I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 21, 1894. yBiUlUlUlll!IJ!hliit!it3E2IHBH!LKEillU na Pipe Valves ittisigs 5 THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, niiigaiiitaBiigtiiiiiiHitisiiiiiiiiuitiii HO Vol; WANT A IMfc W NECK BAND on your old shirt. We do it. Lackawanna THE Laundry f 08 Fcnn Avb. A B. WARMAN. Norman & Wioore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue New Goods In Laces, Embroideries anc Dress Trimmings 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, vVindow Shades Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '2 7 Wyoming Ave CITY NOTES. The board of control's high school com mittee will meet tomorrow evening to elect a chairman. The Cambro-Anir-ncan choir will re hearse tonight in Young Men' Curitian Association hall. Quite a number of new case of the measles were reported to the board of henlth yesterday. Repairs are being mado on the asphalt , pavement on Lackawanna avenue by the Barber Asphalt company. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company paid the employes of the Capouse colliery yosterday. The entertainment of the Ezcnbior So cial club which was to occur this evening has been postponed indefinitely. A Danville bulletin to tho Scrantnn board of health Btate that tliroo cuses of small pox and three of varioloid are under treatment in that city at present. Tho funeral of the late William Cassidy, of Harrison avenue, will occur this after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will ba mado in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The funeral of William CassMy will, take place from his late re-udence, 516 llar risun avenue, thia afternoon at 8 o'clock. Interment in Hyde Park Catholic come tery. The Free Methodists will hold a quar terly meeting in IWrs' hall, 801 North Main avenue, West Side, commencing Fri day evening, the 2.1 1 inst., nod lasting over Hunriay. Eev. Oor;;e Batons, of Vineland, N. J., will preside. AM are in Tited. George Mnhy, general secretary Voting Men's Christian association, will condnot tho services at the Hescue mission this evening. The Young Men's Christian A f ociatlon male quartotto is also expected to bo present and assist in the service. The Womens' Guild of Hfc Luke's rhurch will hold a sale and sapper tit the parllh house, 825 Washington avenue, Thursday afternoon and evening, March Many r.sefnl and ornamental articles ae well as home-made candy will bo on sale. Don't forget the supper. A ltter from tho Providence and Abing ton Turnpike and Plank Road 'Oompsny, signed by H. K. Payne and W. W. Watson, president nnd secretary respectively, him boon sent to Mnyor Connell stating that if the city does not repair the road tho company wonld do bo and charge the same to the city. An election will beheld nt 8 p. m., Fri-r.-iv, March 30. to iill theolHcxof captain in Company D, made vac:mt by tho ex j nation ot the term or Captain Montrose Barnard, nnd to till any other Vacancies which may occur by ronson of tho elec tion. Major 0. 0L Mattes has boon de tailed to conduct Uie election. Trouble Ab mt an Iuauranc Poller. Beforo Arbitrators Eugene Davis, Fred W. Fleitz and H. W. Mulholland, testi mony was honrd yesterday In tho case of James W. Walsh, executor of Mary Walsh, again t the Dwelling House Insurance company to recover (1,100 on an insurance policy. Attorney Lemuel Amerman and Ainirow A. Leiser.'of Lewishurg, appeared for tho company and Attorney M. E. Mc Donald for Mr. Walsh. The caso is being tried to settle a legal point involved. Sp'cial J'.arcaln In organs slightly us.-d. Must bo sold tor want of room. 1 1 lordotic Organ f.5.00 ("ash 1 Hhoulngnr Organ 05.00 " 1 Wilcox & White Organ 00.00 " . 1 Bridgeport 8V00 " 1 Dyr&Hughos Organ. 4S.UU " Also fnll line of stationery at reduced prices. Tuavish' Music Stokb, 500 Lacka wauu i Ave. Grand millinery opening today, Thurs day, Friday ami Saturday at Leah Jones & Co., 183 Wyoming avenue. mm rail i Say It Will Facilitate (hi Transaction of Business and Save Mousy. THE GROCER WILL BS SHUT OUT D.iirymcn Do Not Propose to Be Undersold by the Men to Whom Tliey Wholesale Milk Mr. Stotic Explains the Objects In View When Consolidation Was MaJe- Wliat a Large Dealer Says. A utory has been currant of lute that the combining of nniabnrof Boranton milk dealer! into the now Soranton Dairy coiuinuy m for the purpose of inuiutaiiiing it higher price on uillk and driving minor coiupatitors from the I'uid An investigation has been made by Tins TaiDUNE, and from th Informa tion received from official of the Boranton Dairy oompany and individ ual dealers of extensive business, it cannot be learned that the so-oalled combination will, or can, uuke flottlt ons prices; nt least, such a state of affaire will not appear as long as the dealers now out of tho nmalgamstlon maintain their Individual businesses. a 0OMB1XAT1OH FOBMBD, The union of tivu of the Inrge milk dealers of the city was consummated March 1, with stock to the mnuuiit of $82,000 held by several members In in. '.mis proportionate to the extent of capital represented in their old busi ness and equipments. Tnis union was made by the following: Farmers Dairy company; E, S. livelier, Kress Farm dairy, Reynolds Bros, and the Farmers' Milk company, of Providence. A. J. Stoue and O. M. Csrpeuter were formerly officers of the Farmers' Dairy company, nnd are now leading officials of the blended concern. A Tuiiti'NK reporter visited Mr. Stone at bis i ftice on Linden stre? t yesterday nnd questioned him concerning the sto ries Hlliiat to the effect that the S:ran tou Dairy company would squoezj the market. "We have heard such reports," he said, "but I assure you our objjets are perfectly proper and non-sucret, Here tofore, all the milk companios which now constitute the Scran ton Dairy com -pany and otliors Who have not united with us, cauvassed the game territory for our supply. COULD DO BU8WK83 CtlEAFEB, "We found that we could avoid cou fnsion and gather the milk product mnob cheaper by having it done for one concern end shipped to a common point. Another consideration is the reduction ia handling and delivering expense here in jScranton. Under the present arrangement we employ pro portionately a smaller working force in our Linden street depar both in handling and office work. There are as many individuals doing business now as previously. Mr. Stone was asked if any time had been set for having the delivery wagons uniformly painted and tho city divided irrespective of new deliverytuen to old customers. He said thes matters had not yet been decided upon. Probably the most extensive indi vidual dealer in the oity who is not with the amalgamation wai inter viewed by the reporter. This gentle man does a business of about f 10. 003 a var and declined an Off! of an amount exceeding the value of his plant and business to enter the uniou. WHOLESALE l'lIICE TO BE RAISED. II'. eulstantiated the statement of J5r. Stone, but stated in addition that the wholesale dispensers of the lacteal fluid, hotels, restaurants, etc.. would nave to pay more than formerly. Qro cerymen who had bought from the lamer dealers at U ceuts per quart would also hi shut out. The gentleman said further tltat the larier dealers had been undersold bjr their own customers who bought at 4iJ cents solely to sell ut '. cents and draw trade for I utter, eggs nnd tin lik. without caring to make a profit on the milk. - - MH CHANGED THE LOCK. He ilas Clinched His Hold on Dunmore'j Borough Building, linrtess T. J, Dnggan still holds pos session of DunmorVs town hall and yesterday ho clinched his hold on it by .lacing a spring lock on the jail door which also lock" the council chamber, being the only msns of increfu to the building. Tho keys to the now lock he has retained himself, practically taking complete possession personally of tho building, as no one. not even the town police, have got a kev. What they will do in case a prisoner is arrested, is worryiug tbem at pres ent Tl.is struggle, it is feared, will result in th neglect of borough bnsiness, nnd if it doe it is probable the citizens will petition tlioonrt to interfere and com pel a petft-meut. Ail last year tho council did not do any hnsinoss on account of the attorney dend-loslr, and it is fearod that the en suing year will witness o repetition of this neglect. It is said tint several of the councilman will resign rather than be embroiled in suuh trouble us con fronted them last year. Mr Savage is mure sanguine of vio -tory than over and informed his friends y -eterday that he was more than ever confident of his ability to live np to the law. His widespread popularity is evidenced by the fact that his own political enemies clamor for his retention. NEf LIS AND MAHON NAMED. Democrats of Common Council Bay They Are Thtlr Choice. In the common council ohamber last night tlio Democratic members of the Incoming lower branch of the city leg islature held a caucus, at which it was decided to present On the day of the re organization of tho councils the names of 1'. .1. Xealis for chairman and John P. Mahon for clerk, as the choice of the Democrats of tho body for those of fices Mr. Mahon at present fills tho office of clerk of the common council. Oth er persons whose nanus have been mentioned i n connection with the of fice are Wl lliam Dawson,.lames Loftne, William McLean und Mr. It-gen, of Bellevue. Indies' S c'al Union Entsrtilna. Tho Ladies' Social union of tho Ponn Avenue Baptist church gave an oyster supper frorn'O to 8 o'clock wet evening in the lecture room of the church. The af fair was nmnaged by Mrs. L. J. Northrup, president; Mr, J. L. Htelle.vlco president; Mrs. Thomas Moore, fancy article table, and Mrs Frank Halls tead, treasurer. Seven eatiiiL' tables wero in charge ol Mrs. Lu ther K.-llnr, Mrs. Charles Northrup, Mrs. Lung, Mrs. Milton Lwry, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Frutchoyand MIbs Murphy. Ciiunun, storo and homo decorative plants ut Clark' j. DATES FIX?D FOR APPEALS. Whin to Enter Protasis Concerning State Taxtv. The county commissioners yesterday fix.'d the following date. for hearing appeals from st ite tnxss: April 4 Arcbbald, May field, Wtnton and Jeruiyn boroughs, April 6 Blakelv, Olypbant, Dickson City and Donuore b troughs'. April 0 Beaton township, Waverly, Qlnubum and La Plume boroughs, and North Ablngton, South Ablngton and bcott townships. April 8 Lackawanna, Old Forge, Uan som, Spring Brook and Newton townships, and rl'n lor borough. April 0 Carbondale city, Carbon dele, Fell and Greenfield townships. A;ti1 10 Roaring Brook, Jefferson, Uaowon, Covington, Clifton and Lshigh townships, Blmburst and Uouldsboro boroughs. April 11 Scranfon, First, Second, Third, Twenty-first and Thirteemd wards. April 12 fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Four teenth, Fifti mith and Eighteenth ward-). April 18 Seventh, Kiglith, Ninth, Tenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth wards. April 18 Kleveuth, Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth warns. HOTEL JERMVN QUIBBLE. Bui ding Inspector Mclson Itafusea to Issue a Permit. Building Inspector John Nelson has refused to grant a building permit for tho new hotel, The Jeriuyn, on the site of the Forest House. It is claimed that Mr. Jeriuyn in tends to erect a building to cover the whole plot of ground and to use the 10 foot reservations for olhsr purposes thuu bay windows. PUSHING FORWARD NOBLE WORK. Encouraging Reports at Quarterly Meeting of the Young, Women's Christian Association Last Nii;ht. The quarterly meeting of the Young Women's Cnristuu association was held last evening and the various re ports ttiven show that institution to br In a truly prosperous condition Mrs. Ripple presided at the meeting. Mrs. Everhart. chairman of the mem bership coinniitte,reportod an incres in tile number of members, and Miss Scott spoke of the entertainments b. Id during the last three months. Miss Hawley. of the lunch depart ment, gavo an encouraging r-port. Nearly 4,000 girls visited the place dur ing the quarter and the iucome derived had been sufficiently large to cover the expense. The report of Miss Tompkiuson, Secretary of the South Side branch, was alsoofa most flittering nature. The organization is constantly enlarging its work uuJ is now an acknowledged suc cess. Mrs. L. M. Gates reported for the Di bio cIhss'.b, of which there nre five conducted under the auspices of the association. The membership of the classes is forty two. The committee having this department In charge ar ranged for a Sunday afternoon mol ing and for special meetings during the week, 'fen conversions ware re ported. The general sscretary, Miss Macurdy, gave a detailed report of the work iu the efiic that was very satisfactory, She also callo 1 special attention to a new feature of work that is proving very successful. A department for girls between tne aga of 10 and 1G lias been organized at ths central rooms and already has a membership of forty. On Mondays the class meets for Rocial purposes, on Woluesdays for sowing; on Satorilayu prayer meeting is held. Mrs. Bnerdlow, the physical dinotor, reported favorably on the gymnastic work in which much iuterest is uow being manifested. At th" conclusion of the report Mrs. Hippie thanked the various officers and committees for their excellent work, after which the meeting adjourned. JENKINS A MORRIS. MUlimry Op--ilnir Takes Plio Today nt 400 6prnc S:ror. The millm-ry opening of Miss Han nah Jenkins and Mi's Susie Moiris takes place today at 4 Hi Spruce street, where they havo gone iuto business for themselves. They lnve on hand a handsome dis play of goods and will be glad to have the ladies of Scrantnn to o ill and see for themselves. The opening will cou tiuus tomorrow nnd Friday, IN BUILOING CIRCLES. The interior of the l'cnn Avenuo syna gogue is being remodeled. Progress on tho now Delaware and Hud sou station gos steadily forward, but it will be several months b("ro it will b completed and ready forUSO. Night and dav Workmen are hurrying to and fro n the Frothlngham theater strain ing every ucrvo to have the hoUSe ready lur the Opening next Monday night. Stone is being hauled to the ground for tho foundation ot . II. Whyte's family hotel at Wyoming avenue and Vine street. The greater part of the excavating has already been accomplished Extensive changes ri being made on the old post oflioe building at I'ouu avouiie and Spi uce street. A large bay window is being added to tho Spnici street side of the flrtit Story, nnd many other changes being inudo to fU the building for mercan tile pui poses. The Forest House is now but a memory. It has been rased to the ground nnd work men are excavating for the foundation of Iho hirgo hotel. "The Jerinyu,'' which will take its place. Tho frame building thnt stood in the rear of the Forest House, at Spruce stieel and Onltfonl court, Is now being torn down. The exten ion ou the Ill-foot reservation that is being built ou the Davldsou build ni : at Washington avenue and Spruce i watched with prohibly greater iuterest than any other building enterprise In this city at present. Frequently duiiiig the day crowds congregate at the Columbus statue and watch the progress of opera tions. The comments heard are uot al ways complimentary to Mr. Davidson. Many large tree stumps with huge, spreading ro ts nro being removed from the excavation that Is being made for the foundation ot the new building Coutraotor Williams is erecting on thnUafter property et Washington avenue and Linden street. Many of t ho o stumps are Imbedded In the s' ft turf like substance that li found ten feet below the surface and were probably felled when Horunton wai the village of llarrlsun aud court house square a swamp. Removal to Washington Avenue. Miss Sarah McLano has romoved hor uiilllnary parlors from .U4 Spruce street to a more desirable location, til Washing ton avenue, where she will havo larger und more commodious quarter . Alls McLano is now doing business at her now place, aud will bo pleasnd to have all hor old friends to call and soo hor. The Bvsrett Liadi. Wait for Guernsey Bros.' new roods. TOO UY APPLICANTS Board of Associated Charities Caanot Provid; All with Work. POOR BOARD TO BE APPEALED T3 It Vill Be Asked to Appropriat, Money to Pay the Unemploy. d Who Will 13c Given Work -Tho Project io Giva Another Entertainment Abandoned-Report Presented by Mrs. w. B. Dugean. America ni it i i i n i I. I'lt'Tl UEs. EVERY NOTED PLACE IN ALASKA, Till; UNITED STATUS ANI U aX ICO. MVH Nt'MHKKS ON TEH ( Ol N TKlt. TKN CENTS ANI UME COUPON iokam NUMBER. The Associated Charities held a inoel ing in the directors' room In the public library evening. There v.'-ri present Messrs. Kelly, Israel, Hides, Gibbons, Cohen, Kelier, Moore, TftQUioeim,Kier strad, Thomas and Mrs. W. 11 l)i .;.:a i Colonel Holes presided, Mr. Moore, chairman of the relief committee, reported mat they had bum unable to provide wotk for all who ap plied for it. At least sixty of the Hp plicants wero ueoessarily turned away for the reason that there was nothing for them to do. Twenty-five had been given employment for one week and In- ii paid their money, and another allotment of tho same wonld com plete their six days on Thursday when twenty-flfe more would be set to worn They are employed at the public park anil have a competent foreman over tbem, On motion of Mr. Moore, the agent of the societies was IllStrUJtel to re- qu st the street commissioner to give work to lifteen whose wages will be ! aid out of the fund now In tli i hands ol the mayor. Chairman Thomas of the visitation coinmitteo reported progress, The city had been properly districted. HUNDREDS NKliD WORK Mr. Gibbons spoke for the employ ment committee, lis said there were hundreds o; men in the city who need work but cannot obtain it. Such come to him every day. Tuere are miuy young men without f imili is or horn is who are absolutely destitute oi ac countoftheir being unable to obtain em ployment of any kind ll-i folt for them and thought they oullt to havo work to prevent them from becoming beg fars and criminals, The suggestion that the poor board make an appropriation for the pur pose of providing employment for tlie needy, bad uot been brought before that body at its last meeting as was intended. Mr. Gibbous said he thought some of the poor directors were not partial to the ilea, tint he himself far ored it After some discussion ou this topic, the chair was authorised to ap point a oommittse to confer with the poor directors. Colonel B ilea appoint ed Colonel Ripple, It -v. Mr. Israel and Mr. Moore to serve on iho committee. Mrs. Duggui called attention to the children of Mrs Margaret Montgom ery, who resi les on Uircli street. Mrs. Duggan stated that the home of the littio ones is not the proper place lor them, ami Mr. Thompson was author ized to take tho proper Steps toward iretting the children away from the contaminated spot. Other cases were also referred to. ENTERTAIN HEKT IDEA ABANDONED Mr. Cohen, of the entertainment committee, brielly stated that he was uot in favor of another entertainment. After some discussion it was decided to abandon the project and put forth extra iffort to increase the member ship. The relief committee was em powered to summon to Its aid eucli ladies of the city as they mitthr deem necessary for iirrangin,' for the solici tation of members at if 1 a year, each member to be furnished with a carl of membership. Mrs. Dnggan's report, including the weekpist, was as follows: Cases of applicants examined, 27; found worthy. 19: unworthy, 4; duplicates, 4; orders secured for work since last meeting, 27; previous to last meeting, 12 THE RATIONAL GAR1E. President Alex Dann, jr., of the Scranton llsse Hall association, sail yesterday that the greater part of the fence enclosing the new grounds on Providence road baa been erected, and today John I'almer, of Dunmore. will begin to lay out .the diamond and grade the croiinds. By the end of the week, Mr. Dttnn saVS, carpenters will be at work on the grand stand It may not be altogether a thing of bounty this season, but it will be oonstmote.1 with a view to the comfort, of the pat rons and in such a manner that it can be improved upon later. Scranton should have one of the finest dia monds iu the league this season. In less than n month our team will bo in the Held. I! II II The Philadelphia Press yesterdnv contained the following concerning Charles Qelbert, of this city, astndont at the University of Pennsylvania: "Charles Gelbsrt, beat known in inter collegiate circles us Peiiu's plucky half back, wis placed In the box tn pitch for the 'Varsity nine against the Pro feselonals yesterday Gilbert's slioul der has b-en sore, hurt in football, ami Arthur Irwin has allowed him to take nn chances, making 1dm play right Held and forbidding him to throw up to date. While the lo.nt bit wild yosterd iy, a natural thing from lack of practice, he showed great speed, and that, too. with little or no swing, Be knocked catcher Brown's bands apart and fin ally split one of them badly, putting an end to the game with the ecorn 4 to 4 at the end of the fourth inning. Gel bert is the lust pitcher who has yet put iu an appearance. II II II John J. Murphy, of this city, will continue tins season to be one of the mainstays of the Georgetown College Pise Ball team. Thut organization will in a abort time start ou n northern tour, und is scheduled to play with Princeton, Yale and othor crack college clubs, Eastkk flower show in our double store. Hi aud U0, Washington ave. Clark's, Latest Rczor Tos Shoos In Ilnssin Calf or Patent Leather for la dles and gents at ti e Commonwealth Bhoe Store, Washington avenue, Tiik millinery opening of ,T. Bnlr,, 188 Wyoming avenue, will occur on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No better display of trimmed and untrlmtned bats enn be found ia this city. See our donblo storo of F.astor flowers for church and homo decoration?. Fiuu lilies, hydrangia, nsaiia, hyacinth, spiscsr, maiden hair fern. Everything toauilful. Ill aud MU Washington avenue. O. R. I LAMC & CO. Skvk.n doz. fresh eggs, IW?, Courseu. Now Bioyoli. A new bicycle worth t"i will be sold for f.'lo. The machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen ut the 'iriuune office. D IS D OF HE3KT OlSEA iE. Coronor's Jury Uos Not Think Joseph L. Williams Destroyed Hlmtnlf. Coroner Kelly and Jurymen Thomas Melvin, Martiu Bird. T. P. OilgalloD, .F. Ferber, T. W. Keisl and Joseph Keogh heard evldenos last night at to' court house on the death of Joseph L. Willi , ins, who iiU.1 - u l lenly last Kr.- I'.y on the Sou'. Sid Tbejurv r -i n i ued a yerdiot ss follows: "VN -. the Juror in the ease of Joseph L, v ill iins, do flu.l irom the evideuc that there wag no foul play. Theevi deuce clearly shows that theoauieof lealb was heart disease " Considerable Interest was attached to the oneo owing to thederaaeed be Ing a brother of Justice II. W. Wil Items, ot this sta'e, and from the fact that a bottle that had contained lauda num was louud in the dead man's pocket, S.1LC OF SUITS FOH KiNDALS. i l,r Crowd at academy cf Uuslc Bos CUio i. There whs a throng befors the box oflioe of the Academy "f .Music yester day morning wailing for the opening of tlie sale of seats for Mr. ami Mrs, Kendal, who will appear Thursday night in "The Ironmaster " The Halo of seats was active, and although tins is usually a ha I week for theatricals, there is every indication I hat a crowded house will greet the Kendall on their lirst appearand in Scranton. It will be one of the mtmorable events' of tins theatrical season, MR CAUSED BOY'S DEATH. Found Dottle Containing Whiskey and Drained Its Contents Convul sions Sub3cc'jcntly Set In Thomas Joseph Roche, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mr. James Roche, of 11114 Gibson street, died at midnight on Monday from convnleious induced by a large quantity of whisky that the clii'd drank Tln boy was n lively little fellow and on Morning while roaming through tlu apsriinents occupied by the family found a bottle containing a quantity of whisky. Mrs Roche was not in the room and after playing with the bottle for a time the boy sucoeded in extracting the cork and draitiel the bottle of its contents lie soon afterward fell imo a coma tose state, but the parents did not con sider hiei condition at all dangerous nnd a physician was not summoned untii evtiing, when convulsions set in. Dr. J. F. Siltry wus summoned, but the boy was beyond help, aud died at midnight. The doctor is iu a quandary as to whether or not he should grant a certificate setting forth taat death was caused by convulsions, and will proba bly bring the case to tho attention of Coroner K-lly today. Arrauemeuts have been male for the Interment of the chill at U o'clock this afteruoon. fcrantor.'a Dutinsia Interests. THg TRIBUNE Will soon publish a care fully compiled and classiti-d list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Scranton and Vicinity, The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnblie build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together wiih portraits ol leading citizens. No similar work has ever givou an eijual rep res'iutation of Scrauton's many inda tries. It will lie an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers aud be au uneqnall-d advertisement of the city. The circu lation is i n a plan that cannot fail of good results to thoe concerned as well as tho city at lare. Representatives of Till: TRIBUNE Will call upon thosk WBOSB NAaas are DESIRED in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please 1 avo notice at the office. An Opportunity for the U ASmplOf) d. Yon are out of employment. Invest your time on a business, steno graphic or academic education. It mean success to you iu the future. If you cannot pay us this year make it next year. You helped us in your prosperity we ahnll help yon now. Wood's college of bu duces and short hand. -o Grand display of spring millinery to duy, Thur.Mluv, Friday and Saturday at Leah Jones it Co., 13.'i Wyoming ave. ' SEVEN doz. fresh eggi. Hi;. Courseu. . . R movul. F. it. Aylsworth will remove to Vii Wyoming avenue the ii:.-t week iu April. FLAHERTY CALLEO FOR A ROPu. Today H Will H tta Anxious to Stcare a Bondsman. John Burke th m so roughly handled by a Minooka mob on oaiuruay usi waeo ctr N . 2J3 c oidently run over two Children, Jwi uoi propose io liruoic tueouiraae wit out in. king an atwtnnt to oriujr ti.e t tr aors l j. is' ice. Yesterday afi moon Mr. Burke an peered rjefore AJderuuq vvrigiil anil w-.re out a warrant for the irrest of AliUj Mnrley and Michael Fiaheny woo, be alleges, polled him from bis car and b at nun. lloi tntestll.lt FUlierl V wan lnml in his demands for a rope with which to nang ooiu the conductor uud motor man. Si MUlinory Opmlnff Mrs. Emma Diem's mllllaerv opening will occur Thursday, Friday and Saturday. All the latest styles from ihu leading New York hou-n-. afRR, Emma DlEM, 701 Cedar avenue. Tin: entertainment of the Excelsior bo ( ial for Wednesday night is postpoued un til further BotKe. Wednesday, March 21, Thursday. March Eft Friday, March S3, Millinery Opening Day, Nellie Walsh's, ' 211 W yoming Avenue. to LftTt FOR CLASSIFICATION. Money to Lo,i,-i. m00 TO LOAN ON M0BT0A08. RE O PLOQLm, attorney, 408 spruce street For Rent. nl.L FOR RENT $1 PER sKSsio.V lt;-:i,l.U!l.l;,Hltoruey, UJt Spl uee Mil el. 13 e for We move to 117 Lackawanna aveuuo wo offer a special price on till of our Silver nov-elties. UMBRELLA STRAPS 'I'j-fii'"!' !'iIS'iTlft?.Vo, I 35c. Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Cpruco St. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00 Including the painless extracting tf teeth by an tntirely now process. Ladiks are invited to attend the spring millinery opening today, Thursday, Fri day anil Saturday ut Leah Jones & Co., 131 Wyoming avenue, -4 BVOBAXOIA and Maiden Uslr Fern at Clink's. BeVXM doz. fresh eggs, Dbc. Coumen. . McBrIOI'8 nuw Turkish bath, livery thing now. o00 Stirucu street, opposite Court House. - Wi.iu:u, Matchleks, Shaw and ether mukoit pianos. See piMO in wicdow of Stelle i Beeley, 134 Wyoming uvenne. uitieiiaiii!iiisiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii8iiuiiii I Procrastination ... I Opening Days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. EASTER, 1894. M i 1 1 i n e ry WIIH Lulejt N'oveltie it attrac 1 ivo prices. Imported Bonnets and Huts. Also a large as sortment of copies from our own workroom showing tho latr.st ef fects in colors md trimmings. A large assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Dntrimmed Hals Weare also displaying in our show room new fashions oi' Ladies' Spring Capes, Jackets and Suits of all descriptions, Special inducement for this week in Cap3S, Jack ets and Suits. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. IS STILL THE THIEF s OF TIME I CONWAY HOUSE DAY BY DAY "-' It steals the profits of tl S iniin SS who waits to advertisu until to- 5 2 morrow. " m 1 Henry Battin & Co. S Never wait till tomorrow, but S ulvurtuo BAKOAINS today and 3 evory day. I BARGAINS TODAY i s .... s a in At; ATE WARE, s HU E WAKE, TIN WARE and WOODEN- WAKE. z s a Try our plan ami don't wait until to- 9 S morrow, bat secure yocr bargains to- -J S 126 PENN AVE. s LilIgllgililIIIS!itllfilig Or. Hill Son Albany 131 and 134 FKNN ATEKVE On the American Plan. Scraiiton's newest ari'l best equipped hotel. NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Heated by Steam. Electrlo Balls, Bath Tub nn each floOfs Liirjc, Well Llfhted nnl Airy kooms, EvefXthlng Complete. ALL THE MO D K RN IMPIIOVEMEMS. OJRe on sec"d flo-r. (load temple room attached. P. J. CONWAY, Prop. Hunting Set troth. ?o.50: beet est, SI: t or cold capi si:d tei:th without t'lates. calleil rrown and briduo work, call for prioos and refero::o--'s TOnALOLA. tor iatrctin lroth without pain. No ether. No iras. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Sond your corsets to be le boued or new steels put in. We do it neatly uud ut a moderate eost. ions HOME BAKERY. We have a lar assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES 128 Wyoming Ave. Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Linden St. and Adams Ave. CUL'BT HuUSt: S.,-1 Al.li All kiuds of Laundry work guaranteed tbe best. S. C. Snyder, 13. id. s. 1M WYOMINU AVK. GENTLEMEN, (EE OUK UNE OF 3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKfc HAND-SEWED. f'o Seams or Tacks to Hurt Your Feet. All Styles and Widtni in fungi ess OT Lace. The Best Shoe oq Earth for the Money Try :i Pair and you will wear no othi r. RfiWRTRP'Q.Q (( SHOE on uniuuiuu uipu.vu every box! BANISTER'S, to SJU hm Our $2 50 Shoes ev-e as good as anybody's $3 00 Shoes. BROWN'S BEE HIVE Now ready for inspection. Easter Millinery CLOAKS, CAPES, SUITS M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.