The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Tn BdUMTOIl TRIOOTtafa Pittston de
partment is iu charge of J. M. Fahy, to
whom newa items aud complaints may be
referred. 1
Mm. Ford, who was nearly burned
to dentil Friday evening by her house
taking fire, is improving.
The incandescent lamp located on
William street between Defoe and Ful
ton has bean out ol order for some timo
and should bo repxirtid.
The (ire gong was again tested last
evening au 1 proved as worthless ai
Hoyt shaft resumed work yesterday
William Jones, of this place, de
feated William Ainsley, Wilkes
Barre'a orack pool player, in a pool
match at M. J. Buckley's restaurant on
South Main itmet M r. lay night, The
match was 160 nointa, and r. suited
with a loora of loS to !?". Tiie contest
nnts will play another game of 100
point at Thouipjou'4 pool parlors,
The Lnilm sihool honsi was broken
into last Bandar night bysoiuemi
i reuuts, and looted of such artioles as
met the thieves' fancy. Among the
articles of valu- taken were a gold pen,
the property o' Miss Faircloth, tuo
teacher, and a large clock.
The celebrated Wesleyan University
Glee club, from Mlddletown, Conn.,
has been engaged toitive aoonoertin
the First Presbyterian church on Thur
day eyeningi March -"., under (tie au
picei of tho bund iy school of that
Ex-Councilman Joseph Kern," the
presiding ofbVer of the BetbOTen
Manerohor for the past mx years, was
pleasantly surprised at his home on
Mill strt Monday night by the mem
bers of the above organisation, It ws
the forty-first anniversary of his birth,
and in tn host and his amiable wife
the visitors,, found hospitable enter
tainers. Mrs. Westcott, of the st Side, left
yesterday for Oneida. N. Y., where
sl.e will visit among relatives.
Mrs. Edward Mulligan and Mis
Eleanor .Mulligan, ot Wilkes- Barre,
are spending today as til guests of
Miss Morris, of Willi im street.
N'at Johnson returned yesterday af
ternoon from Philadelphia, where he
bad been undergoing treatment tor a
couple of week, his condition is very
much improved.
The funeral o( Mrs M, Kgm, who
died suddenly Saturday evening, took
place yesterday afternoon from her
lute residence. The remains were con
veyed to St. John's Catholic church
where s-rvices were held, after which
interment was made in the Market
Street cemetery. The attendance was
verv large.
Next Thursday evening in pursuance
of a regular call made by the chairman
of the fire committee, representatives of
the various tire companies will meet in
Eagle hall to elect a chief of the fire
department to succeed the recently
appointed postmaster, John Mullen
The names most prominently men
tioned iu connection with the position
are John J, Hart, of the Niagaras
George Llewellyn nl John M. Jones,
of the Eagles; M. J. ftreunan, of the
The coroner's jury in the cise of
Andrew tiosclier who was murdered at
Stnithville Saturday night, returned a
verdict to the effect that he earn I to
bis death by a blow on the head in
flicted by unknown parties.
Bo UK remarkable cures of deafness are
recorded of Dr. Thomas' Bclectrio Oil.
Never fails to cure headache.
was of the early pioneers an 1 reuietn
hers the mm when wild animils could
be found where now stands a City in
the Forest.
Thomas Salisbury, of Jermyn, was a
welcome visitor hers receutly.
M. D. Lsncherioo now occupies the
position of cutter in W. J. Davis'
tailoring department, lie held a
llmlliar position with the late T H
Evans, of Carbondale, and he is widely
known as a successful and artistic
J. C. Howard, of Deposit, N. Y., was
among those registered at the Forest
House today.
Major Everett Warren, of Scrnnton,
was professionally engaged in our bor
ough today.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans and
daughter. Jennie, of Madison ;iveiiu,
and Miss M. A. Brae. Messrs. B
Davis and son, Ira, and W. J Brace,
of Hyde l'ark. were guests of Mr. aud
and Mrs. M D Evaus. Saturday.
Dr. I Dwyer, of the Anthracite
Citv, wt.s in town today.
Joe MoOlOski, a 1'olander, agad iSH
rears, was instantly killed this morn
ing in the Forest City slope by a fall of
top rock. Jos had tired a "shot" which
knocked u prop down that was sup
porting a loose stone, and wuilu en
gaged iu cleaning a place to rrstaud
the prop the rock fell with the above
rsnlt. He leaves a wife aud five small
ItCSBS of Entertaining Nature Calculated
to Please j?"ple of This Century.
Svtcial to tee Boranton Tribune.
Avoca, Pa., March 80.- L. B. Hoi lis
ter is the guest of relatives here
Rev. A. T. Broderick, of Mains, and
Rv. Father Jordan, of Wilkes-Darr,
Visited Rv Father McCabfl today
Mis Lizzie Walters, of Dunmore,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Rowlands, of Piks county, is
visiting her sister. Mrs. Dr. f'rown.
Miss Annie Bergen, of Jermyn, spent
Sunday with the 0 Brian family oil
Main street
Rev. P. C. Winters, of Plymouth,
preached th pennon at the Le.ntn ser
vices at St. Mary's church this evening
J. J. Gibbons, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with relatives oa the West
Miss Nellie Callahan has returned
from New York city
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will hold an Easter social at the
home of Mrs F. F. Dotninermuth, on
South Main street
Miss B Walsh was a visitor to Pitts
ton today.
Mrs. A. M. Holvey.of West Pittston,
state superintendent ol press work in
the Women's Christian Temperance
union, will give bor report of the na
tional convention recently held in Chi
cago, in tha Primitive Methodist
church Friday evening, March 38, at
7.H0 Admission free.
Mrs. A. A Ilines was a visitor to
Pittston yesterdav.
Misses Mary Gordon and Mary
Union ere visiting in Wilkes I'.arre
The council will hold their regular
m -eting this eveui ng.
Bu:;dry News f c nttllattona fiom an En
trprl.lng Town.
Fperial to the Scranton IWouac
Forest City, Pa , March 20 J. s.
Hogsn, of Wilket-Barre, is spsnding a
few days in town.
The borough council met last night
Burgess Benj iinin Maxey rsad an im
portant messaga before that body for
their consideration.
John Cunningham, proprietor of the
Forest BoaattWM In Carbondale today.
Carpenters have plac i into position
todsy the staine ! glass windows in the
new Presbyterian church. The win
dows are Very beautiful as well as tho
Fred Hsrriok is spending a few days
at (treat Mend.
If you wish to learn nil thn local
news of Forest City subscribe for Tun
TliluTNl!, nnd you will never change
for any other daily paper that conies
from Scranton
Charles Williams returned to Phila
delphia yesterday. While, here h was
tho go st of Professor J. Luther Mo.
g in.
Gone but not forgotten by tboie
who played it the niokul-in-tlia-slot
Arthur May tartod for New York
city today to p md short time before
entering Allegheny collage at Mead
ville. Arthur D. Barnes's smiling counter
natise ws seen upon our streets this
afternoon. ,Mr. Barnes is the postmaS'
ter at Herrick.
Charles Hsgen, of Carbondale, was
Id (own today. It is nl ways pleasing
to eee the aged gentleman here, as he
A Blight Corr9P3iidnte O.aphic
euroe of Current Evente.
Spcriul to tht .Vcraitoa Tritium.
FaCTORYVUXB, Pa , March 20 Ar
chie S;irague has accepted a position as
clerk in Q .irdner's store.
Miss L"sh Pardee returned Friday
evening frotn NjW York, where she
baa been learning the latest styles in
millinery. Sue will open a store in
Dalton April 1.
A. L Reynolds has commenced work
on his new bouse on Academy street.
The last quarterly meeting before
conference will be hold next Saturday
at the Methodist church. Presiding
Elder Thomas Harroun will be present
to take charge of the meeting.
The long anticipated new bell for
Keystone academy is at last a
was placed in position in the belfry of
Main hall last Saturday.
The Reynolds aud Frear Lumber
company have the machinery iu their
new planing mill iu position ready
for operation. The lirei were lighted
under the boiler last Friday for the
first time and everything found to be
iu perfect working order, even to the
whistle, which will hereafter regulate
tlw work in this place.
The go.-pel temperance sermon,
"Christ or Karabbas," delivered iu tho
laptist church Sinday evening by
Mrs. Annabel Holvey, was listened to
with attention by a congregation
of neatly BOO people. This evening she
will speak in the interest ot the
Woman's Christian Temperance union.
Music will be furnished by members of
tu Legion.
'ilia handsome new organ that is to
l dedicated next Friday evening is
the gift ot the late Mrs. Amy Nichols.
On Friday eveuing. March '.';J, the
well known organist, D. T. Cording-
ley, of Toronto, Canada, will give an
g in recital in the uiptist church at
4 5 p. m , assisted bv some of our local
singers iu vocal Dimmer, through
toe kindness of all participating the eu
lire proceeds of the concert will be
given toward the purchase of a piano
r the Sunday school room. Almit
nce, 35 cents; children, 10 cents.
The following la the programme for
the recital
Te Ueuui tanks
a. voluntary. Andante Grasioso H. smart
ti. "March of the Israelites'," from
Eli E. T. Chipps
.Mr. Cordinaloy,
Duet, "Now the Silver Moon, "Ueorgo
b. rievin
Miss DeQraw iid Mr. Manchester.
"Village Harvest Home" W. Spinney
The raiitie at work: at the sound of the
Angelas frill tber oeass work tu attend church
b. "Advstt Pidells," with variations
c. "Marcii MUitaire" Archer
Hymn, No. 113, Son of My Soul, Thou
saviour war" . n. mouk
Choir and Congregation.
Soug, "Sing, Smilo. Slumber Uounod
Miss .Nellie PeUraw.
a. "Bridal Chorus" i Lohengrin i Va;;nor
b. "Nearer My U id to Thee" Howitt
C, "Hallelujah Chorus, I Messiah).
Anll.ein. "Watchman. Tell Us of the
Night' Stearns
Solo and Quartette, "Nearer My Uid
tn Thee" Holden
Mrs Btark, Miss Reynolds, Mr. Watklas,
Mr. Manchester.
Vocal ion
a "Home Sweet Home",.. Dudley Buck
It. "Vesper Bell" W. Spinney
e. ''Uavbreak" W. Spinney
March W. Hill
Mr. C'hilde' Country Uome.
"Wooton," Mr. George W. Childs' place
at Bryn Mawr, ia ouo ot the hundsoiueet
and UMet expensively maintained country
nlaces in tho L'niU'd Sutes. The auiiual
expenditure is not far bom Sio.uoo, of
which $Ui,0UU is paid to house eeraiita uud
other uuidovos. Twenty meu aud twelve
bnraOS are kept bUCJ all the year round iu
oaring for the l'urui mid grouuih, and iu
summer six additional uicu arc i-equircd to
look after the lawn, while ua many DOTS
j.j i the gardener. New York Dedgur.
Tho Beading Bablfa
1 saw a young enter a restaurant for
breakfast the other day, approach the c.c-di
ier's desk, address a word to the cashier
uud Koeiva a Uiok. l aaked what it all
mea&t, and learned that ttio customer al
ways had iu tho keeping of tho ciudiier
some volume that he read w hile ut break
fast. "They am always good hooks," said
the cashier wtUi a smile, "and 1 read them
between tnm-e." New York Star.
Upon two pitchers in the British museum
are to bv seen domestic cats iu the interior
of a school of moth). One la tied b) a
string, and the ot her stands upright OB a
Stool, and a young man is offering a cake
to it. All these pictures, which arc autht'ii
tic. and which dale back more thau 'J.UUU
years, reproduce the image of a oat, per
haps a little slimmer thau ours, hut like
'.he animal as we know it.
It wa recently maintained before the
Turis Academy that shortness of sight was
a defect incident to civilisation or to an ar
tilicial condition of life. Au examination
of the eyes of wild animals shows that
those captured ut the age of six or eight
months remain long sighted, while those
captured earlier or born in captivity urc
ucar sighted.
Tho men of today use on tho nverage
each year ten times as much iron aud steel
ss our forefathers of the Revolution oould
command, aud by the use of this, thu
most profitable, if not the most precious,
of all metals, they coiniuaud the land with
their railways, uud the sea With then
To inquire the price of anything is not
good form. It is scarcely lermtssihlo even
uuioiig intimates, aud then only when thu
question Is asked for purposes of iuforma
tiou. Boon's Sarsapariiiu is absolutely un
equalled as a blood purifier aud strength
ening mediciue. It is the Ideal spring
medicine Try it.
Fly Time Not Fur Off.
Boston Otobt.
Pot your ear down cio-e to tho ground
now aud you cm almost heur the umpire
Ba E nted Dr. Thomas' Kcloctric Oil for
croup and colds, and declare it a positive
cure. Contributed by Win. Kay, io Ply
mouth uvenue, Buffalo, N. Y.
Best in the market.
Your Chance Is Slipping Away
"Education is an or na men 7 in prosperity: a refuge in adversity."
Tiie Cost of an Education
Brandt Clay ProductCo
OFFICE: Binghamton. N.Y
FACTORY: Brandt, Pa.
When Baby was itck, we gave tier Castorta.
Whou she v as u Child, she cried for I'astoria.
aben she heeame. Mi.-, she clung to (.'astoria,
NVheii she bud ChilUreu, sue guvutlieui Custorla,
City Music Store,
- w voaiNo avF, . suiuu; ro
Mi and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
AIM n Urgn etock of first-elae!
MUblU, Kl'CI., 1.1U
llnuufncturcdnt tho WapwallOpen Mills, La-
zerne muuiy l.o. iiuu ui u
inintrton, Diluwure.
General Agent for tbe WyumiUK District.
08 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
.Third National I'-aut liuildm.
Fallnms In 1J Veure.
There have been eighteen great linnneial
crises during the hut century and a iiiur
ter, viz.: In 1703, ut Anatortljun, orlfflnat
lag with the Iiuihu r De Nesfville and in
solving seventy-aevpn fuilurts. Tki fail
ures in Holland In Itlbexoeeded i'lu.tsjo.uxi.
In iTWin Hamburg thore were elgbty-two
fuiliiris, Involving JL'.!,l)(JO,000. There was
h pania in Liverpool in the game year,
whieh staaj however, somewhnt iuiiL':iteil
by parliament lending 50u,iiuo Wi ex
ebequer btlla on goods, In 1814 MO banks
suspended payment in England, in iisus
ut Manchester roilnrea occurred u the
anion nt of 9,000,000,
The ( iileutta fiiilurn of 1831 involved
kMU,m). The "wildcat" nrice.s iu the
itjites in s:'.7 caused all their hanks to
close, in 1880 the Hunk ot England was
saved ly t he Hank of Prance. A panic in
r ranee during the same year caused ninety
three companies to fail for tlio sum of ti,
0UO.IJOO. in 18U a crisis in England brought
about the reformation of thu Bank of ling
land. The Knglish failures of 1817 involved
CW.mJO.OUU. During the Kruut panic of 1857
In the states 7,2 houses failed for 113,
ooij.utw. The Overend, Qurney & Co. fail
ure, nearly a quarter of ii century ago, in
volved failure:, cosliuj; Upward of 100,000,
000. "Uiajk Friday," In Wall street, was
on Sept. ldftl. The shoe and leather
tradu crisis iu Huston, U. 8. A., in I88II,
caused losses amounting to over IJ.UUU.UOO.
The Grant & Ward failure, lu New York
city in 1851, Involved many financial and
business houses ami a loss of over ',U0U,
01W. lxindon Flnatwlal News.
Havlntr seeured the BBOEINO POBOE of
William Blums A S"n for permanent imsi
iirss Htaud. I shall conduct Hrientlflo and
Pathological Hboemg for the Prevention, Be
Hef and Cms of Lameness snd .tlier impedl
mi nts in the iiiovi ineiits of Horse Inctilentnl
or due to Imperfect shoi-ini? I ehull rIvc tb
work my persona attentl n snd guarantee no
estrs cnargsexcept for imetovement Lame
nees, etc , will be treated afternoona A free
ollnfe Hint professions! advice given every
Muieluy fruin I 10 t K M.
mos ford. Pittston. Pa
JOHN B SMITH SOS; Plymouth. I'll
V. W. UULLIQAN, Wilkes-Usrro. Pa
Aueiits for tht) I.- i.-a .! Cum
luny e liiifh i . vsivea
Hotel Waverly
Furcncan Plan Firet-cluss Hnr attJctiod
Dipot for BerKiier e) KiiKi'l'e Taiinlneus-r
I i Cor, 15tti ar.d Filbert Sts., PhilaJi
Moat ilesirabln for roslilentu of N E. Penn'
tvhanla All conveniences for traveler!
to and Irom Broad 8treet eUtien and the
Twelfth mid Market Street rtation Ue
tiraUe for vUitiiiK ScrantonUns aad imo-
lie lu luo Antliraclte Keitiou
Husband 'My dear, our boy Kobsrt graduates from the public schools very soon, you know. Uave
you thought what he had bsst do thee.'"
Wife "Well, John, I'd ever sr. much like to send him to college if you think you could afford it."
Husband "I'm afraid that is out of the question, my dear. Do you know that it would cost us at
the very le. st a year for him at any good college .'''
"Goodness, as much as that? Of course, we can't send him. Dnt 1 do wan t to give him a good start
in the world, and I don't think a public school education is euoutjh tj equip him for the battle of life."
Husband "No, it ia not today, when education is so general. Now, I've been set a thinking by an
advertisement 1 saw in THE TRIBUNE the other day, and that is why 1 brought up tho subject tonight
The trouble is. I tbiuk, that most youue persons stumble into buaiueiB, are thrown into it by accident cr
necessity, or are drawn into it by misguided ambi'ion or perverted fancy, without any serious thought as to
their real fitness for it. When the years for burning the theory aud practice ot their trade or profession
aro passed tbey often awako with regret and dismay to the fact that thsy have not only mide a mistake in
their selection, but have wasted the precious years of early manhood uyon a wrong pursuit.
"Now, the chief thing for our boy's buc cess in life is not education as much as PROPER EDUCA
TION that is, education along the line of his imtoral bent It's a year or t-.v. before lie craduatef, I'm
goinc to give him an epportunity of doing a little study at Lome during this time. I was looking at THE
TRIBUNE Edition of the
Today, and it's really a great thing With these becks in the boute, Robert will liuve information upon
very possible sul ject at bis band, and it is the most reliable information in the world. Whatever his nat
ural teut is, he can find proper development for it in this Encyclopedia, whether it's the law, mechanics,
engineering, literature or any of the arts and sciences. I think when ha is reedy to railu'it w will all
have made up our minds what he is best fitted for by his use of tbese books. B?si lss, thi?re hi will fin 1 the
life stories of all the great men of tbe past, and he will kuow of their rlforts, their struggles and their suc
cesses, and he in ay have a better and more serious view of life. These books have in tbetu all tiie instruc
tion he can get in a college education. Honestly, THE TRIBUNE has given as a great opportunity Now,,
my dear, what do you think of my scheme .''
Wife "It's just splendid, John; but what will the books cost:''
Husband -"Why, that is the most mrrrising part of it. We cau get them for only ten cents a day.
Just think ot it. "
On payment of $4.50 the entire 25 vols, will be sent, the balance to be paid in
monthly payments of $5; or on payment of $3, the first twelve volumes will ba
delivered, the last 13 to be sent as soon as the 12 are paid for.
Address or call at
Between Washington and Wyoming Aves.
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
iuousand8 Remnants of Dry Gooda. Cloaks nnd Fur Capes during
siiic at less than cost d' material.
y nob of counter room covered with the greatest bargains evei
Lnilifa' Volt Hats, this season's atylos 0c. each.
Boys' Winter Waists ioo esch.
Muffs 30o. each.
Clonks $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
coming spring and
I'ite of tiiu Caiiuui Apiiuaages.
Naturally Mr. Asliton's hook hoRiiiH with
man, nnd of course with tulleil men.
Peter Martyr says that in Inngaiiln ttIss
Peter Martyrt for who in there that lived
in nsagania that would oontradlot him!
Whi le is IntaganlU, by the way? Well,
iu ItHWganiq there im mon with tails
which wen inconvenient, aud there had to
be holes in their chair scuts to accommo
date the caudal iippendatfCM. N'o wonder
they did na lord Monbnddo says worn
them olT by Hitting on rocks. Chicago
Hocr-io in the name of nn Italian game
which consists In throwing larfc'e wooden
bnlls at ii small one. Thepnlntx ko to the
BU who throws' his large bull nearest the
one aimed nt.
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works.
Portland. Pa.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
IS THE BEST. Get prices and
see the furnace and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello aud Gauze Door
fiomthX V. Tnbuw, Xo:l,li01.
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81, Fhs fust official
Announcement of World's Fair di
plomas on Hour has been miule A
medal has been awarded the
World's Fair judge to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co,
in the griat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the Hour strong hih! pure, and entitles
it to rank as Brat-olata patent flour for
family aud bakers' use."
The above brands of flour can he had at any of the following rnerohauts,
who will accept Tin: Thiulne FLOUR COUPON of '.'3 on each one huudred pounds
of flour or oU on each barrel of flour.
Scranton - F. P. Prirn, Waahlngton STSOOS I
Oold Medal Hnind.
Dnunors - f. p rrioa Gold MeJut Brand.
lluunmru-F D. Mauley. Su)rl:itlvo Brand.
Hyde Park Canon Uiivia. wuhbarti st.
Bold Medal Hi and; .1 - i 1 A.
avenue. Superlative Brand.
Green Rldfe - A L.Speneer.Uold Medal Brand,
j, T.MeHale. Superlative
rrorldsnee rsuner & (AappejlN' Main avo
Due, Superlative brandiC J. Olllo?pL', W.
Market atroot, Gold Medal Hrand.
Olypbunt .laiuea Joidau, Buperlittive Hraud
Peckvillo shnlter A Kilar Htiporlrttlve.
Jermyn -C, IA Winters & Ca Suptwalatlvii
Arelibald Jonea. S;inpson tt Co . Gold Modal.
L'arhondalo B. S. C'larlc, Gold Medal Brand.
Honeadale-I N. Koatot 4: Gold Me 1 r
Mlnojika M 11. I. neile.
Taylor Jndfe A 0&, Gold Medal; Athertoa
' Co.. Superlative.
Dnryea Lawrence Storo Co., Oold Modal.
Moo'sli -Julm McOliidle. Onld Medal,
llttaton M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Madal.
Clark's Green -Fraco A Parker, Superlative,
C'lurk'a Suniinit-F. M. Younv, Onld Modal.
Dalton- S K Flnu .v Son. Gold Modal Brand.
NU'hilon J. E ihu-drog.
Waverly--Jl. W. BIIm A Son, Oold Medal.
Factoi yvillo Charles Gardner, Gold Medal.
Hopliottum N M Finn A Son, Oold Medal .
Tobyhauna- Tourhannii A Leniga Lumbar
Co. Gold Modal Brand.
Gouldaboro -8 A. AdaiaS, Oold Medal Brand.
Moscow Galk-" A fSwuienta, Oold Medal.
Lake Ariel- Jamea A. Bor tree, OoM Medal.
ForcatClty-J. L. Morgar A Co., Oold Modid