1 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- WEDH ESDAY 3IORNINO. MARCH 81. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. . rtllll.lSnXI. DAILY AND WEKKI.Y IN ScllAN- on, Pa., dt Tub 'Iiiiiiunb I'uumkuixo COMPANY. Nr.vr Torm fFncr.: TrtinrtNn nnn.niNo. Frank 6. Chat. MahAOML Filtered at tlf t'ottoflce ill Serant'in, ri, o Second-Clan Hail Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. MARCH 2', IRW. illicit!-: is souiotbiiix radically wroiiK' in luws that iillow th mmcrupiilons uian owning . few feet of land to ruin tlis property of liij neighbor by the erection of uuiightly arehltecturftl nightmares. SOUND AMERICANISM. In H'Tmon delivered on St. Pat rick' Day in St, Paul' cathedral Arch bishop Ireland utte re ! soma sntimenta Hint will set vry rifrat-thinking American to applauding. Taking for his theme "Fnrig:i Kutionuliam iu America," tho Archbishop reviewed at length the car?er of Ireland's patron aaint, who, although not born iu Ire land, became o mott IojmI and patri otic Irish mu; tontraded that the Oith olic churcli iu America, a an eccle.si nsticil body, ahould be. nbove all, American, and said finally: "Oao na tlonalUm is ami mnat bo papreme in our civil and social matters, nnd that Is American nationalism. On this condi tion has Auirici admitted foreigners to ritiz.nship. No political esgrega tion of eitissna on foreign linos can be allowed. It is wrong in private life to cultivate the spirit of a foreign nation alism at tho espenss of American na tionalism." We Call particular attention to the personality of the nun who sai l these words. He is not a f anatic. II j is not a bigot. II is not a memblf of any such silly and narrow-minded organization as the A. P. A. II i3 not nn enemy of tho Catholic caurcii. On tam contrary, ho is, nest to Cardinal Gibbo.is, who shares his view?, the fo.-emoit prelate in Americau Catholicism; an intimate friend of Mgr. Sntolli, tho papal repre sentative iu the Unite I State, and tho ciergytnau who, at this moment, Mam I dflUoed to a greater and mo;o iofl.ten ti.il career, and one Involving th proin iia of hiitber ecclesiastical honors, than any otatt member of tha Catbolio bier nrcliy iu America. Xor is he an es Ir.'inist in matters of political holier'. He is r.iauMi a descendant of Irish pi renta. and proud of his ancestry aud of the fatberland; but he is prouder yet of jis adopted country, tho country which ivelcjmes him and (belters him and ives to tim freely the privilags of IU Treat heritage of civic liberty and in-.'n-ttil opportunity. And he des not desire, in tbil newer citizenship, nnder this nevr flig. with nil kbata newer and larger and bettor ooancea and blessings surroundinx liim, to Impede the pro-Toss of the country of hi adop tion, or to reprodno in it the factional difBcttltita and the varied strife of .dif fering race and class and creed which wake it necessary for iiim and his to getont of European quarters and to gat into the broad charity, ample liberty and splendid opportunity of free Amer ica. It is truly lignifloant of tho dawning of better times when a foremoat pre late of the church which n um hers imong its communicants nnarly one third of American Chritians, and he a pndnte famed for bis aggressiveness, can thus honorably, bravely and fairly join hands with those DtuatroM Prot httantl who wish to lee in all direc tiona a moro thorough divorcement of shnrch and state; who wish to have onr American politic free from all im prnpef ioflwncri of Booleaiaiticisml whether Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or otherwise; nn 1 wno bilieve that in tho development of this, the best conn try on G'id'a footstool, tho best ener gio of tha best citizens, irrespective of MO, color, wenlth or creed, arn none too good to he applied in harmony, en thnsiaim and uninterrupted brotherly love. i If TBI report ha true that Jndge Craig will devote a special sesiion of the Monroe county court to tho work of ferreting out those too previous Stroudibnrg lynchers, it Is to be hoped that be will meet with better success than tho recent lukewarm coronersjury, The stain of that infamous lynching will linger on Pennsylvania justice un til every prominent factor in the la.iv ! episode shall havj had his case oor rectly paued upon by the court. FALSE CHARITY. Upon n nnmber of occasions Tin-: TnmUNT. has found good reason to com pliment Mayor Nichols of Wilkes Barn upon bis fearlessness In performing disngreeable official duties without fa voritism or pnrtlalltv, H will thira fore pardon us for dissenting from the position which he has nssumud with reference to what ho calls "reapiiotablo" bnsinens men who, when caught in po lice raids npon disorderly plaoes, have pennaded him to order the piliee sar ftcant to withhold their namea from the newspapers, in order, as ha ex plains, to spar them from the disgrace of exposure. If the records of the police courts are public records, they should ba open to tbe publis, not in put but Wholly. Tho bemt of American jtu tio U that It know no favorite or favored classes. If Johu Doe, in u drunken brawl, bUotteni Riohird Roe's eyes and Is armtvd, hla name is not withheld. All the ignominy of publlcit goea in with tho file and costs. Why, then, ehould "r-apeot-ahle" Charles Blank, the broker or merchant or attornoy, who gas caught in the low associations of tho gambling den or the abode of social vico bo moro favored by the ofil iprs of the law? To grant him an aasurauo) of socr.'C' is to directly enconr.igt) this air ja ly fir too prevalent criinr It offer tbs moit ef fective of allrjo.'slble preminmi upon yet more daring and m ro trtqaenl escapades. The "resptclablo" businoss man Ought to know better than to frequent illegal dives. If, with all the udvau tages of wealth, education and reputed respectability, he oannot do otherwise than to class himself with the human trnsh that finds its habitual way into the mayor's court or nldormin'a offb". he should be prepared to bear all the odium of his ohostn associations, and screening him ought to be tho last thing for any official to think of doing. In this kind of evil doing the moit ef fective of all reformative ftgenolei is publicity; and it is the falsest of false charity to screen oonvlotvd genteel vico while cotup dling the minll tontial rounders t;i beooma hardened and bra zened iu the cheap glory of police court notoriety, ' - , - MlM LIKE Labottohen aro strong by reason of the fact that it is easier to Orltiolls than to perform; oasinr to tear down than to build up; easier to blnck ndo progress than to aohleva it. The fact that be and his baud of impracti cal extremists, by u sudden 11 ink move ment appealing to all the diaaffeoted elements in tho Liberal party, made especially responsive to the transitory uncertainty connqunt npon a change of leadership, were enabled momentar ily to jtopard the sucoest of the Kose bery ministry is Ires of a reflation upon that ministry than it is a tosti monlal to the sSeotiveness of guerilla warfare, The calm sense of tho Lib eral party eooa rallied to tUeir new leader's support, just a it will rally in similar crises to come. WE NEED A CZAR. There are times when oiih longs for the imperiousness of un emperor or a czar. General laws can fit only the common ran of particular oases. In rectification of uniquo and peculiar wrongs, wrongs which no aot of law makers could foreseo, wrongs which in rolvo canning ingenuity of nuthor ship just sufficient to evade the gen?ral statutes, there Is needol some such flexibility in justice ns comes when wise rulers have extraordinary powers. Oio of these Instances when we Should like to have Boranton rule! by a emperor or a czir has ben supplied through the mathematical mind of the i idivldnal who is responsible for that Washington avenue outrage, that in decent oxposnn of nah1 creed, that extraordinary exemplification of in Ii viduil "gull" which, nt the corner of SprOOe, has formed itself into an archi tectnral seizare of nearly half tha public thoroughfare, A healthy czir iu control in tht.se parts would nuke short work of thi3 unmitigated atrocity. As it is, ws understand that the city rili .'ials are virtn illy p iwarless, They lick explicit authority to interfere, aud fearing to establish an untenable precedent, they sit biclt and view the daily progress of a defiant nuisaoo. In the case of a new structure like Mr. Jermyn'a hotel, which will be a real credit to tbe city, they hive endsav ored to inttrfvte; but la tin ona of this old and ir,ilimmablo rat trap at Washington and Bp'rueo they nra hyp- nctizel through t.'n ltd: of direct jurisdiction. That's why wa nee 1 a cz ir. Ir is unnecessary to drag tho prosint Mr. Urecltinridg-t into the nasty pub llcity of her husband's lawsuit. The question whether eho wants to remain his wife after recent revelations afford ing Scriptural and legal reasons for a divorce is one for her to settln with her own concier.ci and her own honor. While thero is little doubt what tbe general decision would be in such a oontingenoy, she, and not the American public, has the question to decide, and she should not be hounded while cou sideriog it. THE MILK COMBINE. Thero was much complaint list year at the quality of mill: sold to Scrantoni ans by aom local dealers. Not a little of that mill-: travo plain evidence of having been adulterated. Rome of it left a sediment in the boitom cf tho can or jar, whilo much of it failed to come up to the standard of the health offloer. Milk now costs retail consumers 8 conts per qnart. This is tho winter price. In summer the price heretofore has been 0 cents There is In progress a consolidation of local milk delivery agencies tho obj 'ot of which, ns ont- lined by the movement's promoters, is to do away with th expsnso of main taining sev-ral d"pots, and otherwise to Introduce economies into the bmi- ness. There will not, it is said, bo anv increase In tho retail ost of milk, ThrsT facts or nasertion, which ever they may prove to be, are given apnee to here in orJfr that individual con sumers may itovcrn their conduct nc cordingly. If oeonomies can be Intro duced into the businoss of milk pur veylng by a pooling of interests, they ought, in common fairae?, to be di vid' d witn the retail p itroni. It is very esssctial that the milk which is sold in this city shoul 1 be pare and fresh and wholesora Any adultera tions, if discovered, will be rigidly prosecuted. Any unwarranted increase iu prloei will be r T-iatfd. On Iv.iovjnai. gruuiids it is to he re grottcd that so genial, able and popr. lar a Republican m Colonel Tom Stew art should feci imp die 1 to pull out of the ra for the lieutenant governor ship nomination His cindidacy on countered only praise, in n pnraonal seiis", nnd wss unfortunate m duly in tho fact that other candidates had gained n commanding sttrt. - NOTHING TO FEAR. In n county whose constables, dur ing three months of vigilant inquiry can find no trace of real or attempted violation of tho llqinr laws, one is pro pared to hear that this vo;ir s crop cf licenses exceed ly sixty the harvest of one year ago. The only wonder is that. with such pnro records of uniform law ohservanco stretching out iu nil direc tions, any applioint for license should have failod to carry his point. Surwly, snch pacific and highly moral conduct ns is shown in tho constables' Inst quarterly retnrn deserves not only to have whatever it wants, but is enti tled, in addition, to a leather medal and n picture card. In view, then, of this pretty preval ence of peace nnd good will, this se raphic conjunction of terrcstial har monies, this extraordinary Lackawanna CODOAsBMllOQ of coincident virtnes, it jsrs upon tho enraptured ear to have Judge B t Wards intimate, in n cold and cinH voice, tbnt certain constables may have been "8'pt:." Wo experience a rads sense of shock, n painful emo tion of abrupt awakening in his blunt assertion that the work of these con stable will be "looked into." I this the reward that onr honorable judges lelgn to administer to faithful ser vants whose return are mes-iages of surpassing calm? is this the judicial reeling which awaits advance cour iers of n kind of little coal-field mil-lenlumt Luckily, the labor of these lynx eyed minions uf justice call stand a mint searching Investigation Thare is nothing in it to dread exposure. It is 11 a sweet, pure cipher. It Is all ou vast, translucent naught in Rlil'ltt'KEKTATlVK HaTVii is aaid to be hopeful of getting his Kliti options bill passed this session; and in snoh a oon gress we cannot gainsay him. COUNTY PRINTING. Under a recont order of the oourt, tho printing of the list of applications for lioensu iu this county was awardod to the Republican nnd the Times. Al though tho law does not say, in ns many words, that the two pipers in which this advertisement shall appear must lie journals of largest circulation, this is a clear and natural inference There Is no areater reason why the county should piy largo money for small value than why tho manager of i private- business should tlo this. If the honorable Judge of tho Ltoka- winna court, and moro especially th preeidout ju1g of that court, had per mitted the equities of the cao to in fluence, tlitir oonrse, thty would have electod those two Scranton newspapers which offer tho two bst bargains in ndvertiilng This would not havo been a difficult thing to determine. The testimony of merchants would Bottle it, in fator of Thi Trihunk first nnd of tho Truth or the Republican next. Any claim that the placing of this legal advertisement in the Democratic organ would fulfill other than u partisan political rtquire- ment cannot be advanced, even In jest. The selection of tho Tims,there fore, was from a business standpoint a leliberate blunder, and it cannot be defended on auy grounds consistent with a fair regard for the business in terests nf the taxpayers. The question i, why should the ju lges on tho bench order an expendi ture of tho public funis whioh they would never decide upon wero th ex penditure one made ou their own indi vidual nccounts? Why should the comity advertising be placed by their lirection where It will not roach tho eyes of the people? Rkfobm m municipal niftirs cannot occur until in our large cilies there nre elected to public office men who could unhesitatingly be trustrd m a private business. PECULIAR JUSTICE. Tho plans for the now Hotel Jermyn, to be ereoted upon tho corner of Wyo ming avenue and Spruce street, call for a biy window four feet wide, to occupy n space on Sprnce street where a flight of stone steps lod to the base ment of the old Forest House, and also suggest another bay window near the entrance of Oakford court, in a localny that bns heretofore been cov ered by porches and bay windows of the buildings which aro now bfing razed. Bat Building Inspector Nelson, upon the advios of other city officials, it is said, proposes to prevent the erection of these bay windows that have been designed to rst upon land that has never heretofore been uead for side walk purposes. Yet Inspector Nelson and other officials have not discovered tho narcwloss protubarancj th it has rn cently encroached upon tho sidewalks in front of an apothecary shop nt the comer of Washington avenue and Sprnce stret, only a block away. If it is really a fact tint present laws aro adjusted for the restriction of en terprise and protection of nuisances it might bo well to make the matter an issue of the n x : campaign. TlIERE is a story in Washington that while Joaiah Qaittoy was assistant sec retary of state, his relations with Sec retary Greeham bncaino po strained ns to necessitate the ncceptanoe by the president of one disputant's resigna tion. What a pity Mr. Cleveland didn't promptly discharge them both! An IMPOBTAKT phase of New York's coming state constitutional convention veil be its consideration of tho expedi oncy of permitting women to vote. A decision, either way, by a deliberative assemblage of its distinguished char acter would have far reaching iufiu ence, -Befori tiik Braalltan era of ro-ad-jastineat nnd reconstruction shall bnve ended, it is barely possible that some Americau official will be called upon to grant shelter to hounded revolu tionist. In such an event we truot he will prove to be tinman for the occa sion. Governor Flowim should inwst In a reimuiinatioii, for purposes of vlndl ottiou. But we could not conscien tiously advise him to lay many odds on getting a satisfactory dividend, PSESthv-:. r-u; RaFiftetiCE. ilero Is tho Now York Recorder's 625 prize deilnitlon of th eford eetgalorage, Fm.1 J. llerzog, of New York, belug us lucky author: "Seigniorage consists ot the difference be tween the i-uat ot an amount of bullion and the faco value of the coins minted from it. By the Sherman act tho govern ment Was Compelled to purchase 4, 5J(i,lK)h ounces ot silver per month, nt. tbe market, prlco. As the price of silver fiUOtUBted, ho the amount of treasury miles issuod in payment ot the bullion sometimoi in creased, Rometlineit hiinlnished. Tho down wnrtl tendency having been greater g the last few years, thre were baaed, from the time of the passage of tbe Mhonaau act to ite repeal, SIM, 01)0, i:o; In tnmsnry ttOteS,to cover im amount of builitin woiob shoulii ncinally havo been l)00,000,UOU silver dol lars. In other wor.le, thoro is now an amount of bullion (in excess of the reserve necessary to cover tho I18,000.0U9 treasury notes) In the treasury which, it coined, would make .'!, 0 ',(.()0nilerdt llats,H);aliisi which tii-- seigniorage Mil i u uaoe paper ciiriency, una SO pttl iS,000,00U iu ;bo treasury aod help the governuint out ut its Hoaacla) dlffleultlee." Hut the briefi-Htibdlidtiou on lecord.aud ouo ipiito US Satisfactory as uny, is that mad.- bv S-iiator her 01 an; "beiRuiorngB Ismerely the difference between the coin ago value of silver and its co3t." She One Huprrm Duly. chiccfn BvcntnQ enraaf Machlue iioli; Icsbosslsm exist through crime.nnd murder is but the dernier resort of the pi-ofessii.linlrriiuiunls WOO belong to the maciiliie ami ant its cunco.-mtuut. To Stamp out t:it j sort of political work, which men SOUS Chicago and every other city of the laud as well ai Troy and Got ham nnrt Ciravoi.ind, is thoduty of the hour. All other reforms are secondary to this, for without this reform first no oiter can be accomplished. Trulv a Orjat Country. Zoom it cease i geposti The total nnmber ot inauufacturlng es tablishments in tho United States iu 110 eras 358,4111, uaiust ltfts8B2 iu 1880, The capital employed in these was SU,1lM,4TS, BUS, the wagee paid $2,';.H-j:t,:.,H,v tbs cost of raw material, etc., W, 168.868.388, and the valne ot the produ t W.870, 107,684 Dedneting cost ot raw materials from the Value of the product, a profit of 4,8tl,8S9,--Ti sppeara, . Wh'.r th iic'o"i BtanS, Buffalo tVstss. Tho cooatitntiou of tha United stales guarantees to every qualified citizen the right to deposit a free ballot Tim busses of the political parties exhaust their ln gMiuity in devisinir ectienies by which the ballot will ouly be as free at their millions will allow it to be. Tha Oilclnnl Ve iuir.-0olni.r. itiinturi oarsaH it is not strictly accurate to speak of the seigniorage bid as .Mr. Bland's bill. It is true that Mr. it an I was spousor for It 111 the house, but it should Dot be forgotten that tho original suggestion came from sir. Cleveland's secretary ol the treasury. Tha Vlw cf All Ordorly Person. PitUburg CtMSBiereal-flaeffs The lynching of the negro Pnryear in Mouroa county wa oven uiorti atrocious than the ciime fur which hu was in jail, Ine community la which the crime teas committed is dlsruced by the proceeding. s GKA6MD EASTER DISPLAY No 3eat, RoduosU Fori. Tho strap passen jairo I n good patseujairo, Hut ho Isn't a multi-millionaire. So alt-cent faire, Huiir up with calre, Is enough for the weary strup pasBenjniro. SV. Luuit 1'aat Viiiatrh. "UK sunun symptoms of dyspepsia, such as distress after eating, heartburn and occasional hsadaobes, tluuld not bo Doleoted. Take lloud's Sar.suparilla if you wish to be cured. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick head Of everything new and novel in the fashionable world. To realize more hilly what this announcement rneanfc we direct at tention to our window exhibits, as to some of the representa tive attractions outlined below. SI Department We arc now exhibiting a choice collection of Taffeta Glace Urochc and Taffeta Imprimo, Printed Habituae and Kui Kai Silks; also, new designs in Black Moire Antique and Moire Mirroir. Several thousand yards 2i inch Double Printed Chinese Silks, beautiful colorings, at 25c. Oil SPfiClfll COUIltGr 1500 yards Patcrsonia Pongees at 49c. 3.000 yards of 24-inch Best Japanese Habituae Washable Silks, in all of the new floral effects, at 63c. DRESS GOODS SEE WHAT BLACK GOODS Will buy in the way of a HBO AT Our stock of Novelty Dress Goods is now complete and represents the latest products of French, German and American looms. i 2,000 yards of 30-inch Wool Mixed Suitings.spring weight, worth 45c. per yard; our special price, 25c. 1,500 yards of Changeable Shaperd Crepons, worth 75c. per yard; our special price, 49c 1, 200 yards All-wool 54-inch Oxford Checks and Scotcjflfy Mixed Suitings, worth 85c. per yard; special price, 50c. Such a display of all the new weaves has never been dis played before, and black is all the rage. Little Fixings in the way of Laces, Handkerchiefs, Bow3, Grloras, &:., for Eas ter, for men, women and children, abound with us in great plenty and at the low est prices ever known before. Uxcter With tha New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, EASTER I NOV ELTIES I EasteruHgg Spoon." Praver Book Mark ers, Easter Book Marks, In Gold and Silver. Hand-painted Easter Eggs, Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easter Gifts. mercerem m Connell )7 1.ACKAWANX V Ai'UXUIJ A SPECIAL EXCURSION I And a full line qf Boys' and to Girls' Wheels. We are mak- WARRMllfW D f I ing extremely low prices on ' Second-hand Wheels. ia CENTRAL R.R. OF H. J., WJIX HE RtTN ON Thursday, March 22,' 94 AfTnrdlnt; thu rsiilont o Sorantoo nnd vicin ity nn )Z06ltollt opportunUy t' visit V'aliuivj tn a; th-i mint delightful soaRoii of th" yrnr. Spi-riai Bxoordoh tk'k ts from Bo ran ton will lm Hold, good to i;o only on train loaTlng Mrranton lit K. W a in. Mnn h ii. aii'i fur ri'turn OB any train until hlan-h "7 IncinHT. TICKETS FOR THE Ct 7 OA BOUND TltlP t ' 'O I Through purlorcars will ho attach"il to this train, nt WutohSMtf nmy hi hu'l at ncharo Ol Jl. 50 each. JENKINS & MORRIS EASTER MILLINERY OPENING WILL OCCUR WF.INBSDATf,MAK Utl ttwtil bi the grMtwt ihowtng ot FASH ION ABLI UlLUNUBt vn in thii city. Ktylojt thi.t yen eaniiotnpo eleewhoroi 406 SPRUCE STREET NEXT TO DIME BANK. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lickawan:in Avenue, .D.WLUAM iiumiLLin 814 Lacka. Ave km EASTER GAUDS AND BOOKLETS Tin" oninlsitft publication! of Prang ft Co and Dutton Co. New linn of Episcopal Hymnala nnl Prnjrer Uookn, Catholic Prayer Itnolta, Oi fonl nnd liii'.ti r Bible, An Extraordinary Annonncement Of Interest to EPISCOPALIANS niul oth er. We offer n new edition of the hook OF COMMON PHAYKlt, well bound In cloth, Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. Ity uinkliitf I ho pi lro hu low, ro lug; our OttttDBItm tho honvltC of th pur- chiiNe of 1,500 opptl. Six COpIsi only will hv told to sny Individual or lamlty. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and 1 1., r..vfr. tin LACKAWANNA AVK Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. Foote Shear Co, 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. IRON and STEEL NOKWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND BILVKR BXTltA SPECIAL St.NDDUSON'S ENGLISH JKHSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL 1IOD8K. SHOKS TOR CALK II UK MACHINRnV Si'ltING sDi r BTEBL ANVILS DKLLOWS HOK8K NAILS WAGON WHEELS AXLKS SPKING8 HUBS SPOKRS RIMS STEKL BEGINS IS. R. SPIKES WILEY RUSSEIjL AND WELLS BROS SCREW CUTTING MACHINERY, :i!tenbender&Go.,Scraotoo Whulcsale and retail dealers' in Wairoam.alieri' aud BUoksmUlu' SUPPLIE3. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO KCBASTON AND WILKes-UAKUE. TA.. MANUFACTUIIGKR Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. BORANTON. PA GUERNSEY BROS. Will remove about April 1st to 224 Wyoming Ave nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full line of Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, ou easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH JL kJ W Jjvxi w DELICIOUS, MIID CURBE ABSOLUTELY HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA T HE DHTML STUDIO, Ol 6 LACHA WANNA AM..NUH OiU (tOtUHTOX J'A- W i H viN'.'i KAOH a rotrat with tdittry t- X'l'.n oat 1.0 ' iw: l'r":. nnd Ohrfl . Imcli lou.ii. 'vinjo t,itiio nul .1, tint 1 !'.! mili.i ULNUINS CAATfiJj OIVf ItAIV i!Me frora Mt iruU UM ABSOIiUTafal rttriK Ul' klK-Vj: s;tt.t;s of krahks frou (J3.30 l l'ff.Utl UorkDm.iiiLip Riurautivl. Fr:i.o M fw oiU los than regular prlo B. DUTUEIL, Artlit PH3 TRADE HUPPLIEi) BY THIS FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kind l tooli K lali rccttved ll!f. l'llliry Sliinln il ilullbtil, Il.nifllrit., Co,l, Tnrtnontli DlmttiTH, : ale BMktMlt Ilnekairari riirprnkn Buy. ftVCTUDC MnarlMI River Covo unit Iff Al iSll J Kln Hulnl ! iit Shell hun,, sin imp 1. riillop Ao. W. H. PIERCE, PBNN AVJi A