3 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 20. 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPfl FIRST VIEW 01 Sp ring MILLINERY jpe Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ays For several years our Millinery Open ings have been the event of the season. You are invited to visit the store, com pare and judge THE EWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Examine the Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Examine the Untrimnirl Eats and Fonnets. Examine the reat shov of Artificial Flowers. Examine the vast collec tion of Trimmings. MOOSIC A0 TH.EaBOUIS. TLo Newa for of t'jn Div Epitom z-.d Hurried E J nj. Special to tlm SSranton Trtbunt, Mooeic, P., Jlnrc'i 19. LtBt San day morning abont forty membtriof the Women's Christian Tsmpsranw anion and temtisrancs workers met at the boms of Mrs. William Westcott and iitt-nileil In a inlv service at tbo Brick Methodist Bpiicopal chnrch. Tiie pastor. !tv. J. L. Kace, preached a v?ry eloqtwnt :rinoii on teiuperauce In all its branches, especially on strong drink and social purity. A concert will u-3 uiven in th Rrirk church Wed m s lav ovninur, Marc!) 21 by borne talant, Ths oiijec; ii t. raisa money to apply on tii preacher's sal arv. Easter Sunday will be observed in the Methodist clinrcli in the morning and in the Presbyterian chnrch in tho afternoon ; good programmes being prepared at Doth churches, Mr. Stanton, of Chenango Forks, N, Y., return? to his homo today after spending the pott two weeks with his son, D.Witt, and daughter, Mrs F. C Wildrick. The latter will return home with bio Robert Bennla and Alex McK-'nzie wero at Luzjrna's county seat last Fri day. Mrs. Walters, of Moscow, visited at Peter Hamlin's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Frost nr go ing to begin housekeeping in L. II. Wildrick's house. Mra. D. II. Warner is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert White, of Dun run re, Frank MottallaT rstnrnod horn" Fri day niirht from Strondsbnrj:, where he had been attending his mother's fuus ral. PF6RD IN HfllVI LINTON. A r-7-.wsy Handle of liana from a Huit lintr Hamlet. BpteUd to th Scraalon 7W6wts, HaMLIMTON, Pa, March 10, Mill Jsunie Simons conducted the Bpwortb league on Sunday evening Toe pro yrnmino consisted of singing, Testa tions and select raadiusa by mem'iers of tho leagn". H. K Nyos will have charge of the meeting next Sund iy i-v'iiing. E B. Williams, of Forest f'ity, ac conipanied by a frind, spent Sunday with his parents at this plaoe Miss Clara Blgelow, of the East Side, spent Saturday ami Sunday witn triandi at Bcranton and Psckvlllt, Miss Nettie Williams has r tnrn,,d to her sist-r's, Mrs C. M Loring,a(tar an extended visit with friends at Arlington and vicinity. H. V, Nicholson Hiid daughter, Li Anna, of Li Anna, Pike county, were in town Sunday. Miss Francis Foots has ratnrnad to her home, west of town, aft-r an ab sence of several W"us spent in Carbon -data. Simons Sc Son nra at present engaged In staking out a telephone line con necting their store with the lOrie and Wyoming Valley Railroad depot and Motel Columbia at (jk Ariel. Statu) by H. B. Cochran, drngRial Lan caster, Pa have gnarantaiad over 800 bot tles of Burdock Blood Hitters for dyspep mi, Hour itomaon, biliou.H attacks, liver anil kidoay trouble. All Free. Tliow who have DSSd Dr. King's New ihscovery know its value, nml those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It Free, ( all on the advertised Druugist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Feud your imnie, and address to H. Bi BuoU0B & o. Chicago, and get a lampll box of Dr. Iiiitf' New lan Pills, Free, as well as a .upy of Guide to Health and HoUHBOld Instructor, l'rcn. All of which is guarati teed to do you good and cost you nothing. WaUbews bros. Drugstore. Outof town eorresnonHsnts onus this DMBahouldabin their aantta in full lo eaeh newa latter not for puutic.itlju uut to guard iiiu nit deosption. ARCHBALD AND VICINITY. All the Nwj of the Day Intelllntly Disrassid. facial to taa flwwifoa Tribune; AltCHBALD, March 111 John J. Uil gallod, ol Soranton, spent Sunday at ids former home heve. Father Ward, of Dunkirk N. Y., an eloquent member of the Passlooist or der, will preach a sermon on the pas siou in St. Thomas' ohnroh on Friday evening. He will also p.-aacu at the last mm on Easter Sunday. Mrs. Patrick Kearney, of Laurel street, who b is been ill for several weeks, is slowly but steadily Improv ing. The Knights of Father Matthew are m iking preparations for the holding of a grand musical and literary entertain ment sometime next month. M. F. Oilhool has gone to Jams towu, N. Y., to assume his new posi tion, n-aistant luparintau lent ot the Jkiii'sIowu district of the Metronoll tan Insurance company, of New York Mi. Qilbool'i many friendi here hope that lUOOeai will attend him in his new obarg '. All the Archbdd applicants me-c-e led in getting license tor the con duct of thalr buiinasi daring the com ing year. In all, twenty-three licenses have been granted It does not nsoes sarily follow, however, that all these will take out licenses, for in pravioni yean many of those Who were granted permission did not avail thamialvea til it. Michael Qawnly, the boy who WAS injured by falling of a mine car a few w, eks ago, is rapidly recovering. St. Patrick's Day was very quietly observed here. Tli-re was no work in any of the mines hereabouts, and many took advantage of the cheap excursion rates ami went to Wilkes lJarre to see the parade, At St. Thomas' church man was celebrated, inl Rev. Dr. L;i- caiueiivereu apinegync on ine we and work of Ireland! patron saint. The Eist Side our lerennda bands each obierved tho day by giving open air concerts much to the pleasnre of the Inrge crowd that listened to their ou franetng music. M-rchaut Peter Krift.of South Main street, was in Scrauton yesterday. The new board of health will met for organization on Wadneaday even ing at 8 o'clock. It is hi pel that every number will bo presmt. JE.WdYM AN3 THEREABOUTS. EpitcmiZid N"ws of the Day for Wid' nwnki P. .adre. Special t fie Scraafoa ZVttftuaai JEI1MTN, Pa., March 111 The Ceme tery association at the last uieatinit do olded to erect a building which can be ud during itormv weather aiaahel ter. also to lay pipss and ruu water through the grounda. Rev. W. J. Morris, of Hamilton, oc cupied tho pulpit of the First Baptist chnrch Sunday. After April 1 ho will become the pastor of this looioty. The new porch recently erected by Thomas Bray has very much improved his pretty home and is greatly admired. J C. Turner is spoken of as a candi date for assembly on the Republican ticket in the Fourth Legislative dis trict. William Walker is also man tioDed for the same honor on the Dem ocratic ticket. Professor E. D BoVird attended the local Institute at Clarit's Green Sttur dav. The professor is a worker and is continually looking cut for something to improve the Jenuyn schools. A large number ot Old Fellows from Rushbrook lodge, paid a visit to Oly phant lodge last evening. The lodge of Foresters will attend service in the Methodist church ueX' Sunday. Miss bin Sherman, of Wavvrly, was the guest of Mrs. 0. W. Coon Sunday. (ieorge BJmondt, sr., who has been failing in health for some time, suf fered a shock of paralysis Sunday, and now lies unconscious at bis home on i .nth Second street Mr. Edmonds is one of the oldest residents here. ( hatles C. Taylor, of TompkiniVille, was a Jerniyn caller yester lay. Mrs. Thomas Walkey is the guest of Mra J C. E .acock, of Dunmore. Rdph W. Rymer, of Wyoming sem inary, is home for his Easter vacation. Mrs Anthony Carter, of Second street, is ill. Fatal neglect is a little short of suicide. Tho consequences of a neglected cold are too well Knowu tO need repeating. Dr. U'i i .1 1 Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Bold by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. NCRttOPttn AT M INOOKA. badly lacerating that member. A war rant was issued immediately for the arrest of the other two Huns, who were arraigned before Justice O'Hara and held in ifSOO for their appearance at court. FOREST Cltf NOTES. Matter! of General Interest Carefully Gleaned and Cenileneed. Special to thr Si-rnnton Tribuaa. Forest City, Pa.. March 19,Tbs great dramatic cantatata, ''Rebecca," was rendered Saturday evening in the opera house before a large and appre ciative audience. All of those having solo partB and the members ot the chorus did especially good work. To John Luther Morgan, the conductor, a large ami uut of credit must be given Mrs. II. F. Aldricb, the pianist, showed that she was an accomplishe I musician, W. Bryden, sr.. was chair man, and Jonuthau Davis, stage man ager. The Welsh ( 'ontrregational church will realise a handsome sum of money. The next cantata will be e,iven for the Enterprise llote company. Miss Annie Divis and Miss (lertrule Divis, of North Dromley avenue, Bcranton, attended the ca itata "Re hecca," and spent Sunday in this place as the euests of Miss Ada Jennings, on Delaware str-et. They returned to their home today, b ing highly pleased with our town Land Agent MoCormac was in town today. .Miss Maine Budd has been quite ill the past two weeks with au attack of quinsy. Rev. L. P. Lippeni spent tod iy in the city of Bcranton. F. J. Osgood started today for a short sojourn with friends In Windsor, N. Y. The collerlei will resume Vork to morrow. The Bpworth Iigne intends to hold an enjoyable Hilton tomorrow even ing. Among the literary exercises will be nn essay, "Hurry and Worry." by S ttnuel J. Jennings. (jkorgeS. Dunn, the prpnlar O itario and Western station agent at Jerinyn, was among those of the outof town visitors at til cantata Bat Ut day evening. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Brief and Brxz PaiaRraphs Blowa Down Through the Niitch. Clank's Simmit, Pa.. Mareh 19 A teachers' institute was held in No. 1 school building, the 17th nit, which was largely attended by teachers, pu pils and eltigans, Prof. Davis, of Arch bsld, gave a very interesting talk on geography, illustrated by his own trowels. Misses Colaiu and Ball, of Dalton, rendered a duett, accompanied with jjuitars Miss BlISU Mnlauix re cited a beautiful piece. Evengelist Moore failed to put in ap pearance, as previously announced, on account of sickness, but will preach next Saturday evening in Summit M. church, if his health will permit. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at Mrs. Justin's, next Wrduasday after noi n. All are invited. Tim unusually warm weather hai very mnch Increased the bnil ling. In terests. Contractor Schoonover has nine dwelling coursj of construction and contracted for. Andrew rUjirer has sold his furm ad joint nK HHWde home to Mr. Dunlap for $100 pvr acre and will settle at the Summit Mrs 7,.b V oshnrg has so much im proved as to he able to bo moved to her daughter, Mra Letts. Mrs. Bordan Labar is very sick with heart disease. Mrs David Kern is visiting her sister in New York state. The barber will move today into Martin ( trifling's new house. Frank Mayer has his large residence nearly completed and will mive in soon. He has the finest view of the muintains in tho neighborhood. . DOINGS AT DURYEA. Burning of O .-.. & McMurtie's Found ry Othor Item. Special to the SmiafoM IWeua. DlTRYBA, Pa., March 111. Mrs. J J. S.mpson has return. l boma from a viiit with ner parents at Arobbald. Charles Alien and wife have re turned from their trip to tho uiutropo lis. Mr. Herman, of West Plttston, has purchased a lot off F. B. Dills on Main street, and expects to erect a shoo store in the near future, Firei are getting iiumTOUS here. Late Saturday evening the foundry oc cupied by im'.wall & MoMurtrie, near th- William A cilhrry, was burned to the cronnd, tho entire contents being destroyed. Qotwall & UcMurtrle's loss is said to reach over i J, 00 J, on which they carried no insurance. The building belonged to Steven Miller, of Wilkes-Darre. and carried a slight in surance. This makes the third within a little over a week, all of which are thought to be of incendiary origin. . PF.CKVHU POINTERS. Personal and Other Notea I rightly Re Current Tcp'ci of I -it-rest Briettr cord"d and Discussed. Sjrrial to the Scfasfea Tribune. Minooka, Pa., March 19. Marty MoDgan and Pat L itfy returned yester day from Ashley, wh"re they wore pending a few days with friends at tout place. Mr. and Mrs. Thnrlow Colbaugh, of Greenwood, spent Bitordnv and Sun day at tho home of D. C. Evans, of Jlyphant Mr. and Mrs M. .1. Murphy, of S.-ran-ton. called on Minooka friends Sunday. N. II. Brooks, lecturer of Wonder land theater, Wal a culler in town Sun ley. Jamas Callahan, of Usyflsld, is visii- inur relatives in this place. John Bheginskle and two other Polish residents of Greenwood, while out in the wools Sunday cdebrating the Sabbath with guns anil revolvers, mine near losing their lives. Pete Wuloskle, another of the party, was iii the act of firing et a piece of piper which was pinned to a tree, when Bue ginskle grasped the weapon to shoot with it. in 0 itching hold of it he turned it downward as it. discharged, and the ball, which was of a 40 calibre type, entered big thigh a little above the knee, tearing away th flesh ami department now possesses apparatus amounting to $i.443.5U Thirty-five fire plugs are located within the bor ough limiti. sixteen of which belong to the borough and nineteen to private parties mid corporations. I he losi by tire last year amounted 10 139,800.75; insnrauce paid on same, Illi.tl'.'O 75; amonnt of loss over insur ance, p,m oo The membership of the department is as follows: Independent eompany, No. 1, '.'8 members; Neptune, No. 1, 9 member; Electric, No. 4. :(.' mem bers; John IS. Smith, No it. UO mem bers, making a total of 100 volunteer firemen. Of the total number of fires 8 were ins-. I by incendiarism; number of buildings destroyed was 13, while 17 were damaged. Misses Magcria Murphy and Lizzie Crouen spent Sunday with Hyde Park friends, Mr. J. S Knight, of Providenoe, called on Mra T. J. O'Donnell on Sat urday, Dr. J. R. Murphy was called in con sultation to Carbondale yesterday. Miss Kite Dully returnol from New ark Saturday. Rev. A. P. Broderick, of Plains, prenched the sermon at St. Mary'a chnrch Sunday evening. Miss Carrie Lyona, of Great Bend, is visiting friends at this place. It. J. Kirwtn and sister Kitty, of Olyphaiit, pant a few days last week with Miss Kate Clark, of Cheitnut street. Rev. Dr. Pearce, of Elm Park liurch, will lecture at the Methodist Episcopal church on Friday evening Hit suhiict will be "Here and There on Horseback in the Holy Land." Ad mission, for adults, 20 cents; children, 10 cents. There will be a temperance lecture lelivered at the O Id Fellows' hall on Wednesday evening under the nuipices of the Loyal legion. The lecturors will be Tal lie Morgan and Mr Judd. E. F. Altemus is about to "erect a double frame dwelling on Brook street. mm PP.ICEBURG PENCILIINGS. Briof News Notes Carefully Culled and Keo irded. .cnrn'al to the Scranton Tribun. PRIOBBCttO, Pa.. March 10 -The opening exercises of No. 1 achool take place on rnday evening and an elabor ate programme has been arranged for the occasion, the following persons will take part: Song, "America By the Scholars address President of Hoard Instrumental .Music, Mears, i Ibira and Ketrick tinartette, .Mrs l.luyd, Miss Oner, and Professor Lloyd and MeCawley. Song and Chorus M. Walsh Mentation Miss N. Grier Address J. C. Taylor Duet Mrs. U. B. Jones and M, Grier Recitation, "Welcome'' Alice Evans Quartette, Mr. nml Mrs. U. 11. .Tons. M. G. Wal king and Kd Smith. Song By the School. Mr. and Mri. Reese Maddox, Honk in Maddox and Simon Hopkius, all of Hyde Park, were the guesti of Mr. mil Mrs Isaac Davison Sunday. A valuahb- horse, the property of Sauford McConnell, of Dicksou, died the other day. A laru-e dog owned by John Burke of the Boulevard, bit Hugh Bittle in the leg on Saturday, inflicting a serious wound, lhe animal has been killed terse Taylor topics. Dally Budget cf Entertaining- Gossip fiom a Live Reporter. Simcial to the Scranton Tribune. TAYLOR, Pa., March 19.- Susie Mor ns, visited friouds in West 1'itUtou to- lay. ''Old Maid" supper on Thursday night. Prices nioderatoly low. II. J. Daniels ami Anna Gordon pissed Sunday at Wilkes-Barre. hvnn Davis and wife spent Sunday with their daughter at Avuca. lhe directors of the Price library are in session tonight. Among things they will discuss are new rnloi. Tomorrow night (Tuesday ) the Young People i Baptist union, of the Calvary tiaptist church, will give a grand con cert in the church. Tho belt local tai nt will participate. John Evans, our young and talented reciator, took half of the piizs at the likes B.trre eistedfodd on St. Pat ricks Day. Mr. Evans' recitation was 'The Fuvman's Prayer." A Clerical Souinambullat. Dr. Haycock, the eminent Oxford lEug land) divine, would often arise from his bed nt bight, give out bis text, and while sound ush ep deliver on excellent sermon He was frequently watched, but uo amount of pulling, tugging or pinching was suf ficicnt to arouse him fiom bis pvculiur somnambulistic state. An Explanation. Maud Why docs Chnllle Softly always say "1 don t think so for "I think notf Hester iieeaiise, near, t home never thinks. Detroit Free Press. MARCH 20, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of tlirco beantiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "lo liveriiig Christinas Presents" mid "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TPJEUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. und Spruce St. Written Up FpecioAtothi Ssraaloa IWesne PriKVii.i.K, Ph., March 19. Mr and Mrs. Stephen Kimble, of Carbondale, pent Sunday with the latere aleter Mrs. John WhlttO. .1. 1. Darner, or Bcranton, was awarded the contract last Saturday veiling to r -move the old .Methodist Episcopal cnurcli on the back part of the lot John English has broken ground for the erection of a new tenant house on one of his vacant lote on Hickory street. Frank Lnmberton, of Park Place, was a c iller in town on Sunday. Miss Grace King, of Clark's Sum mit, visited over Sunday with her nude, Jacol) I) -pew. Mrs. P. G Harding returned home yesterday aftT visiting with friends st Scranton for the past week John Jiiyne, of Nanlicoke, spent Sunday as the gii"st ol his best friend Presi ling Eld"i- Thorpe, of Honei- dale, preached in the Methodist Epis copal church here last Siiodav morn ing and evening, A F. Kiz.r spent Sun Iny st Kizsr- town. Dynpep.ln nnd Indleeatlon Iii their worst forms are cured by the use or v. r. r. ir you nre netniitated and run down, or If you need it tonic to regain llesbiiinl lost appetite, strength nnd vigor take r. r. 1'., and you will be strong am healthy, ror shattered constitutions and loot manhood P, P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot mnl Potassium) is lhe king of all medicines, P. P. I', is the greatest blood puritler In tne world. 1'or sake by all druggists. OUNMORF. AND VICINITY. Rtport of Chief of Fire Department Other Notes. Sjtrrial to the SbfUnfOS 7i&im. ijun.mi.iiik, I'a , jiiarcn m. -Tbe an nil al report of the chief of the fire de partment recommends important addi tiona end improvements to facilitate the prompt nnd efficient action of the department and speaks of the progress made during tne past vear In way ol protection against conflagration. The IN AND AROUND OLYPHANT. Oar Sptctal Reports!' Bundle of Enter taining Looal Ooaslp. Special to the Scranton TVIoime. Olypiiant. Pa.. March 19 Mrs. and Mra. A. Berry, of Carbondale, returned home today after visiting their son, D. D. Berry, over Sunday. John Crowlev, of Forest City, re turned borne today, after viaiting friends in town over Sunday. An entertainment will be given by the Young Men's Literary and Debat ing society at Father Mathew opera house, on Monday evening, April 2'i. The proceeds will be used to establish a library. Mrs. w. H. Priest la aeriouily ill at her home on Seoond street, Blakely. ouucilmnu 1. h Hobatnan, ot Scranton, circulated among friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. p. W. Feeley were vis itors in Scranton yesterday. the board of health will meet at tho hose rooms tomorrow evening. L. J. Howard, of the Lackawanna tea store, will remove to his father's place on Dunmore street tomorrow. Miss Oln Mtson and brother George speut Saturday visiting friends at Wilkes-Birre and Nsuticok. Misses Sarah McNamara and Winnie Ualligau, of South Scranton, were vis itors in town on Sunday. ' st JJkX MrTPb HOW T Q MAKE mum There are hand reds of young men and young women in thlt country who have splendid ability, but they have never bees' wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity ami wuut to do something tangille (iine to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE, BUSINESS COURSE. SHORTHAND COURSE. p j. W00D Proprietop NEW YFAIt OPENS .1 ANUAKY 1. THE OLD-FASHIONED STYLE of nill trives vou feeling of horror when vou tee it und when you feel it. Like the " blunderbuss of a former decade, it is big end clumsy, but Dot ef fective Iii this century of snllshtenment. vou have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollets. which cure all liver troubles in tho most effective wny. ror Iniligest.il in, Bilious Attack s . Pick and Bilious Head ache, nothing has been found to equal tlcse pills of Dr. Pierce's invention. Mr. Samcel HtKEn, 8r., of So. 1st Niimmtt Aw. PhUkmbwuh, N.J., siiyn: "There is noth ing that can cempsre with ( ir. Pleree's Pfess- nnt Pellets, ns Liver Pills the have done mc more good than any other meilldno I have ever taken." Mu. S. Maker, sk. iOSIC POWDER CO SCRANTON, RA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSIC and KU8H DALK WOKK& Liifllin & Rnnd Powder Co.'i ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fusei for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepaunoChcmical Cc'slligh Explosives JamvH J. Welsh Cielghton, Pa. After Typhoid and Malaria Hood's Sarsaparilla Purified and Built Up the System. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen Two years ago 1 was taken with a very severe iluiesi, beginning with erv llpelal, anil then had typhoid and malsria lever. After 1 Kot p and outof bed 1 thought 1 wal ruied. hut was mistaken. In a short time a humor broke out on my face, at lint Causing the skin to he lough and Itchy and gradually devel oping into 9ores. which spread until My Head Was Covered with them. No one can imagine Low I aulTered with the gloat Itching and burning, l'tesciip tions had no effect. A mend advised me to lake HoodV?Cures Hood's Barssparllla, so 1 concluded to try a hot tie. and I soon luiind a great change in my ton dltlon. The sores began to disappear and 1 was soon entirely eared, My general health has lnv proved and I feel like a new man altogether. I sleep well at night and have uo trace of that Itch ing and burning sensation." Jamcs J Welsu, Crcightoii, Pennsylvania Hood's Pills-mc nil Llvei His. Ullloumesa Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. StO. Dr. Grewer The Phlladelpbli And Ids asaooiate.1 ttsll of LntjlKh and Oer uiitu 1'hyBlciatia.are now permanently located temple Court Building a 1 1 SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON Where thoy niaj- be consulted DAILY AND fcl'NIIAY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot the University cf 1 ennsylyanla, formerly demonstrator of pbyeiology and surgery at the Medico Chlr orglcai College, of Philadelphia. He la also an honorary member of the Medico-Chirur-glcal Aesoclntiou, and was physician and surgeon in chief of the most noted American and (lei man hospitals, comes highly indoreod tv the leading professors of Philadelphia and New Y ork. His many year of hosottal experience en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to eorrertly diagnose slid treat all deformities and diseases with the most flattering success, end bis la h standing in the state will not all w him to accopt any incurable case LOST MAMIottn i;i - mi. i li WEAKNESS Of YCl!N; MKN CUItKD. Jt yon have ooen gayun up oy your physl elan call upon the doctor and lie examined lie cures tne worst case" or Nervous Debility. Fomalii Scrofula. Old Bores ( atnrrh. Piles Weakness. Affections of tho Bar. Evo. Noi and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumbra, Can cel aie nltallon shall tie ronaidered sacred and etrlctly conH dentlal. Iintae Roursi 9 A.M. to 0 1'. SI. Dally. Sunday. O a.m. In a p nt. id Criiiolos of every description. Cm on in Emtllsh nnd Merman Free, which Third National Bank of Scranton. Ktiitcmont Feb, '.'S . 180-1. railed for by in. I'oiiiptioller of the Currency. ltKSOllti IBS, Loans SI, 310,310 OO Overdrnlts II7.:I7 I'nlted Stales llolids 80,(1(1(1. 00 Other itiimis ni.'i,A?a.7A llaol.li. u House SS,OT4.4( rreiniums onii. s. ftonde.... nsa ?a Due Irnni II. S. 'I reasuior 7.(100.00 Due from Huulis 308.41(1.73 Cash 140. (III). .-,4 Mos.aao.oo tlABIMTIM Tapllal S300.00000 Sill ulus 310.000 00 UndlTlileil I'rofllH 06 180 0(1 I'lirulntliin : ooo oo Dlvldeuds Vnpald 334 AO Deposits.' 1,, 1(14. (1(10 A4 Due to Hanks tlll.30O.AO S3, sos.aso.uo WILLIAM CONMKLt, President l ie H. L'ATLIN, Vlre-l'iesldent. William B, PKCJC, Caehlea BIBBQTOBS, William Ceanell, tlnorge II. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Ari-lihald, Hear llnlln, Jr., William T. timltli, Luther Keller. Tills hank offers to depositors every facility warranted by their balances, busi ness aiol responsibility. 8peclal attention given to business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits. KERR & SIEBECKER SPECIAL DRIVES IN Carpetin; 50 pieces Moquette, $1.35 per yard, 100 pieces Velvet, $1.15 per yard, -100 pieces Tapestry Brussels, 65c, 50 pieces Ingrain, 65c, Now $1.00 Now 90c. Now 40c. Now 50 Also a large line of Cotton an J Wool and Cotton I grains at 25c, 35c, and 40c. Other grades reduced proportionately. TI12 best bar gains ever offered by any firm. No old stock. All new spring patterns. Straw Mattings Fresh stock (150 rolls) from $4.00 per roll (40 yards) up to $20.00. 400 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull 4 Co. 205 AND 207 YvYOM KG AYE. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF LU Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE RIOHARDS Mum CO, For tiie Baby yms WEEK we remember the little darlings in the form oi a Nicely Up holstered BABY CARRIAGE, with fine running gear, adjustable parasol, and sold FOR By the way, we show fifty different patterns of Carriages, including the famous 1894 DOWNING SLEEPER COACH, for which we are sole agents. With all purchases amounting to $75 or over we include a 100-piece Dinner Set FREE. Cash or Credit