THE SCRANTON TBIB UNE TUESDAY MOB N IN Or, MARCH 'JO. yilllillli!llliilllll!ligi!illilliiiiiiu fPipe I f Valves j ! Fittings I s THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO s niiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiigiiiiiiiiiiiaifiiitiiiiiR Dp VOL WAN 1 A IM cl W NECK BAND OQ vonr old shirt V. do it. Lackawanna Laundry JC8 Fenn Av-. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE i20 Wyoming Avenue New Goods In " anss VAA afMUUWl I I l I Lin iMiin J L X Cuu . j jj 415 Lacka. Avenue Carpets, Wall Papers, Vindow Shades, Draperies Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '27 Wyoming Ava CITY .NOTES. I E UNOER CONTRfiCT FENDERS MUST APPERR SIXTY IEW HHIHHICHN II I I II I I i 1 I ) II I 1 I 1 I I J : lllUilllU " 1111UU11 Piy your gis bills today and sara the discount. Th Easrsr choir of th Pann A7enue biptis: chnrch, will rnee: this for rehearsal The Adonis Dancing cUus will hoU its Eastar social at Excelsior hail Monday evening next. The sale of suata for Mr. an 1 Mr. Ken dall will open at tho A -ademy box offi.:e this morning. Chec will b-j given out a: 7. a. m. The Associated '.'hantiea yesterilay turned over to the mayor's fund IliuO, the same to be devoted to tnp'.oying laborers on the public parte s of the city. Contractor O'Hira bgan yesterday morning the work- .if rip-rapping the Nay Aug avennn approach to the Albright avenue bridge. All memoer of the First W riab Baptist Sunday chojl,of Providence.are r-fjuesteil to meet at the vsatry room next Thurs lav at 1 o clock sharp to attend the fjneral of Benjamia Beese. A telegram was received in this city yes terday from Protho notary freen, of the supreme conrt, aninunciag that no decw ions were handed down in Lackawanna county c.ises yter lay. Michael Salerno, special police r.ttlcer in thiscity, has received the sail intelligence that bis father. .John A. Salerno, died on March 7, at Pitins, Italy. The dond man is aurvived by three sons. A rocking main in which Crbondal, Arr.hoald and Jnnmore sporta and thlr hirda pnrticlpated, occurred Dear Btrd'l Eye pond ftunday The Dromon birds had a complete walkover. The North Etd Christian Endeavor union will bold a meeting in the Welsh Congregational church tonight. All are invited to tw preserit a id tn'tspart. TIm subject will be "Christ, tlm JTrue Vine," found in John xv, K. Member of the Young Women's Chris tian association are requested to make n special effort to attend the assembly in the room ton ;ht at I o'clock. Interesting fact concerning the work will Ut given end the gathering will lieplmiaantatcially. ""be Ijickawanua Iron nnd Htoel rom ta y yesterdsy granted th-s Hcranton T ruction company lermlssion to erect two 4Vfoot poles in the company' tuait fur nace yard n'.ar the Cedar uvonue bridge. They will replace poles that are at pres ent lapponoJ by the "!ar awnue bridge. The second annual reception to th-ir parent and friends by the boys' gymna liOB class of the Yinm; Men'a (.'hristian association will he held in the gymnasium Saturday nfternoon from to o'clock. Exerciaei and Easter games will Mi given from 3 to 5 o'clock. At 6 o'clock refresh ment will be served. Secretnry Maliy's Young Men's Christian association Bible Trulnlng clasiwlll moot thin evening at H'o'clock in the directors' room. The last number of tli'i Young Men's Christian association entertainment course will be given by the Old Homestead quartette, formerly with DenOMU Thomp son, Friday eveniog. March BV, Miss Alien Girardeau, elocutionist, will be one of the entertainers. Eleven new case of measles, two of diphtheria and two of acnrlel fever, were reported to the board of health yesterday. One of the cutes of diphtheria, that of n little girl at 617 Delaware street, la of n maligiiuut type, and the Attending phyl -ciannas little hopes of the child's recov ery. Tho cases of moasles reported are all on the WestBldu. United State Cotmnissioner Colburii re ceived Information yesterday to the effect that Judge Bufflngton bad granted a rulo to show cause why a new trial should dot be granted In the case of Leonard and Mnlherln against the Equity Improve ment company, of Westchester. V'a., which was tried here' on the question of Jurisdiction nt the last term of the United States circuit court. Manager Aaron Misley, of Iii3 Scranton LM Coiupiny, Arrested. THE CHARGE HMDS AGAINST HIM It Is Said That Ho Brought Untklllod Laborers to This City Uiulei- Con tract -Hearing Before United States Commissioner Colborn Yesterday Afternoon -Mosley Lriters Bail to Appear at District Court. Aaron Motley, general mnagr of tlie SorantOQ btoa Curtain MaautM tunuif OOtnpUJT, was yesterday after -noon glwu a hearing before Tutted States (.'omuiissumer A. J. Cjlborn, oi tho charge of having violated the pro visions of the contract labor law by transporting help from England, lit whs held tor appearatioe before the United States district court, J. M Kotnuiorer btoontlng bis bondsuitu lu the sum of 1,000 The arreet was male bv I'oiteil State Marshall John W Walker and Deteetlve AnMonjr BomIoq, mi i the case for the government ws conduct ed ut the hearing bv United States, DUtriot Attorney Hsriy A U ill. dis trict attorney for tbe westaru district of Poonijrlvnnia, assisted by Attorney Oforue M Watson, of this city Ju lge Alfred lUuJ was the defendant counsel, Ta history of the case dates luck to over u year ago, when Harry Warren. who erne over from England to work for tho lac i company, entered com plaint agulust .Mr Mosley. claiming mat he was Violating the contrtct la bor law A warrant was issued bat never servo I. investigation OODVlDOlng the authorities there wjs nothing in trie cuse A short tun I ago, how-r EJgar Gonld who came over in 1809 returned to ICngUud and made com plaint to the Urltisa consul, who re tetrad thv matter to the proper autltor itiis at Washington, through wiiose efforts the arrfst of Mr. Mosley was dually brought abjut. KVIDKXCI IS Tilt: CASK The brsc witness sworn at the pie- initusrv ex nation vesterlav auer- ucou was Henry Hudson, who came from Eagland last May He Itatlfiad to the agreement he had male with a Mr Asnnrst to cotue here au.l work m the isce factory. His pissago was pal 1 for himself and family and he had airee l lo the dednctioa of $1 a week f: cm his wages Until the same should be paid back. His task was looking afier the boys who place the bobbin (r iui-.'S in the earn iges. It is not a difficult t.isk, be said, as any ouj could leurn to do it in a short time. He is uot a skilled workman, but his wife's rvices are of that character. Other witnesses wereHrry Warren, Altrsd Hnnt. Thoma Kink. Alfred Beach. Sidney Smith, Allan Knappu, Frederick Merriman, Rilsul Kirtbaw, John Sherwooi, Mrs Sidney Smith and Mrs. Elgiir Gould, all of whom, with the exemption of Sherwool, who haschareeof the books of tbe com pany, cams over from Eagland to work at tbe lace fsctory. There was bat little variation ia their testimony, ail being skilled laborers and their impor tation therefor jastiMtble uaier the Uw. Mrs Ghrald, however, testified that her hastian 1 is a bk-r by trade, while she is a lace men ler. He had been iren employment as a laborer In the bleaching dspirtment, bat is now in England. It was ha who complained to tue British consul. WIVES WERE SKILLED EMPLOYES. Tiie various witnesses all testiflid to tbe m iking of contracts in Ealan 1 for employment hare. S una ra i le ar rangements with Asharst, some wit i Mr Mosl.'V n i soma with Mr. Woot- en. bnt s all W9re skilled laborers ex- ' ar.t eTer.rv l-rndon and F. Ivar (i inld. . j . . the government's case hiugid on tnese two who s-temed to have come along as company for their wives. Mr. Mosley was a'.ao sworn. He tes tified tbat he waa compelled to go to England for skilled labor and had actid with discretion und care, doing noth ing nnttl assured by the authorities that be was acting within the provi sions of the law. He gave evidence eoncerning the number of silk luce manufactories in this country at th tuna the industry Wal started in this city and did not eem to be at ail wor ried over tbe prosecution. District Attorney Sail admit'os! in has argument that Mr. .Mosley had th" ngdit to bring skilled workman here, and atated tint the emp'oymant of Henry Hudson and Elgar f mid waa the onfy p'g on which to hang the government's cae. He also h )pd to prove tnat Ashurst w is tbe agent of Mr. Mosley and thought the de fendant anoald be held. Commis sfoner Colborn th-rup'm fixed the sum of 1,000 a Mr. Moslay's ball, and held the witnesses on their own recognizances In the sum of $300 for their appearance at tha United States district court s FIRE ON VINEGAR HILL. Keidr.r! of Mrs McLaughlin Ciro plstily TJestroyad. The bono owned and occupied by Mr. McLaughlin, on Vinegar Hill, Providence, canght fire last night, and bfore a response could he made to tbe midnight alarm from box 89, the fisrne uot beyond control. The building wn almost entirely consumed apd but little or the furni ture saved. There was no water to b obtained in the vicinity of the fire. Tne loss and Insurance o ;nld not ba learned LICENSES Public Should Assist STdnton Traction Com piuy in Furnishing Rankl Transit. BOARD OF TRADE ADVOCATES IT Possible Location in Scranton of New ManufactUI Ing Industries -Valuable Figuraa m. , Cost ot Stown Production trom Culm Board Will Have Moro Commodious (Quarters. Other Interesting; Business Tran sacted Last Evening. JENKINS a MORRIS' Take Orand Milllnsry Opining Will Plsns Tomorrow. Tomorrow the millinery optuing of Miss Hannah Jenkins and Mis Snle Morris will lake place at 400 Spruce street and continue Thursday and Frl day. 'I bene young ladle havs been with Miss Leah Jones for several years past, and are proficient in their art I'lipy are well known and popular and tboir new place of business Is sure to become a favorite resort for the faah -iouable ladies of the city. pdal Bargains In organs slightly uiwd. Must bo sold for want of room. 1 Burdette Orgau t Cash 1 Shontngiir Organ 5 U( " 1 Wilcox A; White Organ 00,00 " 1 Bridgeport HVOU " I Dyr & Hughes Orgun. 4 5 00 " Also full line of Stationary at reducod prices. Tuavi' Music Stoiik, 600 Lucltawanii i Ave Ksaaoval. F. M. Aylsworth will removo to 528 Wyoming avenue the first week In April. Seadleaton St Wonra'a and Balls n tine' Ale are the best. K, J. WALau, agent, it Lackawauuu avenna. About That Number Granted by the Court for the Pi'cS3nt Year. PERSONS THAT WERE REFUSED AmoiiR the New Applicants in tho Thirteenth Ward James Kelly Was the Fortunate One William Deck elnick Receives a License for His New Hotal Rehaarlng Refused in the Case ot D. F. Kearney. There was a good sited attendance at last night's meeting of the board of trade when suveral subjects of import ance were discussed and aoted upon. The prominent iiuestlon considered were.the locating lu BoraDtOQ of several new manufacturing industries, there port of the public safety committee, wherein it is advised that the Scranton Traction company bo requested to at tach fenders to Its cars, the cost of steam production with OUltU as fuel and (tie prouarlng of additional board of trade rooms. The report of tha public sifety com mitter, presented bj II W. Luce, con tatnad the following . Vout Committee has i. ,. holding under advisement the uuhjoct of proper fenders to b placed on tho street OaTS of (lie city; e. therefore, reepeutfully advtae that tiie Bcranton Traotlou comnauy bo letpiesied tu place on till, troni ot their oara a fender Similar to tue ones ued in liulTalo und lloston, or something better it it eao be done, Wo hud ii more neoessary now than ever before, as the nntnborof cars will soon be increased front Bt to 10U per hoar on Lackawauua aveune. between Praukiln and Adiiin uvenuee. The Committee would farther advise thai the people bv tug wi tue lines ot tha several street rni) roads ha cautioned not to allow bumii children on tne streets nnatteudad, bile tnepabllc appreciatea rapid transit, yet the uompauy cauuut give it without the assistance of the people, l)x Mayor John II. Fellows and Viotor Koe!i are appointed a sub committee to meet Uanaral .Man ager Archer, of the Bcranton Traction Company, to see if a certain rate Oi speed, consistent with safety , cannot be uetoi mined. Mlt lOSTKlt'ri RM0LDT1OS, Tha report was adopted, and a reso lution, presents 1 by it. J. Foster, to reqaeet the legislation com mittee to recommend some moans by which the "interference of corpora tions In city business mty hereafter be prevented, frustrated or reduced to a minimum," was lost lu accordanoa with a resolution passed at the prerlont m etiu, Saera tary Atherton prtaanttd a report on the cost of steam production, which was in substance us follows: Improved plants with s,55) horse power for six mouths used an average o! 101 tons of culm per day; unimproved plants with T.ati'J horse power for six mouths used an average of 218 tous of culm per day. Tak ing SO cents per tun for culm delivered at boilers. With improved plants tnu cost would be U-10 of 1 cent per horse power per cay; with unimproved plauts, tbe cost would 1--10 ceuis per horse power per day. The rfpart of the manufacturers' committee, presente 1 by Luther Kel ler, showed that three Hustings had been held during the month ptst, at which was considered the proposition of the Iloatslale Iron works to locate in Scrantoa. Tboiaas Moore, Mr. Dscker. of the Scranton Iron works, and Mr. Spvuks visited Honesdnle iu conjunction with the committee and the soutii Side board of trade nnd re turned a report showing tiie value of the plant and tbe business to be great er, sveu. than represented. The com mittee recommended that everything be done to induce the Ilonesdale firm to licate hare. S. Elgar Trout, or Wilkea-Harre, wishes to establish in Scranton a wall paper manufacturing plant, for which I 1.0 1 1 '.ash capital will be required to start. This matter had bien referred to J. S McAnulty for investigation, but he has not submittel iiis report. 'I he manufacturers committee also recommended attention to tno sliding blind patent of Mr. Wilson, who was present with a model. It was an nounced that large profits could be oj taiued from its m iniifscture. HORI BOOH NEEDED. John II, Keinuierr presented tho re port of the com mlt tea appointed to consider the question of additional board of trade room. The commitls recommended that the sp ice uaxt the present apartments be rented and n connecting doorway made The point was taken by Ft. J. Foster tbat tbe ad ditional $20) necessary for rental might better beappiiel to tb sinking fund, but after considerable disenssion it was ordered that the saiuo room com uiittee be empowered to rent the pro posed space in connection with 'resi dent May'a concurrance an 1 upoa further investigation. M. Troutfelt, It Moses, II M Scran ton. deorge Phillips, F 8. ilsrkr. (i N. Littlo and Samuel Mclviohcn were Bleated new members. Tiw following reslgnatlone wero accepted: 0 W. freaoan, Qeotga Jeaaap, E. P. Kings bury, P. H. Qllgallon and M. J. Kelly. Since the board refined to submit its statistics to the Scranton Republi can for use In a contemplated special industrial edition, the publication com mitten his bean requested by Mr. Scranton' representative to submit ths figures. That rnrnmlttso in Its re port said that I he board a a body re I used to endorse tho enterprise or any other which is not under I's officer' supervision. It recommended thai tiie secretary give out only such inform i lion wenld b consistent with due privacy and to only answer ntcessnry question. An Important mutter, but one which Created much ninuiHlueiit, wh that brought up by Alderman Dickson reln tive to the unrestrained wanderings of cattle about the lawns of private prop erties. Th mayor will be asked by letter from the board to have tbe cow ordinance enforced. NJamfroni other minor milters wine also ac.lHil upon and un adjournment made after one of thi busiest meetlnge of tbe board this season. OtLUbt Oi APPLICATIONS. Removal to Waidiir.Ktoo Avenus. Miss Sarah Mi I, arm lias removed her millluary parlors from IIJ4 Spruce street to a more desirable location. B11 Wasluug Ion avenue, where she will hsvn larger and morn commodious qunrtere. Miss Mel. alio is now doing bUSlneM at her new place, and will be plnnsod to have all (co old friends to call nnd see her. The Everett Lsads. Wait for Qaernaey Bros.' new goods. America 10 BEAUTIFUL PIOTUBEB, i.vkuv NOTED PLACE in Alaska, TEE UNITED TATEI AND MEXICO, n K til .miihii in TBE COCN TEK. TEN CENT! ANl OMB COUPON roil ANY NUMItKB, There wn n large attendance lu court yesterday luorulug when Jmlues Arch bald end E 1 wards went on tbe beueh to announce the nniii"S of those to whom they bad decided to R'ant liquor licensee for the fitaal year 1MIH It was a very much interested Hlldi euce, nearly every one present having u personal reason for appreciating the notion of the court. i it course there were in my dlsap pointed and not few anrprlsed per sons when the action of the judgva whs tiiadu known. Tills year timre were over l'Jtl new applicants, about half of whom were refused. All of the old houses that made application w p rn llceused. lu the Thirteent!i ward Cap tain John Horn was given neriuissiotl to continue in the hotel business and James Kelly was granted a license fot a new hotel on Von Stolen avenue V, i). lUnlck s wholesale license was also retimed, A license was granted to Willi mi Dockelnlok for his new hotel on South Main nveiine in the Fifth ward li Lackawanna, Fell and Old Forge townships mi l Wlnton borongb many new housta were licensed, TH08B WHO WBRI ItEFUSBD. The applicants to wiunui the court refused to grant u iw lluessl are: Archbald First wind, Anthony Both, Andrew Bnabko, Joseph l'okulka, Third ward, II li. Breckstelu. HUkely A U Dnulop, Aaron Lloyd, David B, Jenkins, (.'arbondale Township Michael J. Buddy. Uarbondale City Pirt ward. Caesar Mnggoe, Anthony Cerri, Joseyta Alello. I)Ickou City Frank BrodowskL lieorge Kolatn, Joseph K'of:-, Jusepli l'oiiskv, John Iturke, P. II. tlallagher, .1 ibn LabJt sky, John Manorkie, Oeorge N. Richards and others. Patrick Long. Dnnmore John! Otbboni, Johu Powell, John Bammou, P. J. Dougherty, Domloico Vacann, Grady ninl Boland, (m'rge Pfabl er. Micuael k'inuerty, Ueurge W. Hall, M I.. Langan, Fell Township Michael Krotky, John liosaik, i'hilhp liogote, Joseph Kallepllo, Matilda Ham, John Leary, H. T. O'Neill, William O'Keefe, Thomas aowerder,Mary Donobne. Jermyn Borough Michael Uooch, Lackawanna b. P. Bellas, Hopkln L. Williatua Mnyfleld Qeorge Jnbroaki, Old Porge Frank U, Wood, Kramer Draband, Clarence 1. Snyder, John Kry sta, 1'. 1'. Durkin, Prank i'atersou, John Baundera, ttmilto Bardonelli, Joseph Jo tephowltt, Angelo Ciienta, Michael Itwsi. Olypbant - Patiick Mackerel, Edward Tinsley, (iejrte tUnawa, Million liasilia. K Soi aatou-First ward. Thoma Harrin ton, M. and J. J. Oilb iv, John K. Jones; N'coml ward, Patrick H. Golden, John Lu kou and Burke v Shea; Fourth ward, William B. Stevens, John Davis; Sixth ward, John P, Mabou: Thirteenth Ward, D. P. Kearney, Kjbert lleabe; Fourteenth ward, PatriOsJ, Uurpbv, Mrs. T. Joues; Fifteenth ward, Deums Kelly: Eighteenth ward, Patrick Bush, Patrisk'ticl leu ; Nine teenth waul, Joseph Spltzer;' Twentieth ward, Mutthias Uugno. Wiuton Henry Spitzer, Joseph Masle yar, Hugh Murrav, Joseph Konleczuy, Peter Mosleyur, Johu Oaotry, John L Wuish, Annie Bucgo. ASUO FOB A BBBBABINO. Attjruey R H. Holgatc ask d for S reheanug in the c nu of D. F. Kwrney of Ihe Tbirteentn ward, but the court refused it. t decldsd, however, to al low a rehearing on Siturdav in the case of Oilboy Bros, of the First war ! on the application of Attorney E P. The plaoi for which they ink ed for a lic-nsa is an old house but there is a dispute about the leas and the license was granted to Mark J. Moran. (Llboy Hros. say they hold the lease for the premises and the court will give them au opportunity of proving the assertion. County Treasurer Powell received 8.050 from liquor licenses taken yes terday. The first pers in to take out a license was Charles II Haul, of Lacka wanna township. Notning but cash or certified checks will be received in payment for licenses They must be taken out before April 1. UYDON WANTEO TOO MUCH. Hs Rejected the Offsr of the Scranton Trac'im Oimpsny. Michael LtydOO, of Minook. whose two children were slightly injured on Saturday by lieing struck by an elec trie car. met the attorney of th Scran ton Traction company, Horace E. I land, yesterday by request of the com pany's ugsnt. Tim COtlierCOC was ar ranged that Mr Leydon might be rec Ompenied for whatever injury his children sustained. Tbil action was taken to preserve the mineable relations between the company hu1 the public generally rather than from any belief that the company's employe were responsible for the unci 1 nt Mr Ltydou was told that tho com pan.V would ttle nil dnotor bills and pay him trio. He declined the offer. At first he wanted fdOO. but later agreed lo compromise on fl7o. but tne compromise was not acceptable to tha company Dr. Mauley, who treated the child ren. tatts that their condition is so favorable that be did not consldar it necessary to prescribe for thnm HRE AT IHE GLOBE HOTEL. flicck and F.m'ursa DsstroveJ and Dulid Ing Dainagrd. Tho oiobe hotel at 837 Wyoming avenue caught fire at half-past three o'clock yesterday morning and was badly damaged, tnoet of tho slock and fixtures being destroyo I, although the efforts of the firemen prevented the Rimei from extending farther than the barroom, The lire i lUppoaed to have linen 01 Used by a gas jnl lu the cellar The hotel has been conducted by l A. Dougherty and J. F. Fabey, The linn hud 18 100 Insurance in thaagenoy ore o Boland, 11,800 in the Albany and 1, 800 ill tbe British American. Mis Richard McIIugh is tbe owner of the building, but her loss, which is itimated at about 91,000, in fully cov ired by Iniuraoos, - Ski; our double store of Lastiir Mowers for church nnd homo dCOOratloni, Fine lilies, bydrangia, unite, hyacinth, iplacar, maiden hnlr fern. F.veryihing bountiful. mi nnii ut) Wiishingion avenotv M O. li. I Lahk At Co. . Knit (iertrude suits for baby at llabv Bazaar, AU hpruce street. New Bioyole. A new bicycle worth 7.i will he eold for 3A. The machine is guaranteed mid is a rnrebnrgoin. Mucin no may be Been at tbe 'iribuue ofllue. I ' I Btdlam L-t Loose at Juvenilt Coavon-tlon-of-All-Nu'lona liy actual count, more than a hund red boys of nli nationalities, agea.puy slojUvaand colors yasier la appeared .it the Arcade office of the FrotOlngtum iheuter iu reeponae to tins advertise ment, which appeared In yeaterJay tnnrolng' Tribuni Hoyb Wanted tbn qooo lookinq hoys aluiit I'i years of ue wantei to set as usher at the new Pro thi na h am thee ter Appi, ui theater Una morulng a 11 o'cl l. liy th uninitiated, or tbofe who did not know what a Tbuuni advertiiemeni could do, it Was interred thai liedlam bad been let loose or Ihal a juvenile COO' vention of-nll-nuiious whs in progreej, Tin m were boys goo 1 und ba 1 looking, bow legged nnd plgeOO-toel, frio kle faceil and sallow skinned, slender nnd stout, tall no I short , Homo had white shirts and collars, others, hud no shirts ; ono bettlabrowed raaoal, whooonld only muke bi appreciation known through billingsgate, dialect, came down from the Rongh-niid-Ready din triet ami was ut the door of the Ar cade lief. ire the janitor had begun his morning IWOOp, However, from aliiong the throng Manager BleokWOOd had no dillknlty lu seleotlng a oorpe ol bright, neat und efficient young men wi,,, will bectow polite attention upon the new tho iter's patrons. BUHKE AS GENERAL GAUGER. Revenue Collector Grant Herring Wil Appoint Him Williin a Few Days. Other Fortunate Persons. WHITBURN'S TERRIBLl KALL. Conscious with Splui Boksn and Sbouldsr and Arm Pulvrrlaid. Frederick C. Whitburn, aged 21 years, formerly of Hyde Park, who had been an iumuto ut the Hillside home for, fell from i mov ing Delaware, L uk i wanna an , vv rn ir.ight traio yeaterday afier noon and died a few hours I iter at lu Lackawauuu hu-qut ! Whitburn boar le t the i 30 to aome to Hcranton from Clark'i Bommttand stood on lbs boniper, Ra und inen hii' j ict lo apoplexy iu I. ii ii itpp He I, fell from tue oar during an attack His left Innnldel and arm and right hand were crushed to ii palp, ami ms nine broken. Hi was brought to tin citv and conveyed from the depot hos pital iu au nmuulanoe When the hos pital was readied Whitburn WSJ 0OU UioUS, but only live 1 few noun. At 0 o'clock the remains were re moved lo Price's undertaking eitab Habment on South Mam avenue and prepared for burial Whitburn wns a member of EnterpruVi lodge, o Loyal Knilils of America. Tne fune ral will take piaco from th ) bouse ot his graudmotber, Mr Whitburn, of 880 North Garfield a venue, at 8 80 to morrow afternoon, Interment will bs iii.ulu at the Washburn s'leet cemetery, M'lllnerv Cp-r.lng. Mrs. Bmma Dlem'i millinery ope dug will occur 'j'bursday, Friday audSaturday, Ail tbe latest atylea from tbe leading ew Vork bouses, Mm. Emus Diem, 701 t.eiiai avenue. , - - 'Iiik entertainment of the Excelsior so cial tor Wednerday night is postpj ed un ill lui notice. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ava. Easter, 1894, rr WfiBY i.i'-Jin URL Revenue Collector Grant Herring is something of a diplomat, iih well as a Brm believer in tbe principal that "to the victors belong the spoils." Iu tbe struggle for deputy revenue collector of tins diltriol there was much energetic wire polling for Wil liam Craig, V J Hmke and one or two othef nspirants. For a time lion ore were apptieiilly even in the race between Mr. Craig and Mr. Burke.aod when tho former waa appointed Mr Burke and his friends were naturally not the firat to throw uji their bate and cry lor very joy. lu fact they were somewhat sore, and Mr. Herring, who is a thoroughly prac tical young mini, diJ uot blame them much, He realizid their disappointment! 'i'o prove that he bus tue greatest re gard tor Mr Iiurke be has determined to give him the next best position at his disposal, that of general ganger, with headquarters In this city in con -venation with a Tribuhi reporter yes terday, Mr. Herring said he would make the appointment 'U a few days Mr. Iiurke will succeed Henry Somers, the preseut efficient gauger. Other appointments soon to follow will be tbat of Joseph Haberatroh to b; stamp agent for Clinton county and district In place of John B Myers, and Casper W. Brooks to uct as slore ke-per and gauger ut Pleasant distillery, Oen tre county. Late appointments are as follows: Sylvauus Weaver, of Northampton county, deputy collector for tbat county, to succeed Louis Snyder and F. L. McGee, storekeeper and guager at :.:-.: - distillery, I'niou couuty. - Scranton's Business Interests. TBI TUBOm Will aoon publish a care, fully Compiled uud classified list of the lendltig wholesale, banking, manufactur ing nud professional interests of Bcranton nud vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbhc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of lending citizen. .No similar work has ever given au equ.d rep resentation of Bcranton' many indus tries. It will beau invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of tbe city. Tbe circu lation Is cn a plan that cannot fall of good results to t hive concernod as well ns the city atiarc.o. Representative! of Tiik. Tribcni will call upon THOSE WH08I NAHM arc DEBIRBD in tins edition uud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please 1. ave notice ut tho office. Puppsr This BVsalPg, 'lhe following menu will be served at tho supper given by lhe I. idles' Social an ion this evening at the Penn Avenue Bap tiit church: Haters, Raw, stewed, ESccolloped. i old Ham. Saratoga Chips. Lettuce -Salad. Pickle Bolls. Tea. Coffee, sliced Oranges, fake. Ice Cream, - V ednesduv, March . Thursday, March 88, Friday, March 23, Millinery Opening Days, Nsxi.lK Wamh'b, 211 Wyoming Avenue rrd ef Thank. The Underetgntd Wllb to express our heartfelt thanks to all our neighbor and friends who ho willingly assisted us In our late bereavement to the Bretncn,Pattioiic Order Sons of Aiucries, and Ihe Delaware, Lackawanna and Western freight hands, ami all Other, for their words of comfort. ml the floral destine. D, w. Bohoonovrr and Family, Bef( re We move to n LacktiwiHtna venue wo offer r Bpe IrI price on nil of our Sihi'i nov llics. UMBRELLA STRAPS Wiukr, Ma make niano St-lle & Se, ley, rcBLBSa, BUAW und ether Se piano i i tvindow i r ;M Wyoming nvei. ; Till: Luteal NToveltiei :it :a' livo prices, Imported BoiibcLs nut Hut--. Also u Inrgo ns lortmenl of copies from our own workroom showing tbe latest ef fects in colon and trimmings. A lnrge assortment of Lu lies', Misses' and Children's Untrimmed Hats Wc are. also displaying in our show room new fashions of Ladies' .Sjiiiiio Capes, Jackets and Suits of ull descriptions. Special inducement for this veek in Capis, Jack ets and Suits. UHCsuiiiiciiiciiihiiMit-iiifiiiinfiiiiiii 1.1. THI. 1 COiMWAY HOUSE THIEF OF S TIME I 1 DAY BY DAY wh'i V wurrovv. h ''t t ' -tib until t 5 j , Henry Battiti & Co. a Never till tomorrow, but S advertise BABUAIXS today sod S a every l ay S BARGAINS TODAY ri I p. AGATE WARE, s s BLUE WARE, TIN r. WARE und WOODEX s 5 WARE S s B Try onr jd in and don't w t nntil S 5 mori v ... m 9 dav 126 PENN A VS. Hflf 1 1 i: ; ami 134 jew a;:m :. On the American Pian. S ruit 3X11 MWfltt st.! bMl ((joipptd Iwtel. H-tti hy Ktrttm. Ivlf-ctile Belli Bath 'lUte. UB fill II tit OT. LaiTfC, WttiJ- Llgbteil an Alrjr bKiBny Bvsr) . Iss nj: i unpU t ALL THE MODES 1MPKOVI MIMs, Offict' on secjad flor, '.d suil; .e i uuiu eittachwl, Dr. Hill 8 Son R h CGNWAY- pp- Albany DENTIST: Pet twth. So-V: bett Mt, 5K: for foM rnr nd ti-eth witljti'.it ; lun. t ll 1 crown hrA fartdgt ork, call for prices and refer! c -TOnALOIAj for eetmeting teeti witliuut l-aiu. NottDif, No Sett OVEB 1 IKT KATI1 N L BA2CR OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Semi your eorsets to be 10 iiinii'il or nei steels jmi iu. i' ilo it neatly and tit a moderate cost. 123 Wyoming Ave. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a larga assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or413 LACKA. AVE Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant ojen until mid i night. SJ sT ' 35c. Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Cpruco Ct. Best Sets of Teeth, 00 Jncllldlnst h jisllilraa rxtriii'tln vf teclu by uu mtiri'iy uvW lr leas. S. C. Snyder, D.D.3. U5 WVOMIAU AVI. ')sflTTfl, urr.iav,e. J Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr, Linden St. nnd Adonis Avo. 1,', m HOUBI S,'i Ai.r. All of Laundry Work pasractpsj tin- beat, GENTLEMEN, 53.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4.00 Shoei You Buy MAP,. LlKr HAND-SEWED. ro Seams or Ticks to Hurl Your Feet Alt Style and Widths In Con gross or Lace, The Best Shoe on Earth for tbe Money Try n Putt i t i l iron will wear no i tlv BanSTBI'SU.00 "L on A very box is DAN IS 1 ER'S, f- UckMaEAll'pm5 km Our $3 50 Shoes are J good as .'.nytndy'a $3 00 Shoe. BROWN'S BEE HIVE FmFR kiiv a bit MILLINERY Just opened, Noveitiesin Ladies' HATS, BONNETS, GLOVES, COATS. CAPES and SUITS. New lino Men's HATS, GLOVES, NECKWEAR, COLLARS and CUFFS. M BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. i M kasatfeMsfl " - - 1 - - ui safB