The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G.., B. & Co.,
Imprlnfnrt n Fitch Clnnr.
Gamey, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
IOUKX uuusi: . i .ii.i-
si'Kci u,isr.
EYE. l'.A II, lSOtxii AM) THROAT.
K. 11. Brtabrook, if Carbon dale, was in
tint, city yoitrrJuy.
.lujsj.. n.HtiKi w. Bearhof Botqaebanns,
w m S.T.tutou yosioi Jny.
T. Walter Clans, of Lshtafctou, and
George H. Williams, ol Catasaatiua, art t
tbc Westminster,
1.. H. Demareet, of th Aoilrews-Dem-
srwst BredinR OOUpany, Nw York, WM lu
Beraaton yesterday.
U. s. Wisut-r and ), A. Boagleud, of
Brooklyn, and Joeepb Atkinson, ol Haw
ley, are t in,. Wyoming.
JikIw K. W, liitujtor was aplt to it up
Bnnday uj yesterday, and expects to tf
'. to leave ttif noun ittMut tfu nay.
J-bn J Murpcty aiul hi guest, P H.
O'Donnell, left yesterday morning for
Washingtcfa, D. C., to resnroe their lw
stmlie M (.ioorgtsowa iv'.U'i;-.
Coutity Solicitor t J., of Susijue
hanna county, was in tho city yesterday
coujuImu,; wuu County Solicitor H. A.
Ksapp reganlm - the couuty huo matter
C B. Treadwaj Bingbamton 0. C
Wiiiiaium. Alleatowa; D. L. Kennedy,
H neJle; W, J. Brennan, Carbondale;
V. E. Kase, Bunbary, ami E. s. Faruh.iiu.
Oswego, sio st the alla house.
Frank Beauiwh, of Ntuliville, Term., a
member of Hovt's "A Brass Monkey"
company, tut Bnnday in the ct;v si the
gues'of u8UncIa,esSiayor Prank Boaaiib.
Of River treet. He left with his company
y eeterdsy moraing tr Sirmuauitou.
Jehu W. Bfaekey, manager of the Kobiu
on Opera company, which hH beeu ac
corded flatteriuu receptions wherever it
appeared tbu leaSQU, was in tho city yes
terday aud conferred witu Maua'er Black
wood relative to engaging for a six week's
eeasou at the Frcthiutiaui this summer.
An Abilene, Kansas, pper contains the
following concerning Kev 'or. M. S. HarJ,
formerly presiding elder of the Wyoming
conference "After r.'is juncemeutj Dr. M.
Hard, or New Vork, secretary of the
board of church extHusi'n, spoke. He is s
magnetic and Interesting talker with
powerful voice, and though uot of large
form u well built aud energetic. Every
one anticipated s strong address and no
uce was disappointed."
Michael Thornton was yeerdy ap
pointed constable of the Twentieth ward,
and H-rbert S. Newton was appointed
town clerk of Scut: township.
iohn Jiaioney. tarn;b Attonwy E C.
BTejWCOmbe, began an actiou in 'j-ctrueut
yesterday against Nicholas K'mu for a lot
of laud on Stafford avenue. South Side.
A rule was granted yesterday to show
Muse why the appeals should not b strick
en off m the ma'.ter of ta- appeals from
the report of viewers oa the grading of F.g
la the cane of E. F. N. a:
Peter Jones, court yescei diy discharged
a rale for an interpleader and directed tin to proceed with his levy aud sell
Andrew Clsrksoo, jr., yeetfrdsy ob
tained a writ of replevin to recover a itJO
cornet now in the possession of William
bishop, of which Mr Curkson says Mr.
Bishop is not the owner.
Thomas F. Walker was yeterday in
orphan's court appoiat-d guardian of Wil
lam, Maggie aud Marjone ritzpatrick,
ainor children of B...uard Fitzpatnck,
ieceael. late of C'arbondale.
Sometime ago John Shoemaker brought
'Uit to recover damages from the Dela
ware. Lackawanna and Western company
Yesterday the court directed h.m to file
bis bill of particulars within twenty-four
Attorney Jms W, Oakford yesterday
applied to the court for a charter for the
First Presbyrerian chur :h of Tavlor. The
trustees are Ira Atbtrton, J. W, Houser,
D, J.Whiteford.Archbald Boyd and Henry
John Snyder, aoBTiotad at th; last term
if court of embezzling fundn of the r'eigAn
span Brewing company, was yesterday
morning 'entanced to p ty a fine of ISO arrd
co-ts. in default of psyment he was com
mitttd. F L Brown yesterdav obtained an at-tachin-nt
execution agHinst Alderman 0.
If,, directing that tiie hnl"f a
tach ail gjds and moneys owned 6y Mr.
D)Lcng low in the possession of Attorney
W. J. Tracey.
Govt directed yesterday that tbs r
CeiTsr in Hie ca-: of Morrison against tun
Carbondal.'F;:nidit:g aoof-iatlon couvny
to Annie I.. Vugle iho real tto a peti
tioned for upon thi piymont of i . .
costs of proceedings.
The bond of T. E. Boiand, tax collector
of Daamore borough, in tbesomof IfM,
000, was apprOTed bv the ronrt yesterday.
The Mnr-tH'S are John Boiand, TboOMM
Fianeiiy. Miebasl Boiand, Ladwig,
M 'bael Kane and P. D. .tlnnley.
featerday afternoon Judges Arch bald
and Edward b"?an tn examination of
the pnper in the C IUBSBagbei Carbon
dale election contest. It will r e more than
s wek, in all probability, before 'he opin
ion disposing of thtt ease is tisnd-d down.
The case f,f 1 rawforl and Huff ageing.
Hhoe whs referred by ngre onont yester
day to Attorney J. Elliot K ,ss under the
.act of 1MB. Tea cases! B, B Claflin com-
pany antlnet Jamei J. I.awlnr wu, refer
red to AUnrnoy K. II rihortliff under the
provision I of tho same case.
Arbitrators It. F. Tinkham, John V.
Murphy and C Oomegys, nave (lied their
award In tho the we of t W. Wellington
against JobaG. IfbTlsroan, Tbeyflnd in
favor of the plaintiff for the land in dis
pute, but on the payment of T", with
interest and eostl within twenty days,
the land is to remain in IfoTieraan'i pjs
gession. Attorney J. W. ( arp', roferen in the
cn-o of E. H. CiJhy ngainst Joseph A.
Mesrs, Hied his report, vesterduy. Air.
Oolby sued to reoorsr ti47, but the rex
ree says that he failed to ihow coin
plianoe with the contract and therefore is
not entitled to recover. He directed that
Judgment bu euterea in favor of Mr.
Mrs. Slary Watkins, wife of William L).
Wntltius, of this city, and Mrs. Charlotte
M. Briggs, wife of Perry Itriugs, of Jreen
fieltl township, yesterday presented tb"-.-letitions
fur separate earnings to th" court.
They were ordered tiled in tho office, of
Recorder of Deeds Henlev. Ilerenfter
these Women will bo entitled to the ebso
luto use of their oyn enruiiigs and prop
erty. Judge D. w, Kosrle, of StMquohaona
county, heard nrKiiinouts yesterday m
C y No. . in th" matter of the per-
in. ft, jiinc: ion asked for by John
bchwehk to retrain Dhurlos F. Uounbeig
from fencing In certain lands alongside of
the Im awanna river, near Elm street.
Attorm s J. 11. Burns and Lemuel Ainer
man appeared for tho oompliiinant and
Attorneys I.. B. Price and Uxorge Peck
for the defendant'. Mr. Price maivtKinod
that Mr. Schwenk's redress wns to bo
found not in a court of equity, but by
xeau9 of an nation in ejectmuut.
Hap;eaiii2s cr a Day That Will Inter-'. Hyde
Pari tain
im. mm chase honored
Ladies' Aid Society of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal Ohurch Tsndsr
Her a 8urprlss Party- Funeral of
Michiel McAuirev Hyde Park
Literary and Debating Society Holds
an Interesting Masting -Brief items.
The ffl Sid o tic of the S0RA.XTON
rauvRi i looatsdat iJ Bomb M lio a
iue, where snbsoription, adrerttsemeact
ami eomtnnntoatloui win reoelrs prompt
The Ladies' Ail society of the Blmp
Hon Methodist Episcopal ohnroh, ten
dered Mrs Addison Ciiasn a inrprisa
party yesterday nfteruoou at th family
residence on Norih Main avsnns, in
celebration of tho attainotent of her
forty-ninth birtnilay, The speakers nl
the oocasioo were Rf L 0 rloyd, l
D,, und T. II Dale, who presented
Mrs. Chase with a handsome souvenir
m the sha:a of a silver tea let of it
most exqnieito design, the gift of tbs' Aid society. The evening? was
most enjoyably spent, music b'ing one
of the prtnoipil features Refresh
metits were est red,
Miobasl atoA idrsw Burid.
Th funeral of Miobael Mo Andrew,
of $08 Bynon strt. who died on Sstur
day troiu injuries received at the
Dodge mine a short time ago, took place
yesterday aftero on at ; u'oloob from
the family residence, and wai largely
attended, Tbe minor's accidental fuud
of the Dodge shaft was present, and
preceded the bearse in a body, 900
strong. Services w-rs oonduotsd by
Rev Father MoNully, at St Patrick's
ehuros, after which (be cortege laovjd
out to the Hvde INrk Catholic eem-
tery, where Interment was made. Tne
psll Ixarers were Michael lissaii,
Martin Keigiu. Johu MoQrady,
Michael Clarke, Mu-Uiel Ruane and
Johu Mc'Jarthv.
Au interesting meeting of the Hyds
Park Literary and Debiting society
wse bold last evening in their rooms
on S'uth Main avenue. Talks on the
"Seigniorage Bill" wore given be W ii
lace Mjser. David i.vens, John K El
w.irds and CasrU Boms A general
dtecossion followed. A question box
was tbeO opened aud the veiling dis
posed of lu answering its question!
The programme for two weeks hence
will t Essay, selected, J. M. Powell;
gvnernl discnssioo, "Does the Increase
of Money Valus Facilitate Trad-'.'"
Leaders of diseasdou. affirmative,
Davi 1 (Jw-n . negative, V. ti. Moser;
(jT'Stioa box, reading of poem, Gteorge
Ntwi :n Biiof.
Colonel E. H. Ripp.e will talk on
war stories at the Washbnrn Street
Presbyterian church on Tuursdsy
tvening, Mirch 89, at S o'clock. Ad
mission, 29 cents.
Walter Betau, of North Main avd
uue, a etadent at Lafayette college,
Easton, arrived lioruo yesterday on a
two weeks' vacation.
E. E. Eva-as. of South Main avenue,
left yesterday for Now York ou busi
ness. Tne fnneral of the IS ra)nths-oid
chil l of Thomas Jon-s, jr., of Eyaon
?tre-?t, took place yesterday afternoon.
Rev, W. S. Jones, pastor of the First
Welsh Biptist church, otTiciited. In-t-rmeut
was male at the Wasuburn
Street cemetery.
E. R. Griffith! leaves today for
Mount Carmel on business.
The funeral of Miss Maggie Carroll,
who died at tfcs horn) of her grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Ryan, of Division
treet, will occur this morning at 'J
a. m.
The Grand Lodge of Loyal Knights
of America will hold their semi annual
selon in the Sons of Libsrty hall,
Wilkes-Barre, this evening. Joseph
Oliver, gran 1 secretary, will represent
Enterpri-ie lodge, and Isaac Harris will
bs th9 representative, from K'Vstoue
lodge, Cass Morgan, Claries Keller,
W. D. Morgan and David Jones will
Thr Wr (To Ni Devlopmsnta Yst
t rd7 at Dur,mor
There were no new developments
yasterday in the war between Burgess
T. J D.-i.'tn, of Dinmort, ami Bor
ough Clerk C P Savage for the pOSr
ssssioc of the borough reoordl,
The town h ill remained under police
gmrdasitbus sinsa Saturday uignt
after both the bnrgess and clerk made
their ultimatum! known. There was
no effort made on th part of Mr Sav
fig" to enter the buildings as his duties
do not r'nire a daii1' visit to the coun
cil chamber but it is thought that when
he does m ike an attempt trouble will
.Mr. Sfivnjje was interviewed by a
Tkibohi reporter yesterday afternoon
and sai l his intentions wre to fight it
out to the en 1 BlipOlltton, lie says,
is clear! d-I'med by trie law whl'ih
says he shad retain pomsssion of nil
hoiks and documents oofin-cted with
bii offlos until inch a time a! his sue
CSSSM is lleOted, and Mut wnu it lie
comes accessary for biU as a clerk of
the borough to perform dotloi he will
in ike an sffort to reach ins desk in ths
connell rooms
I he burgess believes hiUUSlf squally
well entrench d and will tlndoutitedly
H'rain KVery elf r t to gain the p lint his
psrty is contending lor
Propoi d O, iranl. ition t j C nop its In the
National ASCOOlalioB.
A movement is afoot, In which Attor
ney C II Bopsr and John Labors are
landing lights, to ofganlii a Bcrantoo
friot ball elovnn to play Undsf the rules
adopted by tin, eollegiate aiiooiatlon,
It is proponed to begin t!ie mova
ment thus early, In order to sift a large
liat of players down to a team of cracks,
and, if possible, make the eleven one
ot the beet in the state, if not in the
Saturday, March, 94, n preliminary
gums will be played with the Mooslo
eleven hii.1 the best of that teams play
ers will ba a'. . i by the Borantoo
eleven. These players will then per
feet a perm inettl organisation and bo
rearly to meet all OomSN early in tho
opsning of the regulitr fall Season,
Contractors Busy Multlnir Plnns and
Expsctlnir Plonty f Work.
The opinion Sgprssssd bv Building
lnapsctor John Nelson in u recent in
terview pohliibed in TBI Tuibunk is
being verified daily. The number of
applications for building permits ia in
creasing and tho outlook for numerous
early spring operations is bright. A
member of one of the most extensive
building firms in the city said yester
day :
"Never, at the beginning of a season,
have we been solicited for ho great a
number of bids. Nearly every night
we have worked until a late iionr tig
nring on contracts or making plans.
II ll our opinion that SersntOn will see
a greater building boom than ever be
fore at thin Mason,"
This opinion is general among other
contracting tirtm.
Those capable aud finished artists,
Mr. and Mrs Kendal, will make their
first appearance lu this city at the
Academy of Music, Thuisday, In the
charming play, "Tux Iroumaeter,"
which is inoontestibly the bent of the
many English adaption! of linnet's
drama that has been Httu here. It u
by PlnorO, and in point of dialogue U
really admirable, while the situation!
iis a whole are cleverly ai ranged and
effective, Mrs Kendal has brought to
the role of Clare da BaUUpre the SATO
SStneSI of purpose, with all that elab
orateness aud carefulness of mSthoJ
winch nun to be characteristics ol tne
work ot this acoomplisbsd artist Mi.
Kendal is entitled to the dlitlnction of
being as good a Philllpe Derblay us
any that OIK !tage has known.
For Eister week a number of line at-
tractioua have been billed for the
Academy ot Music It berl Mautell.
who is a favorite here, will appear on
Tuesday evening in D'Ennery'l fiimous
Irani i. "Moufuls. " Thursday evnninc
Daniel Prohman's strongest company,
tne Lvoeum Comedy company, will
pies uit Sal Ion's clevjr comedy, "Atarr
ioaua Abroad," produced with all of
the original scenery and accessions.
Arthur L'Wls, Ziffla rilbiiryaud Klihn
Proctor Otis, and a strong sompnoy,
will make their second and lent ap -psaranee
thiseeason on Friday evening
by pressntlng "The Crust of Sonoty
Be i the Ycnuh Who Shot John KoDcr
ml' III the L If.
Alfred Weedman, who shot Johu
MoDermott In the leg at Park Place
Saturday night, though the bullet was
intended for crank Jordan, was ar
reeled at an early hour yesterday
morning by Sergeant M. r. Spsllman,
of the 1'rovtdeuue siiual. in police
court yesterday he was admitted to
hail by Alderman Fuller in the sum of
ij;oi) for his appearance March BO for a
further bearing, William Mi 11m. of the
North Eud, bee. iiue Weedman surety,
lhis postponement was nude owing to
the non-appearance of McDeriUOtt, who
li s ill at the Lackawanna hospital.
McDsrmott is not lerionaty in jured.
Dr. MoAudrew, upon esamtustlon, de
cided that the missile had not entered
the limb, and McDermott will be dis
charged probably tomorrow.
Attraction for Threi Dava Is Th Hid
den Hand.
The five net comedy, "Tho Hidden
Haud," wis presented at Wonderland
last evening and will be the attraction
on both Tuilday and Wednesday.
The performance lust night wis a
good one and gp-atly delighted the au-d;-n?e.
Alice K 'Uip was tond-red an
ovation by her many admirers, and
Will D. Corbett was also enthusiastic
ally rc-ived. All the players did
well, Elwvn Steveus, Paul A. Carroll,
J O Hall." Walter Bonn, Orao Con
toit and Jessie Qriawold acting their
parts in tine style. Alice Kemp and
Will D drbott acquitted themselves
lu their OSUal creditable manner.
The cast is a good one an 1 the per
formance com" u;, to the expectation
of the Wonderland patrons.
Ths High School Commlttsa Took Four
tain Ballots
One week ago last night Chairman
Von Storch, of the in ird of control ,
appointed W. J. Welsh a member ot
ti. high school committee in place of
George B. Thompson, a retiring mem
ber. Mr. Von Storob sai 1 tne commit
tee should select its own chairman.
It met on Thursday evening and P,
L Wormier and W. J Welch were
nominated for chairman, Fourteen
ballots were takn, all of which re
sulted in a tie vote. Adj urnnient was
then taken to a date to bo subse
quently determined.
Jhn Murdoch Miinmr to Kluda Ho.
John Mnr.loek. of Taylor, who on
Thursday murdered John Ritsak Ht
Taylor, is still at large.
fis waeseen In the vicinity of Taylor
on Friday, butsinos then the offloeri
who are hunting M unlock have been
uii j hie to get any trace of him.
It is supposed that relatives lu the
neighborhood where the crime was
Committed have provided a hiding
place for the murderer.
Y. W C ft. NOTES.
Tuesday the presldi nt wishes to meet all
tbs nsmoen of committee! and all tbe
memberi of the astoolation at a p. m
Friends interested in. tbe work of tins or
ganization will tie welcomed s well.
Oil Tuesday, evening, March 87, a store
optlCOO leclur.- will be given m ihe moms,
Adiuission, 10 'ills.
, .
THIS IS A Mi. ,u it utik COUNTY.
Tonstablsa OaBOOt Find a HIiikIb Vlo
later of the Law.
The constable of the conntv made
their quarterly rep rt to a inrt yester-
UBy nnil Ueclureil I hut there is mil n
single Violator "f the law in this county
that they can fasleri an offensS up ID,
Thsrs are nveral inipsoted persons,
Judge EJwgrd! said lie had heard
reports to the effeOt that liquor law
violators brib i constables to keep si
lent concerning their doings. These
reports will be investigate. l, the judge
The World's fair in four parts for 4(1
cents. These portfolios have been great
sellers arm iii..ii'.hiiih nt nans have beeu
taken. PerSOUl who bno i , purls I, "
anil ii i. hi, i . . im . pnrt s,
Over 80,000 volumes w ere sold.
Two hundred copies of the OolumbUI
series lire on the SDttntCf SUd will tie
closed out at the rate of four for 80 cents.
Five of the Oxford series at II, Any of
the popular win may lie secured b. nny
subscriber by leaving the order at tlie of
fice. Death of William Oa'irldv.
William Oaseldy, who fell down the
steps rroln the sidewalk III front of
WhytCs hotel Bnnday night, died at the
Lsesswanna hospital from the effect! of a
fractured skull t 0.80 p. m. yesterday,
Ills wife was at his bedside when he ex
pired. The reiimins are at his Into lesi
douceon Harrison avenue. Cailldy wus
employed at the upper mill and Is survived
by a wife and married daughter, Mrs.
Mary McUulllgan, of Treuton, N. J.
EappaBifigS ot a Day Ttiat Will
Many Tribune Readers,
House Occupied by Patrick O'Harn
Destroyed Early Monday Morning.
Manager Archer Gives Encourage
mi nt to Those Who Are Agitating
lor S Single Fare to City Line Miss
Hannah Thomas Appplntsd Toachcr.
A tire broke out yesterday morning
at ;i o'clock in Mm frame two story
building at Prospect av 'line and Pear
street occupied by the family of Pat
rick O'Uara The ,occnpant! wars un
able to save any of the household goods
and were fortunate in escaping with
their lives Tbs presumable cause ot
the lire is thai, a kerosene lump over
turned or exploded An alarm was
sounded from box 87 and the William
Connelli responded. InaHhort time the
Neptune! and Oenturyi arrived slid
three lireami were fumed on the bum
ing (iinldiiig. Tim tiro companies get
In tl tines under control ami were
forced to battle hard to do it It w is
thought fur a time that the nutire
block would be swept away. There
was notninrunOS on the property.
Me.itlnu at ''allarv'e Areids
A large gathering of olttiine mt at
Callery'e arcade last nigbt to receive
the renort of the committee that wait
ed on Qeneral Manager Archer, of
the Tract ion Company, and pulitiouod
him to extend the ride on the street
cars to the city hue for a single faro.
It J. Cailery, obsirmsn of the commit
tee, stated that he vieited Mr. Aieher
aud was very courteously received Ha
was told that ttie milter Would be laid
before the director! of th Traction
company, and assured Mr Callsry that
he could intko a favorable report to
the oitlsens,
Bchoel Tsainnr Aypalntsd
Miss Hannah Murr Thoiuaa wus ap
pointed as assistant teacher to Mis
Jennie Umghney in the primary d
pirtmentol No 1 school, Urssnwood
i his is the position whieh Director
NnHltli T. IMvis was empowered to
till at the lant meetiug of the lehuol
bourd of Lickawaiimi towushlu.
FliorUr Paracraphs.
Mre Patrick Martin, of Miuooka,
died litte Mliitlay night attor a s.'Vere
llineil of two weeks. Mrs Murtiu was
nboiit 88 years old. The time of the
funeral hiis not yet beeu decided upon
The auditors of Lickawamia town
ship met at Michael (ribbons' hotel lust
night aud expected to receive the re
porte of last year's supervisors. These
otticers are not iiuite ready yst, but will
lie hi a week or two. Attorney K J
Murray, of Scranton. was hired to give
the uuditors legal advice, whenever lie
is called npnn. His salary was not
hxed. Another meeting will take place
next F.idav night.
Tho insrriage of Jsms Melvin, of
Dnryea, and Miss Margaret Crane, of
Miuooka. will be gol?mnizd on
Wednesday, March J7 After the cer
emony the honeymoon will be spent in
New York. Philadelphia, and Wash
ington. D C.
Patrick Moors, of Cedar ,ivenu, was
diiabnrged from the employ of the
Traction company for an infraction of
the rules. Moore turned over his car
lo another employs without permission
while lie went to nis home. The in
fraction would probably not have been
known but for the accident at Miuooka.
He wns in the employ of the stret cr
company since tbe o;eni:ig of the
South Side line, nnd was on of the
ino't reliable tnen on the road.
The funeral of Mrs. Pred Warner, of
Brook afreet, takes place this afternoon
at 3 o'clock Interment In daman
Catholic ceiiHtery.
Tne funeral of the l-montbs-old
child of Charles Loreng, of Prospect
avenue, will be held this afternoon at
J o'clock. Interment In Pittstoo Ave
nue cemetery.
The funeral of John Hlggins, of Kim
s'rpet, will take place this morning.
Tbe remain! will be taken to St John's
church, where a requiem mass Will be
toleianissd at tl 80 o'clock, Interment
will be made in Hyde Park Catholic
c imetery.
The upper part of the Twentieth w.i r I
need! B polioemao to keep the corner of
liiruuy avenil I and Sanders atreet dear
from loafers
A petition Is going around among Ihe
iliziris of Miuooka asking court to ap
point u cohstatilo at that place,
K"vs M. F. Crane, of Avoca, and T.
F. Kfrriun. of Parsons, visited Father
Be I ley yesterday
Thomas KeoUgb, of Fig atrost, mo.
tormanonths Booth Side line, is so
rlonsly sick.
Miss Margaret Melvin, of RsmingtOB
.iveriue. will leave in two WSSkl to
spend the mmmsr at Philadelphia mid
Asbury Park,
The Royal Arcanum will meet this
evening for the ttaneaotlou of Impor
tant blisiunsi
Judge KdwauN Tells th Jurors What
1 tie V Must Do.
Judge Edwardl delivered his Drst
charge to a grand jury yesterday. The
jury met in the main court room at
I :io, and after P, F. McCaffrey, f this
city, had been appointed foreman the
judge Instructed them in the nature of
tbslr duties.
The charge wiih clear and explicit, and
covered the whole ground carefully
lie told the juron hot to be swayed in
their findings by fear or hatred or a
desire to help a friend. He enjoined
secrecy concerning doings in the jurv
loom and cautioned them to allow no
one to speak with them cone, ruing
essss to come before the jury, and said
if nny one attempted to do so thsy
Dun lap
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
should be reported to court. "We
muHt keep tbe fountalu head of justice
clear and pure," concluded the judge.
1 have examined witli considerable rare
the copy of Vol. 1 of tho Encyclopedia
liritiiiiineii of the edition otiered hy nil:
ritlliUNK. mid enmunred It with tho same
vol ii in, of the Scribuer edition which I
have Hi my library, nud flud It, so fur ai 1
can Hi e, identical with the latter, except
that it Iiiih more and later maps ami a
supplement bound with It that brings the
treatment of tbi nublsote down ton later
date limn the urlginal. It In a marvel to
ne that it can be oltereil at the extremely
low price named.
Thus, k nvkli.h.
Attorney ami .'ounuellor.
In I lie enrlv nnrt of ISI2 I nun haw I
from has. Bcrlbuiir'l Sons their edition of
the Encyclopedia Qrltaunlca, twenty-live
Volumes, bound in leather, for Hi. i o r.
ii M Watson.
Attorney and onniellor.
Referring to tbe Baoylop die Britau
nice offered by TubTbibune I consider it
au excellent work. I have the Edinburgh
edition, which cost me tH ,00 per volume.
This reprint at ( I OS per volume is another
Instance of American Ingenuity,
Bbv, P. k Zizlbhsnn,
Kx I 'resident of Vale College says: "1
will defy any nun to buy il.b'Xl volumes
that will give Mm as good a working libra
ry us is furnished in the Encyclopedia
Drltsnnlcs alone."
Only 1 1 days remain in which to rsOCiVO
Klie nt the Koreal House.
A pile of debris at tbe Porest House be
came Ignited loet. night and burned fiercely
f i a time. A still ahum wu. lent out to
which the CJryetal company responded and
extinguished ihe lire .
i e -
Kueic BnxM Rxolosivsly
liest Innde. I'lavany decil ed liumbor Of
lUneS, OsUteCbi as Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Won
derful orrhestrial organs only Hand I1U,
Bprclalty: old mnsia boxes carefully re
paired ami Improved with new tunes,
UcBbidb's now Turkish bath. Every,
thing new, outi spruce itreet, opposite
Court Homo.
Anhpuaer liuscli Bwr.
Ioulu Li liinan , Bpruce 'U
Largest ani Best Line in
the city.
Going through our stock we made a careful selection of
To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them,
Oar Bargain Counters Filled with Snrprises.
Martin Sc Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
PRING . . .
Styles of
Have arrived.
Best quality and
lowest prices.
220 Lacka. Avenue.
P 0
I r r
u rxcio an-3
or the Spring :uMfff
Summer of ' 94. w
Stock Large and Attractive,
Prices the Lowest on Record.
116 "Wyoming Avenua
& Co.
Clonk Makers and t'arriers,
-.iw: en 'iv .-i : -t.,
iH'O CO! KTIUM 1: SlfAKi
w . s.otsr 1 . -t tsi
Z. Usvea
EST A3. 1fl66. S
gj New York wsrnrooma So. 5
hi Fifi h n Bono,
I C. R1CKER & CO.,
B ""l' ileslers In tbli n I
g OfBco IS! kdami vi n i SI
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Bhimberg,
The Bpeelsllet on the Rys Hesdschsi nn.i
KsrvoastiM relieved. Lstasl end Improved
Hivl, of l-'.vo QIssm! ruwl Hpsuteols! ill tlit
Lowest. Prioss IJest ArfelBelal Byes lassrted
for l
jo., SPRUCE ST., op. Post Offlco.
Union for Ever
Florey & Holt
Y. M. C. A. Block.
Special foT This Com
ing Week.
Ladles' Kill Button, pointed and
Philadelphia loss, natsnl lostiivr
tips, ipeoial price, Si 695 worth, 3. .
Ladles' Dongois K d Button, hand
iswed, ipeoial prioe, $3; worth $ 9
Misses' Kid Bntton, plain tnee,
snrlno heal, sneolal nt ic. fi-50i
, - , a -
worth P
Boys' School siiops. DonRoia lop,
tn :.. no i'isi jinci, . 50;
worth.. I
Men's i'H Patent Leather Lsc,
pointed tors, ipecial 1'ru,t, $3.00;
Men'i Calf BInober, hand sswed
welt, Piccadilly Uit, !i-.,-il prloe,
$1 8q; worth 8
Llttis Boys' Bhost, bntton ind
Isee, iprlnn heol, mil "jnt iik
pipa's,"sisei B to li'. ipecial price,
:i 50; worth 1
Ycnths' Calf, bntton si"l lace,
spring heels, Goodyear welts sir.-
11 loSt, special prioe, Sa; worth, i-
Arc add Sooo Store.
The Great Marvel of Dental Bdeuoe
A recent discovery and tho solo
property of
As r YEAR he had saved 9300.
He bought ;i house worth $1850
paid $300 down, gave a mort
gage for 1,550. Today he esti
mates ns follows:
Ki'l.t suvrt.l $;) 0)
Istorost on mortssv.
Tiixe Mid rep.ln x St uv ."0
Neteaviagoa nnt flS H
Saved on wilnrv 150 lU
Tosppl) on raorttate fCTO 4.)
l:l l ilii ION l ) ol K years Hint
to n. will he f rrosa itebl snd 1 -i..,iv
hsee hni. of ni own."
ORBRM RIDOK t th,. paradise foe
homen Fins a s,m hues recently iln
Ished :i besatlfnl villa, whloh the efltsaj
on .ii psymenta al S 1SA0,
rii hi, between Wsshlngtoai
snd Ailantson Olive street
Ar . Pietest tht pppntar tad PieSwisd if
U11.I1111 Arut
Weroroeau 1 opposiie ctumhus Hsnumeat,
208 Wnshington Av. Soranton,Pa.
Hcnwood & Wardoll
316 Lackawanna Avo.
After liavlns eleven tertli vxtraeted r
one elttlug hjr the patalew inetii,i, I pee
ii.. our,' it sutlesljr sattsfaetoev lu ever
pnrtlenlar, J. SKAMOMt
FOUR of thfii COUPONS, rc
tMnltl ftt Tilt Trlbtitit tKil. , cor
nel Ponn nvMnit Mil tprttoc iIfmi,
entlilM tht Itoltlor In alt tho prlv
6gM t tito unpaWnttstod urrifl
tor dlitribatlng populaf iiook
Ht&Oslf OUT tciulorn. Tho oflfen Mftdfl
hy Tho TrlbutiD iiniiiittt'lut nt tiru
HH follow h;
15 CKTH nitil Four ronpnni for
nny volutno in thi ffluitihan So
rlt tt. Over loo tltlM i i, . i from.
fli'J. 7ft mwl I our CottpOOl for n 10
VOl II til fl bi t of Dll'leCim " ill !!' !'
J5 10 CBNT1 mul Font Coupon for
J Hiiy bok tn tlio Htiffby SerioH.
I B5 OKNT8 And Four Cuupotin for
mm nny honk lii tho Oxf orl Scii en.