The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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"Hear yel Hear ye I Hear ye! All per-
ons having further business with tliiscir
cuit court niul court of oyer nml terminer
trill now draw near and give their atten
tion no to be heitrill"
The crier itepped down, and tJe- Judge's
gavel fell thrice with short, sharp raps.
The gtvut trial was about In bet,'in. From
every corner of the apaeioua court room
anxious eyed spectators peered expeelantly
toward the group of Botori, each of whom
was soon to play his part In the life drama
which began as comedy and would prob'
ably end aaa tragedy. Dp iu bii lofty
hi(?h backed chair wit his honor, with gold
rimmed eyeglaraea ami generally dlattar
guished appearance. He leaned over and
made a remark to the aheriff. who nodded
and replied. To the right stood the ilis
trlet uttonif y in conversation with DM us
sedate. He waa u tall, dafk haired man
with sharp eyes nii resolute face. Hack
of this couple was the object toward which
the curious gaze of the throng was ever
directed the prisoner. Those were no
ordinary features which met the curious
(faze of the onlookers to firmly, and that
was no ordinary ligure who sat calmly
surveying the scene with no indicatiou of
tmotiou or even passing interest, a young
man scarcely in his twenties, with the
stature of an Apollo, expressive, cold gray
eyesuud pale cheeks. He was in whispered
conversation with his attorney, a stout
little man with gray hair, after the Wil
kin Micawber style. A ripple of excite
ment passed from mouth to mouth as the
spectators crowded euch other for a better
"What, that boy1'" said one. "Why,
he's hardly out of hie swaddling clothes!"
les," responded his neighbor, "but he
mav be old in crime. 1 don't like his face
,1 t ....... 1 I ' 'PL..
ueiect meiamtest BnauOW 01 temptation
There was a lull i:i the babel of voices.
The jury had tiled in and taken their seats.
For a moment the cloudless face of the de
fendant turned toward the men into whose
custody the law hud intrusted the balance
of his being life, death. He studied each
face earnestly. Then came a brief pause,
succeeded by the reading of the iudiet meut ,
which proceeding was interrupted by the
confusion caused by the ejection of a
drunken loafer from the crowd surround
ing the doors. The reading continued and
was followed by an interval of profound
silence, during which the prosecuting at
torney arose und began his opening ad
dress to the jury. His statement was brief
and concise. He was not a mau of meta
phors. "You will observe, gentlemen," he said
in the course of his remarks, "as we pro
ceed with this trial that the defendant is
guilty )f one of the most heinous and cold
blooded crimes ever recorded in the annals
of the jurisprudence of this county, n
crime committed iu a moment of perfect
sanity, actuated by noboj? of personal re
ward, inspired by uo satisfaction of pri
vate ambition, but resulting rather as the
climax of a controversy so ordinary in its
nature as to hardly cause in the heart of n
reasonable man even a tinge of acrimony,
much less revenge. Fortunately, gentle
man, there if in this case no conflict of
evidence such r.s usually obscures and ren
ders more difficult a trial of this kind.
Forgetful of the consequences of his act,
unconscious of the network of evidence
which he was weaving about himself, but
bent only upou the gratification of his ani
mosity and the fulfillment of his awful
purpose, this man proceeded to h :s bloody
work calmly and with that spirit of cold
ness and unconcern which indicates the
presence of a depraved and criminal na
ture, taking no precautions to conceal his
action or cover his footsteps. So. gentle
men, iu reaching your decision you will be
hampered by no doubts, troubled by no
"We will show you that on the 20th day
of June, 18, one Lawrence Cani-11. the
prisoner at the bar, registered as a guest
at the Holden House, n small hostelry lo
cated in the village of Plymouth, in this
county, having arrived on the eveoing Land, verifying
Intense, active exposition, under circum
stances ho likely to inspire veheiucnco and
hasty action, is it not possible nay, prob
nble that a controversial remark, n satir
ical taunt, a smile, might havo aroused
the emotion of this man to its height, till
enraged beyond control in the climax of
his mental agitation he gave way to wrath
anil exhausted the force of his passion
upon itaobjectf It is true in this case. Kx
cited by the criticism which his fanatical
opinions had elicited from the lips of l)e
Land, the defendant fell upou him and
succeeded either by the aid of H Weapon or
by brute force iu overcoming his victim,
uud having rendered him insensible ho
calml y curried his Inanimate body and d
posited it in the water, whero the swift
current bore ituway. In the nuuioof right
and humanity, the people of tin state call
upon you to punish this atrocious and tat
rible crime thut the blood of an innocrut
man mey be avenged. Their voice is the
voice of u multitude, which urises like n
mighty tumult and clamors thut justice
shall be dispensed, that the punishment
shall lit the crime, and that Lawrence
Canell be made to sutler the full extent of
the luw for the murder of Jumes de Laud
ou the 90th day of Juue, IS.''
The district attorney resumed his seut
amid the deepest silence. He busied him
self with his papers. The defendant had
again turned and was speaking with his
counsel. He smiled calmly as he observed
tho movements of the district nttorney.
The latter presently said, "The first wit
ness for the prosecution will Ik! Bldeon
Banks," The crier's voico rauj out, "Is
Bideon lianks in court?"
A middle aged gentleman, whose prom
iueut features wi re a set of red burusldes,
came from the rear of the room uud mount
ed the witness stand. In answer to the at
torney's questions he said he was clerk
at the Holden House. He recollected dis
tinctly the occurrences upon the night of
the BOth of Juue. He identified the de
fendant and recited the history of tho case
more iu detail, but substantially as the
district attorney had done. Tho cross ex
amination was a prolonged, a clever but
unsuccessful attempt to confuse tho wit
QeSS, and he was dually dismissed.
The next witness sworn was Thomas
Kingsley, the porter. He corroborated the
Statements of the district attorney as to
his know ledge of the all'air. His mauuer
was so aggressive that tho defendant's
counsel had occasion several times duriug
the cross examination torebuko him. "A
prosecution," said the counsel, "is not
necessarily a persecution." Hut the evi
dence remained unaltered.
As the witness left the stand the excite
ment of the spectators demonstrated Itself
by frequent ejaculations and whispered
conversation here and there.
Jotisten Perus, the sherill of the coun
ty, wus next called. He testified thut he
had conducted the examination ut the
Holden House. He was the one, ulso who
found the hat of the missing man. An
argument between the attorneys took
place at this point regarding thuadmis
siou of this evidence.
Jumes King, M. D., a corpulen't gentle
mau, wboae voice reminded one of Schu
bert's "Serenade" in 11 Hat major, took the
stand. He swore thut he was the coroner.
j He had Investigated every feature of the
I casj and was prepared with it whole ar
senal of medical phrases and terms of the
1 1 (anion, The cross examination revealed
i the fact that, whilo this "expert" could
1 detect without difficulty the difference be
j tween the blood corpuscles of a human be
i ing and those of other animals, he could
I not estimuto the specific gravity of the
! pancreatic juice. lie swore thut tho blood
I discovered nt the Holden House was hu
I man blood.
The district attorney conferred with his
associate and then annouueed that tho
' people would rest. Tho court took a recess.
The first witness called by the defense
, was the prisoner himself. After the usual
preliminary questions the counsel asked:
"Do you recollect the night of the 20th
of June last''''
"I do, sir. distinctly."
"When vrere you that night?"
"I left Ilolton City ut " o'clock and ar
rived at the HoUen House iu Plymouth
ut 8 o'clock.''
"State what occurred at the Holden
House after you arrived.''
The witness related what took place up
to the time of his going to bed w ith He
the stutemeuts of the
train. He was assigned a room, and the
small handbag which he carried was taken
to his apartment, according to his direc
tions. He then seated himself in the office
of the hotel and called for stationery,
which was furnished him. After baring
written several li Iters hn arose from his
chair and was about to leave tho room,
when a gentleman entered, and remarking
that ho had just come from tho station
inquired of the clerk if he could secure
lodging. The clerk replied that the last
room had just been secured, whereupon
the defendaut said, 'I wiil share my room
With you. If you don't object.' The gen
tleman expressed his thanks, introduced
himself as James de Land, and having
lighted a cigar and offered the defendunt
one, the two men sat down in the rear of
the office directly within sight and hear
ing of the clerk, who at that time was the
only other occupant of the room.
"The clerk. Mr. Hanks, will tell you
,that after having conversed upon various
t-ubjects the defendant alluded to the po
litical situation and expressed extreme
sentiments in support of his opinions,
which led In mild criticism on the part of
hit new acquaintance. One suggestion
followed another until a heuted discussion
took place. At 11 o'clock the two went to
their room, still engaged in energetic con
versation. Thomus Kingsley, the porter,
will relate to you that, in obedience to or
trs from tho defendant he went with o
pitcher of Ice water to the room occupied
by tho two gentlemen, and that as ho ap
proached he heard sounds of animated ar
gument, together with exclamations of
displeasure, which continued after ho on
tered tho room and so long ns ho was
within hearing, showing that the two men
were in the midst of a controversy. These,
gentlemen, are matters of fact and will be
"We will further show you by other
witnesses that in tho morning He Land
f.'u not appear, nor could ho he found.
Upon being questioned the defendant, per
sisted la declaring that he knew nothing
cf Do Land'sdeparture, doggedly denying
all kuowledgo of his whereabouts.
"Theoccurrence wiisof suoh an unusnal
anturethat it was reported tOliie local mi
thorities, who proecedid to an Investiga
tion. This investigation, gentlemen of tho
jury, resulted in the discovery of some In
teresting fuctB. De Land'H handbag was
found, partially open and covered with
blood, near the bed where he had placed
it on tho previous night. Tho carpet near
tho lied was spntUred with blood, and
clots were upon the pillows end covers.
Furthermore, drops of blood were discov
ered leading from the door of tho room
through the corridor, down n flight of
stairs in the rear of the building and to a
stream which flows past the outhouses.
At this paint was n large pool of blood.
Borne six yards further down tho Stream a
hut, which was identified as that worn by
De Land, was found caught iu some over
bunging shrubs.
"These, gentlemen,' are the principal
facts in this case. Are they not enough?
Is there need of more conclusive proofr
Can there exist a shadow of u doubt In
any rational mind, gentlemen of the jury,
wheu we shall have proved these facts us
to tho guilt of the defendunt? You will be
afforded an opportunity during the course
of these proceedings to observe tho nerv
ous, impulsive temperamentof the defend
ant. His is a nature Biisccptlhlo to the
most imaginative Impressions, capable of
being inflamed by the milde9t expressions
g& opposition or criticism. With such an
Several witnesses were called to testify
to tho previous good reputation of tho nc
cused. The defense closed.
The uddress of the defendant's counsel
was n magnificent effort. Ho employed
tho few resources available with tho sci
ence of a master hand and aroused the ad
miration of his auditors, but It was the
compassion which the energy of one whe
struggles for u lost MUM urouses iu tho
hearts of sympathizers, rather than the
approbation which observers express to
one who prosecutes n meritorious mission.
And so while the defendant's counsel
pleased the earsof the listeners the district
attorney appealed to their judgment. The
eloquence of the one was entertaining; the
argument of the other was effective.
The charge of the court was neutral and
brief. The jury filed out amid oppressive
During the proceedings the prisoner hud j
-....- ,t ,.lul ' ' Ll-k. I
Ilia. I. i.mnii ill. .I'll. li I 1 1 v J J 1 1 1 1 L J ' e ,.iiii n
characterized his demeanor at the tint.
lie displayed now no evidence of anxiety,
and when after 20 minutes hud elapsed
tho 12 men cauie slowly back uud took
their places be showed uo signs uf eveu
passing II. tele f
The clerk of the court arose.
"Gentlemen of the jury, have you agreed
upon your verdict?"
"We have," replied the foreman.
"What suy yon, gentlemeu, is the pris
oner ut the bar guilty or not guilty?"
A murmur of applause came from the
spectators. Thu prisoner smiled.
Two men sat iu the "smoker" of u truin
conversing over their cigars.
"Speaking of adventures of that kind,"
remarked one, "reminds me of uu experi
ence I onco hud. I wus one day culled on
professional business to Kingston, and in
order to reach that city from my home in
the w estern part of tho state I was obliged
to change cars at u small town up the line
called Plymouth. Owing to delays 1 was
compelled to remain over night ut the lat
ter place. Having arrived late, I went im
mediately to the hotel, whero I occupied
a room jointly with a young fellow who
smoked my cigars ami talked anarchy.
After going to bed I suddenly remembered
that having made my toilet hustily before
leaving home I had forgotten my pocket
book. I had used all the change in my
pocket in purchasing a ticket. This wor
ried me. Finally, however, I fell asleep.
Early the following morning I bad an
vere attack of nosebleed. I urose and utt
er dressing left my room and went to the
rear of the building, where was a stream
of water. Here I succeeded in stopping
thu hemorrhage, although 1 lost my hut in
doiug so. It occurred to me that I would
save myself considerable embarrassment
by not Ktnrciug to the hotel, as I had uo
money with which to nettle, my hill, bo
going directly to tho station 1 awaited my
train ai d proceeded to my destination.
Subsequently i inclosed the amount of my
bill ut the hotel and forwarded it to tun
proprietor w ithout expluuutiou. I've of
ten wondered how he regarded the uiuiieu-
The speaker paused, attracted by the pe
culiar expression on his companion's face.
"What the devil's the matter with you,
man? You're puler than a ghost:''
The other's lips trembled a little: "Oh,
nothing. You see, I am the district attor
ney for county. A year ago I prose
cuted and convicted a man for murdering
you. I'm on my way to his execution
now. He swings in, let me see" and he
looked at his watch "2 hours and 20
minutes. I I am glad I met you, sir.''
Jean La Hue Burnett in Komanco.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Is a purely vegetable compound, po-itessing
perfect regulating p iwers owr nil the or
gans of the svatem, and controlling their
ecntions, it also puuties the blood thai,
All blood humors and diseases, from a com
mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore,
oud toil combined witli its unrivalled re
milHtitie;, cleansing and puntyiug influ
ence ou the secretions of thu liver, kidneys sod skin, render it unequalled us a
cure for all discuses of the
other witnesses,
"Had you ever known De Land previous
to this meeting?"
"I had not.''
"Did tho conversation upon political
subjects, which you say you had, continue
n'ttr you reached your room?"
"And when did it stop?"
"As soon as we were In bed."
"About what time was that?"
"Nearly half past 11."
"Statu to tho jury what else, 1f any
thing, occurred after thut."
"That is all I recollect, sir. Iuthentnrn
ing when I awoke De Land was not in the
room. I supposed he had arisen and gone
downstairs, I dressed, and lifter eating
my breakfast prepared to depart."
:'The sheriff met meat tho door and
tcok ine into eustf dy."
"Is this nil you know of the affair?"
"Positively all."
The district attorney smiled complacent
ly, while a murmur of contempt passed
from mouth to mouth. In tho face of these
demonstrations the witness sat unmoved,
with head erect.
The district attorney rose slowly to
cross examine.
"So you were discussing political af
fairs, eh?''
Tho witness assented.
"It was a rather heated argument,
wasn't it?"
"Wo were both very mur-h Interested."
"Ami was it not a fact that you were
both a little well, unsry.'"
"Wo might" 1
"Answer my question!"
"Ym, sir but"
"And didn't De Loud criticise your sen
timents somewhat severely?"
"Ho said that he was surprised that I
should entertain such views, and thnt
when I was older and hud bad more ex
perience I would seu whut a fool I hud
made of myself."
"Is that all ho said?"
"Yes, sir-all."
"Well, now, Canell, when you arose in
tho morning, did you notice any blood
spots on tho carpet, or anywhere iu the
"No, sir 1"
"No, sir, I did not."
"Did you see any blood In tho room at
any time thereafter?"
"When the officers took me to the room,
they pointed out thu spots."
"And Isn't it a fact, s..-, that iu ordei
to leave the room in the morning you were
obliged to puss directly over the place
whero tho blood was?"
"Yes, sir."
"And do you mean to swear that in
walking to tho door you did not seethe
"I do, sir."
Tho counsel glnuced knowingly at the
"Well, now, Canell, from the time you
aroso till the time when you prepared to
depart from the hotel you say you did not
sco De Laud?"
"Yes, sir."
"Id 1 you make any Inquiries concern
ing his when ubouts during that time?"
"I no, sir."
"That is all."
"I have one more question,'' said the
defendant's lawyer, rising. "Is your eye
sight good?"
"No, sir. I bate suffered from ustig
mutism for uuis."
From one to two bottles will euro bolls,
pimple.', blotches, nettle rasb.soruf.tetter,
und all the simple fo'ms of skin disease.
From two to four bottles will cure (.alt
i ileum or ecisma, shingles, erytipala, ul
cers, abscesses, ruuuing sores a id all skiu
eruptions. It ii noticeable thut sufferers
fiom skiu ,
Are nearly always aggravated by intoler
Itching, but this quickly subsides on the
removal of the disease by I!. IJ. li. Pass
ing on to graver yet pievnlent diseases,
such ua scrotulous swellings, humors uud
We have undoubted proof that from three
to six bottles used internally und by out
ward application (diluted if the skin is
brokem to the affected parts, will effect a
cure. The great mission of B. H. U is to
regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and
blood, to correct acidity uud wrong action
of the i-toinaeli, and to open the sluici)
ways of tbosystem to '.curry off nil clogged
and Impure secretions, allowing nature
thus toaid recovery and remove without
Upholstery DeDartmen
William : SisseDbemei
Opposite Euptist Church,
Penn Avenue,
Is replete with fine and
medium Parlor Suits, Fancy
Rockers, Couches and
Lounges for the Holiday
Trade. Prices to Suit all.
Also Bed Room Sets, Din
ing Room and Kitchen Fur
niture. Parlor Suit3 and
Odd Pieces Re-upholstered
in a Substantial manner.
Will ba as good as new.
City Music Store,
Hold lu the Art.
From a historical and political point of
view gold is perhaps the most Interesting
of all the metals. .Since the earliest uges
mankind has had an instinctive attraction
for it. Some years ago a celebrated pro
feasor admitted three little children, who
could only just walk, into a room where
there was a gold bull and a silver ball, each
exactly of the same size, upon the floor.
They all instinctively stretched out their
little hands toward the gold hall, and did
not appear to take the slightest notice of
the other.
"Its peculiar properties and its scurcity
have rendered gold more valuable than
any other metal," says Dr. Thomas Thorn
sou. Hut gold is only valuable on account
of its comparative rarity and some of its
properties, which are exceedingly remark
able, such an its inalterability when kept
exposed to the uir. Its ductility, aud its
malleability. In other respects it U far
less valuable than iron, which, if wo except
aluminium, is the most common nictal of
the earth's strata.
The attempts of the alchemists to con
vert other metals into gold form un inter
esting aud not altogether uniCpiortant
period in the history of the development
of science. This period extends more or
less over twelve centuries, and though
modern chemistry has since been estab
lished on a Brm basis there still exist here
and there in Europe u few persons who
propagate the ideas of the alchemists, und
believe that it is uot only possible to trans
mute metals, but that as chemical science
progresses so will medleal knowledge -
Chambers' Journal.
Several Feasting Custom.
It Is fortunate thut some rules iu relation
to repletion are no louger observed. One
which wus noticed among the Hurous uud
Algonquins of Canada by tho early l'Veneh
missionaries, aud styled by them le festiu
a mauger tout, consisted in observing, as a
religious Custom, u gluttonous obligation
which sometimes ended in the doath of the
bumun hog. Iu observiiucthiscuriouscus
tom, which nil old uccount.s say wus .-ft. ,
attended With much loss uf life, the com
muuicunt was expected to eat every parti
cle of food thut wus set Ix'fore him.
A festival somewhat of thesuiuo nature,
celebrated in "cultured England" during
the reign of ileury IV, and even later, was
called "glutton mass." A less daugerous,
because regulated, custom of repletion was
formerly, according to Urahman tradition,
very prevalent in India. Ucfore corumenc
lug thu carouse, however, the wily Hruh
mans took tho precaution to biud their ab
do mans with bands of straw; thuir modi
lied "glutton mass" was not to eat every
thing iu sight, but only until the straw
bunds should burst. St. Louis Republic.
The Manufacture of Date Glass.
The casting table of a plate glass factory
Is about 90 feet long, 15 feet wide und 7
inches thick. Strips of iron ou each side
afford u bearing for the rollers, and de
termine the thickness of the plate to be
cast. The moltou glass is oured on the
table, and the roller passing from end to
end spreuds the glass to a uniform thick
ness. Tho glass, after cooling rapidly, Is
transferred to the annealing oven, where
It remains several days. When taken out
It is very rough and uneven, und in that
state is Uted for skylights and other pur
poses where strength is desired rather
than transparency. The greater part ol
the glass, however, is ground, Smoothed
und polished. New York Commercial Ad
s ill' ii I't'uple.
Some people BN never comfortable un
less they are muking others uncoiiifortnble.
They do not burst out in electric tlasln s of
wrath uud thunderstorms of passion, but
keep up an Inoeesant djrinleoi mUenpess.
They chill ull their associates and dampen
their spirits and keep on doing so day aft
er day without the relief of au exhilarating
burst of temper or the genial sunshine
that follows a storm. ---New York Ledger.
Where It Pinches.
Ethel Since she has married again Ido
not believe that she deplores the deutu of
her first husband ut ull.
Maud No, but her last husbuuil do:j,
London Punch.
Bad Blood
DKCKKK HK t'l 1 1 Kllfl
hi X 1.1. at ISAUKIt
Liver complaint, biliousness, dvsnensla.
sicl; headache, dropiy, l beumstisU), and
every species of disea aii-iug from dis
ordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels
and blood. We guarantee every bottle of
B, D, li. Should any person be di,stis
tled alter using the Hint bottle, we will re
fund the money on application personally
or by letter. We Will also be clud to send
testimonials aud information orovins the
effects of B. 1!. 15. in the above named di
seases ou appllcat Ion to
FOSTER, M1LBUBN it CO., Buffulo,N. Y.
mi M.. KTO., ETC
Atlantic Refining Co.
X..:.;.! -i mid Dealorsln
and Lubricating
Removes FracSilis, fimritat,
Liver Mi . '!...-.!,
Sjr.hurn and Tc.i. and r
stores tho skin to Its or ijl- jy, -ual
frchiiL'sS, producing afcf.
clear aud h?idthy com-HHBt 51
pirjion. eupenor to an face
preparations ar.d perfei'.ly himloss. At all
urue,;jin! or mailed fo: 50cu. Send for Circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP ' t"rir inwmpvibii
tkin mrllvlDg Su,), un-qnitel for t)0 ttf.K, tiA wltboat a
rivl fuf ti.i uunvTy. Absolutely pum ac.1 CtHcie-al rjedi
rated. At druiilit.. Price 25 CM.
G. C. BITTNER & CO.,To:.oo. O.
For salu by Matthews Bros .Morgan liros.und
Morgan ,t Co.
vTSntMUUC 41
maae a wen
Man of
Linseed Oil, Napthas mid GasO'
lines of all trade. Axle Grease,
I'iuion Urease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a largo lino uf Par
raffina Wax Candies.
Wo also handle tlio Famom CROW'l
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in tho market
Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avj.
Vi orks at Pino UrooS.
Tilt ilKK.T
raoDOcn tub asovi
und rtizc
LiS In BO I9AYH. Cut! nil
Nervous Dti;u Failing Mentor ,
r'ure-'l. Sl.euk.-'nsr, lkMitlv Knii. "
Iimii. ate..caUMd b Dint nbutM. 1YM vIl-
lu larunnn organs, ana ojaicai nut fumy resTon:
I.oti M uiihooit In Old or young. Knlly i.unirU in rati
pM-kt-r Pin.-$i.ou urwfknffe. pit tvi ijia.oov. mi n
n ritlcn siiaruiitt to PUN or ntnnvy rd'untlcd. Don't
lrt iinv umtvinri)leii ilnr-Kit ri--ll vmi any kind ul
ffttffaffOfl. llHHt Jfl III. Mil g IMAP4I (l'MieothlT Tt
Ii" ha-4 nut ia.t it. wo will amd it bv mall upon rrcetpt
of pncoi rajnphlat in Malta tnvolope frot. Addrtti
Orlrntal Medical Co , ' ., HI., or our ornta.
SOLD by Matthe.v-3 Bros., Wholesale ur.u Rc;.,i
Druggists, SCRANTON, PA., and other Lead-
EfiDontio bt Tut HiohkbT Mroicnt. Authoritico
naVaaaBBBaam uBtte vmi mi a
In pocket, roaily to wo on Una indication of c
Continued C EAVcta 1'ermitnent 'n
I n ha I. Fit will cure Ton. A
wonderful boon to Buffercrt
frotnColda, MoreThront,
1 nfinrn.i. II run h I Ma.
or ft AT FKVER. Afar
intmedUittjeUtt. An erarlenl
n many, ranTfnieni t' carry
Pat lffieiUn fciNimnteeJ r money ret under. Price
HO fta Trlitl freo nt DriiiojULs. Hea-Utered mail.
60 touts. H. D. CCSHMIH, Xfr ., Urw Riieri, Hick., U. S. 4.
MrNTUni '1,h' fiuret and safvut remedy for
IT1L.D1 I nUL all akin dlaMCS,Kpaenia.lteb.a!t
ILhenninld Snreo, Hums, Cum. Wonderful rum
rd titrPILEH. Price. 4ft cti. ai lima- n as aa
gla'ta or hy nnill nrepmd. AddreHR an nl.nvi. DALlrl
For Mtli by Matthuwa BrOa,UorgaMl Uivs and
AloiKUti A Co.
ilauufacturcj at the Wspwsllonen Mills, Lu
terns county Pa., nd t WU
uringtou, lifluwiiru.
General Agent fr the Wyoming District.
118 Wyoming Ave.. Scranten P.i
hiid Kational Bank Uutldiu
7IIOS. FOBD, I'lttston. r.
JOHN B SMITH & SON; Plymouth Pa
E. w. MULL1QAN, Wilkes-Bsrre, Pa.
Agents for tho Kepanno Ci,eiuicil Cuiu
lany'b llisli Explosives,
Every Woman
Sometimes Deeds a rtli
able monthly regulating
Vro prompt, SHfo und OSTtSlO In result. Tho crni
' llr. Pesl'sl norer (1lsuK)liit. sent uuywliuiu
1 ,90. i Mil Modlclne Cu , CISTSlSOd, U.
Poi.i by JOHN ft phelps Pbsrmaetil
rornor yoinlng SVenUS iinil BprOOe utroat
Hcruntnii, Pi
Iupcrtetl In THR TRIBUNE at tho
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.
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UA dollar toted ii dottat tamt rf."
This Ladlaa Solid Francli DongolaKId Bwl
ton lluot delivered free UlVWhsrS 111 thfl U.S.(i I
receipt oil 'null, ilonry Order,
or toatal Note fur $1,50.
Kqimla every way tho bootl
lOld lu nil retail aterea foi
$2.60. We mnkfl this boot
onrtclven, therefore we guor1
unites the Jtttitytt and wir.
und it .t- .t-' i noi MUilled
in raiuna me money
baiiothorpalr. Opera
i or Connnoti Bene,
ridtbi c, 1. B, ft BB,
M l to s mui hall
zos. Si ft'l VOHttlttf
Ku't iert (W yu.
VSs. llfuatratetl
Dexter Shoe K
iSjiecnil IffMI to ffttUtrit
ai nnn nnicnu i-in M"frri
I MnuloHen-.-
I Odv. wrier Hiiarnnt7.'l liy .".UKi ra .1.
IPiwiIire iro-l .inl UHi ihh book, ilhMtntsS Innn I
litWtYein ptoplttQISd fnD) Mil Whfr Ili'lSprlnp I
nil Herein. (ail, Our Manic Romfldy "ill I
'lire. I'CIIS llFJim i ll . I hlenro. III.
A Har.clsomo Ccmpicxion
bone of the greatest charms a woman eau
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Tim iirpnt n'mody fur nerrnns prOftrstlotl nnit nil nprvousillsenncs of
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Inn or lAyjt iMnuhoiKl, Impoionry, KLsfatly Kmlsrions, Youthful Krrors,
iti'inul Worry, oxoynslvo us ot Tuliftcr o vr lipluni , wliii-U k'mt to Ton.
riiiiiptioti ami lnsnnlty. V 1 t.ti every ISfi order wo site u written BBSS.
nnti'o loeure rir rel.iiiil tin' num. , . ,-.. , ? s 1 ,o I . . ; l ui.' j
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lor ...i
l,., si,. , HAUtU
Oil f
i f W I
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ill. filA I
llif y
Tii (lie snij) of the shears,
The bondholder bears
Tlie suiiiiil of Lis money euhancing;
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And clip every day
Toget Bomelhing that's quite as entrancing.
Toy Gm Do itl
dust to think of the delights of a trip all over our own country,
from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico!
I'.ciiiSf abl to do it in easy stages, at
TEN CENTS "a stage." includ
iwr the services of a guide! Yet,
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H3? P 1 Idealistic Pictures from ever part of
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The incomparable world-famed travebr and lecturer, PROF. GEO.
Rt CRO.VIWELLi i3 the guidei Journalistis enterprisa h ths conductor
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From Alaska to lire Gulf of Mexico.
will lie publlsViail i:t weeklv serl
fully wortii 1 50), uud will emt
Our Own Land.
the whoU edited by Prof, U U. Cromwell. Eiob urlea will
bundiome covers
encloiol iu
1 lie rnpltot, Viiililngton
Th t mulllottt Himtuii
Printing llotiMi lnnrt'. NrM Vorh
Nfven in in, iicciiitf rut , CoIofAilOe
Clicttntie Mr " t i hlintluiuhlH.
VetloWtltOUQ Tails. Wi nin in;.
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CantrAl r.uK. Mlnnvapolln
Amlllortam Hntol (iiicn;o.
Lot'gKnull Rap III. Ht Lawrvnoc nivr.
Iiiiilv t it ti it-. nit Lwko ' ity.
Ulttuiitnln HoiinCi rctttitii Burlnsii Pa
Wtthhtiiptoii Monument, Bttltlniorai
II rnn KltOS I :tl 1, N i uic.tfii.
Cits n Icloi la, II, C
Mtkil, AlutkA.
Eacli Series Lasts bat 0113 Week. Sea That You Get Them All.
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tKOtMtTeuM ortobMOOj optutn or itnttlnUi wnloh iwa to uflrmltf , 0op
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t'EFOREANOAFTtnusiKG.nootbur. Addra NteicvK mkkim'o.. autooja tamplo. cuicAOo.aL.
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1 MARCH 20 1
s This Coupon, with two like it, but of different
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