6 THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 20. 1894. inai LIVE NEWS OF ill TWO PITTSTONS Thk BORANTON Tkiiione'm ritNtnn de railment is in chMga of J. IL Faby, to whom news itoma anil oomplainbi tuay he referred. TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. A Livsly Session but AU Cam Out With out SOf itch. Tlie town council met in special sei eion in (he t.wn ii .11 last evening. The mestiug wu called to order by Chair man Mangan M B 80 o'clock. Tberu were present Messrs, Kennedy, Ma looey, Clifford, Tigue, Hennigan, Kearney, Doonelly, Mangan an 1 Lynolt .Mr. Kelley, of Boatb Main street, appenre l before the oounotl and naked what disposition the soauoil Inteulel to make of her oue, It beioit damages Keke I tor i y reason of a washout to tbe coinplaiuaut'a property last full O i motion committee was empowered to confer in conjunction wltn tna borongh solicitor and adjust the difference. Mr Bark, of Swallow street, asked payment m the mini of 1 7 for team hire, which ha waa compelled to engage, of Will' i in Simmons. It was granted K ' bert Smiles, of Willi an street, aiked information over the delayed report of the appraisers appointed last fill to appraiae the Waddell property on Willi un atreet The matter w r ferred to the bnrgesi for aetlon, street Commissioner Joyce co'ii-1 pi uned of a nnuance in Progtown Councilman Tigne olj icted to the com- plaint ou the ground tbatttwaaao trivial ttiat thu burgess should ;jive it the naoeaaary attentiou and not the council. A lively tilt at this point en aned between Councilman Kearney and Donnell, tht Utter accusing the former of conduct unb. o uning a geutlemau iu attMckia a public official the burgeai - -in im absentia, By a point well ta ken Mr, Hennigan succeeded iu con vincing CUairman Manttan that the gentlemen were out of order, Mr. Heunigan complained of a nuis ance existing between Canter an 1 !sf.trlo street', in the ship of a bid ewer age. Mr. Tigue offered an intend ment to the compl nut to the . ff ot that the entire COOUCll ou the first .dm 1 iv iu April to and view the plaoe referred to. If, J. Brennan, of Stark street, eom pl dned of a similar nuisance ami asksd the council to inreatigata it. The committer on tax .'sonerations priit'd their report It w is the sig nal for a lively debate ov-r how the work of exoneration should b. con ducted. Messrs Ksarney, CiitF.r I, Tigne, Hennigan ami Chairman Man Kan participated in the debate, and for a time the proj'ctsof several knock out were eagerly expected by tlie oa lookers. The tn itter w is finally disposed of by the s-jv-ral fc-ipts b'inir read aaperately and voted upou by the en tire council . Amoug the x oneratione xh-d for wa that of th- Alpine Knitting mil!, artrniiitinz to :il 50. It caused considerable discussion among several of the members, among whom w.is Mr. TigUv, who contented the company wis far better able to pay their uses than several others in the town, partlcul irly the works of J. A. T luhill on North Main s.rer. The question was laid on the table for con s', leration at the nxt mwtinj. Mr. Kearney made a motion, which eras carried, that the burgaaa he em powared to employ an engineer to make a map of the borough. Mr. Hennigan called the attention of tbe council to the fire alarm eong which has been performing hih jinks of late. On motion the Secretary wa instructed to no'ify the Gimewell company to remove it John Eicholtzer, of the Junction, was granted permission to complete lm un finished barn ou con lition that lie rak- H'icb eoneessions as the committee a.ik of her. T. F. Burke, of the Junction, was granted a permit to erect a double frame dwelling on North Main str" t Moses Coolbaujh asked a permit to er'Ct en addition to his store. It was reTerrtd to tbe fire committee. i'r James O'Malley presented a bill for $50 damages cms I to his carriage. Ti e election or a j suitress for the ensuing year was taken up. but was voted down by a vot of 5 to 4. 'lae payment oT bills was next taken np and vss under .liscuision at the closing of this letter. The BUMS is the source ot health. Keep it pure by taking flood's S-srsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself, and superior in strength, economy ami medicinal m-nt. ROOD'S 1'il.r.s are purely vegetable, care fully prepared fr..m the best Ingredients. Twenty five cents. ANDRtW B05CHER MURDERED. I cd7 PUc'd oi ths D. an! H Traces to Hldo 'he Crime. Andrew Hosch'T, a Poleuder, who coti Inets a boarding house at Srnith ville located between Av. ca and this place, waa fonnd lata Saturday night with his head crnshed in and his body lyin;: across the Delaware and Hu lson railroad tracks about a quarter of a mile from bis horn-. Tom diicovery was made by the en:finDer of a freight train who wonld have passsd over the body, thereby concealing all evidenc of n crime having bean committed, bad it. not been that he was successful In brinaing the engine to a atop before striking the hody. An alarm was promptly given and in a short time several persons gaf.h'ir,id to the spot among whom were several of Boshar's friends. Tt.e body was picked up and moved to one side when to their astonishment of ail the supposed dead man bcayedasigh, lie was not dead as an examination proved but mortally wounded and D0 conseloua His nppearace indicated tnat he made a violent struggle for his life with Ine aiis til nuts but the uo of the deadly blackjack, which was un doubtedly the wnpon vsed, did its work Weil. Tbe unfortnnato man ws taken to bis home whor an examlnn tloo disclosed b" could not survive, his sknll being crushed in. He lingered nnlil 4 o'clock .Sunday morning when do died. Acting on the advice of '.'oroner Trimmer, Dr. Ilireh performed M au to;;HV and found the man bad died of contusion of the brain caused by a frsctnrnd skull. The blow which caused death bad evidently been given with a club or Iuvy blunt in- itrnment An Inquast wns in-id bv Justice of the Peace Henry Zieler, who empan eled the following jury: James Hookta, Joseph Josephs, (. H. Uenedict, Anthony Witrich, Joins Clif ford and Samuel Jogephs, County Detective Whslon has takn charge of the case and is in hopes of fastening the crime upon two younir fellows of the neighborhood who have since suddenly disappeared. The motive of the murder is supposed to be with a view of receiving a large Miiouut of money which it ia said Uoscher carried about him There are mauy who think differently, as Bosouer bud but a few dollars iu his pockots, and a watch and chain, nil of which were uuumched. Thsre are oth ers who thick that lioscher kuew some thing of the murder of Kohl, of Plains, and that tbe murderers of the latter deemed it wise to get Boscher out of thu way. Poison Proof .luimiiii, Neither differences of organisation In antmala nor in the constitution of the poisonous substance generally afford any clew forintarpn ting an exceptional want of effect. Unaccountable Is the immunity of rabbits against belladonna leaves (Atropa bolladonnai deadly nightshade). You may teed them i; h belladonna tor weeks with out observing the least lo.xic symptoms. The meat Of such animals, however, proves poisonous to any one who eats it, produo log the same s mptoins as the plant Pigeons and carious other herbivoro arc slso to some degree safe from the effects ot this poison, w bile iu warm blooded cariuv era it causes paralysis and asphyxia. In frogs the effect la a different one, consist ing ot spasms. The incut of goats which had fed on hemlock lias sometimes occa sioned poisonous effects, Chickens aro nearly hardy against mix vomica and im extremely dangerous alkaloid) strychnine, contained In it, while in the smallest amount it is a fatal poison to rodents. More remarkable yet In this respect is the immunity of Choloepus Hoffmann!, a kind of sloth living on the island ot Cej Ion, winch, when giveu ten grains of strychnine, was not much affected Pig eona arc possessed ot high immunity from morphine, tho chief alkaloid of opium, as well as from belladonna. Bight grains were rcQUired to kill n pigeon, not nfuch less than the mortal dose for n man. Cats are extremel sensitive to foxglove (Dig! talis purpurea), which ou the contrary may be given to rabbits and various birds in pretty uurgc doses, w Bernhardt iu Popular Science. HURT IN THE MINES. Bernard McDonnell Raoelvas Painful Ii Juries While at Work. Bernard McDouuell, of SebaHtnpool, aged IU years, and i uiployed in No. 5 Bhaft af the l'entiriylvaniit Coal com pany, was .severely injured yesterday while at work by being squeez-jd be tween a trip of cars. His injuries consist of a fracture of the thigh bone. He was taken to the bi spital for treatment, . .- l'n.tk. Contaat DreUled. The badge content which has been on for some time between Hurt Sutler and William Webber, of the llluok Diamond Hook and Ladder company, was decided lnet evening. Mr. Butter tur I in ifl.'io :.o while Mr. Webber had $118. Mi. Webber was thorefore awarded the badge. Ham: need Dr, Thomas' BScleotrio OU for croup and colds, and declare it a pusitive cure. Contributed by Win. Kay, ToU l'iy uieuth avenue, bnffalO, N. V. tt'luai Tialiy as slelr, we pave her Cantorla, Whi n sliu was a I laid, she cried lor i'astorla. When she became ie.s. she clung to Csstorls, When she ha.i Chlidfen, she gave them v'uslurta. Beecham's pills are foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, nek head ache; bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills' 25c. At drugstores, or write B.F.Allen Co.365 Canal St., New York. RICK a Mi-.iii Car, "TJpin Wisconsin, when I was assisting J. M. Whitman to raise the Chicago, St, Fault Minneapolis al"' Omaha out of tho mud aud makea railroad of It," remarked the gentleman, "wo had a piece of several miles of the crookodest track on oarth, It w ;ls bad urado, bad curve, bad track and all bod. One day a freight tram started from Hudson for Enu Claire with foriy even cam. When it reached Ban Claire tbe conductor bad onlj forty-six cam. His Way bil'.s called for forty-seven cars, and he remembered starting out with the Iden tical car which waa missing. Mo ear had beeu switched, and the affair was mysteri ous. suspended the conductor and his crew, uud telegraphed to every agent ou the line to trace the car. "Two days later 1 received a reply from an agent ne ar the worst curve. Ho had found the. car lying iu the ditch by the track. In running over the bail track ul huh ieisl the train bad broken iu two ami the missing ear ha.1 jumped the lia.'k aad rolled down the embankment. Theu the rear section had Overtaken the tirsl sec tiua aud Dumped mto it With j ust jar enough to force ill place a coupling pin which had remained up when the tram broke. Thu tram was tlau cuupled again, and the car w:ls never missed until the train was ch eked up at the receiving station."--Chicago Herald. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. lim ine secured iti BROKING FOItOE ol Niiii. -in Biume .v s n fur a permanent bust ness si. in, 1. 1 shall rondnut BilentlOo una Pathologieal Hhoe eg lev the rievenii.iit, hv liel sndCuiAof Lsueness end other impeih in. aits in the movenieuts 1 1 Horses Ineldontsl or due to bnperfeei shoeing 1 shall m vuthe werk my persons! sttentt n end euarantee no extra oaargo, except tor Immovemi at Lame ness, etv. , w ill i.uttcr.te.i sfternoons a fro ittnie 11111I Monday ti. proiesuousl edvk iu . to - 1 M. given every Be tVould Travel. Once in a while one sees iu SO me New England village pcsjple who have scarcely set foot outside the narrow limits of their own township in the course of their lives. These people, even in their most wide aw uke and v uorous years, have a way of measuring the outside world by their own simple standards which Is quite refreshing. "What sliuuiil you do if you hud money, William?'' inquired one of the sroup gath ered around the big fireplace in the little inn or tavern at Hilltow u of thu tavern k per, who was counted a man of wide experience, and wisdom by his friends. "The first thing I should do,'' said Will iam judicially, "is what 1 would advise any oau to do; tlx up my home a bit, make a few improvements In the old place, and then," impressively, ' then I should travel. " V s," he added, with an air as of one already started ou his journeying, "I should certainly travel. I should go to Keene, which, as some of you know, is up ward of thirty miles from here!" Here a silence, born or the mere sugges tion of such a mighty undertaking, fell on the group around the fin, Youth's Com panion Making Soap n the Frontiers Iu garrison the head of our household was almost inconsolable without soup. Ox tail soup was, of course, easy to have w hen the beef was killed daily at a post; but 11 It tailed t ije following dialogue l- tween tbe master and the cook took placet "Where's my soup?" like some small boy demanding supper. Eliza (with maternal look and protest ing) Ginnel, what juu s'poso I'se gwinc to make soup off I uin't got nothing. "Co out and get some stones and boil t!e iii u,i with Something; only I want soup." Exit Disa perplexed, but set to thinking how to concoct something out of nothing. Mrs. Custer's Uook. Ken 1 Be f"r Balling Vessels. Tiiciiivii the sailing vessel has gone out of fashion with travelers, it still has its uses aud its peculiar excellences. As a health restorer it certain!) surpasses the steamer, on which the passenger is hardly at sea in the fullest sense, since the steam engines, the sight and smell of smoke, the stairways, the carpets and the oasj chairs continually take the senses ha It to the land. Lately the use of tbe soiling vi isel as a means of bringing back health 10 certain Classes of invalids, and particularly to con sumptives, has become a regular system in England, and it- results have been sub mitted to I borough and statistical study. Youth '. Companion, An Opportunity. The following extraordinary advertise mcnt appeared recently in a West Const paper, Its good faith there g no doubt in.', and therein lies t he f.iin. "I want, to let my fiirni died House shout able for Legations or any other man. And if it do- not. shoot, the Legation, oan shoot himself elsewhere, Apply to ." Pane ma star and i' - " ttucklnn' Amies Ss.lv. The best snlvn In th world for Tuts Bruises. Horns, Ulcors, Hslt Khsiiin, Fsver Sores, TotUr. Chapped Hands, ehllblslns. Corneal I nil Skin Eruptions, uud posi tively rums I'des, or no pay required. It is gimruuteed to givn perfect HHtisIactlou or monoy refunded, l'rloe, 'JH cents per box. For sale bv Msttbews Uros. 1 Bomi remarkable cures of deafnsss ars recorded of iJr. Thomas' BclsCtTtC Oil. Novor fulls lo cure headache. s Crlt'dsliiK a Young- l.nily. "She would DO a pretty girl for but ono thing." "What's that?" asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with purple and red blotChsS, Charley- Oh, that's easily enough dis. DohuiI of. Usi-d to lm thu sumo way my Keif, but I caught on to the troublo one day, and got rid of it iu no time. Ueorge What was it? t barley -Himplv blood eruptions. Took a short course of I. P. I'. I tell you, it's llin boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could hoar him ho'ler cioar nrross the country every time he moved. Ho tiied it, and you know whnt 1111 athletic old sent hu is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a poiuter, kIip would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it- JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. Hotel Waverly European Phin. Kir-t class liar sttiotin.1 Depot for Bsrgoer & Engei's Tauuhteusor beer K, I Cof, 15th end H Sts., PhiladL Mot drhlrabl for rwridtDtf of N K. Toun" ijlvuila All cofivviiittuctti lot intvcleit v Riui from Brond Btreot ttiti a uud tba Twrtfth Ami Uftrkat strvt ntntion. h kiruMu for lititltig BorAntoDlam uud l - - lib ill tUu AntUruclto U.: T. J. VICTORY, PF.OPRItTOR. MT, PLEASANT DRAIN TILE, F R.ONT, VVIRK CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICE: Binghamton, N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt, Pa. AT RETAIU Pcnlof the test qnality for dottiestlo UMO.aud cf nil elgaa delivered iu nuj part ot tho city st lowest price. Uiciern left st my oftVs. M. IIS. WYOMINO AVE VCR, Rnr room. tri floor. Thir l Nations' Bank, or Pent by mail or tol-phouo to tho urine, wul receive prompt attention. Bpeda) coiitraets will be mnde for tho aale ml delivery of buckwheat Coal. YOUR Your boy. Yon hope he's going to be a great man. Yon have to form his character, but thats not enough. Frederick the Great. Something ALL great men have bad. Your boy can't be great without it. Your boy will D9 a man some day. Will he be an insig nificant or a great man? That depends on the chance you give him. You hope he'll succeed. It lies with you as to whether he will or not. You may not think so. You may think you can't do much with him. hard to handle. He's obstinate, perhaps WM. T. SMITH. k and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. ANNUAL mm A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Si j j Thousands Remnants of lry Goods. Clonks nnd Fur Capes during sali' at i-s than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever Bhown. Lailios' Felt Hata, this season's stylos 100. each. Uovr' Winter Waists 100 each. iMuffs 30c. eHch. Clonks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. How to educate him. Let him read and choose his own career. You think education costs too much. The very best education The best edition. Only li days more. Call and examine. Ihlok, act. A. B. BROWN'S BEE DIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Auction! Auction! AT Bargain Stores 133 Pen 11 Avenue. COMMENCING "MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sijrn Ned Flag. Well, these are points he'll have to overcome, more or less. However, his character is, to a certain extent, unchangeable You can only modify, not radically change, his faults. The father of Frederick the Great thought his boy was a blockhead up to tho tiun h3 wa3 16 years of age, but he didn't stop educating him. There's one thing that all great men have had, as boys, as young men. They have had it given to them or they have given it to themselves. Had they never had it they would never have become great. They have had education. Your boy cannot possibly be anything, become any thing, without knowing. The more he knows the bet ter he'll be. Knowledge is power, riches, fame. You want to do your duty by him? Give him a chance. Teach him or let him teach himself. Give him education. "Without books God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in Cimmerian darkness." If you give him books he will soon chose for himself the subject in which he i3 most interested, which he can most easily study. This study i3 the one he is most fitted to pursue, tho one in which he will make the most success. It is natural that it should be so. You think: ''Books, ah yes. how many hundreds of dol lars will I have to spendbefore he discovers what he is best fitted for?" True, but there's another way. Invest $4.50 and give your boy the advantage of that greatest of all refer ence libraries, the Encyclopedia Britannica. It will place him on a par with the college graduate. THE TRIBUNE EDITION is the best and latest edition of this great work, with all its wealth of information and education revised to the present time. You have but 1 1 days in which to secure this great work at $1.98 per volume and on easy terms of pay ment. You will find the Encyclopadia Store at 437 SPRUCE STREET. Open during the day and evening during these 11 days. You certainly ought to think it over, think you will act. We know if you T THIN E E, B, DEPARTMENT ruce LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERINd SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. LIMB. BIT. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices nd ee th furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS. Appollo and Uauz Door Runge. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON. PA. licmth If. 1. Tribune, MM 1 1 SI'S. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 81. Phi flrrtofflcUd innounccment of World's Fair di plomat! on flour has been iniule A medal hai Ihh'ii awarded by thai World's Fair judire to the flour manu factured by the Washburn. Croaby Co, In the great Washburn Flour Mill. Minneapolis. The committee report the flour ftronpc and pure, and cntitlii it to rank a flnt-elftM patent Hour for Imuily aud halters' use.'' MEGARGEL & CONNELL W ROLKi LK AOKKT AND GOLD MEDAL 5 Stay V SUPERLATIVE The above brands of flour can ha had at any of the following merchants, who will accept This TlUlDNI FLOCR COUPON o.' ','5 on ouch one hundred pounda of flour or 30 on each barrel of flour. Wanhlngton avenuo I Taylnr-JudKO Up . WM moubi; AlDerion Durrea Lawrence Store IV, Hold Modal. Muotie- Jehu MoOmdlo, Uuld Modal fcrnnton F. P. Prlco, (lold Modll Urand I Dunmuro-F. P. Price, Oeld Modal Brand IHiiiiuoro-r U Mauler. Siiiorlatlvo Urau 1 llydo Park Cariuo ft Davis. Wabburn St. (lold Modal Brand; J, soph A Moars. Main avonuo. Superlative Hrand. Orcou ltldffu A L.Spoucer.Oold Modal Uraud. J. T. Mellale, Supwlatlvo. Providence Kenner ft Cbatipoll. N Maiu nve uue. Superlative Urand;.'. J Uillo.plo, W. Market troot. Oold Medjl Urand. Dlynbaut Jaiaoa Jordan, Buperluth Braud. PeekvIPe-Shatter K1t Suporlatlvs. Joriuyn C, I) Winters Oo Supoialativo Archuald Jones, S mps,n Og Uold Medal. Carbondals-R S Clark, Uold Medal Brand. Ilotiosdale- I N Foster ft Co Holt M. I i Miuooka- M U. Lnvollo. Pittol.,1, M W O'Hovle. tloll Modal. C'liirks Grcsu -Fraco & Piirkwr, Superlative. Clnrk's summit-P. M. Youni!. Oolil Medal. Dalton -S. E. Finn ft Son, Uold Modal Brand. Nlcnoujon '. k. iiiirdimt. ,u,rlv-M. W, Bliss ft Son, Uold Modal FactervvUlo Charles Oardner, (told Medal nqpbottetn N- M Finn ft Son, Qold Medal, Tobvlianna T ibyhaiina ft Loblith Lumbs n Co.. Uold Medal Brand U.. uldsbt.ro K A. Adams. Uold Melal Brand, Moscow Uaice ft Clomenta, Uold Medal Lake Arlrl Jatnos A Bortroe. Uold Medal. ForvstClty J L. Morgan ft Cu, Qold Medal