mi JC IW U IU lilfSQHeVeifm lio only tr, euro anH uu. 3 an n II a n roliablo f .!!" lo I'KTj III 1 Re over offoma to Ladloe, I . ,1 II V ' I. I jl H, ,1 A. ', II T1.. , , I . L . I ... . i , u Antr nt- TW. lUrrt'l''-W '.llimV'Envl r. 1Tr.V.O niyA tv, .... i'f Bniiil for (liroular. I'rloe $1.00 tier pox. . boxoa ror tS.OOa 1 1 1 Mt ITT'M t 'lIItiMIO-A-L CO., - 4 lovoliuiU, Ohio. i'v.'. M, HAItHia, i ;i i. I J7 iaea Aviiiii'. r l xvy n i.t'M u n aTK 7 .v h v ri a. Kh r. h isnriu 1 ihi.i.. .: -... -mr. Miniiiiwuse DBrtaie a wiibmbVP i,W.,.ii bui ti ii. Wuak Mi-uiory, . r l.rnln l owor, ITsSltttlSt. TfaSaflllniM Il Muiitinnd, r.lt'ltlr l'.JH.iilm.i, Nrtniliiiii'iiMilldrnliiiiiniioino( iowir liilliM.rncittiOri-nnaif rltliiT iMiino.th' -'i t' rilnt. jnnlhriilrrrort. in. i vm iu,- 'i uu i-i , 1 1 in hi in mi ni' i. .ui's v. ir.i n ht i" iiranniij I nliy. mi' lie hi ii.rt in ma Kwknt. Ml tvr box, n frrBS, Willi n ll order wrut.e n WrlUllB i .uirimfiT 1 1 fiirr V,.,.. .... .1 ,1... ,M. ...... f'l . In .1.1 K nil .1.... l. .1.1 ...I ...... -fcr wStSMO SFl'fcR USINQ.no on r. Addruai MUKVrs niri licti,, Uaaoala ffmple, Ouh-aoo-XU. ForSalo in Boffinton, Pn.,by II. C. SANDERSON, Drujgiflt, cw. v."ashlngtou md Snruoo streets. 1919 j wr-"" rv i ttBBaw dbsumttifoti Hby .-..mi pi VBV r' Ci.n l"NERVBSSRDS In tho snip of tho shears, The bondholder hcar3 The Bound of his money enhanciu'' Why not copy his w ay, And clip every day To get something that's quite as entrancing Yoy Can Do It! BY SHIPPiHG AND CLIPPING YOO GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think ef the delights of a trip all over osr own comfy. JUST rom Acskci to the Gulf of Mexico! HciiUT able to do it in easy stapes, at TEN CENTS "a stage." includ ing the services of a guide! Yet, that is just what we do for you. Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. The incomparable world-famed travebr and lecturer, PROF, GEO. Ri CROMWELL, Is the cuide. Journalistic enterprise is the conductor of the trip. THSIW US ur America "From Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico." will to publieheil tn weekly aerlea of ritleeo view.'i oh Tiew iixl3j inch, nlljf worth Jl oO), ami will embrueetha phyiical and aoanic Wonden of Our Own Ltand, the wbole edited iy Prot. O, R. tVoniwall. Baoh rii will bo encloja.1 ia liiiuilhouiti covera the fuiitoi. Waahlncteai Tha Cemaiaa, llaataa l rniiinif Heaaa taate, m arl " 'I'" i niln, Chayoaaa Canon, Colaraddi Chvatnnl -ir..i i i,,i , i,. , allnwatoae Palla Wynaiing, nrantona Cove. Nai in i . ontriit Park, atliiaeapella. I Ami itnrtiim llotol. f hlnagili I i.mig eaull RaptiU, st. tatrrenee r.irr. I'erapla Veara, aall Laae i Ity, Mountain lloiur, Croaaoa aniinijii, ra u. mi, i t. in MoiiiimiMit, tlalttnl.il,'. Hra Hhoe Fella, NJagalra, Cits "i lotoria, II c I NttKa, Alnakia. Eacii Series Lasts but one Week. See That Yon Get Them AIL lllilllRimilIIIIIIIigi.l!lllllllltfl.llGM(ISllllieillll.S 1 AMBKICA I COUFON NO. 20. 1 Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, wiih Ten GontBa&nd get one of the series of sixteen magnificent photographs. Five number now ready. ii wn K I Riis.gietMHn2rHiiiKiiiiiiDH.iiitHimiiiiuiifs.iiiiiiiiii.igiiii(iiiiiiiiiiim lllClflII.!ltlllll!IIIIII.CIiI(llgIKiNIUtNDIIIIIIli.llllllUllllllllilllllllllllIH mmcM 2i Thi3 Coupon, with two like it, but of different sj date3, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parts the one announced before. SjllUIUUIIUlCUIIIIIiillllHIIllllUiUgilllllllllllllllilllllUIHIIISIIiNIIIIIIIIIUl