4 THE SCT?ANTCyST TBIBTOB-TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 20. 1S9J. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rrm.isnin daily ami wisely is bch t TON. PA.. UY lllK 'IHIIIUNU I'LBLIHIIINO Company. Nf.w YotiK On-IOR: TllIIIBKI BCII.nlSO, Frank S. Gray. MAVAOM. lateral al the rfi(ttce nl Vnin'on. Po- " Stcvnd Clitsf Hail X'atttr. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BOB ANTON, MARCH 30, ikh. Tiik PBX8KKT sickly riM tiostitfs stHtiip costs (Joel !nu icTen and one lislf cnu ptr thousand, gam looludsri. It is an rmuaatlo iity na doesn't imik it iin bvph dime tod jncure a quality of paj er tuut will occasionally tvur along ths linen of perfVr.itiou. - TEMPERANCE PROGRESS. On tils, toe ninetieth birthday of General Heal Dow, the pntatire father of tlm ttmperanoe movementin Amer lea, it will l customary, no doubt, to supplement tiu Dsrsonalfoelebratloo in whieh ih3 venerable reformer will par tloipate iu Portland, Me., with remin iscent glanoas at the progress of the central ;battlejagainst strong drink, That, in ;it of many ifccentrlcities. much fa! leaiersuip anil tti hinder ing chmaplonahlp of unreasoning ( tin, tha belief In temperance I'.ae jinliied Ure bo! I admit! of no ile:iil Nor can we louger sy that "temper auce,"intbe sense In whieh it it gen erally tued,mtanaintemperooe iu tliat it compels total abstinence instead of tuoiierate an l prudent Indulgence to which the adjective properly h. refer euce. The truth ii everywhere a;iirent that the uiuiierauo movement, co isi dared as an integer, ha broadened an I liberalize. It no longer vre on the borderground of personal buttonholing and proselyting, t i no longer at tended by exoessive noise atul ineuul hysteria. Instead of depending for its strength upon theatrio uautio exbo:: tion of the zealots uud enthusiasts, it includes within it intellectual arsenal tbecbtef forces of secular education tud reluiout culture, the wide-spread fact that obriety i on of the first re quisites of luce ess in busliuw and the ileveloped sen'.ime it that intoxication is a mark of diagrace, and uot. is for merly, a toa of personal distinction, When empioyers raise the isjue of tm perance as a are-requisite to employ mem; when scieaoe SUOWI tbe es.'esi i ve user of alcohol what a wreck he real!- unices of hims.'lf and what a peri! he entails on posterity ; and whsn possibly, abov all this, society bejzin to ihnu the inebriate and eYeu smile cp 'n th abstainer, it is time to con :iude that tb movemsut witn which Maine's venerable nonoenarian re former is so intliniteiy ilentiiisl is ra pid'.y nearins the haven of success. Its greatest mistake; has been the :ommca one uf proceeding upon the supposition that, in th?-H mi'.ters of personal option, la.vs can do for ob streperous or unfortunate indiviluals what the indivi iaais refaw to d for tjeroaelvs. There has hsen ratner too much of the mt:jii that it did not much matter how the Individuals stool, pro vided only that the law were suffi ciently tense. Thus we have witnes-1 many efforts to inforc prohibition Ion befors the leutiann: of a fair m i j.irity of individual citiz'ns had come to a settled conclusion in favor of legal prohibition; and thai has tasrs been encountered laeeltabla fadnre and dis eourageBont, due rathsr to prematura pnhio(j thsn to any fundamental aversion for honest lempermc rsform. Bat no great movement i free from errors. That which is reviewed today is a tfrsat and jran 1 on, in spite of i's passing fault'. year ago, but who has since suffered a 90 per ceut. cut in income, will have to pay the fnll nmount of his former in debtedness Eight hundred dollars will not cancel the $1,000 mortgage, note or judgment The reJuotton af fects simply his ability to pay, and leaves untouched the Hinouiit that lie must meet. Thus any permanent lowering of tho standard of wages bassd upon unnecessary reliictions in tariff rates, amounts, iu real fact, to a robbery of the debtor classes and Is by f ir a worse deception than anv Wbloh Demooratio orators say Ispraotiosd by advocates of a gold stim.lard, for tlw reason that it is ostensibly achieved in the interest of the oppressed laborer while in cold practice it adds directly to bis harden, Protection gives prosperity, because it makes living wages possible. Low tariff gives depression, became it inev itably forces wages down . while leav ing debt just as high a bifore AN INCOME tax in time Of peace is simply and purelv a device of thieves. Ik chime is a contagious. disease, it is c-rtainly It is well enough. 1q time of sound national credit, to telle buoyantly ahotit ''the stanio bein? th guinea's Tank;" but the fut moneyist would sir.g a different tun were that credit to fall. And what keeps it up, if not the faith of the world tuat America, iu matters financial, will not repudiate Its pledged word? ninetieth birthday, On in 13. Dow'l the t-mperance movement is entitled to "take lometbing," if only a look backward WAGES GOING DOWN. Thoe iJeraocratic jiiirnnls which are making partisan arguments of each new Iron mid resumption nglct to dwell upon the important fact that al most without exception these revivals of suspended industry are accompanied by sweeping wags redactions. While a half-loaf is better than none, in this time of Democratic depression, it is to t. retMSBbSTS 1 that never once during the thirty years of Republican admin istration did then occur such an ab rnpt drop in the earnings of labor as has this yenr ben precipi'ate I by Dtm (jersey 's threatened tnrilf legislation. It has never been claimid by f'rotec tionlsts that the enactment of a low 1h rifT law would pe rmanently susjssnd the industries of this country. It has been contended that it would materi ally embarrass them, and that it would inevitably necessitate a sweeping re ductlon in wage scales; but, that ac compliahed, production must necessa rily resume. The present rxpf rlnnoi' is an ample vindication of the uouud nesa of this argument. It la, in fact, an ocular aud a mathemntical demon stration having, in many instances, the CtimUlOOS force Of a direct and palpi ble personal illustration. If tho people of the United States desire lower wages without a corresponding decrenso In the cost of living, they should ngaiu make manifest their approval of the Democratic tariff programme, lint If they dissent from tne practice of a the ory whose throatuned enactment into law leaves them daily poorer by $10, -000.000, they should evincs in no uncer tain manner, their repugnance to fnrther experimentation It remains to be, noted in addition that these contemporary reductions in the wages of labor, occasioned by this prolonged threat of a hostile tariff, are unaccompanied by corresponding re ductions in the linanclal obligations of labor. The man who owed $1,000 a IT IS MOT usually the province of a newspaper to comment upon private enterprise or mls-enterprlse, no matter if lite rules of good taits are violated in general detail, but when a so called enterprise btoomsi en eyesore, blot upon spice.-an unmitigated nuisance, it sreius jut and propir to say so. A case iu point may be easily located at the corner of Washington avenue and Sptuee street, where the public taste has btsn shocked aul city ordinances violated, it is believed, by the erection of a nameless architectural monstrosity upon the sidewalk at one uf the busiest and most sichtly comers of the city. Public indignation at this virtu il fenc ing in of a portion of the Washington venae sidewalk his assumed militant proportions. It is time the respective rights of private ownership and public coovenienoe were uior definitely de finsd in this municipality. PKBSIDRMT PliXOTO, of Brstll, hai an excellent chance just now to teach Lillnokaloni lesson In clemency. - CRIME IS CONTAGIOUS. The evil Influence of a bad ex imp! ,s frequently shown in current annals. Thai sines the publicity given to tiie Stroudsburg lynching we have had one local ebullition of attempted similar lawlessness, and several distant oues. The finding at Plains, Saturday, of the body of a man who had been shot by unknown assassins appears to have corresponding effect in stimulating im itative crimes, and the next day, with in a radius of six milei, o:curred one successful m irier and a shjoting and stabbing affray in Which two persons ire reported to havs rscelved fatal iu . j nn-s. While it cannot be scientifically de ' raoastrated that tnu suggestion of these later crime was Imp tried by pttblloa ' ;ir)n of the details of the former ouea, there remains no moral doubt of the f.ict that crimes are contagious; aud t .a', the seel of lawlessness, plauted In one place, brings forth harvests of criminal impa'.ss covering wide-spread iri.s. Tl.ns an additional weight of responsibility is laid upon the should ers of those offict i!J w-ho, by their in difference or Insnlfloiency, give oppor tcnity for the original crimes to be glaringly and conspicuously com-mitt'-d. We should like to beiieve, la this di -rection. tost the brutal priz tight aid to have occurred aiturday near Wyo ming borongh hid no connection with the prizs fight once conducted put licly, without interruption, in the im mediate vicinity of D,i;riat Attorney Qarman'a h(me in Nuntiookoi or with tne later encounter in a Wilkes- liarre gymnasium, at which policemen were accessorise, both before and after the fact. liut probability is strongly in f i7or of a close bond of relationship. We do not cito these Lnztrne instances In any Pharisaical spirit, to inspire the Inference that Lack iw inns has les occasion to promote lw enforcement. They are cited merely because the news record of two days acordi them not able prominence It is a bad investment for any com munity to shut its ey js to familiar law- Isssnsss. It hah occasionally been the fashion in politics to be dllboocet H ippose we now try tornik; it fashionable to be honest. . In BPITKOf strennom nswspapir op position, "Jack" Itobinson has cipturod the four Dlair county Hepntilican dele gatos away from Walter Lyon, after ono of the hottest battles on record. The article of war put up by this Dela ware aspirant Is beginning to make the best of spectators open their eyes in fnrpriae. Allegheny county's favorite on is recommended to look osrefnlly tO Ml fences, fr.r with RobinSOO puisu ing his present pice they will 1003 fall inside the danger line, to turn, like tho trodden worm, and rend its despoilers. Popular uprisings may be effective for the moment, but they are, as Mr. (I idkin Bays, very "apt to be followed by diiugerom peri od! of reaction, or apathy, dnrlns which the old evils resume their sway." What is needed, and what the speaker thought would eventually arrive is a state of pulilio feeling, "which the mere appearand uf mi abuse will ut once bring into action to oorreot it, at tho only time when the destruction of an abuse is easy, the tlm when It first nakei its appearance. " in Mr. Qodktn's mind this state o' public feeling i intimately associated with the dlvoroement of mnnlolptl election! from partisan politic. He does uot believe that there is tiny American city m which the good peo pie, by which term he tueaus the sober. Intelligent and industrious people, pro plowbodeaire pure elections and the honest administration of the laws, are not in a majority. Good government, therefore, IswltUin their easy ruauh. They have only to stretch out their bauds for It, iu Mr Qodkin'l opinion, to have it. SVhy, then, do they not have It . Simply because thev never, or rarely, vote together, They "regu larly split In olty affairs aud the dan geroiis classes, the uneuilei of social order, as r.uularly do not split." Com bine the good against the idle, the vi clous and the lawless classes, mass the united strength of character and con science against what M'. Clavelanu onoe called the "cohesive power of public plunder," nu.t you will have the battle Won. There i room for thought in this luggeitlon It may not be uow. but who dan eay it is not true.' GO i BNOB Want's course is rapidly disgusting seme western Democrats with the other party to Democracy's recent fusion. This is the breeiy way in which the Minneapolis Times touch es the subject : Ollt ut all the vociferous Imbecile! whom Popallsui ami free silver liuve hoisted into oltU'ial lite during Mio past tew years nil-. howling dervish of the Colorado gulches Ii ih inos: couspiettonaly and perniciously offensive lie i a public nuisance Unit calls loudly for abatement His publti career has not been marked by aMnL'lo act that has not brought disgrace upon the state aud universal ridicule and eon tempt upon himself. The antics uf ibis peeulent mountebank, this political freuk. have made Colorado an object uf pity to the civilized world. Yet by just suoh base means as Walt! and those like him did Grover Cleve land ascend to power. U is well to keep this fact clearly In view. piar from onr point of view. To pussy even the back yard summer evening con cert hath its charms. The Individual who complains most ubout the terrors uf moving day, gener ally allows hi wife to adjust the stove pipe and shako tlio carpet. Ten Flcturei nf Dncmte Leader. New fort World, Den. In the senate instead ot "action, action, action," there has been delay, dalliance and dickering, The only light that has been thrown on tho question has oooe from a dark lantern. Tins na bad and beggarly showing f..r -ox wn.ks of delay. It would not have route It l tutu tiinii t 001 bee's resolution were i i nil to his giswl In tentioni There are too unmy lunges 111 iiis bai k for aoaoable narty leader, He bends to n eailly, iiis.Nplnui column needs a hi it toil tug ion through It. Let NoUuiitv Kaa Keoapi. PKUaittlphia fViN. The authoi itlcs Ul Monroe county owe It to the state whse fan- record has been broken 111 ttielr i-ollliiy seat to piiulih nileouatelv and nr.imptlv tlio ring leaders of llus riot and nil who had any ahare In the Ivucliing of th murderer. Theru Is all I lie more need ot tnls. because tlio ease Willi win, It tlm murderer cM-aped from tu jall laud color to tlm lUsplcloU lliat the sbuilff did led do lils duty, but oattued tot lie in li by facilitating tlm prinuuer'e escape. - tlonaetv li tin BaftSl 1'illuy. MtfaaVbAta Recertl, Ikm. It is an eaay way to meet accruing ex puiiditurn bv Issuing u Itel an I pulling upon posterity the task of payment! but as the government standi pledged to keep Its paper Imtuei and It! silver Issue! at par Willi gold every a bled liability IS uu added danger. - -o Knew When to Uilt. H'tmitlHyturt 'e.f. Admiral blelh) is probably coueriitulat ing blmeelf that im imd tha goodjadg- lueut to turn Urn llul-ih over to Da Uauu. - - - Can N iw Breathe Easy. It IJ.lOlLfea It will bu ii great .relief to tlm governor ut Florida to learn that the Corbett .lucii sou figtil is lu be pulled oil' In England. . p. - . Waal uu scrofula, and every form of lm pure blood is boldly declared by Mood's onriaparllla, the great couuueror of all blood dlseaeee. GOLDSMITH'S O BAZAAR " GRAND EASTER DISPLAY Of everything new and novel in the fashionable World. To realize more fully what this announcement means we direct at tention to our window exhibits, as to some of the representa tive attractions outlined below. Silk Department We are now exhibiting a choice collection of Taffeta Glace Broche and Taffeta Imprimo, Printed Habituae and Kai Kai Silk:,; also, new designs in Black: Moire Antique and Moire Mirroir. Oil Special Counter Several thousand yards 21-inch Double Printed Chinese Silks, beautiful colorings, at 25c. 1,500 yards Patersonia Printed Pongee, at 49c. 3,000 yards of 24 inch Pest Japanese Habituae Washable Silks, in all of the new tloral effects, at 63c. DRESS GOODS Our stock of Novelty Dress Goods is now complete and represents the latest products of French, German and American looms 2,000 yards of 3-inch Wool Mixed Suitings, spring weight, worth (j5c, per yard; our special price, 25c. '.vorth c. Tn:;t(ii MUST a depressing deartli of respectable college auitisemeuis when freshmen aud sopbomores can find 110 b-tter occupation tLuu to meet in war like array and stru'le for tlio posses siou of a cane, pole or bowl. The breaking of several bones and the smashing of frequent skulls in frantic struggles to capture worthies! trophies may Indicate a bigU grade of olTlliit- tlon and refinement; but if it does, it must be a grade somewhat beyond ttie uversgs intellect. r . It is to ue boped there is no truth iu current rumors that the escape of l'ur- year from jsil was prearranged by the Stroudsburg lynchers. Tho reputation of .Monroe county ha! enough to stag ger along under without adding this capsheaf suspicion. . Colonel BinicKiMiii.'it; ihoull be qiiaraiiiiued until thoroughly fumi gated aud disinfected AT THE Pie Counter. Were 1 tho virus doctor, (rent, When fires of imall-DOI smunliler All synipt'iins I'd investigate, And pretty girls I'd vaccinate -Of course upon the shoulder, see .Museum If anagor Wbat art your ipiali Beatlona as a eurlodty!' Applicant I uever uaid that I could sue cessfully condurta neivupaper; have never advanced an opinion on the currency ques tion, and M . Manager Enough ' Vou are engaged Name your salary. -WhatUnos tho word colibacy couditiou of being Now THAT llurke and Craig nr both totl.Ted at ths same CTlb, let us have peace. MUNICIPAL REFORM, in an Instructive sd dreej diivred last Friday evening before the Amri csn Academy of Political and .Social Bcience, In Philadelphia, Editor E. L, Oodkln, "f the New York Kvening Pott, oulline l his Id 014 of t im Dtonlol pal DTOblen that, in gre.itsr or less de gree, 0'iiifrouts all American cities; that Is, the problem of transferring ttie a inlrol of city goveronent from mon who are often, as a olaM, Illiterate, dis boneat ami careless to men who can briug to its discharge persoiisl probity, comprehensive Intslllgende ami the prestige of Individual business lUOOeSS. Mr. Oodkln, to bo sure, presented 00 new thoughts, nor did ha give ho BtSOh line to outlining practical remedies as he gave to painting in dark colon the diiliiultics already familiar. Vei some thought! of Ins are of prsssnt intcrsst, and will continue to occupy a growing ahare of pulilio attention Ultll the abttaet In question shall have been iu some manner overcome. Mr Gradkin discern prop'ietla signi of coming deliverance from ths condi tion of sjgqnlenaeni apithy in whldh tho majority of i itelligmt an 1 sif-re- ipeotiog taxpiyers at one pjriod con sented to bs systematically plunders I by the Tweed 1 an I Crokers and Mur phy! of American politics. To bs sure, our method of shaking oft' thsss leeches is yet spnsinodio nnd uncertain We rely soinswhat too Implicitly In the ability of the so called hotter element Teacher ineanr Class -The state or single. Teacher- Correct. Now, if you wanteil to express the .,,.. of celibacy or siu- glene-iR what would you iim? Bright Popil -Plenrley. Cateogo Trili unr. "Junes has been engaged in geological re Search for nomn time pant." "Ohl A uiember of the survey corps, I suppose." "Well, not exactly. He sorts out paving stones for thestrest cninmti'Sliiiier's OOTpS ! e e "So your husband never objects to you praetlcing on tne piaunV . "Ilh, no; be Is a boiler maker." n Uoiack The sparrow is a very courage 011s bird. Toiudlk NonsBti'ie' Any restaurant doaler can make him ipiail. 'Aihu'i liu'u I it a ! e s "What is tne matter with Jonn, th author of the poem, 'Maiipv Homes'-' His fan. Is covered with sears." "Why. he's just hid an interview with Lu Wifu." UoSS- Say, do union is goin' to boycott doctor Hones next week. Midi What's the gi I'-vaiiceV M'w 'i 'aus'i lie's a scab workman , been vaccinating do boys for sinall-pox. Hee? a e Hllaad I think that Lent Is being ob seived noregenwratly this year t han usual Van Hraiim The hard limes nr eon dooive to fasting, perhaps, - PUMmrg lewpnivAi m Agent Ho you ueKirn si-cunty a,:ains tiaiiip and beggars!1 1 have here 11 patent chain lock Housewife No, wo need nothing of th i kind, onr Katie ilng! "After the Hail a a Bom Paksinu Tbouohtii The man who stays at homefium church Uion auiuuutof cold weather lu wlutsr, gnueially encouuters Ibe biitne difllcully with the heat in suminsr. Weapons of vleloiiH paragraphors quite apt to recoil with deadly effect. Whom tho god wish to destroy they sometimes make foolish. It is easier to cavil than to create, ooose ipiently sarcasm is no great ovidenco of wisdom. After all, thing are ubout as thoy ai SEE WHAT SO?? Will buy in the way of a o 1,500 yards of Changeable Shaperd Crepcas, per yard; our special price, 49c I, 200 yards All-wool 54-inch Oxford Checks and Scotch Mi.-.ed Suitings, worth 85c. per yard; special price, 50c. BLACK GOODS nucn a nr. n played b lay of all the new weaves ha. and black is all the raije. never been dis- ore Little Fixings in the way of Laces, Handkerchiefs, Bowi, G.ovis, &?., for Eas ter, for men, women and children, abound with us in great plenty and at ths low est prices ever known before. Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight EASTER IVELTIES NO AT CONRAD'S A SPtClAL EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON D.C. Via CENTRAL Bl OF I, J., WILL I E 1U N ON Thursday, March 22,' 94 fLffoi Jinw tlio resident nf Boranton "ii vloln- it y un u.vi'llont oiitoirtiinlty to visit Washini ton -it tne moetdellgbtful suae, n "f tbe year. Si iu 1 oxouihiei tUki-U f 1 1 .in Ki-iiint'iii will ti iold, Kood to go .nly on tr&ln isavlna a oranton st e.W a n. Marrh 12, and for return on any train until M.-ip-Ii 21 Inelnslve, TICKETS FOH THE C; 7 ClA BOUND TRIP SP ' I Through parlor oars will lm attaehed to thin train, nt whi- h -..-ati may In- li.i I ut .'if-hari' o: Jl Sui io-li. Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels W'e are mak xng extremely low prices 0:1 Second hand Wheels. In Gold and Silver. Haster'Hgg Spoon' Prayer Book Mark ers, Easter Book Marks, Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable ior Easter Gifts. Mercereau 4 Gormell :u7 LACRAWA n i AV;;.Li; JENKINS k MORRIS EASTER MILLINERY OPENING WILL OCCUR VU DNBSDAY.MAUCB 81 it iii bs ths irsatsst ibowtag of FA8B- OMABLK BtlLLINKKYisea In tlilm-ity. tTlSS that JT0Q cannot see olaowhero 406 SPRUCE STREET NEXT TO DIMS HANK WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE Spectacles EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lack.nvatm.i Av. iine. J.D.WI LLUMS&BRO 314 Lacka. Ave. HOUSEHOLD HARDWAO Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS Tlio viUisiti' iniliocations of l'run A: Co and Uuttou & Co. Mow litis of Bplseopal 11 innals and Praysf Hock. Catholic Prayer itiuii. m- ford and UagStel IllMrt. An Extraordinary Announcement Of lull r. i to KPiaOOPALIAN'8 anil nth srs, Weotferanen edition nf the BOOK ot COMMON PHAVKK, well bound In Sloth, Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. n making Mis pries ion. m nro jle '',. oat eastoniers the infii of the pae cIih of 1,100 cniii tls eoplee ealj 111 be told to any Individual 01 family. Reynolds Bros. Mationsis lad I :; .VfTi. KIT LACKAWANNA AVIi Foote Sc Siiear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. XoltV IRON BLACK DIAMOND Ml I R RXTRA SPECIAL BANDERSON'S ENGLISH JEHSOP'S RNOLUI1 CAST 8TI BL HOIlSI SHOTS TOR CALK 1 IKE M 1CHINI M si'iiiNt; sui t STREL ANVIl.s BtCLLOWS HOHSR N'AXLfl wil.KV KUSSRLL AND WELLS BROS CUTTING MACHINERY. WAGON WHRBL8 AM I s SPRINGS III n SPOKES RIMS STEE1 SKRIN9 R R SPIKES 8CRI W Bittenbender&CoJcranton, Wholtaala nuil retail dealers' in WagOOtnaksrs' anil Hlacksrnittn' SUPPLIES, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ MR ANTON AM' WILKH -PARKE. PA . at AMOFACTOKERS 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY QanartJ OfBca, BCRAN rON, PA GUERNSEY BROS. Will remove about April 1st to 22 7i Wyoming Ave nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full Hue of Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWEE 5 DELICIOUS, MILD 8UOAII HAMS. EVERY HAM AND fHE TKADI CURBQ ABSOLUTELY r-XJISD LARD. LARD BRANDED. BUPPLISD Y THE RAIL OF THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, FA T HE DUTHE1L STUDIO 315 LU'K Wi VNN A A I M'lt SCRANTON, PA. Hi" frmi fHOtory to turn out l.asi 1 ratals bstwaan now ami chrtt A inns, I wish toHiinoimro t 'tin (uir t$$ lit itit 1 will mska h i. km ns CKAJH.N I I'll I NAM i-ooim iroia h. v Mimll oiu APSOLl'TKLY FK1JK OV CifAROB. 1 Misi sim. is OF FBAMKS 1UOM BO I l' Alll- Workniaiistnit yuarautoo,!. PrSIDta 30 (ior cunt, loan than regular prlo K IM I lll ll,. Artist. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kin. In I i.-uli I lli recliil dully. Vaasf Itiuukvtl llullbut, HollWlt'H Coit, 111 111. .ut ii Bloats rt. salt MHcki'iul. OYSTERS roskawaTi Ohssapsalts Hay, Mmirlro lllvcr CoTS nmi 1. lm- Tulnt ott Slirll ClaSBSi Miriro.pi. IScallnpa, Ar W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE.